HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-3404 - Ordinance - 04/26/2012 ORDINANCE NO. 2012 ( AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" through "C" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 20 of April, 2012 APPROVED: MAYOR 4 ATTEST: 1 2)1 1 -4 1 -6t 4 dt'L_____ City Secret M APPROVED: i ity Attorney Ordinance #20/2-31/04 Page 2 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District: 3.19 Acres Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54 College Station, Brazos County, Texas XII Mary Dunlap Beverly J. Furrar Patricia 1. Vogel Thomas L_ Broveri, Jr. 3,1G Mr Trott Ruberi Stevenson Surrey, A-54 Coftege StarUon, Stamm County, Teets Field TIOWS or a 319 acre tract or parcel r0 land, lying and be situated to tha Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract No. 54, College Station, !trams COOnty. T4)(Xia, and being pad of the cetkal 154 acre (net) tract doscithod in tre deed from Florence A Brown to Beyerty J. Ferrer, P a treith Viva' and Thames L. Broen. Jr recorded in V06.11PC 884. Pogo 57, of the Official Reconle of Brazos County, T and being also described as 158 ricrwt In the deed 00111 D. Olears Cater, Jr, nod Dan Dillon to Wrzyna A. Dunlop and Thomas L., Brown es recorded to Volume 283, Page 382, of Ube Deed Records of Brazos County. Taxes, and said 3.19 acr e trod being more part=triarly desoffixrd so follows: COIAMENCING at the north comer of the befccernentiotiod 156 ecru 51 center or Barron Road (County Rood now In („:citege Station - formerly know ast titictlizorn - Rock Profile Put Road). from which e cossets fence corner al. the intersection of the nortneraet Ina Of the 168 more tract with rho southeast lino Of Barron Road bears S er8"E -2'621 feet. and a crossfio fence terror marking the east Groner of line 158 acre Inert beers S 46. 02'06" E - 342241 feet; THENCE S 44 032 46' W atom. the ricritwo%s4 fine of flea bercrernentiOrted 158 acro tract, same being along the cj%4erin of tha atcsitng priuomant (Septernibor, 2008), of Barron Road for a distance of 755.53 foot; T14ENCE S 45° 57' 16' E thosugh the Interior of the beforomentionrni 156 Acre tract, and across Barron Read, for a distorter) 01 5155 fest to a 5 A' iron rod fcond tar the eXisltrg tiOutheast right-cif-way lino of Barren Road ma %mode right-of- way), For1tres PLACE OF BEGOINING of this description, sarne being the notOrlerty wt corner of Block 2 of Sonctne - Pirsee 1. pCcnrdireg in the plat recorded in Voiurno 0305, Page 233, of the Ottioal Reims of Prams County. TeXEIN; THENCE through the interior of the traforarnestIoned 155 acre trea. end along the lines of the beforernonlioned Sonoma - Phase 1, end Sonoma - Ettersa 2, as p.tbecl 'et Vthiriw 6502, Page 284, of the Official Records of Bros County, Twos, se cotton's:: S 4557' 15" E at a carapace of 1ia.r4 feet. a wnott fence post corner bears floaftrtealMi - 0.4 feet, condom tar, adjacent lo a fence, for .a total distance Of 348.45 last to it W iron rod round at a wood farm* post MIMI r. S 44 2' 45* W adocent to a fence for a distance of 3a1.68 *at to a W iron rod crataid in the rtorthe‘ast rivet of way line of Stale Higrtway No 40, from which 1)3ncrebt monument Meer brass disc found beors 5 55 16' 68' E - 532.93 feet; 'THENCE along the northeast right cif way line of the befeternerdroned Stale Highway No_ 40, artploant to a fence, as folk:rocs: N b5" 18' W for a distance of 58. 96 feet tO a concrete monument with bress disc found. N 49°4)4' 54" ■Af for s dletence of 124.211 feet to a concrete monuanont with a brass disc found, Ordinance #2#/2 -31/04 Page 3 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" CONTINUED N ago fl1" 33` W for dr`rtatce e 1 116,56 feet fu a 14' iron rod fotrd marking the south corner of a odd 661 ware oc4 tract taken for Baron Road rigid -clf- way+lescribod in Ma deed recorded n Volume 962 6, f 268, of to Official/ Record of Brazos County. Timm:, allele beano the bcsr nlog of a trensikavn curve to Barron Rod, concave In the east, Ivaviny a radius of 60,00 tack from which a aoncrt$ monument found /tears N 5{ie DV 31 W -14.55 tett. "RIENCE . iy the &outca t right-of-way Iirte of Berton Road. as follows: Nor herty mow saad curve, for snare 4vgith of 82.64 feet to a '.fir" rfun tad found al the end of it'aa curve, iha chord bears td (y 40' 27" W -13,55 fool. N W 40' 38• E for a drstarco of $53 ?1 feel to the PLACE OF SEGI14141NO, containing 3.11) acres cmf land, more or less Surveyed: September 2110 7` itU , Y s, fA Kong a �r t' �.' RP -L,$. No. 3 arrepur*I0 JO:tr0 Ordinance # 20/2 - 340. 1 l Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT "B" Z T. W N Wp ry O 7' YY e�� ,�\ t ' Y N W �il�fQ� i 1 � � ������,� W0.' w 8 s W.aHm k + 1 / I I herg.i4 0 • ...,�wrammiim� m , 71 � Z , � !S is 0 Y W • U V Z D °R ong .' mg. r I i y 1 ■ to l • N N = N r t w � $! tau `a a te ^ ,� o N + � ��: r $## 7� I I 1 " i IZ O r 1 <LL a <u- 1 i Ng i 1 a = . m am a j ga. W" r i i____\5, r trk Ni N 40 �l m W W z V Y CC N Ll % O 4 zo am o O in O = a c_ i ° > w 2� z Z w z O pW Na o < z � 4 z M. 3_ C u ,,_ a za C� °! eggs �. a� b� ww6 a J_ a = m r D. W b 4 '" CD WW t , J < ti_ C? am * 0 G z \ Y Y a 1 a M08.06 0 OVOU NO23 IY8 / Ordinance #2j /2-3 Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT `B" CONTINUED CONCEPT PLAN NOTES: '. THE BASE ZONING DISTRICT IS C -3 AND THE LAND USES PROPOSED FOR THIS PROPERTY ARE AS FOLLOWS: - EDUCATIONAL FACILTY, INDOOR INSTRUCTION - EDUCATIONAL FACILITY, PRIMARY & SECONDARY - GOVERNMENT FACILITIES - HEALTH CARE, MEDICAL CUNICS - PARKS - PLACES OF WORSHIP - ANIMAL CARE FACILITY, INDOOR -ART STUDIO /GALLERY - DAY CARE, COMMERCIAL - DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY* - DRIVE -IN /D RIVE- THRU WINDOW - FUEL SALES* - OFFICES - PERSONAL SERVICE SHOP - PRINTING /COPY SHOP - RAD 10/TV STATION /STUDIO - RESTAURANT'S - RETAIL SALES & SERVICE - STORAGE, SELF STORAGE - UTILrrY* - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES - INTERMEDIATE'S - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES - MAJOR (CUP REQUIRED) *USES HAVE SPECIFIC USE STANDARDS PER UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE, ARTICLE 6.3, SPECIFIC IJSE STANDARDS CONDITIONS: DRIVE -IN /DRIVE -THRU NOT ALLOWED IN CON,UNCTION WITH RESTAURANT USE. 2. THE RANGE OF BUILDING HEIGHTS IS ANTICIPATED TO BE FROM 12' TO 30'. 3. THE STORM WATER DRAINAGE FROM THIS SITE WILL BE TAKEN TO THE BARRON ROAD STORM SEWER SYSTEM. STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UDO. 4. THE DETENTION POND FOR THIS SITE WILL BE GENERALLY LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THIS P LAN .. 5. A 15' WIDE BUFFER WILL BE PROVIDED IN PHASES AS SHOWN ON THE CONCEPT PLAN. THE BUFFER WILL MEET THE UDC REQUIREMENTS WITH THE PHASE 1 BUFFER AREA HAVING THE LANDSCAPE POINTS INCREASED BY 50% (45 POINTS /1000 SF IN LIEU OF 30 POINTS /1000 SF OR BUFFER AREA. 6. ARCHITECTURE FOR THE SITE WILL MEET AND EXCEED ALL NRA STANDARDS. THE PHASE 1 BUILDING WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN A MANNER WHICH REDUCES THE AMOUNT OF EXPOSED METAL ROOFING. METAL ROOFING THAT IS EXPOSED WILL BE ANGLED IN A MANNER THAT REDUCES THE PROFILE OF THE METAL. MOSTLY FLAT AND /CR SINGLE- SLOPED ROOFING MAY SE LSED ON PHASE 1 IN CON. UNOTION WITH OTHER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN ELEMENTS, LIKE COVERED PORCHES, SINGLE WINDOWS, SCALE- AND NEIGHBORHOOD APPROPRIATE ENTRY FEATURES, VARIOUS PARAPET HEIGHTS, AND AWNINGS. IN ADDITION, THE USE OF NEIGHBORHOOD- APPROPRIATE STTUCCO /EIFS, TIMBER, AND GLASS AS ARCHITECTURAL ACCENTS WILL FURTHER SUPPORT TRANSITION FROM SH 40 INTO THE NEARBY RESIDENTIAL ZONES. /. SITE LIGHTING WILL BE , =ROVIDED AS REQUIRED IN THE UDO. 6. PHASE 1 BUILDING SIZE WILL RANGE FROM 4,500 - 6,000 SF. PHASE 2 BUILDING SIZE WILL RANGE FROM 8,000- 13,000 SF. THE PHASE 2 IMPROVEMENTS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED AS ONE OR TWO BUILDINGS. Ordinance #20/273Y0 Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT "C" G /\ •• \ a Z ?�P /.„ ���\ N o b Z ZP �.__ m U Y ti O r - -� - Z � x r-,x6S ca j � F U£ 0 mp am _ i� i < ' fir I . �_'. c i g i ` c o f ry ln��i i . .• 1 1 1 • CO ', � o L".L -ice, ?I a C7 O C7 > o O f N '.#.,-,5"-' O Cp 1 'S z z z O Ir c � ` _.._ cJ r ,' 1 NO 11110 4 r 1 el ` CJ c p d d N IQ •o N X4'1 ,��� \ � U ro y� ` O d Y `y1 cJ� t •- rM c m x m p C • dd, _ !'1 �o /cJ�� ., M O 6Y c_T� � a a iu / 0 C N LL J V > Y ® C , 9 � 1 , \ I I I I a3 d. fi a 2 Z . • • Ak‘\\ 4. 1\ It CC NI\ Q CO Ts 1 cO / Q a € Cv / LL N R m m � e Q «� a. mrc c � �V J�- Ec� Cr - �LLO._m �� ,.• �J O ) r >aco i a ,-CJ I w j _ O Sy ���¢QUU ]� o�� Ce c Z ` 2 o 0 N 4 .... v c a d Lu d � r' &-62`2,73 1 r N p n d V i a a ■ ' w�t1� pp 1-,N ° �d} e