HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-3502 - Ordinance - 06/13/2013 ORDINANCE NO. 20/3 — 350.1 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AFFIRMATIVE FINDINGS AND VACATING AND ABANDONING FIVE UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED AT 410 TEXAS AVENUE, TO WIT: A 10 -FOOT ELECTRICAL UTILITY EASEMENT, A 15- FOOT ELECTRICAL UTILITY EASEMENT, AND A 10 -FOOT ELECTRICAL UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED IN VOLUME 639, PAGE 534 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; A 10 -FOOT ELECTRICAL UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED IN VOLUME 740, PAGE 373 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; AND A 0.07 ACRE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2709, PAGE 139 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, has received an application for the vacation and abandonment of five utility easements located at 410 Texas Avenue, to wit: a 10 -foot electrical utility easement, a 15 -foot electrical utility easement, and a 10 -foot electrical utility easement recorded in Volume 639, Page 534 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, as described in Exhibit "B "; a 10 -foot electrical utility easement recorded in Volume 740, Page 373 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, as described in Exhibit "C "; and a 0.07 acre public utility easement recorded in Volume 2709, Page 139 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, as described in Exhibit "D" (such portions collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Easements "); and WHEREAS, the 10 -foot electrical utility easement, 15 -foot electrical utility easement, and 10 -foot electrical utility easement recorded in Volume 639, Page 534 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas are located on Lot 2, Block 1 of the Northpoint Crossing Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume 11193, Page 160 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; and the 10 -foot electrical utility easement recorded in Volume 740, Page 373 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas and the 0.07 acre public utility easement recorded in Volume 2709, Page 139 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas are located on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Northpoint Crossing Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume 11193, Page 160 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, in order for the Easements to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, the City Council must make certain affirmative findings; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That after opening and closing a public hearing, the City Council finds the following pertaining to the vacating and abandoning of the Easements as described in Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C" and "D" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. 1. Abandonment of the Easements will not result in property that does not have access to public roadways or utilities; 2. There is no public need or use for the Easements; 3. There is no anticipated future public need or use for the Easements; 4. Abandonment of the Easements will not impact access for all public utilities to serve current and future customers; PART 2: That the Easements described above and in Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C" and "D" attached hereto be abandoned and vacated by the City. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this J J day of ,n Q , , 2013. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: A City Secret. t APPROVED: catAtifit_614.2/rit2 City Attorney Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" 1 i 1 , i , F.. Lscc I A N 2 N'Fi _ z - { • i ! ! 1 I : 1 I . t.L1 I i ! 1 ,- o i a 1 1 i i 1 Y ° 0 I 1' I 0 0 0 I w I m 6 (75 z cr) < --, 1 I 1 ! i ..., 1 1 0 co < Ch < ' 0 I 1 0 . I I L i j ; ' _n 1— ° w — 0:1 I .7._.r — - 1 C• I CO I ,s? Z 1 i— -..._ — — --._._,_ ti , it a v) i i.• ! F— Z 1 1 itl?3,> ,2Qb2F L-LI i 1i Q 1., ril, \ i ! Z Li..1 ., 1 i A .< I I ! i i ! .._ j \.:\ .. / : 0 L., z 1:1•L':'-:..EP. i - 08, 5 qi . 1 8 g , , • ..,;,, i 1 1 i r .,,,_, ri i I ! le28:16 ll 1 r .. 1 cx I I , i 1 1 1. 1 1 ) k 9 ----4- i I I 1 mn,.8 1 ! i ! , i i , 1 . - I. ,---.4 1 i i-- -t, , , 1 3 _ (Dom 1 1 i i 1 -J -I ■-• 02 ' .4' I ri i • i li ' 11_ i: • 11 11 ± - F 1 1 1 1 ii lj L____=-J I; '1 1 I i i j j i i 1 I 1 1 i 1 i I 1 -if g 0 1 i 1 i 1 6 d i i I 1 i I __ 1 t i - .--- --,_ 1 _4- i Ti---- r - - - ,r L___ __ __ _i — — 1 11B a J I r — 1 • --T- EXHIBIT "B" r - • UTILITY EASEMENT (Specific Property) • STATE OF TEXAS * KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY Or BRAZOS * . THAT, JOE A. FERRERI, INC., GRANTOR, a Texas Corporation, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN AND NO /100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid to GRANTOR by the City of College Station, Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HAS GRANTED, SOLD, AND CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said City of College Station, a Texas 1 Municipal Corporation certain rights and interests in the nature , of a perpetual EASEMENT on and through the following described property: Being a part of that tract through Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 14, 15 and 16 of Meadowland Addition conveyed to Joe A. Ferrari, Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 498, Page 687 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Provided however, that this conveyance shall grant the rights . herein specified only as to that portion of the above described property more particularly described by course, width, and centerline on the attached Exhibits "A", "B", and "C ", known as the "Easement Area ", and any additional area outside the easement area necessary to install and attach all equipment and Facilities • necessary and incident to the uses of the Easement Area. • To erect, construct, install, and thereafter use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain, reconstruct, modify, and remove the Following: h �.3H14Ep 287198 JAN 1 11984 F• K U RISME 'xa 639116E534 • • I, • EXHIBIT "B" .f ' Electric transmission and distribution lines upon, over, and across said property as herein described and any ways, streets, roads, or alleys abutting same; and to cut, trim and control the growth of trees and other vegetation on and in the easement area or on adjoining property of Grantor, which might interfere with or threaten the operation and maintenance of any public utility equipment, accessories, or operations. It is I understood and agreed that any and all equipment and facilities placed upon said property shall remain the property of Grantee. Grantor expressly subordinates all rights of surface use incident to the mineral estate to the above described uses of said surface by Grantee, and agree to sublender's subordinations on behalf of Grantee upon request. P It is expressly understood that the Grantor or future Owners of this property reserve the right to une this EASEMENT for all purposes Which do not interfere with or prevent its use by the Grantee. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described I unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its sucoeeors and I assigns forever, and GRANTOR DOES hereby bind itnelf, its successors and assigns Lo warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE ` . STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, or any II part thereof• day of yL1ucfr;. -c/ _d3. , 19 EXECUTED this _Y___ ( �_. . ,1 .7OE A. FERRERI, INC. • DX o //, `'l .i12'• 42 d G ERR li Ri vol. 639Ph<<<535 • • EXHIBIT "B" , i , ,^ •. 1 1 1 ApProved 415 to Form This pocument may not i ' , be changed without re•» . ;mi.—ion approval. I f.,. / i .y I Corporate Acknowledgment I State of Texas * County of Brazos * i, ; This instrument was acknowledged before me on the " • day of . 64 •t.c , 3.984, by JOE A. FERMI, as ;��4, �, ; ,�..71 o f JO>✓ A. FERREEt, INC., a Texas Corporation, on behalf of said corporation• -..... . 7 1 VII/ el-e-Yfr ! v. 't , My .Comm ssidn expires 4 4..`'i • • . I: ■ 1 1 • vn. 639 .ti' . EXHIBIT "B" . • . • • .... ... .... . • • t . .. . . • . • • ...s _ I if . . . .. .4 4. .4. ' , ....14q 4 ewe. ........... . ... 4 .1. ••• V • t .■ ia I ‘ JOE ORR, INC, • Stilycyau E. EnsInabis . Office Mono 693.3370 • RI, 3, Pox 10 i I COMM STATION, TEXAS T/010 i 10' BASEMENT ' IOTS 6 TURU 12 MEADOWLAND ADDITION °MESE STATION, TEX/t 5 JANUARY 1983 • Being an oaoemant ton foot (10') in Width through ',o1 6,7,8,9,10,1 and 12 Of Moodowland Addition to tho Oity pf 00210ge Otation, TOxoo, a000rding to .ploto of record in VOluMe . . 92, Page 19 and Volume 94, l'age 278 of the Peed Records of Erozoo County, Telma, being a part of that traot oonveyed to Joe A. rorreri, Ino, by deed reeorded in V0.1.1M0 498, rase 687 of the I • 1 Road Reoordo of Brazos Oounty,. Texae, lying AlOne, and adjOining the southwest line Of Lots 6,70,9110, and 12 and axtending from the line between tot 4 and Let 6 to the line between Lot 12 and Lot 13. 1 - 1 I . . . • ..• . I 1 . • r.. • . . ' I t . ( • t i ! i . .• 11- . • s • . VEIL 639537 41 . EXHIBIT "A" . .. . . • • .. • . • .• %, fr . • - .• .. 47VI:••••. • ..,,,...■ , " • T":-vor.,,,, -".."-n*.'‘'..--".'IT''t.71.4:•41..r•-up,;;;;;!••!.-t..",1'.•=•••"' • . - . . . i . . . . \ ' . • .. • . : _ . . . . . 1 i EXHIBIT "B" , . 6 • . . • v • . . • • • • . • . • .. . . . . • . \ . . • • • • 1 ■ . A • , / . a. . , I . , . ' I . I • • • . II . 1 1 , ../- . j JOE ORR, INC. , / swygy. & Engineers A Offico Phone 60•3370 • RI. 3, Box 413 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77114a . . . , 15' EASEMENT 1. LOT 14 ' • 1 MEADOWLAND ADDITION COLLEGE STAT/ON, TEXAS • 5 JANUARY 1983 Y I Doing an easement fifteen feet (15') in width through Lot 14 of Readowland Addition to the City of College Station, Texas, • acoording to plats of reoord in Volume 92, Page 19 and Volume 94, .. , . Page) 278 of the Deed Records of Dro.zos 0ounty, Texas, being a part of that tract. conveyed to Joe A. Perterip Inc. by deed reoorded in Volume 498, Page 607 of the Deed Records of 13rasos °entity, Texan, lying along and adjoining the line between Lot 14 and Lot 13 and extending from the eonthwest line of Lot 14 to the northeast line of Lot 14 which is the southwest line of Meadowland Street. ; • • 1 1 . . • ' . , - VOL 639rAv538 • EXHIBIT " " B I . ., -• • • ,-,...-3,: :, -,•,-, ,- • 4.•:.: •■,...- ...- -•:••.•,•—•,.•.•1•1,,,,r.“WeNni•V.I.W.,TVIINIAr,...1•••.71.--11.VVT,.•••,•Vrr•:•••,111:' .• .••••/.. ,,....”—• • • A . . . i . . • . • . • . • I . . . ..4 • • I • ' • •... _ .• • ..1 .r1,.9■•i Ad••••11611117!#• 7 Y" • 4 • rse• U • •• ••tr "'PIZ 1•Ar.r...;.C.•••,••• • • I : I, ;•••••: I Eyft 'I'V ••;%:‘ "" ' ," "‘ ......7".."--4"7-.-' . 1.r- '. 4 7 :' ;'' ' -4 1A, M rr i r e r t • • .•••••••••• • • ••■,'1 - • • ; •.,..' * .... ,. . . . t ' . • •• ■ • • • • o A • • EXHIBIT "B" i • l' t ” . : 1 1. ci ,.1 . f JOE ORR, INC. Surveyors & Engineers Office Rhona 03.3374 . RI, 3, Vox 413 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77A4O 10. EAgE ENT . ILOTS 14 THE 16 MEADpW7,AHD ADDXxI 0OWGF. S ATIOli, MAC 5- JA11UAUX 1983 I Doing an eaaenont ten feet (10') in width through Lots 14,13 d an 16 e Or Mead to p7.EditsdofCYrecord in Volume 92,c page 198en1 Vo1umo 94, I Pe 2 hein e Page 278 .03° the Deed tleoordES of p3•txwoo County, Togas, part of that treaot oonvoyed to Joe A. Ferr.eti, Inc. by deed c ou n t ', in eX Yolu alongaand6adjoining thed southwe'3t linez0 os Of the Lou ot m ly 6 from the lino bot Trot 13 and LtEY 14, 15 and iG and extending bat 14 to the ).ino between lot 15 and Lot 16, i s `, 539 , EXHIBIT "C" r n • . . •, r I I I • I EXHIBIT "C" 4 • OP g_. fr ) q oi? ; . , , . 313085 °' , • I981 NO I3 UTILITY CASEMENT PFJ 2:y8 I (Spec ifio Property) CitM4 ' 7 • 0• / • • / ' &PATE OF TEXAS ) { • ) : KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE P GENTS: COUNTY OF BRA2OE ) THAT,.R MADA INN, INC., a Texan Corporation, GRANTOR, of the County•of j3razoe, state Of Texas, for And in consideration of the i payment of TEN'and NO/100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable Consideration, in hand paid to GRANTO1t by the CITY OF •• co LEGR gTATXdN, TEXAS, the receipt of whioh is hereby aoknowledged, has GRANTER, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these prosent:s does GRANT,. SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE. STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and intereete.in the nature of a perpetual CASEMENT on and through the following described propertys • 1 Being a ten (10') foot wide utility easement • lyin4j and being situated in the Z. E. Scott League, Abstract SO, College Station, brazes County, Texas, and being part Of a 4.5047 acre tract as described by a Deed of Trust recorded in Volume 3304 Page 199 of the Deed of Trust Records of Brazos County, Texas, Provided, however, that this conveyance shall the rights . herein' specified only as to that portion of the above described pr.'operty more particularly described by course, width, and centerline on the attaohed Cxhibit «A ", known as the "Easement • Area'!, and eny additional area outside the eaeamenl• area t • necessary to inatall'and attach equipment, guy wires, and anchors • neeesdary and incident to the uses of the Easement Area. • - To erect, oonstruot, install, and thereafter•use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain, reconstruct, modify, and remove the following: Eleotria transmission and distribution lines/ upon, over,, and across said property as herein described and any 1 ,' . . . ways, streets, roads., or alleys abutting same/ and to cut, trim and'oontrol the growth of trees and other vegetation on and in the easement area or on adjoining property of GRANTOR, which 'might interfere with or threaten the operation, and maintenance of • any public utility equipment, aoceaaoriea, or operations. I1 is understood and agreed that any and all equipment and facilities .placed upon Said property shall remain the property of GRANTEE. GRANTOR expressly subordinates all rights of surface use incident . to the mineral estate to the above described uses of said surface by GRANTEE, and agrees to sublender's subordinations on behalf of . GRANTEE upon request. It is expressly understood that the GRANTOR or future Owners of • .this property reserve the right to use this CASEMENT for all purposes whioh do not interfere with or prevent its use by the GRANTEE. - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described . unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its suooessors and assigns, forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind itself, its 1 < I. l - VOL 140 Ph4t 3 „ EXHIBIT "C" i, • • , :i • y ' I �.4 suooessors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OP COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, against every f; person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to,claim same, or any : p thereof. i ) • EXECUTED this day Q f ff t. % ) , 1984. • ` ' RAMADA TNN, INC. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • .:1 , ytef.. � ! • A. �E E i��t! ident 1 • 1 APPROVED AS TO DORM • THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT • BE CHANGED WITHOUT RE- SUSMISS ON NOR APPROVAL, ' 1 :0 p 1 t � .. ' a iP l • • • t tYP. 1 . 4 / Q+ • i • I X 1. y r V ' Q ft 9 r A; 1 � sfi5' l - •1 ...: ', `. ki • * CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMC 1 1, 1.f l • 4,� 70 \4Q �00Al205' '' * ;� ,1n• t,.r . • '' ,,, 1� fly ,,,:. • Thi'' was aoknow.lgdged before me on the 6 day of • _ , 191 , by JOE A. FERRER', as President of RAMADA INN, INC. COLLEGE bTATION, TEXAS A - 74 : •• • . My. Comm ss on Expires: 4,_, ,J,/ • • • • i • il i j i . t • fi t . •A . . • 1 , VB DL 740 PatZ.4 . EXHIBIT "C" . . •• .. . . „. , • • " _A , , • . - .1 ' .• f ;1,4 1 ri " !i' .. •:,`• :; ...' 01.y t .. ' . . . , Metes and Bounds Description . . I• • "'... of a Ten (10) Foot Wide Utility Easement . ! • . . C.E. Scott League, Abstract 50 • College Station, Brazos County, Texas e f Mateo and bounds description of a ten (10) foot Wide utility easement lying and being situated in the a,n. Seott League, • Abetract 50, College StatiOh, Hrazos CoUnty, Texas, and being part of p called 4.5047 acre tract as described by a Deed of Trust • . recorded in Volume 330, Page 199 of the Deed Of TvuSt AeCords of • 113;az00 Cchnty, Texas, Said 0400mOnt being ten (10) feet in Width ' and lying fivb (5) feet :on eatill side Of the following described iine • !. . 1 as found on the groundt BEGXNNING at a point being N 45 E.along the northwest line of I said tract for a distance of 111.10 feet and 6 44°53'24" E for a distance of 12.4 feet from the northwest corner of said tract; • : . THENCE N 00°06 E for a distanos of 16.00 feet to a point; . : I THENCE N 45°06'36" E for a distance of 12.00 feet to a point; .. . . . . . THENCE S 09 E for a distance of 139.43 feet to a point) . . . . •I . THENCE 6 44 8 for a distance of 10.00 feet to the and of this easement. . , 1 October 1984 . :! • . . , Prepared by Paulson Surveying Xno. • . P.O. Box 9384 * i College Texas 77840 . .. 't . '.1 1 „ I • . . • • ., . .1 • . . , .. . . •• . . . .• . , • . ' ■• .• . . . ' . . , . .. . • .• . . • , . . ' . ' . "• . • . • , • . , • ' • .1 • . • , ' • • , .' . Project No. 84.4077.. • , ... • . , • . . , • ..1. . • -,. A : . VOL 740 PAU 375 • ., • . . 4 , ,-, 4. f 7 .7.4 ;r ' " •*.• ' - '... .j.4........ ' ..... ?'; . • • if • • ' • • :." • '• ■''' • i ••• ..1 5 . : . *! 4 .' ;.'"' ft i '' ••:-.! ; ;...:. . •• . -., ; ...,,•-. '.. :I ; ......T.'••; . .. . - • - , . . ;,-... ,,..p... • t • . . • ' 11:1.% :, — ...;". .." x'''s ." 1. • :' . , . :!, .; ••, ' ' je .: ,. . : . • . ...' . •• • ,.;., ; ...c: fi', . . • .. • : . •,, 't., • I r :' J.; ,••.vc.. • ' . , V " • "' r'i'• ' ;• ' . , ' • ' ' • . . , . EXHIBIT "D" CAP Z x • • 6 1)39 .6782 : 782 ��! ,4„ UTILITY EASEMENT 90 OCT 22 ilFt g 49 DATE: A e.ti -e.Uki /S 794 �t "C °h :'; 0,CP% j a(iaT05 i:f Y ¢ilk !Ui( GRANTOR: TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION, a TexeaJ+;fit i :, U1.) e • ,. GRANTOR'S MAILING ADDItESSt P,O. Box 10539 Los Angeles County •. • Beverly Hills, California 90213 • GRANTEE: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: 1101 Texas Avenue • Itrazoa County College Station, Texas 77840 c CONSIDEIN f1ON: Ten Dollars (510,00) and other good and valuable consideration, PROPERTY: Acing all that ccrlaln tract or. parcel of lend lying and being situated In the 3,E, Scott Leaguo, Abstract No, 50, In College Station, Brazoa.County, Texas, being a pail or that 4,5047 . acre tract conveyed lo Texa Student Housing Corrpporatiort by dced recorded in Volume 2519, Page 202, of the Official Records orl3razas County Texas, and being mare particul!ariy described on - Exhibit' A" attached hereto • and made a part hercorfor alt purposes. • • • This conveyance shall grant the rights herein specified only as to that -Onion of the above- described 1 roperly more parlleutarl described - on the attached Exhibit . "A" known es the , "Basement Arcs," and any eddltlonal area outside the 13asemont. Area necessary to Install and attach equipment, guy wires, And anchors necessary and incident to the uses of tha Easement Arca to erect, constrict, install, and thereafter uso, operate, Inspect, repair mainlnIn, reconslniet, modify and remove the following: Electric transmission and distribution lines; Water lines and sanitary sower linos, connecting linos, access facilities, and related equipment; Sloan aewera and collection faotlittes; Television telephone and communications linos; - . Drainage ditches, drainage pipes and all other dralnngo - atruclurea, eurfaco and subsurface; - . upon, over, and across tho said Property as described and any ways, alrceta, roads, or alleys Y. ;f ebu4ng tome; and to taut, trim, and control list growth of trees and other vegetation on in the easement area or on adjoining properly of grantor, watch mlght interfere with or threaten the • : . Operation and maintenance or any public utility equipmcnl accessories, or operations. It being 1. understood and aggreed that any and all equipment and fae placed upon said property shall I.. :ft remain the properly of grantee, ; • 1..1 Grantor expressly subordinates all rigg of surface iiso incident to the mineral estate to the above : i described - uses of said aurface by Granleo, and agrees to lender's aubordinntions on behalf of 1 Grantee. Grantor will provide Orante* with the names and addresses of all lenders, .• t • This easement replaces and releases the Temporary Blanket Utility Easement -on this property r1 recorded in Volume 2658, Page 317, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, ;: RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTIONS; ' Nona ' • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, 'the tights -end Interests herein described unto the CITY OF < <' I COLLEOF1 STATION; TEXAS, and Its successors and assign l, forever end grantor does hereby bind Itself, Its successors and alslggnna, to warrant and forever defend, al( and aingular, these rights and Interests unto Ma CiTY OP COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its s and assigns, ' against every person wltonisaevcr lawfhlly claiming, or to claim ume, or any part thtereof. }' [ : . .. TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION, a Texas Corporation ' By: SSRS, INC. (Mane or) . I ; l , DY• i EVEN 3. ROSS, President 1( I; hats :4at,xanlrhin :N0W.d60 ' ' /slave vo�'23(i9rot ; . • • EXHIBIT "D" n , • STATE OF TEXAS • • • ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS • ,�.�� • • rDt This loatrumeat was acknowledged before me on this day of • 1996, by Steven J. Reis as President of $SRS, Inc. as ona er of �t �sT D N HOUSING CORPORATION, a Texas Corporation, o behalf ofasld corporation, t 9 4,1) 3 aaL t loin,: • [77]‘,14:,,ifm:' SAN Texas ■ • i l 1 t r • }• 4 • . 6 • : PREPARED IN TI1E OFFICE OPt RETURN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TO: t 1 City ofCollegoStation ' . City of College Station .• Legal . /lox 9460 , , 1 Collega Station, Texas 778429960 Collette Mallon, Toxu 77842 -9969 Filo Info; University TGWU 6. • ' t . 2. :0:096 .' • •- --•- -• ■- ---� t •r.c i r / _ *I i..1 i i' , e ft 1 /..4' • 11 'i Y,tt. ,X� t t t e ' t ' Y 7 -, , t o �'• t ' �7: r 1 i t t. i ! , 7 •14 ,d i1 i • r ; I: , ''r l7 i f , , lt•4 4 . 1 ' [i �i r`' , 7. Fi 3 � . : r ' � . . . r 4 :: :. o . :r '� 7 if ', ),A. 1t1 {i 1 1 ,� t , a 1 1 j i i 3"' }t ) , . t a • 1 .l : r : f � x ` .ti n c, 1 :'._ , t . ,.:., .3.3'....5 f. .. .. . � . ... ., r L.l: 'Y1:a.}. ? �a' :+t!.t1.L1.�1,'FJ t'e! }]'ii /,.i :r!ti e�.f�lt �: 1 � . Y 1, .:�. EXHIBIT "D" � ... .. 1 • ,' 1 Joe Orr, Inc, Sunvynn,&Englneen 2167 Post Oak Clrelo Collcgo Station, Texas 77845 (409) 690.3378 • Proposed Easement University Tamil.' Tract t ' 1E, Scott League t College station, Texas 29 August 1996 t M that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being shunted in tho J,B. Scott League, Abstract No. 50, In Collcgo Station, Brazos County, TOxbs, being tt part of that 4,5017 ncro tract convoyed to Texas Student Housing Corporation by decd rccordcd In Volume 2519, Page 202 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being moro particularly dwcribed as follows; Beginning in Ilto southwest lino of Texas Avenue at n'A" Iron rod found at tho common comer of tho said Texas Student Housing Corporation tract and that 1,855 aoro Iraot convoyod 10 Equity Inns Partnership, L,P, by decd rccordcd In Volume 2050, Pogo 111 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. Thenco S 47° 35' 26" E , 10,00 foot along the southwest lino of Texas Avcnuc; Theneo through the said Texas Student Housing Corporation tract ad follows; • S 41° 33' 12" W - 139,27 foot; 800 °47'47 "E- 7,39foot; S 43° 08' 47" E - 93,11 foot; S 46°51' 13" W - 15,00 feet; • N 43° 08' 47" W - 106,76 feet to tho lino between the said Texas Student Housing • . Corporation tract and tho said Equity Inns Partnership, L,P. tract; Thence N 41° 33' 12" E - 158,56 feet along the lino between tho said Texas Student Housing Corporation tract and the said Equity Inns Partnership, L,P, tract to the Point of Beginning and containing 0,07 acres offend more or loss, rA ' ° �1 r %. 1A ' � \- nh , i k T Y " � 1 � 4 _ . Li 4 2 , • ExIlarr •a• • VOL 210 9rbc441 t�. t +, = S i ,, 1