HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1978 - Bylaws - Parks BoardCONSTITUTIONAL BY -LAWS OFTHE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THE BOARD SHALL BE GOVERNED BY CITY ORDINANCE NUMBER 1137 ARTICLE I RULES OF THE BOARD Section l: Purpose The "College Station Parks and Recreation Board ", hereinafter referred to as the Board, shall be composed of seven (7) members. The duties of said Board shall be to advise and recommend to the City Council on all matters to the establishment, maintenance, and operation of city parks and recreation programs for the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION and its inhabitants and to carry out other duties as may be assigned by the City Council. Section 2: Terms of Office The terms of office for the Board shall commence on May 1st and shall be two (2) years in length and the members thereof shall be appointed by the City Council. Section 3: Termination • Any Board Member appointed by the City Council shall forfeit that membership if he is absent for more than three (3) meetings, or 25% of the meetings, whichever is greater, in on appointment year, unless the absenteeism is for medical reasons. Absenteeism may also be excused by the Board or by the City Council. If a member goes beyond this absenteeism limit, the City Council shall be advised to declare the position vacant and appoint a new member to fill the vacancy. Section 4: Organization Said Board is authorized to establish its own constitution and by -laws and shall provide for regular and special meetings necessary to carry on its business, separate and apart from the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, except as herein provided. Section 5: Limitations The Board shall not be authorized to incur on behalf of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION any expense incident to the operation of said parks and recreation programs, unless expressl authorized so to do by the CITY COUNCIL. The Board shall not knowingly conduct business that has been assigned by ordinance to any other governing or advisory body of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. 40 ARTICLE II MEETINGS Section 1: Annual Meetings The Annual meeting of the Board shall be held at a date and time to be designated by the Board. Section 2: Regular Meetings The regular meeting shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at the hour of 7:00 pm at a place designated in the call. Section 3: Notice of Meetings Notice of all regular meetings shall be delivered to each member of the Board at least five days prior to each meeting. Notice of all meetings shall be posted at City Hall and delivered to the news media in compliance with all state and local laws. Section 4: Special Meetings Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board or by three members of the Board. Section 5: Place of Meeting The place of the meeting shall be the City Hall unless otherwise stated in the call. Section 6: Quorum Four members of the Board shall at all times constitute a quorum. Section 7: Rules of Order General parliamentary rules, as given in Robert's Rules of Order, as modified by the rules and regulations of the Board shall be observed in conducting meetings of the Board. Section 8: Order of Business The following shall be the Order of Business of the Board, but the rules of order may be suspended and any matters considered or postponed by action of the Board: 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Consideration of minutes of last regular meeting and of any special meetings held subsequently and their approval or amendment. 4. Petitions or communication from visitors. 5. Reports. 6. Board concerns. V r ARTICLE III OFFICERS Section 1: Appointment of Officers The Council shall appoint one member of the Board to serve as Chairman and one member to serve as Vice - Chairman on an annual basis. Section 2: Duties of the Board Chairman The Chairman of the Board shall preside at the meetings of the Board, and shall perform the other duties ordinarily performed by that officer. Section 3: Duties of the Vice - Chairman The Vice - Chairman of the Board, in the absence of the Chairman, shall perform all the duties of the Chairman of the Board. In the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice - Chairman, the Board shall elect a Chairman pro tempore who shall perform the duties of the Chairman of the Board. Section 4: Duties of the Parks and Recreation Director He shall act as the chief executive officer of the Board, but shall not be a member. He shall attend all regular meetings and participate in the discussions, but shall not be entitled to vote. ARTICLE IV COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD Section 1: Appointment of Special Committees Special Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman for consideration and study of any matter not covered by the Board during regular or special meetings. The Special Committees shall report their findings to the Board. ARTICLE V AMENDMENTS Section 1: Amendments These by -laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board by a majority vote of the members present, provided previous notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given at least one regular meeting before the action thereon shall be taken. These by -laws shall be automatically amended by any future ordinances passed by the City Council dealing with matters relating to the Parks & Recreation Board. 40