HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-2104 - Ordinance - 01/12/1995ORDINANCE NO 21o4 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A TWENTY-FIVE FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT, WHICH CROSSES AND LIES WITHIN LOT 1 IN THE REPLAT OF KAPCHINSKI HILL, IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the C~ty of College Station, has received an Appbcatlon for the Abandonment of a twenty-five foot wide utility easement, which crosses and hes with,n Lot I in the Replat of Kapchinsk~ H~II (more commonly known as H E Butt Grocery Site), ,n the City of College Station, said utility easement being more parbcularly described on Exhib,t "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS on January 12, 1995, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, heard the apphcatlon of H E Butt Grocery Company for the vacation and abandonment of the aforemenboned twenty-five foot wide utility easement that crosses and lies w~thm Lot 1 of the Replat of Kapchinski Hill, according to the plat recorded m Volume 1600, Page 221, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, NOW, THEREFORE, be ~t ordained by the City Council of the C,ty of College Station, Texas, that the twenty-five foot wide strip of land prewously platted as a uhhty easement, which crosses and lies w~thm Lot 1 of the Replat of Kapchmski H,II (more commonly known as H E Butt Grocery Site) m the C~ty of College Station, as described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, be abandoned and vacated, that the Mayor and the C~ty Secretary be authorized to convey by quitclaim deed on behalf of the City of College Station any nght or claim that the City has ~n and to sa~d twenty-five foot w~de str~p of land to the property owners, H E Butt Grocery Company PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED th~s 12th day of January, lg95 APPROVED' A"I-rEST , I J~ Co~,P.~e Hoo~s, C~ty Secretary r/wi= deo.Jaru'hebont 01,'1)6,/95 ORDINANCE 2~04  PAGE2 CLARK SURVEYING COMPANY 1315 SHERWOOD FOREST OR -- HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043-4637 -- 713/481-1400 -- FAX 71~I~ November 30, 1994 FIELD NOTES 25-Foot Wide Public Utility Easement Description of 9.0560 acre (2,44] square feet) out of the Crawford Burnett League in the City of College Station, 8razos County, Texas, being all of a 25-foot wide Public Utility Easement out of Lot 1 in the Replat of Kapchtnski Htll as shown on a plat of same prepared by Carlomagno Surveying, ~nc. of Bryan, Texas, dated April 13, igg2 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all bearings referenced to said Replat of Kapchinskt Hill; ~o.n~.encing at a point t~ the southerly right-of-way line of Hol~eman Orive width varies), same point being the most westerly corner of said Lot ! of the Replat of Kapchinskt Hill and from which.said point, the Intersection of the southerly right-gl-way line of sa~d Holleman Drive with the southwest right-of-way l~ne of Texas Avenue bears N 67" 44' 22" E a distance of 586.06 feet; THENCE, S 22' 18' 49" E, along the most northerly west line of. said Lot.l, a distance of ]56.00 feet to the point of intersection of sa3d west with a westerly projection of the centerline of the herein described 25-foot wide easement; THENCE, S 76" 2~' 17" E, along said centerlt.ne projection and crosst~g a ]O-foot wide ut~lity easement as shown on said Rep14t of Kapc~inskt Hill, a dtstance of 12.35 feet tO the POINT OF BEG]NNZNG of the here~n described 2S-foot wide Public Uti]try Easement; THENCE, N 22" ]8' 49" ~, along a line 10.00 feet east of and parallel with the most northerly west line of said Lot 1, a distance of ]L5.44 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, S 76" 22' 17" E, along the northerly line of the herein described tract, a distance o~ 106.71 feet to a point for the most easterly corner of the herein described easement; THENCE, S 13° 37' 43" W, a distance ~f 25.00 feet to a point for the most southerly corner bf the herein described easement; THENCE, N 76" 22' ~7" W, a distance of 88.59 feet to a point for corner tn the easterly line of said ]O-foot wide Utility Easement; THENCE, N 22' 18' 49" W, a distance of 15.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGiNNiNG and containing 0.0560 of an acre of land. This description ts submitted in con&unction with an exhibit map of the property prepared by ~arion R. Clark, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, datedNovember 30, 1994, and does not represent a staked boundary survey. EXHIBIT A g4-10-3633 3633-exb.fn