HomeMy WebLinkAboutB052817STATE Of TEXAS STATE Of TEXAS 1 29 ' 00 COUNTY Of BRA 70S COUNTY OF SPA ZOS Easaman 7 /, Frank Boriskie, County Clerk in and for said County, /, David R Mayo, Reglslered Public Surveyor OR do hereby certify Met the foregoly instrument No /475, do hereby certify fhaf th1s plat was ?�•'�( a fq dafed the day of <% AD 1970 faee /her compiled from an actual survey of the land * '• ,with its cel hfieales of au/henhcalion was filed shown and fhaf iron rods and concrete monuments „ DAVFD . . • b[AYO for record in my office the ofsy of < as required were placed under my supervis on •••••• •v AD 1970 of o•clock_M,andduly recorded on c�a .PiQ `r>74MO G ,elus the %° day of :, A D 1970 in ._` - David R Mayo � - ° j s`� r 0 SU records of Brazos Coun /y in {io /ume- _po�"e_. APP Cily o /Co / /¢F¢ Station and WITNESS RY NANO AND Off /C /AI SEAL, of m y off ce Ad C rman, /annln an Zonfn Commission n Bryan, Texas, fhrs day of f .' A,D 1970. Draina e _- Mayor Counly Clerk, Brazos County -G 7G by .` Date Area i ro�re ss Corp. Depuly V 256 P 136 NOTES: /. Distances given on curves are chords 2. 4" iron rods sel al properly corners. 3. Concrete monuments indicaled thus: • 4, 26'Ease nen JD in 5 /0ck3 3, 4, 5 arc �or Dra;na�pe, Uf. /. /ies P. ;ra /e Drlvcwa7 Access. PQ. 300 o. Sv.26 � Ib a r8r orsz° =328 - nl d9 °35,36•_ g7G. 84 2 _tiF 56.Sz S N kr P Q n A/ 56 E N57 ° 46;1/ E 98'1035 �� a 1 29 ' 00 98 *10'35* r ° Easaman 7 12G sA U0dy - h i 8 V"40 0'eV p� ,._6,06 /Z 0\ 7 reo °sl'ac• 0 125.O 9 125.0 U l ; /;l Eas¢man and 9° Draina e 0 m 00 � o [a�l m - /6 c 7 2 5. °i r Esm' 125.0 ' - J C O W z 5.6 130.0 N r o / 7 i o H - -� 6 0 N r r N N 9 0 9° 9° S' U�; /; y 125. 6 C c s: but. /, 9° Fim'l 130.0 9° O O o 10 � /8 4 Lr) 9° 5 i 0 J 25.0 r 6 W 90 9° 90.Q 3 N O h /9 O ` 4 ° m w Ln 9 /25 OL W 130.0 II 1 90 O I 7 SUI; / Erm'l M 0 0 r ZO V 0 LY 3 0 /25.0 o 5.0 N r 9 125.0 9 v E =�Jy 130.0 s F O (ZI ti Z/ o O .) Z N N 20' 20' p`915 /0'Ul.' .� Eas• man f °. /00-0 /00.0 O 125.0 2 7-/3 m ft) m 0 � e _ 18.29 •4q Easement �' - Q` 9 n• =328 - nl d9 °35,36•_ g7G. 84 2 _tiF 56.Sz S N kr P Q n A/ 56 E N57 ° 46;1/ E V Q S57'46'11 700.86' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS We, fbe undersigned, being al /of the owners &no' Ieinbolders of the hereon plaited 13068 sere tract in the Crawford Burnett League /n College Station, Brazos Coun Texas conveyed to us by Mrs. 7ennie Jones, of a/, by deed a'aTed / June, 1966 and recorded n lalume 26 o or" the Deed Records of Brazos Coun Ty, Texas, do hereby dedicate & ttie use of /he public forever a// streets and easernenls hereon shown far the purpose and eonsiderafion therein expressed. AREA P GRESS CORD 'by. 14 Filch, President SOUTHWEST PARKWAY Le-a 'D. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The Counly of Brazos, Slate of Texas, on Phis o(ay personally appeared A!D Etch, pre vo'enf of The Area Progress Corporation, known To me lobe /he person and officer whose name is subscribed to The foreEoine nsfrumenl, and acknowledged 16 ma Thal the same was /he ael of said Ares Procres's Corporellon, and Mai` he ereculecl the same as The act of such corpora /ion for The purposes and cons,o therein expressed, andin The COOacily Therein siafed E N UNDER MY WAND AND SEA! Of OFFICE this day of -AD 1970 i Jli do 1�O+r /� r' Notary Public Brazos Counly, Texas n h•1 A z Q � 8. 3'49'/Z" 0. 300 9 ¢ T. /0.0' r 56.0 - - yb.bo 55940�7W S 6/ °35;23 °l�/- /0 /. 85' Z2�. o/ G1= 3 ° 49'12' R•1487.98' ( 533 ° 47 '04"E-/779' t\ ao Q� N m ff 5 30 ° 19%3 E : v 0 0 N c = 3 ouThW000 5eefi01? Fve - - - -- V 281, P 13 7 `hX �� 7 , APR 0 ? 1970 ,RANK StRISKIE M 0 D H A w A 56 0 fsf UL,- 'r W E S T K NOLL SECTION TWO College Station, Texas March 1970 1": 50' ARf.A PROGRESS CORP. I)c celup.�r J0L ORR, INC. 1,11gin - 1 1 ? I 11 98'1035 �� a 1 29 ' 00 r ° Easaman 7 9r dinake snot U0dy - h i 8 V"40 0'eV p� P /Z 0\ 7 0 125.O 9 125.0 9° [a�l c 2 5. °i 96 Esm' 125.0 to V - J C O W N N j J in N 9 0 9° S' U�; /; y Eareinen 9° O O o 10 Lr) 9° /25 09 J 25.0 Ci 6 W 90 3 N fn 9 /25 OL /23.0 II 1 O I 7 1 J 0 V LY /25.0 5.0 9 O o r- 20' 20' p`915 /0'Ul.' .� Eas• man f °. /00-0 /00.0 V Q S57'46'11 700.86' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS We, fbe undersigned, being al /of the owners &no' Ieinbolders of the hereon plaited 13068 sere tract in the Crawford Burnett League /n College Station, Brazos Coun Texas conveyed to us by Mrs. 7ennie Jones, of a/, by deed a'aTed / June, 1966 and recorded n lalume 26 o or" the Deed Records of Brazos Coun Ty, Texas, do hereby dedicate & ttie use of /he public forever a// streets and easernenls hereon shown far the purpose and eonsiderafion therein expressed. AREA P GRESS CORD 'by. 14 Filch, President SOUTHWEST PARKWAY Le-a 'D. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The Counly of Brazos, Slate of Texas, on Phis o(ay personally appeared A!D Etch, pre vo'enf of The Area Progress Corporation, known To me lobe /he person and officer whose name is subscribed to The foreEoine nsfrumenl, and acknowledged 16 ma Thal the same was /he ael of said Ares Procres's Corporellon, and Mai` he ereculecl the same as The act of such corpora /ion for The purposes and cons,o therein expressed, andin The COOacily Therein siafed E N UNDER MY WAND AND SEA! Of OFFICE this day of -AD 1970 i Jli do 1�O+r /� r' Notary Public Brazos Counly, Texas n h•1 A z Q � 8. 3'49'/Z" 0. 300 9 ¢ T. /0.0' r 56.0 - - yb.bo 55940�7W S 6/ °35;23 °l�/- /0 /. 85' Z2�. o/ G1= 3 ° 49'12' R•1487.98' ( 533 ° 47 '04"E-/779' t\ ao Q� N m ff 5 30 ° 19%3 E : v 0 0 N c = 3 ouThW000 5eefi01? Fve - - - -- V 281, P 13 7 `hX �� 7 , APR 0 ? 1970 ,RANK StRISKIE M 0 D H A w A 56 0 fsf UL,- 'r W E S T K NOLL SECTION TWO College Station, Texas March 1970 1": 50' ARf.A PROGRESS CORP. I)c celup.�r J0L ORR, INC. 1,11gin - 1 1 ? I 11