HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchedule III STOP SIGNS ORDINANCES STOP Al ORDINANCE NO. 1711 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2.C, 2.D, AND 2.E OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELATING TO THE DESIGNATION AND ADOPTION OF SCHEDULES FOR THE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INVENTORY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I . That Chapter 10, Section 2.0 of the Code of the Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "C. FOUR -WAY INTERSECTIONS The city hereby designates certain intersections to be con- trolled by four -way stop signs. The designated four -way stop intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule II, (dated June 1, 1987) on file in the office of the city secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the city council. A cur- rent schedule shall be maintained by the city secretary at all times." II. That Chapter 10, Section 2.D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The city hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III, (dated une , 1987) on file in the office of the city secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the city council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the city secretary at all times." 005028 Ordinance No. 1711 Page 2 III. That Chapter 10, Section 2.E of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "E. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY YIELD SIGNS. The city hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by yield signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by yield signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule IV, (dated June 1, 1987) on file in the office of the city secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as i£ set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the city council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the city secretary at all times: IV. Whereas, the preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action, this Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED this llth day of June , 1987. APPROVED: Mayor L r 7 ATTEST: i City Secr tp�fry, Dian Jones 005029 ORDINANCE NO. 1763 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2.C, 2.D AND 2.E OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELATING TO THE DESIGNATION AND ADOPTION OF SCHEDULES FOR THE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INVENTORY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2.0 of the Code of the Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "C. F0Q13 -y1AY INTERSECTIONS The City hereby designates certain intersections to be controlled by four -way stop signs. The designated four -way stop intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Contrpl Device Inventory = Schedule (dated June 23, 1988) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. That Chapter 10, Section 2.D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL BAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED 2/ $1.OP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III, (dated June 23, 1988) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary al all times." Ordinance No. 1763 Page 2 III. That Chapter 10, Section 2.E of the Code of Ordinances of' the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "E. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED la YIELD SIGNS. The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersection to be controlled by yield signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by yield signs are described in the Trilf!ic Control Device Inventory = Schedule IV, (dated June 23, 1988) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times ". IV. Whereas, the preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action, this Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd _ day of June , 1988 APPROVED: Mayor,- r: R2....siv... r ATTEST City -ere ary, Dian Jones n05347 ORDINANCE NO. 1772 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2.C, 2.D AND 2.E OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELATING TO THE DESIGNATION AND ADOPTION OF SCHEDULES FOR THE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INVENTORY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2.0 of the Code of the Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "C. FOUR -WAY INTERSECTIONS The City hereby designates certain intersections to be controlled by four -way stop signs. The designated four -way stop intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule II (dated August 11, 1988 ) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. That Chapter 10, Section 2.D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III, (dated August 11, 1988) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary al all times." Ordinance No. 1772 Page 2 III. That Chapter 10, Section 2.E of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "E. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY YIELD SIGNS. The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersection to be controlled by yield signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by yield signs are described in the Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule IV (dated to August 11, 1988) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times ". IV. Whereas, the preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action, this Ordinance shall be effectiv from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED this llth day of August , 1983 APPROVED: Mayor , L r . R g ATTEST: City S retary, Dian Jones n05370 1'.1gt_ N., 'rtdtil( t "')I,trnl Ue‘ to :nvPntnry (111V Scht du.F2 II, 111 ind 1V t .'tv[+ ;1.3r,,) S2 JnPd 0. Dir ts t'rn's St. :.1gn 1 :+t'P L'1t." 13sued n ABERDEEN WB [DEXTER 4 24 1/ 3/81., Af'R I ENNk "t: L'F'ACON J60 z4 t1,, 1 ' 1 ADRIENNE. I, Nb UEA':ON 31,J .4 n3/12/%7 ALJltII NNN D NH 7 10eAFIO 1:0E 210 '4 04/20/87 ADI'IFNN1': '' 3B TRi EHuU;)E +'11 24 ')4/2. /3 i Ar'RIENNF t' :7P E HDEE c SA _10 24 04/0:/q/ ?J '?1.1 UE kb :OLJTHWUUG 1 30 04/10/37 AIRLINE WH Jc,UTHWUOl' 695 30 J, 1/.35 AIRLINE EB ' ;UENAt)Df1AH ":'.0 . 4 04,09/3' AI:'l.J NE W14 SHENANL " 'Alt ) '4 04,09,8/ AIRLINE EB LON'JMTE.E C 4 3 30 03/26/87 AIRLINE W13 RIO (;RANI'!~. 1'04 24 1.14/07/8/ ALABAMA EB '=AR('1.iNk - '!.O 24 03/10/9/ ALABAMA WB ''At:'1f.[NA 254 '4 't3, 10J /g / AMBER HILL WB AMBER r T1"; 2ne 24 1 AMI31'.F' ,'1I't; :;B FMI•QALI' PA 1rI 24 0 3. 17 '17 AMRTHY' ;T Eb AMBER R l L.t 19 24 00,01/57 AMIIEI.,T Wb .'URNEI.L 21) 24 U 3, 1 1, ANhER;: "N NEs HOLI.EMAN 140 _0 02 04/47 AFi 'I'P';'tf4 SH Hc';rLI'MAN J41 30 03/04/0 AN''ELIN4 EP VALLEY VIE 1,83 24 04/23187 ANGE1.INA FIl S "UTHW'jOU ;42 24 1/ J;67 AN(;E[.INA W2 .3..'iTHWi. JD 34 - 24 1/ 1; r,1 ANGUS EB FAIRVIEW 3'4 24 (t3.• 1%. 87 J11V' ".1O WP FAIRVIEW 335 2 U3,181?! ANNA EIl BOLO' ,'F{ 2,s, 3u 03, '.3, R / A_N[IA WB TJM1JER 23 ,C' 04,2;/87 API NB RAIN'rREF 937 )0 03,04/87 APFuMATTOX :;B FAlN'1'RF.E 9,8 _0 03,04/A7 AE'P'JMATT',X ND HARVFY 40s :U 0 AF E OMAT'i`O t NB EMERALD 1'A : - 0) 1, 1/8r. AL'P'1MAT'FOX ::H EMERALD PA `.118 31t 1,' I APRIL EI,'7O SB SPRING 1.00 r 19 .f4 t'4 :,, Ab'FUI.>;S WP. NIJE':E;: , n 2.1 04 /01; , ARGUELLO EB TARP')W 511'. .4 1,' 1,'84 ,',k: , "NA NH HOLLF :MAN :04 - l) 03, 24, 87 AFMICTEAL' EB EH :I'l-I "N[' :';7 '4 04 /07,'R7 kRMrS'rF:A[' Wl, kErMoNrs '''38 .4 111,07/9 APR' ) C N :7P UEAt'''N `.0.) 03/12/87 1.1 'h's i t_, c S N1= DEA' 0N ' 0 1 .4 l) 3, 1 2. ;: ASHBURN NB FRAN'_ I :: r'K 34 tt ,' - //813 A HBURN :i'1 FRAN!'f q DR 1', 3't ;/ 3, +, ASHBIJRN ' :B '.1 LC'HR 1 ET '18 24 03/1J/87 AS HBURN till LINCUf.N r .24 24 0_ +., 0 / ATHFNS NS L'OMINIK IAA, 24 '13/1 - , t,7 ATHENS :Ili UNIV uAltti 1h7 14 14,'29; "/ AUGUST I NE Eli f I UJTHWUt3L' 4 )1 � 4 1 1 , '14 AUJSTI[1 Eli S '(PTHWOuE' h')L' 3n I, 1/8p AUSTIN WI; :IUIJTHWOOL' 699 30 U4/10/67 AU. r1N EB BROTHERS 70I1 30 9 / 1 .,, "_. A'J''rIN WB 1;R')THE['S 701 _0 03/01 /005371 Page Nu. . r33/02,'F:.' Traff tr Control Devise. Invc'ntury Si cry Ised"Je I1, III and 1J (Stop Sign.) Signed 11. Pit @ rross s. Sign # ;;]:.- ' l s-.ued AU ::TiII EB LuN3MFRE ': 124 10 9/ 1 .'8 1 . AULTIN FE SIIE.NANL"uAU .446 24 n4,09/8/ AU ::T1 N W6 JHENAN['uAH 347 24 04/09/-7 AUSTIN W13 H141 ;1t 5t)6 24 04, u 1 / AUTUMN WE TARRuW =.17 J'I 04/20.87 AUTUMN EN SPE. I N. , LOU 518 24 04/1248 AVENUE A SB Li IJr OLN (-. >4 03/25/07 AVENUE; 1: SB LINCOLN 1117 24 1/ 1, i' AYRSHIRE NB “UERNSEY 196 24 u /20/87 AYRSHIRE SE c;1Jb.h1,_ 1't 1')/ 24 0 a, 2!1/ J AYF:.,HIRE NB YERC'f j'i. 24 t)3 /.r1/87 AYh:1l1] RL• .1E FERRY 1'3i 24 03/:'0,87 AZALEA EB t :YETESS 540 24 1, 1/84 AZALEA WB CYPRESS 5 1 1 :1 1' 1, L 1 IBAHIA NH E A 5`'1 24 04. 1):, 3i BAIIIA S13 RuCK PRA1R 5(.5 24 04/08/%1 BANKS EB TAliROW 61/ 2.1 04/21/ ::7 BARFuN EH :H(• ".e,1 :(s 1/ 1 c +'', EARTITELC,W :,b BRENTWOOD 6Ot' 24 US /.)►., ; 7 1)AYu(I WOW SJ3 U N I V uAK :; 1 l 1 :".1 0 4, 2 0.' 1' 1 BAYOU WOOD WE MIJNCON LORI 661 24 06/14/80 Lib :E C'IEr.r N1' ::W PARKWAY (.i.'1 ,$) 04,1L. n! 13FE '_REEK NE :.UUTIIWOC'D 685 '0 9. 1/6] 1'H E CRFF1• SE `'uUTHWL .'L' 1,06 ,1' J. 8/. BEI.i. WE WEL :;H 41,'. ;4 W./01/87 BF N'1' UAK W): EMFRALI' Pi. " c4 (1 s, 1 7 ' 81 DENT TREE :_h ::F I3b :'1TA 596 .:4 1/ JP;. 3ERYELEY E 1L'('M1N I K /: .'4 0.%.1,,0/ BERKELEY NE FRANC.[:; DR :'u :4 0:./1M187 BERMUDA WE NURMAND DR 3'i 1 24 04/01/A' BLUE STEM NB 1'RFEHuU:3E 3/6 :4 04/24/87 ELUlsSTEM SB 1 sJN['ERI - 131 3t„ ?4 04/1' +J, '7 ELIIESTEM NI; L'0N1'EPU:3A 385 .24 04/06/07 bt'1 'ITN FFJ WAI,'I''1N 151 ..1 04/0:/k7 1.111LruN EB CLIRYF:AR 16] :4 01/07,'1;7 E'il':;Wb:1.L 1::13 LAN'31't'RIi 4', i .'4 03. 21,, 7 B1JYI' 1T ZE 1)I:1 VER:;1TY 41 _:+ 04/ : /0 1 B'JYETT NH CHURCH 1.!.") 30 03/09/87 Fj'fI.'1T SB , 21- 1U.''H 424 ,;I) 0,,,04/8:' f HA.;U:1WOu1' N.F, .:116 ' ,, 3 "'1 1, 1, 61. BRENTWOOD WE AN[ LHSuN 609 ;0 1, 1/e4 BRF IJTW')uL' 1•.I: TEXAs 6 I '' '1 ; , .,,, BRENTWOuV Wb TEXAS 611 )1J 04/c1 ' " FiPENTWOuD hi-. I'ARTMuUTH a21 _,s.1 1/ 1/96 EiRu''KS EB WALTUN 117 24 0 4/M/87 BROOKS WE JAMES PARK ::' '4 03/25/07 13R'il'HEKC EB LONUMIRE C 702 ,;!' 03/26!•1'1 BP''7'H]•,I.:: wli 1. "Nc :M1RE C /1J ;tJ :s,,��'', /' ;, BRO'T'HERS Ell TEXAS 129 30 2/11/u'. HRoTHFRS b.L) DEACON 35z 30 03,1”/"7 ERuTHER'; WB DEACON .5 ; .20 03'12'8/ BROTHER :: WE 1'fNr'I:ROSA 39u 30 04,0,/,;7 n05372 Page No. ., 05/ 02/83 Traff Ir Control Device Inventory Schedule II, III ind IV (Slop .'L jil ' Signed ;;t. Dir @ Cxo_is St. Sign # Size Data Iosued BUCKNELL EE CORNELL [ 12 /4 03/11:U/ BURT WB DEXTER _23 24 03 '_ALICO WI: RAJ NTRFE 136 21 03/04/0/ CAMELLIA ED CYPRESS ', ;c: :4 1/ 1/R!. CAMELLIA WH (`YPRF.''.:, ', i9 24 L/ 1, :3 CARMEL F'[.A Eb RIO GRANDE 643 .'4 06/15/57 CARuL WI' WE:3T'''V1:R /r 24 C'S 04. 7.7 CAROL. I' :h BERKELEY 76 24 03,0 L: C=AROL WL; j 1 :I•KFT r - /7 24 03,05/A7 CAROLINA N1; HOLJ,EMAN ,06 ':' 03,':4,'87 ( :AUI'ILL bh WINDT /1 1 i'/2 3n E ''AUC.'IL.L NH IIAiNES 230 :0 ?/ 6it16 CAUL'ihl. :3B HAI1':EC :31 30 u3/ '0, , :'r CI L[NDA Cl Nh f'EACUN 357 24 0.1/12)07 CEL[ND11 DR S6 DEACUN 356 24 05/ 12/87 CENTRAL. ('A sP. ::W PARKWAY 544 30 1/ Let. CHF.tr:Y [.F: [1A( ;I.E 41 24 1'.,' 2s, >. 4 CII RhY W[s NAC :1.F 42 24 11 /. i /C4 CREPR'( II COLLEGE MA 419 24 03/10/8 CHERRY 4►'1. C uL,LEGE MA 4:0 . 0:,/ 1 u, Lie CHERRY WP BOYETT 605 24 03/05/87 C'H I1'P.E NDAl. E1: EMERALD PA 591. .' 4 02 (:H1 PFENDAL WIC EMERALD PA `.9: 24 0../17/P1 C11RIt;'TIN1: Wl; WELLBORN 402 24 )4/ U 'C'7 ('HIiRC }1 Eb IJNIVER:M 40r, 30 I'4, . K/ 3 / ' IIURCII ER NA',(.E 41 31) _./ 27, .te ''III ill WE NAGLE 44 30 3/0/86 CII111'r'f1 1•.I' ''ui,LF';}. MA 4 ' 1 ,,'► '► 3, 1'), .(7 ('HUR''H WB (_'JLLE(3F MA 44.: 3() .1./ 1; `, CHURCH ..'H Wl, W[' 1.1.F)URN 4_ 1 • ..: v'• CHI►WHI LL :ii [.1 N('0LN 1')4 /4 03/16'i3 / CLCAHWOL I' EB A1'[',MANI'''X 1 / J _1 03, 0 ,/ 11)A':TAL NB PuNL'I:I:t,:IA 391 24 04,' t / f oASTAL SE l +uCK PkA[k 50) '4 04 Cr L.:ATE CI NB BRENTWOOD 21)7 24 1.':0 /C`. COLGA'f E C1 SB ERI'•:" :mW0u1. 208 24 00/n6, 'NL.;ATE CI Nh T)AI: I'M+JrJTF[ (J24 .:0 1/ 1/85 (''.'LGATE Cl SB L'AKTM"I)T}1 625 14 1/ J /i ". C "' .ATE DP EB F11: }' 54) 24 1/ 1/f". C '[.(:ATE DR WB UAh'1'MuUTII 6/.3 Al 1/ 1i::'- (`''LLE';E MA NB CHURCH 715 30 06/11/e8 , 'OI.LF.(JE MA L-13 CHURCH 716 :0 ;'f, 11 /t3i1 '_'.'[.(JM1:I A WH LORNELL 211 24 U3/1J/e7 COLUMBHF EB TARROW ul ► 24 04,20/8/ C')NCH'J WB WELSH 274 24 05 /U1 /5 7 CuONEit WB TEXAS 9/ 30 04/22/07 '''iRNE[ L NB HR NTW')')f' 9f,3 24 I) ,/ t1F. /t.7 CORNELL 2B BRENTWOOD ' 64 4 03/06/01 ''')KNELL CB SW PARVWAY 214 30 .:,lu/87 (v'".;;,3 EIi COLLEGE Air 40: ,U 03/10/8 / 1110 :10 Eli NAGLE 409 30 '., 1', • eh r'[tu:,:. 1 NAt;[.F 4 (' ' 1 '� ' 1 i7 Co , i / i n05373 l •1'3t N•.. I U8 /'J2 /88 Tta[fic Contrr,1 DeviLe I,1r,_ntorj L - Schedule II, I I I and I V (St1,p S 1.1r1', ) SJ•yltt_d St. I'ir @ Crc :;t. Sign I) J1::0 Dale 1 cued t:Rfl:;:; EA STASNE} 416 24 04/13/87 r"Ru ::S WB STASNEY 4 1 7 24 04/13/87 (TOSS EA TAUBER 47 24 04, 21, 37 CROSS W}) TAUBER 48 :4 04 ''K'):;:; EB CULLEUE MA 221 24 03/10/87 ':'Ru:•S WI COLLEGE MA 22_; 24 1/25/8`, '_RUwS TIMH WB SW PARE WAY 546 24 04/19/87 '!IIL1'F,PPER NB cIt'1S:_, 104 24 u ., 11, tt ' c'l.',F F ?PPER 2B ':Rt1SS 405 21 0 ;'] i, i '91,T,T F PF E} N13 1 NT.':,MF 21) :1 0t i LJMbERI.AiJu WJ: RAINTKE;E 1U4 _4 1, 1/8'. ' YE'[•F;_;:. •J1, SW PARKWAY 5 542 3') 1. 1;8'. "YP1-E,S ,1, ..W PARKWAY 6.4' A 1, 1/8`' :'AL1.13 No l "IIIIrku.:A 24 0.1/+J6",/ :'AI.LIJ .JE1 R'jCF P1tAIR 54. 24 04,08/8/ L'AFTMut_1TH ::EA SW U /RKWAY 209 3u 1W1 "','81 DARTMOUTH NB HOLLEMAN 5;3 30 1/ 1/.0, PAk'1'M'' SD II')I,[.1 MAN '.., 4 3(1 I/ l / . (, L'EA uN EB L''N(;MIRE /114 311 0J/24 87 DEACON WR L@fJOM l F 7(1'. 311 03/26/,;/ DE:AL''11 C'RI E13 WEL.:11 AVE. 652 30 u1,14/8' 4ftr 14 Ai ",J I'R1 WA WFLOH AVE:. 6''_• 2') 0i,14/67 C•F' ATIJP NE S 1 LANTATI ' 24 1, ]/:0 ■'b eATUR CA C PLANTATI t•811 _I 1 I, './ L'ETI•u1T NB F 30' 30 0//24/87 ['E) I'hH NH Ht'1,1.EMAN 2!9 2n 01/44/4/ DEXTER .3L H')LLI•,MAN 300 ,'J ._, '.`!,'•34 F 0L NB INLuW 46f 24 n3/,"./8/ Dul •W0 . i.' :.'B t'k t, u) 24 01/11,'87 ft:'MINIK WD 1EXAI: ►,3 30 04,22/e/ DUMTM1 K 1•.B MUNSON 1 1 , ..0 J.2/1:/86 DoM1 N : 1 Wb ML 149 ,0 0 _ • ;1'J:: , 1 " iM1H11•, EB ktLE Su'JTH 164 .() 03/""" DUMINIK WE; KYLE ZUTJTI1 1 ,0 11/ 9,'87 DuWLINt, KR 1•'M 2S18 401 30 1/ 1,:'1 ['l:1NrW''0i' NU EMERALD IA 1 24 '1 3, 1 ,, 1 E TARRuW B Urd I VER „iTY 154 .,L' 04/28!47 1': TARRuW N1: TARROW 155 30 "4,' 2 v: E TARR'1W ::A TAR<''W 156 30 5, I/5 EA'•'1':9ANh :;}t JW PARKWAY ' 24 0' / EISENHOWER NEB UNIVERSITY 14 t) 04 28/P7 EISENHOWER SE IJFJIVl3J ?::ITY 15 • i1 04/28/d7 EI.:ENHOWER SA ASH 148 3n us/0.,A7 Ei:,[•.IJHUWER NH , _t 0NEK r2; ' 11;.10/81 ELEANOR :sB H!'LLEMAN JU3 JI1 4,22/84 EMEFA1.L' PA WB E BYPASS 19U 30 11. u4/8 / L ESSEX fJREE PA :)'1'�'NE:BkUt7Y, (,54 .:9 1)1/.'_, 7 I.J::1; •. [MEP :,Ti'NEJiktlt�K S .' ' 4 U',. 1 ,, E 1 B Iii' EH FM 2818 445 30 1/ 1 '86 I''•r: R[) dT, 1•rt LOIC 446 .30 1; 1, 8b L'AIRVIEW NP JERSEY .1 30 U , •, 8 / FAIR NA PARK 1"'LACF. ..85 .0 5/2e./1'1, n0537 Pay- N t, . L, 06/02/I.' 'J r 1t 1 it Control bnv3 ce Inventory 1 :lcliedulw I I , I I I and IV (Slop Slip.) .;1g1.rd St.. Pit 14 Cru,s St. Sign A Size Date Issued FAIRVIEW SB PARK PLALE 286 30 5/28/81 FAIRVIEW Si3 HOLLEMAN 3b 3U U?.'24, >+7 FIDELITY ED 11AFtYb;l9 191 24 0a/31/87 FIDELITY Wl, MARYEM 1 `1 ' 24 '13, ii, '1 FIL'ELITi WB WELLBflPN 291 30 1/ 4 /H FItELYrY Ell M1 ,AIR 33u 29 11, ,1 /U/ FIDELITY WB tluIJTCLAIR 3.;7 .:4 I),, _ 1, - 7 I INFEATHF6' SI; FIb RD 144 .0 0;;, 1„ 7 FIL ST NIJ 1 :HUP'`H r .1 30 03 10/1/ l• Ik:lT :;1; CHURCH '•2 _fJ ')3, 1'J, 8 I•'IP.,1 NB LUIII:71., 421 '4 02/:%/67 F iktIT `,B I,t!U, E. 4,.8 :1 IJ., /26/87 FM 216 FR Ell L')NGMIRE 711 30 Uz, 11, F1) 6'M:rI r,< W1: FuN'+I1IRE 112 30 06: 11 /U FM21 FR WB :7uUTHWut1G 7l4 31) 03,11/88 P oS TEF NP L. HRl .,'1' b _ u 2, 2 t „' >'t FuSTI•.F SR 'JiL(`HRL :;T 7 .,U -/2 1'' TER No FRANCIS 1'F. 1, l'' o.:,. 1'1, i / FOSTER .3E; F•'KAt CPC L'R 39 .,U 0/V'. 13 / V.'CTEI :.H KYLE AVF ill •' u . 1 /dtt F6-1E1. NI; WA :.1 •'El 1t1 ., ;U 1)4/ 11/' 1 I• U:; 1'F,R J 11 WALTON 1 U 4 u 01130 :.7 1.of,TER NH LI N• OLN 149 30 U3/25,8/ }•TAN' "J . C1 WB GT,ENIIAVFN `•`'l 24 1/ I. i'. F 7 L.K Eli WAL'"'JN 2 : U 04/30/8/ FI:AN• :1" DR WE WAl,T0l1 3 30 •)4/ ,t), ,I / FRANCIS DR WB TEXAS 9 _0 04/22/87 1•'kAN'` 10 DR Eli ULENHAVEN ',54 U 1/ 1/e6 FRATERNITY WI, W1:LLERURN Et 64G 3U "./11/87 FRATERNITY NL DEACON Lk: 641 311 06/11/8/ •,E1.40,IA N13 FIOLLEMAN ",1)F 30 11 3/.:.4!'37 '"FTTY:,BUR'a WB [ AlNTREI• 1V2 24 03/u.,87 11ILCHRIST 6.R WALTON 86 f'J 04, ,,u /P7 e1I 1 _HkI ST W13 WALTut) t; / to I)4/ 2.1, ' GI1.CHRIST YOB TE.CA:; : l ,,1J 04/.. ': ';LL1'HR1 ST EB E'11IYEAR J e'1 ..M R /hG '' 1 1.•_ 'n 1 .; a' 6.13 M1 JN:;' ►IJ .:14 .:4 03/s1/8/ GIL.11RIL;T Wl3 JAME :J PARK `' .0 14 03/2'../1.:1 'g1.AI:E. NB ANtIA L`.'' :L' 11 , .I` CI ,\1.l: NI; 1loLLEMAN 1.,6 30 1'., 2_..'..' G LAI'F. SB :1./L .EMAN 137 :11 ; 0/ t �, }'r GLENNA- Et1 NFL UNIVERSITY '1 ,U 1, 1, ts'. GuuL'E El; GLALE 2F,_ , 4 n',/ _t), h7 1itIUI;E W13 FE1. HINt; 4''.. '4 04 /0., ".7 GRAHAM EP :3Hb 11 0 'J4,'01//h• q F'AMAIA WB NoRMAND DR 19'J 24 114/01/1 / GREENS £'NA KB :;lib :.1,2 I1 04/C1'/8 GREENS PRA WE SH1� `.t. 3U 1, 1/07 GREENS PRA E.6 Ruck PRATE 564 311 1, 1./g/ CRC'VF W1: WFLL}1'jRN 290 ,U 1/ 5,1,4 1;RUVE. EB HIGHLANDS 01.: 24 0 3/.: 3. . ; t''. E Wls HIGHLAND:. 812 !4 n:,2":41 n0537 1' l oe No. ', 08, 1►; /t;.: Traftic Control L' /ice Lnv'antory ::c)1. 'lule II, III and IV (:;top SIT) ) ▪ rgried St. Dix i/ Cr'i:)., St. Sign Y :;i':o J'dto IZ5ued GUADALUPE EF3 LANGFukr.J b88 10 'j. ', / ^L u IJAi'ALIJPE WB NUEC'E:; :64 JO 04,01/#7 GUERNSEY WB FAIRVIEW ` +9y :4 03/18/87 HAINFr.. EH uL.ALE 318 Ju 0;/20'S7 'IA1N1: • WH L'N :':'C) ?h 233 30 4/11/8 II4Rt_'WUIJL' WB I1UNJuN P.:: _4 •► • 1 ,'' ' HARR L IJGTON NB f,JALT•J?J 151 24 04,3u/8i HART: l N'JT'!r+ SI. I• I AN''1 J DR 113 14 o .U' 0/ HAWK TREE. Eh ;;11UTHWVUU ' 3u 04, 10, .`, / HAWK TREE WD Su(JTiIWuOD t,91 JO '. /15/14 HAWK TREE EB .;IIENANDOAH 348 24 04/09/8/ HAW) TEFE Wh . ..HL.NANDOA }1 4`..• - q U4,09/8/ HAWF, TREE WB RI'' GRANDE 5('F. ,4 04/07/87 HAWK TREE EH 13R''THERS C2/ /q ' HE:AI'I'HSTUN l:B '1'ARk'?W ' ;0 •14 '..0/ 8 ' HEAPTHST':'fl I• Is CHIMNEY H1 `_ 1 4 14 U '/'1'+/ 3 / HEART }'.,T' JN WH CHIMNEY H I :• J :4 03/W HFNIe SE '1'kl•,EHOUSE /1 :4 11 4/ 24, 8 / HEN, 1•.L L'H '1 EA A"' 1,'1) '0 1/ 1/8" HERF Ft:'F:r• .P :I'''I,LEMAN c _ I' ;, 1" 84 UI•:K''PY 1 +b SW PARKWAY `.47 '4 04/15/8', HIGHLANDS NB ,JFEt:;l�Y _, 30 0:'2!,18/ H I l,L.11 DE SA lO''TITER° 626 .'4 U_,'06•87 Hrl i.T'.'I' ::r AIRLINE lu) 24 08,11/64 H11.LT:'L hb FMZ813 FR 1 10 '-1 08;11/3r HOLI1 F'h NH Irut.1•lMAN ,:N 3t► 11 / H(jLFK L'k Sh HI...LL.EMAN ?6(, JO • ., 'J4/ / E1rIl,11. +'l' NH JF1%.:r i 217 (' '►.;, ,!`,, 1J'/ HULUF ?'1' :,13 ,'ARK P1.A' :E 2b0 ;') .. ' T1, '•t, II''l.hL.MAN E.B 'J1.AL1 1 :" .10,z , o / HULi.T,MAN WB ;L.AI. LL) ., 0 J ' ' 2 .J/ R 7 11''LLFMAN EH ANDERSON 142 ,u 03 HOLLEMAN WB ANLERJuN 11: 31I 4,/04/; 7 11 '1.1•FMAN EP DARTMOUTH ',; I '0 r, J Est, HOLLEMAN WB DA1 TMOUTH `.3.. 30 1/ I, 8t. HkLLEM/N F1i E BYPASS '' )`• '► 1, J : i WADI_ NB SW cAl. WAY 1 13 ,J „ 2l, :' Hr'N1,r SF, FJI1F:•_ F :; t '' _1 .:4 1,' 1, :, / INI,;►'* E1 ':0LL.E'3E•: v 40 ;u Ua/ 1 tI : ; INLLVV, Wti NAO1.K 407 .,(• 'J_/ 2 1, L / JAMES PARK NB FPANt. L L: L I 0 2/1.,/hu ►AME:' PARK SP L kANL 1 S DR `, 3U U l 8, 7 JAME:., LARK .3Fi I•'IL ST 1 `•E• 30 11;/?! JANE SR UN1VE.I.fiFTY 11, .:() 04/..'3 0 JANE NB ' t It_ NEF. ;28 z1 0_', 1'1, +11 JENNIFER NB DEACON _','J )4 U 1 ,m1 JENNIFER NH 'M. F.EHutJ :I E. :h . 4 I; 4,23/87 .Jf 1JN1FEh JFs ';';.I�r.H�'l1SE .b �4 (14,-,P11 JENNIFER .,F; PuNDERDCA ...J2 24 04 Ot, /n 1 JENNIFER r' Sb LEA' :'_'N 350 24 03/12/87 i ALAN''HuE ED C_IIRE5r. LJ6 24 ► :, •3'. KAi.ANC iI''F WE, 1. YPRJ: c,:.. ' 37 .'4 1/ : /0" n05376 F.t'j' Nn. / 08/02,3P Tr ff is c'clntt-u] Dilvice Inventory ;;r hf dL J r I I , Ill and 1V (Stop .: t'311, ) Si St. Dix 0 Crn (- I. SIT! # Sizn Lsitt T ,',uic•d KERRY E:B FAIRVIEW 597 24 03/18/67 KERRY WB FAIRVIEW 598 24 U., /18/81 B 1111. /UMW EE LANJFuRL' b 37 24 J 3,' 3 "., ::;7 F.GKNEE TAP WB TEXAS 1 ,I) 04 , I, ;'7 KkE,NEK TAP El: E BiPA::;.: 404. _u ;, 1,!' 'r.YLE SOUTH NO n13MINIK 16: oh 05/17/e/ 1iLE :ic'0'I'►1 SE DOM1NIF It, 3U U:.'1"/87 KYLE SP WD KYLE. ::IJ(ITH - '2 311 0 .,2 LANr7E1,uT ED LA'Ic+FO11L' i4`, 14 I13/?` 87 LANGF)Ri. NIi 'ERR 7 27G r.a Ira /C.L, 3. LANGF'ORD ME HAI 7 ES :19 .: IJ 3,'20/8' LANGFORD SE HA INES 11 30 0 3; .0, 8 „ ANUFURL' NB .,W PARKWAY �" - 04/1 LANCFC'RL' SD :,W PARKWAY C /8 =1 1 .• 1.ANC FORL NB WINDING E.07 24 i1'. /IJ t, S i LARKSPUR NIi E'uNDEIO :;A ' -, :4 04,0 ; :,7 LASSIE S6 :'TEPL[NU 21., :4 04;1, 8; LAJf; 1. NB RICHARD :; 972 24 U4 /u7/r3/ LA.;$JE S13 FICHARDS 9/3 24 04/117,8; :,ASSI E ND Hci1 EMAN '_'4r. 24 u 1/ '4, 1 LAIJI NR :iW D APIcWAY 111 30 0 4,15/81 EAUhA ;;[t .;W L AhKWAY ] 11 30 1/ 1/t10 LAURA SD BEE CREEK :44 . 4 0.,/0'41; I.AUbA N1. HAINES 4:-› _U U.;, ' : „37 L,1 ""Ac A WI WEL.;H ..JC 24 IJ5, 01, 37 LAWiF.r :;T MB SW vAhKWAY -77 ;0) 04,1V4, LAWYER :;T bI3 SW PARKWAY ._78 30 (J4'1_•,' LAWYER :;'Y NE BOSWb1.1. J8 .,0 (1,r0`., 8, LAWiI• ' ;'[' SB Bv.iWELL. ,9 _U U:., U!. /ls7 L,AWYF'R ;,1 NE. ;'AUDI LL. 474 21 ) LHA Wb ',I,AI•L 150 24 9,'L6/8 L.E):. N11 JEFSE:t' '4t' , 11 (I' � , ' 1''' MB DARK 1-LACF '_7 .;0 1/ 1 /8G LEI: :i13 F'AFF: PLACE 28 30 I11 u../87 L. UIJN TPEE EL ANL'ERSuN 477 24 +.;/u4/87 1 1''NA NE SW I AR1 311 :u 'J4/1','37 LEI INA :;L SW I'Ar'hWAY 312 JU u14/ 1 ` 1.1•uNr '11 NLJECE ; 243 24 04/01/el LINCOLN WB TEXAS 94 JO 04/2:/e/ LIN»_.1,N Eh UNIVERSITY 5:: 3(1 ', L • UG LINDA NFs HARVEY 4.`_ 211 003, .e3,2 / 1.1 e. ' - 'AK Wh TEXAS JS ot. 04, C3,'c' / LIVE OM EL3 NIMITZ 17 24 a .:],'K7 LIVEE. OAK Wh NIMITZ 1L' 21 04.01 „/ LEAN Wb WELSH 275 24 u` /O L, Fs7 LUNGE NH t HURC:H 4_ , ?4 UJ,'0'', .1 / I.UU(.;EPOL C NFL PuNC'ERu$1 - ,R3 2 4 04. 0t,•"8 ; I.ODGEPOt, L Nb TFF.EIIUU.:;I i:0 . 4 1.4/._1,t/ L'31J(3EL UL L' :;1-, I''NUEROSA 3:3Z 24 h4,•06,'"/ LONGLEAF c_' Nb FoNDI:R11:;A Set. 24 01/06/VI LON:,LEAF L' NB TREE.HOTJSF•. 3 24 04/2u/h7 1.ONCL1'AE' G .L: "1.NDFI:uSA 3t :7 24 04 /uu /o7 n05377 Pa'je Nn. 0:t,02/88 'Pratt,' Contra I Device Inventory Cully -I(:1• ;1, III and IV (Stop .3iyn.; ,;i•ar►'.d JI . hit @ Cr y•::', St. Sigh 11 Si 4- U3tr: 1: LC'N'$f1J RE OB Fuck PllA1 R 51,5 30 1; L, k,t, I.UNUMIRE NB VAL(EY VIE 613 _0 04/28/87 LONC141FE E 1ALLE1 1/1E 1,1. 24 04123/P7 I,uUIJE WE WEL,1,P_uRN 53 30 04,,0/87 :,►iUI.;F F,B BuYETT 220 24 u3,05/3' LUTHr r. WB WE1.1,BuRN 2 30 04/30/87 LUTHER E!3 FAIT-VIEW •:9L, )0 2/ 2u /3r• LUTHER WE FAIFVIFW 29t, ►, 2/2U 8h LUTHER 1,1' WELSH 3J2 24 x! l)TH F Wh WF'L3r1 _. _ • '1 t, ,' : ' LUTHlR W El: MARTUN r +1 4'i.' _11 _, 1,'85 LU'I'1Irl: W WH MAk1uN Fit 45_. IU I.' 1/UT. h.'T)IE W 'x13 FM 2• :1'1 4_•4 ,0 1, , • , ;IA' :A} THUP SB 'N1 ,IKRSI 1'Y 1 x, :kJ ''4, . ` /:; / tIACAI,l'rlUJ NB :Hu1J1::I. `.,..• .:4 C : U, 87 MADERA WE iJDELL : .51 -4 04,01/87 iIANUEI. Wb 'T[ XA.; 215 _0 I, ii. MAPLb Nx. WEI.LI 422 30 (14/10, 1 MA1:t: i 1JE; HARVEY 437 :0 I/ 1.3r• MARluN 1-11 Nr: .JF.F.:,hl' 1.1; .,O 1, 1.L6 MARI-[J PU Nil LUTHER W 1 1 - ,0 :0 0../ 2 ;, Y ' MARDIN id SL LUTHER W 4.1 'G 0. / 2 _, ?1Alt : ;'r'L,LLEF NE; [•KI N''l ; hI 1 4 03, 1 ; 1/ MAR.I 1'ELLEl• L7 L U1 Ll 11k 1 : ;'I' : ' 4 U_/I% / MAPYI.M Nb I AI:K I LAx'J•. 457 :.4 i,4, 01, `.1 IlAIt11'.M _;1, 1-ARK PLACE 458 L4 04,61/8/ MEAU' WLANE' 3E' UNIVERSITY 400 .0 0 „U3; R MEA1»» 4LAN[' tf }, H1.1'J,.l•:.. ',')1 .:4 0. r4F.LUNA N1; 3W 1-'Al KWAY it: _1; J4, 1!•, ; / MEI'INA :'li :;W PART WAY 314 ;U 14, 1'_•, b / MEDI NA NH TR It;uEl: 1' 0 _ 1 94-14 ' ' MEI►:NA Sh Tkiur_ ;Fl: 9.'1 24 h4/-4/. t• EU1LA .:L NUf.►'h', : ..4 '•4, Ir1, i? 7 [HERR, .'AF.:' ..r, !MTV ' :; - 1 24 ui, / MERRY ''AKJ NL L't!f11N1. 11 '4 03/ 1 f1EI:ki +'AK.; . ;1: DuM1NIK ,; -4 'J'/_r 't;/ .IF Rho uALS Nu cARI'L 54 24 0J, 'ir•/ J / M.N.? 'Ah:, Sh CARuJ. ',5 4 0.5/04, MEREi OAkS NB P.ANCIS 1!R / . -1 0 , ,' , Y,7 MI ►.Af: NE I NI,OW 4r,7 24 1,., -5/8/ M[LAI''1 LIB CRi)S:; h04 '4 t.'_, 11,87 MILE WE '1E 'i,4 '; „ I 35 M I L L ''REM. E13 :,'r'►!NEBRu'' 1,57 24 07, 2 ../8 / M11,1.1F'F' R1! WIS bu:'ENARi 2: 0 JO 04, i0';. . fll f,I.IFF Pr' Eli 'TEhAJ .:..'J 2,f1 04, 2.:, (, / 11TL.NI.1, NF) ;11.:III0.S'T t;9 . 4 Ur;/ J '1 L' / cr MIi.NF;Fi : CI1.'. HPIL'1' 90 ..4 r,., 10, ''. ,Hi1.NEh WE FRANt'l S DP '. d4 0J3, 1:1: 3 1 Mf L I4Elr :.,B FRANx21.. LEI. 14 24 lJ-; 1'+, .s 1 MII NLk NB WAL'FuN 150 24 04/30/P MI [.fIEF SB E URtE:A1t 155 .'4 04/01:' 1 ''' 'LATE N1i , 1•[.SFY 2.52 3u: OJ, ?J, t/ n0537f P iv. tl ' ii '' ., 'J:, rldit Lc �''f:ttrul C'e\ ►cc Inventor' S.hrdul, 11, En i►',1 1 V f:'tci ;:tilt ►:.1 (w :.L(31..'.d tit. 'ir @ Clo ; : ...t. "igit # 31: 1'cte 1 $Ue 1 M('N'1'r_LAll. NB LUTHER 2i,'' 24 1/ 1; t, MONT''LAlb' SIB I.UTHEK 270 24 1/ ], J 1 tl "N1'c.1.A11 NB PARK F[.ACE 49 Z4 u4 /U:; 87 MOW; c.1.AIR ;EI EAPh IL.ACE' 30 /4 04,01,s Mc.I'' „1!'I.; WI, TExA. 134 :1 U4,21/ M033 WB TEXAS '-I 2 3U 01, :. :'; " / Mc';;' E.11 I03 'Pk R 440 24 2/201 tit.. "''1'tl NLi ERAWLJO DR 8. :0 '1;; 1'.,'`t/ MUN:;c,tl .:1; I=I ,N' 1;; D1' E: _l '►_ /l tile 1 14IJN:')ti NE f'III1 iNI1 146 _'1 03/1C, :Vi MIJN:;IiN .,C, L'UM1 r l l' ; 1/ :r, 12, 12, S., MUt4SUN 111, LI Nt_LLty `.: 24 (1,/,'6; . ; Z: P [ L'r;EF 1 E EB LANGFORD 4'.0 24 U2/ 2 : - .,,'r 7 NAGLE I11; '_IJUPCh 717 2U OW I 1 /:'.; NA'Ji I' :;N CHUR' H 718 .0 0"/ 1 1 , Nt ■VAI PPU hi, WELSH Ir.; 1 21 ''5, U1/J / NAVARRO WB WELSH 1 C ..4 1/ L, :' NAVARR EL RJ u GRAND} `.119 2 1 34,' 0 7 NE,AL, I- ICKF•, SE Doti tNIK '' 24 O; 1r,,•;,7 NEAL 1 ICKF N1 I. A1.O1. `.7 . 4 03, 0'1, Y,', NE.AL C' ICKE ..E , _ARuL _ L13/11'! k 141 , ..• . , : / ' rl�, : f LK!- Eb 1''l AN 1.)1: /9 , t: `, 1 ', ;: / NEVADA NI' WF.L: 11 1 ! 1 �'' U'.,'01, ', / NIMJT.. .r, LI P, ' ')Lil 110 )." 1 1„ 2'4t7 tIIMIT/ NI: UNLVERSiTY 1J b 30 01,.:.,,':1:' ti1Mi'1'.. ..,i 114 1 VER S 1 '1' / 11 1 .,U 'I1, ;,t.7 NIM.TZ N13 A31; 120 .,11 11:, 0 N 1(1;1% Lb 1',.:11 141 30 11,, 0r., 8 / NJ MIT4 NE LIIOf /Eb. ..1', 1•4 0„ 1 (/37 .:' (..IP.trC CI .,L: 1 •_1N Jt.2 24 111:1../ 37 tIOR DP Fib F'l NON 363 24 ',.i /1 / n'jhIlANC' Eh NI; TREEIIuU.;E 31? 24 '!9, 2: , ii / NORMANU l'R 113 TPEEHUUSE 37_ 24 U4/43/07 NORMAN[' Lli NI! 1- ')NDEF'OSA Jr; t1 ? ] U4,'0'%, 8 / N.J <MAtNL' D1. :,b FUNC,ER '' :'A 18' 24 1J4, Ot, .. / t1uh MAN L' G1 Slc R''CK PI•Al k '.ts : 4 04, uti, ": / NUEt_E: SE FM 4Z3iU t•'►; U 1 NIIEc'1'..: NI, WI,1 :_,H 134 : l' 1,' }'f, N1 .,E. WALTON 12 _9 0.1, ;0, NUNNJ N14 1.1N.:01.11 1 ,:4 .12 1,'tt.. C'U' 'f :PCEY WE FAIRVIEW »..'.. •4 0_, , 1 c /Mf :A WA Nl, DUZI1NJ►' 4. "1 24 1, ' ',, t'fit ', ,IF,F.VE [i E EHOLLEMANI 111.1 24 , '- . :)kl: 'fill (AU:' : 11 , 4 U,, II'+ 37 ukf~ Eb GLADE .717 ,' 4 L., 2E_ E.4 ;- 'AM1,1 f N13 HARIEl 43b 30 ! i, '4 I AR}. I L.A' E Eb TEXA:; 242 30 1, 1/;.16 C'AKK I'LACF ELI ANDERSON 19 3U 03/0' , ,'7 PARK PLACE WE ;,tIL/F,RSON 21' :0 Os, u `_,, / 1'Ah ;'I ACF E' L:L,',1'J' 2(.1 ..0 ' PARK PLACE WE GLAI'F: 2(..1 3t► ":, , " •. L'AF1 tL/'CL I' :' TIMb}sR :I;1 ,.) !'1, .,;,'/ n0537, Page. tr 111 I VV (aor ' fi - ii LIL. Cc..u1r„1 Devi:c_ 1rt',e111X11y SLhi.cJUIe 1 1, 111 in.1 IV (.71 iytl.a) 0Iljrlt'ri Si . 111L 0 I. rns: St . •. 11111 H 01 it fate ] r:-.Fwd 1 ARE'. PLAt:E. WE, TI MDEi' t.0; .,'I '1 4 / ::,'ki / 1 ARK ['LACE EH DEXTER .'b 0 3t• ', 1 /t'r• PARK rLA(:1: WB DEXTER :'111 30 3, 1, CL. PARK I'LACE EL: HIGHLANDS :81 ',I 1, .',' ;/ 87 PARK [ LA; E Wli HIGHLANDS :111 24 u L, ,. PARK [ ).ACE. WL1 WEI,LI,ukU 20) _u 04/..10/"1 PARK E'1.A''E EA; HEREFORD .,'.'' 1 U F114, .7 1'Al.I. F [.A21 . WI: HEREFC -, .1 .' 1 11 ., 14, ,• / [ ArLER ..F; 1,i N1.l:,LtJ 1G't , 4 1J;/ •f,, , 1 ATP ' CIA WFs EoY ETT 42r. 4 1)3 ' u ` , •' : L ATl, I C 1 A EB BO x ET F 141 44 1J :,, I1 c., ., I'LARCE; El: 'I'Al I'1: W L.1 E 24 114, , U,' 1•EDCLANALF'S NB NAVAFRu , 1.' 24 I,', C7 1 I..1/1:'RNALEC :,li NA"'ARk.J '61 .•4 03/.•!.p.1/ P1•:L'1';INAL1.;; NB .:A14 ::AB ['E: ".3 1 04.'01„ 87 1'1•'r►EI?N /ILES ::Et : AN bAli L'R 211 .14 114, 01, • / CFLEI•NALL :L. NB ..AN LEN 1TU 4'32 t4 04 /0F,'b 1'F'['I:E. N rt!,E.. Ski SAN 1:1 N 1 7''_' 11:4 24 04, 08 , b', r F :F ',IIINI. 14B [,1mF: 1I,Ar'E 201 _'' E•, _,'Or. 11..!3hi ;L. PARK [L L', 211,' ,(., 'J4,IJ..,G/ 1 F,F :;H iPlt; IJL JEF :;E': , 11) :0 0.7., .E.,•:./ t Err; .I1 EL '.'AI +ERt''',/ 1 h .: " 1/ / I •, • t (1' :E1 : 11,1 HI'LLEtiAti ',I,'. JL 11., - 4, ' I :t?RKI 14 F IJEAI••N t, -1 • 4 11 ' : : EE.i F. :;L IIKA.'Ji: ;` :.`_ 4 l.' 1), F7 Pic. , .1 1 . t :1, 'IRELu , 1J..,r .t.t, . 1 'I4,' :_ 1/ 111..11: E1 11 , ..1...;1111: - :F. ,I, 24 J1 / /);:3 L 1EhRt. . :L' PUN r'E1~''2 _•a` . 4 04/ U' , .3 / 1 I NE. 1e i l/I;E 41,1, ANL'E1tSu'fi 41. .:4 '1_,'0'., 8! t' I Nl. F I I' LIE ER DRF.tI'I"5,, JUL 4 '1. . 4 I►„ :1,., 97 1 .111.N r.F3 .:H1 _: 1 JD I, (1 I - 'Jt1DEF:USA E:Li LUNGM1RE. J L,. .•' 1 ,/ 4, ,,,. 1'I.41..F.K'1.1A W13 LuNGMIPF 1 '7 30 11 , Lt,, 87 P0t11 F:F:USA LB ;:Fib 1. _l• .: /. -'. 14 1 I,I'LA 1•' Wb '1'L.c,=S 'It, JU _ :t„ b4 1'UI_'LAP EE N] M1 T.. 115* ..1 (14, /t t. o / l'uE'LAL' W1s N, M;'I I. 111. 24 1, 1/ s`. 1 U;'1 NB 'W I API.. WAY 1 /q .'4 0•1. . I ., •, E'JEUL! I N :;E ['1:.At 4`-'F. . y :, 1, ,'III..BL 1 t: N13 1'RAt (.1‘; 4'1' •'4 1, 1 "' 1 URYl, 1- SB L'UM1 /0 1L' IJ / 1 ;, 1., 6'IJKYRAk (`1b F'l;AN' I I'h 100 t' r.,_.. le '' • L •Jk >! r.AF : li E. RANG 1 :: DR 101 21 1. 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L79 _1) 0 ., . 1 i , 1.•.1•.4 F.I''': E WY, LufJ1;M.NE 1v 'J '1, 2.'1, I;', TRINITY :L, .,W : A.Eer WAt 2._ 1 ; 04, . • 11 f4LV 6Ai 3 WI: 10'1.h. :;'JUPH i, • : it '11,1% n05382 a' . 1•' rJ. 1 _ ,. 1 r.1r f I•_ ( 14 0...v 1t . Istht - ;1t . ' Y [ ' 1�1.: 1. t..! - 11., : 3113) L .2 , toss-ti .,L. :Ili 0 •'r0 • 1L. .'a.3r. # St : '•.,Le I -- ,u1.1 UNIVEkSITI F:la :1UN'10N 442 :0 a :, .,1 / LAN1'.,s[.£1T'r WI-1 MUNSON 44., .0 03: _J, ' / / „L JERL' U 1=,L- 1.1 U C;ItANL'E `.11 ..4 04, 07/.3 tiA1.Lr i VI E El' TI•XA:; 462 311 u4/21, 1 VALI.I :'i E WL :;I.111THWO!'L .,41 30 12' -/ii 'JAN 111 WI.; I 10 '. 1.At .1I,1•. '. 08 24 ' •'.'.•, .'A'S.."-th WE TA'b• iJ 1 .- 4 1 1 —II '+ 7 . , I.LAt ;F; 1.13 r['1L.LF I1 Ati :4 it U 1 ',' 1 V11.LAGE, WI ANUf;t;.._IN _4` _ ' VILE. +L:I'. ELS 01.111_ I 4 ;t• 0 1,' VI:..L. :GE'. WE '_i.A;'E U _U 1 . u.''.7 VI'.1. A•_E v/1; l'-ER.,IIJ NO 4 :: . 1 114/0. /P.. W [•E(TEF. 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L. : AM..; t41 L ' [ A17 C I el 1 . , ` ' 3 U 1, 7 P G W1 N1'1:1uEI. tit: • [ ;.ANTA'PL ' 1 i . 1 . 'l' Ct• W1ND1•REE .21s i'LAN ?A'1'1 ` 1 :r .'4 4., l s! WI N1 1 NL. NI: ,1''1,1.F MAN .. ' . iU .. . . :t' 4 1tUL'• . H' L.I,E1s1Ar7 ?W; 3 3/1C, C W111t•'17'3 NF; L'EX'IEl ....sq.. _4 r1', 1 .' • W1111. . '71, r; l'F'xTFF .;21 . •; 0 3; 1 ., _ i d 1 /:''..WEE' "' 1;[. S 1- ',A17'[' /•'1', `_ . 1 ; , 1 W: 1.[': :WI:[ : ..I; . I. ...247 -L I 1 21 1, .. , 4. '+rr, ,i[ 1'' 1.111 , . 1 ' • , ' ., I) •, !, ; W (11,1 ,''N ;:L At7L.l1 ..... 41 .._'; 24 u3/0', t). tr: 1:,1• h0 :11+ ANL'I•i': ;c'tJ :'27 24 J_, '`•, . 1 w. , J." LI I”, 41, Ai= I'JMA'.',•'t 174 _1 U 3'l'_ / >. " v1l•U.JI:[: J.1'.} gD 11t 51,6 : f1 1 ; , '. WuUDWA' NB WOul.):.; ts AN 45'. ..4 0`•/ u •1/ °7 W : , WA/ :.1, Wtio1J :;MA14 4`•b 2 4 ur•• 04,':;7 YALE. 1-u •_ JF'NE1.L .:1U -4 0:/.3,c1' .11. 1.1_' :,,: NUL1 f• :, ,. 7 24 1)4 t)J,' 7 1' IRE `.''!WFl EL I Al r1TRE:E 1t; / ', 'l„ 1'4, ..' 00538. ORDINANCE NO. 1846_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2.D, TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INVENTORY, SCHEDULE III, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY ADDING NINE INTERSECTIONS TO THE STOP SIGN CONTROLLED INTERSECTION LIST. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2.D., of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Signed Street Dir @ Cross St. Sign # size Date Issued AZTEC CRT. NB TO DEACON 1090 24 02 -07 -90 AZTEC ST. SB TO DEACON 1091 24 02 -07 -90 DURANGO ST. SB TO DEACON 1092 24 02 -07 -90 DURANGO CRT. NB TO DEACON 1093 24 02 -07 -90 CORTEZ ST. SB TO DEACON 1094 24 02 -07 -90 CORTEZ CRT. NB TO DEACON 1095 24 02 -07 -90 BOLERO ST. SB TO DEACON 1096 24 02 -07 -90 BOLERO CRT. NB TO DEACON 1097 24 02 -07 -90 SUMMERGLEN SB TO GLENHAVEN 1098 24 02 -12 -90 II. Whereas, the preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of March , 1990. APPROVED: La r A 1 ‘ TEST: O I t' 'Ait -4' _ OWIL- onnie Hooks, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 1869 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTIONS 2C, 2D, and 2F OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO FOUR -WAY STOP INTERSECTIONS, SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND SCHOOL ZONES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION; AND DECLARING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2 -C of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "C. FOUR -WAY INTERSECTIONS The City hereby designates certain intersections to be controlled by four -way stop signs. The designated four - way stop intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule II (dated August 2, 1988) on file in the Office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended to exclude the following four -way stop intersections: (1) Marion Pugh Northbound at Luther West (2) Marion Pugh Southbound at Luther West A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. That Chapter 10, Section 2 -D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Cgntrol Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 11, 1988) on file in the Office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended to exclude the following special hazard intersections: - ,■ .^' 6 Ordinance No. 1869 (1) Marion Pugh Northbound at Luther West (2) Marion Pugh Southbound at Luther West A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." That Chapter 10, Section 2 -F of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "F. SCHOOL ZONES The City hereby designates school zones on certain streets. A maximum speed limit of twenty (20) miles per hour during the hours designated by this ordinance on regularly scheduled days is established within the desig- nated school zones except school zones on state highways where the maximum speed limit shall be determined by the State Department of Public Transportation. The desig- nated school zones and the hours regulating the time of day that each zone is in effect are described in Traffic Qorj trol Device Inventory - Schedule V on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended to exclude the following: (1) Removal of Pedestrian Flashers and signage at Rio Grande, 700 feet North and 700 feet South of Deacon Drive. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times. IV. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 8th day of November, 1990. APPROVED: ri ST: _ May Larr Rin nie Hooks. City Sperpfary ORDINANCE NO. 1889 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTIONS 2D AND 2F, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS AND TO SCHOOL ZONES, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on March 28, 1991, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following in- tersections within the Rock Prairie Road School Zone: (1) Abbey Lane Westbound at Victoria Avenue. (2) Yorkshire Drive Westbound at Victoria Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Council further found that it would also be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chap- ter 10, Section 2F, of the Code of Ordinances by designating a school zone on Welsh Street, with a maximum speed limit of 25 mph from 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Monday through Friday, more particularly described as follows: From a point 167 feet South of the center line of Nueces Drive (the North property line of CSISD) 1,497 feet South along the center line of Welsh Street to the North right -of -way line of FM 2818, and from this point North along the center line of Welsh Street 1,497 feet to a point 167 feet South of the center line of Nueces Drive; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. Ordinance No. 1889 Page 2 The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. That Chapter 10, Section 2F, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "F. SCHOOL ZONES The City hereby designates school zones on certain streets. A maximum speed limit designated in the Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule V (dated March 28, 1991) during the hours designated by this ordinance on regularly scheduled days is established within the desig- nated school zones except school zones on state highways where the maximum speed limit shall be determined by the State Department of Public Transportation. The desig- nated school zone speed limits and the hours regulating the time of day that each zone is in effect are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule V (dated March 28, 1991) on file in the office of the City Sec- retary. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." III. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this llth day of April _ , 1991. APPROVED: Mayor" 71. y I' riEs AT ST: MIA‘h Conn a Hooks, City Secretary 44 - -I - -I 11 a a a a1 a a 01 a a Co a 01 a E II P 0 E E E E E E E E V 0 0 0 O m N N N N N N N N 0 0 N N 0 N CU CL to E E E a ea VV a et et m• et e d 1 er 5ei 5er et d •.i in se In . 1n .. u 1 an m . 1n .. in .. r • r ) in . m 14 . .. r) .--4 OD .-. N . r) . .. .. 0 0 .f 1'1 .. f'7 .•• r) 1 CIn . f 17 r l • M 0 1 0D 1 0D 1 00 1 CO 1 GD 1 Z0 0 03 I CO 1 03 I CO 1 CO 1 COI CO I m >+ 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 o 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r) N m r) m 1') N M f'1 en 1'9 r) r) c•1 m r) en r) r) M m r) m r) 1><'. Q n •A r- w r .l r .a N y 1- 0 1- 4)1 r to N W Ni a r- 0 r- 0 > m am 0 14 V 41 m r . mm U o 10 N 0 0 0 10 In In in d en r1 r) r1 r) N Ca ' I W 0 0 0 o a a: x x M 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r) Z er in r- m al •- N r) et et u) 0 .1 N 0 0 N N N N N r) N ') r) f et d' In an an w 0 .4 r4 .-c •-e .--1 .-1 .-4 ri H ..1 •-f •-f H •-1 c • • m 0 01 .-1 .-1 .-1 .-1 .-1 r 1 .•f .-1 .f .-1 .i •-1 •-I ri al > R co V) o to m U 0 0 > U x 0 o "' m a o 0 m m ++ .-1 C +) ro 1 1 w w 0 4) a) 3 W W 0 111 m I1 >, m 0 .0 -a O m m ) ° 1 m 91 > .0 14 0 r4 X W ' I 0 'O 4 $ ' . a 11 0 Z 0 u.1 . 1 1 m . 0 U O 11 1 -)) 14 0 V 0 1 0 0 m W 3 4 4.) 11 11 0 U 14 43 m a V 1 +1 w al al 0 1 4.) d w N m +) 1 0 0 4)) 4)) m ca -4 03 N 0) 0 .0 n d 0 .i CO +1 U) 03 I 1.4 I .-1 V) m H 0 0 'd '[f 14 V) 1 14 CO CO .1 .-1 3 S4 14 10.4 11 1-1 4) . 0 m >1 m 0 (0 10 .. 4 11 O V .1 >� 0 0 V) CO 0 •.1 -.1 -.1 $ 3 3 4 94 --1 0 0 w 0 0 00) ad >1 - � 1 - 1 9-I ' 1 0 0 0 . 10 w +, 04 4) •O h m 3 3 0 0 14 .Cw 0 m .00) ma) w w 1 1 w 94 0 +) 11 11 0 0 m o 0 m m ) m m 4 40 la w 0 14 0+ 4) 3 14 +) PO 4-+ P. ') 40 0 O b m 4) 0) 0 IA to .0 .0 4a 4- Z -.1 ro CO >, m Z >, 4) 4) w w m m M a' Ca m 40 m .I •o b 1.1 0 0 0 fa m m 0 m m O m.0 4)4 x4) m 0¢! .90 Z v 0 ) 4 ) .0 .0 '� m 0 a) 0 > w o a m4) m80 14 v) m$ ii 4-I m 4) 4) CO 0 m m> m •+ 10 /4 0 m ro 1.110 0 0) 4) m 4) m 14 0 > 0 > m > a > 11 m H +) 0 14 '0 Alb 4) 0 P. 0 m m m 1.1 0 0 - m -• > 10 4 0 > a• IA IA 4) 14 11 IA (0 ro m 11 m +) Z V) k > 14 .i C .i IA 0 +1 0 N a 11 +) 11 V) 10 a 0 M .0 14 1) 0 11 m 'W 44 w CO 4-1 •0w CO +) V) 1) 0 O 0 CO q 0 m) 0 11 0 0 '-440 tn 3 0 0 0 s 0 y m >, 0 0 0 -11 .440 1.1.0 1� 0m 4-1 .0 1 4-1 .0 . .)e m .X 11 1a O 0 0 0 . CO .0 111 0 -.1 0) 4a 3 a 4- )0 .0 a CPI 4- ,)4-1 -.I m .1 0 m 0) 0.0 c4) 0 V3 0a. 01 0 0w 0 w 0 0 0a) 0 aa 0w V 0 114 id m 114 id 10 aw - .rw a w a•o o00 0 0 aV) IA3 X' x0 a a w 4 egg 00 00 00 • • • • .-1 N r 1 er to to s co Oi o N r1 et •--1 .1 .-1 .i •-1 0 1 < . 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C I 41 C 0 0 U 0 0 • 0 01 41 0 -4 •d 0 -d 41 0) > 4J 4J 1 0 • 1+ 0 id .0 O 4 f 0 0 � w Q 0 Z 4J 0 U 4 14.-4 10M4J r1 14 10 >,0r a3 co O a) .0 11 O .0 .0 4 0 0 W C C) 'd 40 0I in m 01 04J 41-1 0 E.0 0 4 0.0 3 0,1 .-1 0 >7 14 -I II .0 0 O W04 C U 4J I . iJ O 01 1 0 N . 0 0 0 O 0.0 14 �0 01 • C 1 •J 4) 10 m 0) ON UX 0 O �c • 8 C b 4 > •. .0 O .0 a ) - 'd 'O 41 V .0 0 ea 04 C 001 O 1.1 -4 41 4 0t.0 co 1 C 01 C 0' .0 -1 .0 0 C+ > 10 14 41 •.4 41 0 0 01 W 01 - . 4 4J 41 0 01.-I •d O ... > 0 40 44 4 M 10 a � 4 4 W v4 0 .0 -U 01 0 0 14 .d ,. C ... ° W 14 0 11 C) ad m c O 0) 4J . 0 'H 0 0 0 14 44 0 C ••1 0 r•1 0 0 C 0 •C 4J 41 at 0 0 > 0) •.4 .0 0 --I 11 a d - 0 .4 do ••4 0 4J 14 as 03 40 --+ 41 In C 41 b 0 •.4 • a C 4) .1 01 14 041 0 01 14 0In0P0 ab 0• - 4 0 Z o xmar H a1 0 a 01 0 o a 14 -I 0 1- s 0 >1 J-' Z a1 0 a a) ) 44 a V . -1C ro -1 ° 0 �1 01 .0 0 0 4J ° v-1 �d o I4 Co 1e •° N 2, .'0: t .= 4d 11 W 41 0 -d 14 o cL W 4 0 O r 00, d' 11 41 0) a) 40 114 1d 1 44 0. 1 10 W 11 4T o • 0 a C 14 0 E 311 14 g 0 4 4 4 . 1 lave 4 to -f C 0 0 N co C4 f 1 41 0 01/3 N ►I - O 1+4 Z 1 14 a) 0 41 0 o O r 40 J± . 4 . 4 .•4 w b 0 0 .1e 14 •a 1 4 d r-1 41 01 .0 0 14 -. ° > 'd 'd a 01 0 0>, .0 0+ 14 (0 010 41 41 -4 14 11 'd b a) 10 0 Z b 0 'd 0 a1 E 0 .-I 14 E 14 41 10 0 14 10 10 •0 14 r --I I X 3.1 O Z O 41 041 0 U C1 0 > > O C9 rI Si 41 1 - 0 14 4 14 0 tQ 14 O O) 3 . •1 a 0 U 1 O 0 O 3 a W U W .� 0 J; w .0 0 O P 4 0 -I 0 0 -.-I 0 14 1 0 0 .0 4 41 V1 0 'd dl a) > -1 0 4d 0 •d a al -d a1 41 4 0 •r4 41 01 al - C --1 4 •d ..i m 1a IO 11 .0 pt C y .0 .d 14 .0 0 .0 0i •d 01 4 14 al 0 •d 0 4J -d 0 4.1 •d 114 4.1 14 01 at 3 m O 1.. 01 01 '0 0 0 .-4 !C -d 0 .0 O 41 01 d 44 14 b 41 14 114 O - 14 a) 14 W N U x 44 03 W O O 0 0'd CD a>.0 >. s4 0A.140 01 0 - • 0 O 10 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 .0 14 0) .0 0 d 03 .0 f 0 E 0 0 1 3003 1 0 0 4) 0 0 0 •--4 x 4, 0 0 01 444 14 44 14 O w -d 0 4 4 • 0 C 0 01 -1 0 4 4 1d •-1 X -d 0 Cr 0 1 0 03 a 0 .l 0 1 0 0 / 1 •d a 0 r-4 Z 0 'd -•4 h..-1 N 11 o n + 1 4 a3 0 o .i r4 r4 .-1 .d 1V n - r r;. / x , `,� '• -�° College Station Independent School Distrizt `s r �� Excellence In Education - -An Investment In The Future f ~ r sr-14 r H0 ° February 22, 1991 Mr. Jim Irving Traffic Safety Superintendent City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Dear Mr. Irving: Pursuant to a request by the District's liability insurance carrier, and because of our own interest in the safety of students attending the A and M Consolidated High School, we request that a school zone be placed along Welsh Street in the vicinity of the high school and athletic complex. The zone should include the portion of Welsh Street where students and staff normally cross the street from the new athletic complex and new parking lot. This would be from about 1900 Welsh through to FM 2818. The school zone speeds should be in force from 7:30 A.M. to at least 4 P.M. Classes begin at 8:10 a.m. and end at 3:20 p.m. However, there is quite a bit of activity for at least forty -five minutes before and after these "bell" times. Thanks for all your help. Sincerely, ■ r� JdA.N eal Assistant Superintendent for Business 1812 Welsh Street Ray L Chancellor College Station. TX 77840 Superintendent 409- 764 -5400 n " r' ! .. --4,,,,,. / * 4 , 4e „, 8 ; ..,-, i IIIIIII11111140,1; Ata - -- - .....c .. i • PaINNIMIlli ,,, *is' l g JL5I1 m ' � Ui l Ji t MI MP MOM imp NW • aim . ! SOUTHWOOD 1 VALLEY 1 A ATHLETIC PARK - I f f rr r_ go ` Q Y • i s v) C.S.I.S.D. w S iiiii 1 1 I JUNIOR J ling SCHOOL o O U %1V4 , ME "."L iii CI ‚ „ I / U M -- ..,,,,,, w No, F.A QR' _71 1 ru ill um Min sInCim au „cu. r„,,, ., em sa �� i r ROCK PRAIRIE ~�� ELEMENTARY et im NE3. ow mow SCHOOL ,.. AmNK WESTCHESTER PARK ;,+\ Et t\ t ORDINANCE NO. 1896 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on the 23rd day of May, 1991, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding a stop sign at the following intersection: Stonebrook Drive Westbound at Rock Prairie Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersec- tions to be controlled by stop signs. The designated spe- cial hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III, (dated August 2, 1988) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended to include the following special hazard intersections: Stonebrook Drive Westbound at Rock Prairie Road A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 23rd day of May, 1991. ATTEST: APPROVED: � ■ r C1 Secretary Ma Lair 1 Stasney SB University 411 30 01/01/85 4tasney NB Church 414 30 03/10/87 Stasney SB Church 415 30 03/10/87 Stasney NB Cherry 218 24 03/09/87 Sterling WB Texas 131 30 04/21/27 O(Stonebrook WB Rock Priarie 1203 24 05/06/91 Stonebridge NB Woodcreek 570 24 05/04/87 Stonewall EB Raintree 181 24 03/03/87 Suffolk NB Burt 324 24 03/06/87 Suffolk SB Burt 325 24 03/06/87 Suffolk NB Park Place 326 24 04/02/87 Suffolk SB Park Place 327 24 04/02/87 Summerglen WB University 556 30 01/01/86 Summerglen SB Glenhaven 1098 24 02/12/90 Summit EB Hilltop 708 24 08/11/88 Summit WB Southwood 713 24 08/11/88 Sussex Dr. EB Stonebrook 656 24 07/23/87 SW Pkwy. EB E. Bypass 206 30 03/17/87 SW Pkwy. EB Langford 645 30 06/23/88 SW Pkwy. WB Langford 646 30 06/23/88 Tarrow SB Lincoln 106 30 03/26/87 Tauber SB University 412 30 03/29/85 Tauber NB Church 45 30 03/10/87 Tauber SB Church 46 30 03/10/87 Tauber NB Cherry 217 24 03/09/87 Taurus Ave. SB Haines 232 24 03/23/87 Taurus Ave. NB Holleman 235 24 03/24/87 Teakwood WB Appomattox 176 24 03/03/67 Thomas EB Dexter 24 30 03/13/87 Thomas WB Dexter 25 30 03/13/87 Thompson EB Fairview 31 24 03/18/87 Thompson WB Fairview 32 24 03/18/87 Thompson WB Eleanor 658 24 09/17/87 Tiffany NB S. Plantation 575 24 01/01/86 Tiffany SB S. Plantation 576 24 01/01/86 Timber SB Timber Knoll 628 30 04/23/87 Timber Knoll WB Shadowcrest 568 24 01/01/87 Timm EB Glade 21 24 03/20/87 Timm WB Glade 22 24 03/20/87 Todd Trail EB Southwood 114 30 04/10/87 Todd Trail WB Southwood 115 30 04/10/87 Todd Trail EB Brothers 122 30 03/06/87 Todd Trail WB Brothers 123 30 03/06/87 Todd Trail EB Longmire 125 30 03/26/87 Todd Trail EB Shenandoah 339 24 04/10/27 Todd Trail WB Shenandoah 340 24 04/09/87 Todd Trail WB Rio Grande 507 24 04/07/87 Treehouse WB Brothers 365 30 03/04/86 Treehouse EB Longmire 379 30 03/26/87 Treehouse WB Longmire 380 30 08/27/25 Trinity SB SW Pkwy. 234 24 04/15/87 Univ. Oaks WB Kyle South 68 30 11/30/85 University EB Munson 442 30 03/31/87 University WB Munson 443 30 03/31/87 2 - 12 2/1/91 l ^ ORDINANCE NO. 1912 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION; AND DECLARING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2 -D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988) on file in the Office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended to include the following special hazard intersections: (1) Pebble Creek Drive Northbound at Greens Prairie Road (2) Callie Circle at Ponderosa A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 12th day of September, 1991. APPROVED: A EST: 1 Mayor -rr WI! er ��1JYll1� J Connie Hooks, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 1942 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on Febru- ary 13, 1992, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections within the Welsh Street School Zone: (1) Westchester Avenue Westbound at Welsh; (2) Willow Loop Westbound at Welsh 1450 feet North of Rock Prairie Road; (3) Willow Loop Westbound at Welsh 1140 feet North of Rock Prairie Road; and (4) Honeysuckle Lane Westbound at Welsh. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. (1) Westchester Avenue Westbound at Welsh; (2) Willow Loop Westbound at Welsh 1450 feet North of Rock Prairie Road; (3) Willow Loop Westbound at Welsh 1140 feet North of Rock Prairie Road; and (4) Honeysuckle Lane Westbound at Welsh. Ordinance No. 1942 Page 2 The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordi- nance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 13th day of February, 1992. APPROVED: A May r • ry er ATTEST: (,,(..-L) Connie Hooks, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 1952 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on April 9, 1992, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following ..n- tersections: (1) Trigger Street Eastbound at Gunsmith Street (2) Stonebridge Drive Eastbound at Stonebrook Drive NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Sta- tion to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and in- corporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. (1) Trigger Street Eastbound at Gunsmith Street (2) Stonebridge Drive Eastbound at Stonebrook Drive The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordi- nance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of April, 1992. ATTEST: APPROVED: A reki,... : ORDINANCE NO. 1960 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on June 11, 1992, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections: (1) Yorkshire Drive Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (2) North Graham Road Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (3) North Graham Road Westbound at Nottingham Drive (4) Benchmark Drive Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (5) Coachlight Drive Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (6) North Graham Road Eastbound at Regal Row NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Sta- tion to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dat.ad August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and in- corporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. (1) Yorkshire Drive Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (2) North Graham Road Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (3) North Graham Road Westbound at Nottingham Drive (4) Benchmark Drive Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (5) Coachlight Drive Eastbound at Nottingham Drive (6) North Graham Road Eastbound at Regal Row Ordinance No. 1960 Page 2 The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordi- nance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 11th day of June , 1992. APPROVED: May&r aarir RJngbr- EST: . j City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 1997 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on February 11, 1993, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding a stop sig on Lee Avenue southbound at Timm Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Sta- tion to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inyerttory - s Sched!le III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and in- corporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. (1) Lee Street southbound at Timm Street. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordi- nance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this llth day of February, 1993. TEST: APPROVED: 414 City Secretary May: irli a ''� ORDINANCE NO. 2012 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on June 10, 1993, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by removing stop signs at the approaches to the following intersections: - Frost Drive eastbound at Foxfire Drive, and - Frost Drive westbound at Foxfire Drive. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are descnbed in rails Control Device Inventory - Schedule 111 (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on fife in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. - Frost Drive eastbound at Foxfire Drive, and - Frost Drive westbound at Foxfire Drive. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 10th day of June , 1993. ATTEST: APPROVED: • i !Mr ecretary ,1 : yo F"NO n �'i ORDINANCE NO. 2022 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on July 10, 1993, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by a adding stops sign at the following intersections: o Fidelity Street Eastbound at Fairview o Highland Street Southbound at Luther NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein: o Fidelity Street Eastbound at Fairview o Highland Street Southbound at Luther The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordi- nance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 8th day of July , 1993. ATTEST: / / / APPROVED: ORDINANCE NO. 2024 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on July 22, 1993, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding a stop on Patricia Street eastbound at its intersection with College Main. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein: o Patricia Street Eastbound at College Main. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordi- nance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 21st day of _ July , 1993. ATTEST: APPROVED: ity Secretary Maw' L \ . inq` ORDINANCE NO. 2042 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on December 9, 1993 and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections: • Louise Street westbound at Second Street • Cherry Street eastbound at Second Street NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard inter- sections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Sta- tion to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and in- corporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. • Louise Street westbound at Second Street • Cherry Street eastbound at Second Street The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordi- nance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessi- tates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of December, 1993. ATTEST: APPROVED: • ORDINANCE NO 2061 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on April 14, 1994 and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections (1) Cimarron Court Southbound at Deacon Drive (2) Pedernales Drive Northbound at Balcones Drive NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT 1 Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows "D SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are descnbed in Traffic control Device Inventory - Schedule II1 (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein (1) Cimarron Court Southbound at Deacon Drive (2) Pedernales Drive Northbound at Balcones Drive The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times " I1 The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this1z3.th day of April 1 994 ATTEST APPROVED S ere �' Secretary .4 May ORDINANCE NO. 2 0 6 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D. OF THE COLLEGE STATION CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on May 2u, 1994, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections (1) Greenwood Drive Eastbound at Bent Tree, and, (2) Greenwood Drive Westbound at Dnftwood NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows "D SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described ni Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length Herein (1) Greenwood Drive Eastbound at Bent Tree and. 12) Greenwood Drive Westbound at Driftwood The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council A current schedule shall be maintained by the CitN Secretary at all Nines " 11 The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided b‘ the Charter of the City of College Station PASSED ADOPTED and APPROVED this 2 6 thday of May 1994 ATTEST APPROVED Cit. Seeman � r` TM," qlft ORDINANCE NO. 2070 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE C^ ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on June 23, 1994, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections 1. Spring Creek NB at Sewer Plant Road 4. Shadow Oaks SB at Spring Creek 2 Crystal Oaks WB at Spring Creek 5. White Rose Ct SB at Spring Creek 3. Wildewood SB at Spring Creek 6 Spring Creek EB at Appomattox NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT I. Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows. D SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are descnbed in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary This schedule is hereby adopted anc; in- corporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections 1. Spring Creek NB at Sewer Plant Road 4 Shadow Oaks SB at Spring Creek 2 Crystal Oaks WB at Spring Creek 5 White Rose Ct SB at Spring Creek 3 Wildewood SB at Spring Creek 6 Spnng Creek EB at Appomattox The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times 11. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this23rd day of June , 1994 ATTEST APPROVED 0.elrynxc. Atiatct-g) ORDINANCE NO. 2079 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on August 11, 1994, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chap- ter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections: 1. Shire Eastbound at Victoria 2. Mustang Southbound at Shire 3 Mint Eastbound at Welsh 4 . Sunflower Southbound at Mint 5 Sunflower Eastbound at Welsh 6. Ivy Cove Eastbound at Welsh 7 Oakbrook Southbound at Deacon 8. Meadowbrook Southbound at Deacon 9. Hasselt Westbound at Nottingham 10. Hasselt Eastbound at Nottingham 11. Aster Westbound at Nottingham 12. Aster Eastbound at Nottingham 13. Eleanor Eastbound at Montclair NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 1. That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be con- trolled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule II1 (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on fife in the office of the City Secretary This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: 1. Shire Eastbound at Victoria 2 Mustang Southbound at Shire 3. Mint Eastbound at Welsh 4 Sunflower Southbound at Mint 5. Sunflower Eastbound at Welsh 6 Ivy Cove Eastbound at Welsh 7. Oakbrook Southbound at Deacon 8. Meadowbrook Southbound at Deacon 9 Hasselt Westbound at Nottingham Ordinance No. 2079 Page 2 10. Hasselt Eastbound at Nottingham 11. Aster Westbound at Nottingham 12. Aster Eastbound at Nottingham 13. Eleanor Eastbound at Montclair The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times " 11. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 11th day of August, 1994. APPROVED -- M Ma e 0 0.14.4 TTEST• ` / r f FA Connie Hooks, q ty Se : tary ORDINANCE NO. 2093 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on October 13,1994, and found that It would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections: (1) Van Hom EB at San Felipe (2) San Felipe SB at Deacon (3) Honeysuckle EB at Westchester (4) Canterbury EB at Westchester (5) Dover EB at Westchester NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Sta- tion to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule 111 (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: (1) Van Horn EB at San Felipe (2) San Felipe SB at Deacon (3) Honeysuckle EB at Westchester (4) Canterbury EB at Westchester (5) Dover EB at Westchester • The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times " II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of tts passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 13 ttiay of Oc tober , 1994. ATTEST: APPROVED: ORDINANCE NO. 2109 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on February 9,1995, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at tt:a following intersections: (1) Appomattox Dr. NB at North Forest Pkwy. (2) Glenhaven Dr. SB at Dominik Dr. (3) Brazoswood Dr. EB at Glenhaven Dr. (4) Brazoswood Dr. WB at Glenhaven Dr. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory • Schedule Ill (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: (1) Appomattox Dr. NB at North Forest Pkwy. (2) Glenhaven Dr. SB at Dominik Dr. (3) Brazoswood Dr. EB at Glenhaven Dr. (4) Brazoswood Dr. WB at Glenhaven Dr. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of February , 1995 7, n i APPROVED 4 4Pti o * tt■ 1 44 *04 y 2 ## \t: �j '4 4_ 3 til.Afi.4‘ 4-NI CAk � Y ' R � IC HAFO m S ON \\ t& 44# 1I:i. O Zr � ` e " rf:# ' 44e#22 \ \ \ \\\ \ 40 4 #1° 4% 118 \\\ 4 '4 ■ , 4 t t ##m ,_ ty &,‘ #Attfr A . 4 V �o���000�,o�a P� � 7-2 � 4* it 2°41fr flir a* •• #94114'4 • d{ � tom o Sign Atik A"ik * t ; � „top ilt 40/ City of College Station, Texas OF MEE PLANNING DIVISION "`T�ox .wvesreo. may ncx ' u lkik. dg O Vd" -- • j4 S c?" v0 CARTER C Ek 6 WASTEW • ER a t #v/ TR EA ENT O P • NT x o t 4 a , i► zo :. 611), L #74/74 n Z 4 441• At 4 .150 4 4.4, rp% 4',6 4,S# 4 . op-A Attozber# A m pr 22# 104r , .41, 4 4r#41 ON' i'712 /4 20 _ Wle4 . m O 4 m O y _, O �o ip 4r NV 4 d 4 Proposed Stop Sign ■ 1 ,te City of College Station, Texas FOF DATE OF MEETING: 2/9/95 PLANNING DIVISION ACTION REQUESTED: STOP SIGN 1 4 2116 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on March 23, 1995, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections- (1) Sienna Drive Southbound at Holleman Drive West (2) Jones - Butler Road Southbound at Holleman Drive West (3) Woodway Drive Southbound at Holleman Drive West (4) Southwest Parkway West Southbound at Holleman Drive West NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT- Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule 10 (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections (1) Sienna Drive Southbound at Holleman Drive West (2) Jones - Butler Road Southbound at Holleman Drive West (3) Woodway Drive Southbound at Holleman Drive West (4) Southwest Parkway West Southbound at Holleman Drive West The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Counc,1 A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times " 11. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 23rd day of March, 1995 A EST APPROVED , H City Secretary Mayor ar y RI ORDINANCE NO. 2127 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on May 25, 1995, and found that It would be in the best Interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersection: (1) North Graham Road Eastbound at Victoria Avenue (2) North Graham Road Westbound at Victona Avenue NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are descnbed in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule L (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersection: (1) North Graham Road Eastbound at Victoria Avenue (2) North Graham Road Westbound at Victoria Avenue The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times " I I The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station PASSED, ADOPTED and • - - ROVED this 25th day of May, 1995. ATTEST: APPROVED: A •. Ia C r '`oas, City Secretary L r ORDINANCE NO 213 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on June 22, 1995, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections (1) Georgia Street Southbound at Nevada Street (2) Detroit Street Southbound at Nevada Street (3) Carolina Street Southbound at Nevada Street 14) Phoenix Street Southbound at Nevada Street NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: "D SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule 111 (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file ±n the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: CO Georgia Street Southbound at Nevada Street 12) Detroit Street Southbound at Nevada Street (3) Carolina Street Southbound at Nevada Street (41 Phoenix Street Southbound at Nevada Street The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the Crty Council A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." 11. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shalr be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the Crty of College Station PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 22nd day of June, 1995. TTEST APPROVED. r City Secretary ar er ORDINANCE NO. 2135 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on July 13, 1995, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections: (1) Benchmark Drive Westbound at Victoria Avenue (2) Hasselt Street Westbound at Victoria Avenue (3) Victoria Avenue Southbound at Graham Road (4) Puffin Way Northbound at Eagle Avenue (5) Hawk Owl Cove Northbound at Eagle Avenue (6) Gold Finch Circle Southbound at Eagle Avenue (7) Eagle Avenue Westbound at Longmire Drive (8) Eagle Avenue Eastbound at State Highway 6 West Frontage Road (9) Dove Trail Southbound at Barron Road NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I . Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: (1) Benchmark Drive Westbound at Victoria Avenue (2) Hasselt Street Westbound at Victoria Avenue (3) Victoria Avenue Southbound at Graham Road (4) Puffin Way Northbound at Eagle Avenue (5) Hawk Owl Cove Northbound at Eagle Avenue (6) Gold Finch Circle Southbound at Eagle Avenue (7) Eagle Avenue Westbound at Longmire Drive (8) Eagle Avenue Eastbound at State Highway 6 West Frontage Road (9) Dove Trail Southbound at Barron Road The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the , Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 13th day of July, 1995. ATT ST: APPROVED: 1 (-- . City ecret y Ma ar ■ ORDINANCE NO, 2140 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on August 24, 1995, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections: (1) 12th Man Circle Southbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (2) Winged Foot Drive Northbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (3) Muirfield Court Southbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (4) Muirfield Village Northbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (5) Firestone Drive Northbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (6) Champions Boulevard Southbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (7) Spearman Drive Eastbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (8) Royal Adelade Drive Eastbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (9) Stonebriar Circle Westbound at Stonebriar Circle (10) Stonebriar Circle Southbound at Champions Boulevard (11) Augusta Circle Northbound at Champions Boulevard (12) Firestone Drive Southbound at Spearman Drive (13) Winged Foot Drive Southbound at St. Andrews Drive (14) Shoal Creek Drive Westbound at St. Andrews Drive (15) Shoal Creek Drive Eastbound at St. Andrews Drive (16) St. Andrews Drive Eastbound at Spearman Drive (17) Lakeway Drive Northbound at Greens Prairie Road East (18) Enterprise Drive Westbound at State Highway 6 East Frontage Road NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I . Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedc a III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: (1) 12th Man Circle Southbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (2) Winged Foot Drive Northbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (3) Muirfield Court Southbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (4) Muirfield Village Northbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (5) Firestone Drive Northbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (6) Champions Boulevard Southbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (7) Spearman Drive Eastbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (8) Royal Adelade Drive Eastbound at Pebble Creek Parkway (9) Stonebriar Circle Westbound at Stonebriar Circle (10) Stonebriar Circle Southbound at Champions Boulevard (11) Augusta Circle Northbound at Champions Boulevard (12) Firestone Drive Southbound at Spearman Drive (13) Winged Foot Drive Southbound at St. Andrews Drive (14) Shoal Creek Drive Westbound at St. Andrews Drive (15) Shoal Creek Drive Eastbound at St. Andrews Drive (16) St. Andrews Drive Eastbound at Spearman Drive (17) Lakeway Drive Northbound at Greens Prairie Road East (18) Enterprise Drive Westbound at State Highway 6 East Frontage Road The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. The preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates immediate action. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 24th day of August, 1995. A ST: _ 1 APPROVED: 4111111.16. 41. Alb.. City Secretary ayo • eq.& ORDINANCE NO. 225 2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. WHEREAS, the City Council met at its regular meeting on August 12, 1997, and found that it would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs at the following intersections: 1. Hunter Creek at Southern Plantation Drive. 2. Alley east of Furrows at State Highway 30. 3. North Forest Pkwy at State Hwy. 6 E. Frontage Road. 4. Hawthorn Street at Thomas Street. 5. Sara Drive at State Hwy. 6 W. Frontage Road. 6. Treehouse Drive at State Hwy. 6 W. Frontage Road. 7. Appomattox Drive at North Forest Parkway. 8. North Forest Pkwy Ext. at Appomattox Drive. 9. Maplewood Court at Appomattox Drive. 10. Walnut Grove Court at Appomattox Drive 11. Shadow Oaks at Appomattox Drive. 12. Maryem Street at Grove Street. 13. Lee Avenue at Timm Drive. 14. Timm Drive at Pershing Avenue. 15. Slice Court at Parkview Drive. 16. Bogey Court at Parkview Drive. 17. Birdie Court at Parkview Drive. 18. Pro Court at Parkview Drive. 19. Double Eagle Court at Parkview Drive. 20. Caddie Court at Parkview Drive. 21. Parkview Drive at Spearman Drive. 22. Parkview Drive at Lakeway Drive. 23. Enterprise Drive at Lakeway Drive. 24. Harris Road at E. Rock Prairie Road. 25. Saint Andrews Drive at Spearman Drive. 26. Strasburg Circle at Kernstown Lane. 27. Hunter Creek Drive at Kernstown Lane. 28. Windfree Drive at Kernstown Lane. 29. Barron Road at Decatur Drive. 30. Rose Circle at Munson Avenue. 31. Thomas Street at Pershing Avenue. 32. Thomas Street at Hereford Street. 33. Pinon Drive at Lon¢mire Drive. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I. That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: 1. Hunter Creek at Southern Plantation Drive. 2. Alley east of Furrows at State Highway 30. 3. North Forest Pkwy at State Hwy. 6 E. Frontage Road. 4. Hawthorn Street at Thomas Street. 5. Sara Drive at State Hwy. 6 W. Frontage Road. 6. Treehouse Drive at State Hwy. 6 W. Frontage Road. 7. Appomattox Drive at North Forest Parkway. 8. North Forest Pkwy Ext. at Appomattox Drive. 9. Maplewood Court at Appomattox Drive. 10. Walnut Grove Court at Appomattox Drive 11. Shadow Oaks at Appomattox Drive. 12. Maryem Street at Grove Street. 13. Lee Avenue at Timm Drive. 14. Timm Drive at Pershing Avenue. 15. Slice Court at Parkview Drive. 16. Bogey Court at Parkview Drive. 17. Birdie Court at Parkview Drive. 18. Pro Court at Parkview Drive. 19. Double Eagle Court at Parkview Drive. 20. Caddie Court at Parkview Drive. 21. Parkview Drive at Spearman Drive. 22. Parkview Drive at Lakeway Drive. 23. Enterprise Drive at Lakeway Drive. 24. Harris Road at E. Rock Prairie Road. 25. Saint Andrews Drive at Spearman Drive. 26. Strasburg Circle at Kernstown Lane. 27. Hunter Creek Drive at Kernstown Lane. 28. Windfree Drive at Kernstown Lane. 29. Barron Road at Decatur Drive. 30. Rose Circle at Munson Avenue. 31. Thomas Street at Pershing Avenue. 32. Thomas Street at Hereford Street. 33. Pinon Drive at Longmire Drive. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." II. That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. III. That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its publication in the newspaper, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 12th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: APPROVED: C J?q \r ‘ r Velb - & C7 L 7M...2 11..1A-L 4.1 CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary LYNN McILHANEY, May ORDINANCE NO. 2305 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING A PENALTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to he void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its publication in the newspaper, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 26th day of February, 1998. ATTEST: APPROVED: C jillaltA CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary LYN fdicILHANEY, Mayor 1 EXHIBIT A That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: T. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated August 2, 1988, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein and is amended by adding stop signs at the following special hazard intersections: 1. Alpine Circle at Anderson Street. 23. Marshall Road at Wellbom Road. 2. Mossglenn Circle at Anderson Street. 24. Sallie Lane at Welibom Road. 3. Cloverdale Circle at Anderson Street. 25. Shetland Street at Lee Avenue. 4. Antone Court at Anderson Street. 26. Lorikeet Lane at Purple Martin Cove. 5. Clement Court at Anderson Street, 27. Starling Drive at Purple Martin Cove. 6. Cedar Run at Anderson Street 28. Spring Brook at Barron Road. 7. Oakdale Circle at Anderson Street. 29. Windswept Drive at Tiffany Trail. 8. Rock Prairie Road at Welibom Road. 30. Purple Martin Cove at Starling Drive. 9. Edelweiss at Rock Prairie Road. 31. Waterford Drive at Woodcreek Drive. 10. Edelweiss at Rock Prairie Road. 32. Sara Drive at Longmire Drive. 11. Decatur Drive at Barron Road. 33. Tara Court at University Oaks 12. Shire Drive at Rock Prairie Road. Boulevard. 13. Song Sparrow at Hawk Owl Cove. 34. Loriket Lane at Eagle Avenue. 14. Blue Jay Court at Cardinal Lane. 35. Loriket Lane at Eagle Avenue. 15. Parrot Cove at Cardinal Lane. 36. Kemtown Lane at Decatur Drive. 16. Dove Trail at Cardinal Lane. 37. Kemstown Lane at Decatur Drive. 17. Robin Trail at Cardinal Lane. 38. Kemstown Lane at Stoney Creek Lane. 18. Mortier Drive at Victoria Avenue. 39. Oriole Court at Cardinal Lane. 19. Maryem Street at Luther Street. 40. Richland Court N. at Decatur Drive. 20. Suffolk Avenue at Pershing Drive 41. Richland Court S. at Decatur Drive. 21. April Bloom at Autumn Circle. 42. Pecan Court at Decatur Drive. 22. Brittain Court at Brothers Boulevard. 43. Bent Tree at Sandstone Drive. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times.' aw. o: lgroupldeve_serlhestertcssord98 doc 2/26/98 ORDINANCE NO. 2835 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not Tess than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 13th day of October , 2005. APPROVED: RON SI 6evd.-Zsi_ yor ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Sec etary FR r j: City Attorney O/ group' legal /ordirnmce /amendmentform. doc ORDINANCE NO. 2835 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 10, Section 2C, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "C. FOUR -WAY STOP INTERSECTIONS The City hereby designates certain intersections to be controlled by four -way stop signs. The designated four -way stop intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule II (dated October 13, 2005, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III (dated October 13, 2005, as amended) on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." dctp :Igrouptagen- callcouncil agendaslin•progress10510131core serviceslstopsign ordinancet1 ordinance.doc 10/7/05 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INVENTORY SCHEDULES III SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS (October 13, 2005, as amended) Route Route Ahead Travel Dir. Size Origin Date 12 TH Man CR. Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 8/29/1995 Agate DR Lakeway Dr West 30" 6/62002 Alexandria AVE Barron RD North 30" 3/31/1999 Alexandria AVE Barron RD South 30" 10/20/1999 Alexandria AVE Southern Plantation DR South 30" 5/28/2002 Alexandria AVE Southern Plantation DR North 30" 3/26/2004 Alpine CR Anderson ST West 24" 7/30/1997 Amberwood CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/25/2000 Amethyst CT Amber Ridge DR East 24" 6/5/1994 Angus ST Montclair AVE West 24" 10/7/1998 Angus ST Ayrshire ST East 30" 2/25/1999 Antelope LN Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 Antelope LN Navarro DR South 24' 11/15/1999 Antone CT Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1991 Appomattox DR North Forest Pkwy North 30" 12/12/1996 April Bloom Autumn CIR West 24" 9/15/1997 Arizona ST Nevada ST South 24" 3/8/1995 Arnold RD Victoria AVE East 30" 5/5/2000 Arnold ALLEY Nottingham DR West 18" 12/7/1998 Arnold ALLEY Nottingham DR East 18" 12/18/1998 Arrington RD Greens Prairie North 30" 11/4/1997 Ashford DR Southwest PKWY North 30" 7/31/1998 Ashford W DR Ashford DR South 24" 2/21/2000 Associates AVE Harvey RD South 30" 6/21/2000 Aster DR Nottingham DR East 24" 3/3/1996 Aster DR Nottingham DR West 24" 3/3/1996 Augsburg CT Edelweiss AVE East 24" 5/22/2000 Augsburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/22/2000 Augusta CR Champions BLVD North 24" 8/29/1995 Aurora CT Park Place North 24" 3/31/1999 Axis CT Navarro DR South 24" 11/9/1999 Axis CT Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 Ayrshire ST Old Jersey ST North 24" 3/3/1986 Balcones DR Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 3/5/1990 Balcones DR Welsh AVE West 24" 3/5/1990 Barron RD Wellborn RD West 48" 9/5/1995 Barron Cut -Off Wellborn RD West 30" 9/5/1995 Barron Cut -Off Barron RD North 30" 9/5/1995 Bayowood CT Alexandria AVE East 24" 7/18/2001 Baywood LN Alexandria AVE West 24" 7/18/2001 Bee Creek Park Anderson ST East 1 24" 3/15/1988 Bee Creek Park Anderson ST East 2 30" 3/15/1988 Bee Creek Park Anderson ST East 3 30" 3/15/1988 Benchmark Victoria AVE West 30" 2/26/1990 Bent Tree DR Sandstone DR East 24" 10/21/1997 Bernburg CT Edelweiss AVE East 24" 5/22/2000 Bernburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/22/2000 Bernburg LN Edelweiss AVE East 24" 2/22/2000 Berry Creek ST Andrews DR West 24" 10/29/1998 Berry Creek ST Andrews DR East 24" 10/29/1998 Berry Creek Spearman DR North 24" 2/4/1999 Bird Pond RD Rock Prairie RD South 30" 7/8/1994 Birdie CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 Birmingham RD S H 6 South East 30" 5/17/1988 Birmingham RD Longmire DR West 30" 11/19/2003 Birmingham RD Longmire DR East 30" 11/19/2003 Bloomfield LN Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/28/2000 Blue Jay CT Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 Bogey CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 Bolton AVE James Pkwy West 24" 2/2/2001 Bougainvillea ST Schaffer East 30" 4/8/2002 Bougainvillea ST Schaffer West 30" 4/8/2002 Bradley RD Rock Prairie RD South 30" 5/20/1994 Branderburg LN Graham RD North 30" 5/15/2003 Brazoswood DR Glenhaven DR East 30" 2/13/1995 Brazoswood DR Glenhaven DR West 30" 2/13/1995 Bridle Gate DR S H 6 South East 30" 4/5/2000 Bridle Gate DR Longmire DR West 30" 8/9/2005 Brittain CT Brothers BLVD North 24" 9/16/1997 Brookwater CR Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/25/2000 Brookwater CR Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/25/2000 Brussels DR Victoria AVE West 30" 5/5/2000 Buttercup CR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/25/2003 Caddie CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 Cain RD Wellborn RD East 30" 11/1/2002 Canterbury Dr Westchester AVE East 30" 10/28/1994 Canterbury Dr Welsh AVE West 30" 6/24/1992 Capistrano CT Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 8/25/2003 Cardinal LN Longmire DR East 30" 7/25/1995 Carmel CT Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/21/2003 Carolina ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/27/1995 Castlebrook DR Nottingham DR East 24" 6/24/1992 Castlebrook DR Nottingham DR West 24" 6/24/1992 Castlebrook DR Regal Row East 24" 6/24/1992 Castlebrook DR Victoria AVE West 30" 2/6/1990 Castlegate DR Greens Prairie South 36" 5/29/2001 Castlegate DR Victoria AVE West 30" 6/2/2003 Caterina LN Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 Cecilia CT Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 Cecilia Loop Edelweiss AVE North 24" 2/21/2000 Cedar Run DR Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1997 Central Park Southwest PKWY North 30" 3/18/1996 Central Park Colgate DR North 24" 3/27/1986 CHadwick LN Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/28/2000 Chalet CT Welsh AVE West 24" 7/23/1997 CHampions BLVD Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 8/29/1995 Chantal CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 Chantal CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 Cherry ST Second ST East 30" 12/15/1993 Chesa Peake CT Markham LN South 24" 6/27/2002 Chimney Hill Hearthstone CT North 24" 10/20/1992 Chimney Hill Hearthstone CT South 24" 10/20/1992 Christine LN Welsh AVE East 30" 9/29/1997 Cimarron CT Deacon DR South 24" 4/18/1994 City Hall Francis DR West 24" 8/12/1987 Clement CT Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1991 Cloverdale C Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1997 Coeburn DR Newport LN East 30" 1/8/2003 Concho PL S Dexter DR East 30" 8/5/2003 Concord CIR Stonebrook DR West 24" 1/12/1999 Coral Ridge E ST Andrews DR West 24" 10/29/1998 Coral Ridge W ST Andrews DR East 24" 10/29/1998 Cornell DR Manuel DR North 30" 11/2/2004 Coronado DR Gail PL North 24" 5/24/1993 Coronado DR Gail PL South 24" 5/24/1993 Crepe Myrtle Schaffer RD East 30" 7/26/2001 Crepe Myrtle Schaffer RD West 30" 7/26/2001 Crest ST Manuel DR South 24" 1/6/1999 Crest ST Richards ST North 24" 1/7/1999 Cross ST S College AVE East 30" 3/10/1987 Cypress DR Colgate DR North 30" 5/6/1996 Danville CT Alexandria AVE West 24" 7/18/2001 Danville LN Alexandria AVE East 24" 7/18/2001 Dartmouth DR Krenek Tap RD South 36" 5/29/2002 Deacon DR Wellborn RD West 48" 4/18/1988 Decatur DR Barron RD North 30" 6/27/1997 Detroit ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/23/1997 Donnington DR Greens Prairie South 30" 8/17/2004 Double Eagle Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 Dove TR Barron RD South 30" 7/25/1995 Dove TR Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 Dover DR Westchester AVE East 24" 10/28/1994 Dover DR Welsh AVE West 30" 10/28/1994 Drogo CT Norham DR East 30" 3/17/2005 Drogo CT Norham DR West 30" 3/17/2005 Durango ST Deacon DR North 24" 2/7/1990 Eagle AVE E Bypass East 30" 8/4/1995 Eagle AVE Longmire DR West 30" 8/4/1995 Eagle AVE Longmire DR East 30" 8/4/1995 Eagle AVE Longmire DR West 30" 7/25/1995 Edelweiss AVE Welsh AVE East 30" 8/22/1994 Edelweiss AVE Rock Prairie RD North 30" 9/22/1997 Edelweiss AVE Rock Prairie RD South 30" 9/22/1997 Edelweiss AVE Mortier DR East 30" 10/15/1998 Eleanor ST Montclair AVE East 24" 8/24/1994 Falcon CR Frost DR East 30" 8/3/1985 Faulkner DR Fontaine DR West 30" 7/26/1999 Faulkner DR Fontaine DR East 30" 7/26/1999 Fidelity ST Fairview AVE East 24" 7/20/1994 Fidelity ST Highland ST East 24" 6/9/1989 Fidelity ST Highland ST West 24" 6/9/1989 Firestone DR Spearman DR South 24" 8/29/1995 Firestone DR Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 Fitzgerald CI Frost DR East 30" 4/15/1994 Fontaine DR Foxfire DR North 30" 4/4/1997 Fontaine DR Faulkner DR South 30" 7/26/1999 Fontaine DR Faulkner DR North 30" 7/26/1999 Forest DR University DR North 30" 1/2/1998 Fox CR Frost DR West 30" 9/5/1995 Foxfire DR Frost DR East 30" 7/3/1995 Foxfire DR Sebesta RD West 30" 10/20/1995 Foxfire DR Foxfire DR West 24" 4/14/1998 Foxfire DR Foxfire DR North 30" 5/15/1998 Foxfire DR Foxfire DR East 24" 5/15/1998 Front Royal Decatur DR East 24" 7/27/1998 Front Royal Decatur DR West 24" 7/27/1998 Front Royal Spring Creek West 24" 11/16/1999 Front Royal Hunter Creek DR East 24" 5/1/2001 Frost DR Bird Pond RD East 30" 8/28/1997 Gail PL Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 5/24/1993 Gardenia Schaffer RD East 30" 4/8/2002 Gardenia Schaffer RD West 30" 4/8/2002 Garnet Will DR Agate DR South 24" 6/62002 Garnet Will DR Sapphire DR North 30" 9/4/2003 George Bush Dr Fairview AVE West 30" 3/13/1987 Georgia ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/23/1995 Glenna CT Graham RD South 30" 6/11/2002 Glenhaven DR Dominik DR South 30" 2/13/1995 Gold Finch CR Eagle AVE South 24" 8/4/1995 Graham RD Wellborn RD West 48" 4/6/1994 Graz DR Edelweiss AVE East 24" 2/22/2000 Greenleaf DR Sebesta RD South 30" 9/7/1996 Greens Prairie RD HWY 30 North 36" 11/1/2002 Greens Prairie RD Rock Prairie RD West 36" 5/17/2002 Greenwood DR Bent Tree DR East 24" 6/2/1994 Greenwood DR Driftwood DR West 24" 6/2/1994 Gridiron DR Holleman DR W North 30" 5/15/2002 Grove ST Montclair AVE East 24" 10/7/1998 Guernsey ST Welsh AVE East 24" 9/9/1987 Guernsey ST Welsh AVE West 24" 9/9/1987 Gunsmith ST Caudill ST East 24" 4/14/1992 Haley PL Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 3/10/1989 Hannover ST Von Trapp LN East 30' 5/23/2001 Hannover ST Wellborn RD West 36" 5/23/2001 Hardwood LN Bayou Woods DR East 30" 10/20/1994 Hartford DR Victoria DR East 30" 3/14/2002 Hartford DR Victoria DR West 30" 3/14/2002 Hartford DR Brandenburg LN East 30" 5/15/2003 Hartford DR Brandenburg LN West 30" 5/15/2003 Harvest DR Victoria DR West 30" 3/14/2002 Harris DR Rock Prairie RD South 30" 2/11/1995 Hasselt ST Victoria AVE West 30" 4/4/1995 Hasselt ST Nottingham DR West 24" 4/4/1995 Hasselt ST Nottingham DR East 24" 4/4/1995 Hawk Owl Cove Eagle AVE North 24" 8/4/1995 Hawthorn ST Thomas ST North 30" 9/30/1996 Highland ST Park Place North 30" 4/6/1992 Highland ST Park Place South 30" 4/6/1992 Highland ST Luther ST South 24" 4/6/1992 Hillside DR Airline DR North 30" 9/3/1999 Hibiscus ST Graham RD South 30" 9/4/1996 Holik DR Anderson ST East 24" 4/14/1999 Holleman W DR Harvey Mitchell PKWY South 30" 4/21/1997 Holston Hills ST Andrews DR West 24" 4/12/2000 Holt ST Munson AVE West 30" 11/17/1997 Horse Haven LN Earl Rudder FRWY E West 30" 2/18/2002 Honeysuckle LN Westchester AVE East 24" 10/28/1994 Hunter Creek Kernstown LN North 24" 5/6/1997 Hunter Creek Southern Plantation North 30" 9/26/2005 Hunter Creek Southern Plantation South 24" 10/25/1990 Innsbruck CIR Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 Innsbruck CIR Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 Ivy Cove Welsh AVE East 30" 8/22/1994 Jones Butler Holleman DR W South 24" 3/24/1995 Jones Butler Luther ST W North 30" 8/25/1998 Karten LN Brandenburg East 30" 5/15/2003 Karten LN Brandenburg West 30" 5/15/2003 Kernstown LN Decatur DR West 30" 7/17/1997 Kernstown LN Stony Creek LN West 24" 7/17/1997 Kernstown LN Decatur DR East 30" 10/22/1997 Kerry ST Montclair AVE West 24" 10/7/1998 Kerry ST Ayrshire ST East 24" 5/18/1999 Kerry ST Ayrshire ST West 24" 5/18/1999 Kingsmill CT ST Andrews DR East 30" 9/8/2003 Kyle AVE George Bush East West 30" 3/25/1987 Lake Forest N CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/28/2000 Lake Forest S CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/28/2000 Lakeside CT Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/30/2000 Lakeway DR Greens Prairie North 30" 4/15/1991 Landsburg CT Edelweiss AVE East 24" 5/22/2000 Landsburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/22/2000 Lansing CT Dartmouth ST East 30" 9/21/2003 Laredo CT Rio Grande BLVD East 24" 11/26/2000 Lee AVE Timm DR South 30" 2/22/1993 Legacy LN Holleman W DR East 24" 6/9/2005 Leona DR Llano North 30" 8/4/2003 Live Oak Eisenhower ST East 24" 6/14/1985 Live Oak Eisenhower ST West 24" 6/14/1985 Llano PL S Dexter East 30" 8/4/2003 Lochburry CT Regal Oaks East 30" 11/30/2001 Longmire DR Barron RD South 30" 7/25/1995 Lorikeet LN Eagle AVE North 24" 7/17/1997 Lorikeet LN Eagle AVE South 24" 7/18/1997 Lorikeet LN Purple Martin CV South 24" 7/18/1997 Louise AVE College Main East 30" 7/25/1997 Louise AVE Second ST West 24" 1/19/1987 Magnolia DR Merry Oaks DR East 24" 9/20/1999 Magnolia DR Merry Oaks DR East 24" 9/20/1999 Manzano CT Deacon DR South 24" 1/5/1999 Maple AVE First ST East 30" 8/20/2004 Maple Wood CT Appomattox DR East 30" 12/12/1996 Marielene CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 Marielene CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 Marion Pugh Dowling RD South 30" 5/16/1996 Marion Pugh Harvey Mitchell PKWY North 30" 5/16/1996 Markham CT Alexandria AVE West 24" 7/18/2001 Markham LN Alexandria AVE East 24" 7/18/2001 Marta ST Edelweiss AVE East 30" 5/23/2001 Maryem ST Luther ST South 24" 9/10/1997 Maryem ST Grove ST North 30" 4/3/1997 Meadow View DR Graham RD North 30" 8/17/2003 Meadow View DR Harvest DR East 30" 8/18/2003 Meadow View DR Harvest DR West 30" 8/18/2003 Meadowbrook CT Deacon DR South 24" 8/22/1994 Mescalero CT Deacon DR South 24" 1/6/1999 Mile DR Earl Rudder FRWY W East 30" 10/29/1999 Mortier DR Wellborn RD West 36" 4/4/1995 Mortier DR Victoria AVE East 30" 8/22/1997 Mossglenn C R Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1997 Muirfield CT Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 8/29/1995 Muirfield Village Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 Mullins CT Alexandria AVE East 24" 3/8/2001 Mullins Loop N Alexandria AVE West 30" 3/8/2001 Mullins Loop S Alexandria AVE West 24 6/7/2002 Mustang LN Shire DR South 24" 5/24/1993 Nantucket ST S H 6 SOUTH West 30" 10/23/2002 Navarro DR Pedernales DR East 24" 5/5/1995 Navarro DR Pedernales DR West 24" 3/31/1994 Navarro DR Wellborn RD West 48" 8/2/1999 Newport DR Barron RD South 30" 9/25/2002 North Forest Appomattox DR West 30" 12/12/1996 NORTHGATE Parking Boyett ST West 30" 7/28/1998 NORTHGATE Parking Church AVE North 30" 7/28/1998 Oakbrook CT Deacon DR South 24" 8/22/1994 Oakdale CR Anderson ST West 24" 7/30/1997 Oakhaven CR Francis DR North 24" 1/30/1990 Oakhaven CR Francis DR South 24" 1/30/1990 Oakwood TR Sandstone DR North 24" 12/13/2000 Oldenburg CT Brandenburg LN West 30" 5/15/2003 Oldenburg LN Brandenburg LN East 30" 5/15/2003 Old Wellborn Rock Prairie RD North 30" 11/1/2002 Old Wellborn Rock Prairie RD South 30" 11/1/2002 Old Wellborn Cain RD North 30" 11/1/2002 Old Wellborn Cain RD South 30" 11/8/2002 Olympia Way University Oaks South 24" 7/20/1987 Onyx DR Stone Forest DR East 30" 7/2/2001 Onyx DR Stone Forest DR West 30" 7/2/2001 Orchid ST Schaffer RD West 30" 4/8/2002 Orchid ST Schaffer RD East 30" 4/8/2002 Oriole CT Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 Orr ST Winding RD West 30" 3/9/1987 Oxburg DR S H 6 SOUTH East 30" 9/16/2003 Paintbrush CR Rio Grande Blvd West 30" 8/25/2003 Park Place Dexter DR East 30" 3/1/1985 Park Place Dexter DR West 30" 3/1/1985 Parks DR East Bypass East 30" 9/22/1997 Parks DR Krenek Tap North 30" 9/20/1989 Parks DR Parking Parks DR South 30" 9/20/1989 Parkview Lakeway DR West 30" 10/17/1996 Parkview Spearman DR East 30" 10/17/1996 Parrot Cove Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 Pecan Grove CT Decatur DR East 24" 10/21/1997 Pedernales DR Val Verde DR South 24" 8/17/1994 Pedernales DR Balcones DR North 24" 8/17/1994 Pershing DR Glade ST East 24" 3/23/1987 Peyton St CHappel ST West 24" 11/8/1999 Pheasant LN Navarro DR South 24" 7/27/2000 Phoenix ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/30/1997 Pine Valley DR ST Andrews DR West 30" 9/10/2003 Pinon DR Longmire DR West 30" 7/7/1997 Pintail LN Navarro DR South 24" 7/27/2000 Pintail LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/9/2000 Pintail LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/9/2000 Plano DR Victoria DR West 30" 3/14/2002 Pleasant Forest Earl Rudder FRWY W East 30" 10/14/1998 Plum Holow DR ST Andrews DR East 24" 4/12/2000 Plum Holow DR ST Andrews DR West 30" 9/10/2003 Plum Holow DR ST Andrews DR East 30" 9/10/2003 Ponderosa DR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 9/27/1990 Poplar ST Eisenhower ST East 30" 10/8/1991 Poplar ST Eisenhower ST West 30" 10/23/1989 Preston ST Tarrow ST East 24" 8/24/1987 Prestwick CT ST Andrews DR East 30" 9/8/2003 Prestwick CT ST Andrews DR West 30" 9/8/2003 Pro CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 Pronghorn LN Navarro DR South 24" 11/15/1999 Pronghorn LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 Pronghorn LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 Puffin Way Eagle AVE North 24" 8/4/1995 Purple Martin Starling DR South 24" 7/21/1997 Quality CR Lakeway DR East 30" 10/25/2002 Ravenstone LOOP Ravenstone LOOP North 30" 6/12/2001 Reatta LN Barron RD North 30" 7/15/2004 Recreation DR Parks DR East 30" 9/20/1989 Regal Oaks DR Greens Prairie RD South 30" 11/30/2001 Regensburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/21/2000 Renee LN Barron RD North 30" 8/17/1998 Richland CT N Decatur DR West 30" 10/21/1997 Richland CT S Decatur DR East 30" 10/21/1997 Rio Bravo CT Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/21/2003 Rockcliffe LOOP Ravenstone LOOP South 30" 6/12/2001 Rockingham LOOP Castlegate DR South 30" 12/3/2001 Rockingham LOOP Rockingham LOOP East 30" 12/3/2001 Rockingham LOOP Rockingham LOOP West 30" 12/3/2001 Rock Prairie W RD Old Wellborn RD East 30" 11/1/2002 Rock Prairie RD Greens Prairie RD East 36" 10/1/2004 Rock Prairie RD Greens Prairie RD West 36" 10/1/2004 Rose CR Munson AVE West 24" 5/1/1997 Rose CR Munson AVE West 24" 5/1/1997 Robin Trail Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 Royal Adelade Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 11/20/1996 Royal Adelade Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 11/20/1996 Royal Adelade ST Andrews DR West 30" 6/4/1998 Royal Adelade ST Andrews DR East 30" 6/4/1998 Royal Adelade Spearman DR North 30" 5/21/1998 San Benito DR Pedernales DR West 24" 3/31/1995 San Benito DR Pedernales DR East 24" 8/31/1994 San Felipe DR Deacon DR South 24" 10/28/1994 San Felipe DR Haley PL North 24" 7/29/1998 San Mario CT Welsh AVE East 24" 7/10/1994 San Saba CT Welsh AVE East 30" 4/15/1991 San Saba DR Welsh AVE West 30" 4/15/1991 San Saba DR Pedernales DR East 30" 6/15/1988 San Saba DR Pedernales DR West 30" 6/15/1988 NOr Sandstone Park Sebesta RD North 24" 2/26/1993 Sandstone Park Sebesta RD North 24" 2/26/1993 Santa Rita CT Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/21/2003 Sara Dr Longmire DR West 30" 7/7/1997 Sara Dr E Bypass East 30" 7/16/1997 Savine CT Southwest PKWY North 30" 9/8/1995 Schaffer RD Graham RD South 30" 7/25/2001 Shadowoaks Appomattox DR East 30" 12/12/1996 Shadowoaks Spring Creek South 24" 6/30/1994 Shetland ST Lee AVE West 24" 10/1/1997 Shire DR Victoria AVE East 24" 8/22/1994 Shire DR Rock Prairie R D North 30" 9/22/1997 Shoal Creek DR ST Andrews DR East 24" 1/15/1996 Shoal Creek DR ST Andrews DR South 24" 8/30/1995 Sienna DR Holleman DR W South 24" 3/24/1995 Slice CT Parkview South 24" 9/17/1996 Socorro CT Deacon DR South 24" 1/6/1999 Song Sparrow Hawk Owl Cove East 24" 10/21/1997 Sonoma CR Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 8/26/2003 Southern Plantation DR S H 6 South East 30" 2/5/1995 Southwest PKWY Holleman DR W East 30" 3/24/1995 Southwood Athletic Park Rock Prairie RD North W 24" 7/3/1997 Southwood Athletic Park Rock Prairie RD North E 24" 7/3/1997 Southwood Athletic Park Exit teen Center South 24" 5/7/2000 (IV Southwood Athletic Park Exit teen Center East 24" 5/7/2000 Southwood Athletic Park Exit teen Center West 24" 5/7/2000 Spanish Bay CT Mission Hills DR North 30" 6/9/2003 Spanish Bay CT Mission Hills DR South 30" 6/9/2003 Spanish Bay CT Royal Adelade Dr North 30" 6/9/2003 Spearman DR Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 Spring Brook Barron RD South 30" 7/18/1997 Spring Creek Appomattox DR East 24" 6/30/1994 Spring Creek North Forest PKWY North 24" 12/12/1996 Spring Field DR Harvest DR East 30" 8/17/2003 Spring Field DR Harvest DR West 30" 8/17/2003 Springmist DR Barron RD South 30" 8/26/2002 Spruce ST First ST West 30" 8/20/2004 ST Andrews DR Spearman DR North 24" 8/30/1995 ST Andrews DR Spearman DR South 24" 8/30/1995 ST Andrews DR Spearman DR North 24" 7/29/1997 ST Andrews DR Congressional CT 30" 9/8/2003 Starling DR Longmire DR East 30" 7/25/1995 Starling DR Purple Martin CV West 24" 7/18/1997 Stone Forest Greens Prairie North 30" 6/21/2001 Stone Forest Sapphire DR South 24" 7/2/2001 Stonebriar CT CHampions BLVD South 24" 8/29/1995 Stonebriar CT Stonebriar CT West 24" 8/30/1995 Stonebridge CT Stonebrook DR West 30" 1/27/2000 Stonebrook DR Woodcreek DR North 24" 7/21/1997 Stonebrook DR Woodcreek DR South 24" 7/21/1997 Stony Creek LN Southern Plantation South 24" 11/16/1999 Strasburg CT Kernstown LN South 24" 5/6/1997 Strasburg CT Kernstown LN South 24" 5/6/1997 Stuttgart CIR Edelweiss AVE East 24" 2/22/2000 Sun Meadow CT Schaffer RD West 30" 7/26/2001 Sun Meadow ST Schaffer RD East 30" 7/26/2001 Sunflower TR Edelweiss AVE South 24" 8/22/1994 Sunflower TR Welsh AVE East 30" 8/22/1994 Swiss CIR Welsh AVE West 24" 5/17/1988 Sycamore Hills DR Congressional DR South 30" 10/13/2004 Sycamore Hills DR Congressional DR North 30" 10/13/2004 Tara CT University Oaks South 24" 7/7/1997 Teal DR Dartmouth ST West 30" 9/28/1998 Technology PKWY SH 6 South West 30" 9/1/1999 Technology Way Lakeway DR West 30" 12/18/2000 Thomas ST Pershing DR East 24" 7/5/1996 Thomas ST Hereford ST West 24" 7/5/1996 Timber ST Timm DR North 30" 3/19/1998 Timber Knoll Shadowcrest DR North 24" 3/16/1995 Timber Knoll Stonebrook DR East 24" 1/12/1999 Timm DR Pershing DR West 24" 8/14/1990 Tonkaway Lake RD Greens Prairie East 36" 11/1/2002 Tonkaway Lake RD Greens Prairie West 36" 11/1/2002 Town Place Welsh AVE West 24" 8/9/2000 Trace Meadows Navarro DR South 24" 11/9/1999 Trace Meadows Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 Treehouse TR East Bypass East 30" 7/16/1997 University Oaks George Bush East West 30" 5/22/1995 University Oaks Earl Rudder FRWY W East 30" 6/2/1987 U S C entrance Graham RD South 30" 2/2/1997 USC USC RD East 24" 5/3/2001 USC USC RD East 24" 5/3/2001 Van Horn Dr San Felipe DR East 24" 10/28/1994 Venture DR SH 6 South West 30" 1/15/1996 Venture DR Lakeway DR East 30" 12/8/1997 Veterans Park Harvey RD South 30" 9/3/2002 Victoria AVE Barron RD North 30" 7/15/2004 Victoria AVE Graham RD South 30" 9/4/1996 Victoria AVE Graham RD North 30" 1/30/2002 Von Trapp LN Marta ST South 30" 5/24/2001 Von Trapp LN Sophia LN North 30" 5/24/2001 W king Cole DR Texas AVE West 30" 7/24/1997 W king Cole DR Krenek Tap North 30" 4/25/1990 Walnut Grove Appomattox DR West 30" 12/12/1996 Waterford DR Woodcreek DR South 24" 7/24/1997 Welsh AVE Angus ST North 24" 3/18/1987 West Ridge DR Welsh AVE West 24" 1/17/1990 Westchester AVE Rock Prairie RD South 30" 3/6/1989 Westfield DR Graham RD North 24" 2/2/2001 Whiterose Spring Creek South 24" 6/30/1994 Whitney CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/28/2000 Whitney LN Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/28/2000 Wildewood Spring Creek South 24" 6/30/1994 Wildewood Spring Creek West 24" 6/30/1994 Williams Creek DR Greens Prairie RD North 30" 8/24/2005 Willow Pond ST Schaffer RD East 30" 7/26/2001 Willow Pond CT Schaffer RD West 30" 7/26/2001 Windfree DR Kernstown LN South 24" 5/6/1997 Windfree DR Kernstown LN North 24" 5/6/1997 Windrift CV S H 6 South East 30" 10/16/2001 Windswept DR Tiffany TR West 24" 7/21/1997 Winecup CR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/25/2003 Winged Foot DR ST Andrews DR West 30" 8/30/1995 Winged Foot DR Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 Winter Park Autumn CIR South 24" 3/8/1994 Woodhaven CR Francis DR North 24" 10/27/1987 Woodhaven CR Francis DR South 24" 10/27/1987 Woodland PKWY Munson AVE NE 30" 11/17/1997 Woodland PKWY Munson AVE NE 30" 11/17/1997 Woodland Hills BLVD Greens Prairie RD South 30" 1/24/2001 Woodland Hills BLVD Woodland Springs DR North 30" 5/19/2003 Woodsman DR Jones Butler RD East 30" 8/25/1998 Woodsman Alley Jones Butler RD East 30" 8/25/1998 Woodsman Alley Jones Butler RD East 30" 8/25/1998 Woodway DR Holleman DR W East 24" 3/24/1995 Yorkshire DR Victoria AVE West 24" 4/15/1991 ORDINANCE NO. 2878 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -Five Dollar ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of March, 2006. APPROVED: RO S , ayor ATTEST: gift ' Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: ne. .y n e uthe lth It City Attorney O/ group / legal /ordinancelamendmenlform.doc ORDINANCE NO. 2878 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 10, Section 2C, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "C. FOUR -WAY STOP INTERSECTIONS The City hereby designates certain intersections to be controlled by four - way stop signs. The designated four -way stop intersections for the City of College Station are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule II on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." That Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The City hereby designates certain special hazard intersections to be controlled by stop signs. The designated special hazard intersections for the City of College Station to be controlled by stop signs are described in Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III on file in the office of the City Secretary. This schedule is hereby adopted and incorporated in this Code as if set out at length herein. The schedule may be amended from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A current schedule shall be maintained by the City Secretary at all times." cuiu: ordinance 20061ordinance no. 2878.doc 3/14/06 ORDINANCE NO. 2885 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 27th day of April , 2006. APPROVED: JOHN HAP-P, Mayor ro Tem al 7 ATTEST: Connie ooks, City Secretary r - .ne. .y •n e the�fth It City Attorney D /group /legal /ordinance /amendmenrform.doc ORDINANCE NO. 2885 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III as referenced in Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", Section 2 "Traffic Control Devices ", sub - section D "Special Hazard Intersections Controlled by Stop Signs" is hereby amended to include the following: "Alexandria Avenue at Graham Road Alexandria Avenue at Decatur Drive Amberley Place at Greens Prairie Road Dove Crossing Lane at Graham Road Lanham Drive at Rock Prairie Road Parkland Drive at SH 6 West Frontage Road Parkland Drive at Wayfarer Lane Spring Garden Drive at Decatur Drive Twin Pond Circle at Parkland Drive Whistling Straits Drive at Mission Hills Drive Whistling Straits Drive/Whistling Straits Loop at Royal Adelade Loop" cm1o:lagenda aems12006104 2706lstopsign ordinance - april 27, 20061! ordinance.doc 4/19/0644 tor ORDINANCE NO. 2890 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART I: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 25th day of May , 2006. APPROVED: RON SIL , Mayor A. TEST: If I Connie Hooks, City Secretary -. , • ne• •y n e jar the �lth ,f • It City Attorney O/ groupIiego IIordinanceJamendmentform, doc Lir ORDINANCE NO. 2890 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III as referenced in Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", Section 2 "Traffic Control Devices ", sub - section D "Special Hazard Intersections Controlled by Stop Signs" is hereby amended to include the following: "Drogo Court at Victoria Avenue Colchester Court at Victoria Avenue Ludlow Lane at Victoria Avenue Middleham Avenue at Victoria Avenue Belsay Avenue at Victoria Avenue Victoria Avenue at SH 40 WFR Victoria Avenue at SH 40 EFR Arrington Road at SH 40 WFR Arrington Road at SH 40 EFR Barron Road at SH 40 WFR Barron Road at SH 40 EFR Greens Prairie Road at Arrington Road Marion Pugh Drive at Holleman Drive West" • cmlp: {grouplagen- calljor legal reviewiin review105- 25- 061additional stop sign ordinance - 2006 - 5 - 2511 ordinance.doc 5/10/06 • ORDINANCE NO. 2943 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall • continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 11th day of January , 2007. APPROVED: 4 1111P . A '/,' RON SIL • A layor ATTEST: Connie ooks, Ct Se retary APPROVED: City Attorney O /group.Regal /ordinance /amendmenljorm. doc • ORDINANCE NO. 2943 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III as referenced in Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", Section 2 "Traffic Control Devices ", sub - section D "Special Hazard Intersections Controlled by Stop Signs" is hereby amended to include the following: "Brandenburg Ln at Eagle Avenue Pavilion Avenue at Earl Rudder Frwy (SH 6) E Pavilion Avenue at Sebesta Road Central Park Ln at Krenek Tap Rd" • culp, igrouplagen -cal council agendasl in progress10701 ! 1lcore services112 14 new stop sign locations{attachment 1.doc 1/4/07 L ORDINANCE NO. 2957 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 22 day of February, 2007. APPROVED: C-S �--`. RON SI , Mayor ATTEST: onnie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: E Si ned by' y/ Angela, M. DQLad . . �? f �1 l uthe lc.;Sty'With Appro It _�� , CI City Attorney O/ group /Iega! /ordrnance/amendmentform. doc ORDINANCE NO.2957 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III as referenced in Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", Section 2 "Traffic Control Devices ", sub - section D "Special Hazard Intersections Controlled by Stop Signs" is hereby amended to include the following: "Keefer Loop at Rock Prairie Road West Williams Creek Dr. at Rock Prairie Road Moses Creek Ct. at Williams Creek Pkwy Josephs Creek Ct. at Williams Creek Pkwy Johnson Creek Loop at Williams Creek Pkwy Old May Ct. at Williams Creek Pkwy Wayne Ct. at Lanham Dr. Williams Ridge Ct. at Williams Creek Pkwy" O • culu :lordinance 20071jebruary 2007kordinance no. 2957.doc 2/23/07 L ORDINANCE NO. 3159 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall he held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall (kW continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 22nd day of January , 2009. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: °;6 - }404k^ City Secretary APPR • 'ED: Ci ttorney L O/ group /legal/ordinance /amendmenttform. doc Lir ORDINANCE NO. 3159 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III as referenced in Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", Section 2 "Traffic Control Devices ", sub - section D "Special Hazard Intersections Controlled by Stop Signs" is hereby amended to include the following: "Jeanne Drive at SH 40/ William D. Fitch Parkway; Jones Butler Road at Holleman Drive; Gridiron Drive at Jones Butler Road; Castle Rock Parkway at SH 40/ William D. Fitch Parkway; Rock Prairie Road at Jones Butler Road; Rock Prairie Road at Jones Butler Road; Jones - Butler Road at Rock Prairie Road; Jones - Butler Road at Rock Prairie Road; Great Oaks Drive at Rock Prairie Road; Post Oak Bend at Greens prairie Road; Iron Horse Way at SH 40/ William D. Fitch Parkway; Southern Breeze Drive at SH 40/ William D. Fitch Parkway; Patricia Street at College Main; L Creek Meadows Blvd N at Greens Prairie Trail; Creek Meadows Blvd N at Creek Meadows Blvd N; Creek Meadows Blvd N at Creek Meadows Blvd N; Whitewing Lane at Alexandria Ave; Dove Hollow Lane at Alexandria Ave; Turtle Dove Trail at Alexandria Ave; Turtle Dove Trail at Alexandria Ave; Cascades Drive at St Andrews Drive; Cascades Court at St Andrews Drive; Ballybunion Lane at St Andrews Drive; Ballybunion Court at St Andrews Drive; Veterans Park at University Drive; Hofburg Drive at SH 40/ William D. Fitch Parkway; Turkey Creek Road at F & B Road; Old Arrington Road at Arrington Road; Old Arrington Road at Old Arrington Road; Decatur Drive at Arrington Road; Arrington Road at SH 40/ William D. Fitch Parkway; William D. Fitch Parkway at Pebble Creek Parkway L ORDINANCE NO. 3162 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 12th day of February , 2009. APPROVED: v MAYOR ATTEST: 14-012-- ity Secretary APP OVED: City Attorney L c o , ORDINANCE NO. 3162 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Traffic Control Device Inventory - Schedule III as referenced in Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", Section 2 "Traffic Control Devices ", sub - section D "Special Hazard Intersections Controlled by Stop Signs" is hereby amended to: 1) remove the following: "St. Andrews at Congressional" 2) include the following: "New Port at Barron Road Congressional at St. Andrews" L L Schedule III TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INVENTORY SCHEDULE III (STOP SIGNS ) (August 2, 1988, as amended) 0 GA - 13 , 4 5 Route Route Ahead Travel Dir. Size Origin Date 1 12 TH Man CR. Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 8/29/1995 2 Abbey LN Victoria AVE West 30" 7/3/1997 3 Aberdeen PL Dexter DR West 24" 1/1/1986 4 Adrienne DR Treehouse TR North 24" 4/23/1987 5 Adrienne DR Treehouse TR South 24" 4/23/1987 6 Adrienne DR Ponderosa DR South 24" 4/2/1987 7 Adrienne DR Deacon DR North 30" 12/10/1997 8 Adrienne CIR Deacon DR South 24" 3/12/1987 9 Agate DR Lakeway Dr West 30" 6/62002 10 Airline DR Southwood DR East 30" 2/19/1997 11 Airline DR Southwood DR West 30" 5/28/1987 12 Airline DR Shenandoah DR East 24" 4/7/1987 13 Airline DR Shenandoah DR West 24" 4/7/1987 14 Airline DR Longmire DR East 30" 3/26/1987 15 Airline DR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 4/7/1987 16 Alabama ST Carolina ST East 24" 3/10/1987 17 Alabama ST Carolina ST West 24" 3/10/1987 18 Alexandria AVE Barron RD North 30" 3/31/1999 19 Alexandria AVE Barron RD South 30" 10/20/1999 20 Alexandria AVE Decatur DR East 30" 4/17/2006 21 Alexandria AVE Southern Plantation DR South 30" 5/28/2002 22 Alexandria AVE Southern Plantation DR North 30" 3/26/2004 23 Alexandria AVE Graham RD North 30" 3/7/2006 24 Alpine CR Anderson ST West 24" 7/30/1997 25 Amber Hill Amber Ridge DR West 24" 3/4/1987 26 Amber Ridge DR Emerald Pkwy South 30" 3/17/1987 27 Amberwood CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/25/2000 28 Amethyst CT Amber Ridge DR East 24" 6/5/1994 29 Amherst CT Cornell DR West 24" 3/11/1987 30 Angelina CR Valley View DR South 30" 4/28/1987 31 Angelina CR Southwood DR East 30" 1/1/1987 32 Angelina CR Southwood DR West 30" 1/2/1984 33 Angus ST Fairview AVE East 24" 3/18/1987 34 Angus ST Fairview AVE West 24" 3/18/1987 35 Angus ST Montclair AVE West 24" 10/7/1998 36 Angus ST Ayrshire ST East 30" 2/25/1999 37 Anna ST Holik ST East 30" 3/23/1987 38 Anna ST Timber ST West 30" 4/23/1987 39 Antelope LN Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 40 Antelope LN Navarro DR South 24' 11/15/1999 41 Antone CT Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1991 42 Appomattox DR Raintree DR North 30" 3/4/1987 43 Appomattox DR Raintree DR South 30" 3/4/1987 44 Appomattox DR Harvey RD North 30" 3/4/1987 45 Appomattox DR Emerald Pkwy North 30" 1/1/1985 46 Appomattox DR Emerald Pkwy South 30" 1/1/1985 47 Appomattox DR North Forest Pkwy North 30" 12/12/1996 48 Appomattox DR North Forest Pkwy South 30" 12/18/2007 49 April Bloom Spring Loop South 24" 4/13/1987 50 April Bloom Autumn CIR West 24" 9/15/1997 51 Arboles CT Nueces DR North 30" 4/1/1987 52 Arguello DR Tarrow ST East 30" 2/20/1984 53 Arizona ST Holleman DR North 30" 3/24/1987 54 Arizona ST Nevada ST South 24" 3/8/1995 55 Armistead ST Redmond DR NE 24" 4/7/1987 56 Armistead ST Redmond DR SW 24" 3/12/1987 57 Arnold RD Victoria AVE East 30" 5/5/2000 58 Arnold ALLEY Nottingham DR West 18" 12/7/1998 59 Arnold ALLEY Nottingham DR East 18" 6/4/2006 60 Arrington RD Greens Prairie RD South 30" 6/4/2006 61 Arrington RD SH 40/ Wm D Fitch North 36" 6/4/2006 62 Arrington RD SH 40/ Wm D Fitch South 36" 0/0/2008 63 Arrington RD S H 6 SOUTH East 30" 9/16/2003 64 Arroyo CT N Deacon DR South 24" 3/12/1987 65 Arroyo CT N Deacon DR North 24" 3/12/1987 66 Ashburn AVE Francis DR North 30" 3/3/1986 67 Ashburn AVE Francis DR South 30" 3/3/1986 68 Ashburn AVE Gilchrist AVE South 24" 3/19/1987 69 Ashburn AVE Lincoln AVE North 24" 3/26/1987 70 Ashford DR Southwest PKWY North 30" 7/31/1998 71 Ashford W DR Ashford DR South 24" 2/21/2000 72 Associates AVE Harvey RD South 30" 6/21/2000 73 Aster DR Nottingham DR East 24" 3/3/1996 74 Aster DR Nottingham DR West 24" 3/3/1996 75 Athens DR Dominik DR North 30" 3/13/1987 76 Athens DR University Oaks South 24" 3/13/1987 77 Augsburg CT Edelweiss AVE East 24" 5/22/2000 78 Augsburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/22/2000 79 Augusta CR Champions BLVD North 24" 8/29/1995 80 Augustine CT Southwood DR East 24" 1/1/1984 81 Aurora CT Park Place North 24" 3/31/1999 82 Austin AVE Southwood DR East 30" 1/1/1986 83 Austin AVE Southwood DR West 30" 4/10/1987 84 Austin AVE Brothers BLVD East 30" 9/15/1983 85 Austin AVE Brothers BLVD West 30" 3/6/1987 86 Austin AVE Longmire DR East 30" 9/5/1985 87 Austin AVE Shenandoah DR East 24" 4/9/1987 88 Austin AVE Shenandoah DR West 24" 4/9/1987 89 Austin AVE Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 4/7/1987 90 Autumn CIR Tarrow ST West 30" 4/12/1995 91 Autumn CIR Spring Loop East 24" 6/5/1995 92 Avenue AVE Lincoln AVE South 30" 3/5/1990 93 Avenue B Lincoln AVE South 30" 11/28/1990 94 Axis CT Navarro DR South 24" 11/9/1999 95 Axis CT Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 96 Ayrshire ST Guernsey ST North 24" 8/10/1992 97 Ayrshire ST Guernsey ST South 24" 1/8/1990 98 Ayrshire ST Old Jersey ST North 24" 3/3/1986 99 Azalea CT Cypress DR East 24" 9/24/1992 100 Azalea CT Cypress DR West 24" 11/1/1993 101 Aztec CT Deacon DR North 24" 2/7/1990 102 Aztec ST Deacon DR North 24" 2/7/1990 103 Bahia DR Ponderosa DR North 30" 1/15/1992 104 Bahia DR Rock Prairie RD South 24" 9/9/1993 105 Balcones DR Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 3/5/1990 106 Balcones DR Welsh AVE West 24" 3/5/1990 107 Ballybunion LN St Andrews Dr South 30" 7/2/2008 108 Ballybunion CT St Andrews Dr North 30" 7/2/2008 109 Banks ST Tarrow ST East 24" 11/14/1993 110 Barron RD S H 6 South East 36" 10/12/1994 111 Barron RD Wellborn RD West 48" 9/5/1995 112 Barron RD SH 40 EFR East 36" 6/4/2006 113 Barron RD SH 40/ Wm D Fitch East 36" 6/4/2006 114 Barron Cut -Off Wellborn RD West 30" 9/5/1995 115 Barron Cut -Off Barron RD North 30" 9/5/1995 116 Barthelow DR Brentwood DR South 24" 6/16/1994 117 BAY ST S H 6 South East 30" 10/16/2001 118 Bayou Woods DR University Oaks South 30" 3/5/1993 119 Bayou Woods DR Munson AVE West 30" 6/4/1994 120 Bayowood CT Alexandria AVE East 24" 7/18/2001 121 Baywood LN Alexandria AVE West 24" 7/18/2001 122 Bee Creek Southwood DR North 30" 4/8/1996 123 Bee Creek Southwood DR South 30" 4/8/1994 124 Bee Creek Southwest PKWY North 30" 5/20/1987 125 Bee Creek Park Anderson ST East 1 24" 3/15/1988 126 Bee Creek Park Anderson ST East 2 30" 3/15/1988 127 Bee Creek Park Anderson ST East 3 30" 3/15/1988 128 Belsay AVE Victoria AVE East 30" 6/4/2006 129 Belsay AVE Victoria AVE West 30" 6/4/2006 130 Bell ST Welsh AVE West 24" 12/2/1992 131 Benchmark Nottingham DR East 30" 7/24/1992 132 Benchmark Victoria AVE West 30" 2/26/1990 133 Bent Oak ST Emerald Pkwy West 24" 3/5/1994 134 Bent Tree DR Sandstone DR East 24" 10/21/1997 135 Berkeley ST Dominik DR South 30" 11/11/1992 136 Berkeley ST Francis DR North 30" 1/1/1994 137 Bermuda CT Normand DR West 30" 8/25/1993 138 Bernburg CT Edelweiss AVE East 24" 5/22/2000 139 Bernburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/22/2000 140 Bernburg LN Edelweiss AVE East 24" 2/22/2000 141 Berry Creek ST Andrews DR West 24" 10/29/1998 142 Berry Creek ST Andrews DR East 24" 10/29/1998 143 Berry Creek Spearman DR North 24" 2/4/1999 144 Bird Pond RD Rock Prairie RD South 30" 7/8/1994 145 Birdie CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 146 Birmingham RD S H 6 South East 30" 5/17/1988 147 Birmingham RD Longmire DR West 30" 11/19/2003 148 Birmingham RD Longmire DR East 30" 11/19/2003 149 Bloomfield LN Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/28/2000 150 Blue Jay CT Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 151 Bluestem DR Treehouse TR North 30" 3/6/1992 152 Bluestem DR Ponderosa DR South 30" 12/3/1993 153 Bluestem CR Ponderosa DR North 30" 1/17/1994 154 Bogey CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 155 Bolero ST Deacon DR North 24" 7/14/1992 156 Bolero Ct Deacon DR South 24" 6/14/1989 157 Bolton AVE Puryear DR East 24" 4/4/1997 158 Bolton AVE Walton DR East 24" 4/15/1997 159 Bolton AVE James Pkwy West 24" 2/2/2001 160 Boswell ST Langford ST East 30" 10/24/1994 161 Bougainvillea ST Schaffer East 30" 4/8/2002 162 Bougainvillea ST Schaffer West 30" 4/8/2002 163 Boyett ST University DR South 30" 9/16/1996 164 Boyett ST Church AVE North 30" 1/23/1995 165 Boyett ST Church AVE South 30" 1/13/1995 166 Bradley RD Rock Prairie RD South 30" 5/20/1994 167 Branderburg LN Graham RD North 30" 5/15/2003 168 Branderburg LN Eagle AVE South 30" 7/31/2006 169 Brazoswood DR Earl Rudder FRWY W East 30" 1/6/1995 170 Brazoswood DR Glenhaven DR East 30" 2/13/1995 171 Brazoswood DR Glenhaven DR West 30" 2/13/1995 172 Brentwood DR Dartmouth ST East 30" 4/23/1993 173 Brentwood DR Anderson ST West 30" 7/15/1988 174 Bridle Gate DR S H 6 South East 30" 4/5/2000 175 Bridle Gate DR Longmire DR West 30" 8/9/2005 176 Brittain CT Brothers BLVD North 24" 9/16/1997 177 Brooks AVE James Pkwy West 24" 12/3/1989 178 Brooks AVE Walton DR East 24" 4/15/1997 179 Brookwater CR Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/25/2000 180 Brookwater CR Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/25/2000 181 Brothers BLVD Longmire DR East 30" 9/19/1994 182 Brothers BLVD Longmire DR West 30" 1/3/1994 183 Brothers BLVD Texas AVE East 30" 2/13/1994 184 Brothers BLVD Deacon DR South 30" 10/23/1993 185 Brothers BLVD Deacon DR North 30" 1/27/1994 186 Brothers BLVD Ponderosa DR South 30" 1/13/1993 187 Brussels DR Victoria AVE West 30" 5/5/2000 188 Bucknell CT Cornell DR East 24" 3/20/1993 189 Burt ST Dexter DR West 24" 9/18/1992 190 Buttercup CR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/25/2003 191 Caddie CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 192 Cain RD Wellborn RD East 30" 11/1/2002 193 Calico CT Raintree DR North 24" 9/26/1992 194 Callie CR Ponderosa DR North 24" 9/12/1991 195 Camellia CT Cypress DR East 24" 4/25/1991 196 Camellia CT Cypress DR West 24" 11/20/1993 197 Canterbury Dr Westchester AVE East 30" 10/28/1994 198 Canterbury Dr Welsh AVE West 30" 6/24/1992 199 Capistrano CT Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 8/25/2003 200 Cardinal LN Longmire DR East 30" 7/25/1995 201 Carmel PL Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 1/15/1991 202 Carmel CT Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 8/21/2003 203 Carisbroke LOOP Victoria AVE West 30" 6/4/2006 204 Carisbroke LOOP Victoria AVE West 30" 6/4/2006 205 Carol ST Westover ST West 24" 9/15/1994 206 Carol ST Berkeley ST East 24" 3/13/1994 207 Carol ST Berkeley ST West 24" 1/28/1992 208 Carolina ST Holleman DR North 30" 6/27/1990 209 Carolina ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/27/1995 210 Cascades DR St Andrews Dr South 30" 7/2/2008 211 Cascades CT St Andrews Dr North 30" 7/2/2008 212 Castlebrook DR Nottingham DR East 24" 6/24/1992 213 Castlebrook DR Nottingham DR West 24" 6/24/1992 214 Castlebrook DR Regal Row East 24" 6/24/1992 215 Castlebrook DR Victoria AVE West 30" 2/6/1990 216 Castlegate DR William D Fitch PKWY South 36" 5/29/2001 217 Castlegate DR Victoria AVE West 30" 6/2/2003 218 Caterina LN Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 219 Caudill ST Winding RD North 30" 2/10/1995 220 Caudill ST Haines DR North 30" 1/20/1992 221 Caudill ST Haines DR South 30" 5/14/1995 222 Cecilia CT Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 223 Cecilia Loop Edelweiss AVE North 24" 2/21/2000 224 Cedar Run DR Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1997 225 Celinda CR Deacon DR North 30" 12/11/1992 226 Celinda CR Deacon DR South 24" 2/28/1993 227 Central Park LN Southwest PKWY South 30" 3/27/1994 228 Central Park LN Southwest PKWY North 30" 3/18/1996 229 Central Park LN Colgate DR North 24" 3/27/1986 230 Central Park LN Krenek Tap South 30" 10/17/2006 231 Central Park LN Krenek Tap North 30" 9/20/1989 232 CHadwick LN Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/28/2000 233 Chalet CT Welsh AVE West 24" 7/23/1997 234 CHampions BLVD Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 8/29/1995 235 Chantal CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 236 Chantal CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 237 Cherry ST Nagle ST East 24" 12/8/1994 238 Cherry ST Nagle ST West 30" 1/13/1997 239 Cherry ST College Main East 24" 11/28/1995 240 Cherry ST College Main West 24" 5/15/1994 241 Cherry ST Boyett ST West 30" 9/24/1995 242 Cherry ST Second ST East 30" 12/15/1993 243 Chesa Peake CT Markham LN South 24" 6/27/2002 244 Chimney Hill Hearthstone CT North 24" 10/20/1992 245 Chimney Hill Hearthstone CT South 24" 10/20/1992 246 Chippendale S Emerald Pkwy SE 24" 3/17/1987 247 Chippendale S Emerald Pkwy West 24" 3/17/1987 248 Christine LN Wellborn RD West 30" 4/30/1987 249 Christine LN Welsh AVE East 30" 9/29/1997 250 Church AVE University DR East 30" 4/28/1987 251 Church AVE Wellborn RD West 30" 1/22/1985 252 Church AVE Boyett ST West 30" 12/31/2002 253 Church AVE Boyett ST East 30" 12/31/2002 254 Churchill ST Lincoln AVE South 30" 3/26/1987 255 Cimarron CT Deacon DR South 24" 4/18/1994 256 City Hall Francis DR West 24" 8/12/1987 257 Clearwood CT Appomattox DR East 24" 3/3/1987 258 Clement CT Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1991 259 Cloverdale C Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1997 260 Coachlight CT Nottingham DR East 24" 4/14/1992 261 Coastal DR Ponderosa DR North 30" 4/6/1987 262 Coastal DR Rock Prairie RD South 30" 4/8/1987 263 Coeburn DR Newport LN East 30" 1/8/2003 264 Colchester CT Victoria AVE West 30" 6/4/2006 265 Colgate CIR Brentwood DR North 24" 1/20/1985 266 Colgate CIR Dartmouth ST SE 30" 1/1/1985 267 Colgate CIR Dartmouth ST East 30" 4/4/1997 268 Colgate CIR Brentwood DR South 24" 3/27/1997 269 Colgate DR Eastmark DR East 24" 1/1/1985 270 Colgate DR Dartmouth ST West 30" 1/1/1985 271 Columbia CT Cornell DR West 30" 3/11/1987 272 Columbus ST Tarrow ST East 24" 4/20/1987 273 Concho PL S Dexter DR East 30" 8/5/2003 274 Concho PL Welsh AVE West 24" 5/1/1987 275 Concord CIR Stonebrook DR West 24" 1/12/1999 276 Cooner ST Texas AVE West 30" 4/22/1987 277 Copperfield PKWY UNIVERSITY DR North 48" 11/22/2005 278 Copperfield PKWY Harvey RD SOuth 48" 11/22/2005 279 Coral Ridge E ST Andrews DR West 24" 10/29/1998 280 Coral Ridge W ST Andrews DR East 24" 10/29/1998 281 Cornell DR Brentwood DR North 30" 3/6/1987 282 Cornell DR Brentwood DR South 24" 3/6/1987 283 Cornell DR Manuel DR North 30" 11/2/2004 284 Cornell DR Southwest PKWY South 30" 3/10/1987 285 Coronado DR Gail PL North 24" 5/24/1993 286 Coronado DR Gail PL South 24" 5/24/1993 287 Cortez CT Deacon DR South 24" 2/7/1990 288 Cortez St Deacon DR South 24" 2/7/1990 289 Creek Meadows Blvd N Greens Prairie TR South 30" 4/24/2008 290 Creek Meadows Blvd N Creek Meadows Blvd N East 24" 4/24/2008 291 Creek Meadows Blvd N Creek Meadows Blvd N West 24" 4/24/2008 292 Crepe Myrtle Schaffer RD East 30" 7/26/2001 293 Crepe Myrtle Schaffer RD West 30" 7/26/2001 294 Crest ST Manuel DR South 24" 1/6/1999 295 Crest ST Richards ST North 24" 1/7/1999 296 Crescent Pointe PKWY Copperfield PKWY East 30" 11/22/2005 297 Crescent Pointe PKWY Copperfield PKWY East 30" 11/22/2005 298 Crescent Pointe PKWY Copperfield PKWY West 30" 11/22/2005 299 Cross ST S College AVE East 30" 3/10/1987 300 Cross ST Nagle ST East 30" 5/16/1986 301 Cross ST Nagle ST West 30" 3/31/1987 302 Cross ST Stasney ST East 24" 4/13/1987 303 Cross ST Stasney ST West 24" 4/13/1987 304 Cross ST Tauber ST East 24" 4/21/1987 305 Cross ST Tauber ST West 24" 4/21/1987 306 Cross ST College Main East 30" 3/10/1987 307 Cross ST College Main West 30" 1/25/1985 308 Crosstimbers Southwest PKWY North 24" 4/14/1987 309 Culpepper DR Cross ST North 30" 3/11/1987 310 Culpepper DR Cross ST South 24" 3/11/1987 311 Culpepper DR lnlow BLVD North 24" 3/25/1997 312 Cumberland CT Raintree DR South 24" 1/1/1985 313 Cypress DR Colgate DR North 30" 5/6/1996 314 Cypress DR Southwest PKWY North 30" 1/1/1985 315 Cypress DR Southwest PKWY South 30" 1/1/1985 316 Dallis DR Ponderosa DR North 30" 4/6/1987 317 Dallis DR Rock Prairie RD South 24" 4/8/1987 318 Danville CT Alexandria AVE West 24" 7/18/2001 319 Danville LN Alexandria AVE East 24" 7/18/2001 320 Deacon DR Wellborn RD West 48" 4/18/1988 321 Decatur DR Southern Plantation North 24" 1/1/1987 322 Decatur DR Southern Plantation South 24" 1/1/1987 323 Decatur DR Barron RD North 30" 6/27/1997 324 Detroit ST Holleman DR North 30" 3/24/1987 325 Detroit ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/23/1997 326 Dexter DR Holleman DR North 30" 3/24/1987 327 Dexter DR Holleman DR South 30" 2/29/1984 328 Dogwood ST Inlow BLVD North 24" 3/25/1987 329 Dogwood ST Cross ST South 24" 3/11/1987 330 Dominik DR Texas AVE West 30" 4/22/1987 331 Donnington DR William D Fitch PKWY South 30" 8/17/2004 332 Double Eagle Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 333 Dove Crossing LN Graham RD North 30" 3/7/2006 334 Dove Hollow Ln Alexandria Ave East 30" 5/27/2008 335 Dove TR Barron RD South 30" 7/25/1995 336 Dove TR Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 337 Dover DR Westchester AVE East 24" 10/28/1994 338 Dover DR Welsh AVE West 30" 10/28/1994 339 Dowling RD Harvey Mitchell PKWY NE 30" 1/1/1984 340 Driftwood DR Emerald Pkwy North 30" 3/17/1987 341 Drogo CT Norham DR East 30" 3/17/2005 342 Drogo CT Norham DR West 30" 3/17/2005 343 Drogo CT Victoria AVE East 30" 6/4/2006 344 Durango ST Deacon DR South 24" 2/7/1990 345 Durango ST Deacon DR North 24" 2/7/1990 346 Durango CT Deacon DR North 24" 2/7/1990 347 Durrand St Arboleda North 30" 4/1/2008 348 Eagle AVE E Bypass East 30" 8/4/1995 349 Eagle AVE Longmire DR West 30" 8/4/1995 350 Eagle AVE Longmire DR East 30" 8/4/1995 351 Eagle AVE Victoria AVE East 30" 1/4/2006 352 Eagle AVE Victoria AVE West 30" 1/14/2006 353 Eagle AVE SH 40/ Wm D Fitch West 36" 1/31/2007 354 Eastmark DR Southwest PKWY South 30" 5/15/1987 355 Edelweiss AVE Welsh AVE East 30" 8/22/1994 356 Edelweiss AVE Rock Prairie RD North 30" 9/22/1997 357 Edelweiss AVE Rock Prairie RD South 30" 9/22/1997 358 Edelweiss AVE Mortier DR East 30" 10/15/1998 359 Eisenhower ST University DR North 30" 4/28/1987 360 Eisenhower ST University DR South 30" 4/28/1987 361 Eisenhower ST Ash ST South 30" 3/5/1987 362 Eisenhower ST Cooner ST North 24" 3/10/1987 363 Eleanor ST Montclair AVE East 24" 8/24/1994 364 Essex Green DR Stonebrook DR East 24" 7/23/1987 365 Essex Green DR Stonebrook DR West 24" 7/23/1987 366 F & B Road Turkey Creek Rd West 30" 4/1/2008 367 Falcon CR Frost DR East 30" 8/3/1985 368 Fairview AVE George Bush Dr North 30" 3/25/1987 369 Fairview AVE Park Place North 30" 5/28/1986 370 Fairview AVE Park Place South 30" 5/28/1986 371 Fairview AVE Holleman DR South 30" 3/24/1987 372 Faulkner DR Frost DR West 30" 7/3/1995 373 Faulkner DR Frost DR East 30" 7/3/1995 374 Faulkner DR Fontaine DR West 30" 7/26/1999 375 Faulkner DR Fontaine DR East 30" 7/26/1999 376 Fieldstone PL Barron RD North 30" 11/7/2007 377 Fidelity ST Maryem ST East 24" 3/31/1987 378 Fidelity ST Maryem ST West 24" 3/31/1987 379 Fidelity ST Wellborn RD West 30" 1/4/1985 380 Fidelity ST Montclair AVE East 24" 3/31/1987 381 Fidelity ST Montclair AVE West 24" 3/31/1987 382 Fidelity ST Fairview AVE East 24" 7/20/1994 383 Fidelity ST Highland ST East 24" 6/9/1989 384 Fidelity ST Highland ST West 24" 6/9/1989 385 Finfeather RD F & B Road South 30" 3/18/1987 386 Firestone DR Spearman DR South 24" 8/29/1995 387 Firestone DR Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 388 First ST Church AVE North 30" 3/10/1987 389 First ST Church AVE South 30" 3/10/1987 390 First ST Louise AVE North 24" 3/26/1987 391 First ST Louise AVE South 24" 3/26/1987 392 Fitzgerald CI Frost DR East 30" 4/15/1994 393 Fontaine DR Foxfire DR North 30" 4/4/1997 394 Fontaine DR Faulkner DR South 30" 7/26/1999 395 Fontaine DR Faulkner DR North 30" 7/26/1999 396 Forest DR University DR North 30" 1/2/1998 397 Foster AVE Gilchrist AVE North 30" 2/26/1986 398 Foster AVE Gilchrist AVE South 30" 2/26/1986 399 Foster AVE Francis DR North 30" 3/19/1987 400 Foster AVE Francis DR South 30" 3/19/1987 401 Foster AVE George Bush East South 30" 6/21/1997 402 Foster AVE Walton DR North 30" 4/30/1987 403 Foster AVE Walton DR South 30" 4/30/1987 404 Foster AVE Lincoln AVE North 30" 3/25/1987 405 Fox CR Frost DR West 30" 9/5/1995 406 Foxfire DR Frost DR East 30" 7/3/1995 407 Foxfire DR Sebesta RD West 30" 10/20/1995 408 Foxfire DR Foxfire DR West 24" 4/14/1998 409 Foxfire DR Foxfire DR North 30" 5/15/1998 410 Foxfire DR Foxfire DR East 24" 5/15/1998 411 Francis CR Glenhaven DR West 30" 1/7/1986 412 Francis DR Glenhaven DR East 30" 1/1/1986 413 Francis DR Walton DR East 30" 4/30/1987 414 Francis DR Walton DR West 30" 4/30/1987 415 Francis DR Texas AVE West 30" 4/22/1987 416 Fraternity Row Wellborn RD West 48" 6/11/1987 417 Fraternity Row Deacon DR North 30" 6/11/1987 418 Front Royal Decatur DR East 24" 7/27/1998 419 Front Royal Decatur DR West 24" 7/27/1998 420 Front Royal Spring Creek West 24" 11/16/1999 421 Front Royal Hunter Creek DR East 24" 5/1/2001 422 Frost DR Faulkner DR North 30" 7/3/1995 423 Frost DR Faulkner DR South 30" 7/3/1995 424 Frost DR Bird Pond RD East 30" 8/28/1997 425 Gail PL Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 5/24/1993 426 Gardenia Schaffer RD East 30" 4/8/2002 427 Gardenia Schaffer RD West 30" 4/8/2002 428 Garnet Will DR Agate DR South 24" 6/62002 429 Garnet Will DR Sapphire DR North 30" 9/4/2003 430 George Bush Dr Fairview AVE West 30" 3/13/1987 431 Georgia ST Holleman DR North 30" 3/24/1987 432 Georgia ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/23/1995 433 Gettysburg CT Raintree DR West 24" 3/3/1987 434 Gilchrist AVE Walton DR East 30" 4/30/1987 435 Gilchrist AVE Walton DR West 30" 4/30/1987 436 Gilchrist AVE Texas AVE West 30" 4/22/1987 437 Gilchrist AVE Puryear DR East 30" 2/28/1986 438 Gilchrist AVE Munson AVE East 24" 3/31/1987 439 Gilchrist AVE James Pkwy West 24" 3/25/1987 440 Glade ST Anna ST North 30" 3/5/1987 441 Glenna CT Graham RD South 30" 6/11/2002 442 Glenhaven DR Dominik DR South 30" 2/13/1995 443 Gold Finch CR Eagle AVE South 24" 8/4/1995 444 Goode ST Glade ST East 24" 3/20/1987 445 Goode ST Pershing DR West 24" 4/2/1987 446 Graham RD S H 6 South East 36" 4/9/1987 447 Graham RD Wellborn RD West 48" 4/6/1994 448 Gramma CT Normand DR West 30" 4/1/1987 449 Graz DR Edelweiss AVE East 24" 2/22/2000 450 Great Oaks Dr Rock Prairie Rd Sout 30" 4/1/2008 451 Greens Prairie RD Arrington RD East 30" 6/4/2006 452 Greenleaf DR Sebesta RD South 30" 9/7/1996 453 Greenwood DR Bent Tree DR East 24" 6/2/1994 454 Greenwood DR Driftwood DR West 24" 6/2/1994 455 Gridiron DR Holleman DR W North 30" 5/15/2002 456 Gridiron DR Jones Butler RD East 30" 6/15/2007 457 Grove ST Wellborn RD West 30" 1/5/1984 458 Grove ST Highland ST East 24" 3/23/1987 459 Grove ST Highland ST West 24" 3/23/1987 460 Grove ST Montclair AVE East 24" 10/7/1998 461 Guadalupe DR Langford ST East 30" 5/6/1985 462 Guadalupe DR Nueces DR West 30" 4/1/1987 463 Guernsey ST Fairview AVE West 24" 3/18/1987 464 Guernsey ST Welsh AVE East 24" 9/9/1987 465 Guernsey ST Welsh AVE West 24" 9/9/1987 466 Gunsmith ST Caudill ST East 24" 4/14/1992 467 Haines DR Glade ST East 30" 3/20/1987 468 Haines DR Dexter DR West 30" 4/11/1985 469 Haley PL Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 3/10/1989 470 Hannover ST Von Trapp LN East 30' 5/23/2001 471 Hannover ST Wellborn RD West 36" 5/23/2001 472 Hardwood LN Munson AVE West 30" 3/31/1987 473 Hardwood LN Bayou Woods DR East 30" 10/20/1994 474 Hartford DR Victoria DR East 30" 3/14/2002 475 Hartford DR Victoria DR West 30" 3/14/2002 476 Hartford DR Brandenburg LN East 30" 5/15/2003 477 Hartford DR Brandenburg LN West 30" 5/15/2003 478 Harvest DR Victoria DR West 30" 3/14/2002 479 Harrington AVE Walton DR North 24" 4/30/1987 480 Harrington AVE Francis DR South 24" 3/18/1987 481 Harris DR Rock Prairie RD South 30" 2/11/1995 482 Hasselt ST Victoria AVE West 30" 4/4/1995 483 Hasselt ST Nottingham DR West 24" 4/4/1995 484 Hasselt ST Nottingham DR East 24" 4/4/1995 485 Hawk Owl Cove Eagle AVE North 24" 8/4/1995 486 Hawk Tree Southwood DR East 30" 4/10/1987 487 Hawk Tree Southwood DR West 30" 5/15/1984 488 Hawk Tree Shenandoah DR East 24" 4/9/1987 489 Hawk Tree Shenandoah DR West 24" 4/9/1987 490 Hawk Tree Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 4/7/1987 491 Hawk Tree Brothers BLVD East 30" 3/6/1987 492 Hawthorn ST Thomas ST North 30" 9/30/1996 493 Hearthstone CR Tarrow ST East 30" 4/20/1987 494 Hearthstone CR Chimney Hill DR East 30" 3/9/1987 495 Hearthstone CR Chimney Hill DR West 30" 3/9/1987 496 Henry CR Treehouse TR South 24" 4/24/1987 497 Hensel DR Texas AVE East 30" 1/1/1987 498 Hereford ST Holleman DR South 30" 3/20/1984 499 Hickory DR Southwest PKWY North 24" 4/15/1987 500 Highland ST Park Place North 30" 4/6/1992 501 Highland ST Park Place South 30" 4/6/1992 502 Highland ST George Bush DR North 30" 3/25/1987 503 Highland ST Luther ST South 24" 4/6/1992 504 Hillside DR Brothers BLVD East 24" 3/6/1987 505 Hillside DR Airline DR North 30" 9/3/1999 506 Hilltop DR Airline DR South 30" 8/11/1988 507 Hilltop DR F M 2818 North 30" 8/11/1988 508 Hibiscus ST Graham RD South 30" 9/4/1996 509 Holik ST George Bush Dr North 30" 3/25/1987 510 Holik ST Park Place South 30" 2/21/1986 511 Holik DR Holleman DR North 30" 3/4/1987 512 Holik DR Holleman DR South 30" 3/4/1987 513 Holik DR Anderson ST East 24" 4/14/1999 514 Holleman DR Earl Rudder FRWY East 30" 1/1/1984 515 Holston Hills ST Andrews DR West 24" 4/12/2000 516 Holt ST Munson AVE West 30" 11/17/1997 517 Horse Haven LN Earl Rudder FRWY E West 30" 2/18/2002 518 Hondo DR Southwest PKWY North 30" 2/21/1986 519 Hondo DR Nueces DR South 24" 1/1/1987 520 Honeysuckle LN Welsh AVE West 30" 10/28/1994 521 Honeysuckle LN Westchester AVE East 24" 10/28/1994 522 Hunter Creek DR Kernstown LN North 24" 5/6/1997 523 Hunter Creek DR Southern Plantation DR South 24" 10/25/1990 524 Hunter Creek DR Southern Plantation DR North 30" 9/26/2005 525 Inlow BLVD S College AVE East 30" 3/10/1987 526 Inlow BLVD Nagle ST West 30" 3/31/1987 527 Innsbruck CIR Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 528 Innsbruck CIR Edelweiss AVE South 24" 2/21/2000 529 Iron Horse Way SH 40/ Wm D Fitch West 36" 4/11/2008 530 Ivy Cove Welsh AVE East 30" 8/22/1994 531 James Pkwy Francis DR North 30" 2/18/1986 532 James Pkwy Francis DR South 30" 3/18/1987 533 James Pkwy Kyle AVE South 24" 3/18/1987 534 Jane ST University DR South 30" 4/28/1987 535 Jane ST Cooner ST North 24" 3/10/1987 536 Jeanne DR SH 40/ Wm D Fitch East 30" 5/3/2007 537 Jennifer DR Deacon DR North 30" 3/12/1987 538 Jennifer DR Treehouse TR North 24" 4/23/1987 539 Jennifer DR Treehouse TR South 24" 4/23/1987 540 Jennifer DR Ponderosa DR South 30" 4/6/1987 541 Jennifer CR Deacon DR South 30" 3/12/1987 542 Johnson Creek LOOP Williams Creek DR South W 30" 1/30/2007 543 Johnson Creek LOOP Williams Creek DR South 30" 1/30/2007 544 Jones Butler RD Holleman DR W South 24" 3/24/1995 545 Jones Butler RD Holleman DR W North 30" 6/15/2007 546 Jones Butler RD Luther ST W North 30" 8/25/1998 547 Jones Butler RD Harvey Mitchell PKWY North 30" 5/16/1996 548 Jones Butler RD Rock Prairie Rd West 36" 4/1/2008 549 Jones Butler RD Rock Prairie Rd East 36" 4/1/2008 550 Josephs Creek CT Williams Creek DR South 30" 1/30/2007 551 Karten LN Brandenburg East 30" 5/15/2003 552 Karten LN Brandenburg West 30" 5/15/2003 553 Kalanchoe CT Cypress DR East 24" 1/1/1985 554 Kalanchoe CT Cypress DR West 24" 1/1/1985 555 Keefer LOOP Rock Prairie W RD South 30 1/2/2007 556 Kernstown LN Decatur DR West 30" 7/17/1997 557 Kernstown LN Stony Creek LN West 24" 7/17/1997 558 Kernstown LN Decatur DR East 30" 10/22/1997 559 Kerry ST Fairview AVE East 24" 3/18/1987 560 Kerry ST Fairview AVE West 24" 3/18/1987 561 Kerry ST Montclair AVE West 24" 10/7/1998 562 Kerry ST Ayrshire ST East 24" 5/18/1999 563 Kerry ST Ayrshire ST West 24" 5/18/1999 564 King Arthur CR Langford ST East 24" 3/25/1987 565 Kingsmill CT ST Andrews DR East 30" 9/8/2003 566 Krenek Tap Texas AVE West 36" 4/21/1987 567 Krenek Tap Earl Rudder FRVVY East 30" 1/1/1985 568 Kyle AVE George Bush East West 30" 3/25/1987 569 Lake Forest N CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/28/2000 570 Lake Forest S CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/28/2000 571 Lakeside CT Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/30/2000 572 Lakeway DR William D Fitch PKWY North 30" 4/15/1991 573 Lancelot CR Langford ST East 24" 3/25/1987 574 Landsburg CT Edelweiss AVE East 24" 5/22/2000 575 Landsburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/22/2000 576 Langford ST Orr ST North 30" 4/1/1987 577 Langford ST Haines DR North 30" 3/20/1987 578 Langford ST Winding RD North 24" 5/4/1987 579 Langford ST Haines DR South 30" 3/20/1987 580 Lanham DR Rock Prairie RD South 30 3/13/2006 581 Lanham DR Williams Creek DR North 30" 1/30/2007 582 Lansing CT Dartmouth ST East 30" 9/21/2003 583 Laredo CT Rio Grande BLVD East 24" 11/26/2000 584 Larkspur CR Ponderosa DR North 24" 4/2/1987 585 Lakeshore CIR Longmire DR East 30" 9/5/2007 586 Lassie LN Sterling DR South 24" 4/13/1987 587 Lassie LN Richards ST North 24" 4/7/1987 588 Lassie LN Richards ST South 24" 4/7/1987 589 Lassie LN Holleman DR North 24" 3/24/1987 590 Laura LN Southwest PKWY North 30" 4/15/1987 591 Laura LN Southwest PKWY South 30" 1/1/1986 592 Laura LN Bee Creek South 24" 3/5/1987 593 Laura LN Haines DR North 30" 3/23/1987 594 Lavaca ST Welsh AVE West 24" 5/1/1987 595 Lawyer PL Southwest PKWY North 30" 4/15/1987 596 Lawyer ST Southwest PKWY South 30" 4/15/1987 597 Lawyer ST Boswell ST North 30" 3/5/1987 598 Lawyer ST Boswell ST South 30" 3/5/1987 599 Lawyer ST Caudill ST West 24" 3/10/1987 600 Leacrest DR Glade ST West 24" 9/26/1985 601 Lee AVE George Bush Dr North 30" 3/25/1987 602 Lee AVE Park Place North 30" 1/1/1986 603 Lee AVE Park Place South 30" 4/2/1987 604 Lee AVE Timm DR South 30" 2/22/1993 605 Legacy LN Holleman W DR East 24" 6/9/2005 606 Lemon Tree LN Anderson ST East 30" 3/4/1987 607 Leona DR Llano North 30" 8/4/2003 608 Leona DR Southwest PKWY North 30" 4/15/1987 609 Leona DR Southwest PKWY South 30" 4/15/1987 610 Leona DR Nueces DR South 24" 4/1/1987 611 Lincoln AVE Texas AVE West 30" 4/22/1987 612 Linda LN Harvey RD North 30" 3/23/1987 613 Live Oak Texas AVE West 30" 4/22/1987 614 Live Oak Nimitz ST East 24" 3/31/1987 615 Live Oak Nimitz ST West 24" 4/1/1987 616 Live Oak Eisenhower ST East 24" 6/14/1985 617 Live Oak Eisenhower ST West 24" 6/14/1985 618 Llano PL S Dexter East 30" 8/4/2003 619 Llano PL Welsh AVE West 24" 5/1/1987 620 Lodge ST Church AVE North 24" 3/9/1987 621 Lodgepole CR Ponderosa DR North 24" 4/6/1987 622 Lodgepole DR Treehouse TR North 24" 4/24/1987 623 Lodgepole DR Ponderosa DR South 24" 4/6/1987 624 Lochburry CT Regal Oaks East 30" 11/30/2001 625 Longleaf CR Ponderosa DR North 24" 4/6/1987 626 Longleaf Dr Treehouse TR North 24" 4/23/1987 627 Longleaf Dr Ponderosa DR South 24" 4/6/1987 628 Longmire DR Barron RD South 30" 7/25/1995 629 Longmire DR Valley View DR North 30" 4/28/1987 630 Longmire CT Valle View DR South 30" 4/28/1987 631 Lorikeet LN Eagle AVE North 24" 7/17/1997 632 Lorikeet LN Eagle AVE South 24" 7/18/1997 633 Lorikeet LN Purple Martin CV South 24" 7/18/1997 634 Louise AVE Wellborn RD West 30" 4/30/1987 635 Louise AVE Boyett ST East 24" 3/5/1987 636 Louise AVE College Main East 30" 7/25/1997 637 Louise AVE Second ST West 24" 1/19/1987 638 Ludlow LN Victoria AVE West 30" 6/4/2006 639 Luther ST Fairview AVE East 30" 2/20/1986 640 Luther ST Fairview AVE West 30" 2/20/1986 641 Luther ST Welsh AVE West 24" 5/1/1987 642 Luther ST Welsh AVE East 24" 5/1/1987 643 Luther ST Wellborn RD West 30" 9/9/1987 644 Luther ST W Marion Pugh East 30" 2/23/1987 645 Mac Arthur ST University DR South 30" 4/28/1987 646 Mac Arthur ST Cooner ST North 24" 3/10/1987 647 Madera CR Nueces DR West 24" 4/1/1987 648 Magnolia DR Merry Oaks DR East 24" 9/20/1999 649 Magnolia DR Merry Oaks DR East 24" 9/20/1999 650 Manuel DR Texas AVE West 30" 1/1/1985 651 Manzano CT Deacon DR South 24" 1/5/1999 652 Maple AVE Wellborn RD West 30" 4/30/1987 653 Maple AVE First ST East 30" 8/20/2004 654 Maple Wood CT Appomattox DR East 30" 12/12/1996 655 Marcy LN Harvey RD North 30" 1/1/1986 656 Marielene CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 657 Marielene CIR Mortier DR South 24" 2/22/2000 658 Marion Pugh George Bush Dr North 30" 1/1/1986 659 Marion Pugh Holleman W DR South 30" 6/4/2006 660 Markham CT Alexandria AVE West 24" 7/18/2001 661 Markham LN Alexandria AVE East 24" 7/18/2001 662 Marsteller AVE Francis DR North 24" 3/19/1987 663 Marsteller AVE Gilchrist AVE South 24" 3/19/1987 664 Marta ST Edelweiss AVE East 30" 5/23/2001 665 Maryem ST Park Place North 24" 4/1/1987 666 Maryem ST Park Place South 24" 4/1/1987 667 Maryem ST Luther ST South 24" 9/10/1997 668 Maryem ST Grove ST North 30" 4/3/1997 669 Meadow View DR Graham RD North 30" 8/17/2003 670 Meadow View DR Harvest DR East 30" 8/18/2003 671 Meadow View DR Harvest DR West 30" 8/18/2003 672 Meadowbrook CT Deacon DR South 24" 8/22/1994 673 Meadowland ST University DR South 30" 3/9/1987 674 Meadowland ST Hensel DR North 24" 3/24/1987 675 Medina DR Southwest PKWY North 30" 4/15/1987 676 Medina DR Southwest PKWY South 30" 4/15/1987 677 Medina DR Trigger ST North 24" 4/24/1987 678 Medina DR Trigger ST South 24" 4/24/1987 679 Medina DR Nueces DR South 24" 4/1/1987 680 Merry Oaks DR University Oaks South 30" 4/28/1987 681 Merry Oaks DR Dominik DR North 30" 3/16/1987 682 Merry Oaks DR Dominik DR South 24" 3/6/1987 683 Merry Oaks DR Carol ST North 24" 3/6/1987 684 Merry Oaks DR Carol ST South 24" 3/9/1987 685 Merry Oaks DR Francis DR North 30" 3/19/1987 686 Mescalero CT Deacon DR South 24" 1/6/1999 687 Middleham AVE Victoria AVE East 30" 6/4/2006 688 Middleham AVE Victoria AVE Wesr 30" 6/4/2006 689 Milam AVE Inlow BLVD North 24" 3/25/1987 690 Milam AVE Cross ST South 24" 3/11/1987 691 Mile DR Texas AVE West 30" 1/1/1985 692 Mile DR Earl Rudder FRWY W East 30" 10/29/1999 693 Mill Creek Stonebrook DR East 24" 7/23/1987 694 Milliff RD Rosemary LN West 30" 4/8/1987 695 Milliff RD Texas AVE East 30" 4/22/1987 696 Milner DR Gilchrist AVE North 24" 3/19/1987 697 Milner DR Gilchrist AVE South 24" 3/19/1987 698 Milner DR Francis DR North 24" 3/19/1987 699 Milner DR Francis DR South 24" 3/19/1987 700 Milner DR Walton DR North 24" 4/30/1987 701 Milner DR Puryear DR South 30" 4/7/1987 702 Montclair AVE George Bush Dr North 30" 3/25/1987 703 Montclair AVE Luther ST North 30" 1/1/1987 704 Montclair AVE Luther ST South 30" 1/1/1987 705 Montclair AVE Park Place North 24" 4/1/1987 706 Montclair AVE Park Place South 24" 4/1/1987 707 Morgans Ln. Texas AVE West 30" 4/21/1987 708 Mortier DR Wellborn RD West 36" 4/4/1995 709 Mortier DR Victoria AVE East 30" 8/22/1997 710 Moss ST Foster AVE East 24" 2/20/1985 711 Moss St Texas AVE West 30" 4/22/1987 712 Moses Creek CT Williams Creek DR North 30" 1/30/2007 713 Mossglenn C R Anderson ST East 24" 7/30/1997 714 Muirfield CT Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 8/29/1995 715 Muirfield Village Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 716 Mullins CT Alexandria AVE East 24" 3/8/2001 717 Mullins Loop N Alexandria AVE West 30" 3/8/2001 718 Mullins Loop S Alexandria AVE West 24 6/7/2002 719 Munson AVE Lincoln AVE North 30" 3/26/1987 720 Mustang LN Shire DR South 24" 5/24/1993 721 Nantucket ST S H 6 SOUTH West 30" 10/23/2002 722 N Ridgefield Langford ST East 24" 3/25/1987 723 Navarro DR Welsh AVE East 30" 5/1/1987 724 Navarro DR Welsh AVE West 30" 1/1/1985 725 Navarro DR Rio Grande BLVD East 24" 4/7/1987 726 Navarro DR Pedernales DR East 24" 5/5/1995 727 Navarro DR Pedernales DR West 24" 3/31/1994 728 Navarro DR Wellborn RD West 48" 8/2/1999 729 Neal Pickett Dominik DR South 24" 3/16/1987 730 Neal Pickett Carol ST North 24" 3/9/1987 731 Neal Pickett Carol ST South 24" 3/9/1987 732 Neal Pickett Francis DR North 30" 3/19/1987 733 Nevada ST Welsh AVE East 30" 5/1/1987 734 Newport DR Barron RD South 30" 9/25/2002 735 Night Rain DR Victoria AVE West 30" 1/4/2006 736 Nimitz ST Lincoln AVE South 30" 3/25/1987 737 Nimitz ST University DR North 30" 4/28/1987 738 Nimitz ST University DR South 30" 4/28/1987 739 Nimitz ST Ash ST North 30" 3/5/1987 740 Nimitz ST Ash ST South 30" 3/5/1987 741 Nimitz ST Cooner ST North 24" 3/10/1987 742 Normand CR Deacon DR South 30" 3/12/1987 743 Normand DR Deacon DR North 30" 3/12/1987 744 Normand DR Treehouse TR North 24" 4/23/1987 745 Normand DR Treehouse TR South 30" 4/23/1987 746 Normand DR Ponderosa DR North 30" 4/6/1987 747 Normand DR Ponderosa DR South 30" 4/6/1987 748 Normand DR Rock Prairie RD South 30" 4/8/1987 749 North Bardell CT Southwest PKWY South 30" 12/14/2005 750 North Forest Appomattox DR West 30" 12/12/1996 751 NORTHGATE Parking Boyett ST West 30" 7/28/1998 752 NORTHGATE Parking Church AVE North 30" 7/28/1998 753 Nueces DR Harvey Mitchell PKWY South 30" 3/18/1987 754 Nueces DR Welsh AVE North 30" 1/1/1986 755 Nunn ST Walton DR South 24" 4/30/1987 756 Nunn ST Lincoln AVE North 24" 12/4/1985 757 Oakbrook CT Deacon DR South 24" 8/22/1994 758 Oakdale CR Anderson ST West 24" 7/30/1997 759 Oakhaven CR Francis DR North 24" 1/30/1990 760 Oakhaven CR Francis DR South 24" 1/30/1990 761 Oakwood TR Sandstone DR North 24" 12/13/2000 762 Old Jersey ST Fairview AVE West 30" 6/26/1987 763 Old May CT Williams Creek DR North 30" 1/30/2007 764 Oldenburg CT Brandenburg LN West 30" 5/15/2003 765 Oldenburg LN Brandenburg LN East 30" 5/15/2003 766 Old Arrington RD SH 40/ Wm D Fitch North 36" 11/4/1997 767 Old Wellborn Rock Prairie RD North 30" 11/1/2002 768 Old Wellborn Rock Prairie RD South 30" 11/1/2002 769 Old Wellborn Cain RD North 30" 11/1/2002 770 Old Wellborn Cain RD South 30" 11/8/2002 771 Olympia Way Dominik DR North 24" 1/1/1986 772 Olympia Way University Oaks South 24" 7/20/1987 773 Oney Hervey Holleman DR North 30" 8/6/1985 774 Onyx DR Stone Forest DR East 30" 7/2/2001 775 Onyx DR Stone Forest DR West 30" 7/2/2001 776 Orchid ST Schaffer RD West 30" 4/8/2002 777 Orchid ST Schaffer RD East 30" 4/8/2002 778 Oriole CT Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 779 Orr ST Winding RD West 30" 3/9/1987 780 Orr ST Glade ST East 30" 5/25/1984 781 Paintbrush CR Rio Grande Blvd West 30" 8/25/2003 782 Pamela LN Harvey RD North 30" 1/1/1984 783 Park Place Texas AVE East 30" 1/1/1986 784 Park Place Anderson ST East 30" 3/5/1987 785 Park Place Anderson ST West 30" 3/5/1987 786 Park Place Glade ST East 30" 9/23/1985 787 Park Place Glade ST West 30" 3/20/1987 788 Park Place Timber ST East 30" 4/23/1987 789 Park Place Timber ST West 30" 4/23/1987 790 Park Place Dexter DR East 30" 3/1/1985 791 Park Place Dexter DR West 30" 3/1/1985 792 Park Place Highland ST East 24" 3/23/1987 793 Park Place Highland ST West 24" 3/23/1987 794 Park Place Wellborn RD West 30" 4/30/1987 795 Park Place Hereford ST East 24" 7/14/1987 796 Park Place Hereford ST West 24" 7/14/1987 797 Parkland DR SH 6 East 30" 3/27/2006 798 Parkland DR Wayfarer LN South 30" 3/27/2006 799 Parks DR East Bypass East 30" 9/22/1997 800 Parks DR Parking Parks DR South 30" 9/20/1989 801 Parkview Lakeway DR West 30" 10/17/1996 802 Parkview Spearman DR East 30" 10/17/1996 803 Parrot Cove Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 804 Paster ST Lincoln AVE South 30" 3/26/1987 805 Pavilion AVE Earl Ruder FRWY E West 30" 10/16/2006 806 Pavilion AVE Sebesta RD South 30" 10/16/2006 807 Patricia ST Boyett ST East 30" 3/5/1987 808 Patricia ST Boyett ST West 30" 3/5/1987 809 Patricia ST College Main West 30 4/22/2008 810 Pearce ST Tarrow ST East 24" 7/15/1987 811 Pebble Creek PKWY William D Fitch PKWY North 30" 8/29/1995 812 Pecan Grove CT Decatur DR East 24" 10/21/1997 813 Pedernales DR Val Verde DR South 24" 8/17/1994 814 Pedernales DR Balcones DR North 24" 8/17/1994 815 Pershing DR Park Place North 30" 10/13/1995 816 Pershing DR Park Place South 30" 10/22/1995 817 Pershing DR George Bush Dr North 30" 1/10/1995 818 Pershing DR Glade ST East 24" 3/23/1987 819 Peyton St Tarrow ST East 30" 12/8/1995 820 Peyton St CHappel ST West 24" 11/8/1999 821 Pheasant LN Navarro DR South 24" 7/27/2000 822 Phoenix ST Nevada ST South 24" 6/30/1997 823 Pierre PL Deacon DR North 24" 8/25/1994 824 Pierre PL Deacon DR South 24" 3/31/1995 825 Pierre PL Treehouse TR North 24" 5/29/1994 826 Pierre PL Treehouse TR South 24" 10/6/1994 827 Pierre PL Ponderosa DR North 30" 1/15/1994 828 Pine Ridge DR Anderson ST West 24" 1/23/1994 829 Pine Ridge DR Brentwood DR East 24" 12/22/1994 830 Pine Valley DR ST Andrews DR West 30" 9/10/2003 831 Pinon DR SH 6 East 30" 8/18/1994 832 Pinon DR Longmire DR West 30" 7/7/1997 833 Pintail LN Navarro DR South 24" 7/27/2000 834 Pintail LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/9/2000 835 Pintail LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/9/2000 836 Plano DR Victoria DR West 30" 3/14/2002 837 Pleasant Forest Earl Rudder FRWY W East 30" 10/14/1998 838 Plum Holow DR ST Andrews DR East 24" 4/12/2000 839 Plum Holow DR ST Andrews DR West 30" 9/10/2003 840 Plum Holow DR ST Andrews DR East 30" 9/10/2003 841 Ponderosa DR Longmire DR East 30" 3/5/1994 842 Ponderosa DR Longmire DR West 30" 12/18/1993 843 Ponderosa DR SH 6 East 30" 12/13/1993 844 Ponderosa DR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 9/27/1990 845 Poplar ST Texas AVE West 30" 1/28/1993 846 Poplar ST Nimitz ST East 24" 12/15/1993 847 Poplar ST Nimitz ST West 24" 5/22/1987 848 Poplar ST Eisenhower ST East 30" 10/8/1991 849 Poplar ST Eisenhower ST West 30" 10/23/1989 850 Post Oak Bend Greens prairie Rd W East 30 4/1/2008 851 Potomac PL Southwest PKWY North 24" 5/28/1993 852 Preston ST Tarrow ST East 24" 8/24/1987 853 Prestwick CT ST Andrews DR East 30" 9/8/2003 854 Prestwick CT ST Andrews DR West 30" 9/8/2003 855 Pro CT Parkview South 24" 10/17/1996 856 Pronghorn LN Navarro DR South 24" 11/15/1999 857 Pronghorn LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 858 Pronghorn LOOP Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 859 Pueblo CT N Deacon DR South 24" 10/22/1993 860 Pueblo CT S Deacon DR North 24" 1/21/1994 861 Puffin Way Eagle AVE North 24" 8/4/1995 862 Purple Martin Starling DR South 24" 7/21/1997 863 Puryear DR Dominik DR South 30" 3/5/1995 864 Puryear DR Francis DR North 30" 3/21/1996 865 Puryear DR Francis DR South 30" 11/4/1996 866 Puryear DR Kyle AVE North 30" 1/7/1997 867 Puryear DR Kyle AVE South 30" 3/3/1997 868 Puryear DR Walton North 30" 10/25/1996 869 Quality CR Lakeway DR East 30" 10/25/2002 870 Ravenstone LOOP Ravenstone LOOP North 30" 6/12/2001 871 Rayado CT N Deacon DR South 24" 8/11/1988 872 Rayado CT S Deacon DR North 24" 4/16/1997 873 Rayburn CT Angelina CR North 24" 4/16/1997 874 Reatta LN Barron RD North 30" 7/15/2004 875 Recreation DR Parks DR East 30" 9/20/1989 876 Redmond DR George Bush Dr North 30" 4/16/1997 877 Redmond DR Rosemary LN North 30" 4/16/1997 878 Redmond DR Texas AVE SE 30" 4/16/1997 879 Redwood ST Emerald Pkwy North 24" 4/24/1997 880 Regal Oaks DR Greens Prairie RD South 30" 11/30/2001 881 Regensburg LN Edelweiss AVE West 24" 2/21/2000 882 Renee LN Barron RD North 30" 8/17/1998 883 Rescue CT Normand DR West 24" 4/24/1997 884 Rhett Butler Hardwood LN North 30" 4/18/1997 885 Rhett Butler Hardwood LN South 30" 4/25/1997 886 Rhett Butler University Oaks North 30" 4/25/1997 887 Rhett Butler University Oaks South 30" 4/25/1997 888 Rhett Butler Harvey RD South 30" 4/25/1997 889 Richards ST Texas AVE West 30" 4/25/1997 890 Richland CT N Decatur DR West 30" 10/21/1997 891 Richland CT S Decatur DR East 30" 10/21/1997 892 Rio Bravo CT Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/21/2003 893 Rio Grande BLVD Rock Prairie RD South 30" 4/25/1997 894 Rockcliffe LOOP Ravenstone LOOP South 30" 6/12/2001 895 Rockingham LOOP Castlegate DR South 30" 12/3/2001 896 Rockingham LOOP Rockingham LOOP East 30" 12/3/2001 897 Rockingham LOOP Rockingham LOOP West 30" 12/3/2001 898 Rock Prairie W RD Old Wellborn RD East 30" 11/1/2002 899 Rocky Rhodes SH 40/ Wm D Fitch South 36" 9/10/2007 900 Rose CR Munson AVE West 24" 5/1/1997 901 Rose CR Munson AVE West 24" 5/1/1997 902 Rosemary LN George Bush Dr North 30" 4/22/1994 903 Rosewood DR Emerald Pkwy South 24" 9/24/1995 904 Roblemont DR Victoria AVE East 30" 1/4/2006 905 Robin Trail Cardinal LN North 24" 10/21/1997 906 Royal Adelade Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 11/20/1996 907 Royal Adelade Pebble Creek Pkwy West 30" 11/20/1996 908 Royal Adelade ST Andrews DR West 30" 6/4/1998 909 Royal Adelade ST Andrews DR East 30" 6/4/1998 910 Royal Adelade Spearman DR North 30" 5/21/1998 911 S Dexter ST Southwest PKWY South 30" 12/10/1994 912 S Ridgefield Langford ST East 24" 9/4/1994 913 Sabine Ct Southwest PKWY North 30" 7/14/1987 914 San Benito DR Pedernales DR West 24" 3/31/1995 915 San Benito DR Pedernales DR East 24" 8/31/1994 916 San Benito DR Welsh AVE East 24" 11/7/1995 917 San Benito DR Welsh AVE West 24" 9/1/1988 918 San Benito DR Rio Grande BLVD East 24" 3/9/1995 919 San Felipe DR Deacon DR South 24" 10/28/1994 920 San Felipe DR Haley PL North 24" 7/29/1998 921 San Mario CT Welsh AVE West 24" 9/16/1994 922 San Mario CT Welsh AVE East 24" 7/10/1994 923 San Pedro DR Welsh AVE East 24" 10/27/1994 924 San Pedro DR Welsh AVE West 24" 10/23/1995 925 San Saba CR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 11/14/1994 926 San Saba CT Welsh AVE East 30" 4/15/1991 927 San Saba DR Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 1/8/1994 928 San Saba DR Welsh AVE West 30" 4/15/1991 929 San Saba DR Pedernales DR East 30" 6/15/1988 930 San Saba DR Pedernales DR West 30" 6/15/1988 931 Sandelwood Ct Appomattox DR East 24" 1/9/1994 932 Sandstone DR Emerald Pkwy North 30" 9/12/1995 933 Sandstone Park Sebesta RD North 24" 2/26/1993 934 Sandstone Park Sebesta RD North 24" 2/26/1993 935 Sandy CR Deacon DR South 24" 8/14/1994 936 Santa Rita CT Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/21/2003 937 Sara Dr Longmire DR West 30" 7/7/1997 938 Sara Dr E Bypass East 30" 7/16/1997 939 Sara LN Harvey RD North 30" 5/8/1996 940 Savannah Ct Raintree DR North 24" 9/23/1995 941 Savine CT Southwest PKWY North 30" 9/8/1995 942 Scarlet 0' Hara DR University Oaks North 30" 2/5/1995 943 Scarlet 0' Hara DR Harvey RD South 30" 3/13/1995 944 Schaffer RD Graham RD South 30" 7/25/2001 945 Sebesta RD E Bypass West 30" 1/1/1986 946 Sebesta RD E Bypass West 30" 10/23/1995 947 Sebesta RD Sandstone DR East 30" 10/5/1995 948 Second ST Church AVE South 24" 11/20/1996 949 Shadowcrest DR Woodcreek DR South 24" 12/8/1995 950 Shadowoaks Appomattox DR East 30" 12/12/1996 951 Shadowoaks Spring Creek South 24" 6/30/1994 952 Shadowwood DR Lawyer ST East 24" 8/20/1995 953 Shadowwood DR Southwest PKWY North 30" 2/17/1995 954 Sherman DR Raintree DR South 24" 7/16/1995 955 Shetland ST Lee AVE West 24" 10/1/1997 956 Shiloh CT Raintree DR North 24" 9/23/1995 957 Shire DR Victoria AVE East 24" 8/22/1994 958 Shire DR Rock Prairie R D North 30" 9/22/1997 959 Shoal Creek DR ST Andrews DR East 24" 1/15/1996 960 Shoal Creek DR ST Andrews DR South 24" 8/30/1995 961 Sienna DR Holleman DR W South 24" 3/24/1995 962 Slice CT Parkview South 24" 9/17/1996 963 Socorro CT Deacon DR South 24" 1/6/1999 964 Song Sparrow Hawk Owl Cove East 24" 10/21/1997 965 Sonoma CR Rio Grande BLVD East 30" 8/26/2003 966 Southern Plantation DR S H 6 South East 30" 2/5/1995 967 Southern Trace DR Wellborn RD West 36" 12/14/2005 968 Southland ST Wellborn RD West 30" 2/10/1994 969 Southwest PKWY Holleman DR W East 30" 3/24/1995 970 Southwood Athletic Park Rock Prairie RD North W 24" 7/3/1997 971 Southwood Athletic Park Rock Prairie RD North E 24" 7/3/1997 972 Southwood Athletic Park Exit teen Center South 24" 5/7/2000 973 Southwood Athletic Park Exit teen Center East 24" 5/7/2000 974 Southwood Athletic Park Exit teen Center West 24" 5/7/2000 975 Spanish Bay CT Mission Hills DR North 30" 6/9/2003 976 Spanish Bay CT Mission Hills DR South 30" 6/9/2003 977 Spanish Bay CT Royal Adelade Dr North 30" 6/9/2003 978 Spearman DR Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 979 Spicewood CT Appomattox DR East 24" 11/27/1995 980 Spring Brook Barron RD South 30" 7/18/1997 981 Spring Creek Appomattox DR East 24" 6/30/1994 982 Spring Creek North Forest PKWY North 24" 12/12/1996 983 Spring Field DR Harvest DR East 30" 8/17/2003 984 Spring Field DR Harvest DR West 30" 8/17/2003 985 Spring Garden Dr Decatur DR West 30" 4/17/2006 986 Springmist DR Barron RD South 30" 8/26/2002 987 Spruce ST College Main East 30" 10/24/1995 988 Spruce ST Boyett ST West 24" 10/15/1995 989 Spruce ST Boyett ST East 24" 10/9/1994 990 Spruce ST First ST West 30" 8/20/2004 991 ST Andrews DR Spearman DR North 24" 8/30/1995 992 ST Andrews DR Spearman DR South 24" 8/30/1995 993 ST Andrews DR Spearman DR North 24" 7/29/1997 994 ST Andrews DR Congressional CT 30" 9/8/2003 995 Stallings DR Dominik DR North 30" 10/23/1994 996 Stallings DR University Oaks South 30" 2/10/1995 997 Stallings DR University Oaks North 30" 1/15/1994 998 Stallings DR Harvey RD South 30" 2/13/1995 999 Starling DR Longmire DR East 30" 7/25/1995 1000 Starling DR Purple Martin CV West 24" 7/18/1997 1001 Stasney ST University DR South 30" 1/27/1995 1002 Stasney ST Church AVE North 30" 10/9/1995 1003 Stasney ST Church AVE South 30" 8/14/1995 1004 Stasney ST Cherry ST North 24" 12/8/1995 1005 Sterling DR Texas AVE West 30" 3/19/1995 1006 Stone Forest William D Fitch PKWY North 30" 6/21/2001 1007 Stone Forest Sapphire DR South 24" 7/2/2001 1008 Stonebriar CT CHampions BLVD South 24" 8/29/1995 1009 Stonebriar CT Stonebriar CT West 24" 8/30/1995 1010 Stonebridge CT Stonebrook DR West 30" 1/27/2000 1011 Stonebridge D R Woodcreek DR North 24" 3/17/1995 1012 Stonebridge D R Stonebrook DR East 30" 2/18/1995 1013 Stonebrook DR Rock Prairie RD South 30" 11/23/1994 1014 Stonebrook DR Woodcreek DR North 24" 7/21/1997 1015 Stonebrook DR Woodcreek DR South 24" 7/21/1997 1016 Stonewall Ct Raintree DR North 24" 1/13/1995 1017 Stony Creek LN Southern Plantation South 24" 11/16/1999 1018 Strasburg CT Kernstown LN South 24" 5/6/1997 1019 Strasburg CT Kernstown LN South 24" 5/6/1997 1020 Stuttgart CIR Edelweiss AVE East 24" 2/22/2000 1021 Suffolk AVE Burt ST North 24" 9/26/1995 1022 Suffolk AVE Burt ST South 24" 9/18/1995 1023 Suffolk AVE Park Place North 24" 1/19/1995 1024 Suffolk AVE Park Place South 24" 9/13/1995 1025 Summerglen DR University DR North 30" 8/17/1995 1026 Summerglen DR Glenhaven DR East 30" 8/14/1995 1027 Summit ST Hilltop DR East 24" 12/12/1995 1028 Summit ST Southwood DR West 24" 11/15/1995 1029 Sun Meadow CT Schaffer RD West 30" 7/26/2001 1030 Sun Meadow ST Schaffer RD East 30" 7/26/2001 1031 Sunflower TR Edelweiss AVE South 24" 8/22/1994 1032 Sunflower TR Welsh AVE East 30" 8/22/1994 1033 Sussex DR Stonebrook DR East 24" 1/19/1995 1034 Sussex DR Stonebrook DR West 24" 1/19/1995 1035 Swiss CIR Welsh AVE West 24" 5/17/1988 1036 Sycamore Hills DR Congressional DR South 30" 10/13/2004 1037 Sycamore Hills DR Congressional DR North 30" 10/13/2004 1038 Tara CT University Oaks South 24" 7/7/1997 1039 Tarrow ST Lincoln AVE South 30" 5/15/1997 1040 Tauber ST Church AVE North 30" 5/15/1997 1041 Tauber ST Church AVE South 30" 5/15/1997 1042 Tauber ST Cherry ST North 30" 5/15/1997 1043 Taurus AVE Haines DR South 24" 4/9/1997 1044 Taurus AVE Haines DR South 24" 5/15/1997 1045 Taurus AVE Holleman DR North 30" 5/15/1997 1046 Teakwood Ct Appomattox DR West 24" 5/15/1997 1047 Teal DR Dartmouth ST West 30" 9/28/1998 1048 Technology PKWY SH 6 South West 30" 9/1/1999 1049 Technology Way Lakeway DR West 30" 12/18/2000 1050 Thomas ST Dexter DR West 30" 9/24/1995 1051 Thomas ST Dexter DR East 30" 9/24/1995 1052 Thomas ST Pershing DR East 24" 7/5/1996 1053 Thomas ST Hereford ST West 24" 7/5/1996 1054 Thompson ST Fairview AVE East 24" 9/24/1995 1055 Thompson ST Fairview AVE West 24" 9/24/1995 1056 Thompson ST Eleanor ST West 24" 9/24/1995 1057 Tiffany TR Southern Plantation North 24" 9/24/1995 1058 Tiffany TR Southern Plantation South 24" 9/24/1995 1059 Timber ST Timm DR North 30" 3/19/1998 1060 Timber Knoll Shadowcrest DR South 24" 7/21/1998 1061 Timber Knoll Shadowcrest DR North 24" 3/16/1995 1062 Timber Knoll Stonebrook DR East 24" 1/12/1999 1063 Timm DR Glade ST East 24" 3/16/1995 1064 Timm DR Glade ST West 24" 3/16/1995 1065 Timm DR Pershing DR West 24" 8/14/1990 1066 Todd Trail Southwood DR East 30" 3/16/1995 1067 Todd Trail Southwood DR West 30" 3/16/1995 1068 Todd Trail Brothers BLVD East 30" 3/16/1995 1069 Todd Trail Brothers BLVD West 30" 3/16/1995 1070 Todd Trail Longmire DR East 30" 3/16/1995 1071 Todd Trail Shenandoah DR East 30" 3/16/1995 1072 Todd Trail Shenandoah DR West 30" 3/16/1995 1073 Todd Trail Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 4/15/1991 1074 Tonkaway Lake RD Greens Prairie East 36" 11/1/2002 1075 Tonkaway Lake RD Greens Prairie West 36" 11/1/2002 1076 Town Place Welsh AVE West 24" 8/9/2000 1077 Trace Meadows Navarro DR South 24" 11/9/1999 1078 Trace Meadows Navarro DR North 24" 11/15/1999 1079 Treehouse TR Brothers BLVD West 30" 4/15/1991 1080 Treehouse TR Longmire DR East 30" 4/15/1991 1081 Treehouse TR Longmire DR West 30" 4/15/1991 1082 Treehouse TR East Bypass East 30" 7/16/1997 1083 Trigger ST Gunsmith ST East 24" 5/22/1995 1084 Trinity PL Southwest PKWY South 30" 5/22/1995 1085 Turtle Dove Tr Alexandria Ave East 30" 5/27/2008 1086 Turtle Dove Tr Alexandria Ave West 30" 5/27/2008 1087 Twin Pond CR Parkland DR South 24" 3/27/2006 1088 University Oaks George Bush East West 30" 5/22/1995 1089 University Oaks Earl Rudder FRWY W East 30" 6/2/1987 1090 U S C entrance Graham RD South 30" 2/2/1997 1091 USC USC RD East 24" 5/3/2001 1092 USC USC RD East 24" 5/3/2001 1093 Val Verde DR Rio Grande BLVD East 24" 5/14/1990 1094 Valley View DR Texas AVE East 30" 5/14/1990 1095 Valley View DR Southwood DR North 30" 5/14/1990 1096 Van Horn Dr Rio Grande BLVD West 24" 5/14/1990 1097 Van Horn Dr San Felipe DR East 24" 10/28/1994 1098 Vassar CT Tarrow ST West 24" 5/14/1990 1099 Venture DR SH 6 South West 30" 1/15/1996 1100 Venture DR Lakeway DR East 30" 12/8/1997 1101 Veterans Park Harvey RD South 30" 9/3/2002 1102 Victoria AVE Barron RD North 30" 7/15/2004 1103 Victoria AVE SH 40/ Wm D Fitch North 30" 6/4/2006 1104 Village DR Anderson ST West 30" 5/14/1990 1105 Village DR Glade ST East 30" 5/14/1990 1106 Village DR Glade ST West 30" 5/14/1990 1107 Village DR Pershing DR West 24" 8/15/1990 1108 Village DR Holleman DR South 30" 5/21/1990 1109 Von Trapp LN Marta ST South 30" 5/24/2001 1110 Von Trapp LN Sophia LN North 30" 5/24/2001 1111 W Dexter DR Dexter DR East 30" 8/15/1990 1112 W king Cole DR Texas AVE West 30" 7/24/1997 1113 W king Cole DR Krenek Tap North 30" 4/25/1990 1114 Walnut Grove Appomattox DR West 30" 12/12/1996 1115 Waterford DR Woodcreek DR South 24" 7/24/1997 1116 Wayne CT Lanham DR West 30 1/30/2007 1117 Wellelsley CT Tarrow ST West 24" 8/15/1990 1118 Welsh AVE Thompson ST South 30" 8/15/1990 1119 Welsh AVE Thompson ST North 24" 4/15/1991 1120 Welsh AVE Kerry ST North 24" 4/15/1991 1121 Welsh AVE Kerry ST South 24" 4/15/1991 1122 Welsh AVE Guernsey ST North 24" 4/15/1991 1123 Welsh AVE Guernsey ST South 24" 4/15/1991 1124 Welsh AVE Park Place North 24" 7/18/1991 1125 Welsh AVE Park Place South 24" 7/18/1991 1126 Welsh AVE Angus ST North 24" 3/18/1987 1127 West Ridge DR Welsh AVE West 24" 1/17/1990 1128 Westchester AVE Welsh AVE West 30" 6/24/1992 1129 Westchester AVE Rock Prairie RD South 30" 3/6/1989 1130 Westfield DR Graham RD North 24" 2/2/2001 1131 Westover ST Dominik DR South 24" 6/24/1992 1132 Westover ST Francis DR North 30" 6/24/1992 1133 Whiterose Spring Creek South 24" 6/30/1994 1134 Whitewing LN Alexandria Ave West 30" 5/27/2008 1135 Whitney CT Woodcreek DR South 24" 8/28/2000 1136 Whitney LN Woodcreek DR North 24" 8/28/2000 1137 Whistling Straits DR Mission Hills DR North 30" 4/17/2006 1138 Whistling Straits DR Mission Hills DR South 30" 4/17/2006 1139 Whistling Straits DR Royal Adelade Dr North 30" 4/17/2006 1140 Whistling Straits LOOP Royal Adelade Dr South 30" 4/17/2006 1141 Wilderness DR Raintree DR South 24" 6/5/1990 1142 Wilderness DR Raintree DR South 24" 6/5/1990 1143 Wildewood Spring Creek South 24" 6/30/1994 1144 Wildewood Spring Creek West 24" 6/30/1994 1145 Wildrye DR Ponderosa DR North 30" 6/5/1990 1146 Wildrye DR Rock Prairie RD North 24" 6/5/1990 1147 Williams ST Francis DR North 30" 6/5/1990 1148 Williams Creek DR William D Fitch PKWY West 30" 8/24/2005 1149 Williams Creek DR Rock Prairie RD South 30 1/9/2007 1150 Williams Ridge CT Williams Creek DR West 30 1/30/2007 1151 William D Fitch PKWY HWY 30 North 36" 11/1/2002 1152 Willow Loop Welsh AVE West 30" 4/5/1991 1153 Willow Loop Welsh AVE West 30" 4/5/1991 1154 Willow Pond ST Schaffer RD East 30" 7/26/2001 1155 Willow Pond CT Schaffer RD West 30" 7/26/2001 1156 Windfree DR Kernstown LN South 24" 5/6/1997 1157 Windfree DR Kernstown LN North 24" 5/6/1997 1158 Windfree DR Southern Plantation South 24" 4/5/1991 1159 Windfree DR Southern Plantation North 24" 4/5/1991 1160 Winding RD Holleman DR North 30" 4/5/1991 1161 Winding RD Holleman DR South 30" 4/15/1991 1162 Winding RD Dexter DR NW 24" 4/5/1990 1163 Winding RD Dexter DR SE 24" 4/5/1990 1164 Windswept DR Southern Plantation North 24" 4/5/1990 1165 Windswept DR Southern Plantation South 24" 4/5/1990 1166 Windswept DR Tiffany TR West 24" 7/21/1997 1167 Windwood DR Appomattox DR West 24" 9/21/1989 1168 Winecup CR Rio Grande BLVD West 30" 8/25/2003 1169 Winged Foot DR ST Andrews DR West 30" 8/30/1995 1170 Winged Foot DR Pebble Creek Pkwy East 30" 8/29/1995 1171 Winter Park Autumn CIR South 24" 3/8/1994 1172 Windmeadows DR Victoria AVE West 30" 1/14/2006 1173 Wolf Run DR Anderson ST NW 24" 9/21/1989 1174 Wolf Run DR Anderson ST SW 24" 9/21/1989 1175 Woodcliff Ct Appomattox DR West 24" 9/21/1989 1176 Woodcreek DR Earl Rudder FRWY E West 30" 9/21/1989 1177 Woodhaven CR Francis DR North 24" 10/27/1987 1178 Woodhaven CR Francis DR South 24" 10/27/1987 1179 Woodland PKWY Munson AVE NE 30" 11/17/1997 1180 Woodland PKWY Munson AVE NE 30" 11/17/1997 1181 Woodland Hills BLVD William D Fitch PKWY South 30" 1/24/2001 1182 Woodland Hills BLVD Woodland Springs DR North 30" 5/19/2003 1183 Woodsman DR Jones Butler RD East 30" 8/25/1998 1184 Woodsman Alley Jones Butler RD East 30" 8/25/1998 1185 Woodsman Alley Jones Butler RD East 30" 8/25/1998 1186 Woodway DR Woodsman DR North 24" 4/21/1997 1187 Woodway DR Woodsman DR East 24" 9/21/1989 1188 Woodway DR Holleman DR W East 24" 3/24/1995 1189 Yale CT Cornell DR East 30" 9/21/1989 1190 Yellowhose CR Nueces DR South 24" 9/21/1989 1191 Yorkshire DR Victoria AVE West 24" 4/15/1991 1192 Yorkshire DR Nottingham DR East 24" 6/24/1992 1193 Yorktown CT Raintree DR North 24" 6/21/1989