HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1973 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES City of College Station City Council November 26, 1973 7: 00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Don R. Dale, J. D. Lindsay, C. A. Bonnen, Fred R. Brison, Homer B. Adams, R. D. Radeleff; City Manager Ran Boswell; Assistant City Manager North Bardell; Director of Public Works L. P. Dulaney; Director of Parks and Recreation Paul Wojciechowski; City Engineer George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler; Police Chief Marvin Byrd; Fire Chief Douglas Landua; City Attorney Jim Dozier; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. VISITORS PRESENT- See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor J. B. Hervey on November 26, 1973 at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers at the College Station City Hall. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of meeti, ngs of October 22 and November 15,j .1_973. ' 0~' motionS'bY Councilman Raael~f~, sec0n~ed' b'y CounC'ilman Dale, the minutes of these previous meetings were approved as read. Agenda Item No. 2 - Hear visitors. Mr. Ron Miori, a student at TAMU, had mailed the council a resolution which had been passed by the Student Senate relative to the energy crisis. City Manager Boswell read this resolution aloud. This resolution had commended the council on the experimental bike paths on Glade Street and expressed the desire to have more of the paths made on other streets. Mayor Hervey asked City Manager Boswell to make a study of other streets in the City and give a recommendation at the next meeting. Ms. Miriam Moses made a recommendation that Boswell Street be made a one-way street due to the heavy flow of traffic on the narrow street when children are on their way to and from school. Mayor Hervey instructed Mr. Boswell to make an observation at this street and bring a recommendation to the council. Mr. Barry Young, inquired as to why there were no signal lights or stop signs at the intersection of University and Tarrow Streets for safety measures especially since the new Fed-Mart store has opened. Mayor Hervey advised Mr. Young that this intersection along with several others, are being considered for signalization. He also advised that the council has tried repeatedly to get signal lights at Jersey and 2154, but the Highway Department advised that traffic did not justify according to the traffic count. MINUTES, City Council Meeting November 26, 1973 Page 2 A~en~a I tem_._No. 3 - Public hearing on___the _q~ues. tion of r..ezo.n_ing certain property, i'n~ the Lak'e Village Place Subdivision. Mayor Hervey called on City P'~'-an~'e'r Koehler to descri~e th'e location of the property in question. The public hearing was opened. Mr. J. W. Wood spoke in favor of the rezoning as the architect for Medina Enterprises. He stated that the master plan for this tract at this time included 39 acres as commercial, 57 acres in townhouses, 15 acres as apartments, 3/4 acre as neighborhood commercial, and 5 'acres in parkland. The apartments would be the average density of 20 d.u. per acre. The townhouse density would be a very low 8 d.u. per acre. Mr. Ray Medina of Medina Enterprises, came forward to remind the people of College Station that if their Association is granted the zoning change, this would bring a lot of tax dollars and job opportunities to the College Station area. He also said in view of the energy crisis, his proposed development of a shopping center on this property would cut down on driving to other centers. After considerable discussion, Mayor Hervey declared the public hearing closed. Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of Ordinance No. 894, an ordinance rezoning certain propertyin the La~e village' jp~ac'e ~'ub_'divisio~.~ Councilman Dale inquired whether or not the final pl'at was correct in all detail. City Engineer Ford advised that it was not. There- fore Councilman Dale moved that no action on this item be taken until such time that the final plat was completed in all detail prior to council action. The motion carried with Councilman Adams voting no. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of Ordinance No. 895, an ordinance qa. lli. ng for a p. ublic hearing on the question of rezoning a 9.1827 acre tract of la'nd in t~e Richard Carter League. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, sec0n-ded by C6uncilmanBonnen, Ordinance No. 895 was officially adopted. Agenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of a resolution adopting and ratifyi..ng the use of an official seal for the City of College Station. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, a resolution adopting the use of an official seal was unanimously passed and approved. A copy of the resolution is attached as a part of these minutes. Agenda Item No. 7 - Hear comments from department heads concerning their activities. Mayor Hervey asked Assistant City Manager Bardell to introduce each department head before the report was presented. The first report was presented by Mr. L. P. Dulaney, who is Director of Public Works. Mr. Dulaney reported that building permits, represent- ing over 16 million dollars, have been issued to date this year (11-26-73). These included two new churches, 1090 apartments, 8 new townhouses, 2 new motels, approximately 21 businesses, and 2 new businesses have been proposed. Also, there have been 105 new residences, which is below normal. Mr. Boswell stated that the estimated population of the City of College Station is about 27,000 as opposed to the census count of 1970. MINUTES, City Council Meeting November 26, 1973 Page 3 George Ford, City Engineer, presented a report on the two major paving petitions in the city which are both progessing at the same time. One of which includes the streets of Southwest Parkway, Holleman, Lincoln, Ash, and Burt. The total job completion of this project is 53.59%. The second contract includes Brooks Avenue, Bolton Avenue, Luther, Anderson, and Jane Streets. The total job completion on this project is 38.9%. Mr. Ford also reported on the sanitary sewer system and the waste water treatment plant. The plant is now 87% complete and R. B. Butler & Associates, are the contractors. Marvin Byrd, College Station Police Chief, reported on the Criminal Justice Council action. He also added that the department has ordered new radio equipment. Chief Byrd reported the Police Depart- ment dark room equipment could develop any type of photo for the Police Department . Regarding criminal action, it had increased 25% over last year. The Police Department received on the average of 400 calls per month other than traffic, and an average of 400 tickets are issued each month. Also, the Humane Officer picks up about 30 or 40 dogs a month. His force consists of 13 men. Douglas Landua, Fire Chief since October 1, reported that the Fire Department would receive 30 alerting receivers around January or February of 1974. Also, the city has purchased a 3/4 ton pick-up truck with four wheel drive. This truck will carry 200 gallons of water with a portable water pump and will be used mostly for fight- ing grass fires in order to conserve wear and tear on the larger trucks. The Fire Department operates with 8 full time personnel and 21 volunteers. There have been 128 fires to date as opposed 178 total fires last year. Paul Wojciechowski, Director of Parks & Recreation Department, presented a report in the form of slides of several of the projects of the Parks & Recreation Department. These included various activities at Lincoln Center, the Kiwanis Nature Trail, and the swimming pool project. Mr. Wojciechowski reported that most of their supervision is unpaid supervision through other organizations, such as the scouts, etc. There are, however two paid supervisors of the department. Agenda Item No. 8 - Other business. There was none. Ag. en. da Item No. 9 - Adjourn. Mayor Hervey declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. ATTEST Secretary APPROVED (~ayor THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached and · following is a true and correct co. py of the resolution de- scribed below, which resolution was adopted by the City Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the date specified therein, together with an excerpt from the minutes of said meeting showing the adoption of said resolution, as same .appears of record in the official . minutes of said City Council on file in my office, to-wit: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND RATIFYING THE USE' OF AN OFFICIAL SEAL FOR THE CITY. OF COLLEGE STATION WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY~ this 26 day of November , 1973. [ SEAL ] City Secretary / ~ City of College ' Station ,M Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in regular session at the regular meeting place thereof in the City Hall, within said City, on the _ 26... day of _Novem.be~r __ ~ .... , 1973, with the .following members present, to-wit: · J. B. Hervey Mayor Homer B. Adams Councilman Fred R. Brison C. A. Bonnen Councilman Councilman Don R. Dale Councilman J. D. Lindsay Councilman R. D. Radeleff Councilman and the following members absent, to-wit: ~one.. when, among other business, the following was - __ _- . .. · ~ -- ~ ~ J~ f transacted, to-wit: The Mayor introduced a resolution which was read in full. Councilman Br____i~_s. on__. .................... moved that the resolution be adopted as read. Councilman _Lindsay. seconded the motion for adoption of said resolution. The motion, carrying with it the adoption of the resolution, prevailed by the following vote- AYES: Unanimous NOES: The Mayor thereupon announced that the motion had duly and lawfully carried and that the resolution had been duly and lawfully adopted. The resolution thus adopted follows: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND RATIFYING THE USE OF AN OFFICIAL SEAL FOR THE CITY oF COLLEGE STATION WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas has of. ficially and continuously used the seal, an impression of · which is affixed below, as the Official Seal of the .City of College Station since prior to July 1968 although such seal was never adopted by formal resolution of the City Counsel of the City of College Station; and WHEREAS, such seal was broken during August 1973 and an old seal formerly used by the City of College Station was on certain limited occasions impressed on City documents during the period when the defective seal was being replaced, thereby creating uncertainty as to which seal was the Of- ficial Seal of the City of College Station; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems i't desirable to approve an~ ratJ.~'y the limited~ use of such old seal by the City on all documents to which it was affixed and to formerly ratify and adopt for all purposes the use of an Official Seal for the City of College Station; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: S_ ec_tion ~..: That the seal, an impression of which is as follows: Section 2. That the limited use of a different seal by the City during the period of time that the City's Official Seal was being replaced is hereby ratified and any document bearing such seal which was otherwise duly executed and delivered by any officer or officers of the City is hereby adopted and confirmed as a duly executed document of the City in accordance , wi th its terms. Section 3. This resolution shall become effective __ and be in full force immediately upon and after its adoption and it is so ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26 day of November 1973. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Mayor . City` .,S,,ecret-ary [SEAL] ,/,. '