HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2067 - Ordinance - 05/26/1994ORDINANCE NO 2067 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 3 770 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE MORGAN RECTOR SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 46, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING A PART OF THE 38 65 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED BY VERA C DOVVELL TO CLINT A BERTRAND, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 305, PAGE 853 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL TO ADMINISTRATIVE-PROFESSIONAL A-P WHEREAS, on May 26, 1994, the C~ty Council of the City of College Stat,on convened and pursuant to notices proscribed by law held a public hear,ng w,th regard to the application for the rezoning of 3 770 acres of property situated ~n the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract No 46, Brazos County, Texas, and more particularly described as follows. Being a 3.770 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being s~tuated in the Morgan Rector Survey. Al~strect No 46, Bmzos County, Texas, and being part of the celled 38 65 acre tract described m the Purchase Agreement between Vera C. Dowell (Seller) and Chnt A Bertrand (Purchaser), as recorded in Volume 305, Page 853, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, the contedine of the 60' access easement being more part,cularly described as follows COMMENCING at the intemect~on of the common line between the before- mentioned 38.85 acre tract and the 8 62 acre tract described in the deed to Chuck Elllson, Trustee for Dartmouth Joint Venture, recorded in Volume 1164, Page 343, of the Official Records of Brezos County, Texas, with the south nght- of-way line of Farm to Market Road No. 2818, described as the 1 22 acre tract in the deed to the City of College Station, recorded in Volume 1222, Page 698, of the Official Records of Brezos County, Texas, a 1/2" iron rod found beam S 45° 42' 10" W along the common hne between the said 38.65 acre tract and the 8 62 acre tract, a distance of 20 57 feet, THENCE along the south right-of-way line of the beforement~onnd Farm to Market Road No. 2818 as follows' S 60' 12' 31" E 11957 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found marking the beginning of a curve concave to the northeast hav- ing a radius of 1221 24 fee, Eastedy along said curve for an arc length of 233 46 feet to a 1/2" rod sat for the PLACE OF BEGINNING of this description, Eastedy contmue along sa~d curve for an arc length of 208 14 feet to a 1/2" iron rod set for the end of this curve, the chord bears S 76' 02' 38' E 207.89 feet, a concrete rignt-of-way marker found bears N 08' 18' 35" W 32 62 feet, S 80° 55' 36" E 78.08 feet to a 1/2" ~ron rod set at the intersection of the said south right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road No 2818 with the said southwest lie of a 10 40 acre tract described in the deed to Dan Clancy and Susan Clancy, recorded ~n Volume 467, Page 314, of the Dead Records of Brazce County, Texas, THENCE along the seuthwest and southeast lines of the beforementioned Clancy 10 40 acre tract as follows: Ordinance No. 2067 Page 2 S 39° 31' 23" E 44.09 feet to a 5/8" ~mn rod found at 4" creosote post marking the south comer of the said Clancy 10 40 acre tract. N 49' 21.' 59" .E..38:23. feet to a 1/2" ,ton rod set in the south right-of-way ~ine of me oeToremenbened Farm to Market Road No 2818, THE..NCE S_ 80° 55'. 36" E along the south right-of-way hne of the before- .memioned Parm to Market Road No. 2818, for a distance of 195.05 feet to a 1/2" ,mn rod set In the common line between the beforemenbened Bertrand 38 65 acm tract and the 10 40 acre tract desoHbed ,n the deed to Clement A. Dobro- volny et al, recorded m Volume 225, Page 1275, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE $ 45' 59' 54" W along the southeast I,ne of the beforemenboned Bertrand 38 65 acm tract et a distance of 96.89 feet pass a crossfie fence Comer found marking the west comer of the beforementioned Dobmvolny 10 40 acre tract, same being the north center of a 4.367, acre tract descnbed ,n the deed to The Brethren Church of Bqran/College Station, as recorded in Volume 394, Page 775, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, conbnue adjacent to a fence, along the common line between the said 38.65 acre tract and the 4 367 acre tract, continue on for a total distance of 553 90 feet to the common comer between the beforentent,oned 4.367 acre tract and the 7 158 acre tract described ,n the deed to Karbrcoke, Inc., recorded in Volume 1758, Page 42, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, a 1/2" ,ran rod found at 6' creo- sote post bears S 44' 03" W 0 7 feet, THENCE S 44' 02' 50" W along the common line between the beforemenhoned Bertrand 38 65 acre tract and the Karbreoke, Inc 7.158 acre tract, adjacent to a fence, for a al,stance of 65 11 feet to a 1/2" iron rod set, THENCE along the west line of a proposed 60' access easement as follows N 46° 29' 56" W I 57 feet to a 1/2" ,ron rod set at the beginn,ng of a curve concave to the east having a radius of 430 00 feet. Northerly along said curve for an arc length of 480 44 feet to a 1/2" iron rod set at the end of th~s curve, the chord bears N 14° 2g' 29" W 455.84 feet. N 17° 31' 06" E 97.15 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 3 770 acres of land, more or less, WHEREAS, the above-described property is currently zoned R-1 Residential and the current use is agricultural; WHEREAS, the owner of the above-described property, Karbrooke, Inc., pur- chased the property on February 23, 1994, by deed recorded in Volume 546, Page 722, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, WHEREAS, the owner has apphed for the rezomng of the above-descnbed property to Adm;nistrat~ve-Professional A-P zoning, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, heard ev,- dence as to the extens,on of F.M 2818 creating a h,gh traffic artery; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the C~ty of College Station, Texas, has in ;ts F M 2818 corridor plan concluded that the construction of the extension of F.M. 2818 Ordinance No. 2067 Page 3 ~s a changed condition that makes the property more suited to commercial use ~n the rapidly developing south College Station area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STAT ON TEXAS, that the above-described property ~s hereby rezoned from R-1 Residential to Adm n stretlve-Professonal A-P, effective ~mmed~ately PASSED and APPROVED this 26th day of May, 1994. A'FI'EST. C0ffnle Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED' Owner: Neatherlin Homes 1740 East By—Pass Phone: 778-4663 Requested Rezoning From A-0 to C-1 3.325 Acres 14E] EKC I N. A-0 6 7 ff 17 4 14 J8 xT 45 44 29 it if 32 R-1 au pAr I vj Me wo on i - - ♦ CASE NUMBER: 94-109 ACTION REQUESTED: REZONING