HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2101 - Ordinance - 12/08/1994ORDINANCE NO 2101 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 6 307 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE MORGAN RECTOR LEAGUE, A-46, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM C-1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO R-5 APART- MENT/MEDIUM DENSITY WHEREAS, on December 8 , 1994, the City Council of the C,ty of College Station convened and, pursuant to notices prescribed by law, held a public heanng w, th regard to the application for the rezoning of 6 307 acres of property situated m the Morgan Rector League, A-46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows ,Al.l?a_ t c~rt~.m 6. 3004 ac.re.t~ract..or pad_cci of.land ]yu~ and bcmg situatgd m mc ~o.q[[an hector t.cnguc, .a-no; urazo_s c. mm.b/, Texas, and being a port,on of a ~ 04, a.c~ t ,r,r,r,r,r,r,r,r,rqct ,conv,9,,~ to J..an2es=,~ Jm, mc, _by W R. Newton, Trustee, as ~o~r~e~y eeea m, .v_o.~_u39c' :),.~, t'a~e 191, of the Officsal Records of Brazos ~anO,~ ~, ~.exas, .s~=a.o ~uo4 ~ tract betng mor~ pamcularly described by metes unos as a //z acre tract less a I 4196 acre tract, as follows. BEGINNING at the most sonthcru comer of.the aforementsoned 33 63 acre tract, ~a~me. p~,mt _l~e~g ~.e_sg,,uth c<2ruer of'Lot 19 of the Pdchards Sulxflws~on, an ad&- u..o..qn t.o, _-d2e L;~t~ ot c.o~lege..~tat,on as recorded m Volume 137, Page 25, of' the THENCE N 46° 05' $5" W along the southwest line of'the a£orementtoncd Lot 19 for a al,stance of' 104 40 fec~ to a IX)mt for angle point, same point betng the west comer of the smd Lot 19, THENCE N 46° OFF 55" W for a &stance of 294 54 feet to a point f'or comer, THENCE N 44° 56' 55" E for a ,hstance of'461 90 fect to a point for comer for the begtnnmg of a curve to the right, to a point for end o}' curv~ and corner, (Curve data Central angle = 25 5~ :34 Rndsu - qg,< t~t% ~'-~ -- · S-- .... t~'t,/x~. = 436 10 feet, Tangeat = 221 84 fcet), THENCE S 44~ 55' 05" E for a chstance of 299 53 feet to a point for comer, same point lying on the northwest right-of-way of Pochard Street, n ~TI-~CE S_44" 47'.0?' W along thc northwest right-of-way of Pochard Street for E o ,=, to of ? or ~bcA~VE & .EX. CEP.,T a. ll that cc_tram I 4916 acre tract or parcel of land I.vmg and ng s,toa .t.ea tn m.c ~or~.a. Kector League, A-46 tn Brazos County, Tc'xa~, and mga pomon ota ~ os acre tract conveyed to James E Jeff, [nc by W R .Ncw~o,n, T_rustec,_.as rCCord_.cd by deed tn Vo|umc 515, Page 191, of the OftSc,al .r, ccoras, Brazos ~.onnty, ~cxas, sa,d I 4916 acrc tract betn§ more pamcularly ocscnbed as follows, to-w~t BEGINNING at thc most southcm comer of the aforementioned 33 63 acre tract, same potnt. ,I.~?tng.the. sou~lh co?~er,,of Lot Nineteen (I 9) of the R~chards Subdw]- Ordinance No 210! Page 2 THENCE N 46° 05' 55" W along the southwest line ofth¢ aforementioned Lot 19 for a &stance of 104 40 f~ to a point for angle point, same point bern8 the west corner ofsasd Lo~ 19, THENCE N 46° 00' 55" W for a dtstanc~ of 294 54 fe~t to a point for comer, Tbeaco N 44° 56' 55" E for a thstance of 155 00 feet to a point for comor, THENCE S 44° 55' 05" E for a dsstance of 398 94 f-e~t to a ix)mt for comer m tho northwest right-of-way linc of Rschasd Street, .'I'I~CE S 44° 47' 09" W along th~ northwest right-of-way of Pachard Stroh for a instance of 155 00 fi:et to tim place ofb~ and containing I 4196 acres of land, more or less Also beans known as all of Lot Number Two (2), Hollcman Place, an addstson to thc C~.ty o~'.,Co.I/~gc Stat~oa, Brasos County~ Texas, according to_thc pla_t thereof rccoraea in volume 1040, Pag~ 485, Official Records of Brazos County, l~(as WHEREAS, the above-described property is currently zoned C-1 General Commercial and the property ~s currently vacant; WHEREAS, the owner of the above-described property, the City of College Staben, has applied for the rezon~ng of the above-described property to R-5 Apartment/Medium Density, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, heard evidence that the proposed rezon~ng ~s beyond the C~ty's current Comprehen- rove Plan, WHEREAS, ewdence was presented concerning the general development Jn the aree over the last several years, and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of College Station, Texas, has concluded that there are changed conditions that justify the rezonmg of the subJeCt property to R-5 Apartment/Med,um Density, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, that the above-described property ~s hereby rezoned from C-1 General Commercial to R-5 Apartment/Medium Density, effec- bve ~mmedJately December PASSED and APPROVED th~s day of ,1994 A17['EST ConnTe Itook~. ~ C~t~ Secr6tary APPROVED 11'1094 F � is A i • • 7f �( .► �Ii' N {l+