HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1990 - Ordinance - 11/12/1992ORDINANCE NO. 19 9 0 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 1.729 ACRE TRACT OF LAND BEING SITUATED IN RICHARD CARTER LEAGUE IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK I OF ONE LINCOLN PLACE AS SHOWN BY A PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 690, PAGE 175 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM A-P ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL TO C- B BUSINESS COMMERCIAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Council held a pubhc hearing m the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 12, 1992, on the question of rezomng certam areas withm the City limits: AND, WHEREAS, the City Councd has determined the following: To rezone or change the classification of all that certain 1.729 acre tract or parcel of land lymg and bemg situated in the Richard Carter League m College Station, Texas and being a part of lots 2 and 3, block I of One Lincoln Place as shown by aplat recorded in Volume 690, Page 175 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas from A-P Administrative Professional to C-B Busmess Commercial. Said tract is more particularly described as follows: Commencing al the north corner of the smd lot 3, block of one of One Lmcoln Place Thence S 45° 28' 00' E wllh the northeast hne of lot 3 for a distance of 188 22 feet Io a point for Ihe place of begmning, Thence contmue S 45° 28' 00' E with the smd lot 3 for a distance of 125.00 feet to a point marking the east corner of lot 3 and also the norlh corner of lot 1, block I of One Lmcoln Place: Thence S 44° 31' 58" W wah Ihe common line belween lots I and 3, block 1 at a distance of 340.46 feet past a pomt markmg the east corner of lot 2, block I contmue wah the common hne of lots 1 and 2, block I for a total al:stance of 602 46 feet to a pomt marking the south corner of lot 2; Thence N 45° 28' 00" W with the southwest hne of lot 2 for a d~stance of 125.00 feet to a pomt for corner. Thence N 44° 31' $8' E across lois 2 and 3 for a d~stance of 602.46 feet to Ihe place of begmmng containing 1.729 acres. AND, tt is ordained that satd change shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED thcs 12th day of November, 1992. ATrEST: I /'} , -Ctty Secreta~J, Conme Hooks APPROVED: .......... of \lr . . . . . . . . . . 9 N A[ Cedar Creek, Condos One Lincoln Place Part Lots 2 & 3 City of College Station, Texas I CASE NUMBERS 92-109 TYPE OF CASE= REZONING (A—P to C—B) Not to \Scote OvertQy District shown by dotted area. Im