HomeMy WebLinkAboutRidgefield Sec1 (2)THE GLADEft) • THE GLADE SECT. FOUR SECT. FIV SECT, FIV L7 - - - -------- ...... 'IS. 15-o 6 10 'S.. KNOLL RE SOUTH SUBDIVISION 0% N 4 0 3 et It BLOCK I LtpjE 0 9� V) 104* 13'5+' 54-4VU' 54"L LANGFORD STREE,.T „ .4L' � 17 k I 14 00 I Z -*_ - 1 0 LtAiE W R EV 1'J�Q 0 W W a 11— W at- D NJ 9 ISLOC-V- 3 RIDGEFIEL 0 0 i�) 1,, -1 0 U) 1 t 4 fb 01 1, %1210 0 0 f4 M 3 CIS, 1( 41 SECTION ONE "W I •_ 4 S 4. S S4." E tst.00• 0 ty 0 r 14-5 V 1 1 % - M 14 ^OLLEGE STATION, TEXAS IS OCTOBER 1965 SC ALE I z JOE ORR INC, SURVEYOR— ENGINEER AREA PROGRESS CORP DEVELOPER COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 3-LVVT C.4 TIE U X uf &a4 " jug all 7-1 of 4;0 the u*roop PL*t 1 dat*d • 4*,e d frow l co wweyad t 9 08 bY ocordod i VOILIM" • Iry and r Of -hoe Bc C-vusty Dowd Record e. * strootz, Allefst s : g r 4 % � �, -_ & I d!besofit Of tbv 0 on this plat for tb* use &u -4 shown publie forevor. Ix Z Area Programs Corpora tion I Th• - F i7s t No t igna Tr } •an. Texas 1) Jr. by Travis wo KNOVLEDGMF�NT i� v. oltA AC (;ORP IIRFORATI so STATE OP TEX&S, th uOdorsig"4049 &Notary POUNTY Or BRAZOS Tiofors me, C4un tf Rrasoov t he una e r al a a o N 4� ZL f 'UbI is N *�,g - IF . 6. i &n d fo. nally BEFORE ti n this day blic this day Peroo and State, known fturl 1 #%&iA Cotinty. To, ate 0 Texas, on the Travis A. r A rea in and for said COuntY at ki; Fiteb, president Of personall',' &ppegred T i3ryan, W Jr Vs*rod We D known to me to be the perelull and officer whose name Corpora ion is sub to me to be the foregoing Instrument and 2 P scribed the "J a roon and o ffiojor who** ML690 and acknowledged is subscribed tO ot acknow to we that the same was that tl.% .­.ve for th purl.oc) aii-I cuii�- iltio, t th P ; the foregoing ins o %me was the act of said Area said 'rho First National 11 of Bryeat 0 that the 8 and that 1 0 ,xv( , utod I t a I and that he s keouted or the a corporation, a a go Corporation or ation for Bryan, Texas corporation for the P ogr 0 act o f su ch corp or the same as the act o f such corpo and f A 1, F� I C F, 0 same as P NAZI) 1 4 1) consideration therein a an( c ons idera ILA on therein ejcpresaod.o. purpose t a purposes a0 ity stated ad, and in the cap in the cap& citv therein press •rein. sivw, up 0 11Nr)r_11 gy HAN. i -�iiy i—i I-RA70S t'o. TF KK:71-� isy this the .4ovemlier A. nd and Gj,von u-nds" ► flly 4 "ot goo his the _�e_ dr ay co 15 Notary 1'10)lic in T e x as pr&Xos 3 NOTARY QA"i=*Ak%1w -A COUNTY OF BRAZOS SOUTH KNOLL - ----- t avid R. Mayo, Register*1 PU0110 1475 do hereby oertl ry Land surveyor No SOUTH KNOLL BLOCK ac I aal that this pl was compiled from an 0 L OGK 17 NOTES land shown and thaT. County Clark in and fur said County, to 4�; -- I survey of the iron hereby certify that the foregoing instru- I ts as roq_4 , r - o marked rods and concrete monuMen on. day of were placed under mv siipervieli wan dated the All property corneis ai V. III A 4 rfyd A. Do 1965 together with its cirtiricat*s in of authontioat1 Was filed for ro�,ord my offioo the (.1av of 1965, in this neo B County iv volume tho BRA CO. Deputy • Tiq ST-Offir OF'' 1*4* in an 1 6* Concrete monuments, areplaced �3 as sho�fn by o, =_�� LZ 77'r " Waty" the llawft APPROVED- CITT or COLLEGE STATION TEXAS All, angles are 90 unless ,otherwise noted $word, and subsuvib*d before ""'t114' WTW Ov.. V on this I. A,- undersigned authori ty, 0 fie All radii or* 25v unless other- r 196-1 wise noted. airman, )lannFiiW fanning n 2AL1. Ch n CUMMID; Io Aw, YTT All lot dimenslons same an Altsk�. )A adjoining lot unless otherwise NOTARY PUBLIC noted. 17 yor, A rVoo 7 wa it lot 401011-� 1: J 4's 1L A C. 0 44 J MGM M WIN WA* RIDGERELI 4