HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/25/1973 - Regular Minutes City CouncilCITY COUNCIL MERGING June 25, 1973 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Counci~ Fred R. Brison, H~ B. Adams, Don R. Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer George Ford; Director of Public Works L. P. Dulaney; and City Secretary Florence Neelley. MS~BERS ABSENT: None. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order at 7-00 P.M. on Monday, June 25, 1973 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by Mayor J. B. Hervey. Mayor Hervey then appointed Mayor Pro-tern Brison to Chair the meeting. Mayor Pro-t~n Brison welccmed all visitors present. Mayor Pro-tern Brison asked for approval of the minutes of the May 18, May 28, and June 12 council meetings. Councilman Radeleff requested that Paragraph fourteen of the May 28 minutes be corrected to delete the repetitious words "in that disadvantages" and that Paragraph sixteen be corrected to read "plastic bag or a paper bag". On motion of Counci~ Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the minutes of the May 18, May 28, and June 12 meetings were approved with corrections. The vote for the motion was unanimous. Mayor Pro-tern Brison then opened a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.6 acre tract of land located in the C. Burnett League frcm Single Family R~sidential District, District R-lC, to Heavy Industrial District, District M-2. City Engineer Ford showed the location of the property in question and stated that the approval of the rezoning request was recc~nended by the Planning and Zoning Ccnmtission. Councilman Dale rec~Jed a letter of guarantee should be filed or installation of sewer and water lines complete. Since no one from the audience spoke relative to the rezoning, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Hervey moved Ordinance No. 879, an ordinance rezoning said 3.6 acre tract of land, be passed with the stipulation a letter of guarantee be filed with the city or the water aDJ sewer lines be installed ccmplete. The motion was seconded by Counci]n~nn Bonnen and unanimously approved by the council. City Manager Boswell presented the 1973-74 budget. Mr. A. D. Folweiler asked what constituted a fiscal year, and why the co..~'l-ingent' f-~od for the current year was such a large amo~t. City Manager Boswell stated the fiscal year was frcm July 1, 1973 through June 30, 1974, and explained the large contingent fund balance was due to the incl~t weather affecting the contractors, leaving a large portion of our contractural obligations outstanding. Page 2 Mr. Jim Gardner wanted to know if money was included in the proposed budget to ccmplete the 701 Plan and for the salary of a city planner. City Manager Boswell stated money was budgeted for both it~ns. Mr. Gardner suggested the possibility the salary of the past city planner was too low in ccmparison to cities of ccxnparable size, and perhaps the city should check into the matter. On motion of Councilman Dale, seconded by Mayor Hervey, Ordinance No. 880, an ordinance levying taxes for the use and support of the municipal government of the City of College Station was unanimously passed and approved. Councilman Radeleff pointed out that the property...tax is ~approxi- mately 8 percent of the total revenues of the city. On motion of Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 881, an ordinance adopting a budget for the 1973-74 fiscal year was unanimously passed and approved. On motion of Mayor Hervey, seconded by Councilman Dale, Ordinance No. 882, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on rezoning Lot 38, Southwood Subdivision, Section 25 frcm Single Family Residential District, District R-lC, to Apartment District, District R-3, and Ordinance No. 883, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on rezoning Lot 39, Southwood Sub- division, Section 25 frcm Single Family Residential District, District R-lC, to General Cc~nercial District, District C-l, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion of Mayor Hervey, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 884, an ordinance regulating telephone rates was passed and approved with Councilman Adams voting against the motion. Councilman Radeleff suggested a copy of the Texas General Exchange Tariff Catalogue should be permanently placed in the city files. Ordinance No. 885, an ordinance regulating garbage collection, was discussed. Councilman Radeleff stated he felt that the proposed ordinance did not have scme of the terms properly defined and suggested action on this ordinance be postponed until further study could be made. Mr. Jim McCord of Electric Power Engineers presented the following analysis of transfo~ bids which were opened on June 5, 1973: BID ANALYSIS City of College Station Transformer Purchases ITEM 1-TW~ 500 KVA 39 PAD-MOUNTED (ONE FOR FEEF~R~, ONE FOR AGENCY P4DC~DRDS) .......... PRIC~ TOTA~ BIDDER MFG. EACH ($) PRICE ($) DELI%fERY COMMENTS _ Temple G.E. 2,920.00 5,840.00 29 wks. Okay Westinghouse West. 2,979.00 5,958': 00 50 wks. Okay Techline Kulhman 3,081.00 6,162.00 22 wks. Not REA approved Page 3 PRICE TOT~ BIDDER MFG. EACH ($) PRICE ($) DELIVERY CC~E~S RTE RTE 3,125.00 6,250.00 50 wks. Okay Central Van Tran 3,142.65 6,285.30 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Alamo (alt.) Van Tran 3,193.00 6,386.00 26-28 wks. Price based on total bid for all items being accepted Alamo Van Tran 3,215.00 6,430.00 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Nelson Van Tran 3,244.50 6,489.00 28-30 wks. Not REA approved Wildcat Van Tran 3,372.60 6,745.20 26 wks. Not REA approved Wildcat (alt.) McGraw- 3,410.00 6,820.00 72 wks. Okay Edison Reccxn~endation- Purchase transformer for Fedmart frcm Techline, Inc. as it is the earliest delivery date. Transformer for Agency Records to be purchased by City as a non-bid it~n frcm Alamo Transfonaer Supply Co. for $2,500.00 (delivery date 8 weeks), due to the fact that none of the above bids provided for a delivery schedule that would allow installation of the transformer by the expected ccmpletion time. ITEM 2-~nI) 1000 KVA 39 PAD-MgUNTED (ONE FOR AGGIV. T AND INN, ONE SPARE) PRICE TOTAL BIDDER MFG. EACH ($) PRICE ($) DELIVER~ Nelson Van Tran 4,379.55 8,759.10 28-30 wks. Not REA approved Temple G.E. 4,564.00 9,128.00 29 wks. Okay R2E RTE 4,644.00 9,288.00 50 wks. Not REA approved Westinghouse West. 4,750.00 9,500.00 27 wks. Okay Techline Kuhlman 4,820.00 9,640.00 24 wks. Not REA approved Central Van Tran 5,064.50 10,129.00 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Alamo (alt.) Van Tran 5,146.00 10,292.00 26-28 wks. Price based on total bid for all items being accepted Alamo Van Tran 5,201.00 10,402.00 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Wildcat Van Tran 5,435.00 10,870.00 26 wks. Not REA approved Wildcat (alt.) McGraw- 5,880.00 11,760.00 Edison 32 wks. Okay Page 4 Recc~nendation: Purchase G. E. transformers frcm Temple, Inc. (2nd lowest bidder). Nelson Electric Co. was the low bidder, but the engineers felt the Van Tran transformer was inferior to the G. E. transformer. ITEM 3-ONE 225 KVA 3~ PAD-MOUNTED (FEDMARP) Temple G.E. 2,024.00 23 wks. Okay Techline Kuhlman 2,025.00 22 wks. Not REA approved Westinghouse West. 2,068.00 50 wks. Okay RTE RTE 2,135.00 50 wks. Okay Central Van Tran 2,146.35 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Alanx) (alt.) Van 'Tran 2,182.00 Alamo Van Tran 2,2.04.00 26-28 wks. Price based on total bid for all items being accepted. 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Nelson Van Tran 2,230.20 28-30 wks. Not REA approved Wildcat Van Tran 2,304.00 26 wks. Not REA approved Wildcat (alt.) McGraw-Edison 2,375.39 72 wks. Okay Recc~nendation: Purchase G.E. transformer frcm Temple, Inc. ITSM 4 - TWO 300 KVA 39 PAD-b~DUNTED (ONE FOR CHURCH OF CHRIST, ONE SPARE) PRICE TOTAL BIDDER MFG. EACH(S) PRICE(S) DELIVERY ~S Techline Kuhlman 2,322.00 4,644.00 22 wks. Not REA approved Teaple G.E. 2,323.00 4,646.00 17 wks. Okay Westinghouse West. 2,372.00 4,744.00 50 wks. Okay 2,459.00 4,918.00 50 wks. Okay Central Van Tran 2,485.60 4,971.20 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Alamo (alt.) Van Tran 2,526.00 5,052.00 Van Tran 2,552.00 5,104.00 26-28 wks. Price b~sed.. ~..total bid for all items being accepted 26-28 wks. Not REA approved Nelson Van Tran 2,577.75 5,155.50 28-30 wks. Not REA approved Wildcat (alt.) McGraw- 2,636.17 5,272.34 Edison Wildcat Van Tran 2,667.00 5,334.00 72 wks. Okay 26 wks. Not REA approved Recc~x~_ndation: Purchase G.E. transfo~s frc~ Temple, Inc. Page 5 ITEM 5 - EIGHT 25 KVA 1~ PAD-MOUNTED (GENERAL STOCK) Nelson Van Tran 445.88 3,567.04 28-30 wks. Okay Westinghouse West. 447.00 3,576.00 20 wks. Okay Southway Central Hevi- 458.00 3,664.00 Duty Van Tran 458.15 3,665.20 4-6 wks. Okay 26-28 wks. Okay Alamo (alt.) Van Tran 466.00 3,728.00 26-28 wks. Price based on total bid for all it~ns being accepted. Techline Kuhlman 467.00 3,736.00 22 wks. Okay Van Tran 470.00 3,760.00 26-28 wks. Okay 472.00 3,776.00 40-42 wks. Okay Temple G.E. 476.00 3,808.00 38 wks. Okay Wildcat (alt.) McGraw- 485.72 3,885.76 Edison Wildcat Van Tran 491.00 3,928.00 38 wks. Okay 26 wks. Okay RECOMMENDATION- Purchase Van Tran transformers from Nelson Electric Supply. ITSN 6 - THREE 333 KVA 19 OVERHEAD (K-MART) Alamo (alt.) Alamo 1,307.00 3,921.00 3-4 wks. Price based on total bid for all items being accepted Westinghouse West. 1,513.00 4,539.00 14 wks. Okay Southway Wagner Central 1,550.00 4,650.00 Van Tran 1,550.80 4,652.40 36 wks. Okay 26-28 wks. Only rated for 55°C Rise Van Tran 1,592.00 4,776.00 26-28 wks. Only rated for 55°C Nelson Van Tran 1,659.33 4,977.99 28-30 wks. Only rated for 55°C 1,662.00 4,986.00 20 wks. Okay Temple G.E. Wildcat 1,662.00 4,986.00 Van Tran 1,664.00 4,992.00 21 wks. 26 wks. Okay Only rated for 55°C Rise Wildcat(alt.) ~aw- 1,667.19 5,001.57 Edison 24 wks. Okay Page 6 BID ANALYSIS (continued) ITEM 6 (continued) Techline Kuhlman 1,840.00 5,520.00 24 wks. Okay RECC~ENDATION: Purchase Westinghouse transfozmers. Alamo Transformer Supply Co. was low bidder on this item with the stipulation all transformers on the bid list would be purchased from them. The total cost for all transformers, as reccnm~nded, including the one to be purchased from Alamo Transformer Supply Co. for $2,500.00, is $29,485.04. On motion of Councilman Dale, seconded by Counci~ Lindsay, the bids were unanimously accepted as reccx~nended by the engineers. City Manager Boswell presented the bid tabulation for street improvements with the reccmm~_ndation the low alternate bid in the amount of $86,025.80 with 110 working days made by Dalworth Slurry Seal be accepted. Dalworth Slurry Seal Young Bros. Knowles, Inc. $ 86,025.80 110 working days 98,582.38 150 working days 103,369.88 120 working days On motion of Councilman Adams, seconded by Mayor Hervey, the Bid of Dalworth Slurry Seal in the amo~t of $86,025.80 was unanimously accepted. City Manager Boswell stated the streets included were Anderson, Jane, Brooks, Bolton, and Luther. A proposed flashing beacon to be installed at the interchange of the East Loop and F. M. 60 was discussed. Chris Mathewson questioned whether the use of ridges on the bridge would be more effective than the use of a flashing beacon. Virgil Stover stated, in his opinion, the flashing light is adequate at this time and the public reaction to the use of ridges has been adverse. On motion of Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the council unanimously adopted the following resolution: BE IT ~LVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COT.T.MGE STATION: SECTION 1. That the certain agreement dated June 25, 1973 between the State of Texas and the City of College Station, for the installation, construction, existence, use, operation, and maintenance of certain highway traffic signal (s) at the location (s) shown on Exhibit 1, attached hereto and made a part hereof, in the City of College Station, be and the same is hereby approved, and Mayor J. B. Hervey is hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of said city and to transmit the sam~ to the State of Texas for appropriate action. SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall take effect in~ediately upon its passage. Page 7 The highway department will furnish, install and maintain the signal and the city will provide and pay all electrical power costs. ' An agre~t between the..State of Texas through the State Hi h and the city for the contznuing phase of o~~-' .... g..way Deparhnent _Station urban transportation s+,,~ ......... _ ~-~u~on p±an sryan apx] College agreement ~,,~-= -- . ~3 w~ alscussed. ~uv~u~u nne mechanism =-- - It was pointed out this zor consideration of urban transportation growth and possible problems. Phil Gr~, representing a group of property owners on Munson Avenue, presented a petition showing those owners were opposed t_o Munson_Avenue being made a six-lane thor it would cause a decline o = ....... oughfare. He stat asked Mr ' f the o~== no a slum . ed · Gramm zf he would ob~ect +~ ~ ....... area.. Councz~ Dale ~ ~ --~.~o~ avenue being extended to connect to University Drive (F.M. 60) if Munson were not made a six lane thoroughfare. Mr. Granm said he did not think he would object, but felt Ashburn Avenue should be extended first. On motion of Councilman Dale, seconded by Counci~ Radeleff, the council unanimously authorized the mayor to sign an agreement with the State ?o.u gh the State Highway Department for the continuing phase of ~.= urman transportation study. City Engineer Ford presented the recormnendations made by the Planning and Zoning Ccmmzission to the council on priorities of proposed el~ts of the urban transportation study: 1. ~D~nik Street, Wellborn Road, College Avenue and Texas Avenue 2. ~±a~e Street, Dexter Drive and Agronomy Road 3. Munson Street and University Drive 4. Welch Street, Highway 30 and Park Place. Mr. Gene Sutphen stated he was opp?sed to any changes being made on the structure of Munson Avenue. ~s. Annett Casey also spoke against any changes. Mr. Glen Jones asked the reasons for proposing the change Munson Avenue into a thoroughfare. Counci~ Dale stated he felt it was the straightest point between two thoroughfares, Highway 30 and 29th Street. Mr. D. D. Williamson stated the intent for the width of Munson Avenue was four lanes with a divided section. Dr. Bruce Roebeck who lives on Berkeley stated children used Munson Avenue on their way to school, and school areas should be taken into consideration in designing thoroughfares. Mr. Phil Granm stated transients and cc~nercial establis~ts, not the people residing in the area, would be the ones benefiting frcm the widening of Munson Avenue. Mr. Mel Holubec who resides at the corner of Munson Avenue and Dc~ Drive said both streets adjoining his property were listed as priorities, and he felt the council should give him sc]ne consideration. Councilman Radeleff reccmx~e2~ded that the council take no action of the Planning and Zoning Cc~ssion priority recc~anendations at this time. Mayor Hervey said he respected the feelings of the owners on Munson Page 8 Avenue and felt the council should mset with the Planning and Zoning Conmission and possibly the highway department to discuss all priorities listed. Mr. Gene Hobson stated he felt people on Munson Avenue should be given a thirty-day notice before any official action is taken. In the absence of J. W. Wood, Architect, Paul Wojciechowski told the council Mr. Wood had given the Parks and Recreation Con~ttee the date of June 28, 1973 as the date for complete working drawings. City Manager Boswell was directed to ask Mr. Wood to mset with the council at their workshop on June 28. City Engineer Ford read the recc~mendation made by the Planning and Zoning Cc~ssion at their June 4, 1973 meeting relative to the city deeding the old Tarrow Street right-of-way, which had been dedicated to the city, back to the former owners, Tenneco, keeping Block 3 (of C) for protected left and right turns off Ashburn Avenue, pending legal counsel. Mr. Ford pointed out the right-of-way had been purchased by the city, and not dedicated, as was indicated. He also questioned the feasibility of the city relinquishing ownership of the property. Mr. Ford was instructed to bring drawings to the workshop meeting June 28 for further study of the matter. On motion of Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the council unanimously authorized the city manager to advertise for bids on the proposed sanitary sewer outfall lines, and the South Texas Avenue lateral extensions on sanitary sewer lines. City Engineer Ford discussed the petition of sidewalks on the east side of Glade Street. He stated that owners of 3,499 linear feet signed the petition, leaving 1,259 linear feet unsigned, for a total of 73.5 percent in favor of the sidewalk assessment of $1.50 per front foot. Mr. Ford estimated the current cost of a four foot wide sidewalk at approximately $3.50 per linear foot. This matter will be discussed further at the workshop m~eting June 28. Mr. A. D. Folweiler asked the council if the citizens were going to have an opportunity to review a garbage ordiD2~nce before it was approved by the council. Mayor Pro-tem Brison stated the council would have another public hearing prior to the adoption of an ordinance. Councilman Dale explained that it had been impossible to keep employees in the sanitation department under the present policy of collecting garbage, and it was believed that placing garbage in plastic bags adjacent to the curb would enable the city to maintain a full crew. Mr. Edsel Jones appeared before the council requesting the city annex 31.054 acres of land in the C. Burnett League adjacent to the present city limit line at the intersection of the west loop and Wellborn Road. Mr. Jones stated they proposed to utilize this land for a mobile hc~e park. On motion of Councilman Dale, seconded by Mayor Hervey, the council unanimously adopted Ordinance No. 886, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the annexation of said 31.054 acre tract to be held on July 23, 1973. Page 9 Councilman Adams asked whether rezoning requests which were denied by the Planning and Zoning Comuission were to be su_huitted to the council by the ~ssion with their reccmauendation. When he was advised Zoning Ordinance No. 850 made this provision, Councilman Adams pointed out this procedure had not been followed in a request the Planning and Zoning Cc~uission denied in one of their recent meetings. The council instructed City Manager Boswell to correct this error. Councilman Radeleff pointed out it had been necessary to cancel the swimuing classes of the sumuer recreation program as the university was doing repair work on their pool, and not through any fault of the city council nor the College Station Recreation Council. The meeting was adjourned subject to call. City Secretary Approved