HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2002 - Regular Minutes - Parks BoardMINUTES - College Station Parks and Recreation Ad N Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 6:00 1). C' H ]Iry I tty a ra n ng loom 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Staff Present: Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director of Parks anc' "ccreat�- : 1:: '' Forestry Superintendent; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planiic Jclf l A and Strategic Planning Director; Bill Cody, Risk Manager; Kris L. !c, Bu. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chair; Don Allison: Larry 1 qwo, ;lenn Schroeder; Jon Turton; Bill Davis; Laura Wood (Alternate). Board Member Absent: Glen Davis. Guests: Charles Burditt and Billy Drum, Urban Forest "urditt Associates. Visitors: Bonnie Merz, 1700 Southwest Parkway, #173, College Static " -xas % Jamie Lofand, 701 Balcones Drive, #9A, College Station, Te, - 7845 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairs n Nicb( �!t 6:W7 i.m. 2. Pardon - possible action concerning requests for a' icy ; from meeting: Don Allison made a motion to accept the absc r (; vis as excused. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All N\ in 1a, n:: otion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors: No visitors spoke during this time. 4. Discussion, and possible approval of the minutes fro- the S - 'al ` 1 --'ng of February 5, 2002, and the Regular Meeting of Febru: .,. 12, t 'I'l de a motion to approve the minutes of February 5, 2002. Lary -, All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minut from F - '_002. Larry seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the m i pass p an sly. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning I' -ird a +' . De-)t liental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Iss "ric :g� I that he did not have anything specific to report under this item Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 1002 Page I of 5 6. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the current {"apital Improvement Project Report: Eric reported on two (2) i; ns: 1. The Interlocal Agreement between the City of Cc'' •ge St pion, t' Iege Station Independent School District, and the Rock Pral, : Parei. hers Organization concerning the repair of the Jack and Dorothy 1\: IIer Pa ding Tract is scheduled to go to the City Council for considers )n on :,day, March 14, 2002. If the agreement is approved by Council, the 1"roject A,%. _,o out to bid the following day. 2. The City held a bid opening for the Lincoln Center r.,,, -Nway T gran " eject, and the project is also scheduled to go to the City(', .cil f cons: a on March 10. Glenn S. asked if there had been any progress on the Inirchave of lar. a to Woodway Park. Eric responded that progress is being ma ' This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning fl- nropo-" 1 TT.-',.,.. _­rest Management Plan (City Council Vision Statement t. ; tratr .,, 4. u, _ stry Superintendent Ross Albrecht said that the develops:.:it of in U! )rest Management Plan has been a goal of the Parks and Recrea;: n Ad sory B : the past few years, and has recently become a goal of the Cite _ ounc -1s well. .:sts for Qualifications (RFQ) went out in October 2001, to fi ) Fi s. (A c, the RFQ was included in the Board packets.) Three (3) firm �,)or. 1. to th:, ;lest, and Burditt Associates from Conroe was contracted to wo, .: on the Man. I;� stated that a draft plan is scheduled to go to the City Council f r consid' ration o'• ' 'Iy 9, 2002 (Note: the presentation to Council has moved to : - 13, : 02 . , the Department would like to have approval from the Board t rcha. I`uss i ced Charles Burditt and Billy Drum who gave an update on t] i c rogre, 'o date. Mr. Burditt and Mr. Drum gave an overview of the Urba " orc `Janagc "Ian by showing a PowerPoint presentation and handing I .m ou i See attachments —please note that the data used for the Poit ;. lily, and not taken from actual College Station numbers.) Mr. Burditt said that risk is one of the greatest issue r a, c— i• and expressed the importance of College Station having a trc. r : n. .iic,I y in place. John Nichols stated that the Urban Forest Management I'! > > sl,o ' 1 Le inc �ted into the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as ;1 i zd. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Page 2 of 5 Eric said that a special meeting may need to be set up in lay Ap::l or early ' ! -iy for possible Board approval of the draft plan before it is preser � ,: d to V­_- City Co c i 1. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concernin,' poten t ial futur �, improvement projects: Eric stated that included in the L'o,!rd 1 !sets was t of the potential future capital improvement program (CIP) pro ec , ,s rankec c - der by project category. He added that staff had prepared three additiona' ­':ing sheets for three (3) scenarios for the upcoming bond issue. :lc I . As and I' 'Lion Department could receive: • $5 million; • $6 million; or • $7 million. Eric said that the City's list of proposed future CIP projects i e present tn the City Council on March 28, 2002. He asked that the Boar i L..'. die ranki -ets by shaded priority and return them to Kris Lehde by Mond 15` T alts will then be e- mailed to the Board. Eric added that with the help of O'Malley Engineers, he red;,.i s r". of the f - cs for the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase R develop r1.cnt. 1 1) assed I out to the Board. Because of the cost to develop Phase II of the h: r':. Board C ssed the following options: 1. Submit the Phase][[ development as a separate item on tl. r 2. Develop Phase II in two (2) parts (i.e. softball comp' c• Irci +nd pavilion). The Board was particularly concerned with the hitli cost 1 , 7 . eld softball complex. Eric said that there are some areas of tl : l ; . - could be reduced, but it would also reduce the quality of' 'ter some discussion, Eric said that he would bring a more rc ('; 1 the costs involved with a more specific explanation of the p! , , t for their review for the April meeting. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion v 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action conce Year 2003 budget issues and priorities: Eric stated that process started in January. He introduced the City's Bu( Director, Jeff Kersten. Jeff said that this is the th i rd yep - solicited input from advisory boards early in the bu('get 1 boards will be taken to the City Council during their Retreat in May to be considered in the overall strategic p 1 Jeff said that the Budget Office would like to have any Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March S, 2002 Page 3 of 5 let t: ag 13L: ias _ ec .he ; ng :d bud; t css. k vvitl � :1 : 60 days (around May 0). He handed out a sheet of questW!is h_ it * sought fror, the boards (see attachment). John N. asked if Parks staff had any input. Eric responded '�:i Council strat -gies are a staff priority. This item will be placed on the April a i, John urged a- ! one who might have any thoughts for the budget process to e- '11 m to Kris r to the April meeting; Kris will circulate any comments to t' �c the Bo.+.r('. ;hn added that it would be important to include the Parks and ' •crca- 1 Advi,:;; and Goal to purchase batting cages and backstops for Bee : I; in the L 'get process. This item was intended to solicit input only, and no motion Nvas i Je. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerni k land dedication request for the Legacy Addition Subdivision: Senior 1 'r Pets: N' cek stated that the developer of the Legacy Addition Subdivi - ")sir lot subdivision next to Sun Meadows, off of Graham Road. 7 :u. u' '.1r aly .223 acres, and the proposed development is in close t :)'uutl� A, Edelweiss, Westfield, and Jack and Dorothy Miller parks. Glenn S. made a motion to accept the fee in lieu of lar t' : Legacy Addition Subdivision. Bill seconded the motion. All were in hN n the motion r: - sed unanimously. Jon T. made a motion that the Parks and Recreation Advi on 'lat the Planning and Zoning Commission consider rc qucstin; on Subdivision provide access at the end of the c. - .! - do - s�i , ks through the greenway or greenbelt adjacent t,) en,: -sac. Sill seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion pa:;: un mously. John N. suggested that staff present a thoroup!ifare I f park !•ind dedication requests. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning a t' > at was held on February 28, 2002, to discuss po- ;sible ! or neighborhood parks (City Council Vision Statcin crit # ire. �d that Don Allision and Bill Davis were at the fuc gro Parks S,. . for Secretary, Pam Springfield, put together notes from the ,ii ce ottachm v7t). There is $200,000 budgeted in Fiscal Year 2002 for dev,. i Er; aid that the focus group had met on this topic before. Afte he group, the suggestion had been presented to the City Cour _,pe of monetary incentives. During that meeting, the Counc up with some alternative ideas other than monetary inccntiv )rt only, and no motion was made. This item will Le o r futi Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March S, 2002 Page 4 of 5 12. Possible appointment of a Fees Subcommittee: F tal I%W appointment of a Fees Subcommittee is part of the D,- t' ;et process. Glenn Schroeder, Larry Farnsworth, and Bill Da )n, and were appointed to, the Fees Subcommittee. No motior. 13. Discussion of next meeting dates and agendas: Meeting Date Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 6:00 p.m. Possible Agenda Items Discussion of the Veterans Park and At!:! -ti Cc or development. Discussion of the future CIP. 14. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 4 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 1002 Page 5 of 5