HomeMy WebLinkAboutLincoln School Blaze 020504a ~... . '-:f~ n'6~nc rn 0 n. .t,I.. . . ~ . 1. ".I~L1POJi9-~ lL "1'ne A~n , tJ , ~'fr'. 1..~, ,. ,I 'said lJ&at'~<!rl$5.7':QOQ clC!~ I ( ~ '~),,~ :~1"" ' to ~ paid;'QY n91tn,tl><ia~,;1in, ' , < f.'~'~" ~,'Ii ~1d.; " is $25~~OO for one']'i.a..me bujld'!! ~...-:-;- r~' ,..,. ....1" t;,;t A'- .,\~.-,~ 'f '.. ~ ' , ~". ,I .... mg and $30,300 for'JUle'.6t!hFr..,I' ,<. J , iFl ~, .. (. .' t, " r '''\" .;-J. . ~1.<;r ..... t frame building des{royed~ in.:" ~l~~ ~.5i ~\ I ~ ... iI!.~"~' '. '. .. J, :..!' r.' J. ':~1~)'".:-'1I. . .~. ;"/ ':"'~.... ( , . the fire The ~ roxlmatel /f;. t;~i ~AJ e ~'u]J t :iJ1,.1 cliJ]dt~n" ,1-1~t warned strangh.ng, '1ln./.wtn~~h}P.Ped bUll J S lio ~" 'l>.--..,....\\~ad. from 'Kent Polls, pr~~dent of1sunday sch~OI teacher of hJS $1,000 ~emainin:P represen~ destroyed x~/' @i!ll nn.'~~o~, ults. of tlle unpending dan- flames. As the adul~'" s.tudents rD?m's, t,he prWClp'a!:~{;ofJ:fe, a the JaY,cees, Hale said, church, boaId member of the d t th I' . p'l '. ,'n" 'Cnne.~?'S ,:T :'.I)". and children watc'he,l the teachers ,lounge ~dP the high ' "l'~ l'k h k h J t damage 0 e masonry c a;:,s- ...om ex . "r" :r.~~~~lq e~.t , ,.., . ~ "ll 1 e to t an t e p~().. aycees, unt cornman er m b ild g \ last mght _ ~ eSllin)at_~~16S,~ ~ ,MiLDRED CALDWELL, an- flames leaped to another bUlld- sch~ol'l1brary were ~estroyecL. pIe of.Bryan - College Stattonj the lo~a~, Army reserves, a ro~m 1.. u(R l~), C h. AN CO 000 loss "to ""the X&~tonsoli~ otper adult education teacher ing wheTe ju.st ffilOutes before This morning, Willie Ter~ for thelr support of the Bryan 1965 dlvIsJOn head for thel k' e 'daSh 1O.n, ..J't d C h061.svst"m~ . . whose class was nearer to the a similar adult education class rell prmcipal of the -6chool Boys' Club If It wasn't fori United Fund Dnve and parade spo esman, S3l t e Insurance ~a e pCn .. ., .'?'-..f;~ of' ' '\... 1 U h h ' - " eh-k represent.. about "80 to AJ;though 'an. a..ful(;'edu.cat.ion cfoor was alerted by a child had been held. shuffIt:d sad y lfoug t e ram. them Ronme Hale wouldn't marshal for the B-CS Chamber "'... l J ~,!i h 'd bee f h' F hI' k d deb" den' g be h' .., f C Chr' 90 per cent of the cost of the clasS was.,m~ pr;ogl~ss.(.at.t e who ha n waltmg or IS lremen, oweVeT, con am- soa e lIS won n ~ " ~r~. , 0 orruneroe Istmas pa. buildings." ,time- of '~~:r4P.JP:~ib.::i~~~.;:p_g~rents in a ca~ outside: ed the costly blaze within an where hiS 100 students without Hale "~a.<;, ommated and se- ThiS IS the second bme wlth- rade. Riedel said that he has de~ onefwas ]l)Ju.ref!,"_'\~9hp;{.re,~~~,,,,'.The clas:'e~ flIed outslde to hOUT after arriving at the classrooms would go to\school. ~ected for,the av.:ard" for, "his ,in ,~a year for Hale to win a POrfS ,PRAISED Hale in S LANS P 0 Kh6~, claS3,. IDst~~t6t~.,-sala see the building next to them scene. But the wood frame "All of our records are '.nteres.t~nJontrlb~tiOn m,a~l Jaycee award. In 1~64 he was:~makifig the presentation be- ( ee Page 1 ) ... ,- ~ ;11' buildings, housing classrooms gone," he said, kicking aim~ :P?a~s .:,g~,~ ,mmumty actiVl- honor~ as outstandl~Jayceel fore 1iear~y_ .100 Jaycee mem~ '.~ ~I\I' -' , _ for students from the sixth Je-ssly ~t a ~iece of charoJ.-ed tiCS, ..[}.~, ~, of tife ~ear. ~ 1 bers and theIr employers, stat- W. t BI' B · through 12th grades, were a wood, We Will have to bave ~ IN AC€~~~ING the award HaJ~_Js a boar8tfuembe.r....~d ing th{\~ HMs 'merits and ~l n ry ',:~ 0,',' :>&,~'.'.,,' ~: ' v~. r'log' S total loss by the time fire- temporary quarters for them. JI',' _ ,. achievem,ents. ~,tr.ibutions ' ~~O~ fighting units arrived. from I guess we will decide that this l\<IarllJ1e'S Attacked ,'\..;:'\ and servIces to Bry"'?brCollege Bryan and College StatIOn, week<nd, . :L:.IlI:.. Y," ~ StatIOn have set him dIRlrt as " )0 QUICK ACTION by firemen The smoke was shU...drift. !t2'!. ;.;J -, the Jaycees' 0 uk,S~ and ifD.-.g S ll'h Sl t t.O B C i aved at least two classrooms iog up in eerie clouds JlTrough Bt. \ young Man for 1965," I now \ eel fC m the Negro school complex the sleet and snow, l2.06ks lit- . OD,g .,,~ ea S The Jaycee president,..s!:}!1-' . --.' , ' , , , - I' , :Y playing water over a ma- tered the muddy gr@nliCOout- ~ ~nu~d by pointing '.~~I ~, sonry building located adjacentlside, and small desk~l..wr)thed In SIX years, Hale h esta1;J- ~ A combination of rain, snow sued bY~ the Weather Bureau, and Llano with more a~,2 to the holocaust. Firemen keptlin what was an e'f;mentary F · lished a Boys' Club w~t~meQl- ~d freezing drizzle pushed which predicj~d the snowfall inches closing lake ro~ in cooling the walls with water classroom. ...__ ,).... < <......e,as,. e - ", Ire bersh~p in excess ~"'" 1,000 l..hzl.lf.gh -Bryan-C.ollege Station w~uld lie ,between 4 and 6 the Burnet area, to prevent a new fire. Bobby I A&M Con~olidatedl ~upt. .~.... ~1. ". .', . m:m ers, , this'morning, the forerunner of inch. in .fi}~ Fort WOl'th'~.and Blizzard conditions were re- Hick.5 of Bryan Fire Station T. Ried~l, also. bac".s.,at t e !J. f4(;'_ ~. l The effect of this P. QgL;am possISly worse weather to Dallas a'rea~J;)y tonight. ported at Quanah where the, No, 2 said that heat could1scene tillS morning, could not :~;-~i.*~N', South Viet Nam VJet :Cong cease-fire. has ~lreadY b~en felt. 'Yj,Vtf,~ corri"t. Seven 'jnch(:S of snow cover- 'blinding snowstorm whipped pene,trate the cinde,r - ?locks say where the :ire acLlla,lly be. ~~l,!Jhe ~Vlet Gong iolted When the undergnlmd Lib- dra~tlc redu~tlOn, of JuvenJI, -The dr,'zzle began shortly ed the ground,at Quanah, Fol- by. ,a, ,raging north wind cut causmg the \\-'ood mterlor of (See FIRE Page 10) ~:"1itV:l: ,'~ ~ ~ dehnquency 111 thiS commuru-l 'h b 'ld' g t bl . The .tfi~ mlJ;~~ew Year ce3se.fn.e era.tlOn Front radiO broacast ... alter 4 a.m, today as the cold letl. and Hamhn. H~reford and VISI?Ihty to zem, "; ~ , UI m 0 az.... . ~ .::toarY.j ~yattacklng a U. S. Ma- the':truce terms three weeks ~y, ,Potts read from the nom- front which has blanketed Stamford ha~ 6 Inches and BHter cold that accompan- bUIldmg suffered only paInt Auto KIO!ls ~ - . '~'l 'n N d 'd'd t 'f' 11 . mation sheet., f 3 4 d 5 'd h t d to d damage '-. r~ . _ ne~r"::i.a;... ang an a 01. It I no speCllca y In- E Rid] B. . ed' te,northern Texas with sno, w, ~easuremen:s, 0 , ,an Ie t e s orm was ue sen '.. '. .- en a hg~ South lC)J;:ean ma-_ ude Allied soldiers but said ' ~y nggs,:unm 18 Imoved ,'nto the area, drOPPing mches pre'V.,_aiIed over the the mercury down to 8 below CoUeg~ StatlOn Flre Marshal t-;. ' .- 'll ~ :'?lIio' . past preSIdent of the club re- M 'B rd 'd that cause of A l'111eS 1 a two-ho . ose-guar- It hoped they would res~ . ed ,'th t t t northern part of the state zero before dawn Saturday arvm v sal BlOke Rlode'~I: t ''"I;. "t'" tn 1 th V' t "Y-"'~ celv the outstanding awatad e empera ure 0 a morning , , the fire his not been determin- '1i . J ~r we ne . a e Ie namese ..:...ew ear last ear low of 34. At ~oon the tem- THE SNOW reached as far in the Panhandle, where Dal- f~ ~Qi\sL Two Am. 46 cel~bration, y . . l~ra~ure' b.,.ad risen only one south as San Antonio, Burnet (See WINTRY Page 10) ed. " '",../ I .'; ~~ .c.Q!h.- 1U-un. ists '~~.__ r.ted . -jI'HE OTHER 15 attacks, aU CAMERON !'IIGHT,OW~R., degree, J'lo.. Col~e'ge Station. ~tty . Man~- Ie. ~.. ,....1 )..,~: k~!led-:t:'- .,.~. cbnracterized as minor, were CUlTer:tly servmg 1115 fIrst"li Th,e FAA- Flight. Sel'vice Sta- Bel- g~r Ran Boswell s.'ud thIS ~Olf '11 OUllty ~~--":.:rwo""iJ/,s. Matr.Q})js~r eants against. government forces. term ill th~ Texas Housf.?t rjon at Easterwood Airport rc- razos ounse lng mng that a massive: crp\~ ' 0 ",' " .-~': '~~'e ki~Jc~!i wherr ti1E1'-'1gueriUas ,'ffi,he Koreans reported 400. Repres~ntatives r.e p r ~seRtsng .Qorted that 'Jight sleet began ". "around 6~~ to, 70.0, ~oplJ Jllnd~ .. !f ~. ,ca'\lght aliie:gtherneok platoon V.l~l Cong attacked a platoon' Chamb~ers and Liberty CqUf\.- to fall around 8 a.m, and turn- ered ,the fHe flghtmg ,~ . .m~k STEELE STORE -:it EmU~d, ~ \t. $,:.';[n," securify Patrol in a cross- of l.heir marines shortly after (See HALE Page 10) ~d into snow at 10:43 a,m. ASk H I ing It hard to move, cqUJp-, ~a~'ate, 12, sono! Mrs. An~~ f t ~ti"e of automatic weapons and T(listhight 10 miles southwest --.: However chances of a snowy gency 'ee s e" p mt ent.... ,,~ l1na,.Sarate of Route1:'o..Bryal1. ........ ,~ ,1:i{Ies as, it struggled through of~Tuy Hoa, a coastal town 230 * day soon faded as the mixture Flame:s shot over 25 feet m- was killed near here today in . !,K'e mu~ a flooded rice pad- miles northeast of Saigon. melted on contact with the 0 the ~Ir as at least 22 'Nolun- a ~icycle.automobil~-\iaccia~nt " ~.. ,gy 7)niles south of Da Nang, ,. A Korean military spokes- Pal.ty Marks ground. The snow, which at WANTED _ Someone with I Only a pers~:m ho]~i~g an ~~rs slg~ed th;_I copege Sta- shortly after noon ~ the first '.)<.~ l1I'..~.~ >X1ortheast of SaigOn,. man said the marines beat off FJ., F' lone time appeared heavy, soon a Masters of Social Work De~ MSW Degree IS qualified to f On ~os er w Ihe d I~: b~~ln .fcatality of the Year~.~n Brazos .~, '., '~. A'mericans poured ar- the attack and killetl 46 of the ]111S.; Illa dissolved back into sleet. then gree ~or_Mttmporary community I counsel trou?led families such trhombl ryan Erjus < 5t t AOt ountY'.d :-'f- b 't':;Jl~-';f'::: 't 'h ' Communists gentle ro,'n, _'" - th S hIM e aze on eanor ree, The accI ent occufled a out ,.~. " "'J:!'p;'C!I ' - Ire In ot c enemy po-, D W k serv.ky~~\vork, as e ervlce e ps, rs, I f' , f' h ' . , . I ., '"," -"'ll'o'n",,,." One wounded V,'et A guerrilla band also attack- - U)' at 01' - E t k~ A' t - j Kl' 'd east one lIe I~, tmg umt one-ql,l81'ter mile north of 'he '\ " \I 1 as erwouu i,,-pol ~ repor - The Braz~Count.y Counse ~ em sal . f B t 1 d H ' :~g::'was captured and sixed a reconnaissance patrol of ed ,28 of an in~h~of ra.in,'for ing \seryi~';~om 412 Varis. "We've had lots of c~Us from rom, ry.an was u IIZC. ow,- , ..'.. ~u_:J,Pey1s were detsined, the U, S, 101st ~rborne ~ri- Today was the final day the 24.hour...perlOd endm~at ~ Builc,.i~~~~n:eeds a local per... pe~sons w~~ have, their co.un- ever, It was out about an hO~ll, See PIcture Page 10 ~r- . ~j' J. - . gade Thursday nIght 3 miles for Finis Ta.ylor~ noon, . c. ~1 s.9!!I" wi~m degr~e to assist selmg certifIcates Jfl ed'blCatlOn, . UNIVERSI..',fY FIRE, Chlcf t. ...:JuBY NIGHTFALL .of the sec- orthwest of Tuy Hoa, al The 55.year.old head ellS- Tb'e forecastofo_c~1: tor "1<fret~~H case work untd a perma-Ibut they do not hav:e the GllbeTt B. Elmann saId that Farm-to-Market Road 50 and on.~ da)" .of t.~~ hohday truce, spoke-sman said. Armed he-Ii- todian at Stephen F. Austin of the ~If.~e- wil!h C1ou~ and ~riitdirec-tor !;an .~e found. , ~raining for ?,epbh theraf!Y that Sandy Point Road intersection ~h... the U, S. mlhtary command copters came to the aid of the High School retired today. cold tonIght and Saturday. Qc- ~"T,roubled famIlies in thejlS necessary, -she explamed. ""EATHER on a creek bridge, The'boy was .~ t;e'Pprted a total of 49 violations paratroopers, who claimed they He had been custodian at the casio~al~ raiJ.1 and a few s~w- c;9rrununity are ha:~ng' to go THE ~OUNSELING Servi~e .... riding a bicycle. ~ o~fth_e Communists.. but most killed three Viet Cong, No U. school since iis opening in ers with chance of snow mq~_ed\~thout service due to the staM' deals with problems of chll- AREA FORECAST: Cloudy The collision knocked the '; ~re-rega:rded as mlOor brusq,.. S. casualties were reported. 1938. f ,with rain are exp~ted ~o~ay ~ortage," said acting Director, dren, does marriage counseling .tnd cold tonight and Saturday youth across the bridge where ~".ln SalgOn, some over~anx- THE CLASH involving the An employe of t;.e Bryan and tonight. The low w)H. be Felice Klejn. ~,I and gives, help to ~he mentall;y with occ.aaion.ll r.tin and... few his body came to rest against " [ou:. Koreans began shootmg KOleans was by far the mostl School Sys1em since 1929, he laround 30-36 WIth the hIgh SHE SAID the board o"'~~.-.. and emouonal1y disturbed. DI~ showers and a chance of snow left front wheel of q'.e vehicle, ~ .~ h d Ih d f ~I mixed with rain today and to_ I ' WI~cn wey car e soun 0 severe since the start of thel began his career at the old Saturday expecteC: at 38-46. rectors of the tax and united 'agnosis is also made where nigh!. l.ow tonight 30.36, High Justice of the JYcace Jess ' f ,f~lrecrackcrs as the Vietnamese holiday truce Thursday. Bryan High School. now 1 According to The Associated agency supported organization there is suspected retardation, Saturday 38.46, Ml'Gee pronounced the boy ':~ I RI...g~tQd the Year of the Horse From Hanoi came warnings Fannin Elemen1ary School. Press, the cold front left a decided last night to issue an brain damage or neurological PRECIPITATION dead at thc scene, . ~, ".;. ,~nill~~ lunar calendar. of harder Communist, attacks From 1here th. Grimes blinding snowlitorm raging appeal for a person with a' injul.y, ~ Hours MOl~~~ The driver o( the vehicle :t.~~lr~l.'-four of the ,Commu- after the Tet celebratIOn ends County native wenJ 10 Trav- across most of Texas as it Masters of Social Work Degree Mrs, Klein said the Service's ~~ek Ye.tr was not identified at prcss , "q;IW~~,~~t1aekS were~ reported Sunday. Hanoi Radio broadcast is and Bowie elementary pushed southward. SchooJs to help out until a permanent board of directors hopes to .83 t.oS9 time. ,;;1. , ~t U, S., KOI:ean, Aus- a New Year's message from the schools. were closed and traffic snarled worker could be hired. have a full ~ time director "in TEMPERATURES Funeral arrangements for , r }~~ a~d ~ew;, Zeal.and Viet Cong saying: "Let our The final day tor Finis as temperatures plunged to The Service staff has been the next few months." ~~:a~ Ye~t::d~~ the Sarate youth are pending ~~P'jf ,-~~!~ raISed. questIOns ~opl!' ~ar~h forward to con- was marked by a party at near zero in the Texas Pan- below strength since Director Until then a local person with Noon 35 High 39 at Hillier Funeral Home. ~'~P'g~.fuJh.~ary o~servers w~e- tJnually(~tfJke deadly blows at SFA hos1ed by the faculty handle, Robert A. Toland resigned in an MSW Degree is being caIl- Relative HUlTlidity: 100 Per Cent .., el....'t'h~ Gomm.umsts.r~lly 10- the U, S, aggressOrs and dis- and administration. Heavy snow and haz~rdous September to accepL a job withled .to step forward and assist :~~~i~eeter: 29,70 Sun5~t 4%% per annum paid on sav:- '1 ,,~na~(t"}?:~wcl~de South."', ",Viet integr~te many p~ppe.t troops * driving wargjn~-:fl~w,t..~e north. tJ1e Austin Child Guidance trol;lbled families in the COffi- 7:22 a.nl. 5:52 p.lTl. mgs at Bryan Building and .~' am I es, m~ the Io . ay and Win greater vlctorles," ern half of the state were is~ Center. munily. ~ Loan..Association. -Adv. .,11 :,:,:,./t l.~_...w-: I"'" . .. l, ~':it.,i: ;, ('-"t '.', ,I' ~"I ;fr " . "."1 P.'i~ i~ '~1 ~ .~ , /If".' "'. ", lf~~"";' t: ' ';;''I:'o.\.l' '~'. ", ~",(i~~~;:Jr' ,'I o-.~... ; . . ,')...".\, "C' r>>-, :~,. "'~j"l\ "r_."',. : -'\.' I'~:i f~'. . ...,.., ~.' . " I:J~:" ,~\1~ ;", ~.' l~ ;. \':/~: .~; I .:'-t ..;.4 '. '(:. I;-} Bryan-College 51alion, Tex. Friday, Jan, 21. 1966 10 Pagel 5 Cenl. No. 172 School Blaze , .~ Displaces 100 Plans Studied': Today \. . '. T .~"".:.-,."..+->..........~ ._.~ . r ltir...~} I' "10< ~,.--- ----. ~~ ..., ----- ~.~- "'..-., - ... -- ~ !~ ,,", ,I 1 " , , .' ~. I' [ II ~I " .' J , 1; 'I II I ~' \ ~~ , S.-. . I t' " . . i'. . ":\ u e • 0 ' „...g . ' ...1 ' , , 0 >u 1 y , ---" , __ _ : te r �� . � . � 4.. - -4 js: - .'-^ 4 Il k . r h < 4— ti i 0 . r FIRE GUTS LINCOLN SCHOOL Firemen battle a stubborn blaze that caused twelfth grades at the Negro school, leaving $65,000 in damage to the Lincoln School only two classroom buildings standing. Ap complex south of the campus last week. proximately 100 students were displaced b� The fire, whipped by high winds, destroyed the fire and are being phased in at A &'.1 classrooms h o u s i n g the sixth through Consolidated schools. 0