HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/1999 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory CommitteeSENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1999 10:00 AM YAHOOZ Present: Bill & Florace Kling, Bill & Mary Lancaster, Helen Perry, Marvin & Marcine Durrant, James & Lillian Boone, Wendell Horne, Bill & Mary Jo Lay, Phyllis Dozier Staff: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator; Emily Baker, Secretary Guests: Skip Noe, City Manager; Steven Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation; Dana Williamson, Instruction Supervisor; Phyliss Davis, Senior Friends Director; Officer Rick Vessell, Community Services I. Introductions Marci spoke about the Senior Resource Guide. It lists every organization for seniors for the Brazos Valley. She would like this committee to work in partnership with some of the organizations in this guide and try to make the seniors aware of what is offered. Marci introduced Phyliss Davis, with the College Station Medical Center. She has a program called Senior Friends that is a chapter of a national organization called the National Association of Senior Friends. This is a non - profit organization and there are about 300 chapters around the nation. The local chapter has @ 1200 members but only @ 100 active members. The Senior Friends Program offers educational programs such as having lunch with an expert where seniors get together for lunch and have an expert in the medical field, etc. to come and talk in laymen terms and have discussions. They also have exercise classes like Tai Chi that is taught by Charlene Strawn. There is a membership fee for the organization that is $15 per person or $25 per couple. With "your membership you receive about 99% of their events free such as the Tai Chi I and the expert luncheons. Their goal is to keep seniors healthy, happy and independent. VJ Marci introduced Officer Vessell with the S.A.L.T. program (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together). Seniors work with the law enforcement and officers for their personal safety. This is a program that the citizens have to take up on their own and the law enforcement will help them. He is involved in TRIAD which is a true community police program. It is the S.A.L.T. and law enforcement and the community working together. The police department will form the S.A.L.T. council and then any problems that arise in the elderly community will go through the S.A.L.T. council and then anything the law enforcement can do to help, they will. Example; ambulances cannot find the correct address in an emergency due to the letters not being on the mailboxes. Therefore, the citizens complained to the S.A.L.T. council and they, in turn, went to the law enforcement. The law enforcement then contacted people in their community that like to donate money and gave them the problem. Local businesses donated money, the parks dept. went to the seniors and put the letters on their mailboxes and it was all free of charge. Or if there is a telephone scam, they send out alerts on the media and solve that problem. So it's whatever problem is in your own community is what gets solved. Law Enforcement does not always know what that problem is so that is what the S.A.L.T. council is for. They need seniors from their community to serve on that council. II. Purpose of Advisory Committee Marci asked for suggestions of the needs of the seniors in our community. She stated that Austin has a nice brochure that has all of their senior activities, clubs, etc. in it. There are @ 8000 seniors in our community age 55 and over. When she talked to some of the retirement communities in the area some of the major problems and concerns was transportation. This is an area where the city could be of some help because we have vans to transport seniors to different locations. Some other suggestions included getting together with Senior Friends for dances. We need to focus on the seniors that are not as active and get them out and involved. Have activities with prizes, provide transportation. We need to look at seniors as a resource because they have so much experience and talents. We need to address newcomers in the community. One way that is being done now is through Brazos Bounty. Judy McFarland heads that program and when newcomers come to the community, she takes them a bag of information of all the activities in the Brazos Valley. We could get in touch with her and make some brochures about our committee to put in with their information. There is also a real need for computer classes and other educational classes for a small fee or no charge. Seniors have shown an interest in e- mailing their families versus the expense of phone calls. Xtra Education offers introductory computer classes and alot of seniors sign up for these classes. Dana stated that Xtra Education has a huge mail -out base and alot of advertisement opportunities that we can network with. Also, there is a Senior Resource book that comes out with the Eagle once a year and the Golden Eagle that comes out once a month. There are several day care centers for seniors in the community. Some seniors would rather travel on their own but we could get together with Senior Friends or other groups and take some trips. We need to find some way to exchange value ideas across the two age groups, 55 & over and 55 & under. Some other suggestions were to h fair with a band concert complet e contest, pie and cake judging, etc. tournament. The committee need s on. III. IV. Future Meeting Places & Times ave an old fashion county with pickle judging, quilt Perhaps a dance or domino to find one thing to focus The committee discussed meeting places in the future. The College Station Library is available on Monday and Friday mornings. We have planned the next meeting on Monday, February 22nd at the library at 10:00 am. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:15 am. 0:81 \645 \senior