HomeMy WebLinkAboutSame As It Ever Was: Housing at Texas A&M UniversityCITE VINCENT B. CANIZARO SA HOUSING AT "College Station is like an old pair of shoes, It's ugly to look at, but S TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY to build a landscape of the m nd r P o h q F b R d b d ir k~ m p~ bt n} in th w re ne gi~ ap bh Bc im CITE in a sur- housing, quality, and Iocatio In the tmmediare need t area of si was not a financial Rudder feared development ~'1~ been a cow college with about dents because there wasn't any anybody tn live.''5 Through the t970s mg starts proliferated, enrollment. As developers keep up with demand~ to hedg~ market in College Station is more com- petitive, and higher-quality complexes are being built, but the attitude and }and- scape of laisse faire paternalism remains firmly m place. A different kind of paternalism was associated with late-19th-century compa- ny towns -- regimented townscapes built in or near industrial sites by employers to maximize workers' comnlitlllent to their jobs. The campus ideal is associated with the belief [ stand i~z loco parentts who sent responsibility nos only for the students' educations but their value tcall glma, but it has scape more like that of the company town. The re{rove for rapid and poor quality construction in College Station's bleak landscape of the cmnpany town Both are the result oi' the maxmaizadon of ' reduces the quail low, the · land- : real and living, remote location and bad architecture. But such compensation works only up to of Vir~ students that of lais* profit. In this Uni- "What