HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2048 - Ordinance - 02/10/1994OltDINANC~ NO. 2048 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 13.65 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE MORGAN RECTOR LEAGI. JE IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING A PORTION OF A 25.11 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 291), PAGE 362 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM R-2 DUPLEXES TO PUD #2 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing in the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 10, 1994, on the question of rezon,ng certain areas within the City hmits: AND, WHEREAS, the C~ty Council has determined the following: To rezone or change the classification ot all that certain tract or parcel of la. nd lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No. 46. College Station, Brazos County, Texas and being ti portion of that same 25.11 acre tract conveyed to L. J. Kirkpa'trtck and wife, Lo'is Kirkpatrlck, by Lydia Franc~s Borlskie by deed recorded in volume 290, page 362 tit the deed records ot Brazos County, Texas. Said tract is more particularly described by metes and bounds as tollow~: BEGINNING at thc caq corner of the K}"O Addmon, Pha~ Three. as shown by plat recorded m volume 481, page 65 ol the deed rec'ord~ of Brazos County. Texas. THENCE N 45° 21' 45" E - for a distance of 228.23 feet to a point lot corner, said polnl also .lying on thc soulhv, x:sl nghl-of-way linc of Darlmouth Streel, THENCE S 15~ 08' 54" E - along Ibc aforesaid soulhwe,d right-of-way line ol Darlmoulh Street for a dv, tance of 257.53 leer to a pmnt for corner and begmmng ~ff a curve to thc lefl. ~ame poml a?,o lying on Ibc ',nme ',outhwc*,t right-of-way line ol Dartmouth Strecl, THENCE qoulhea'~terly along ,,aid curve to the left for an arc d~stance of 105.40 feet to a I~Hnt fur end of same cuv. e to the left, said point also lying on thc aforesa,d ',outhwe~t for a distance of In5 37 feet), THENCE S 2ti° 15' 5~' E commumg along the ,,amc %outhwet right-of-way linc of Dartmoulh Streel i*ot d distance of 192.54 feel to a point lot corner, same point also marking the north comer of lot 19, block 2, Brentwood Section Five, an addmon to Ihe Clly of College Slanon. Texas, plal of ~ame addition being recorded in volume 389, page 175 of the deed records of Brazaos County. Tcxa',. same point aL,,o lying on the aforesaid southwe,,t right-of-way line of Dartmoulh Street, THENCE S 63° 02' 04" W ,tlong the common linc between thc aforemenuoned 25 I I acre Ira¢l and Ihe ',nme Brcntwottd. Secmm F~ve. for a distance of 239 45 feet to a point for THENCE S 45° 34' 2~1' W c~)nlmumg akmg Ibc ~ame linc between Brentwood, Section Five, and aforesaid 25 Il acre Ir.scl Iora dlstantc of 6q6 71 feel Io a point for corner, Ordmaaoe No. ~ ?ab, e 2 THENCE S 32° 17' 52" W continuing along Ihe aforementioned line between same 25 II a~.re Iracl and the aforesaid Brentwood, Section Five, for a d~,tanee of 336.08 feet to a point for corner. THENCE N 40° 18' 59" W lot a distance of 120.'t0 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 36{~ 46' 51" W for a distance of 120 14 feel to a point for corner, THENCE S 45° 10' 05' W for a distance of 10000 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 35° 06' 07' W for a dbmtlce of 3473 feet lo a point for corner; TtfENCE N 35° 42' 51" W for a distance of 26 10 feet to a point for corner, THENCE N 45° 10' 1.}5' E for a d~.stance of 10001 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 38° 01' 10" W for a dt,,mnce of 8668 feet to a point for corner, THENCE N 43° 05' 15" W lot a distance of 102.90 feel to a point for corner, same point also lying on Ihe soulheast bnuntlary line of the aforementioned KFO Addition, Phase Three; THENCE N 45° 04' 16" E along the common line between the aforesaid 25 II acre tract and the same KFO Addalon for a d~.~lance of 1229.89 feet to thc place of beginning and conlammg 13.65 acres ol land, more or less. AND, it Is ordained that said change shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day ot February, 1994. ATTEST: , I -City Secretary, Connie Hooks APPROVED: