HomeMy WebLinkAboutB546552FiL.L -D FAR 29 l"M 1,: 35 DRAZOS CoU!ii'vv CL UK Found I/2" B.tYAyi, TEXAS BY Iron Rod Co J Q Dm, � O \�0 Go � .0 t �? Q fU 3 N h O N 44 c e CO \ c fu 3 0 Q Found Concrete Monument (Crushed) 3 9 J Existing Overhead J Powerllne Barbed -Wire Fence EXIT ENTRANCE F NTR � 4 "C Reference REPUBLICBANK A &M Called 18.552 Ac. 948/803 6 Sani olllllllln N 41 °38'57" E - 865.32 !r Existing 8" Sanitary Sewer 0' \ Barbed -Wire Fence 2 -Story Concrete Block Building Temporary Blanket Utility Easement as described In Volume 1730, CINEMARK il, INC. Page 325, covers the area In Lot 1, Block One, Gateway Perk. Rem. 11.97 Ac. (9.929 Ac. Actual) 1656/244 I I I� I r'{ t.. i.• Lot 1, Block One Gateway Park 1851/159 I °•.: Q O v � - I "I •• t l REGENCY PARKWAY, INC. Called 34.13 Ac, Struc lure 1082/337 Found 1/2" I® Set 1/2" N 41 °38'57" E - 147.00 Iron Rod File No. 539583 S 5513'08" E - 6.02 Underground Electrical Conduit Ss sS - - - - - 30' :s- r Utility 55 L" Easement 1978/197 Set 1/2" Set 1/2" d 2 -Story Concrete Block Building Temporary Blanket Utility Easement as described In Volume 1730, CINEMARK il, INC. Page 325, covers the area In Lot 1, Block One, Gateway Perk. Rem. 11.97 Ac. (9.929 Ac. Actual) 1656/244 I I I� I r'{ t.. i.• Lot 1, Block One Gateway Park 1851/159 I °•.: Q O v � - I "I •• t l REGENCY PARKWAY, INC. Called 34.13 Ac, Struc lure 1082/337 Found 1/2" Set 1/2" N 41 °38'57" E - 147.00 Iron Rod File No. 539583 Existing 8" Sanitary Sewer Ss sS - - - - - 30' - - - -- Utility 1656/244 L" Easement 1978/197 Set 1/2" Set 1/2" d r y Iron Rod 0 3 O m Ma fY. �? N� o O � ! , ?j N ��� �� Set 1/2" W, o •� f Iron Rod A a, Ditch 1/2" Rod 1/2" Rod Underground I.� Electrical Conduit s �P N 41 °38'57" E - 233.28' \ N 8T28'26" E - 41.83 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�\ S 41'38'57" W - 251.96' \ �_ 30' Utility \ Easement 1978/201 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 0 O O N Ld M N t` U PROJECT LOCATION Scale: 1" = 60' Z I, Donald D. Garrett, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.2972, of the State of Texas, hereby certify that this plat Is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made under my supervision on the ground and that the metes and bounds describing said subdivision will f3escribs a closed geometric form. ? _'jj Donald D. Garrett, R.P.L.S. No. 2972 CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER I, Donald D. Garrett, Registered Professional Engineer Flo. 22790, in the State of Texas, hereby certify that proper engineering consideration has been given to this plat. - �a STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF \ i VICINITY MAP owner(s) and developer(s) of the land shown on this plat, being the tract of land (being part of the tract of land) as convsyad to me (us) In the Deed Records of Brazos County In Volume 1656 Page 244 and designated herein as Lot l .Lot _2._Block Ona,Srgtat cv Part In the City of College Station, Texas and whom. name Is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use o1 the public forever all streets, allays, parks, water courses, droins, easements, and public places Theron shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. �., r_ - t Ownv Donald D. Garrett, P.E. No. 22790 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF y ' Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 1 1 known to me to be the person(s) whose nome(s) is /are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /they executed the O"' '• i 'd' V' APPROVAL OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION some for purpose and consideration therein stated. v} O I I I I I I I I I I I I I (( I I I 1 ( Zoning Commit � -1 p f? Glwn undo my hand and sea on thi _ day of I Undergroud GTE Telepho a Underground GTE Telephone I l I p I h i Z Set 1/2" I, ' • I 4 ', : Chairman of the Planning and I 1B Iron Rod t , Ion of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify - 0.33 f that the attached Rlot_ was duly ppproved by fha Commission on the Found ' - day of_� -,. =�- r 19 �:�. Iro n Rod S 42'18'37" W - [� 4218'3 W - 159.67 �' ARUu WALDMAM Underground Electrical Conduit 1079.35 S . 7" Existin Overhead Set 1/ 2 ' U Found I/2° -• :r ; � � �� i'+1' °d, mo.of u1' - 9 WAL -MART STORES, INC. Iron Rod __ \. y. „x.,:,,,,,i Public, scat. of Texas Powerline CURVE TABLE Iron Rod. I Lot 1, Block One C • • Ehalrman of the Planning and Zoning Commission zxnrrm Original Plat CURVE DELTA RADIUS ARC TANG BEARING CHOR Sams Subdivision Cl 27'10'33" 275.00 130.43 66.47 S 54 E 129.22 SUDHIR D. PATEL, M.D. 12 7 5/ 13 C2 13 325.00 74.12 37.22 S 61'45'09" E 73.96 1.1 U\ R e m a i n d e r O f -- C3 13'04'02' 275.00 62.72 31.50 N 61 W 62.58 i Called 2 9.9 2 A c. Secretar Called 16 Ac. a n i - - -- C4 27'10'33" 325.00 154.15 70.55 N 54'41'54' W 152.71 O (D 00 1969/131 LINE TABLE - FOR PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT C5 09.41'34" 325.00 54.98 27.56 S 60.03.55' E 54.92 0 ' symb0l De9Cr1Dt LINE BEARIN DISTANCE 1 BEARING DISTANCE LINE BEARING DI TAN- Lill E_ BEARING DISTANCE CURVE k LI E TABLE _ FOR 40' D AINA.F ASFM NT LI N 41'38'57" E 21.09 1_I4o N 41 W 5.03 L27 S 82'06'36" E 48.79 L41 S 42'23'18' W 49.42 ® @ DELTA RADIUS TANGENT �13IN. D CHOR Q APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER Electric Vault L2 N 41 E 864.23 L14b N 42'18'37" E 534.30 L28 S 81'10'58" E 53.64 L42 S 47'36'42" E 25.56 O Fire Hydrant L3 S 42 W 70.87 L15 N 47 W 369.36 L29 S 65'04'33" E 41.31 L43 S 42'23'18' W 16.78 C6 09'57'10" 325.00 56.46 28.30 N 61'59'04' W 56.39 I, the undersigned, City Engineer of the City of College Station, Gas Meter L4 S 67 E 98.11 L16 S 42'02'12" W 220.88 L30 5 53'23'02" E 60.01 L44 N 47 36'42" W 25.56 hereby certify that this subdivision plot Is In compliance with the LINE .BEARINSi 1) AIN E IdNE 3EA(31NG .DISTANCE oppropriata codes and ordinances of the City of College Station. 3Y Light Pole L5 N 22 E 10.60 LI7 S 03 E 156.01 L31 S 43 E 23.58 L45 S 42 W 20.00 L53 N 16 47'52 W 36.53 L55 S 16'47'52 E 76.27 • Sewer Manhole L6 S 67 E 10.00 LIB S 86 W 20.00 L32 S 39'46'20' E 122.04 L46 S 47 `e 25.56 O Storm Manhole L54 N 73'12'08 E 40.00 L7 S 22'26'21' W 10.60 L19 N 03'09'19" W 147.47 L33 5 42'23'18" W 63.67 L47 S 42'23'16' W 173.20 ® Transformer L8 S 67 E 44.75 L20 S 41'38'57' W 185.61 L34 N 47 W 39.03 L48 N 47 W 314.37 Q Tree L9 S 47 E 170.78 L21 N 29'50'00' W 47.46 L35 S 42'16'18" W 17.00 L49 N 42'02'12" E 36.78 City Engineer, Collage Station, Texas - Utility Pole LIO N 42'28'00" E 85.30 L22 N 42'02'12" E 264.41 L36 N 47'36'42" W 4.30 L50 N 47'33'44' W 10.00 IB Water Meter LII S 41'06'37" E 30.19 L23 S 47'43'42' E 9.65 L37 S 42'16'18" W 9.60 L54 S 42'02'12" W 36.78 REGENCY PARKWAY, INC. I 1'Y Water Valve LI2 S 42'28'00" W 81.92 L24 N 42'16'18' E 10.00 L38 S 47 E 4.30 L52 N 47 W 2.68 Called 3 4,13 Ac. Called 18.552 Ac. Reference REPUBLICBANK A & M LI3 S 47 E 30.55 L25 N 47 W 9.63 L39 S 42'16'18" W 32.00 �u j 1082/337 s c, L14 S 42'18'37` W 980.71 L26 N 42 E 49.69 L40 S 47 E 13.36 / 948/803 - Set v1'' Set 1/2" \PP J LL Iron Rod N 41 °38'57" E - 147.00 Iron Rod N 41 °38'57" E - 233.28' L1 N 41 °38'57" E - 885.32 .. ..... _ ..- _ S 55 °13'08" E - 0 .36 Found I/ 2 __ _. _. . 6.0 ...2.. 5 N 872826 E 47 83 15 Build Setback Iper City Ordinanc 1 Iron Rod �' /.: T ... ._ -- --- -- - -- - '.- ---' - ---; _ __.�:_....� .- -;- - ry .......... ..... ......... .. .... ... ...... . ........ dLnc Lit Easc i t Eas ement `. Public Lt my Easement - Easement r 1'J 30' Ufilify S 41 °38'57" W - 251,96' - - - - - -. Easement 1978/197 30' Utility - L20 Q / - Easement 1978/201 L -� i:// / / L1fi L52 f ...- L50 L22 L23� L26 3 Set I/2" J' /:.:..'.�' i L49 L24 L25 \ 1 0- 2 Iron Rod T, �' \ T O / // I.... L51 Son Rod ( S " 1'p f.'.'.'. " �'::'.'.'::.'.'.':: O W O 1'p a '':':'�:/ �� /'::: I':':- :':':') ` \ r UP W: 20' Public \.. • ' ' n F .'. / / Utility Easement ('.. ".'.'.') 1 6' O O. rn �l O z (a a I :':::'1 V APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL 1, r !( - r 1'.•t. - ___ Mayor of the City of College Station, hereby I1 X th t the offac!}.d plot duly �appnevgd . •R by the City Council on the day of , !19��.: Mayor /1.11. Ion, Texas A City Secretory STATE OF TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Mary Ann Word, County Clark, In and for said County, do hereby certify that this plat together with its certificates of authentication was filed for record In my office the _ __________ day of ____ 19_ -, In the Deed /Official Records of Brozos County, Texas, in Volume_____, Page - - - -__. County Clerk Brazos County, Texas �� ,� , , � �, ;� o �.�� � REPEAT ) .. o ...� 4 40' Drainage Easement CINEMARK USA, INC. ol:; 1 Set 1 2" OF Rem. 11.97 Ac. �,1:;':'::I� 1::::::'::{ Iron Rod rnr:i:i:��h ro -: 9.929 Ac. Actual _ { Found I/2" LOT 1, BLOCK ONE Cq U :.'.':: 20' Public ' :'. co 1998/214 } I Public Utility Iron Rod J ..I Utilit Easement r�) ,.. , :.., tA 1' 7 0 Q /Q I "'.':' 9 Access I'.'.. -,) Easement 41 f::;'::'::1 to a W :� o I CINEMARK USA INC. o GATEWAY PARK ['::•::•:::::I Rem. 11.97 Ac. " % Lot 1, Block One i'::J (:;;:;;;:;,I `/� Gateway Park I: { 1,523 Ac Actual V. CV .I . 1998/214 w Found Concrete L38 L36 9.929 ACRES :;:::::'::'I Monument if ` I;; ;I L39 L37 L35 �''' ' ; {'::'I Set 112" �- Set 1/2" N iCrushedl % L45 L41 ° a1' - .:' ) - ::rr:r.:l Iron Rod w 3 Iron Rod RICHARD CARTER LEAGUE - ABSTRACT NO. 8 _J J.'. ':.'..':.:'.: : ........... .. n M O M? a . .:': :. :::::::JJ COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS ..... ............................... i(: r: L47 L43 L33 o N MN - - - - - -- .. ... .. .. t0 1D - � r 0 , as ... -. - �:':':...... -�i:' ::•::::.::':.::'::(•.i'1':•::::: - _ ......._1::ii r: . 1'1'1':'1'1'::':. J Acce V) 1'r:.:•::::•::::: :::::::::••:. �:::.'::::::::. �::. ': ::• :............... ::............................. ............. Easement' O O d O ° � 1 1 ::::':: : :::.....:.....::... :::::::'::'::'::':::':: ':::. '.:........... _.' : :::::: '....' ...... ... ... ::. ' ::�: ::.: '' v` -° v SCALE: I' = MY JANUARY 4, 1993 Buiiding Setback (per City Ordinanc �':..'. �.':.:�:::::::.� :::'.:'.�.:::::::: :.'::. 10 Public U Easement i L12 L14a - -- - 5' Public Utility Easement L, 4b - - - - - - - - -:- - - - } � z Set 1/2" . .............. ....... .. ............ ................... I :.::'::::':.:::.:':: :::::.:::.' : : ::::::::::... REVISED: JAN 1993 2 . .- ►.::::.::.::::':::.:::::: :.:.:::: :c::.":' .r ::: _....'.:.......... 50.33 r Iron Rod VARY 25, Found I S 42°18'37" W - 10 Iron Rod , S et on 1 /2" Rod C Found 1/2" - - -- - 2 °IB W - 1 9.67 ' 1 yERAI• NOTES . 0 rn Iron Rod OWNER: CINEMARK USA, INC. GARRETT ENGINEERING I WAL -MART STORES, INC. O C_' to 7502 GREENVILLE AVENUE En North Orientation is based on the northwest line (N 29'50'00" W - 374.19') m Consulti E n g ineering g & Land Surveyi Yi B being rotated to deed calls as recorded in Volume 1858, Page 244 of the P at Lot 1, Block One � v SUDHIR D PATEL MD SUITE 800•LB9 4444 Carter Creek Parkway Suite 108 Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. �� �r Sams Subdivision This survey was prepared in accordance to title research prepared by C 1275/13 aIIed 16 AC, University Title Company (GF No. 932652). 0 Remainder of DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 Bryan, Texas 77802 to G Called 29.92 Ac. Phone: (214) 696.1644 Phone: 409 / 846 - 2688 1969/131 r, 5 2 MW - CADRAWING \93961.DWG Set 1/2" Iron Rod T50.36 a N, 6 Intel a Droln Struc lure Found 1/2" Iron Rod - CINEMARK II, INC Rem. 11.97 Ac. 1.523 Ac. Actual 1656/244 Set 1/2" - Iron Rod w 3 M Ma O O t0 N P _ O O s �P N 41 °38'57" E - 233.28' \ N 8T28'26" E - 41.83 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�\ S 41'38'57" W - 251.96' \ �_ 30' Utility \ Easement 1978/201 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 0 O O N Ld M N t` U PROJECT LOCATION Scale: 1" = 60' Z I, Donald D. Garrett, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.2972, of the State of Texas, hereby certify that this plat Is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made under my supervision on the ground and that the metes and bounds describing said subdivision will f3escribs a closed geometric form. ? _'jj Donald D. Garrett, R.P.L.S. No. 2972 CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER I, Donald D. Garrett, Registered Professional Engineer Flo. 22790, in the State of Texas, hereby certify that proper engineering consideration has been given to this plat. - �a STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF \ i VICINITY MAP owner(s) and developer(s) of the land shown on this plat, being the tract of land (being part of the tract of land) as convsyad to me (us) In the Deed Records of Brazos County In Volume 1656 Page 244 and designated herein as Lot l .Lot _2._Block Ona,Srgtat cv Part In the City of College Station, Texas and whom. name Is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use o1 the public forever all streets, allays, parks, water courses, droins, easements, and public places Theron shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. �., r_ - t Ownv Donald D. Garrett, P.E. No. 22790 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF y ' Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 1 1 known to me to be the person(s) whose nome(s) is /are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /they executed the O"' '• i 'd' V' APPROVAL OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION some for purpose and consideration therein stated. v} O I I I I I I I I I I I I I (( I I I 1 ( Zoning Commit � -1 p f? Glwn undo my hand and sea on thi _ day of I Undergroud GTE Telepho a Underground GTE Telephone I l I p I h i Z Set 1/2" I, ' • I 4 ', : Chairman of the Planning and I 1B Iron Rod t , Ion of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify - 0.33 f that the attached Rlot_ was duly ppproved by fha Commission on the Found ' - day of_� -,. =�- r 19 �:�. Iro n Rod S 42'18'37" W - [� 4218'3 W - 159.67 �' ARUu WALDMAM Underground Electrical Conduit 1079.35 S . 7" Existin Overhead Set 1/ 2 ' U Found I/2° -• :r ; � � �� i'+1' °d, mo.of u1' - 9 WAL -MART STORES, INC. Iron Rod __ \. y. „x.,:,,,,,i Public, scat. of Texas Powerline CURVE TABLE Iron Rod. I Lot 1, Block One C • • Ehalrman of the Planning and Zoning Commission zxnrrm Original Plat CURVE DELTA RADIUS ARC TANG BEARING CHOR Sams Subdivision Cl 27'10'33" 275.00 130.43 66.47 S 54 E 129.22 SUDHIR D. PATEL, M.D. 12 7 5/ 13 C2 13 325.00 74.12 37.22 S 61'45'09" E 73.96 1.1 U\ R e m a i n d e r O f -- C3 13'04'02' 275.00 62.72 31.50 N 61 W 62.58 i Called 2 9.9 2 A c. Secretar Called 16 Ac. a n i - - -- C4 27'10'33" 325.00 154.15 70.55 N 54'41'54' W 152.71 O (D 00 1969/131 LINE TABLE - FOR PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT C5 09.41'34" 325.00 54.98 27.56 S 60.03.55' E 54.92 0 ' symb0l De9Cr1Dt LINE BEARIN DISTANCE 1 BEARING DISTANCE LINE BEARING DI TAN- Lill E_ BEARING DISTANCE CURVE k LI E TABLE _ FOR 40' D AINA.F ASFM NT LI N 41'38'57" E 21.09 1_I4o N 41 W 5.03 L27 S 82'06'36" E 48.79 L41 S 42'23'18' W 49.42 ® @ DELTA RADIUS TANGENT �13IN. D CHOR Q APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER Electric Vault L2 N 41 E 864.23 L14b N 42'18'37" E 534.30 L28 S 81'10'58" E 53.64 L42 S 47'36'42" E 25.56 O Fire Hydrant L3 S 42 W 70.87 L15 N 47 W 369.36 L29 S 65'04'33" E 41.31 L43 S 42'23'18' W 16.78 C6 09'57'10" 325.00 56.46 28.30 N 61'59'04' W 56.39 I, the undersigned, City Engineer of the City of College Station, Gas Meter L4 S 67 E 98.11 L16 S 42'02'12" W 220.88 L30 5 53'23'02" E 60.01 L44 N 47 36'42" W 25.56 hereby certify that this subdivision plot Is In compliance with the LINE .BEARINSi 1) AIN E IdNE 3EA(31NG .DISTANCE oppropriata codes and ordinances of the City of College Station. 3Y Light Pole L5 N 22 E 10.60 LI7 S 03 E 156.01 L31 S 43 E 23.58 L45 S 42 W 20.00 L53 N 16 47'52 W 36.53 L55 S 16'47'52 E 76.27 • Sewer Manhole L6 S 67 E 10.00 LIB S 86 W 20.00 L32 S 39'46'20' E 122.04 L46 S 47 `e 25.56 O Storm Manhole L54 N 73'12'08 E 40.00 L7 S 22'26'21' W 10.60 L19 N 03'09'19" W 147.47 L33 5 42'23'18" W 63.67 L47 S 42'23'16' W 173.20 ® Transformer L8 S 67 E 44.75 L20 S 41'38'57' W 185.61 L34 N 47 W 39.03 L48 N 47 W 314.37 Q Tree L9 S 47 E 170.78 L21 N 29'50'00' W 47.46 L35 S 42'16'18" W 17.00 L49 N 42'02'12" E 36.78 City Engineer, Collage Station, Texas - Utility Pole LIO N 42'28'00" E 85.30 L22 N 42'02'12" E 264.41 L36 N 47'36'42" W 4.30 L50 N 47'33'44' W 10.00 IB Water Meter LII S 41'06'37" E 30.19 L23 S 47'43'42' E 9.65 L37 S 42'16'18" W 9.60 L54 S 42'02'12" W 36.78 REGENCY PARKWAY, INC. I 1'Y Water Valve LI2 S 42'28'00" W 81.92 L24 N 42'16'18' E 10.00 L38 S 47 E 4.30 L52 N 47 W 2.68 Called 3 4,13 Ac. Called 18.552 Ac. Reference REPUBLICBANK A & M LI3 S 47 E 30.55 L25 N 47 W 9.63 L39 S 42'16'18" W 32.00 �u j 1082/337 s c, L14 S 42'18'37` W 980.71 L26 N 42 E 49.69 L40 S 47 E 13.36 / 948/803 - Set v1'' Set 1/2" \PP J LL Iron Rod N 41 °38'57" E - 147.00 Iron Rod N 41 °38'57" E - 233.28' L1 N 41 °38'57" E - 885.32 .. ..... _ ..- _ S 55 °13'08" E - 0 .36 Found I/ 2 __ _. _. . 6.0 ...2.. 5 N 872826 E 47 83 15 Build Setback Iper City Ordinanc 1 Iron Rod �' /.: T ... ._ -- --- -- - -- - '.- ---' - ---; _ __.�:_....� .- -;- - ry .......... ..... ......... .. .... ... ...... . ........ dLnc Lit Easc i t Eas ement `. Public Lt my Easement - Easement r 1'J 30' Ufilify S 41 °38'57" W - 251,96' - - - - - -. Easement 1978/197 30' Utility - L20 Q / - Easement 1978/201 L -� i:// / / L1fi L52 f ...- L50 L22 L23� L26 3 Set I/2" J' /:.:..'.�' i L49 L24 L25 \ 1 0- 2 Iron Rod T, �' \ T O / // I.... L51 Son Rod ( S " 1'p f.'.'.'. " �'::'.'.'::.'.'.':: O W O 1'p a '':':'�:/ �� /'::: I':':- :':':') ` \ r UP W: 20' Public \.. • ' ' n F .'. / / Utility Easement ('.. ".'.'.') 1 6' O O. rn �l O z (a a I :':::'1 V APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL 1, r !( - r 1'.•t. - ___ Mayor of the City of College Station, hereby I1 X th t the offac!}.d plot duly �appnevgd . •R by the City Council on the day of , !19��.: Mayor /1.11. Ion, Texas A City Secretory STATE OF TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Mary Ann Word, County Clark, In and for said County, do hereby certify that this plat together with its certificates of authentication was filed for record In my office the _ __________ day of ____ 19_ -, In the Deed /Official Records of Brozos County, Texas, in Volume_____, Page - - - -__. County Clerk Brazos County, Texas �� ,� , , � �, ;� o �.�� � REPEAT ) .. o ...� 4 40' Drainage Easement CINEMARK USA, INC. ol:; 1 Set 1 2" OF Rem. 11.97 Ac. �,1:;':'::I� 1::::::'::{ Iron Rod rnr:i:i:��h ro -: 9.929 Ac. Actual _ { Found I/2" LOT 1, BLOCK ONE Cq U :.'.':: 20' Public ' :'. co 1998/214 } I Public Utility Iron Rod J ..I Utilit Easement r�) ,.. , :.., tA 1' 7 0 Q /Q I "'.':' 9 Access I'.'.. -,) Easement 41 f::;'::'::1 to a W :� o I CINEMARK USA INC. o GATEWAY PARK ['::•::•:::::I Rem. 11.97 Ac. " % Lot 1, Block One i'::J (:;;:;;;:;,I `/� Gateway Park I: { 1,523 Ac Actual V. CV .I . 1998/214 w Found Concrete L38 L36 9.929 ACRES :;:::::'::'I Monument if ` I;; ;I L39 L37 L35 �''' ' ; {'::'I Set 112" �- Set 1/2" N iCrushedl % L45 L41 ° a1' - .:' ) - ::rr:r.:l Iron Rod w 3 Iron Rod RICHARD CARTER LEAGUE - ABSTRACT NO. 8 _J J.'. ':.'..':.:'.: : ........... .. n M O M? a . .:': :. :::::::JJ COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS ..... ............................... i(: r: L47 L43 L33 o N MN - - - - - -- .. ... .. .. t0 1D - � r 0 , as ... -. - �:':':...... -�i:' ::•::::.::':.::'::(•.i'1':•::::: - _ ......._1::ii r: . 1'1'1':'1'1'::':. J Acce V) 1'r:.:•::::•::::: :::::::::••:. �:::.'::::::::. �::. ': ::• :............... ::............................. ............. Easement' O O d O ° � 1 1 ::::':: : :::.....:.....::... :::::::'::'::'::':::':: ':::. '.:........... _.' : :::::: '....' ...... ... ... ::. ' ::�: ::.: '' v` -° v SCALE: I' = MY JANUARY 4, 1993 Buiiding Setback (per City Ordinanc �':..'. �.':.:�:::::::.� :::'.:'.�.:::::::: :.'::. 10 Public U Easement i L12 L14a - -- - 5' Public Utility Easement L, 4b - - - - - - - - -:- - - - } � z Set 1/2" . .............. ....... .. ............ ................... I :.::'::::':.:::.:':: :::::.:::.' : : ::::::::::... REVISED: JAN 1993 2 . .- ►.::::.::.::::':::.:::::: :.:.:::: :c::.":' .r ::: _....'.:.......... 50.33 r Iron Rod VARY 25, Found I S 42°18'37" W - 10 Iron Rod , S et on 1 /2" Rod C Found 1/2" - - -- - 2 °IB W - 1 9.67 ' 1 yERAI• NOTES . 0 rn Iron Rod OWNER: CINEMARK USA, INC. GARRETT ENGINEERING I WAL -MART STORES, INC. O C_' to 7502 GREENVILLE AVENUE En North Orientation is based on the northwest line (N 29'50'00" W - 374.19') m Consulti E n g ineering g & Land Surveyi Yi B being rotated to deed calls as recorded in Volume 1858, Page 244 of the P at Lot 1, Block One � v SUDHIR D PATEL MD SUITE 800•LB9 4444 Carter Creek Parkway Suite 108 Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. �� �r Sams Subdivision This survey was prepared in accordance to title research prepared by C 1275/13 aIIed 16 AC, University Title Company (GF No. 932652). 0 Remainder of DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 Bryan, Texas 77802 to G Called 29.92 Ac. Phone: (214) 696.1644 Phone: 409 / 846 - 2688 1969/131 r, 5 2 MW - CADRAWING \93961.DWG Set 1/2" Iron Rod T50.36 a N, 6