HomeMy WebLinkAboutWest Park Addition Blk2 Lts2R-5R RPFIDELITY STREET FIDELITY STREET N 50'R.O.W. 50'R.O.W. 0.0030 ACRES DEDICATED TO �3'53" E 130.011') (CALLED N 40-53'53" E 130.04' R.O.W. ) N 40 t'4 E (CALLED IN 40 • -N 40 E: 129.99 2456 ' ' -43' N 105. 7 PODlT*OF BEGINNING R=25.00L_� 1_ � , _POINT OF BEGINNING d D=8805932" — -- — -- �t tr I O'P. I-J. E. =' L 38.0_ 0 00 LC=3 5.04' LOT2 'Tr I R CB�=N 03 N� Z I ' T A : t BLOCK 2 �D P In 0.1561 ACRES CIO 0 06 - — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- M 40" - 1 60 .51 /1 9 11 E. (7-9. LOT 2 LOT 3 In co C I'D — -- — -- m F 5'P.U.E. I ;t I LAWRENCE GUSEMAN III 00 In 00 00 0 0.4039 ACRES In rn CIO 51 CD C / ) C) t PARTS OF LOTS AND 4 MAUREEN L. FLOYD 00 LOT 3.13, CD MAUREEN L, FLOYD o 0 C.0 C/0 BLOCK2 00 CD _r AND. QUINT L. FLOYD cc 0 Q �:i 00 Z C, BLOCK2 . I C --t N AND QUINT L. FLOYD VOL. 1106 1, PAGE 23 5 �D I 0 - VOL. 4176, PAGE 118 CD co I 1 0. 1490 ACRES VOL. 4.176, PAGE 118 14 0 cr) c: 0 In Z P.U;E. N 11 10" .5 "J9 Ve LOT 3 5'P.U.F a LOT 4 OPERTV LOT 4 R_ n I ) R . 0.'/*499 TOTAL ACRE CO R N E R, 0 N Z 4 85,70' BLOCK2 _NCT N 40 1, a i ✓ N 40 E 85.70' 0.1531 ACRES PROPERTY CORNER ON FENCE S 40 W 129.69' (CALLED S 40 W 129.69') - — -- — -- — -- — -- -- 10'P.U.E. 00 00 CD I co C) 00 0 �D "4 129.81 rt 011 S 00 7 LOT.4 MNCE GUSEMAN III LOT 5 F 101 1). l_!. 14 LAWI Cn (n r P 0.3460 ACB.E,S cr) ONE STORY WOOD LOT 5R THE NORTH 39'OF LOT FI \TE(5) AND THE 0 r__ 0 0. C) 0 FRAIVIE HOUSE ADJOINING SOUTH 29'OF LOT FOUR(4) BLOCK 2 Z Z BLOCK2 0.28,SS ACRES VOL. 11073, PACE 154 S 42 W 214.88' r IRO, 1/2" IRO _P S W 214.88 (CALLED 215') 1/2" fl.�ON ROD ICALLED 215) 09 LE ANING LEANING 170 NN DONALD J<11,1TtT SFAVELL DONALD KEITH SEWELL, CALLED SOUTHEAST 15'OF LOT 5, ALL OF 6, AND CALLED S 0 U THE AS'FI 5' OF LOT 5, ALL 0 17' 6, AND NORTHWEST TOF LOT 7, BLOCK 2 NORTHWEST 5 OF LOT 7,13LOCK 2 � P.OT'T or B N ROD WESTPAIZK ADDJTION 'OLLEGE WEST PARK ADDITION q:OLLEGE 101 d VOL. 9958, PAGE 87 VOL. 9958, PAGE 87 STA. N GPS STA.ION GPS MONUf 4ENT 220 INT 2 MONU 4E 20 0 'D 1 (j 'INAL P LAT CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION. STATE OF TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF CITY PLANNER CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERR COUNTY OF BRAZOS STATE OF TEXAS 4 W?1FP:r_ I, Lr� �� < city Planner of tile City of College Station, Texas, owner and developer of the land shown on this plat, and designated hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the requIrementi of the COUNTY OF BRAZOS herein as Lot Lot 2R, 3R, 4R, and 5R, Block 2, of the West Park Addition to the City of Subdivision Regulations of the City or College Station. ­ 600W --- - -------- County Clerk, In and for said county. do hereby certify College Station, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets, alleys, perks, greenways, infrastructure, easements; and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such that this plat together with its dedications sholl be in fee simple unless expressly provided otherwise. certificates of authentication was filed for record in my office the Of u1b In jy 2 e cirficiol Records of Brazos County, Texo City F�l 6 n n e r til s, in Volume Page — — — — — - WITNESS my hand and official Seal, at my office in Bryon, Texas. 3wner STATE OF TEXAS a COUNTY OF BRAZOS Cou ty Clerk Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeo I red CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER Brazos County, Texas City Eng;neer of the City of College Station, Texas, L hereby certify that this Subdivision conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the Regulations of the cit o f college, Station, Texas. foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the some for the CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR purpose and consideration therein stated. STATE OF TEXAS. COUNTY OF BRAZOS Given under my hand seat on this day of 1, Adam Wallace. Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6132 in tile State of Texas, hereby ce that this plot is true and correct and was prepor ed from on actual survey of the property and that property markets and i­:)numents were placed under my supervision on the ground oil January 101h, 2012. 0 iTo try FTblic, Bror6s County, Texas Z7 .4, A G� V Z A C. E R C 'S ADAM C WALLACE ......................... ublir:, Ft I 0 ex PIS I T Adam Wallace o fVT Cr Texas Regh_'�ered Professlonvi 0 6132 '111mis!'011 F-1pirl, APRIt, -017 Land Surveyor, Number 6132 e 0. E .- SUR File iianie: 0 13-0162-REPLAT-HIGH-FID.DWG Plot date: 01/12/13 Revised: 2/20/13 Revised: 3/18/13 . C tvC_Ier� ._ Revised: 5/8/13 IN Q ii �,EPLAT Filpd for Reccird (is it liumbii!r 470526 STATE OF' TEXf, COU1qTY OF H'AZOSI I hereby cerf i f 9 1UM, th i s i n-strument wis I, il(- c.)n the date and Ume stattiped hereon by me and kjcis dL)ly recof-ded in the volume and if.3.3a cf the OPH"icial Publi Pecords of". L - is—A,amped hereon b� ime,, Karen 11c Bra (:ountq (Jerl DRAZOS poutify VICINITY MAP N. T. S. TROJECT LOCATION. IVIETES AND BOUNDS DESCRTPTION 0.7469 ACRES WEST PARK ADDITION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION DRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS .Being,, tract of land containitig 0.7469acms,and being parts ofLots 2,21,4,and 5. of Block 2 ill tile West Park Addition to tile City ofCollege Station, in Brazos County, Texas, ns recorded Ili Vol, 1 02, Pa 19-1, of the Brazos County Deed Records(B.C.D.R� , Also being die same tracts of land as recorded inVol. 11061, Page 235,and Vol. 11073, Page 154 of the Brazos County Official Recorcig(B.C.O.R.), All bearings of Lhis survey are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Centr Z ollet NAD83( ' CORS96),and boundary based on rods referenced to Slid Previous Platard deeds. BEGINNING 91 a 1/2" iron. rod found next to a cut-offirictil T-post found for a north carrier of this tract, also being a point oil the southeast line ofFidelity Strect(W and also being the West corner of thelvisureen L. Floyd and Quint.L. Floyd tract,as recorded Ili Vol. 4176, Page 118, of the B.C.O.R.; THENCE South 48'00'08" East, a distance of 135.58 feet along the common, line between this tract and said Floyd (fact to point On a fencepost for all interior corner of this tract.. also being file* South corner orsaid Floyd tract, also beinga point oil the riorthwest. line the Lawrence Gusernarl Ill, 0.3460 acres. being parts of Lots 4,and 5, Vol. .I 1073, Page 154, also being tile east corner of the Lawrence Gusenirin 11T., 0.4019 acres, being parts ofLats 2,3, and 4, Block 2, Vol,. 11063, Page 235, of (tie B.C.O.R.: TI IENCE North 40'59'46" East, 6 distance of 85.70 feet along file conini line between this tiactarid said Floyd tract to a 1/2" iron rod Willi a matoon plastic cap marked "RPLS 6132 - ATM. S SURV" found for a north conier of th ' is tract, also being the cast corn o f said Floyd tract, also being a point oil the sou(hwe St line of oil apparent 15'alley, according to said plat of (he West. Park Addition; TI TENCE South 4712'02" Eas(, a distance or 72.20 feet al ti coninnort line beL%Ncen this tract and said 15'alley to a 1/2" it-oil rod forind leaningfor tile east corner of this tract, also being the north carrier of the Donald Keith Sewell, called southerist 15'ofLot 5, all ofLot 6, and the northwest 5'orLot 7, Block 2, of said West Park Addition, as. recorded in Vol. 9958, Page 84 or flic B.C.O.R., Tf TENCE South 42'05'49" West,,-, distance, of 214.88 re a tl collInjoll line between this IT let mid said 6ewell Orict to a 1/2" iron. rod round For flie sou:h c orocr ( if this tract, also being tire west corrier orsnid Sewell tract,also being I point oil (lie llorllleastliglit-o&waylilie,o THENCENortli 47'33'03" West, a distance oF67.86 feet along file co li behinen this tract and said Highlands Street (6 a 1/2" iron ro d w ith a Illarooll plastic call ina0ced "RPLS 6132 - ATM SURV" found for the west cotner of slid tract recorded ill Vol. 11073, Page L54, also being (lie south corner of said tract recorded in Vol. 1106 1, Page 235, of the B.C.O.R. THENCE North 48'07'43" West, a distance or I I o.9 I feetalong Lbe comm Ti between this tractand said Highlands S(r t a 1/ ifoll rod Willi a inarooll plastic cap maiked "RPLS 6132 - ATM SURV" Set fora point of cirrvature; THENCE around a ctu-ve in a clockwise direction havirg a delta angle of88 degrees 59 minutes 32 seconds, art are distance of 38.83 feet, a radius of 25.00 feet, and a chord of North 3 degrees 371ninutes .57 seconds West, a distrilic-, of 35.04 feet to a. 1/2" ironrod will' a marooll Plastic cap marked "RPI-S 6132- ATIA SL!RV" set for a point o f langency oil (lie southeast line of Fidelity Street; . THENCE North 40 degrees 51 minutes 49 Seconds East, a distance of 105.43 feet along file coninion Ii.ne between ibis tract and said right-of-way line of Fidelity Street to the PLACE OF BEGINNING contai.oing 0.7469 acres. .-Final Plat o*f West Park gg Additior F?J! U`f)j. 1 -.-, w). Lot 2R. 3R 4R, and 5R 'Block.2 S 8? 1 F 3. L E- G,'- 0 DR.-I 1j'\ A7.1<71 F .5L TJ -Lb\,F 0 sE All UNWOLF 0 , I r Tj? CZ rA MOU7 " L'y " C t / T" r) 03 W-1 7" Afr7'r.'R ing rL Er-MICJ I F, 1.5,IfEAT IF be' 'ZF a Min or Replat of _1LA7TEVPU1LV1A`(, L hVE _ELFC77?1CAL LIAE7 uIx-mc.mi, Trl?, -0- P0 I FrR r(JI.E I I"001.) J -M- A'0P. C"is.'llum UAW L1GF7'r01.E a rts of Lots' 2' 3 and 5 1/2" IRON ROD Willi MAROON PLASTICCAU MARI(m) "RrLS 6132- ATNI SURW SET P 1/2" IRON ROD Willi MAROONPLAS11C CAr N fA RXED '71713 613 2 - ATM SURW FOLIND .. 1/2" Ill ON ROT) FOI JN "(I R F) 1/2" IRON ROD rouND IN coNcRun Block 2 S urvey Notes: rO I TRM, 4 R & 1 1). Tile hearings of this survey -are based oil the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Central Zone NADU(CORSQ­ an 'll, A f ID,!n rl,-- ArArl; "1111 Rry Mseu oil round iron rods in [lie West Park Addition, as recorded fil Vol. IN, Page 198. 2). D.imvim? ' Scale is I "=20' 0.7469 ACRES 3). Driwn by: Adarn \Vallace 4 Said lots do not appear to be under ilic 100 yeir flood pillin, as idendfled fly the Federal Emergency Ma:mgernerlt Agency an.Conin Panel No. 4804 ICO305E effective (late, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 6). ResixicLictris recorded in Vol. 102, Page 613, and voideE in Vol. 266, Page -50-1. STREET ADDRE,9s: 300 Fidelity Street, and 603 Highlands Street 7). This property is currently 'zoned R- I -SingleFornilyResA ential SCALE: " =20' 1 January, 20 13 8). Each lot will be required to provide a minimuni of tv 'fees of at SU RVEYOR: least 2 inches(2") in caliper or one (1) tr`e of Four inch(4") caliper per OWNER/DEVELOPER: Adam Wallace, RPLS 6132 Ordinance No. 3M Lawrence F. Gu'seman, Ill ATM Surveying 3,809 Old College Rd 1 403 Lemon. Tree ATM Surveying Br TX 77801 Coll I ege Statiol'i TX 77840 1 Box 10313, Collcge Station. TX 77840 PTIONE: (979)209-9291 email: / (979) 574-3040 (979) 200-9291 lvww.ATMSUrvr_ in .coru