HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2006 - Ordinance - 04/08/1993ORDINANCE NO. 2006 AN ORDINANCE REZONING APPROXIMATELY 269.67 ACRES SITUATED IN THE CRAWFORD BURNET~F AND ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUES KNOWN AS THE EDELWEISS ESTATES AND ROCK PRAIRIE ESTATES SUBDIVISIONS, IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS CONVEYED BY DEED AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 963, PAGE 29 OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, REZONING FROM A-O AGRICULTURAL OPEN; 199.58 ACRES TO 4-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 12.06 ACRES TO A-P ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL, 13.29 AGRES TO C-1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL, 15.70 ACRES TO C-3 PLANNED COMMERCIAL, 4.31 ACRES TO C-2 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AND 24.71 ACRES TO R-1 APARTMENTS MEDIUM DENSITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Counctl held a public heartng in the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 25, 1993, on the question of rezoning certain areas within the City limits: AND, WHEREAS, the Ctty Counctl has determined the following: To rezone or change the classification of 269.67 acres situated in the Crawford Burnett and Robert Stevenson Leagues known as the Edelweiss Estates and Rock Prairie Estates Subdlvtsions, College Station, Brazos County, Texas more specifically described by metes and bounds as follows: Being all thai certain tracl or parcel of land lying and being situated in Ihe CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE. Abstract No. 7, m Brazos County. Texas. and being all of the 132 508 acre tracl conveyed by Wellborn Road, Ltd. to Lleven J Van Riel et al by Trustee's Deed dated April 7, 1987 and recorded in Volume 963. Page 29 of the Official Records of Brazos County. Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows' PARCEL NO. I BgTONE FROM A-O TO R-1 8INOLE FAMILY RBSIDI~ITIAL 107.17~ ACRH~ ]]]tGIIN"NI~. al Ihe most Weslerly corner of Ihe said 132 508 acre tract, said corner also being m the northeast nghl-Of-way hne of F.M. 2154. 'I'HEN~]: N 42028'46'' E for a d~slance of 116335 feet and N 41°49'32'' E for a distance of 1235 88 feet for a corner, said line being the northwesl line of the said 132 508 acre tract and al~o bmng Ihe ,outheast line of Fralernity Row as described in Volume 971. Page 583. Southwood Valley Section 24C Addition to College Station as recorded in Volume 1097. Page 329 and Sonthwood Valley Section 24E AdcllllOn as recorded in Volume 1140. Page 495 of the Official Records. 'I'I-I]~C]~: S 49°51'02' E for a distance of 1263.51 feet along the southwest line of the College Station Venlure I. Ltd. tract as described in Volume 1203. Page 550 for a corner, said corner also being in Ihe northwest line of Westchester Park Phase Two as recorded in Volume 1138, Page 675 of Ihe Official Records; ORD # 2006 Page 2 TI-IF.,NC~ along the common line of said Westchester Park Phase Two and the said 132 508 acre Van Reit tract for the following three calls S 41°49'04'' W for a d~stance of 846.16 feet, S 47°10'07'' E for a distance of 151878 feet and N 73°18'41'' E for a distance of 28865 feet to a point in the northwest right-of-way line of North Graham Road, a County Road; ~C~ S 43°16'09" W along said Norlh Graham Road norlhwest right-of-way for a distance of 449 33 feet to an angle point in said right-of-way line; TI-i~N'C~ S 42003'03" W conunuing along Mid right-of-way line for a distance of 1047.03 feet lo a poml in said rtght-of-way line: through the mlertor of satd 132.508 acre tract for the following s~x calls' N 54023'33- W for a dt~tance of 17469' to a point. N 42°55'36' W for a distance of 468.39' to a point, N 43°14'47'' E for a distance of 32421' to a point. N 51002'59" E for a dislance of 328.58' to a poml, N 39°01'12' W for a distance of 431.28' IO a point, N 39°13'01' W for a distance of 332.51' to a point, ~C~: $ 51002'59. W for a dtstance of 1148.48' to a pomt tn the norlheast right-of-way line of FM. 2154; THI~IC~: N 47°03'16'' W along said right-of-way line for a dtslance of 1414.67 feet lo the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 107 176 acres of land. more or less. PARCEL NO. H RP.7_DNE FROM A-O TO A-P ADMINISTRATIVE PROFBSSIONAL 1L064 ACRBS CO~C~NO:. at the most westerly corner of the said 132.508 acre tract, said corner also being in the northeast right-of-way line of F.M 2154, THI/.N'CF,: S 47°03'16' E along said FM. 2154 right-of-way for a distance of 1414.67 feet to a corner, ~Ci~ N 51°02'59' E into Ihe interior of satd 132 508 acre tract for a dlslance 444.61 feet to a point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of this 12.064 acre tract; TI-I~_.NC~' contmuin.g, through the interior of said 132.508 acre tracl for the following calls. N 51002 59' E for a distance of 703 87' to a point, S 39°13'01. E for a distance of 332.51' to a point, S 39°01'12'' E for a distance of 431.28' to a point, S 51°02'59'' W for a distance of 328 58' lo a point, S 43°14'47' W for a dtslance of 324.21' to a poinl; THENCe: N 42°55'36' W for a distance of 809.76 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and conta.mng 12064 acre~ of land, more or less PARCEL NO. m B~701'¢1~ la. OM A-O TO C-10ENP_Ac, AL CO~C~,L 13.2~ ACI~S COMM]~qCINO:. at the most weaterly corner of the said 132 508 acre tract, sam corner also being in the northeast right-of-way hne of F,M 2154. ~C~: S 47°03'16' E along said FM 2154 right-of-way for a distance of 141467 feet to Ihe POINT OF BEGINNING of this 13.2981 acre tract; ORD # 2006 Pa~e 3 ~CI~ N 51°02'59" E into the interior of the before mentioned 132.508 acre tract for a distance of 444.61 feet for a corner; ~C~: S 42055'36' E for a distance of 1278 15 feet to an angle poinl: ~C~: S 54°23'33" E for a distance of 174.69 feet for a corner in the southwest right-of-way line of a county road called Norlh Graham Road, THItNC~: S 42°03'03'' W along said right.of-way line for a dtslance of 370 50 feet for a corner, said corner being in the mlersectlon of said North Graham Road and the northeasl rlghl-Of-way line of FM 2154; ~C~ N 47°03'16" W along said F.M. 2154 right-of-way linc for a distance of 151467 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.298 acres of land, more or leas. Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated tn the ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, Abslracl No. 54, in Brazos County, Texas, and being part of the 159.657 acre tract conveyed by Wellborn Road, Ltd. to Lleven J. Van Rlet el al by Trustee's Deed dated April 7, 1987 and recorded in Volume 963, Page 29 of the Official Records of Brazo~ County, Texas and being more parllcularly described by metes and bounds as follows: PAR(2~L NO. IV I~gTONE FROM A-O TO C-3 PLANNED COMMI~C/AL 15.700 O3MM~NC~IO: at thc most southerly corner of the said 159.657 acre tract said point aho being in the northeast right-of-way line of FM. 2154 and also being the most westerly corner of the University Industrial Center Phase I, 11 29 acre tract as described in Volume 456, Page 249 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; ~C~.: N 44°43'13" W along the northeast rlghl-Of-way line of FM 2154 for a dlstancc of 249 44 leel IO an angle point in said right-of-way; ~C~ N 47° 03'22" W along said right-of-way for a d~siance of 180.08 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THP. NC~.: N 47° 03'2? W continuing along Ihe northeast right-of way line of PM 2154 for a distance of 1594 75 feet to a point in said right-of-way line; THF_,N~ N 40045'38'' E along the common line between the called 0 9 acre Fedora tract as described in Volume 227, Page 500 of the Deed Records, and the beforementloned 159657 acre tract for a dtslance of 257 72 feet to a poinl; THltNt'~' N 50019'43" W continuing along said common line for a distance of 156 12 feet Io a point in the southeast right-of-way line of North Graham Road; TI-~,NC~ N 41°36'17.' E along said North Graham Road right-of-way for a distance of 129 19 feet to a point in said right-of-way line, TttP_.NC~ S 54023'33" E into the inlenor of the bcforementloned 159.657 acre tracl for a distance Gl 16491S feet to a poml, TI-~tNCI~ S 48° 11'59" E for a distance of 1592.77 feet to a point; THItN~ S 41°57'50' W for a distance of 43069 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 15.700 acres of land. more or less ORD # 2006 Page 4 PARCEL NO. ¥ I~ON~ FROM A.O TO C-2 COMi~aA/., INDUSTRIAL 4.314 ACRI~S B~.OINN'~O: at the most southerly corner of the said 159.67 acre tract, said point also being tn the northeast right-of-way line of F.M 2154 and also being thc most westerly corner of thc Untverslty lndustrtal Center Phase I, 11.29 acre tract as described tn Volume 456, Page 249 of Ihe Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, TI.-II~C~: N 44°43'13' W along the northeast right.of-way line of F.M. 2154 for a alL, lance of 249.44 feet to an angle poml in said nghl-Of-way, ~C~: N 47°03'22' W along said right-of-way for a dislance of 180.08 feet to a point, TH]~N~ N 41°57'50" E into the interior of thc beforementloned 159 657 acre Iract for a distance of 430.69 feet to a point; TI-.I]~q'C~: S 48o11'59, E for a distance of 429.08 feet to a poml tn the north line of the bcforementloncd Umversfly Industrial Center; TI-.]]~CI~: S 41°57'50" W along Ihe common line between Ihe said University Industrial Center and the beforementioned 159657 acre tract for a d~slance of 4.314 acres of land. more or less. PARers., NO. VI FROM A-O TO R-5 APAR~ lv~rqUM DP..NSITY 10.829 ACR.~S COMMI~'CIlq'G:, at the most southerly corner of the satd 159657 acre tract, said potnt also being in Ihe northeast right-of-way line of F M. 2154 and also being the most westerly corner of the Umverstty Indaslrml Cenmr, Phase [, I1 29 acre tract as described tn Volume 456, Page 249 of the Deed Records of Brazos County;, ~C~: N 41057'50" E along the common line between said Umver~tty Industrial Center and the said 159 657 acre Iract for a dt,,tance of 449.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, 'I'HF. NC~: N 48°11'59'' W into the interior of thc said 159.657 acre tract for a d~stance of 429.08 feet to a poml; TI-II~C~ N 41°5T50' E lot a distance of 102258 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left; ~ClF.: 77.30 feet in a counter-clockwise dlrecllon along the arc of said curve having a central angle of.08°51'27'', a radms of 500.00 feet, a tangent of 38.73 feet and a long chord bearing N 37o3206' E al a dtstance of 77 22 feet IO a point for a corner, TI.-ffilqC~ $ 48°02'10' E for a distance of 435.04 feet for a corner in the southeast line of satd 159657 acre tract, THF..NCF_,: S 41°57'50'' W along said southeast line for a distance of 1098.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10829 acres of land, more or less PARCEL NO. VIII & IX I~7ONI~ PROM A-O TO R..~ APARTMENTS I~,~,flUM DENSITY COMM~aN'C~I'O: at the most southerly corner of Ihe said 159.657 acre track said point also being in the northeast right-of-way line of FM 2154 and also being Ihe most Weqlerly corner of the U'mverslty Industrial Center Phase 1, II 29 acre tract as described in Volume 456, Page, 249 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, ORD # 2006 P~ge 5 TI-IENCl~ N 41°57'50' E along the common hne be~en the said 159.657 acre tract and the said norlhwest line of the (X'eanography International Corp, 50.0 acre parent tract recorded m Volume 449, Page 108, for a distance of 2290.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THRNC~ N 48000'45- W m;o Ihe intertor of smd 159.657 acre tract for a distance of 1949 feet to the point of curvalure of a curve to the right; TI-II~q'CF_,: 150 00 feet m a clockwise dlreCllOn along the arc of said curve havtng a cenlral angle.of 1°26'45", a radius of 11.88807, a tangent of 150.00, and a long chord bearing N 47°17 23' W at a distance of 299.98 to Ihe poml of tangency;, TI-.I]~[~ N 46034'00" W for a d~slance of 100 33 feet for corner, TI.-I~,N~ N 41°45'11" E for a d~stance of 1425.79 feet to a poinl tn the southwest right-of-way hne Schaffer Road, a courtly road; THEN(~: S 48030'36" E along said Schaffer Road right-of-way for a distance of 425 00 feet for corner, satd corner also being the most easterly corner of the beforementloned 159657 acr~ tract, .said corner also being the mo~t northerly corner of the Texas A&M Research Foundatton, 400 acre tract recorded m Volume 936, Page 151 of the Official Records, TI-l~q'~ S 41057'50" W along the common line between satd 159.657 acre Iract and the beforcmenttoned Oceanography International Corp, 50.0 acre parent tract for a distance of 1435 80 feet lO Ihe POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13 883 acres of land more or less, ~RTON~ FROM A-O TO R-1 SINOLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 92.406 ACRES COMM~_,N(X_N'~. at thc most southerly corner of thc said 159657 acre tract, said poml also being in the norlhwest right-of-way line of F.M 2154 and also being the most westerly corner of Ihe University Industrial Cenler, Phase I, 11.29 acre Iract as descrtbed in Volume 456, Page 249 of the Deed Records of Brazos Courtly; TI-IF.~CI~ N 41057'50- E along thc common line between said University Induslrtal Center and the said 159 657 acre tract for a dtstance of 449.43 feet for corner;. TI.-ll~q'~ N 48011'59" W into the interior of the said 159657 acre Iract for a distance of 42908 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, TI-Ill, CE: N 48°11'59" W for a distance of 1592.77 feet to a poinl; TI-l~lq'C~: N 54°23'33' W for a distance of 16498 feet to a point m the southeast riehl-of-way line of North Graham Road; THENCE: N 41°36'17'' E along ~ald right-of-way hne for a distance of 142052 feet to an angle point in said riehl-of-way; ~t~. N 43012'03" E continuing along satd right-of-way line for a distance of 361.08 feet lo an angle poml m said right-of-way line, THE.N'~ N 59°01'49'' E continuing along said right-of-way line for a d~tance of 3945 feet to a point in the southwesl riehl-of-way hne of Victoria Avenue, TI-IIgNC~.: S 55029'49.. E along said Victoria Avenue right-of-way linc for a d~stancc of 10620 feet lo an angle point in the said right-of-way line; THENCE: S 48°15'18'' E continuing along said Vtctona Avenue right-of-way line for a distance of 626.92 feet to a poinl tn said Victoria Avenue southwest rtght-of-way line and corner; ORD # 2006 Page 6 TI-.I~,NC~ S 41°45'11" W rolO the mterzor of the beforementtoned 159.657 acre tract for a dt~tance of 3 00 feet for corner, ~C~: S 48°39'39'' E for a dtslance of .'t05 01 feet for corner; TI-II~C~: N 41°45'11' E for a d~stance of 1455 41 feet to a poinl tn the soulhwest right-of-way line of Schaffer Road, a counly road, TI-IFaN'C~ S 48°..t0'36, E along said Schaffer Road right-of-way for a d~stance of 71852 feet to a point in satd right-of-way line and corner, TI.-II~IC~,: S 41°45'11" W into the interior of the beforementtoned 159.657 acre tract for a d~stance of 1425 79 feet for corner, THIilqC~: N 46034'00.. W for a d~stance of 49 67 feet to Ihe point of curvature of a curve to the left, TI-I~/q'C~: 299.97 feet in a counterclock'w~se dtrect~on along the arc of sazd curve having a central angle of 2°05'39'. a radms of 820661 feet, a tangent of 15000 feet, and a long chord bearing N 47036'50.. W at a dtslance of 299.95 feet to the point of tangency; ~C~: N 48°39'39~ W for ,t d~stance of 211.44 leel for corner; ~C~ S 41°20'21' W for a dlslance of 49.09 feet IO the poinl of curvalure of a curve to the left; ~C~: 309 22 feet in a counlerclockw~se d~reclion along the arc of sa~d curve having a central angle of 59003'26", a radius of 300.00 feet, a tangent of 16993 feet, and a long chord bearing at S 11048'38, W at a al.stance of 295 71 feet to Ihe poml of tangency, TI-II~IC~: S 17°43'05' E for a dtstance of 17955 feet to the point of cun, ature of a curve lO Ihe rzghl; TI-.II~q'C~: 520.82 feet in a clock'w~se d~reclion along the are of said curve having a central angle o.f, 59°40'55', a radius of 500.00 feet, a langent of 286.83 feet, and a long chord bearing at S 12007 23' W at a distance of 497.59 to the point of tangent'y; THI~IC~ S 41°57'50'' W for a distance of 1022.58 feet lo Ihe POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 92.406 acres of land more or less AND, it ts ordatned that said changes shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED thts 8th day of~.px:i.].,1993. ATTEST: ~ity Secretary, Conme Hooks APPROVED: 1 t