HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-2132 - Ordinance - 06/21/1995ORDINANCE NO. 2132 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; FINDING THAT ALL NECESSARY AND REQUIRED LEGAL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN SATISFIED; PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME A PART OF THE CITY AND THAT THE OWNERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE HEREINAFTER ADOPTED; PRO- VIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, (the "CITY"), pursuant to the MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT, TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, §43 001, ET SEQ, as amended, and ARTICLE II, SECTION ?, of the Home Rule Charter of the CITY, has heretofore initiated annexation proceedings to annex additional territory lying adjacent and contiguous to the CITY ly,ng within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the CITY as described by metes and bounds in Exhibits "A" through "K" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, (the "CITY"), pursuant to the MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT, TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, §43 001, ET SEQ., as amended, and ARTICLE I1, SECTION 7, of the Home Rule Charter of the CITY upon petition by the property own.ers, ha.s her. etofo, re i.n. iflated annexation proceedings to annex additional territory ~ying aojacem an(3 contiguous to the CITY lying w~thm the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the CITY as described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "L" and by a copy of a plat of Lot 14, Block 3, Harvey H~lls~des Addition in the Maria Keagans & Morgan Rector Leagues, Brazos County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 263, Page 489 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and marked Exhibit "M" attached hereto and incorporated here~n by reference; WHEREAS, the owners of the properties set out ~n Exhibits "L" and "M" have submitted petitions to the CITY to annex said tracts of land into the junsdi~ional hm~ts of the CITY on January 12, 1995 and February 23, 1995, respectively, ~n which the owners have represented that they are the landowners and author zed to s~gn the petibons, that the land ~s either vacant and without residents or on which fewer than three (3) qualified voters reside, and that the land is contiguous to the CITY; WHEREAS, the governing body heard the petition after the 5th day but on or before the 30th day after the date the petition was filed and granted the petition, WHEREAS, the CITY is a duly constituted Home Rule City pursuant to TEX REV. Civ. STAT. ANN. ART. 1165 ET SEQ., as amended, WHEREAS, in accordance with the MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT, a service plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "N" and incorporated herein for all purposes, was Ordinance No 2132 Page 2 prepared by the appropriate department of the CITY and was made. avallabl.e fo.r inspection and explained at the public hearings conducted as hereinatzer descriDeo; WHEREAS, the City Counc as governing body of the CITY has conducted three public hearings on May 17, 1995; May 25, 1995; and May 30, 1995, respectively, at which persons interested in the annexation ware given the opportunity to be heard; WHEREAS, the hearing on May 30, 1995, was held in the Highway 60 and Highway 47 area as required by §43.052(b) of the MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT, TEXASLOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, WHEREAS, these hearings ware conducted on or after the 40th day but before the 20th day before the data of the institution of the annexation proceedings; and WHEREAS, not~ce of the hearings was published in a newspaper of general circu- lation and in the area proposed for annexation at least once on or after the 20th day but before the 10th day before the date of each hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, ~n accordance with ARTICLE II, SECTION 7 of the Charter of the C ty of College Station, Texas and the MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT, TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, §43.001, ET SEQ, as amended, the C ty Counc of the C~ty of College Station hereby finds Section 1 That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of th~s Ordinance as if cop~ed in their entirety Section 2 That the properties described in Exhibits "A" through "M", which exhib- its are attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, be and are hereby annexed and brought within the corporate limits of the C~ty of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and same are hereby made an integral part thereof. Secbon 3 The service plan subm~ttad in accordance with the MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT is hereby approved as part of this Ordinance, made a part hereof and attached hereto as Exhibit "N". Section 4 That the owners and inhabitants of the areas herein annexed be enti- tled to all of the rights and pnvileges of other citizens and property owners of said C~ty and are hereby bound oy all acts, ordinances and all other legal action new ~n full force and effect and all those which may be hereafter adopted. Secbon 5. That the official map and boundaries of the CITY, heretofore adopted and amended be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the City of College Station, Texas. Section 6. That the Mayor is hereby directed and authorized to perform or cause to be performed all acts necessary to correct the official map of the City to add the territory hereby annexed as required by law. Secbon 7 That this Ordinance shall become effect after its passage. Ordinance No 2132 Page 3 Section 8 That the Mayor Is hereby directed and authorized to file a certified copy of this Ord,nance ~n the Off~ce of the County Clerk of Brazos County, Texas. Section 9 If any sect,on, subsection, sentence, phrase, or word of this Ordinance be found to be illegal, invalid or unconstitutional or E any portion of said property is incapable of being annexed by the CITY, for any r.eason what. soever, the. adjud~ce.- tion shall not affect any other section, sentence, pnrase, wora, paragraph or provk s~on of this Ordnance or the app cat on of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, paragraph or provision of any other Ordinance of the CITY. The City Council declares that it would have adopted the valid portions and applications of this Ordi- nance and would have annexed the valid property without the invalid part, and to th~s end the provis,ons of this Ordinance are declared to be severable Section 10 The fact that the present Ordinances and regulations of the CITY are inadequate to properly safeguard the health, safety, morals peace and general welfare of the inhab,tants of the CITY, creates an emergency for the immediate preservation of the public business, property, health, safety and .general welfare of the public which requires that th~s Ordinance shall be effective Trom and after the date of passage, and it ,s accordingly so ordained. PASSED and APPROVED by the City Council of College Station, Texas, th~s 21st dayof June ,1995. APPROVED i~C,ty Secre ary . APPROVED AS TO FORM Cathy'L-0-cke, City Attorney Proposed 1995 Annexation Tract la 109.63 Acres Crawford Burne~ League Bn~os County, Texas 14 December 1994 All that certain I~tct or pas~el of land lying and being mtuated an th~ Crawfo~d Burner Lengue in Bmzos County, Texas, being bounded by the present City Limits of the C~ty cf College Station as defined by Ordinanees ~3, 83~, 1178 and 1255 and by F.M. 2154 and being more pamculady described as follows Beg~uning at a corner of the present Qty Linuts of College Station, Texas, as defined by Ordimnco No. 889, in the northeast line afFM 2154 nt the most southerly corner of that 6.79 aere tract conveyed to Edsd G. Jones by deed recorded in Volume 387, Page 699 of the Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas Thence along the City Linuts as defined by Ordinance No 889 as follows: N 40o 40, 05- E = 1331 48 feet to the mest eagerly comer of tlmt 17.119 aese tract conveyefi to Edsel G. Jones by deed recorded in Volume 310, Page 491 oftbe Deed P.~ords of Brazo~ County, Texas; N 46° 22' 55" W - 746 30 feet along thc northeast line of thc said Jones Iract to the most no~hedy corner of S 44° 05' 05" W = 270 00 feet along Ihe northwest hne ofthe smd Jones 17.119 acre Iract, N 27° 25' 43" W = 232 13' through that 12 404 acre tract conveyed to O.D. Butler by deed recorded in Volume 370. Page 622 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. to the C~ty Limits as defined by Ord~nanee No 663, Thence along the C~ty Limits as defined by Ordmanee No 663, para]Icl to and 500 feet soulheasl of the southeast right- of-way line Of F.M 2818, as follows N 56° 09' 43" E = 281.61 feet through the said OD. Butler 12.404 acre la'act and thnt 12.404 ac~ iract conveyed to Edsel G Jones by deed recorded in Volume 370, Page 625 of the Deed Records of Brazes County, N 56° 2 I' 33" E - 238.16 fee~ contanmng Ihrough the said Edsel G. Jones 12 404 acre a-act, N $70 00' 37" E = 489.88 feet conlmuing through the said Edsel G. Jones 12 404 ac~ tract; N 58° 43' 43" E = 241.95 feet through thnt 17 119 acre tract conveyed to O.D. Butler by deed recorded in Volume 310, Page 525 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, to the northeast line of same which is the Csty Limits as defined by Ordinance No 1178, Thonco nlong the bonndaty of the sud Butler 17.119 aer~ tract and the City Limits as defined by Ord~nanco No 1178 as follows, S 47° 40' 49" E - 625 13 feet to the most easterly corner of the smd Butler 17.119 acre tract; S 41° 08' 42" W - 148 85 feet to a coannun comer ofthe City limits as defined by Ordinance No 1178 and Ordinance No 1255, Thence along the City Limits as defined by Ord~nanee No 1255 as follows' S41°04' 10" W- 199 92 feel, S 48° 32' 22" E - 217 88 feel, N 41° 01' 04" E - 200.06 feet, S48° 18' 26" E - 56 79 feet, S 70° 59' 13" E - 718 24 feet lo a common comer ofthe City Lirmts as defined by Orchnanee No. 1178, EXHIBIT A F~of, ased 1995 Annexation Tract la S 39° $$' 32' E = 631.35 $ 48° 52' 40' W - 498.72 feet, S 47° 54' 36" E - 288.76 feet; S 42° 42' 31" W = 1444.45 feet; $ 82° 45' 08" W = 654.65 feet [o ~he northeast hne of F.I~ 2154, ~ N 47° 03' 28" W - 1292.49 feet along Ihe northeast line of F.M. 2154 lo the Point ~f Beginnmg and COntnmhlg 109.63 acres of Innd more or less. 2 Pr~ 1995 Anne.v, nlion Tract lb 0 92 Acre~ Robe~ Stevenson League Brazo~ ~, T~ 23 P~ 1995 ~1 ~t ~n ~ or ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ stm~ m ~ ~ S~n ~ ~ B~ ~, T~ ~ ~! ~t ~ L. F~ 1.25 ~ ~ ~ in Vol~ ~7, ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~B~ ~, T~ i~ ~ ~F.~ 21~ ~ ~), ~ng ~ ~ F.M 2154, N~ G~ R~d ~ ~ ~ d~ li~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ S~fi~ T~ ~ ~ ~ O~m~ No. 1949, ~d ~ng m~ ~ly ~ ~ foll~ ~ at ~ intron ~ ~e ~ h~ ~ G~ F~ ~ ~ no~ line ~ F.M. 2154. N 41~ 36' 13" E - 249.~ f~ ~ ~ ~ line ~G~ g~d ~ ~e m~ ~ly ~~ 1.25~ S~° 18' 32" E = 1~.12 ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ of~ ~d F~ ~ m ~ m~ ~IY miner d ~e; S 4~ 46' 49" W - 258 ~ f~ along ~ mu~ hne of ~ mid F~m ~ ~ ~e no~ h~ off M. 2154, ~ N 4~ 03' 28' W = 159 78 f~ ~o~ ~ no~ b~ of F.M 2154 to ~e ~nt of ~ng ~ ~mffing 0.92 nc~ of~d ~m or I~ EXHIBIT B Proposed 1995 Annexntion Tract lc 0 67 Acres Robefl Stevenson League Brazos County, Texas 23 Febrtm~ 1995 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being mtuated in thc Px2bcrt Stevenson League tn Brazos County, Texas, being all that pomon of Gralmm Road bounded by the city limits defincd by C~ty o~ College Station. Texas, Ol'dinancc No 1949 and thc northeast line of F.lvl 2154 (Wellborn Road), and being more paflic, lnrly descn'bed as follows Beginning at the intersection of thc southwest hne of thc present city hmils as defined by Ordman~ No 1949 and the northwest hne of C.~hnrn Road Thence along lite city limits as defined by Ordinance No 1949 as follows: N 41° 50' 32' E - 405 41 feet, S 48o 09' 28" E - 70.00 feet across Omlmm Road, S 41° 50' 32" W = 423 55 feet to lite present southwest city hmits, Thence along the nrc of a curve to Ibc left (R--2914 S0') through a central nngle of I° 25' 17", the chord of which be~rs N 33° 37' 38' W - 72 31 feet to ~he Poml of Beginning and contmmng 0.67 acres of land more Of leSS EXHIBIT C ~ 19~$ Am~cx~fion Tra~ ~ 3.85 Acres Thomas Caruthet3 and Robefl Stevenson Leagues Braans County, Texas 29 December 1994 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in tho Thomas Caruthers and R~bcfl Stcvonson Lcngnes in Brazos Coonty, Texas, being a pomon of Rnek Prairie Road boonded bY tho Presont city limits of thc City of College Station, Texas, as defined by Ordinance Nos 1092, 1458, 1462 and 2043, 13~inning at the mtcFse~on of thc noflhwest Itne ,~' l~ock Prairie Rosd and the noflhcast tiglP.,,.of-way line of SL~to Highway No 6 (Texas Avenue) Thence N 48o 22, 40', E. 604.69 feet along ~be noflhwest line ofRock Prairi-e l~'~d to an angle ~m~ Thence N 43° 46' 10" E - 233.00 feet continuing along the noflhwest line of Rock P~uitie Road Lo on nngle point; Thence N 42° 06' 06" E - 773 13 feet continuing along the northwest Hne of Rock Prairie Rand to on Thence S 86° 53' 18" E = 603 62 feet along the noflheast line of Rnek Pron'ie Road to an angle ix)tnt; Thence S 86° 22' 53" E = 564.06 feet continuing along thc northeast line of Rock Prairie Road to the present northwest city limits line of the City of College Stsllon, Te~ts, as defined by Ordinance No. 1462, Thence S 3° 32' 27" W - 61 71 feet across Rock Prmfie Road, Thence lq 86° 38' 59' W - 1137 93 feet along the southwest line of Rock Prmne Road to an angle point; Thence S 42° 30' 45" W - 962 47 feet along the southeast hne of Rock Prairie Road to an angle Posntl Thence S 4~° 28' 53" W - 646 28 feet continrang along ~ southeast line of Rock Prairie Road to the noflheast tight-of-way line of State ~ghwny No 6 (Texas Avenue); Thence N 21° 48' 41" W - 62.25 feet along thc northeast tight-of-way line of State Highway No. 6 to the Point of Beginning and ~ning 3 85 acres of land more or less EXHIBIT D Proposed 1995 Annexation Tract 2b g?7 10 Acres Thomas Camthe~ and Robert Stevenson t~ngues Brazas Cmmty, Tex~ 29 December 1994 All that cemun tract or parcel of land lying and being situated m thc Thomas Cm'uthe~s smi Robe~ Stevenson Leagues In Brezas County, Te~,as, being 877.10 ac~es bounded by thc present city limits of thc City of College Station, Temts, as defined by Ordiuencc Nos. 1458, 1459, 1462 and 1463, bcmg all the property not ye~ annexed into the Ctty of Colkge Smllou bounded by Pock Prairie Road, State lhghway No 6 (Texas Avenue), Greens Prairie Road and the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency land Beginning at ~e most southerly comet of that 30 acre College SlaUon Independent School Distric~ tract desc~bed in Volume 1033, Pa.ee 534 of the Official Records of Brezos County, Texas. along the oty limits as defined by Ordinance No. 1458 as follows. N 50° 47' 27' E = 930.64 feet along the line betw~mt the said College Station lmiepe~dent Sohool District Irac~ and flutt 25 79 acre tras~ conveyed to Brian Homud Peny Trust by deed recorded tn Volume 1980, Page 272 of the Offictal Records of Bmzos Coumy, Texas; N 2° 45' IS" W - g32 88 feet along the line between the said School tract and the smd Brian Howard Party Trust Iract to the present city hrmts as defined by Ordinance No. 1462, Theuee along the c~ty hnuts as defined by Ordinance No. 1462 as follows. S 86° 27' 33" E - 506 94 feet through the said Bnun Howard Party Trust tract to the m:ateriy hne of the ]o Ann Aflons 10.846 acre Iract described tn Volume 267, Page 483 of the Deed Records of Brezm County, Texas; S 7° 56' 06" E - 769 37 feet along the wes~'ly hne of the said Alkins tract to the most southwesterly comer of the said Athas tract; S 81° 27' 54" E - 257.13' fee~ along the southerly line of the said Alkins tract to thc most suethedy comer of the said Alhas tract; N 18° 41' 35"E =465 03 feet alongthe sorebeast line of the said Atkins Iract, N 13° 54' 21" E - 33294 fee~ continuing along the southeast line o~the smd Atkins tract to a corne~ in the present c~ty limits: S 86° 27' 33" E - 349.45 feet through the W G. l~atchey 341.60 acre tract described tn Volume 237, Page 29 of the Deed Records of Brazos Coumy, Texas, to the we~eriy line of the WdhsS Ritchey 11 acre tract descnbed tn Volume 260, Page 466 of the Deed Records of Brezos County, Texas, S 0° 42' 01 ' E - 79 05 feet along the westerly hue of the smd Patchey 11 acre tract, S 85° 22' 01' E - 1600 00 feet along the southm'iy line of the smd Patchey I i acre Iract, N 0° 42' 01" W = '/5 gl feet along the easlerly hue of the smd Ritchey 11 acre Iract, S ll, l° 23' 02" E - 517.27 feet Ihrungh thc smd Potchey 341 60 acre tract to an angle point, EXHIBIT E Pmpased 1995 AnneanUon Tract 2b S 82° 02' 02" E - 1100.29 feet continuing tlmmgh the said Riichey 341.60 a~e ix'act and oontinuing fluungh the Hoyett Taylor, Ir. 14 acre tract dsacr/bed in Volume 235, Page 194 of the Dned P. ecords of Braz~ Cunnty, Te~s to thc line between tim saM Taylor 14 ac~ tsact and the l~-gina L. Jamleson 2 996 acre tract described in Volume 1199, Pa~ 418 of thc Official Records of Brazos County. Texa.% S 0~ 43' 22' E - 333.86 feet along the hne between the said Taylor tract and ~he smd Jamleson tract to the sonthm:st corner of the said Jamieson tract; S77° 16' 21" E = 321.71 feet along the southwest line of the said Jam~__*~_q tract and file Honsten White 2 acre tract described in Volume 1249, Page 612 of the Officml Records of Brazm County, Te~,as, to thc mos~ southerly corner of the said White Iract, N 12043' 39" E. 352.07 feet along the line between the said White lracl and Ihe Arch~ P. Clark 19.61 acre lra~t desto'bed in Volume 561, Page 28 of S 770 01, 03- E. 970.47 fnet throngli fl~ said Cia~ tract ond the F=dward Uvac~k, Jr. 19.61 ac~e ~act descn'bcd in Volume 686, Pa~ 714 of the ~ l~____,'~gMs of Brazas County, Texas, and oonfinuing throngh the Jnmes O. F~eman 63.1 ac~e tract desc'dbed m Volume 125, 1~ 281 of the Deed Records of Brazas County, Te~s, to an angle point; S 76o 28' 02- E. 804.20 feet through the said James O. Frneman tract to the hne berm:un the said Freeman tract and rite Cathy C. Caffoll tract ~ in Volume 1677, Page 39 of the S 2° 49' 12" E - 201.91 along the line between the said Freeman uaa and the said Cathy C. Cnrroll tract to an angle porat; S 47° 16' 02" E. 21 72 feet along the line between Ihe asid Freeman Iract and the said Calhy C. Carroll tract to thc mast southerly corner of the add Cathy C. Can'oll tract in the line bctwnen the said Freeman tract and Ihe Brains Valley Solid Waste ~nnngemant Agen~'y 75.17 a~e Iraci d__ _,~/bed in Volume 1235. Page 59 of the Official Re~ords of Brazos County, Texas; N 42° 13' 46" l! - 232.95 feet the hne between the smd Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency Iract nnd the add Calhy C. Carroli Wact to a comer in the city hn"ts, S 76° 28' 02' E - 1216.66 feet continmng through the add Brazns Valley Solid Wast~ Management Agency tract to ~ hne between the add Brazas Valley Solid Waste Agency tract and the City of College Station 119.53 acre tract described in Volun~ 486, Pa~ 646 of thc D~ed Rccords of Brazos County, Tcxas, which is thc pit,scot city limlts as dl~l-~ned by Ord~nnn,~ NO. 1463; Thence along the city limits as derived by Ord, nnncc No 1463 as follows: S 41° 55' 29" W - 1958 63 feet along the northwest hne of the add City of College Station Irac~ S 48° 16' 21" E - 3026 93 feel along the somhwe~ line of the said Ctty of College Stsuon Iract to the present city lirmts as deflned by Ordinance No 1459, Thence along the presenl city limits as defined by Ordinance No. 1459 as fi)llows. S 41" 51' 50" W = 4034 10 feet through Tract 3 of the Dymple Carll Crengor tract described by pla! recorded tn Volume 335, Page 131 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, through the Jeny Wmdham and Frank Thurmond 112 19 acre tract descnbed in Volume 571. Page 144 of Proposed 1995 Annexation Tract 2b the Deed Records of Brezos County, Texas, to the line between the said Windlmm and Thurmond tract and the Lomsc M Rem,cs, Trustee,, 111.6 a~c Iract described ut Volume $09, Pnge 185 of thc Deed Records of Brezos County, Texas, N 48° 44' 09" W = 2979 22 feet along the line between the smd Windham and Thurmond Iract and the sa~d Reeves uact nnd along ~he line between the said Rneves uact and the Marion Vioiet Crengor 10.01 acre tract described in Volume 1849, Page 317 of the Official P__,~,_,rds of Brazos N 47o I $, 44" W = 1030.06 feet flwongh the said Marion Violet Crengor Iract nn4 the Wmdlmm and Thurmond tract to thc most casterly nemer of lite Barton Pazk Sulxlivision ----d'~ bY plat recorded in Voiume 939, Page 209 of Ihe OeCzial R~cords of Brazos County, Texas, N 49°i$* 41' W = 88 75 feet along the line between the mid Wtndhnra ~ ~ L~act ~ lhe said Ba~on Park Subdivision to the most southerly corner of the said W.G. Ritchey 341.60 N 54° 07' 31" W - 290.40 feet, N 64° 29' 30' W - 117.00 feet, N 54° $6' 41" W =24 ~4 feel, N 53° 19' 16' W - 113.92 feet, N 49° 27' 52" W - 256.91 feet nnd N 46° 36' 4'/' W - 464 64 feet along the line between ~e said B,,uron Park Soixhvtmon and the said R~tchey 341.60 acre Uact to Ihe nmsl easterly come~ of Ihe ~ G Jones 50 3 ao'e Uact described in Volume 484, Page 387 of Ihe Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; N 33° 02' 22" W - 1'/4.17 fee~ N 29° 18' 26" W - 268.99 feel, N 43° 59' 28" W - 384.59 feet, N $4° 03' 26" W = 598 74 feel and N 69° 06' 3g" W - 195.38 feet along the line between the said Ritchey 341 60 acre Iract and the said Jones 50.3 acre Uact to the rnost easterly comer o~ ~he Bert Wheeler's, Inc 71 $2 acre tract des:n'bed in Volume 571, Pnge 601 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, N49° 02' 25" W= 1344.34 feet and N 45o 49' 34" W - 789.78 feet along the hne between fire said Ritchey 341 60 acre Uact and the said Be~ Wheeler's, Inc. 71 52 acre tract to Ihe most southerly comer of the smd Brian Hovard Peny Tntst 25.79 acre tract, N 47o 33' 15" W = 252.54 feet along the line between Ihe snid Brian Howard Peny Trust tract and ~he said Ben Wheeler's, tne. Ira~ to the most ensierly corner of the Claude E. DuBots 4 84 acre tract desaribed in Volume 590. Page 24 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; N 47° 26' 57" W = 126 92 feet along the line between fl~e Brian Howard Peny Trust tract and tho said DuBois tract lo the Point of Beginning and coninimng 877.10 acres of land more or less Proposed 1995 Atmex~on Tract 2c 80 41Ac~s Thomas Caruthers ~ Brazas County, Texas 29 Deoember 1994 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being simatod in the Thomas Camthers Lengne tn Brazos Coumy, Tcxas, being 80.41 ac~cs of thc Dolly OMen 120 nerc tract dcscfibcd in Volume 168, Pagc 339 of the Deed P~ord~ cg Brazos County. T~as. boing all of th~ mid Olden tract presently lying outsid~ the Bnginmng at the most ~*___~ly c~mer ofthe said Olden tract on the present city limits n~ delined by City of College Slafdon Ordmanee No 1463. Thencc N 41° $3' 58' E - 639.30 along said city lunits and thc noslhwcst line of the said Olden tract to thc city linuts as dcfined by O~dinn~C~ NO 1462; Thence along thc city limils as defined by Ordinance No 1462 as follows. S 76° 28' 02' E - 402.91 feet mntinmng 0u'ongh the said Olden tract to an nngle ix)tm; S 69° 53' 32' E = 2641.82 feet contmalng through thc satd Olden tract to a corner of the ctty S 41° $1' 50' W - !$11 85 feet through the said Olden u'act to the southw*.'st line of same nmi Ibc city Imuts as defined by Ordinance No. 1463; Thence N 48° 05' 33" W - 2808.69 feet along the southwest linc of the said Olden tract nnd the present city linuts to thc Pmnt of Beginning and containing 80.41 acres of land more or less EXHIBIT F Pro~ 1995 Annexnfion Tract 2d 8 53 Ac~es $ W. P,n~ason and Nathan Clamp~tt Surveys Brazas County, Texas 29 Deconbe~ 1994 All that eertain tract or parcel of land lymg nnd beang sRuated ;n the Nathan Clnmp~tl Survey, Ab~uact No. 90, and the S.W.P. olnanson Survey, ~c~ No. 202, ;n Brazor County, Texas, being the southwest College Station, Texas, as defined by Ordinanee No 1462 and on the ~outhweat and southen~ by the City Limits of tho City of College Station, Texas, as defined by Ordinance No. 1461, ex~nding from the northwest line of Greem Prairie Road to the east hne of L~ck Creek Park, and being more panicalatly de~nbed as follows Bebnnning m the southwest line of l~.t~ck Prairie Po:ad at tts inleneeaon with the extennon of tl~ nonhw~t line of Greens prairie Rond which is also the north comer of the present C~ty Linuts of the C~ty of College Station, Texn~ as defined by Ordinance No 1461. $ 57° 47' 40" E - 1192 46 feet; $ $0°04' 3T'E = 761 00 feet, $ 61° 37' 40" E - 381.23 feet; $75°31' 12"E- 7042fee~, $$4° 15'42'E= 170 40 fect, S 88° 47' 53" E = 736.17 feet: S 87° 00' 04" E = 894 35 fect, S 77° 20' 48" E = 1370.87 feet, S 79° 46' 32' E = 874.82 feet; S 71° $9' 12" E - 314.95 feet; S 61° 18' 42" E = 610 87 feet, S 61° 25' 57" E = 1024.72 feet, $66047' 41"E= 398 99 fect, $ 73° 44' 14" E = 326.59 feel, S 85° 51' 48' E = 629 61 feet, N 89° 03' 40" E = 950 21 feet to the ea~ llne of the smd City of College Station 1265 37 ncre Thence N 0° 55' 26" W - 30.00 feet to the exisUng City L~mits of the C~ly of College Station, Texas, as defined by Ordinance No 1462, which is the eenterhne of Rock Prairie Road: Thence along the prment C~ty Linuts nnd the eenterline of Rtr, k Prattle Road as follow~. S 89° 04' 34" W = 948 76 feet, N 85° $0' 59' W - 624 27 f~et, N 73° 45' 20" W - 322 66 feet, N 66° 49' 22" W - 395 53 feet, N 61° 25' 56" W = 1032 95 feet, N 61° 23' 07" W = 610.97 feet; N72° 18' 14"W- 319 54 feel, N 79° 43' 57" W - 869 15 feet, N 77° 22' 22" W = 1372 13 feet, N 86° 13' 55' W - 897 72 feel, EXHIBIT G Prop~s~ 1995 AnnexnUon Tract 2d N 83° 30' 28" W ' 734.86 feet~ N 82° 16' 21" W = 140 98 feet; N 75° 07' 3C W= 64.76 feet; N 60° 27' 29" W - 369.24 feet; N 50° 43' 41" W - 764.07 feet, N 57° 48' 3 i' W - 1195.36 feet to an snside comer in Ihe present City Ltnut~; T'ncoce S 32° 11' 29" W - 30 00 fat continuing along thc incscot City Limits to the Point of B~nln~ and contaimng 8.53 acres of land more or less. 2 Proposed 1995 Annexation Tract 3a 1203.'79 Acres Robert Stevenson League Brazos County, Texas 27 Janua~ 1995 All that cecmin tract or parcel ot' Innd lying nmi bcmg situated in the Robert Stevenson League in Brazos County, Texas, being a tract of 1203.79 acres bounded on the southeast by Greens Pnuric Road, on lite northeast by the present city lunits of the Qty of College Station, Texas, es defined by Ordinance Nos. 1450, 1452, 1453, 1454 and 1456, on the northwest by the p~ city limits ns defined by Ordinance Nos. 1451 and 2043, on thc southwcst by the northeast line of 13aid Prairie Subdivismn ns described by plat recorded in Volume 321, Page 571 c~ the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the northeast linc of the K.C. Morgan 5 ac~ tract descn~oed in Volume 1346, Page 257 of thc Official Records of B~ County, Te~ts, and ~ain on the no~Jmest by thc southtmst line of Barren l~oad, and a~tin on thc in ¥olun~ ~3. Parc 382 of thc Dced P~cords of Brazos Com~. Texas, and thc Tim ~. Cmwlcy 734.96 acre tract desm~oed in ¥olumc 115% P~c gO and Vol-m~ 1415, Pa~e 74 of the ~ Records of Brazos Coanty, Tex~s. and bein~ more pa~i~d~dy dcscn~cd ns follows: Bc~nnin~ at thc intc~ecUon of thc northwcst hnc of Greens P~unc Road and thc southwest line of thc present oty limits ofthe C~ty of Collc~e StatJon~ Texas, ns defined by Ordinance ~o 14~6 Thence S 41° $9' 57~ W - 6~34 78 fcct along the northwest line of Greens Prairie Road to the southwest line of the said Crowley 734.96 acm t~act, Thrace lq 48° 04' 08" W - 3491.21 feet alon~ thc southwest line ofth¢ said Crowlcy tract to thc most westerly corner of' same. Thence N 42° 41' 06" £ * 11 ~3 feet alon~ the noOn, cst linc of th~ said Crowley tract to thc most sou~.erly corner of the said Dunlap and Brown 1~$ acre trect~ Thence lq 48° 07' 13" W - 2367.2~ fcet slon~ thc southwest hnc of~.c said Dunlap and Brown tract to thc southeast linc of Be~ron Cut-off Road, Thence along the southeast and northeast hne of Barton Cut-offRoad as follows N 40° 53' 36' E = 23.68 feet, N 39° 34' 18" W - 146 33 feet, N 47° 47' 03" W - 820 00 feet, N 10° 40' 03" W - 49.97 feet to the southeast line o~'Barron Road, Thence N 41° 53' 11" E - 487.02 feet along the southeast line of Barton ~ to the most northerly corner of~he F, dward E. Thomas, Jr. 4 acre Uact described in Volume 1577, Page 136 oflhe Official Records of Brazos County, Text, Thence N 42° 02' 01" E = 1446 25 feet conUnmng along the southeast line of Ban'on Road to the northeast hne of the smd Dunlap and Bro~ wac't, Thence N 43° 01' 38' E - 1404.66 feet conunuing along the souLhe~'~l hn¢ of Barron Road to an ~nside corner of this Wac'i, EXHIBIT H - O Proposed 1995 AnnexaUon Tract 3a Thence N 48o 20, 44,, W. 2101.87 feet across Barton Road and ¢~ontinuing along the northeast iil~ ~ Ihe said l~orgnn $ acre irac{ and the asid 13aid ptalrle Subdivision to the most southerly ¢=omez of ~ ~ N 41° 44' 59" E ' 2120.95 feet; N 42° 01' 57' E - 1029 30 feet, N 41° 31' 54' E - 296.78 feel to the present southwes~ city limits as ¢klined by Ordinance No 1450; Thence along ~he present city linuts as defined by Ordinance Nos. 1450, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1454 and 14~6 as follows- S48° 12' 04~ E = 423.~6 fee(; S 47° 35' 42"E= 1662.90 feet to the nolthwest line of Barton l~3ad; N 4lO ~6, 40" E. 2042.85 feet along the no~mest line cf Bam)n R~ad; .¢: 45o 03, 20- E = 78.50 feet nc~ss Barton l~.=ad; S 41° 48' 21' W - 2308.62 feet along th~ southeast line ~Barron Road; S 47' $8' 10,, E. 3379.$2 feet lo II~ no~hv,~t line of Ihe said Tim J. Crowley h~u:~ N41O41, 3 i" E = 36 68 feet along the nor'dm=st lln= of the said CrowleY ~ract~ S 47° 02' 02" E = 3401.41 feet tltrough ~he said Crowley lract lo {he Point of 13eginnln~ and conlnimng 1203 79 acres of lancl more or less. 2 Proposed 1995 Annexation Tract 3b 312.89 Ao'es P, nbert Smvenson League Brozos County, Texas 27 January 1995 AH that certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being situated in thc Robert Stevenson League in Brazos Coonty, Tcxes. b~nng bounded on thc west by F.~L 2154 (wefiborn Road), on the nc~w~ by thc city limils ~'thc City of College Srntion as dolined by Ordinance No 1949, on the noflb,~ by the city limits as defined by Ordinance No. 2043, ~he noflheast line of Bald Prame Subdivtston according to plat of c,~o~.-~ in Volume 321, Page 57 ! of Ihe Dned Records of Brazos Coumy, Texa.% and the noflhcest linc of the K.C.M. organ$ ac~c tact described in Volume 1346, Page 257 of the Offtciol Records of Bra.os southwest line of thc Basron Road Baptist Chnrch 5 m:m tract described in Vuiunlc 1150, P~e 174 of the OfFicial Records of Bravos County, Texas and the southwe~ linc of the Cuily Lipsey and John I 111.32 acre Lvnct descn'bed in Volume 1015, Pa~ 260 ofthe Ofl3.ciol Records of Brazoa County, Texas, Beginning in the northeast line ofF.M. 2154 (Wellborn Rood) nt the common corner of the saul l..ipsey nnd Lampo 111 32 ncre u'act and ~hat 2.00 acm tract convcyod lo Wilhnm B. Grcge~y, Jr. by deed recorded tn Volume 516, Page 548 of'the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas Thence N 0° 3'7' 47" W - 1339.01 feet along the northeast line of FM 2154 (Wellborn Road) to the bng~nning of a curve to thc left (R=2914 83'), Thence along the nrc of said curve through a central angle of 28° 21' 02" to the p _Fe~__-_*. ctty litmts of thc City of College Stauon, Texas, as defined by Ordinance No. 1949, Thence N 41° 41' 33" E - 2429.48 feet along the southeast c~ty limlls line as defined by Ordinance No. 1949 to the southwest city linuts line as defined by Ordinance No. 2043; Thence S 48° 30' 10' E - 1944.61 f~et along the southwest city limits hne as defined by Or&nonce No. 2043 to the most southerly oarn. e,r of same; Thence S 48° 20' 44" E = 2101.87 fi~et along the northea~ hnc of the said Bald Prattle Subdiwslon and rite smd Morgan 5 acre Lract and contlnolng across l~rron Road to the mo~ easterly corner of this Unct, The~e S 43° 01' 38" W - 1404 66 feet niong the southeast hnc of Barton Road to the northeast line of the Wayne A Dunlap and Thomas L Brown 158 acre tract described in Volume 283, Page 382 of the Deed Thence S 42° 02' 01" W - 1446 25 feet continuing along the southeast line of Ban'on Road to the northeast line of the Edward E. Thomas, Jr. 4 ac~e Unct described in Volume 1577, Pnge 136 of ~e ~ Records ol' Brazos County, Texas; Thence S 41° 53' 11" W = 577 07 feet continmng olong the southeast line of Bnn'on Road to the most southerly corner of flus tract, Thence N 48° 25' 17" W = 896.24 feet ncross Bat-mn Road and continuing along the southwes~ hne of the said Barton l~ad BapUst Church 5 ncre U-act to the mas~ westerly comer of same. Thence N 86° 04' 07" W - 1283.81 fcct along the southwest line of the smd Lipsey and Lampo Ill 32 ncre trnct to die Point of Beg~unlng and contaJmng 312 $9 ncrcs of lund more or less. EXHIBIT I Proposed 1995 Annexnfion Tract 3c (Altenmte) 577.35 Act'es Robert Stevenson League & And~-w McMahon Sunny Brazos County, Texas 27 Janua~ 1995 Ail tirol certain tract or pareel of land lying and being s~tuated in the Rnbezt Stovenson Lengne und thc Andrew McMolmn Survey, Abstract No. 167, m Brazos County, Texas, being bounded on the w~st bY F M. 2154 (Welibom Rund), on the north by thc Cully Lipsey and John I ~mpo i 11.32 acre Irnct desm'ibed in Volume 1015, Page 260 of the Oflkial Records of Brazos County, Texas, on ~ not~tst by ~ Barton Road Baptist Cliasch $ncre tract described by deed recorded in Volume 1150, Page 174 of the Oflkinl Records of Brnzos County, Texas, the northeast line of Bam)n Cut-olr Rnad, thc southwest lin" of the Dunlap nnd Brown 158 acre tract dcscn'bed by deed recorded in Volume 283, Page 382 of the Deed deed recorded in Volume 1158, Page 90 and Volume 1415, Page 74 of the Official ~__~_~ of Brezos northeast line ofthe Zawalski 10 acre tract described by deed recorded in Volume 419, Page 795 of the Dced Records of Brnzos Cmmty, Texas, the Cohun 10 sere Wact deserfl~ed by deed rece~ded in Volume 304, Page 305 of the Deed Records of Bmzos County, Texas, the Fran~ 10.555 acre tract described by deed recorded m Volume 569, Page 43 of the Deed Records of Bmzos County, Texas, and the Watson 1.053 acre tract described by deed recorded in Volume 322, Page 587 of the Deed Records of Brazas County, Texas, and by the northwest linc of Barrun Cot-off Road, and being more pamculsrly described as follows Beginning in the northeast line of F.M. 2154 (Wellborn Road) at thc common comer of the said Lipsey nnd Lampo 111.32 acre trnct nmi flint 2.00 here tract conveyed to Wfllmm B. Grngou, Jr. by deed recorded m Volume 516, Page 548 of thc Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Thence S 86° 04' 07" E = 1283.81 fcet along thc south line of thc said Lipscy und Lampo I 11.32 acre tract to the mo~t wcstedy corner of the said Ba~on Road Bapl~st Church 5 acre unet, Thence S 48° 25' 17" E - 896 24 feet along the southwest hne of the sazd Ban-on Road Baptist Church tract and conlinmng nc'ross Ban-un Road Io a corner oftlus tract; Thence N 41° 53' ! 1' E = 90 05 feel ncross Barren Cot-off Road to the northeast line of same; Thence along the northe~ line of Ban*on Cut. off'Road as follows: S 10° 40' 03" E = 49.97 feet, S 47° 47' 03" E = 820.00 feet, S 39° 34' 18" E - 146.33 feel; Thence S 40° 53' 36" W - 23.68 feet along the southeast line of Basrun Cut-offRned to the southwest linc of the said Dunlap and Brown 158 acre tract; Thence S 48° 07' 13" E = 2367.26 feet along the southwest hne of the said Dunlap and Brown tract to the most southerly corner of same, Thence S 42° 41' 06" W - 11.83 feet along the northwest line of thc said Crowlcy 734 96 here tract to the most westerly comer o1' same, Thence S 4g° 04' 08" E = 3491 21 feet along the southeast line of the smd Crnwley Iract to thc most easterly corner of this tract m the northwest line of Greens Punne Road. EXHIBIT J Proposed 1995 Annexation Tract 3c (Alternate) Thence S 41° $9' 57' W - 3151 21 feet nlong the northwest line of Greens Prairie Road to the most southerly corner of tlus tracl, Thence N 48° 33' 43" W = 2750 86 feet along the northeast line of Greens Pnutie Road to the mo~t easterly comer of the sa~d Zawnlslu 10 acre tract, Thence N 47° 32' 16" W - 3084 16 feet along the northwest hne of the said Zawalslu tract, thc r~d Cohen 10 acre track lhe said Franze I0 555 acre track Ihe said Watson 1 053 acre tract to a southerly inside comer of this tract in the sott~heag hne of Barton Cut-off Rand, Thence S 41° I I' 19' W - 855.75 feet along the sottheast hne of Barton Cra-off Re~d to the northeast line ofF.M. 2154 (Wellborn Road); Then~ N 0° 37' 47" W - 4351.92 feet nlong the northeast hne of F.M. 2154 (Wellborn Road) to she Point of Beginning nmi contn,ning 577 35 ncres of land more or less Approved 1995 Annexation Tract 4 406.89 Acres JE SoottLea~le. J.H IonesLeagee. J H. Jones Labor A-144, J H Jones Survey A-148, and J Herrold Survey A-139 Brazos Counly, Texas 30 June 1995 All that certmn tract or pereel of land lying and being situated in the J E Scotl I~ague, Almrnct No 50. the J H Jones League, Al~ract No 26, the J H Jones Labor, Abstract No 144, tho J H Jones Survey, Abetract No 148 and the I tietrald Sun~y, AbsUact No 139, in Brazos County, Texas, and bmng more purucolarly descnbed as follows. Commencing at an iron pipe found at the inlersac0on of thc northwest line of Turkey Creek Road (FM 2513) and the not,heist line of Ihat 75 acre tract oonveyed to The City Natloual Bank of Ausltn, trustee by. deed recorded in Volume 323, Page 468 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. bmng in the line beoa~en the ]E $cot~Lengneand the J H Jones Lengueenda southwest line of the existmg C~ty Limits of the City of College Stauou. Texas Thence $ 2° 49' 47" W - 1452 14 feet along the northwest line of the said Turkey Creek Road lo the begurmng of a curve to the left (R=1195 93'), Thence along th.e nrc of smd curve through a eenlral angle of 16° 52' 31" to the southeast hne of Ihet 100 acre tract conveyed to Mason Lee Casluon by cuntract of sale and purchase recorded in Volume 202, Page 556 of the Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, to the point of Beginning for the herera described ares, Thence S 41° 53' 23" W - 5180 70 feet along the somheast line of thc said Cusluon trac~ the soulhesst line of that 77 acre tract conveyed to Mason Lee, Jr and Ethyl Burgess Cosluon by deed recorded in Volume 364. Page 559 of the Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, the southeast line of that 23 acre tract rcmaimng from the 241 04 acre tract conveyed to M L and Ethyl Burgess Casluou by deed recorded in Volume 379. Page 49 of the Deed Records of Brazo~ County, Texas, acmes the 241 04 acres less 23 acres conveyed to Ethyl W Burgess by deed recorded in Volume 1184, Page 438 of the Offioml Records of Brazos County, Texas, and across the 70 89 acre tract conveyed lo W T McDoneld, Jr by deeds recorded in Volume 309, Page 472 and Volume 367, Page 400 oftbe Deed Records of Brazo~ County. Texas. to the southwest line of the said McDonald 70 89 acre tract. Thence S 46° 52' 06" E - 969 $9 feet along the southwest hue of the smd McDonald 70 89 acre tract, Thence S 42° 53' 58" W - 924 77 feet nc'mss that 100 95 acre tract conveyed to Gainer B Jones. Jr by deed recorded in Volume 1242, Page 434 of the Offioal Records of Brazo~ County, Texas, to a point in the southwest hue of same, Thence S 47° 40' 06" E - 1473 23 feet along the southwest line of smd Jones H'act to the northwest right- of-way line oFFM 60. Thence N 42° 45' 34" E - 82 98 feet along the northwest line of FM 60 to an angle point. Thence S 47° 14' 26" E - 160 00 feet to a polm in the southeast right-of-way hne of FM 60. which IS also the most westerly corner of Clmt 14 48 acre tract conveyed to Brazes J Vansco by deed recorded in Volume 372. Page 34 of the Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, EXHIBIT K I Thence S 47° 43' 40" E - 1355 91 feet along the southwest line of the said Vnnsco 14 48 acre tract to Ihe most southerly corner of same, Thence N 42048' 08" E - 357 00 feet along the southeast line of said Vansco 14 48 acre tract to a common corner ruth that 27 I 1 acre tract conveyed to Brazos J Vansao by deed recorded tn Volume 422, Page 425 of the Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, Thence N 42° 32' 53' E = 535 98 feet along the southeast llne of said Vansco 27 I 1 acre tract to an interior ell of same: Thence S 45° 10' $2# E - 415 42 fee~ along a southwest line of said Varisco 27 I I acre tract to a common comer wsth that 65 acre tract conveyed to Allen T. Powefi by deed recorded in Volume 164. Page 204 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Te~s; Thence N 44° 08' 20" E - 558 31 feet along the line bevveen smd Vafisco 27 11 acre tract and said Pow~ll tract, to n point in a southwest line of the Texas A&M Umverstty land, being also in the present city limits of College Stauon z.s defined in Ordmnnce No 378, Thence along the present cuty hnuts as defined by Ordinance No 378 as follows: N 47° 46' 09" W - 1905 91 feet along the hne between the sand Vansco 27 I I acre tract and the Texas A&M Umvers~ty land and continuing across FM 60 along the C~ty Lmuts line as defined by City of College Station Ordmanee No 2043 to the old northwest right-of-way line of FM 60, Thence along the city limits as defined by Ordinance No 2043 as follows S 42° 37' 20" W = 408 13 feet along the old northwest rtght..of=wny line of FM 60 to the northeast line of that 3 00 acre tract conveyed to Fay D'arey Cheek by deed recorded m Volume 445, Page 177 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, N 47° 40' 42" W - 37 gg feet along the northeast line of the said Cheek tract to the present north~vest right-of-way line of FM 60, N 42° 45' 34" E - I I 8 78 feet along the northwest hne of NM 60 to southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No 47, Along the southwest right-of-way line of Stale Highway No 47 as follows N 4° 40' 01" W = 135 31 feet, N 57° 14' 32" W - 96 90 feet, N 65° 07' 19" W = 204 20 feet, N 12° 53' 10" E - 444 76 feet acres State Highway No 47 to the northwe~ right-of-way line of State Highway No 47, Along the northwest right-of-way line of Stste H~ghway No 47 as follows: N 88° 42' 28" E = 321 30 feet, N 76° 43' 42" E - 200 35 feet. N 67° 24' 04" E =221 83 feet. N 57° 58' 16" E = 205 00 feet, N 50° 43' 39" E = 122 98 feet. N 48° 00' 45" E - 1288 79 Feet. 2 N 46° 50' 19" E- 115 33 feet, N 45° 39' 53" E - 513 90 feet to the interseeUon of the northwest fight-of-way line of State I-hghway No 47 and Ihe northwest nghl-of-way line of FM 60 wluch is the bugmmng of a curve to the right fRei 1509 Along the arc of said curve in the northx~1 right-of-way line of FM 60 through a central angle of 12° 01' 59" to Ihe end of said curve, Along the northwest right-of-way line of FM 60 as follows N 57° 41' 52" E - 154 98 feet to the heginmng of a curve to the left 0T---4533 66') Along the a~c of satd curve through n cenlral angle of 1° 28' 28" to the City Lmuts as descnhed by City of College Station Ordinance No 673, Thence along the c~ty hnuts as defined by Ord~nanea No 673 as follows N 39° 42' 16" W = 501 74 feet, Parallel to and $00' from the northwest right-of-way line of FM 60 and the southwest right-of- way line Of FM 2818 ns follows N 50° 17' 44" E - 312 74 feet, N 13° 00' 38" W - 353 82 feet, N 30° $2' 23" W -441 24 feet, N 38° 05' 30" W - 93 50 feet to the southwest hne of that tract dlsannexed fi'om the City of College Station by. Ordinance No 1362, Thence around the said dlsannexed tract as follows S 47° 55' 4 I" E - I 179 22 feet to the northwest right-of-way line of FM 2818, N 13° 00' 3g" W - 285 51 feet along the northwest nght-of-v+~ay line of FM 2818, N 47° 55' 41" W - 1718 92 feet along the northeast line of the said dlsannexed tract to the most northerly comer of same. S 42° 09' 39" W along the northwest line of the sa~d disannexed IracL at 85 48 feet pass the present C~ty Limits line as descnhed by City of College Station Orthnence No 673, for n Iotal distance of 163 42 feet to the most westerly corner of satd d.sannexed Ir'act, S 47° 55' 41" E - 772 43 feet along the southwest line of saxd disannexed tract to the most northerly corner of that 27 09 acre tract conveyed to Gerald L Z,~nman by deed recorded in Volume 1404, Page 235 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, Thence $ 41° 56' 24" W - 2099 18 feet along the northwest line of sa~d Kmman Iract and the northwest line of that 15 013 acre tract conveyed to Waller E Gdmore by deed recorded m Volume 559, Page 215 of the Deed Records of Brazos County. Texas, to a point in the no~gast hie of Turkey Creek Road. Thence S 52° 49' 47" W - 100 00 feet Io a point ~n the southwest hne of Turkey Creek Road, Thence along the southwest line of said Turkey Creek Road for the following N 37° 10' 13" W - 308 13 feet to the heginmug ora curve to the right (R--2914 83'), Along the arc of said curve through a central nngle of 4° 55' 00" to the end of said curt, e, N 32° 15' 13" W - 893 60' feet to the beginning of a curve to the right (R= I 195 93'), Along the arc of satd curve through a central angle of 18° 12' 29" lo the end of said curve and the Porat of Beginning and cuntaraiug 406 89 acres of land more or less Field Notes 0.98 Acres Being all of that certain tract or parcel of l~nd lying and being situated in the THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE. A-9. B~os County. Texas and b~-g a part of t_hat 5.00 acre tract conveyed to Francis O'Briefl by John F. Higgins et al. recorded In Volume 125.~ page 600. Offl~'l~! Records of Brazos County. - Te~-~ and being described as follows: BEGINNING: at a 1/2' iron rod found at the most westerly ~ommon comer of said 5.00 acre tract and Lot 5 Block 15 of Fox/Ire Phase IV (717/765]; s~me being in the north~st ri~t-of-way line of Frost Drlve~ 'I'HENC~k. N 40'18~L5' E - 240.00 feet along the ~ommon line between aald 5.00 acre hact and Lots 4 and 5 Block 15 of.said Faxflre Pb~_-~e IV to a lorn rod set for the north comer of said 0.98 acre tract; THENCE: S 38~20'30' E - 226.51 feet across said 5.00 acre tract to a 1/2' iron rod set for the e~-~t comer of said 0.98 acre tract; THENCe. S 59~09'24' W - 216.42 feet conf~nuing across said 5.00 acre tract to a 1/~' iron rod set for the south comer of said 0.98 acre tt~act; same being in said Frost Drive line; THENCE:. N 46007'10~ W - 15:2.42 feet along said Frost Drive line to the PLACE OF BEGINNING: and cor~t~lnix~ 0.98 acres of I~nd. more or less. according to ~ ~trvey m~de on the ground under the supervision of]Don?Id D. Oarrett. Registered Professional Land ~urveyor. No. 1197'2 on Deoember 6. 1994. EXHIBIT L I ;.. I qOL;:~..PAO~ I' . ,~1,~:' II ~11 q', |j I II ;t 1, EXHIBIT M t)rdmaacc No SERVICE PLAN FOR AREAS TO BE ANNEXED On June 21, 1995, the City Council of the City of College Station annexed certain pro. perttes located within the City's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction into the City These properties are illustrated in Figure I This plan provides a program under which the City of Colleg. e. Station will provide full municipal services to the annexed area The tnnmg of serxnce provision will vary depeedmg on the service All services will be provided within 4 I/2 years unless changed conditions or subsequent occurrences make the service plan unworkable or obsolete In such event, the City shall amend the service plan to conform to the changed conditions or subsequent occurrences as provided in Local Government Code Sec 43 056(h) However, the following services shall be provided not later than sixty (60) days following the effective date of annexation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5 6} 7) police protection, fire protection, solid waste collection, maintenance of water and waste water facilities not in another utdit~es service area, maintenance of roads and streets, including road and street lighting, maintenance of parks, playgrounds and swimming pools, and maintenance of any other publicly owned facility, braiding, or service For the purpose of this plan, "full municipal services" includes any service funded in full or In part by municipal taxes and provided by the City of College Station within its full-sennce boundaries Municipal services to be provided within the annexed area may be by any of the methods by which the City provides services to other comparable areas PROVISION OF SERVICES TO ANNEXED AREA Mumopal services w~thin the annexed area are to be provided at the same level as such services are provided to other comparable areas of the City Specifically, comparable areas of the City are those portions of the City that have similar charactenstics of topography, land use and population density The sennce plan may not provide fewer services or a lower level of services in the area than were in existence in the area immediately preceding the date of annexation Police Protection Police protection and pohce services wdl be provided to the annexed properties immediately following the effective date of annexation Services will include patrolling, responses Io calls, investigations and other routine pohce services Police protection and services will be provided at the same level as provided to other comparable areas within College Station EXHIBIT N Fire Protection and Emer~eucv Medical Service Fire protection and emergency medical service will be prowded immediately following the effective date of the annexation Protection will be provided through emergency call responses, fire prevention education, fire survey activities, and fire code enforcement Construction and development activities undertaken after the effective date of annexation shall comply with all building and fire safety codes of the City of College Station All structures shall be brought into compliance wRh the address standards of the College Station Code of Ordinances within sixty (60) days of the date of annexation. There will be a ninety (90) day grace period for any fireworks stands located prior to annexation within what is now $,000 feet of the new City limits lines Axffer September 21, 1995, any of these stands must be closed for operation and it will be illegal to sell fireworks within 5,000 feet of the City limits Solid Waste Collection Solid waste collection services, presently provided by a private service, will be provided exclusively by the City In order to secure solid waste collection services, each property owner must establish a utility account with the City of College Station Services will be provided within I 0 days after estabhshmg an account Maintenance of Water and Waste Water Facilities There are no public waste water systems w~thin the areas to be annexed which are not maintained by the City of College Station The areas to be annexed may currently be served by a private water utility That service will continue until a public water system is installed The private utility will continue to maintain their system until it is replaced Maintenance of Roads and Streets~ including Road and Street Li~htin~ Roads and streets in the area annexed will be mmntained by the City of College Station State highways are addressed in the City's maintenance agreement with Texas Department of Transportation Roads and greets will be added to the City's maintenance activities immediately following annexation Maintenance priorities shall be deternnned on a City-wide basis taking into consideration such factors as street width, volume of traffic, street conditions, nature of maintenance needs, and public safety hazards Current area street lighting will be maintained by the City of College Station as soon as the electrical distribution system for the annexed area has been acquired by the City of College Station from the City of Bryan The sufficiency ofthe area's street lighting will be reviewed after the acquisition of the system Street lights will be installed and maintained in a manner consistent with standards established for other comparable portions ofthe City Street signs shall be brought to College Station standards within 60 days of the annexation The City will install street signs in accordance with College Station standards for same within slxly (60) days of the annexation Mainteuance of Public Parks~ Playgrounds and Swimming Pools The City Council of the City of College. Station, Texas, is not aware of the existence of any public parks, playgrounds or public swimming pools now located in the areas proposed for annexation In the event any such facilities do exist and are public, they will be maintained to the same degree and extent that the City maintains public parks, playgrounds and swimming pools within the current City limits Maintenance of any other Publicly Owned Facilities~ Buildings or Services The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, is not aware of the existence of any publicly owned buildings now located in the areas proposed for annexation In the event any such facilities do exist and are public, they will be maintained to the same degree and extent that the City mamtams these facilities within the current City limits Electrical services and facilities operated by the City of Bryan will be acquired by the City of College Station as provided by written agreement between the cities of Bryan and College Station Permits Reauired Construction activities underway prior to annexation may continue provided that all construction after annexation must comply with City codes and ordinances All permits required by City codes and ordinances must be obtained for construction underway Permit fees shall be waived for construction underway prior to annexation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Should the City make capital improvements to serve the annexed areas, the City reserves the right to levy an impact fee to the properties annexed according to Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code and the Csty's Code of Ordinances The City may, from time to time, include construction of new, expanded or replacement facilities in its Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Facilities to be included in the CIP shall be determined on a City-wide basis Priorities shall be established by the CIP plans of the City, growth trends and direetion and the City Council through its development plans and policies Police Protection Police protection services will be provided to the annexed area through existing City facilities at a level of servico not less than exists in the area immedtately preceding annexation Fire Protection Fire protection and emergency medical services will be provided to the annexed area through existing City facilities at a level of service not less than exists in the area immediately preceding annexation Solid Waste Collection Solid waste collection services will be provided to the annexed area through City existing facilities at a level of service not less than exists in the area immediately preceding annexation Water and Waste Water Facilities Water and Waste Water services will be prowded through the existing facilities at a level of service not less than exists in the area immediately preceding annexation Any assessment lewed in accordance with Chapter 395 does not preclude the payment of standard tap fees or other fees that are put into effect on a City-wide basis Water and Waste Water Utility Extension Policy The water and waste water utility extension policy of the City of College Station, as evidenced through the ordinances and development practices of the City, is as follows The cost of water and waste water facilities necessary to serve existing lots or new development within a subdivision plat or land development shall be borne by the lot owner or developer of the plat or land, The cost of off-site extension of water and waste water facilities to serve a lot, tract, plat or land development shall be borne by the owner or developer of the lot, tract plat or land Where such extension is consistent with plans for the development of the City and its utility system the City may, by decision of the City Council, participate in the cost of construction so as to provide for additional capacity for the overall development of an area Roads and Streets including Street Lights Streets, drainage, and street lighting will be provided through the existing facilities at a level of service not less than erasts in the area immediately preceding annexation The tmprovement and enlargement of roads wtthm extsttng rtghzs-of-wa~ wtli be included tn future capttal tmprovements programs' as practtcal atki where needed to facthtate the maneuvering of emergc, llcy alld sa?lltallOtl ~ervlce i~hlcle.~ Parks, Playgrouudss and Swimming Pools Parks and recreation services will be provided through the cx~sting faciimes at a level of service not less than exists m the area immediately preceding annexation Additional park development in the area will be addressed through the development standards and procedures of the City as additional residentml development occurs Such park development includes, but is not hmited to, dedication of park land and/or money In heu of land in accordance with the Ctty of College Station subdivision regulations Other Public Facilities~ Buildinl~s, or Services Other public facihues, buddings or services will be provided through the ex~sting facdities at a level of service not less than exists in the area immediately preceding annexation VALIDITY AND AMENDMENT Upon approval by the C~ty Councd of the City of College Station th~s plan becomes a contractual obligauon Th~s plan is valid for ten years from the date of ~ts adopuon Renewal ofthe service plan ~s at the discreuon ofthe C~ty of College Station This servmce plan may be amended or rewsed m accordance w~th Local Government Code Sec 43 0561h) 5