HomeMy WebLinkAboutBylaws - 02/23/2006RESOLUTION NO. 2-23-2006-10.13 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 05-25-88-12 WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION JOINT RELIEF FUNDING REVIEW COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the City of College Station City Council established the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee on May 26th, 1988 to review requests for municipal funding; and, WHEREAS, the City of College Station City Council has determined the need to replace Resolution No. 05-25-88-12 to allow the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee to focus on funding requests for Community Development Block Grant Funds and to reflect current procedures; and, WHEREAS, the City Councils of the City of Bryan and College Station desire to continue the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee for review of proposals and public programs eligible to receive monies from the Community Development Grant Funds; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby approves that the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee shall consist of three (3) representatives from Bryan, Places 1,2, and 3; and three (3) representatives from College Station, Places 4,5 and 6. Each place shall be appointed to three-year terms for no more than two consecutive terms. PART 2: That the City Council hereby authorizes the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee to review all proposals for specific programs eligible to receive funds from the Community Development Block Grant Funds. The Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee shall make recommendations to the City Councils for their consideration. PART 2: That the City Council hereby approves that the Chairperson of the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee shall be selected from among its members on an annual basis. PART 3: That this resolution shall replace Resolution No. 5-26-1988-12 and take effect immediately from and after its passage. ADOPTED this 23rd of February, A.D. 2006. ATTE APPROVED: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary RON S , Mayor APPROVED: City Attorney Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item # X Regular Item Consent Item Workshop Item Item Submitted By: Connie Hooks, City Secretary Council Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2001 Director Approval: City Manager Approval: Item: Discussion and possible action on appointments for College Station representatives on the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee and College Station Representatives on the B -CS Library Committee. Item Summary: Joint Relief Funding Review Committee: The purpose of this item is to review and consider changing the terms of office for members of the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. Currently, the expiration for the terms of office coincide with other committees in June. The committee's responsibilities begin in February and conclude in September; therefore, making it inconvenient to consider appointments in June because of his/her involvement in the selection process for outside agency recipients of CDBG monies. The membership's terms are for three years. B -CS Library Committee: The members of the B -CS Library serve two year terms, with terms corresponding to the calendar year. The terms of Bill Lancaster and Mary Chauvin expired December 31. Staff Recommendation: Joint Relief Funding Review Committee: Staff recommends changing the board membership term from January - December effective immediately. If council approves, the board membership would change as follows: David Decker, 1/01; Sara Goode, 1/02; and Jim Scarmardo, 1/02. Staff is requesting Council consider applications to fill the position currently occupied by David Decker. Mr. Decker has indicated a desire to continue service. An additional application was also received for this committee. B -CS Library: Ms. Chauvin has indicated that she does not wish to be re- appointed. Mr. Lancaster is willing to continue service if that is the desire of the council. We received several applications for this committee in 2000. We contacted those individuals from citizens and they have indicated their willingness to be considered for this committee. Council Action Options: 1. Appoint one citizen to Joint Relief Funding Review Committee and two citizens to B -CS Library. 2. Reject applications and re -advertise. Supporting Materials: Applications available in council binder. Current membership lists for B -CS Library Committee and Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Outside Agency Funding Policy Adopted 9/28/2000 1. All CDBG eligible service providers will make requests for funds through the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee (JRFRC), including those that currently receive funds from the City's General Fund. This committee evaluates social service agency funding requests and determines a recommended allocation for the Cities of Bryan and College Station's pooled US HUD Community Development Block Grant Public Service funds. The amount of CDBG funds obligated within a program year to support public service activities may not exceed 15% of the total grant awarded to the City plus 15% of total program income received in the preceding year. Due to the source of the funds, eligibility for these funds is determined by Community Development Block trant guidelines. 2. The College Station City Council will fund outside agency requests through the General Fund as it deems appropriate. Funding levels will be determined on a year by year basis, depending on the needs of the requesting organizations, the City Council's strategic goals, and available funding. 3. The three College Station members of the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee will review General Fund outside agency requests, except those made by political subdivisions and the Brazos Valley Animal Shelter, and provide a prioritized funding recommendation to the City Council. 4. All organizations requesting funds through the General Fund will be required to complete a standard application. 5. Requests for Hotel/Motel Fund, Sanitation Fund, and Electric Fund outside agency funding will continue to be reviewed by the Office of Budget and Strategic Planning. The Office will also continue to review General Fund requests from political subdivisions and the Brazos Valley Animal Shelter. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Page 9 THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of Rose Chemical Steering Committee's proposed buyout and consent offers relating to the Missouri disposal site for PCB material. City Attorney Locke described this item. She stated that the Environmental Protection Agency found that the disposal site at Holden, Missouri was not found to meet EPA standards. The City of College Station has disposed of 6,875 pounds of waste at that site. The Rose Chemical Company filed bankruptcy due to the cleanup costs, but the bankruptcy court held that cleanup cost cannot be "evaded" through a bankruptcy filing; therefore, the City is responsible for its portion of the cleanup. A committee was formed by the generators involved and this committee hired Clean Sites, Inc. to coordinate the cleanup. Two options have been presented to the City: 1) buyout for $17,875.00; or 2) participate on a continuing basis for $10,518.75. The staff recommended the buyout option. Councilman Birdwell moved to approve the staff recommendation to enter into a buyout agreement with Rose Chemical Company for $17, 875.00. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of a resolution establishing the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. Mayor Ringer explained that this committee will be appointed by the Bryan Council and College Station Council to review requests from agencies seeking funding from the two cities and making recommendations to both Councils for determination of those re- quests. Councilman Brown moved approval of Resolution No. 5-26-88-12 establishing the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Re- view Committee. Councilman Mcllhaney seconded the motion. Mr. Ragland clarified that the intent of this committee's charge is to bring the Council a recommendation and provide the Council with all requests in a summary fashion. r'O6683 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 Page 10 Councilman Gardner inquired about the use of Community Development Funds. Mayor Ringer explained that there are federal requirements which determine how these funds are allocated. The motion to approve the resolution carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Gardner against. Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 1, Section 11, Subsection B(3) of the Tax Code, whereby Subsection B(3) is eliminated from the Tax Code. Ms. Locke stated that the Attorney General recently issued a ruling determining that the cities and counties who collect hotel/motel occupancy taxes do not have the authority to grant an "exception" for organizations whose purposes are religious, charitable or educational. The proposed ordinance will amend the city's current ordinance deleting Chapter 1, Section 11, Subsection B(3) of the Code. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 1751 deleting Subsection B(3) of Chapter 1 of the College Station Code of Ordi- nances. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 14 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Section 4, Chapter 4, of the Code relating to carnivals, circuses, menageries, sideshows, and concesssions. Ms. Locke explained that this ordinance has been found to be ineffective. A committee was formed by the staff to put together an ordinance which addresses problems in regulating carnivals and circuses. An applicant would file an application with the Build- ing Department along with furnishing suitable evidence. Mr. Ragland explained several problems which have occurred with the review process. Councilman Mcllhaney moved approval of the ordinance as proposed. Councilman Brown seconded the motion. Councilman Birdwell moved to amend the ordinance by deleting Section E(7), E(9), and F(1). Councilman Brown seconded the motion. ^06684 RESOLUTION NO. 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISH- ING THE BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION JOINT RELIEF FUNDING REVIEW COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the Home Rule Cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas receive numerous requests from relief agencies of various types for municipal funding; and WHEREAS, the City Council of each city desires to appropri- ate funding in an orderly and compassionate manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of College Station that: I. There is hereby established the Bryan/College Station Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. The committee shall con- sist of three (3) persons from each community and; a -s per= ma.-. . 4,- • . • - - - . - . • • - azo s • II. The committee shall consist of three (3) representatives from Bryan, Places 1, 2, and 3; and three (3) representa- tives from College Station, Places 4, 5, and 6. Upon ini- tial appointment, Place 1 from Bryan shall serve one (1) year, and Place 6 from College Station shall also serve one (1) year. Places 2 from Bryan and 5 from College Station shall serve an initial term of two (2) years, and Place 3 from Bryan and Place 4 from College Station shall each initially serve a three-year term. Thereafter, each place shall be appointed to three-year terms for no more than two consecutive terms. The committee shall review all funding requests from char- itable or any other assistance type agencies, public or private, to the cities. The committee shall make appropriate recommendations to the City Councils of the cities for their consideration. PASSED and APPROVED this 26th day of May , 1988. ATTEST: 1 III / Dian Jon0ty Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cathy Locke, City Attorney APPROVED: rmgil'u• •1717,:,".11r. -.- I 117. T poll,u • 11 •1111 11•