HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2000 - Ordinance - 02/25/1993ORD~?,4~C~ NO, 2000 AN ORDINANCE REZONING 11 48 ACRES SITUATED IN THE CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, BRAZOS COUNTY, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AND BEING A PART OF THAT CERTAIN 20.99 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM W D FITCH TO PATRICIA CREEKMORE SPEARMAN, ET AL OF RECORD IN VOLUME 1479, PAGE 179, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM R-5 MEDIUM DENISTY APARTMENTS TO R-I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. WHEREAS. the City Council held a public heating in Ihe C~ty Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday. Fcbruaiy 25. 1993, on the question of rezonmg certain areas within the City hmlls. AND, WHEREAS, Ibc City Council has determined the following' To rezone or change the classification of 11 48 acre$ situated in the Csawford Burner League, Bra~,os County, College Station. Texas from R-5 Medium Denslly Apartmenl:, to R-1 Single Family Resldenllal. Said 11.48 acres being more particularly described b3, metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod found for Ihe most easterly corner, same being the most easterly corner of said 20.99 acre tract, and a£~o being Iocaled in the northwest right-of-way line of Deacon Dive and the southwest line of a 30' wide drainage and utility easement, THENCE along said northwest riehl-of-way hne of Deacon Drive a~und a curve to the riehl, ,,amc having a radius of 95490' and a long chord of 191 81' Ihal bears S 47°53'03" W an are length of 192.14' to a 5/8' iron rod found for the point of tangency of said curve, THENCE S 53°38'54' W continuing along said right-of-way llnc a distance of 200.01' to a 5/8' iron rod found for Ibc point of curvalure of said right-of-way; THENCE along said right-of-way hn.e. around a curve Io Ihe lefl, same having a radius of 1024.~0' and a long chord of ~06.11 thai hears S 4705239" W an an. length el 20646 lo a 5/8" iron rod found for Ihe point of mngency of said curve; THENCE S 42006'24'' W continuing along said riehl-of-way line a distance of 64.21' to a I~" iron rod sel for Ihe most soulherly corner, THENCE N 47°51'35' W along the northeast line of a 30' wide drainage and utility easement a distance of 79401' to a 1~" iron n~l scl for the mosl westerly corner, same being m the norlhwest line of said 2099 acre tract; THENCE N 82037'49" E along the northwest line of said 20.99 acre tract a d~stance of 105 06' to a I/2' iron rod set for an interior corner, THENCE N 42054'27, E continuing along said northwest line a distance of 57628' to a I/2" iron rod set for Ihe mo~t norlherly corner, same being the mo~t norlherly Corner of said 20 99 acre tracl; THENCE S 47051'35" E along the northeasl line of said 20.99 acre tract and the Soulhwest line of said 30' wide drainage and utility easement a distance el 797.75' to a PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF I 1.48 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS according lO a survey performed on September 22. 1992 under Ihe supervision of Donald D Garrelt, Reentered Professional land Surveyor No 2972. AND, it is ordained thai said change ,,hall become effective immediately of February, 1993. Cily Secrelary, Connie Hooks PASSED AND APPROVED th~s 25th day