HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2028 - Ordinance - 08/26/1993ORDINANCE NO. 2028 AN ORDINANCE REZONING TWO TRACTS TOTALLING I 00 ACRES LOCATED APPROXIMAI'ELY 20o' WEST OF THE 13AI~,RON ROAD AND HIGHWAY 6 INTERSE(q'ION. IN FHE ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGI. JE, ABSTRACT 54. BRAZOS COLINTY. TEXAS AND BF3NG A PORTION OF AN 11.772 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED 'FO RAY DYER, INC. BY .IOHN A. SAGE, TRUSTEE, BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 513, PAGE 522. DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUN'IY, TEXAS, FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO C-1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COLINCIL Of THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Cflv Council I~eld ,i pubhc heunng in the C~ty Hall Council Chambers · q! 7.0(I p.m. on Thdrsdtly, August 26, 1993, on the question o! rezonmg certaul areas within tile City lurers. AND. WHEREAS. file C,tv Council has dcle, nuned tile tollowlng. To rezone or chant.,e lhe cJasslllcatlun ot tw~ tracts tolllJhng 1 II0 :lcreS loc,ned approximately 200' wesl nI file Baa;on Road and Highway 6 mtersecuon m the Robert Stevenson ~flgt~e, AbMlaCl No q4, Brazus County, Texas, and being a p.mon td an 11.772 acre tract conveyed m Ray Dyer. Inc. by John A Sage. Trnslee, by Deed recorded m Volume 5lc. Page 522. Deed Rruuds ol Brazos County Texas. from R-I Smile Family Res~denu41 to C-1 General Commercial Said I1111 acle tracl haole pnrhcuhlrly tfe~crllx d ,~ TRACT / Being all that terlmn u,lct ot parcel ,~1 land lying and being sltUaled m Brazos Cotlrlty, Texas. lei-v, ii Bclng 050 ;.Icrc ll.~tl tJI ]dnd Ivlnt! and heln. Slttltlltcd Ill tile RtlP~ell .hleVellsOn Le.10. uc. Al~stratt N- ':,~ Br.lzo'~' (.?,atlnlv. '~'ex,ls. and being a pOIllOFi Ol all I I ~'/2 ,silo Ir, itl t,.l'Ve;'cd lo R,i',' Dyer I'n~ hy John A. S,l~e. ']'ru.lcc. hv Deed rcc.rded tn ¥olum,' ql:, Page >22 Dctd Rec.rd,. oI Br.l/.s Count~. '['t X~l.., ,llld I',Clllg [lll)l t' p,II Iii Ill Il IX t. lt.",s. I It')i'd p, It)ll~ )'w,.. BEGINNIN{, ,ti th,. x~tst tt,lllel t,l tilt.' %11o Il 772 dc. lt.' tra~l, sam, {;Ill,'.. till lbo SuulheaM Rlght-tq-\\'a\ hilt- ol Barl,m R,~ad. FHEN(E N 4q° I~, 0.' F .d.ng the St,,utheaq r~dlt-ol-wdy hne ,,I B..rlon r.ad lot a dl'.lant,c -I ~,tlOu Itel lo the PLACE (IF BF.~INNIN(, I HENCF_- tollillltmlg N 4'~° IV Ill~" E along tile Soulhea',t lute ol B, tllt}ll Ro.td I,~r a t~le, t,lrlcL' ~1 [ll(JlIO ill d I)Olllt {OI ~.t~rllel. TI'IEN('I-: 'S 1¥' ':," 411" I h*r t dlsl.mtc ,fl 217811 teel to ,~ p, mn l,*r t.rncl. VtlEN( {-_ '., 1-," I~ lit, \~, iOl t dl'.l.,llc,.' ol Illfl(l(I lct't It{ ,I I'.,{ilt h,I ttHllcI. 'Ifil:N( I_ N l?~ '," I. \\ I,,~ ~ dp4,,ntc ol 217S0 Itt~ t,~ Ih, 1'1 ACI- Ill' BI:(,INNIN~ OrdinanCe # 2028 Page 2 TRACT 2 Being a 0.50 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being slluated tn the Robert Stevenson League, Abstract 54, Brazos Co{rely, Texas and being a po~non of an 11 772 acre tract heretolore conveyed to Ray Dyer by John Sage, frustee by Deed recorded in Volume 513, Page 522 of the Deed Records Gl Brazos County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the west corner of the smd 11.772 acre tract, same lying on the Southeast right-or-way line Gl Barron Road~ THENCE N 45° 13' 06" E along the Southeast rJght-of-way hne of Barton Road for a distance of 130.00 leer to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing N 45° 13' 00" E along the Southeast right-of-way hne of Barton Road for a d~tance tit' 100 00 feet to a point for corner, THENCE S 43° 52' 40" E for a distance Gl 217.80 feet to a point lot c~rner; THENCE S 45° 13' Ut~" W lor a dxstance Gl 10000 leer to a point lot corner: THENCE N 43° 52' 40" W tot a d~stance ot 217.80 leer to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and contouring 0 50 acres ot land, more or le~s AND, it is ordained th:it s,ud change shall become ellect~vc upon the consohdal~on of the two lots through replattmg PASSED AND APPROVED th;s 26th day o! August, 1993 ~TES'I .' APPROVED r Ir. Mr 101� A-p Not to \scole STATE HWY 6 — to Navasota - - -> C 1�11 1�m TOM C. WILSON, Appl. WATER BUSSE, Owner Tract 17.1 and 17.2 Zoning: R - to C -1 REQUEST: Rezoning m E C-) r- En w im [�w 0-1 En 0 0 CREEK I City of College Station, Texas g CASE NUMBER: 93-109 PLANNING DIVISION .1 TYPE OF CASE: REZONING (R-1 to C-1)