HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY 04 CIP Document Reduced FileEarly Northgate City of College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. FY2003-2004 Capital improvement project budget 65th Anniversary Edition Northgate 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................1 ExecutiveSummary GeneralGovernmentCapitalImprovementProjects GeneralGovernmentCapitalImprovementProjects Streets, Traffic, Sidewalks, and Trails.................................................................5 Street Rehabilitation Projects............................................................11 Street Extension Projects..................................................................21 Street TxDOT Projects......................................................................45 Traffic Projects.................................................................................51 Sidewalks and Trails.........................................................................61 Parks Projects..................................................................................................67 Parkland Dedication.........................................................................................85 General Government Facilities and Technology...............................................107 Public Facilities.................................................................................111 Technology Projects..........................................................................114 ConventionCenter.........................................................................................125 Business Park.................................................................................................131 Wolf Pen Creek TIF.......................................................................................138 UtilityCapitalImprovementProjects UtilityCapitalImprovementProjects Utilities Capital Projects Budget.....................................................................145 Electric Service..............................................................................................147 Water Service.................................................................................................151 Rehabilitation Projects....................................................................156 Production Projects........................................................................161 Distribution....................................................................................178 Annexation??????????????????????????191 Wastewater Service........................................................................................201 Rehabilitation Projects???????????????????? 206 TABLE OF CONTENTS Collection.......................................................................................216 Treatment......................................................................................227 Annexation.....................................................................................235 Drainage Utility..............................................................................................243 FISCALYEAR2003-2004 FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTBUDGET CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTBUDGET EXECUTIVESUMMARY EXECUTIVESUMMARY The following is the annual City of College CAPITALPROJECTFUNDING CAPITALPROJECTFUNDING Station Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Budget The City operates under the laws of the State of document. The CIP budget provides the Texas and the City of College Station's Home framework for capital improvement projects to be Rule Charter. The City has legal authority to issue conducted in the 2004 fiscal year that begins general obligation debt only after a positive vote October 1, 2003 and ends on September 30, of the citizens. General Obligation (GO) debt is 2004. debt that obligates the City to repay the issue Summary capital project schedules have beenwith ad valorem tax revenues. The City uses GO debt for the acquisition and development of parks included in the annual College Station Operating and recreation facilities, rights-of-way and Budget, due to the space limitations within the construction of arterial streets, reconstruction of operating budget document. This CIP budget major arterial streets, and for public buildings document permits greater communication among such as City offices, libraries, swimming pools City staff, administration, Council, and citizens and other general use facilities. regarding capital projects. As in the Fiscal Year 2004 Operating Budget, this FY04 CIP Budget document contains the respective capital In November 1998, the citizens of College schedules. Additionally, areas of enhanced Station approved a $24.24 million general information conveyed within this document government bond authorization. Information include individual project detail pages and provided to citizens suggested that the City would corresponding maps where applicable. issue the debt so as to retain the existing debt The project sheets detail the project number, service tax rate or its effective equivalent. The manager, funding source(s), description of current plan is to issue the voter approved debt purpose and need, funding per year and over five years. This will allow the City to category, and the impact, if any, on future construct the projects included in the bond operating budgets. The maps provide citizens and authorization and meet the goal of maintaining officials a greater understanding of the scope and the debt service ad valorem tax rate based on the the impact of the specific projects through the debt requirement and the increase in taxable illustration of the planned action. property values in College Station. Approximately, $855,000 in General Obligation The City of College Station develops and adopts Bonds will be issued in FY 04 for greenway a five-year Capital Improvements Project List. projects. The list is updated annually and presented for City Council review as a part of the annual Existing City Council policies allow the City to budget process. The list consolidates all continue to utilize other types of debt instruments anticipated capital needs for which fundingfor items such as computers and the College authorization exists, while separating the projectsStation Business Park. Alternative debt instruments are planned for authorized uses and into several sections depending on the services the debt service for those issues is included in the provided and the respective funding source. analysis of the appropriate debt service funds. Once the budget is approved by the City Council, the assigned project managers manage their A new five-year general obligation bond election respective projects with budgetary oversight from is scheduled for November 2003. If successful, the Office of Budget and Strategic Planning and this election will provide additional general the Finance Department. obligation bond authority for future projects, which is important to the future of College Station. 1 The City has authority, and City Council policiesto complete these projects without including the allow for the use of non-voter authorized debtprojected FY 04 expense as a new appropriation. issuance such as certificates of obligation,The project budgets that have been appropriated contract obligations and other instrumentscarry forward until the project is complete. (generally referred to as CO's). The policyOnly portions of the projects that have not been authorized by the City Council allows the City toappropriated previously are included in the FY 04 use such instruments for capital items such as theBudget. following: GENERALCAPITALPROJECTS GENERALCAPITALPROJECTS The purchase and replacement of major computer systems and other technology- The following is a brief summary of some of the based items that have useful lives of not key general government projects scheduled for more than 10 years. FY 04. The purchase and replacement of major STREETREHABILITATIONPROJECTS STREETREHABILITATIONPROJECTS equipment items such as fire fighting equipment. The City has developed In FY 04, $1.2 million is approved for policies and procedures to provide almost rehabilitation to streets in the Southside area. all of this equipment without issuing debt. This is a multi-year effort to rehabilitate the infrastructure in older parts of College Station. The purchase of land and development of Also in FY 04, $500,000 will fund various street land for economic development uses. rehabilitation projects. $200,000 of this amount will be used to overlay newly annexed streets, and $300,000 will be used to rehabilitate The other type of debt that the City will generally thoroughfare streets within the City. use is revenue bonds. Revenue bonds are issued any time there is a need for financing capital construction or acquisition. It is also used when STREETEXTENSIONPROJECTS STREETEXTENSIONPROJECTS the asset will reside in one or more of the City's enterprise funds. Generally, revenue bonds do not Street extension projects include $632,404 for require voter approval. completing the widening George Bush Dr. from Texas Avenue to Harvey Road. $722,000 is the Utility projects are funded through the issuance of anticipated project expense for phase II of the revenue bond which are repaid through the rates Jones Butler Road project. Additionally, the FY of the various utilities and/or through the use of 04 Approved Budget projects $2.2 million for the operating revenues generated by the utilities. Longmire Drive extension project, $3.7 million toward the widening of Greens Prairie Road, and Other resources to fund capital projects include $3.4 to for the extension of Dartmouth Drive the Wolf Pen Creek Tax Increment Financing from Krenek Tap Road to FM 2818. District, the Drainage Utility, and Parkland Dedication Funds. Each will provide resources These street projects will help to address traffic that will be used to complete a number of issues that have been highlighted in the citizen projects over the next 5 years. Community survey and other feedback received from College Development Block Grant funds are also used to Station citizens . fund capital projects. STREETTxDOTPROJECTS STREETTxDOTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS Working in conjunction with the Texas The Approved CapitalImprovements Budget for Department of Transportation, in FY 04 the City FY 04 total $35,559,321 for all funds which expects to complete the Texas Avenue include capital projects. However, this budget Streetscape Phase II and George Bush Dr. amount does not reflect all projected capital Medians. It is anticipated that $580,000 will be expenditures for FY 04. In the case of projects used for Texas Avenue Widening Phase II for which funds have already been approved and budgeted, the city may continue to spend money 2 streetscaping, and $175,000 for the George Bush Drive medians. GENERALGOVERNMENTANDCAPITAL GENERALGOVERNMENTANDCAPITAL EQUIPMENTCAPITALPROJECTS JECTS EQUIPMENTCAPITALPRO TxDOT timing on these projects will determine when these expenditures will be made. The City General government and capital equipment pays ten percent of right-of-way costs, and also projects are planned assets that have value to pays for any enhancements, such as the more than one specific area of City operations. application of any streetscaping desired in the Two main divisions within this category are public project. facilities and technology projects. In FY 04, significant projects include: $1,255,780 for TRAFFICPROJECTS TRAFFICPROJECTS construction of Fire Station #5; $917,000 to replace the City's phone system, $200,000 to In FY 04, there is no approved new budget complete the fiber loop, and $100,000 to begin appropriation for traffic signal enhancements. setting aside funds for a topographic/aerial map. However, $72,000 is projected to cover the cost Other technology related projects approved for of widening Holleman and the intersection of FY 04 include the completion of the replacement Holleman and Texas Avenue. of the public safety computer system, as well as the addition of several other public safety technology projects. These include a police SIDEWALKSANDTRAILSPROJECTS SIDEWALKSANDTRAILSPROJECTS booking system, a police field reporting system, and a fire tone out system. The City of College Station has worked over the years to ensure adequate transportation CONFERENCECENTERCAPITAL CONFERENCECENTERCAPITAL infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists. PROJECTS PROJECTS The City has an adopted sidewalk and bike loop plan. As new development occurs, sidewalks are In FY 04, $12,108,750 is the anticipated an important aspect that must be considered. Conference Center project expense. This project In FY 04, $75,000 for neighborhood capital entails the construction of a conference center improvements is approved. The Anderson facility in conjunction with the development of a sidewalk project and the Longmire sidewalk full service hotel. An additional $1.1 million is project are expected to be completed in FY 04. projected to cover the cost of associated utility infrastructure. Since this budget was PARKSCAPITALPROJECTS PARKSCAPITALPROJECTS prepared, the proposed conference center was halted and will not be constructed at The most significant parks projects for FY 04 are the proposed site with the proposed improvements to the Lincoln Center. The FY 04 partner. The City Council is currently budget includes $623,000 to expand the Lincoln considering options on this matter. Center and $350,000 to add a covered multi-use pavilion to the facilities for basketball and other BUSINESSPARKPROJECTS BUSINESSPARKPROJECTS recreational activities. These projects are part of the implementation of Tarrow Park Master Plan In FY 04, there are two significant business park which the City Council approved earlier in 2003. related projects. These include $2,320,000 for the construction of the Spring Creek Corporate PARKLANDDEDICATIONCAPITAL PARKLANDDEDICATIONCAPITAL Campus Phase I and $415,000 for development PROJECTS PROJECTS of a new class B business center. An additional $250,000 is also included in the approved budget Parkland dedication funds can be used forfor costs associated with the existing business park. These include reimbursement for a fence projects in neighborhood parks within the various being built, and funds for minor improvements in park zones. The funds come from a dedication required as new development occurs in Collegethe existing business park facility. Additional information will be provided to the Station. In FY 04, projects anticipated to use City Council as a competitive manner. parkland dedication funds include $700,000 for Woodway Park development, $175,000 for a park in Zone 5. 3 UTILITYCAPITALPROJECTS facilities and $215,000 for backup power UTILITYCAPITALPROJECTS generation to operate the sewer system in the event of a power outage. $535,800 is included to The following is a brief summary of some of the provide sewer services to the newly annexed utility capital projects scheduled for FY 04. parts of town. These capital projects are funded either through existing revenues from these funds, through the DRAINAGECAPITALPROJECTS issuance of Utility Revenue Bonds, or through DRAINAGECAPITALPROJECTS drainage utility funds. The Approved FY 04 drainage capital projects budget includes $ 5,172,056 in improvement to ELECTRICCAPITALPROJECTS ELECTRICCAPITALPROJECTS the City's drainage system. The bulk of these expenditures will be for drainage channel $5,530,000 is the approved expenditure amount improvements in the Bee Creek ($3 million) and for electric capital projects in FY 04. Additional Wolf Pen Creek ($1 million) areas of town. information will be provided to the City Council as a competitive matter. WATERCAPITALPROJECTS WATERCAPITALPROJECTS In FY 04, $14,769,051 is the projected expenditure for water capital projects. Included in the Approved FY 04 Budget is over $1 million for water line rehabilitation in the Southside area, $3.2 million for the parallel water line transmission project, and $462,900 on projects to provide water to newly annexed portions of the City. Additionally, $4,174,837 is the projected expense for water capital project to provide water service to City residents not currently using College Station water. The Water Capital Projects Fund also includes $305,000 to improve the security of the water supply and $530,000 to provide backup power generation to the water system. The Approved FY 04 Budget also includes $10,400,000 in current revenues from operations, which are approved to fund water capital projects. No debt is projected for issuance in FY 04 for water capital projects. WASTEWATERCAPITALPROJECTS WASTEWATERCAPITALPROJECTS The FY 04 includes $7,343,720 in projected expenditures for numerous wastewater capital projects. $1.5 million is included for the rehabilitation of wastewater infrastructure in the Southside area. Over $1 million is also included as projected expense for relocating and rehabilitating sewer line beneath Texas Avenue. This project is necessary because of the TxDoT widening of Texas Avenue, and will be done in conjunction with this project. As in the Water Division, the Wastewater Division includes $330,000 to improve security of wastewater 4 GENERALGOVERNMENT- GENERALGOVERNMENT- STREETPROJECTS STREETPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 5 GENERAL GOVERNMENT STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECTAPPROVED PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:12,214,52221,818,54421,818,544 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS4,501,000 1,693,000 1,693,000 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS8,977,600 750,000 750,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 768,0009,761 470,000 INTRAGOVERNMENTAL1,254,447 0 148,000 INVESTMENT EARNINGS702,874 300,000 600,000 OTHER329,664 75,000 0 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES15,775,346$ 3,586,000$ 3,661,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE27,989,868$ 25,479,544$ 25,479,544$ STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS GRAHAM RD UPGRADE PH IIST00011,718,0001,221,267 0 235,167 2TARROW ST. SOUTHST0002464,0006,065 0 417,084 *STREET REHAB.ST00032,620,5004,665 780,000 0 3FIRST & MAPLE STREET REHABST0201789,25052,855050,000 DOMINIK ST REHABST021675,00024,2480780,000 SECOND STREET PLAZAST0030675,000575,94767,982 WEST PARK (SOUTHSIDE)ST04001,200,000000 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS (SOUTHSIDE)2,500,000000 ANNEXATION OVERLAYSST0401200,000000 THOROUGHFARE REHABILITATIONSST0402300,000000 CLOSED PROJECTS 84,9651,154,857 SUBTOTAL$ 780,0003,039,905$ 1,635,198$ STREET EXTENSION PROJECTS *JONES-BUTLER RD PH IIST00052,036,0002,111 0 583,000 1GEORGE BUSH E. WIDENINGST98042,312,000136,736 182,000 673,682 GEORGE BUSH EAST EXT.ST99161,735,000855,340 0 33,000 *ROCK PRAIRIE RD REALIGNST9923832,000639,373 0 9,844 *VICTORIA OPST9928626,00028,526 0 0 *BARRON ROAD ROWST0006316,0002,154 0 217,000 LONGMIRE EXT-BIRMINGHAM-GRAHAMST0007455,00019,905 0 200,308 *LONGMIRE EXT-GRAHAM-CYPRESS MEADOST01002,594,000183,761 0 431,821 GREENS PRAIRIE RD. WIDENINGST02144,369,000121,593 0 500,000 DARTMOUTH EXTENSION PHASE IIST02113,600,00047,9210 200,000 UNIVERSITY DR. WIDENING DSNST0213250,0000 0 1,000 BARRON ROAD INTERCHANGEST0212675,00000 100,000 GREENS PRAIRIE RD/ARRINGTONST0304750,0000 750,000 750,000 CLOSED PROJECTS 00 42 SUBTOTAL$ 932,0002,037,420$ 3,699,697$ STREET TXDOT PROJECTS TX AVE STREETSCAPE PH IIST9915500,0000 0 0 GEORGE BUSH DRIVE MEDIANSST0102175,00000 0 SUBTOTAL$ 00$ 0$ 1 - George Bush Widening includes $600,000 thoroughfare funds and $890,000 GOB. 2 - Tarrow Street funding includes $272,000 from a grant. 3 - Funded through CDBG Funds. * - Indicates projects funded through November 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization 6 GENERAL GOVERNMENT STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 03-04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 18,441,30818,441,3084,007,0441,693,0441,648,0441,603,044 1,558,044 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 1,200,000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1,366,3951,366,395 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 270,000270,000 120,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,636,3951,636,395$ 2,320,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 20,077,70320,077,703.29$ 6,327,044$ 1,723,044$ 1,678,044$ 1,633,044$ 1,588,044$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0866,39500000 0000000 0000000 1,200,0001,200,00000000 002,500,0000000 200,000200,00000000 300,000300,00000000 00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 2,566,3951,700,000$ 2,500,000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 722,0000 722,000 0 0 0 0 632,4040 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 150,0000 447,000 0 0 0 0 200,0000 0 0 0 0 0 8,1000 0 0 0 0 0 2,173,7600 0 0 0 0 0 3,747,0000 0 0 0 0 0 3,352,0000 0 0 0 0 0 246,0000 0 0 0 0 0 575,0000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 11,806,2640$ 1,169,000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 580,0000 0 0 0 0 0 175,0000 0 0 0 0 0 $ 755,0000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 7 GENERAL GOVERNMENT STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECTAPPROVED PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 TRAFFIC PROJECTS *TRAFFIC MGMT. IMPROVE.ST0011728,0000 0 0 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENHAN.ST95113,463,2290 538,000 57,711 HOLLEMAN WIDENINGST0106112,00039,582072,419 JOE ROUTE @ KIMBROUGHST021010,0003,11806,882 GB EAST DRIVE@DOMINIKST0205100,00017,267092,733 GB EAST EAST @HOLLEMANST0206110,00012,842 0 97,158 UNIVERSITY HOME DEPOTST0207135,00012,671 0122,330 HWY 30/6 SIGNAL UPGRADEST021917,49617,496 0 0 TEXAS AVENUE@MANUEL DRIVEST0017100,00011,225 0 88,775 FIRE PRE-EMPTION SYSTEMST9810175,00083,651 0 22,833 CLOSED PROJECTS 021,344 0 SUBTOTAL$ 538,000219,196$ 560,841$ SIDEWALKS & TRAILS J&D MILLER PARK SIDEWALK/TRAILST020029,250 62,230 0 0 NEIGHBORHOOD/STREETSCAPEST980254,800 0 0 0 BIKE LOOPST94091,348,000 941 0 0 MISC. BIKE TRAILSST9803180,000 0 0 0 TAMU SIDEWALKSST9924400,000 665 400,000 260,000 UNIVERSITY SIDEWALKSCD127598,500 0 0 85,500 LONGMIRE SIDEWALKSST0204207,000 0 0 75,000 ANDERSON SIDEWALKSST0203150,000 779 0 100,000 NEIGHBORHOOD CIPST0012ANNUAL27,066 75,000 75,000 EMERALD FOREST HOAST0218 7,500 CLOSED PROJECTS 00 0 SUBTOTAL$ 475,00091,681$ 603,000$ TRANSFER OUT 00 0 OTHER 025,291 0 DEAN INTERNATIONAL318,675 360,000 270,000 DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS78,000 19,500 19,500 GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES260,000 250,000 250,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 3,354,5006,070,168$ 7,038,236$ GAAP 101,156 ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 22,125,04421,818,544$ 18,441,308$ Notes: * - Indicates projects funded through November 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization 8 GENERAL GOVERNMENT STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 03-04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 72,00000000 0 000000 0 000000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 72,0000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 460,000 0 0 0 0 00 180,000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 132,00049,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,0000 0 0 0 0 0 75,00075,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 257,000124,000$ 715,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 264,000264,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 350,000350,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 $ 16,070,6592,438,000$ 4,634,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 0 $ 4,007,04417,639,703$ 1,693,044$ 1,648,044$ 1,603,044$ 1,558,044$ 1,513,044$ 9 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 10 STREETREHABILITATIONPROJECTS STREETREHABILITATIONPROJECTS 11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: First, Maple & Louise St. Rehab$969 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ST-0201 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): Community Development Block Grant PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Rehabilitation of inadequate pavement structure and installation of storm drain facilities. Also includes sidewalks if right-of-way allows. STATUS: Construction Contract Awarded 8/28/2003. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 53$53 2002-03 2727 2003-04 20869889 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$100$869$0$969 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 12 11 11 13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: West Park (Southside)$1,200 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ST0400 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Obligation Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Rehabilitation of streets and drainage infrastructure in the West Park area of Southside. STATUS: RFQ to be issued 10/2003 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 1105005615 2004-05 10575585 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$120$1,075$5$1,200 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 14 LUTHERJONESPARK LUTHERJONESPARK W.A.TARROWPARK W.A.TARROWPARK 15 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Annexation Overlays$200 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ST0401 PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING SOURCE(S): General fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Year one of a 5 year plan for additional funding to overlay recent annexed streets. 22 lane miles of streets were added to the street inventory in the 2002 annexation. This project will be ongoing for a period of 5 years. Each year 4.4 lane miles of street will be overlaid to meet city standards and completed in the 5th year. STATUS: Overlay projects will begin in November, 2003. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 2000200 2004-05 000 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$0$200$0$200 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 200 Capital TOTAL$200$0 16 44 4466 66 55 55 33 33 22 22 17 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Thoroughfare Rehabilitation PROJECT BUDGET:$300 PROJECT #: ST0402 PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING SOURCE(S): General fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Rehabilitation and resurfacing of existing thoroughfares within the City STATUS: Rehab projects will begin in November 2003 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTRUCTIONMISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 502500300 2004-05 000 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$50$250$0$300 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 300 Capital TOTAL$300$0 18 19 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 20 STREETEXTENSIONPROJECTS STREETEXTENSIONPROJECTS 21 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Jones-Butler Road Phase II PROJECT BUDGET:$2,036 PROJECT #: ST0005 PROJECT MANAGER: Bob Mosley FUNDING SOURCE(S): 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Jones-Butler Road would be extended south from Holleman Drive to its intersection with FM 2818. The length of the roadway will be approximately 2,600 feet with a 90 foot wide right-of-way. The project will include drainage facilities, sidewalks, and street lighting. This project is needed to provide a north-south route paralleling Wellborn Road. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budget. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 2797$286 2002-03 306306 2003 -04 12881561,444 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$279$313$1,288$156$2,036 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 22 WOODWAYPARK WOODWAYPARK 23 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: George Bush Dr. East Widening PROJECT BUDGET:$2,340 PROJECT #: ST-9804 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald E. Harmon, Jr. FUNDING SOURCE(S): 1995 Bond Authorization ($822,000) Thoroughfare Rehab ($600,000) Other Street/Traffic Capital (72,000) General Fund ($68,000) WT0001 ($50,000) PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: George Bush Drive East will be widened from Texas Avenue to Dominik Drive. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budget. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 6941254211,240 2002-03 30020050550 2003 -04 50050550 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$994$125$1,121$100$2,340 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 24 THOMASPARK THOMASPARK ThomasPark ThomasPark 25 RReeddmmoonnddDDrr CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Victoria Oversize Participation$894 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ST9928 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will extend Victoria Street from its current termination at Graham Road south to Barron Road. The street will be a major thoroughfare with a 54 foot width in a 70 foot right-of-way and an approximate length of 4,200 feet. A significant drainage structure will be required. Developer participation is anticipated for right-of-way donation with City oversize participation with street width in excess of 39 feet. The street will provide north-south access to a future CSISD school. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budge PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 301$31 2002-03 11 2003 -04 1501151 2004-05 7101711 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$30$0$860$4$894 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 26 EDELWEISSPARK EDELWEISSPARK WESTFIELDPARK WESTFIELDPARK 27 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Barron Road Right-Of-Way PROJECT BUDGET:$316 PROJECT #: ST0006 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald E. Harmon, Jr. FUNDING SOURCE(S): 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Barron Road would be upgraded from a two lane rural roadway to a minor arterial road as reflected on the thoroughfare plan. This project would establish an alignment and acquire the necessary right-of-way. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 8614 2002-03 1002102 2003 -04 1982200 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$306$10$0$0$316 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 28 WESTFIELDVILLAGEPHASE1 WESTFIELDVILLAGEPHASE1 BALDPRAIRIE BALDPRAIRIE EDELWEISSGARTENS EDELWEISSGARTENS NEEDHAMESTATES NEEDHAMESTATES BALDPRAIRIE BALDPRAIRIE NEEDHAMESTATES NEEDHAMESTATES WESTMINSTER WESTMINSTER CASTLEGATE CASTLEGATE SIMMONS SIMMONS 29 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Longmire Birmingham to Graham PROJECT BUDGET:$237 PROJECT #: ST0007 PROJECT MANAGER: Kimberly Carter FUNDING SOURCE(S): Certificates of Obligation PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Extension of Longmire Drive from Birmingham road to Graham Road. The extension would provide north/south access from Graham road to rock Prairie Road. The extension is currently included in the Thoroughfare Plan as a major collector roadway. The project is planned as a 48 foot wide road within a 60 foot right-of-way with a length of approximately 800 feet. The street will include sidewalks on both sides. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budget. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 451$46 2002-03 17733183 2003 -04 88 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$177$56$0$4$237 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 30 31 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Longmire Graham to Cypress PROJECT BUDGET:$2,813 Meadows PROJECT #: ST0100 PROJECT MANAGER: Kimberly Carter FUNDING SOURCE(S): 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will connect Longmire from Graham Road to the existing section of Longmire Road in the Oak Brook subdivision north of Barron Road. The project is planned as a 48 foot wide road within a 60 foot right- of-way with a length of approximately 4,200 feet. The street will include sidewalks on both sides. The Longmire South project is currently included in the Thoroughfare plan as a major collector roadway. The roadway is needed to provide a north-south route paralleling the Hwy 6 frontage road. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 21820.8$185 2002-03 9501275191 2003 -04 700201,200201,940 2004-05 747020497 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$711$259$1,797$46$2,813 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 32 BELMONTPLACE BELMONTPLACE LOBALLMEMORIAL LOBALLMEMORIAL LICKCREEKPHASE1 LICKCREEKPHASE1 BRIDLEGATEESTATESPH1 BRIDLEGATEESTATESPH1 SPRINGBROOK SPRINGBROOK SPRINGBROOK-CYPRESSMEADOW SPRINGBROOK-CYPRESSMEADOW 33 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Greens Prairie Widening PROJECT BUDGET:$4,369 PROJECT #: ST0214 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): Certificates of Obligation PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will widen Greens Prairie Road from 2 lanes to 4 lanes with a median and turn pockets. The project will be coordinated and designed with the intent to dedicate the roadway to TxDOT. The project also includes various utility relocations and replacements. STATUS: Staff is negotiating a professional services contract. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budg PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 42910439 3900 2003-04 303,930 2004-05 0 2005-06 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$429$3,900$40$4,369 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital 34 SpringCreekCorporateCampusPhaseI SpringCreekCorporateCampusPhaseI FireStation5 FireStation5 BusinessParkPhaseIII BusinessParkPhaseIII BusinessParkBalanceLandscaping BusinessParkBalanceLandscaping 35 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Dartmouth Extension Phase II PROJECT BUDGET:$3,600 PROJECT #: ST0211 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald E. Harmon, Jr. FUNDING SOURCE(S): Certificates of Obligation PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Dartmouth Drive will be extended from Krenek Tap Road to Harvey Mitchell Parkway. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budget. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 8020010290 2002-03 902001500101,800 2003 -04 1500101,510 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$170$400$3,000$30$3,600 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 36 SOUTHWESTCROSSING SOUTHWESTCROSSING E&MJONESFARMPLACE E&MJONESFARMPLACE DARTMOUTHCROSSING DARTMOUTHCROSSING ParksWorldHeadquarters ParksWorldHeadquarters CentralParkPavilion CentralParkPavilion CENTRALPARK CENTRALPARK EastDistrictForestry EastDistrictForestry WILLIAMS-WINDER-KING WILLIAMS-WINDER-KING UtilityCustomerService UtilityCustomerService MunicipalCourt MunicipalCourt PublicWorks PublicWorks Police Police LAKEVIEWACRES LAKEVIEWACRES CYMILLERPARK CYMILLERPARK 37 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: University Drive Sidewalk PROJECT BUDGET:$98.5 PROJECT #: CD1275 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald E. Harmon, Jr. FUNDING SOURCE(S): Community Development Block Grant PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: A sidewalk will be constructed along the north side of University Drive between Tarrow and Texas. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 13.013.0 2002-03 2003 -04 0.0 2004-05 0.0 2005-06 0.0 2006-07 0.0 2007-08 0.0 2008-09 0.0 TOTAL OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 38 BRAZOSVALLEYPHYSICIANS BRAZOSVALLEYPHYSICIANS VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL SCOTT&WHITEMEMORIALHOSP& SCOTT&WHITEMEMORIALHOSP& RICHARDCARTERPARK RICHARDCARTERPARK 39 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Barron Road Interchange PROJECT BUDGET:$675 PROJECT #: ST0212 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald E. Harmon, Jr. FUNDING SOURCE(S): Certificates of Obligation PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Design of a grade separation for the intersection of Barron Road and Highway 6. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budget. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 0 2002-03 55010560 2003 -04 10015115 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$650$0$25$675 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 40 BarronRoadinterchangedesign BarronRoadinterchangedesign 41 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Greens Prairie/Arrington $1,330 PROJECT BUDGET Realignment PROJECT #: ST0304 PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING SOURCE(S): Certificates of Obligation $750,000 Brazos $80,000 TxDot $150,000 Developer $350,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Realignment of Greens Prairie Road 2500 feet west of Highway 6 to connect with future Arrington Road which will connect with future Highway 40. The length of Greens Prairie Road to be constructed is 1844 feet and the length of Arrington Road to be constructed is 605 feet. Existing section of Greens Prairie Road to be removed. STATUS: Epsilon Engineering was awarded a $155,203.00 for design of project on August 11, 2003. Design is 30% done as of September 22, 2003. $750,000 will be appropriated in FY 2003, the remainder will be used in 2005. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2001-02 0 2002-03 11 639 2003-04 10092750 2004-05 14642211579 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$100$155$1,061$14$1,330 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 42 PEBBLEHILLSPARK PEBBLEHILLSPARK 43 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 44 STREETTXDOTPROJECTS STREETTXDOTPROJECTS 45 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Texas Ave. Streetscape Phase II PROJECT BUDGET:$500 PROJECT #: ST9915 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCE(S): Streets CIP Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This is part of the Texas Avenue Widening Phase II project. This is for the cost of streetscape improvements such as raised medians and streetscape light poles. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 580580 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$0$580$0$580 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 46 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 47 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: George Bush Drive Medians PROJECT BUDGET: $$175 PROJECT #: ST0102 PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING SOURCE(S): Streets CIP Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project is an advanced funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to construction median along George Bush Dr. STATUS: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 0 0 175 2003-04 175 2004-05 0 2005-06 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$0$175$0$175 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 48 49 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 50 TRAFFICPROJECTS TRAFFICPROJECTS 51 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Signal-G. Bush East/Dominik PROJECT BUDGET:$133 PROJECT #: ST0205 PROJECT MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCE(S): GOB 1998 CIP Funds Holding Account Project ST9511 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of a new fully actuated traffic signal, Dominik and G. Bush East is presently a four-way stop. Increased traffic through this intersection especially during peak periods of the day warrants a traffic signal. Due to the widening of G Bush East the construction phase of this signal will be delayed until completion of the widening project. STATUS: Signal Designed is completed and all materials delivered. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03$13$5063 2003 -04$5050 2004-05 0 2005-06$2020 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$13$50$70$133 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services$1500 Utilities Capital TOTAL$0$1,500 52 ThomasParkPoolShadeCover ThomasParkPoolShadeCover ThomasPoolRenovation ThomasPoolRenovation THOMASPARK THOMASPARK OAKSPARK OAKSPARK GeorgeBushEast@Dominik GeorgeBushEast@Dominik HollemanWideningDesignPhaseII HollemanWideningDesignPhaseII ParkPlaceElevatedWaterStorage ParkPlaceElevatedWaterStorage 53 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: New Signal-G Bush/Holleman$100 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ST0206 PROJECT MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCE(S): GOB 1998 CIP Funds Holding Account Project ST9511 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The extension of G. Bush East from Harvey Rd to Holleman has created a need to accommodate increased vehicular traffic at this intersection. In order to decrease vehicle delays during peak traffic periods of the day a traffic signal is warranted. STATUS: Traffic Signal construction started the week of September 15th, the contractors TLS had 90 days to project. TLS signal contractor has 90 days to complete the project. Road bores or competed drilling of signal pole shafts are scheduled for the first week of October. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$10$10 2002-03$4040 2003 -04$4040 2004-05 0 2005-06$2020 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$10$40$40$90 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services$1500 Utilities Capital TOTAL$0$1,500 54 COURTYARDAPARTMENTS COURTYARDAPARTMENTS WESTWOLFPENCREEK WESTWOLFPENCREEK CULPEPPERPLAZA CULPEPPERPLAZA LACOURPH1 LACOURPH1 HOLLEMANPLACE HOLLEMANPLACE BOARDWALK BOARDWALK NewSignalGBush/Holleman NewSignalGBush/Holleman WOLFPENPLAZA WOLFPENPLAZA POOHS'PARK POOHS'PARK KAPCHINSKI KAPCHINSKI RICHARDS RICHARDS RICHARDS RICHARDS HollemanWideningDesignPhaseII HollemanWideningDesignPhaseII ANDERSONRIDGE ANDERSONRIDGE KFO KFO KAPCHINSKIHILL KAPCHINSKIHILL 55 KIRKPATRICK KIRKPATRICK POLAR-BEK POLAR-BEK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: New Signal-Texas/Manuel PROJECT BUDGET:$115 PROJECT #: ST0017 PROJECT MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCE(S): GOB 1998 CIP Funds Holding Account-Project ST9511 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This location was studied, surveyed and designed two years earlier. Due to the anticipated start date of Texas Widening Phase II the construction was held off. The Texas project is now set to get started in the summer of 2004. This signal will assist with reducing traffic at the Holleman/Texas signal. STATUS: Traffic Signal construction started the week of September 15th, the contractors TLS had 90 days to project. TLS signal contractor has 90 days to complete the project. Road bores or competed drilling of signal pole shafts are scheduled for the first week of October. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$5,000$5,000 2002-03$7,600$42,00049,600 2003 -04$60,00060,000 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$12,600$60,000$42,000$114,600 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services$1800 Utilities Capital TOTAL$0$1,800 56 WOLFPENCREEKPARK WOLFPENCREEKPARK NewSignalGBush/Holleman NewSignalGBush/Holleman HollemanWideningDesignPhaseII HollemanWideningDesignPhaseII TrafficSignal-Texas&Manuel TrafficSignal-Texas&Manuel LEMONTREEPARK LEMONTREEPARK BEECREEKPARK BEECREEKPARK ARBORETUMPARK ARBORETUMPARK 57 ParkBenches ParkBenches Lights Lights CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: New Signal-University/Home Depot PROJECT BUDGET:$156 PROJECT #: ST0207 PROJECT MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCE(S): GOB 1998 CIP Funds Holding Account-Project# ST9511 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Warrant Study, intersection survey, design and construction. Economic Development negotiated with Home Depot for signal at the main driveway for safe traffic movements in and out of the shopping center. STATUS: Traffic Signal construction started the week of September 15th, the contractors TLS had 90 days to project. TLS signal contractor has 90 days to complete the project. Road bores or competed drilling of signal pole shafts are scheduled for the first week of October. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03$1616 2003 -04$70$70140 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$16$70$70$156 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services$1800 Utilities Capital TOTAL$0$1,800 58 UNIVERSITYPARK UNIVERSITYPARK SCOTT&WHITEMEMORIALHOSP& SCOTT&WHITEMEMORIALHOSP& NewSignal/HomeDepot NewSignal/HomeDepot RICHARDCARTERPARK RICHARDCARTERPARK 59 PARKWAYPARK PARKWAYPARK Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 60 SIDEWALKSANDTRAILS SIDEWALKSANDTRAILS 61 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Longmire Sidewalks PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ST0204 PROJECT MANAGER: Kimberly Carter FUNDING SOURCE(S):1995 G.O. Bond Authorization (Transferred from ST9510 Miscellaneous Sidewalks) PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Sidewalk and trail improvements along Longmire in conformance with approved master plans. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 0 2002-03 44 2003 -04 2003203 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$0$200$7$207 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 62 63 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Anderson Sidewalks PROJECT BUDGET:$150 PROJECT #: ST0203 PROJECT MANAGER: Kimberly Carter FUNDING SOURCE(S):1995 G.O. Bond Authorization (Transferred from ST9510 Miscellaneous Sidewalks) PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Sidewalk and trail improvements along Anderson Road in conformance with approved master plans. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budget. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 44 2003 -04 1451146 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$145$5$150 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 64 BBaarrtthheelloowwDDrr LemontreeParkRestrooms LemontreeParkRestrooms 65 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Neighborhood CIP ANNUAL PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ST0012 PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Neighborhood CIP is one means of addressing infrastructure needs identified through small area plans and through the neighborhood traffic calming program. Improvements may include traffic calming measures such as speed cushions and landscaped medians. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 27$27 2002-03 7575 2003 -04 75075 2004-05 07575 2005-06 7575 2006-07 7575 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$402$0$402 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 0 Capital 7575 TOTAL$75$75 66 GENERALGOVERNMENT- GENERALGOVERNMENT- PARKSPROJECTS PARKSPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 67 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PARKS PROJECTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECT APPROVED PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:$ 757,9784,295,406$ 757,978$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS0$ 0$ 0$ CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS129,000 0 0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 80,0000 80,000 INTRAGOVERNEMENTAL89,000 0 0 INVESTMENT EARNINGS74,057 10,000 25,000 OTHER 67,00067,525 67,000 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES359,582$ 172,000$ 172,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE4,654,988$ 929,978$ 929,978$ PARK PROJECTS BILLIE MADELEY PARK DEV.PK970645,000 29,81100 OAKS PARK IMPR.PK006728,000 46,562024,068 RAINTREE PARK IMPR.PK006844,000 000 LICK CREEK DEVELOPMENTPK0069511,000 35,85980,000117,000 VETERANS ATHLETIC PARK DEVPK99413,236,000 3,012,561037,000 SOUTHWOOD PARK IMPR.PK0076156,000 0119,00069,000 CENTRAL PARK IMPR.PK010117,000 0017,000 THOMAS POOL IMPR.PK010419,000 0019,000 BEE CREEK LIGHTSPK0303118,000 0033,000 COMMUNITY PARK ADD LAND PURCH.40,000 000 *LINCOLN CENTER EXPTBD 623,000 000 *LINC. CTR. COVERED BASKETBALL PAVILLION350,000 000 FIELD REDEVELOPMENTPK030024,000 034,40024,000 CLOSED PROJECTS 716,31600 DEBT ISSUANCE COST 90000 GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES55,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 253,4003,897,010$ 360,068$ GAAP 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 676,578757,978$ 569,910$ * - FUNDED THROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 68 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PARKS PROJECTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 03-04PROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 569,910569,910$ 24,910$ 26,210$ 27,210$ 28,210$ 29,210$ $ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1,013,0001,013,000 0 0 0 0 0 15,00015,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 67,00067,000 68,300 69,700 71,100 72,500 74,000 $ 1,095,0001,095,000$ 69,300$ 70,700$ 72,100$ 73,500$ 75,000$ $ 1,664,9101,664,910$ 94,210$ 96,910$ 99,310$ 101,710$ 104,210$ 05,00000000 0000000 016,00000000 0394,00000000 018,00000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 085,00000000 40,00040,00000000 451,294623,00000000 350,000350,00000000 89,00089,00068,00069,70071,10072,50074,000 0000000 0000000 20,00020,000 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,640,000950,294$ 68,000$ 69,700$ 71,100$ 72,500$ 74,000$ $ 24,910714,616$ 26,210$ 27,210$ 28,210$ 29,210$ 30,210$ 69 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 70 PARKSPROJECTS PARKSPROJECTS 71 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Madeley Park Development PROJECT BUDGET:$45 Addition PROJECT #: PK9706 PROJECT MANAGER: Peter Vanecek FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Obligation Bonds 99 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Funding for minimal development of Billie Madeley Park. Status: Project Complete, except for the plaque dedication PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 3030 2002-03 55 2003-04 0 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$35$0$35 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 33 Supplies 11 Services Capital TOTAL$4$4 72 MadeleyParkDevelopment MadeleyParkDevelopment BILLIEMADELYPARK BILLIEMADELYPARK 73 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Raintree Park Improvements$44 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: PK0068 PROJECT MANAGER: Peter Vanecek FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Obligation Bonds 99 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Improvements to include installation of a basketball court and playground replacement. The basketball court will not be built until additional land is available to properly place the court. Status: Playground replacement is complete. The use of remaining funds to be determined. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 14$14 2002-03 0 2003-04 1616 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$30$0$30 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 74 RAINTREEPARK RAINTREEPARK CENTRALPARK CENTRALPARK EMERALDFORESTPARK EMERALDFORESTPARK 75 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Lick Creek Development$511 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: PK0069 & PK9952 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Obligation Bonds 99 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This amount covers approximately half of the development cost of the approved Master Plan. Improvements include: trails, bridges, signage, roadway, and parking. areas, visitors' center and residences. An $80,000 matching grant was received from TPWD for trails and bridges. STATUS: Expected Completion 9/1/03 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 36$36 2002-03 117117 2003-04 394394 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$547$0$547 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel$25$25 Supplies 1010 Services 55 Capital -10 TOTAL$50$40 76 1144 1144 LickCreekParkDevelopment LickCreekParkDevelopment LickCreekArchaelogicalStudy LickCreekArchaelogicalStudy 1111 1111 LickCreekTreatmentPlantExpansion LickCreekTreatmentPlantExpansion LICKCREEKPARK LICKCREEKPARK 77 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Veteran's Park PROJECT BUDGET:$3,236 PROJECT #: PK9941 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Obligation Bonds 99 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: First phase of the 150 acre Veterans Athletic Park. Infrastructure, six (6) soccer fields, and two (2) soft ball fields included in Phase of this athletic complex. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 1393,01632$3,187 2002-03 3737 2003-04 1818 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$139$3,071$32$3,242 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel$ 8080$ Supplies 5050 Services 4040 Capital 1050 TOTAL$ 180220$ 78 BRAZOSVALLEYPHYSICIANS BRAZOSVALLEYPHYSICIANS VeteransParkPhaseI VeteransParkPhaseI VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL 79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Bee Creek Lights PROJECT BUDGET:$118 PROJECT #: PK0303 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Obligation Bonds 99 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Replacement of existing wood poles with concrete poles. Existing light fixtures will be replaced. Status: $50,000 in additional funds added from (PK0076 - Southwood Improvements) Expected completion is set for February of 2004. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 82533 2003-04 8585 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$8$110$0$118 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 2 Capital TOTAL$0$2 80 33 33 MunicipalCourt MunicipalCourt CYMILLERPARK CYMILLERPARK LEMONTREEPARK LEMONTREEPARK ParkBenches ParkBenches Lights Lights ARBORETUMPARK ARBORETUMPARK BEECREEKPARK BEECREEKPARK 66 66 55 55 81 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Lincoln Center Expansion PROJECT BUDGET:$623 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Eric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Design and construction FY '02 CD Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Design funded from the FY02 Community Development budget for an exercise room, dressing rooms, and expansion. Remaining funds will move to construction in FY04. STATUS: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 623 2003-04 623 2004 -05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$623$0$623 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 82 LincolnCenterShopOldOffice LincolnCenterShopOldOffice LincolnCenterShop LincolnCenterShop 66 66 LincolnCenterExpansion LincolnCenterExpansion LincolnCenter LincolnCenter W.A.TARROWPARK W.A.TARROWPARK 83 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Lincoln Center Expansion PROJECT BUDGET:$350 Covered Basketball Pavillion PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Eric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Community Development Block Grant PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Design funded from FY02 CD budget for Construction of a Basketball Pavillion STATUS: Design to occur in Fiscal Year 2003. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 350 2003-04 350 2004 -05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$350$0$350 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 84 GENERALGOVERNMENT- GENERALGOVERNMENT- PARKLANDDEDICATION PARKLANDDEDICATION CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 85 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PARKLAND DEDICATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECTAPPROVED PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: 1,212,5271,474,9271,474,927 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CONTRIBUTIONS$ 50,000209,347$ 50,000$ INVESTMENT EARNINGS 5,00094,750 5,000 TRANSFERS IN 00 0 OTHER 00 0 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES304,097$ 55,000$ 55,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE1,516,624$ 1,529,927$ 1,529,927$ PARKLAND DEDICATION FUND ZONE 1 PARK PK005153,000 0 18,000 22,000 NORTHGATE LINEAR PARKTBD150,000 0 150,000 0 ZONE 2 PARK PK00529,219 0 2,000 0 ZONE 3 (WOLF PEN CREEK) PK0053 5,000 0 0 0 INTRGEN BENCHESPK02128,162 8,162 0 0 BENCH REPLCMNTPK02149,300 5,570 0 0 ZONE 4 PARK PK00545,000 0 20,000 0 ZONE 5 PARK TBD76,842 0 170,000 0 EDELWEISS PARKPK021618,000 0 0 18,000 INTRGEN BENCHESTBD25,000 0 25,000 25,000 SOUTHWOOD PLAYGROUND CVRSTBD22,000 0 0 22,000 SOUTHWOOD AP SIDEWALKS 00 12,000 ZONE 6 PARK PK005651,000 336 88,000 0 SOUTH KNOLL JOGGING TRACKTBD0 0 8,000 BEE CREEK PARK BENCHESTBD0 0 12,000 ZONE 7 PARK PK0057400,202 000 WOODWAY PARKPK9803710,000 4,000 700,000 0 ZONE 8 PARK PK0058612 0 0 0 ZONE 9 PARK PK00590 0 0 0 ZONE 10 PARK PK0060175,000 0 111,000 113,000 SHENANDOAH PARK0 0 0 0 ZONE 11 PARK PK006117,000 27,584 0 0 CLOSED PROJECTS 15,197 0 0 TRANSFER PROJECT 120,000 GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES15,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 1,289,000195,849$ 237,000$ GAAP(701) ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 240,9271,320,074$ 1,292,927$ 86 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PARKLAND DEDICATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY03-04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 1,292,9271,292,92739,92740,92741,92742,92745,927 $ 50,00050,000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 5,0005,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 55,00055,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 3,000$ 3,000$ $ 1,347,9271,347,927$ 40,927$ 41,927$ 42,927$ 45,927$ 48,927$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 150,0000 0 0 0 0 0 120,000118,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,0005,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 20,0000 0 0 0 0 0 26,00026,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 90,00090,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 700,0000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 175,0000 0 0 0 0 0 17,00014,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 5,0005,000 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,308,000258,000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ $ 39,9271,089,927$ 40,927$ 41,927$ 42,927$ 45,927$ 48,927$ 87 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 88 PARKLANDDEDICATIONFUND PARKLANDDEDICATIONFUND 89 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Zone 2 Park PROJECT BUDGET:$9 PROJECT #: PK0052 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 172: Park Escrow - Zone 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with the Park Zone Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 2. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 120120 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$120.00$0$120 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 90 LIONSPARK LIONSPARK 22 22 EASTGATEPARK EASTGATEPARK THOMASPARK THOMASPARK 91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Zone 3 PROJECT BUDGET:$5 PROJECT #: PK0053 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 173: Park Escrow - Zone 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with the Park Zone Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 3. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 55 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$0$5$5 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 55 Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$5$5 92 22 22 44 44 WOLFPENCREEKPARK WOLFPENCREEKPARK 33 33 CENTRALPARK CENTRALPARK 66 66 93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Zone 4 Park PROJECT BUDGET:$5 PROJECT #: PK0054 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 174: Park Escrow - Zone 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with the Park Zone Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 4. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 2020 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$20$0$20 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 94 VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL 44 44 22 22 95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Zone 5 PROJECT BUDGET:$77 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Eric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 171: Parks Escrow - Zone 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with the Park Zone Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 5. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 2626 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$26$0$26 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 96 33 33 66 66 88 88 55 55 99 99 1155 1155 1100 1100 1133 1133 97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Zone 6 Park PROJECT BUDGET:$51 PROJECT #: PK0056 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 176: Park Escrow - Zone 6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with the Park Zone Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 6. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 0.3$0 2002-03 0 2003 -04 9090 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$90$0$90 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 98 44 44 22 22 11 11 33 33 66 66 77 77 55 55 1155 1155 99 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Woodway Park (Zone 7) $710 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: PK9803 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 177: Park Escrow - Zone 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Neighborhood Park Development in Zone 7 - Woodway Park. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 44 2002-03 0 2003 -04 710710 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$714$0$714 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 18 Supplies 2 Services 1 Capital 1 TOTAL$0$22 100 W.A.TARROWPARK W.A.TARROWPARK 66 66 WOODWAYPARK WOODWAYPARK 77 77 1155 1155 101 11 11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Zone 10 Park / Shenandoah Park PROJECT BUDGET:$175 PROJECT #: PK0060 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 180: Park Escrow - Zone 10 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with the Park Zone Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 10. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 113113 2003-04 0 2004 -05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$113$0$113 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 9 Supplies 1 Services 1 Capital 1 TOTAL$0$12 102 55 55 99 99 WESTFIELDPARK WESTFIELDPARK 1100 1100 SHENANDOAHPARK SHENANDOAHPARK 1133 1133 103 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Zone 11 Park$17 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: PK0061 PROJECT MANAGER: Ric Ploeger FUNDING SOURCE(S): Fund 181: Park Escrow - Zone 11 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with the Park Zone Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 11. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 27$27 2002-03 0 2003 -04 1717 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$44$0$44 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 104 55 55 1144 1144 1111 1111 1122 1122 105 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 106 GENERALGOVERNMENT- GENERALGOVERNMENT- FACILITIESANDTECHNOLOGY FACILITIESANDTECHNOLOGY CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 107 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECTTOTAL PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01- 02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:$ 6,259,4504,466,043$ 6,259,450$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS$ 2,097,0001,030,000$ 2,097,000$ CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS2,316,800 57,000 0 INTRAGOVERNMENTAL12,231 0 113,071 CONTRIBUTIONS0 0 0 INVESTMENT EARNINGS218,820 75,000 150,000 OTHER555 0 13,530 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES3,578,406$ 2,229,000$ 2,373,601$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE8,044,449$ 8,488,450$ 8,633,051$ PUBLIC FACILITIES LIBRARY BOOK DONATIONSGG9901291,348075,00075,000 *CEMETERY LAND ACQUISITIONGG9905275,000 00275,000 *FIRE STATION # 5GG02011,567,000 1,2201,317,000310,000 *CITY CENTER LAND ACQUISITIONGG00021,560,000 3,20001,651,000 FIRE STATION #1 REHAB.GG0103677,000 93,5220601,000 1MUNICIPAL COURT/FIRE ADMIN BUILDINGGG01003,233,069 820,610113,0692,396,153 CLOSED PROJECTS257,96300 SUBTOTAL$ 1,505,0691,176,515$ 5,308,153$ TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS HUMAN RESOURCES MODULECO002123,033$ 0$ 0$ 23,030$ PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEMCO0022800,000 128,4800570,000 AFIX FINGERPRINT SOFTWARECO002325,060 000 POLICE BOOKINGTBD141,000 000 POLICE FIELD REPORTINGTBD100,000 000 FIRE TONE OUT SYSTEMCO040150,000 000 RECORDS STORAGECO0024326,000 23,06657,00050,000 HAND HELD METER READING REPLACEMENTTBD50,000 000 2AS400 ENHANCEMENTCO0100175,000 7,65400 PARD AUTOMATIONTBD171,000 00100,000 FIBER OPTIC LOOPME9701400,000179,0560150,000 PBX (PHONE SYSTEM) REPLACEMENTTBD917,000 000 AUTOMATED CUSTOMER SERVICECO0102207,000 93,277035,000 RADIO REPLACEMENTTBD3,400,000 000 MOBILE DATA TERMINAL REPLACEMENTSTBD222,000 000 ADDITIONAL TECHNOLOGY IMPR.TBD129,000 000 WEB SITE REDESIGNTBD60,000 0060,000 2ATM NETWORK REPLACEMENTTBD500,000 000 TOPOGRAPHIC/AERIAL MAPSTBD630,000 000 SUBTOTAL$ 57,000431,533$ 988,030$ DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS$ 27,30019,200$ 20,000$ TRANSFERS89,00000 OTHER13,74900 GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES 60,00055,000 60,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 1,649,3691,784,997$ 6,376,183$ GAAP ADJUSTMENTGAAP2-$ ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 6,839,0816,259,450$ 2,256,868$ Notes: * - Funded through November 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization 1 - Total project of $3,120,000 to be funded as follows: $1,800,000 Electric Fund, $700,000 Water Fund, $250,000 W W Fund and $370,000 Sanitation Fund. 2 - Proposed to be funded through the issuance of Certificates of Obligation. 108 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 03-04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 2,256,8682,256,868$ 51,368$ 368$ 368$ 3,368$ 6,368$ $ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0 0 700,000 0 0 200,000 0 1,017,000 1,017,000 415,000 3,720,000 72,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90,000 90,000 10,000 20,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,107,0001,107,000$ 1,125,000$ 3,740,000$ 75,000$ 203,000$ 3,000$ $ 3,363,8683,363,868$ 1,176,368$ 3,740,368$ 75,368$ 206,368$ 9,368$ 0000000 0000000 01,255,78000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 $ 1,255,780-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0100,00000000 0000000 0141,00000000 0100,00000000 050,00000000 50,00050,00041,0000000 0050,0000000 00200,00000200,0000 071,00000000 100,000200,00000000 917,000917,00000000 078,00000000 00100,0003,300,000000 000155,00072,00000 0129,00000000 0000000 00500,0000000 100,000100,000265,000265,000 $ 1,936,0001,167,000$ 1,156,000$ 3,720,000$ 72,000$ 200,000$ 0$ $ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0000000 0000000 120,720120,720 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 $ 3,312,5001,287,720$ 1,176,000$ 3,740,000$ 72,000$ 200,000$ 0$ $ 51,3682,076,148$ 368$ 368$ 3,368$ 6,368$ 9,368$ 109 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 110 PUBLICFACILITIES PUBLICFACILITIES 111 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Fire Station #5$1,567 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: GG0201 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This new fire station will be located and constructed in the southern portion of the City to provide services to a high growth area of the City. The facility is expected to have two equipment bays of 2300 square feet with the balance of the estimated 6,800 square feet for living quarters, training, kitchen, storage, exercise and decontamination areas. The operating costs include an additional engine company to operate the aerial apparatus on a 24hour 7 day per week schedule. STATUS: A site has been acquired. * The numbers submited by the project managers have been changed to reflect the Approved FY 04 Budget. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 177133310 1,188 2003-04 681,256 2004-05 0 2005-06 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$177$133$1,188$68$1,566 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 506506 Supplies 2020 Services 4070 Capital 600 TOTAL$1,166$596 112 SpringCreekCorporateCampusPhaseI SpringCreekCorporateCampusPhaseI FireStation5 FireStation5 PEBBLEHILLSPARK PEBBLEHILLSPARK PEBBLECREEKPARK PEBBLECREEKPARK 113 TECHNOLOGYPROJECTS TECHNOLOGYPROJECTS 114 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Public Safety System$800 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: CO0022 PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia W. Burnside FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Government CIP PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The Public Safety system includes Computer Aided Dispatch, Police Reporting, EMS Reporting, and Fire Reporting. The current Public Safety software is 10 years old, the original vendor is out of business, the city does not have access to the source code, and the software has not been updated in the last 9 years. Data in the database system is not easily accessible by other database systems (not an open architecture), which makes interfacing to this system difficult in the extreme. Ad hoc reporting is cubersome at best. The replacement system should be much more user friendly, allow broader reporting, make ad hoc reporting available to more end users, be upgraded each year to meet state and federal reporting requirements. This project has evolved as staff endeavored to include various parts in a total solution. After going through the process of evaluating responses to an RFP it was determined that no total solution was available and the project was broken into several components. The amount listed above includes Fire, EMS and Police records management systems as well as a computer aided dispatch (CAD) system. STATUS: Proposals to the RFP were received and evaluated. Benchmarking was done with the top three vendors, with only one passing the benchmark testing. The Fire Dept has implemented a solution. The implementation of an upgrade to the Police and CAD systems is under way. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 130130 2002-03 570570 2003 -04 100100 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 TOTAL$0$0$0$800$800 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 100 Capital TOTAL$0$100 115 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Police Booking PROJECT BUDGET:$141 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia W. Burnside FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Govt. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This will automate the booking of detainees in the City's jail facility. It will include live scan of fingerprints thus making it possible to immediately compare detainee fingerprints to those on file. This should speed up the booking process thus allowing officers to return to patrol duty quicker. STATUS: This project has not begun. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 0$0 2002-03 00 2003 -04 141141 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$0$0$141$141 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services$2121 Capital TOTAL$21$21 116 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Police Field Reporting PROJECT BUDGET:$100 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia W. Burnside FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Govt. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will allow police officers to fill out report forms electronically as the data is collected. This will mean less time spent in the Police offices filling out reports. STATUS: This project has not begun. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 0$0 2002-03 00 2003 -04 100100 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$0$100$100 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 1515 Capital TOTAL$15$15 117 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Fire Tone Out System PROJECT BUDGET:$50 PROJECT #: CO0401 PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia W. Burnside FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Govt. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will replace the current tone out system which is more than ten years old. The current system does not allow automatic tone out, it requires a person to physically tone out a station on a call. The new system will tone out the Fire Station as soon as a unit is assigned to the call. STATUS: This project has not begun. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 0$0 2002-03 00 2003 -04 5050 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$0$0$50$50 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 7.57.5 Capital TOTAL$8$8 118 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Records Storage PROJECT BUDGET:$326 PROJECT #: CO0024 PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia W. Burnside FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Government CIP PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This system provides the city staff a method of centralizing all documents, with proper retention dates, documented security, and a quick method of document retrieval. This reduces the number of copies made because documents can be viewed online. It also reduces the amount of mail sent through the city as well as the amount of storage required. With paper documents no longer retrieved, the citizens should receive responses to requests for city documents much faster, thus providing citizens with quality service. STATUS: The first phase of this project was completed in fiscal year 2000-2001 on time and within budget. Additional in the city, specifically Fiscal Department and Public Utilities Department, implemented imagining in 2003. The project to date is on time and within budget. The amount of the project has been reduced. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 185$185 2002-03 5050 50 2003 -04 50 2004-05 4141 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$0$326$326 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 3232 Supplies 2.52.5 Services 27.627.6 Capital TOTAL$62$62 119 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: PARD Automation PROJECT BUDGET:$171 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia W. Burnside FUNDING SOURCE(S): General Govt PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will provide for the automation of many processes in PARD, such as registration, scheduling of facilities, tracking maintenance. These processes must be automated prior to integrating them with the Automated Customer Service system thought the internet and phone. STATUS: The responses to the RFP are being evaluated at this time. Anticipate system implementation from mid to end of 2003. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 100100 2003 -04 7171 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$0$171$171 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 2121 Capital TOTAL$21$21 120 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Fiber Optic Loop$400 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ME9701 PROJECT MANAGER: FUNDING SOURCE(S):$1,100 funded by Electric Utility Revenues $400 funded by General Government PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Funding is being used to complete a fiber optic infrastructure plan. Previously, the City's data, communication, and traffic systems were fed from a radial fiber optic backbone. A looped, redundant fiber optic backbone is being installed to provide an adequate level of fail safe and appropriate amount of bandwidth. STATUS: The fiber optic loop is complete and the project has moved to connecting outlying facilities and traffic signals. Please transmission over fiber optic has been completed. Fiber optic cable has been in huge demand across the United States. This demand has caused delays in receiving fiber optic cables for up to a year which has caused some delays in the project. The project was reduced by $100,000 in FY 02. $60,000 of the reduction was used to fund the City web site revamp. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 601,090$1,150 2002-03 150150 2003-04 200200 2004 -05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$60$0$1,440$1,500 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 121 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: PBX Phone Replacement PROJECT BUDGET:$917 PROJECT #: C00400 PROJECT MANAGER: Charlie Shear FUNDING SOURCE(S): Replacement Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The City's phone system was installed in 1994. It is scheduled for replacement in FY 04. Note: Project costs are based on replacing the phone system with equivalent features. OTIS has been approached by City staff requesting a phone system with additional features. Such an expanded, dynamic system could cost as much as an additional $300,000. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04$50$867917 2004 -05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$50$867$0$917 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services$45,000$45,000 Capital TOTAL$45,000$45,000 122 x, CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTFORM($1000) PROJECT NAME: Automated Customer PROJECT BUDGET:$207 Service PROJECT #: CO0102 PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia W. Burnside FUNDING SOURCE(S): funded from the Electric Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project provides interactive interfaces for citizens to do business with the city through either touch tone phone or internet at any time of the day. STATUS: The first phase of this project was completed in fiscal year 2001-02 when utility bill payment was available by internet and phone. The second phase is to add information and payment of citations to the internet and phone, this should be completed by the end of 2003. The third phase is to integrate requests for building inspections to both internet and phone. This will require participation by the vendor of the building inspection software. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 94$94 35 2002-03 35 2003 -04 7878 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 TOTAL$0$0$0$207$207 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 3838 Capital TOTAL$38$38 123 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Fiber Optic Loop$400 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: ME9701 PROJECT MANAGER: FUNDING SOURCE(S):$1,100 funded by Electric Utility Revenues $400 funded by General Government PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Funding is being used to complete a fiber optic infrastructure plan. Previously, the City's data, communication, and traffic systems were fed from a radial fiber optic backbone. A looped, redundant fiber optic backbone is being installed to provide an adequate level of fail safe and appropriate amount of bandwidth. STATUS: The fiber optic loop is complete and the project has moved to connecting outlying facilities and traffic signals. Please transmission over fiber optic has been completed. Fiber optic cable has been in huge demand across the United States. This demand has caused delays in receiving fiber optic cables for up to a year which has caused some delays in the project. The project was reduced by $100,000 in FY 02. $60,000 of the reduction was used to fund the City web site revamp. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 601,090$1,150 2002-03 150150 2003-04 200200 2004 -05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$60$0$1,440$1,500 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 124 GENERALGOVERNMENT- GENERALGOVERNMENT- CONVENTIONCENTER CONVENTIONCENTER CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 125 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CONVENTION CENTER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECT PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:$ 8,817,0299,239,193$ 8,817,029$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION0$ 11,400,000$ 0$ INTRAGOVERNMENTAL 1,100,0000 600,000 INVESTMENT EARNINGS329,134400,000300,000 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES329,134$ 12,900,000$ 900,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE9,568,327$ 21,717,029$ 9,717,029$ PUBLIC FACILITIES 1CONFERENCE CNTR HWY 30/60 GG000518,000,000 338,434 2,803,038 914,000 2HWY 30/60 INFRASTRUCTUREGG01053,900,000 228,787 0 2,767,000 OTHER 06,549 0 DEBT SERVICE 230,000127,529 230,000 GENERAL & ADMIN CHARGES50,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 3,083,038751,299$ 3,961,000$ GAAP 1 ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 18,633,9918,817,029$ 5,756,029$ 1 - Convention Center funded through $5,500,000 in C.O.s, $500,000 from the Electric Fund, & $600,000 from the Hotel Motel Fund. 2 - Hwy 30/60 Corridor development costs funded through $1,560,000 Electric Fund, $1,690,000 Water Fund, & $400,000 Wastewater Fund. 126 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CONVENTION CENTER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 03-04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 5,756,0295,756,029$ 4,893,189$ 300,939$ 306,939$ 312,939$ 318,939$ $ 11,900,00011,900,000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 250,000250,000 00000 300,000300,00035,0006,0006,0006,0006,000 $ 12,450,00012,450,000$ 35,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ $ 18,206,02918,206,029$ 4,928,189$ 306,939$ 312,939$ 318,939$ 324,939$ 12,108,7505,805,712 4,627,250 0 0 0 0 1,133,0000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 29,75029,750 0 0 0 0 0 41,34041,340 0 0 0 0 0 $ 13,312,8405,876,802$ 4,627,250$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ $ 4,893,18912,329,227$ 300,939$ 306,939$ 312,939$ 318,939$ 324,939$ 127 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: 30/60 Corridor Infrastructure PROJECT BUDGET:$3,900 PROJECT #: GG0005 PROJECT MANAGER: Kim Foutz FUNDING SOURCE(S): Electric Fund $1,560,000 Water Fund $1,690,000 Waste Water Fund $400,000 Economic Development Fund $250,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The project is associated with the development of a hotel and conference center in the Highway 30/60 corridor. The project includes water, waste water, sidewalks, lighting, natural gas, fiber and the extension of Linda Lane to Copperfield Parkway. The utilities will be sized to accommodate development throughout the 30/60 corridor. This project is required as part of the terms of an infrastructure contract entered into among TAC Realty, College Main Ltd., and the City. STATUS: Phase I which includes an 18" water main is complete. Phase IA which includes Copperfield Parkway, water, wastewater, and sidewalks will be awarded by City Council on April 10, 2003. Phase II which includes a cul-de-sac and loop roadways, sidewalks, utilities, and lighting improvements has not yet been bid. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 29524722,767 997 2003-04 1361,133 2004-05 0 2005-06 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$431$3,469$0$3,900 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 128 BRAZOSVALLEYPHYSICIANS BRAZOSVALLEYPHYSICIANS VeteransParkPhaseI VeteransParkPhaseI VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL VETERANSPARK&ATHLETICCOMPL 129 GENERALGOVERNEMENT- GENERALGOVERNEMENT- BUSINESSPARK BUSINESSPARK CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 130 BUSINESSPARKFUND BUSINESSPARKFUND 131 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECTTOTAL PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:$ 2,309,2642,435,179$ 2,309,264$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS$ 3,150,0000$ 0$ INTRAGOVERNMENTAL 00 0 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 150,00084,138 70,000 OTHER74 0 0 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES84,212$ 3,300,000$ 70,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE2,519,391$ 5,609,264$ 2,379,264$ BUSINESS PARK FUND BUSINESS PARK PHASE II & IIIGG97052,050,000 56,203 0 0 SPRING CREEK CORPORATE CAMPUS PHASE IDE00012,729,00083,424225,000409,000 NEW BUS CENTER BDE00022,750,0000717,0000 000 000 000 OTHER50000 DEBT ISSUANCE COST15,00015,000 GENERAL & ADMIN CHARGES 50,00070,000 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 1,007,000210,127$ 474,000$ GAAP ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 4,602,2642,309,264$ 1,905,264$ 132 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 03-04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED PROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 1,905,2642,309,264$ 2,165,264$ 360,264$ 390,264$ 420,264$ 450,264$ $ 3,150,0003,150,000$ 500,000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 100,000100,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 3,250,0003,250,000$ 530,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 0$ $ 5,155,2645,559,264$ 2,695,264$ 390,264$ 420,264$ 450,264$ 450,264$ 250,000250,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,320,0002,320,00000000 0415,0002,335,0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 05,00000000 000000 00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 2,990,0002,570,000$ 2,335,000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ $ 2,165,2642,989,264$ 360,264$ 390,264$ 420,264$ 450,264$ 450,264$ 133 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Spring Creek Corp. Campus Ph I$2,729 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: DE0001 PROJECT MANAGER: Kim Foutz FUNDING SOURCE(S): Certificates of Obligation of $2.5 million Viatel default payment PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project includes acquisition and development of 378 acres (288 useable) for a Class "A" Business Park and associated greenway. Project scope also includes master planning for the site. Construction and engineering costs are for Phase I infrastructure which includes water, wastewater, electric, roadways and other necessary improvements for initial development of the property. STATUS: Acquisition of the 378 acre site is complete. Approximately 110 acres have been transferred to greenways. Master planning is complete. The phase I engineering is scheduled to begin in summer 2003. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 409409 2003 -04 23202,320 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$409$2,320$0$2,729 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 *Initially, annual maintenance will cost approximately $30,000 per year. However, long term, the City will establish a Business Owners Maintenance Organization which will pay fees to maintain the center. 134 SpringCreekCorporateCampusPhaseI SpringCreekCorporateCampusPhaseI PEBBLEHILLSPARK PEBBLEHILLSPARK PEBBLECREEKPARK PEBBLECREEKPARK 135 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: New Class "B" Business Cntr. $2,750 PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT #: DE0002 PROJECT MANAGER: Kim Foutz FUNDING SOURCE(S): Certificates of Obligation of $2.75 million PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project includes engineering and development of an as yet unidentified site for a Class "B" Business Park. Project scope also includes master planning for the site. Construction and engineering costs are for infrastructure which includes water, wastewater, electric, roadways and other necessary improvements for initial development of the property. STATUS: Staff is currently evaluating potential sites. Engineering is scheduled to being in summer 2004. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 415415 2004-05$2,3352,335 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$415$2,335$0$2,750 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 136 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 137 GENERALGOVERNMENT- GENERALGOVERNMENT- WOLFPENCREEK WOLFPENCREEK TAXINCREMENTFINANCEDISTRICT TAXINCREMENTFINANCEDISTRICT CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 138 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WOLF PEN CREEK TIF FUND SUMMARY % CHANGE FY 03FY 03FY 04FY 04IN BUDGET FY02REVISEDYEAR-ENDBASEAPPROVEDFROM FY03 ACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEBUDGETBUDGETTO FY 04 $ 3,231,5631,290,945$ 3,231,563$ 2,284,863$ 2,284,863$ BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES $ 146,000121,026$ 146,000$ 185,987$ 185,987$ 27.39% AD VALOREM TAXES COCS 215,216 245,000245,000353,000 353,000 44.08% AD VALOREM TAXES CSISD 93,991 107,000107,000154,000 154,000 43.93% AD VALOREM TAXES BRAZOS CO 102,250 60,00065,00040,00040,000 (33.33%) INVESTMENT EARNINGS 0 0000 OTHER 120,000 0000 TRANSFERS 2,316,800 0000 N/A PROCEEDS FROM LONG-TERM DEBT $ 558,0002,969,283$ 563,000$ 732,987$ 732,987$ 31.36% TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,789,5634,260,228$ 3,794,563$ 3,017,850$ 3,017,850$ (20.36%) TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS $ 1,910,000511,147$ 1,016,500$ 1,924,000$ 1,924,000$ 0.73% CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 N/A ENGINEERING (1) 505,000 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS (BRIDGE) 0 492,500 492,500 479,103 479,103 DEBT SERVICE 12,518 700 700 700 700 0.00% OTHER TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 2,403,2001,028,665$ 1,509,700$ 2,553,803$ 2,553,803$ 6.27% AND TRANSFERS INCREASE (DECREASE) $ (1,845,200)1,940,618$ (946,700)$ (1,820,816)$ (1,820,816)$ IN FUND BALANCE $ 1,386,3633,231,563$ 2,284,863$ 464,047$ 464,047$ ENDING FUND BALANCE Notes: 1) Use $150,000 for design of projects during FY 04 and program balance of dollars available for projects in FY 05 WOLF PEN CREEK TIF FUND - SOURCES WOLF PEN CREEK TIF FUND - USES INVEST. EARNINGS TAXES DEBT TAXES 5% COCS SERVICE BRAZOS CO 26% 19% 21% ENGINEER. CAPITAL 6% TAXES PROJECTS CSISD 75% 48% WPC PROJECTS TOTAL CURRENT PROJECTS PROJECT $1,430,000 LOWER TRAILS PhASE 1 1,948,000 UPPER TRAILS PHASE 1 70,000 PARKING LOT $3,448,000 TOTAL CURRENT PROJECTS 139 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: WPC Upper Trails PROJECT BUDGET:$1,948 PROJECT #: WP9905 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wolf Pen Creek TIF PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project is to design and construct a pedestrian trail system and bridges in the Wolf Pen Creek area to extend from Texas Avenue to Dartmouth. This project may be completed in phases. STATUS: Under Design and in Land Acquistion PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 85$85 2002-03 55055 2003 -04 555100071,067 2004-05 7356.25741 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$10$190$1,735$13$1,948.00 140 OAKSPARK OAKSPARK WOLFPENCREEKPARK WOLFPENCREEKPARK 141 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: WPC Parking Improvements PROJECT BUDGET:$70 PROJECT #: WP9903 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wolf Pen Creek TIF PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project is to construct a parking lot at Dartmouth and Holleman to accommodate visitors to the Wolf Pen Creek area. STATUS: In Design PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 1060$70 2002-03 0 2003 -04 0 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$10$60$0$70 142 POSTOAKMALL POSTOAKMALL WOODSTOCK#1 WOODSTOCK#1 WOODBROOKCONDOS WOODBROOKCONDOS WOODSTOCK#1 WOODSTOCK#1 SOUTHCREEKPH1 SOUTHCREEKPH1 WPCMarqueeSign WPCMarqueeSign WolfPenPkglot WolfPenPkglot WolfPenCreekAmp WolfPenCreekAmp WOODSTOCK#1 WOODSTOCK#1 WOLFPENCREEKPARK HOLLEMANPLACE WOLFPENCREEKPARK HOLLEMANPLACE RICHARDS RICHARDS RICHARDS RICHARDS KFO KFO EASTMARK EASTMARK TROY TROY BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD 143 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 144 UTILITIES UTILITIES CAPITALPROJECTSBUDGET CAPITALPROJECTSBUDGET The City of College Station develops and adopts aProjects Fund also includes $305,000 to improve five year Capital Improvements Project List. The listthe security of the water supply and $530,000 to is updated annually and is presented for City Councilprovide backup power generation to the water review as a part of the annual budget process. Thesystem. list consolidates all anticipated capital needs forThe Approved FY 04 Budget also includes which funding authorization exists. The list is divided$10,400,000 in current revenues from operations into several sections depending on the servicesare approved to fund water capital projects. No debt provided and the funding source. is projected for issuance in FY 04 for water capital projects. Revenue bonds are authorized to be issued any time there is a need for financing capital construction or WASTEWATERCAPITALPROJECTS WASTEWATERCAPITALPROJECTS acquisition and where the asset will reside in one or more of the City's enterprise funds. The City's In FY 04, $6,159,720 is the projected new enterprise funds include Electric, Water, Wastewater, appropriations for wastewater capital projects, and and Solid Waste Collection. Generally, revenue total wastewater capital project expenditures are bonds do not require voter approval. These bonds projected to be $7,343,720. $1.5 million is included are repaid from the revenues generated by the for the rehabilitation of wastewater infrastructure in utilities. the Southside area. Over $1 million is also included as projected expense for relocating and rehabilitating No revenue bonds are projected to be issued for any sewer line beneath Texas Avenue. This project is of the water capital improvement projects, however necessary because of the TxDoT widening of Texas $4,000,000 is projected to be issued for wastewater Avenue, and will be done in conjunction with this capital improvement projects in FY 04. project. As in the Water Division, the Wastewater Division includes $330,000 to improve security of Among the decisions and proposals that accompany wastewater facilities and $215,000 for backup capital project recommendations is an analysis of power generation to operate the sewer system in the potential ongoing costs and any potential impact on event of a power outage. $535,800 is included to utility rates that a project may have. provide sewer services to the newly annexed parts of town. UTILITYCAPITALPROJECTS UTILITYCAPITALPROJECTS DRAINAGECAPITALPROJECTS DRAINAGECAPITALPROJECTS ELECTRICCAPITALPROJECTS ELECTRICCAPITALPROJECTS The Approved FY 04 drainage capital projects budget includes $ 5,172,056 in improvement to the $5,530,000 is the approved expenditure amount for City's drainage system. The bulk of these electric capital projects in FY 04. Additional expenditures will be for drainage channel information will be provided to the City Council as a improvements in the Bee Creek ($3 million) and competitive matter. Wolf Pen Creek ($1 million) areas of town. WATERCAPITALPROJECTS WATERCAPITALPROJECTS ADDITIONALO&MCOST S ADDITIONALO&MCOST In FY 04, $6,101,737 is the projected new The City of College Station strives to provide appropriations for water capital projects, and total superior electric, water, and wastewater services to water capital project expenditures are projected to its citizens. Part of this effort includes maintaining a be $14,769,051. Included in the Approved FY 04 sound infrastructure that is technologically advanced. Budget is over $1 million for water line rehabilitation This requires continuous investment in the capital in the Southside area, $3.2 million for the parallel that makes up the infrastructure. These investments water line transmission project, and $462,900 on take place in the form of capital improvement projects to provide water to newly annexed portions projects. These projects may include rehabilitating or of the City. Additionally, $4,174,837 is the replacing old, deteriorating infrastructure; expanding projected expense for water capital project to facilities; and adding new facilities and infrastructure. provide water service to City residents not currently using College Station water. The Water Capital 145 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 146 ELECTRICSERVICE ELECTRICSERVICE CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 147 ELECTRIC SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 REVISEDAPPROVED BUDGETESTIMATEAPPROPRIATIONSPROJECTED FY 02-03FY 02-03FY 03-04FY 03-04 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES5,630,000$ 5,730,000$ 5,575,000$ 5,575,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE7,282,634$ 7,382,634$ 7,420,634$ 7,420,634$ TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 5,537,0005,537,000$ 5,530,000$ 5,530,000$ GAAP ADJUSTMENT ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 1,845,6341,745,634$ 1,890,634$ 1,890,634$ 148 ELECTRIC SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY08-09. $ 10,140,0008,635,000$ 7,490,000$ 5,990,000$ 6,075,000$ $ 15,311,63410,525,634$ 12,795,634$ 9,107,634$ 7,996,634$ $ 10,006,0005,354,000$ 9,678,000$ 7,186,000$ 7,954,000$ $ 5,305,6345,171,634$ 3,117,634$ 1,921,634$ 42,634$ 149 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 150 WATERSERVICE WATERSERVICE CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 151 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 REVISED FY02-03PROJECTAPPROVEDTOTAL PROJECTWORK REQUESTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERNUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:$ 8,544,5898,618,228$ 8,544,589$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: UTILITY REVENUE BONDS$ 07,427,150$ 0$ INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS453,166 175,000 370,000 TRANSFERS FROM OPERATIONS0 1,300,000 1,300,000 OTHER9,100 0 0 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES$ 1,475,0007,889,416$ 1,670,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE$ 5,876,40316,507,644$ 10,214,589$ REHABILITATION PROJECTS: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM REHABWT0201ANNUAL0285,000285,000 FIRST & MAPLE STREETS REHABWT0212WF0351786218,90012,033200,000207,000 GEORGE BUSH E WIDENING TBDWF039056788,000 0 50,000 25,000 GREENS PRAIRIE WTR LINE LOWERING-WF0351806230,000 0 0 230,000 TEXAS AVE. RELOCATION SOUTHWT9804WF0351282950,000 0 0 430,000 SOUTHSIDE WATER REHAB AWF0379021115,000 0 0 115,000 WEST PARK -TBD1,075,000 0 0 0 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS-TBD1,270,000 0 0 0 SOUTH KNOLL-TBD1,175,000 0 0 0 SOUTHWOOD 5-7-TBD985,000 0 0 0 McCULLOCH-TBD925,000 0 0 0 THE KNOLL-TBD900,000 0 0 0 SOUTHSIDE WATER REHAB STUDYWT0105WF036007050,000 170 0 95,000 CLOSED PROJECTS105,494 SUBTOTAL$ 535,000117,697$ 1,387,000$ PRODUCTION PROJECTS WELL #6 AND LINE WT0004WF03525912,963,000 299,980$ 0$ 721,000$ WELL #7 WT0106WF03536072,064,000 187,836 0 78,000 WELL #7 COLLECTION LINEWT0203WF03536212,600,000 6,350 494,000 51,000 PARALLEL WELLFIELD COLL LINE PH IWT0205WF03535531,802,000 0 795,000 110,000 COOLING TOWERS EXPANSIONTBDTBD1,829,000 0 0 0 PARALLEL WATER TRANSMISSION WT0005WF03502598,273,000 2,858,658 0 685,000 WATER TRANSMISSION-SH21 - VILLA MARIAWT0116WF03523175,754,000 262,203 440,000 278,000 LAND ACQUISITION - WELLS & PUMP STATIONWT0206TBD1,250,000 0 300,000 0 DOWLING ROAD 10MG GSTWT0117WF03536313,851,000 106,853 84,000 125,000 DOWLING ROAD PUMP STATION PIPINGTBDTBD1,332,000 0 130,000 0 WELLS 4 & 5 PUMP REPLACEMENTS-TBD150,000 0 0 0 WATER PLANT SECURITYTBD305,000 0 0 0 EMERGENCY ELECTRIC POWERTBD780,000 0 0 0 CLOSED PROJECTS651,000 511,304 0 0 SUBTOTAL$ 2,243,0004,233,184$ 2,048,000$ 152 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 4,401,4034,401,403$ 207,352$ 234,352$ 75,552$ 112,752$ 130,752$ $ 00$ 9,300,000$ 8,400,000$ 7,600,000$ 1,700,000$ 4,100,000$ 175,000 175,000 225,000 125,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 10,400,000 10,400,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 10,575,00010,575,000$ 10,525,000$ 9,525,000$ 8,175,000$ 2,250,000$ 4,650,000$ $ 14,976,40314,976,403$ 10,732,352$ 9,759,352$ 8,250,552$ 2,362,752$ 4,780,752$ 285,000285,000285,000285,000285,000285,000285,000 0000000 38,000 63,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 470,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,075,000 1,075,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,270,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,175,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 985,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,893,0001,398,000$ 1,555,000$ 1,460,000$ 1,270,000$ 1,405,000$ 1,185,000$ $ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0 106,000 470,000 1,276,000 0 0 0 0 109,000 789,000 1,670,000 0 0 0 0 215,000 1,477,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,000 1,777,000 0 0 0 3,277,000 1,274,000 0 0 0 0 75,000 75,000 790,000 1,574,000 3,847,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 400,000 371,000 279,000 0 95,000 95,000 1,280,000 2,244,000 0 0 0 80,000 80,000 1,252,000 0 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 305,000 305,000 0 0 0 0 0 530,000 530,000 240,000 0 0 298,000 0 $ 4,942,0001,235,000$ 7,772,000$ 7,216,000$ 5,995,000$ 577,000$ 0$ 153 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 REVISED FY02-03PROJECTAPPROVEDTOTAL PROJECTWORK REQUESTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERNUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 DISTRIBUTION PROJECTS OVERSIZED LINES PARTICIPATION & PLANNINGWT0200ANNUAL0$ 75,000$ 75,000$ VICTORIA WATER OPTBDTBD100,000 0 100,000 100,000 BARRON ROAD WATER OPTBDTBD150,000 0 150,000 35,686 WESTSIDE WATER SERVICESWT9703WF03536413,087,000 48,938 0 80,000 WATER IMPACT FEEWT9905TBD359,000 0 0 0 PARK PLACE ELEVATED WATER STORAGEWT0012WF03538173,679,000 2,531,140 0 586,000 WATER RECLAIM / IRRIGATIONWT0110TBD3,468,000 445 0 0 DARTMOUTH WATER EXTENSION PIITBDWF0350795220,000 0 220,000 0 JONES-BUTLER WATER EXT PHIITBDTBD17,000 0 17,000 3,000 ROCK PRAIRIE WATER EXT WELLBORN-WF03520942,403,823 168,599 0 481,000 ARRINGTON RD WATER MAIN WELLBORN-WF0379145612,763 0 0 123,000 BARRON ROAD WELLBORN CUSTOMERS-WF03791972,044,845 0 0 409,000 LICK CREEK/ROCK PRAIRIE WELLBORN-WF0379226157,406 0 0 31,000 CLOSED PROJECTS0 725,742 SUBTOTAL$ 562,0003,474,864$ 1,923,686$ ANNEXATION PROJECTS WELLBORN RD N OF GANDY (AREA 1)TBD448,000 0$ 44,800$ 44,800$ GREENS PR. W. OF ARRINGTON (AREA 2)TBD347,000 0 34,700 34,700 NANTUCKET E. OF HARPER'S FERRY (AREA 3)TBD80,000 0 0 0 ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5)TBD670,000 0 0 0 GREENS PR. RD CORRIDOR EAST (AREA 6)TBD612,000 0 0 0 $ 79,5000$ 79,500$ GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE269,883 275,000 275,000 DEBT ISSUANCE COST125 0 100,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 8,095,75358,554,837$ 3,694,500$ 5,813,186$ GAAP ADJUSTMENT$ 132,698 ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 2,181,9038,544,589$ 4,401,403$ 154 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 200,000200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114,314 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,598,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,468,000 0 220,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,000 0 0 0 0 0 403,823 1,922,823 0 0 0 0 0 489,763 489,763 0 0 0 0 0 1,635,845 1,635,845 0 0 0 0 0 126,406 126,406 0 0 0 0 0 $ 7,321,1512,855,837$ 412,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 3,668,000$ $ 22,40022,400$ 380,800$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 312,300 312,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80,000 0 0 0 67,000 67,000 67,000 268,000 268,000 0 0 61,200 61,200 61,200 244,800 244,800 0 0 $ 462,900462,900$ 509,000$ 592,800$ 512,800$ 0$ 0$ 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 125,000 50,000 75,000 0 0 100,000 65,000 35,000 0 0 6,101,737$ 14,769,051$ 10,498,000$ 9,683,800$ 8,137,800$ 2,232,000$ 4,928,000$ 8,874,666$ 207,352$ 234,352$ 75,552$ 112,752$ 130,752$ (147,248)$ 155 REHABILITATIONPROJECTS REHABILITATIONPROJECTS 156 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Distribution System Rehab PROJECT BUDGET:Annual WORK REQUEST #: WF0410745 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0201 PROJECT MANAGER: Dale Schepers FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: These funds are for general rehabilitation of the water distribution system. Projects are identified on an annual basis. STATUS: Total DSR funding $285,000 for FY03-04 annual amount: Southside Water Rehab Study - WF0360070 - $45,000 University 2" Water Line - WF0351819 - $ 2,500 Northgate Fire Hydrant Coverage Plan - WF0351830 - $750 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 250$250 2002-03 285285 2003-04 285285 2004-05 285285 2005-06 285285 2006-07 285285 2007-08 285285 2008-09 285285 TOTAL$0$0$1,960$0$2,245 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 157 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: George Bush East Widening PROJECT BUDGET:$88 WORK REQUEST #: WF0390567 FORMER PROJECT #: ST9804 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: George Bush Drive East will be widened from Texas Avenue to Dominik Drive. 2" water line will be upgraded to an 8" water line. Coordinated with Streets Project ST9804. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 25 25 2003-04 6363 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$88$0$88 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 158 159 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Texas Avenue Relocation South PROJECT BUDGET:$950 WORK REQUEST #: WF0351282 FORMER PROJECT #: WT9804 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Texas Avenue will be widened from Dominik to Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Water lines will need to be relocated into an easement outside of the right-of-way. Coordinated with Wastewater Project SS0003. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 50$50 2002-03 254005430 2003-04 1045010470 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$85$850$15$950 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 CIP Water Forms, Texas Ave Widen Water 12/3/2003, 4:29 PM 160 THOMASPARK THOMASPARK ThomasPark ThomasPark 161 RReeddmmoonnddDDrr CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: West Park Water Rehab$1,075 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Water Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Replacement of water lines in area bounded by George Bush, Luther, Wellborn, and Montclair. Identified by 2003 Southside Water Study. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 98977 2003-04 1,075 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$98$977$0$1,075 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 162 BRISONPARK BRISONPARK LUTHERJONESPARK LUTHERJONESPARK W.A.TARROWPARK W.A.TARROWPARK 163 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 164 PRODUCTIONPROJECTS PRODUCTIONPROJECTS 165 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Well #7 $2,128 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: WF0353607 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0106 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Purchase land, conduct engineering design, and construction of additional 4 MGD water well. The additional capacity is required to meet TNRCC regulations for pumping capacity to match projected population. STATUS: Consultant's recommendation to start construction FY 2005-06 to meet service demands for FY 2006-07. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 6192$198 2002-03 672 78 2003-04 1096 106 2004-05 3332405470 2005-06 611,2151,276 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$55$453$1,620$0$2,128 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 22 Supplies 11 Services 90 Capital TOTAL$3$93 166 Well#7 Well#7 167 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Well #7 Collection Line$2,625 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: WF0353621 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0203 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Project provides for land purchase, engineering design, and construction of collection line progressing from Water Well #7 approximately 10,400 linear feet to a connection point in the existing collection line for Water Well #4. The additional capacity is required to meet TNRCC regulations for pumping capacity to match projected population. Consultant's recommendation to start construction FY 2005-06 to meet service demands for FY 2006-07. STATUS: By action January 7, 2003, Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District doubled spacing of new wells completed in the Simsboro formation from one (1) to two (2) feet per one gallon per minute production capacity, thereby, increasing the length of this pipeline to two (2) times the previously estimated length. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 6$6 2002-03 51 51 2003-04 5059 109 2004-05 21740532789 2005-06 721,598 1,670 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$273$222$2,130$0$2,625 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 168 169 Well#7 Well#7 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Parallel Wellfield Collection PROJECT BUDGET:$1,802 Lines WORK REQUEST #: WF0352553 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0205 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCE(S): Water Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Construction of a collection line for the water wells parallel to the existing line. The existing line is operating at maximum design capacity with the input of six wells. The construction of Well #7 will require this additional pipeline to deliver water to Sandy Point Pump Station. STATUS: FY 2002-2005 phase of the Parallel Collection Line consists of an estimated 7,500 linear foot pipe along Sandy Point Road from the existing Well #4 interconnect to the Sandy Point Pump Station. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 110 110 2003-04 15065 215 2004-05 771,4001,477 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$150$252$1,400$0$1,802 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 0.020.02 Supplies 0.010.01 Services Capital TOTAL 0.030.03 170 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 171 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Parallel Water Trans. Line $9,115 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: WF0350259 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0005 PROJECT MANAGER: Dale Schepers FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: CONSTRUCTION PH: Construct parallel water transmission along FM1687 from the Sandy Point Pump Station to FM2818, then south along FM2818 to SH21; approx 17,314 LF of 48" diameter pipe. CONSTRUCTION PH: Construct parallel water transmission pipeline along FM2818 from Villa Maria Road south to the Dowling Road Pump Station; approx 22,400 LF of 36" diameter pipe. The additional capacity is required to meet TNRCC regulations for pumping capacity to match projected population. This project will be constructed concurrent with the Westside Water Services, Project #WT9703. STATUS: Projects funded from this Parallel Water Trans. Line - FY 02-03: Greens Prairie Water Lowering - WF0351806 - $230,000 Wellborn Customers Transfer - $1,044,000 (Rock Prairie Extension Wellborn - WF0352094 - $481,000) (Arrington Road Water Main Wellborn - WF0379145 - $123,000) (Barron Road Wellborn - WF0379197 - $409,000) (Lick Creek / Rock Prairie Wellborn - WF0379226 - $31,000) PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 2901,0202,569$3,879 2002-03 69191425685 2003-04 2663,0113,277 2004-05 1561,1181,274 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$359$1,633$7,123$0$9,115 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 11 Supplies 0.50.5 Services 172 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 173 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Water Transmission Line PROJECT BUDGET:$6,826 SH21 - Villa Maria WORK REQUEST #: WF0352317 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0116 PROJECT MANAGER: David Roberts FUNDING SOURCE(S): Water Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Construct parallel water transmission line along FM2818 from Hwy 21 south to Villa Maria Road; approx 21,000 LF of 36" diameter pipe. The additional system capacity required to support Northgate area and provide water service to annexed area west of FM2818 along FM60. Project supports additional water distribution interconnection with TAMU. STATUS: Fund reallocation increasing WT0116 Project Budget by $1,193,000 from WT9703 Westside Water Service. This will cover $800,000 increased land acquisition needs determined by City's Land Agent and construction cost estimate determined by current market values. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 123139$262 2002-03 77201 278 2003-04 75 75 2004-05 75040 790 2005-06 250861,2381,574 2006-07 13537123,847 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$1,200$676$4,950$0$6,826 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 11 Supplies 0.50.5 Services Capital TOTAL$2$2 174 175 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Dowling Road Ten Million PROJECT NAME: Gallon Ground PROJECT BUDGET:$3,851 Storage Tank WORK REQUEST #: WF0353631 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0117 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Construct new Ground Storage Tank of 10 MG capacity at the Dowling Road Pump Station. The additional capacity is required to meet TNRCC regulations for storage and pumping capacity to match projected population. Originally proposed a 5MG capacity at $2,500,000. By doubling the size for increased capacity requirements, the cost savings will be approximately $1,300,000. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 107$107 2002-03 125125 2003-04 9595 2004-05 1001,1801,280 2005-06 642,1802,244 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$491$3,360$0$3,851 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 0.20.2 Supplies 00 Services 030 Capital TOTAL$0$30 176 WOODWAYPARK WOODWAYPARK SOUTHWESTPARK SOUTHWESTPARK DowlingRoad10MGGST/PumpStationPiping DowlingRoad10MGGST/PumpStationPiping 177 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Water Wells #4 & #5 $150 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCE(S): Water Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Install new replacement pumps in Water Well Numbers 4 and 5 to increase production capacities and meet community's growing demand for drinking water services. STATUS: Existing pump on Water Well Number 4 has been operating in continuous service since the well was drilled in 1989. The pump motor was reconditioned in 1999 concurrent with a project to correct a well subsidence deficiency. Existing pump on Water Well Number 5 has been in service since the well was drilled in 1996. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 150150 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$150$0$150 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 178 WELL4 WELL3 WELL5 179 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Water Plant Security PROJECT BUDGET:$305 WORK REQUEST #: TDB PROJECT MANAGER: Michael Kellogg FUNDING SOURCE(S): Water Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Design, construct, and install equipment and systems to strengthen security and minimize risks of potential terrorists activities and other threats to City's water production infrastruture including geographically isolated water wells, pumping stations, and storage reservoirs. STATUS: Vulnerability Assessment consultant contract 03-66 mandated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved by City Council March 13, 2003. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 4020065305 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$40$200$65$305 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 180 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Emergency Electric Power PROJECT BUDGET:$1,068 WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Provide emergency electric power production equipment to ensure minimum essential water production and distribution services can be maintained in the event of a primary electric service blackout. Emergency electric power production capability will serve the following locations: Dowling Road Pump Station, Sandy Point Pump Station, and two Water Wells. STATUS: City currently unable to satisfy community's water service demand during periods of electric system blackout. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 6100424530 2004-05 218220240 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 840250298 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$16$158$894$1,068 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel 414 Supplies 1855 Services 39 Capital 727 TOTAL$32$105 181 DISTRIBUTIONPROJECTS DISTRIBUTIONPROJECTS 182 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Oversize Water Lines PROJECT NAME: Participation & Planning PROJECT BUDGET:Annual WORK REQUEST #: WF0410857 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0200 PROJECT MANAGER: Dale Schepers FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: These funds are available for oversize participation with developers in the construction of water lines above the minimum size needed to serve the development. This allows lines to be built large enough to meet future development without having to go back and install larger lines. Projects are identified based on development activity. STATUS: **Total OP funding FY02-03 $75,000 for annual amount: Southside Water OP - WF0387838 - $29,600 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 50150$200 2002-03 57075 2003-04 50150200 2004-05 50150200 2005-06 50150200 2006-07 50150200 2007-08 50150200 150 2008-09 50200 TOTAL$0$355$1,120$0$1,475 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 183 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Barron Road Water Line PROJECT NAME: Oversized Planning PROJECT BUDGET:$150 & Participation WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Kimberly Carter FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Approximately 2,000 linear feet of water line. This is an extension of an existing 18" water line. The project involves maintaining uniformity of the distribution system. STATUS: This water line will be incorporated into the Wellborn Water Capture Project to accommodate the City's obligations for water service to annexed areas. Project funded from Barron Road OP FY 02-03: Alexandria Ph 5 OP - $35,685.75 - WF0356035 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 3636 2003-04 114114 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$150$0$150 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 184 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Westside Water Services PROJECT BUDGET:$3,087 WORK REQUEST #: WF0353641 FORMER PROJECT #: WT9703 PROJECT MANAGER: Dale Schepers FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Due to annexation, development, and expected future development, water services are needed. They do not currently exist west of 2818. This project will be constructed concurrent with the Parallel Water Transmission Line, Project Project #WT0005. STATUS: Land acquisition is included under WT0005. WT9703 Project amount reduced by $1,193,000 based on current market values. This amount was transferred to WT0116 Water Transmission Line SH21 - Villa Maria for land acquisition. Currently waiting on two property condemnations. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 4027$409 2002-03 80 80 2003-04 2,5982,598 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$482$2,605$0$3,087 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 185 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Dartmouth Drive Water PROJECT NAME: Extension - Phase II PROJECT BUDGET:$220 WORK REQUEST #: WF0350795 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Dartmouth Drive will be extended from Krenek Tap Road to Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818). It will be necessary to extend 2,300 linear feet of 12" water line. This project will be coordinated with Streets Project ST0211. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 20200220 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$20$200$0$220 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 186 SOUTHWESTCROSSING SOUTHWESTCROSSING E&MJONESFARMPLACE E&MJONESFARMPLACE DARTMOUTHCROSSING DARTMOUTHCROSSING ParksWorldHeadquarters ParksWorldHeadquarters CentralParkPavilion CentralParkPavilion CENTRALPARK CENTRALPARK EastDistrictForestry EastDistrictForestry WILLIAMS-WINDER-KING WILLIAMS-WINDER-KING UtilityCustomerService UtilityCustomerService MunicipalCourt MunicipalCourt PublicWorks PublicWorks Police Police LAKEVIEWACRES LAKEVIEWACRES CYMILLERPARK CYMILLERPARK 187 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Jones-Butler Road PROJECT NAME: Water Extension - Phase II PROJECT BUDGET:$17 WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING SOURCE(S): Water Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will extend Jones-Butler Road water line south from Holleman Drive to FM 2818. It will be necessary to extend 16" water line 100 feet across Jones-Butler Road. This project will be coordinated with Streets Project ST0005 which is needed to provide a north-south route paralleling Wellborn Road. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 33 2003-04 1414 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$3$14$0$17 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 188 W.A.TARROWPARK W.A.TARROWPARK WOODWAYPARK WOODWAYPARK 11 11 11 11 189 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Rock Prairie Water $2,571 PROJECT BUDGET: Extension Wellborn WORK REQUEST #: WF0352094 FORMER PROJECT #: WT0102 PROJECT MANAGER: Kimberly Carter FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Extend 18" water line along Rock Prairie Road from Stonebrook to the Intersection of Rock Prairie Road and Greens Prairie Road, along Greens Prairie until Pebble Creek Development. STATUS: $150,000 of construction funds for FY 2001-02 has been expensed on 18" water line along Rock Prairie Road from South Highway 6 to Stonebrook coordinated with the Rock Prairie Road Realignment Project ST9923. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 94154$167 2002-03 119461481 2003-04 11,9221,923 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$20$14$2,537$0$2,571 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 190 93069310 9302 9307 93069310 9302 9307 9304 9304 1008 1008 9309 9309 9312 9312 9306 9306 9314 9314 9308 9308 9310 9310 1300 1300 3939 3939 3975 3975 2405 2405 2101 2101 191 4013 4013 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Arrington Road Water Main $613 PROJECT BUDGET: Wellborn Customers WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will install a 12" water line along Arrington Road and Hwy 6. This project provides water service to residents of College Station who are currently served by Wellborn Special Utility District. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 6459 2002-03 123 2003-04 490490 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2007-09 TOTAL$0$64$549$0$613 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 192 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Barron Road PROJECT BUDGET:$2,045 Wellborn Customers WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will install an 18" water line along Barron Road, a 12" water line along Barron Road Cut Off, and and an 8" water line along Wellborn Road. This project provides water service to residents of College Station who are currently served by Wellborn Special Utility District. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 213196409 2003-04 1,6361,636 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2007-09 0 TOTAL$0$213$1,832$0$2,045 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 193 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Lick Creek/Rock Prairie $157 PROJECT BUDGET: Wellborn Customers WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will install an 8" water line from the Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to Rock Prairie Road. This project provides water service to residents of College Station who are currently served by Wellborn Special Utility District. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 171431 2003-04 126126 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$17$140$0$157 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 194 ANNEXATIONPROJECTS ANNEXATIONPROJECTS 195 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Wellborn Rd N. of Gandy $448 PROJECT BUDGET: Area#1 WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of water lines to serve residents annexed in 2002. 12" water line crossings to be installed at Navarro and Gandy. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 4545 2003-04 2222 2004-05 381381 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$22$45$381$0$448 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 196 11 11 11 11 197 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Greens Prairie Rd W. of$347 PROJECT BUDGET: Arrington (Area 2) WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of water lines to serve residents annexed in 2002. Installation of 12" water line from Castlegate to White's Creek. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 3535 312 2003-04 312 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$35$312$0$347 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 198 22 22 199 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Rock Prairie Rd S. of $670 PROJECT BUDGET: Carter Lake (Area 5) WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of water lines to serve residents annexed in 2002. Installation of 12" water line across Greens Prairie and Rock Prairie Roads. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 67 2003-04 67 2004-05 6767 2005-06 268268 2006-07 268268 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$67$67$536$0$670 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 200 66 66 55 55 LickCreekParkDevelopment LickCreekParkDevelopment LickCreekArchaelogicalStudy LickCreekArchaelogicalStudy LickCreekTreatmentPlantExpansion LickCreekTreatmentPlantExpansion 201 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Greens Prairie Rd Corridor PROJECT BUDGET:$612 East (Area 6) WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds Water Operating Funds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of water lines to serve residents annexed in 2002. Installation of 12" water line along Greens Prairie Road. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 61 2003-04 61 2004-05 6161 2005-06 245245 2006-07 245245 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$61$61$490$0$612 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 202 66 66 44 44 55 55 203 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 204 WASTEWATERSERVICE WASTEWATERSERVICE CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 205 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 REVISED FY02-03PROJECTAPPROVEDTOTAL PROJECTWORK REQUESTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03ESTIMATED NUMBERNUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: $ 6,440,5639,375,458$ 6,440,563$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: UTILITY REVENUE BONDS$ 06,159,100$ 0$ INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS375,195100,000300,000 TRANSFERS FROM OPERATIONS00 INTER GOVERNMENTAL0270,0000 OTHER12,13000 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES$ 4,370,0006,546,425$ 300,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE$ 7,721,21315,921,883$ 6,740,563$ REHABILITATION PROJECTS COLLECTION SYSTEM REHABSS0209ANNUAL13,074285,000$ 205,000$ CARTERS CREEK SCREW LIFT SYSTEMTBDWF03766871,292,280 0286,000290,400 FIRST & MAPLE STREETS REHABSS0212WF035177881,300 4,01175,00077,000 HENSEL PARK LIFT STATIONSS0203WF0354063460,000 88,84177,000 371,000 LIFT STATION #2 FORCEMAIN REALIGNMENT-TBD300,000 00 0 HWY 30 TURNAROUNDSS0207WF0350071300,000 153,4290 147,000 TEXAS AVE. RELOCATION SOUTHSS0003WF03513411,600,000 51,9990 540,000 SOUTHSIDE SEWER UPGRADE A-WF037910180,000 00 80,000 WEST PARK -TBD1,500,000 00 0 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS-TBD880,000 00 0 SOUTH KNOLL-TBD830,000 00 0 SOUTHWOOD 5-7-TBD1,175,000 00 0 McCULLOCH-TBD925,000 00 0 THE KNOLLTBD1,000,000 00 0 CLOSED PROJECTS177,165 SUBTOTAL488,519 723,000$ 1,710,400$ COLLECTION OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION & PLANNINGSS0200ANNUAL0250,000250,000 WESTSIDE SEWER SERVICESS9702TBD2,634,000 624,4150 0 NORTHEAST TRUNK EXPAN. PHASE ISS9805WF0351744530,000 00 300,000 DARTMOUTH PHIITBDWF035077350,000 050,000 0 JONES-BUTLER WASTEWATER EXTENSIONTBDTBD32,500 032,500 2,500 GEORGE BUSH DR EAST WIDENINGST9804WF039056812,000 00 0 STEEPLECHASE IMPACT FEE-WF03545171,000,000 00 6,550 LIFT STATION #1 GRAVITY LINE-TBD120,000 00 0 LICK CREEK PARALLEL TRUNK LINE-TBD3,000,000 00 0 MATERIAL STAGING STORAGE AREA - USC -TBD70,000 00 0 CLOSED PROJECTS1,7240 SUBTOTAL 626,139$ 332,500$ 559,050$ TREATMENT LICK CREEK TRUNK & PLANT EXPANSIONSS9806WF035578010,813,000$ 7,474,645$ 0$ 455,000$ ODOR CONTROLSS9810WF03541251,554,000 187,636 0 62,000 SLUDGE PROCESSING IMPROVEMENTSSS9904WF03632141,823,000 0 0 0 CC PLANT DEMO & MAINT. BLDGSS0204TBD250,000 0 150,000 100,000 WASTEWATER PLANT SECURITY-TBD210,000 0 0 0 CCWWTP PAVEMENT/REPAIRS IMP-TBD557,000 0 0 0 EMERGENCY ELECTRIC POWERTBD215,000 0 0 0 7 CLOSED PROJECTSSS0105-651,000 400,087 0 0 SUBTOTAL$ 150,0008,062,368$ 617,000$ 206 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 3,351,2133,351,213$ 377,493$ 249,233$ 606,033$ 352,233$ 332,233$ $ 4,000,0004,000,000$ $ 3,100,0006,300,000$ 3,800,000$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 100,000100,00050,00025,00025,00010,00010,000 0 000000 270,000270,00000000 0000000 $ 4,370,0004,370,000$ 6,350,000$ 3,125,000$ 3,825,000$ 1,510,000$ 1,510,000$ $ 7,721,2137,721,213$ 6,727,493$ 3,374,233$ 4,431,033$ 1,862,233$ 1,842,233$ $ 285,000285,000$ 285,000$ 285,000$ 285,000$ 285,000$ 285,000$ 667,920667,920333,9600000 00 00000 00 0 0 0 0 0 300,000300,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1,010,000300,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,0001,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 00 1,305,000 0 0 0 0 00 0 830,000 0 0 0 00 0 0 1,175,000 0 0 00 0 0 0 925,000 0 00 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 $ 3,762,9203,052,920$ 1,923,960$ 1,115,000$ 1,460,000$ 1,210,000$ 1,285,000$ 250,000250,000250,000250,000250,000250,000250,000 00 1,978,000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 50,0000 0 0 0 0 0 30,0000 0 0 0 0 0 12,0000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,0001,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 35,00035,000 85,000 0 0 0 0 00 0 1,250,000 1,750,000 0 0 77,00077,000 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,454,0001,362,000$ 2,313,000$ 1,500,000$ 2,000,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ $ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 466,000234,000 1,269,000 0 0 0 0 150,0000 0 0 0 0 0 210,000 210,000 0 0 0 0 0 330,000 330,000 227,000 0 0 0 0 215,000 215,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,371,000989,000$ 1,496,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 207 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 REVISED FY02-03PROJECTAPPROVEDTOTAL PROJECTWORK REQUESTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03ESTIMATED NUMBERNUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 ANNEXATION PROJECTS WELLBORN RD N OF GANDY (AREA 1)TBD618,000 0 61,800 61,800 GREENS PR. W. OF ARRINGTON (AREA 2)TBD360,000 0 36,000 36,000 NANTUCKET E. OF HARPER'S FERRY (AREA 3)TBD201,000 0 20,100 20,100 ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5)TBD207,000 0 0 0 GREENS PR. RD CORRIDOR EAST (AREA 6)TBD375,000 0 0 0 $ 117,900-$ 117,900$ CLOSED PROJECTS 0252,720 0 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 200,000336,969 325,000 DEBT ISSUANCE COST 20,0000 60,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES$ 9,766,71534,413,800$ 1,543,400$ 3,389,350$ GAAP ADJUSTMENT$ 285,395 ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 6,177,8136,440,563$ 3,351,213$ 208 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVED FY 04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED APPROPRIATIONSFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 30,900 30,900 525,300 0 0 0 0 324,000 324,000 0 0 0 0 0 180,900 180,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,700 186,300 0 0 0 0 0 37,500 337,500 0 0 $ 535,800535,800$ 525,300$ 58,200$ 523,800$ -$ -$ 00 0 0 0 0 0 200,000200,000 200,000 75,000 75,000 50,000 0 20,00020,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 6,159,720$ 7,343,720$ 6,478,260$ 2,768,200$ 4,078,800$ 1,530,000$ 1,535,000$ $ 377,4931,561,493$ 249,233$ 606,033$ 352,233$ 332,233$ 307,233$ 209 REHABILITATIONPROJECTS REHABILITATIONPROJECTS 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Collection System PROJECT BUDGET:Annual Rehabilitation FORMER PROJECT #: SS0209 PROJECT MANAGER: Dale Schepers FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: These funds are for general rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system. Projects are identified on an annual basis. STATUS: **Total CRS annual funding $285,000: Projects funded from CSR FY02-03 annual amount: Nantucket - $5,000 - WF0377360 Carters Creek Screwlift Pumps supplemental - $4,000 - WF0376687 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 2520025$285 2002-03 1916125205** 2003-04 2523525285 2004-05 2523525285 2005-06 2523525285 2006-07 2523525285 2007-08 2523525285 2008-09 2523525285 TOTAL$0$169$1,536$175$2,200 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 211 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Carters Creek Screw Lift System PROJECT NAME: Replacements & Modifications PROJECT BUDGET:$1,292 WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: David Roberts FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Provide funds for the replacement of Internaliff Screw Lift Pumps which have exceeded their economical life cycle located before the Headworks of Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Estimates for FY 2002-03 provide for the replacement of one (1) Screw Lift Pump. Two (2) pumps will be replaced in FY 2003-04 and the final of four (4) will be replaced in FY 2004-05. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 40250290 2003-04 60608 668 2004-05 20314 334 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$120$1,172$0$1,292 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies-2-4 Services-3-6 Capital TOTAL($5)($10) 212 OdorControl OdorControl CarterCreekAdministrationFacility CarterCreekAdministrationFacility PavementRepairs PavementRepairs CarterCreek CarterCreek LiftSystemReplacement LiftSystemReplacement CarterCreek CarterCreek 213 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Lift Station 2 Forcemain $300 PROJECT BUDGET: Realignment PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wastewater Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of force main along SH 6 TxDOT Right of Way to pump Lift Station 2 into Spring Creek Sewer. This will divert to Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and relieve Carters Creek capacity levels. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 50250300 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$50$250$0$300 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 214 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 215 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Texas Avenue Relocation PROJECT BUDGET:$1,600 South Phase II WORK REQUEST #: WF0351341 FORMER PROJECT #: SS0003 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wastewater Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Texas Avenue will be widened from Dominik to Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Sewer lines will need to be relocated into an easement outside of the right-of-way. Coordinated with Water Project WT9804. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 50$50 2002-03 355005540 2003-04 1,000101,010 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$85$1,500$15$1,600 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 216 OAKSPARK OAKSPARK ANDERSONPARK ANDERSONPARK LEMONTREEPARK LEMONTREEPARK 217 BEECREEKPARK BEECREEKPARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Westpark Wastewater Rehab$1,500 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wastewater Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Replacement of wastewater lines in area bounded by George Bush, Luther, Wellborn, and Montclair. Identified by RDII Phase II Sewer Study. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 1751,3251,500 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$175$1,325$0$1,500 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 218 BRISONPARK BRISONPARK LUTHERJONESPARK LUTHERJONESPARK W.A.TARROWPARK W.A.TARROWPARK 219 COLLECTION COLLECTION 220 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Oversize Wastewater Lines PROJECT NAME: Participation & Planning Annual PROJECT BUDGET: FORMER PROJECT #: SS0200 PROJECT MANAGER: Dale Schepers FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: These funds are available for oversize participation with developers in the construction of sewer lines above the minimum size needed to serve the development. This allows lines to be built large enough to meet future development without having to go back and install larger lines. Projects are identified based on development activity. STATUS: Total OP annual funding $250,000. Projects funded from OP FY 02-03 annual amount: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 5405$50 2002-03 501955250 2003-04 501955250 2004-05 501955250 2005-06 501955250 2006-07 501955250 2007-08 501955250 2008-09 501955250 TOTAL$0$355$1,405$40$1,550 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 221 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Dartmouth Drive Wastewater PROJECT NAME: Extension - Phase II PROJECT BUDGET:$50 WORK REQUEST #: WF0350773 PROJECT MANAGER: Donald Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Dartmouth Drive will be extended from Krenek Tap Road to Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818). It will be necessary to replace three 100 linear feet crossings along Dartmouth Drive. (one 15", one 24", and one 30" crossings) This project will be coordinated with Streets Project ST0211. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 54550 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$5$45$0$50 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 222 WINDSORPOINTE WINDSORPOINTE EASTMARK EASTMARK PHOENIXPH1 PHOENIXPH1 SOUTHWESTCROSSING SOUTHWESTCROSSING E&MJONESFARMPLACE E&MJONESFARMPLACE BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD DARTMOUTHCROSSING DARTMOUTHCROSSING CENTRALPARK CENTRALPARK DARTMOUTHADDITION DARTMOUTHADDITION WILLIAMS-WINDER-KING WILLIAMS-WINDER-KING CYMILLERPARK CYMILLERPARK CRYSTALPARKPH1 CRYSTALPARKPH1 ARBORETUMPARK ARBORETUMPARK LAKEVIEWACRES LAKEVIEWACRES SOUTHWOOD SOUTHWOOD BRANDYWINE BRANDYWINE 223 PLEASANTFORESTPH1 PLEASANTFORESTPH1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Jones-Butler Road PROJECT NAME: Wastewater Extension - Phase II$33 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wastewater Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Jones-Butler Road would be extended from Holleman Drive to intersect with FM 2818. It will be necessary to replace three 100 linear feet crossings along Jones-Butler Road. (two 8" crossings and one 15" crossing) This project will be coordinated with Streets Project ST0005 which is needed to provide a north-south route paralleling Wellborn Road. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 33 2003-04 3030 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$3$30$0$33 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 224 W.A.TARROWPARK W.A.TARROWPARK WOODWAYPARK WOODWAYPARK 11 11 11 11 225 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: George Bush Drive East PROJECT BUDGET:$12 Widening - Wastewater WORK REQUEST # WF0390568 ST9804 PROJECT MANAGER: Don Harmon FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: George Bush Drive East will be widened from Texas Avenue to Dominik Drive. Adjust sewer manholes to grade and new service leads. Coordinated with Streets Project ST9804. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 1212 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$12$0$12 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 226 THOMASPARK THOMASPARK ThomasPark ThomasPark 227 RReeddmmoonnddDDrr CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Steeplechase Impact Fee $1,007 PROJECT BUDGET: Wastewater Improvements WORK REQUEST #: WF0354517 PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wastewater Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of impact fee gravity wastewater line in Harvey Mitchell Parkway/Wellborn Road area. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 77 2003-04 502007501,000 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$50$207$750$0$1,007 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 228 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 229 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Lift Station #1 Gravity Line $120 PROJECT BUDGET: Installation PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Wastewater Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of gravity sewer line from Lift Station #1 to Spring Creek Sewer in order to take Lift Station #1 out of service. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 201535 2004-05 8585 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$20$15$85$0$120 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 230 TREATMENT TREATMENT 231 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Sludge Processing PROJECT BUDGET:$1,823 Improvements WORK REQUEST #: WF0363214 FORMER PROJECT #: SS9803 PROJECT MANAGER: David Roberts FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Project provides for the design and construction of infrastructure required to satisfy increasing demands for wastewater sludge processing services. Digesters and related infrastructure will be designed and constructed to increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of sludge handling, processing, conditioning and other functions required to produce an end product meeting Federal, State statutes and rules. This project was previously referred to as "Sludge Handling". PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 844$88 2002-03 0 2003-04 116350466 2004-05 391,2301,269 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$239$1,584$0$1,823 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel 1426 Supplies 1929 Services 2844 Capital TOTAL$61$99 232 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: CCWWTP Maintenance PROJECT BUDGET:$250 Bldg. & Demo WORK REQUEST #: TBD FORMER PROJECT #: SS0204 PROJECT MANAGER: David Roberts FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Demolition of abondoned treatment plant. Plant #1 was taken out of service in 1985 and has become an unattractive nuisance, deteriorated beyond repair, and poor land use. The construction of a dedicated maintenance building. A maintenance building is needed for parts storage, pump, motor, and gearbox repairs. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 100100 2003-04 150150 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$0$250$0$250 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 233 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Wastewater Plant Security$210 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Michael Kellogg FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Design, construct, and install equipment and systems to strengthen security and minimize risks of potential terrorists activities and other threats to City's Wastewater Treatment Plant infrastructures. STATUS: Staff will import concepts developed by Vulnerability Assessment consultant contract 03-66 (approved by City Council 03-13-03, Agenda Item #10.4, to enhance wastewater infrastructure security. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 1015050210 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$10$150$50$210 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 234 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 235 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) Carters Creek WWTP PROJECT NAME: Pavement Repairs PROJECT BUDGET:$557 Improvements WORK ORDER REQUEST#: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: David Roberts FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Provide funds for design and construction of new and replacement street and parking lot pavements at the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Scope of work involves removal of 7,700 square yards of 37 year old failed asphaltic concrete street pavement and replacement with portland cement concrete pavement designed to carry current traffic loads. Scope also includes addition of 1,400 square yards of new vehicle parking infrastructure. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 47283330 2004-05 1318925227 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$60$472$25$557 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 22 Capital TOTAL$2$2 236 RAINTREEPARK RAINTREEPARK OdorControl OdorControl CarterCreekAdministrationFacility CarterCreekAdministrationFacility PavementRepairs PavementRepairs LiftSystemReplacement LiftSystemReplacement EMERALDFORESTPARK EMERALDFORESTPARK 237 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Emergency Electric Power$215 PROJECT BUDGET: WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: David Roberts FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Provide emergency electric power production equipment to ensure minimum essential wastewater collection and treatment services can be maintained in the event of a primary electric service blackout. Emergency electric power production capability will serve: Lift Station #3, four remaining Lift Stations as dictated by service conditions, and Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (interchangeable with Water Production emergency equipment for Dowling Road and Sandy Point Pump Stations). STATUS: City currently unable to satisfy community's wastewater collection and treatment demand during periods of electric system blackout. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 0 2003-04 550160215 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$5$50$160$215 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 238 ANNEXATIONPROJECTS ANNEXATIONPROJECTS 239 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Wellborn Rd N. of Gandy PROJECT BUDGET:$618 Area 1 WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of wastewater lines to serve residents annexed in 2002. Installation of 18" wastewater line along North Fork of Bee Creek to Wellborn Road. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 6262 2003-04 3131 2004-05 525525 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$31$62$525$0$618 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 240 11 11 11 11 241 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Greens Prairie Rd W. of $360 PROJECT BUDGET: Arington (Area 2) WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of wastewater lines to serve residents annexed in 2002. Installation of 12" wastewater line from Arrington Road to Nantuckett Drive along Harpers Ferry. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 3636 324 2003-04 324 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$36$324$0$360 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 242 22 22 243 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Nantucket E. of Harpers Ferry $201 PROJECT BUDGET: (Area 3) WORK REQUEST #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Simoneaux FUNDING SOURCE(S): Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Installation of wastewater lines to serve residents annexed in 2002. Installation of 12" wastewater line along Nantucket Drive from SH6 to Harpers Ferry. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years $0 2002-03 2020 181 2003-04 181 2004-05 0 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 0 TOTAL$0$20$181$0$201 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1st Fiscal YearANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 244 BusinessParkBalanceLandscaping BusinessParkBalanceLandscaping 33 33 245 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 246 DRAINAGEUTILITY DRAINAGEUTILITY CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECT CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECT FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2003-2004THROUGH FISCALYEAR2008-2009 FISCALYEAR2008-2009 247 DRAINAGE UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PROJECREVISED T PROJECTBUDGETACTUALFY 02-03 BUDGETESTIMATE NUMBERAMOUNTFY 01-02APPROPRIATIONSFY 02-03 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:$ 6,560,5935,764,491$ 6,560,593$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: UTILITY REVENUES$ 1,009,500982,760$ 1,021,000$ INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS232,168 150,000 170,000 BOND PROCEEDS785,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL0 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 0 0 281,839 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES1,999,928$ 2,159,500$ 2,472,839$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE7,764,419$ 8,720,093$ 9,033,432$ BEE CREEK (COMBINED)SD98022,500,000$ 12,458$ 500,000$ 500,000$ BEE CREEK PH. IV & V.SD00011,400,000 21,394 0 100,000 WPC - TEXAS TO BYPASSSD99013,000,000 71,211 0 100,000 GREENWAYS PROJECTSSD99033,640,000 109,126 1,000,000 1,480,909 MINOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTSSD0002ANNUAL225,108 250,000 0 HALEYTBD50,000 0 0 50,000 SOUTHSIDE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS550,000 0 0 260,000 INSBRUCK DETENTION POND ACCESSTBD200,000 0 0 40,000 VAL VERDE VALLEY GUTTERTBD200,000 0 0 0 BEE CREEK (LANCELOT TO GUADALUPE)TBD200,000 0 0 0 WPC (REDMOND TERRACE)TBD680,000 0 0 0 BEE CREEK (GLADE TO LEMON TREE)TBD50,000 0 0 0 STORMWATER MAPPINGTBD0 0 0 0 DRAINAGE/STORMWATER MASTERPLANSD020422,000 50,000 50,000 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCEANNUAL350,000 410,748 353,727 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE SLA'sANNUAL0 0 0 CLOSED PROJECTS150,820 0 0 OTHER COSTS8,360 0 GENERAL & ADMIN. 192,146 220,000 220,000 DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS5,400 10,000 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,168,023$ 2,440,748$ 3,164,636$ GAAP ADJUSTMENT($35,803) ENDING FUND BALANCE:$ 6,279,3456,560,593$ 5,868,796$ 248 DRAINAGE UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROVEDTOTA L FY 03-04 BUDGETPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTEDPROJECTPROJECT APPROPRIATIONFY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08FY 08-09 $ 5,868,7965,868,796$ 1,459,895$ 5,938$ 31,738$ 22,762-$ 136,838$ $ 1,041,4001,041,400$ 1,062,200$ 1,094,100$ 1,126,900$ 1,160,700$ 1,195,500$ 160,000 160,000 30,000 10,000 11,000 11,000 12,000 855,000 855,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 2,056,4002,056,400$ 1,092,200$ 1,104,100$ 1,137,900$ 1,171,700$ 1,207,500$ $ 7,925,1967,925,196$ 2,552,095$ 1,110,038$ 1,169,638$ 1,148,938$ 1,344,338$ $ 2,000,0000$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 882,056 882,057 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290,000 0 0 0 0 0 160,000 160,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 680,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 376,639 376,639 387,900 399,500 411,500 423,800 436,500 163,809 163,809 263,200 345,800 247,900 255,300 263,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 282,797 282,797 283,000 283,000 283,000 283,000 283,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 $ 6,465,3011,193,245$ 2,546,157$ 1,078,300$ 1,192,400$ 1,012,100$ 982,500$ 6,731,951$ 1,459,895$ 5,938$ 31,738$ (22,762)$ 136,838$ 361,838$ 249 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 250 DRAINAGECAPITALPROJECTS DRAINAGECAPITALPROJECTS 251 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Bee Creek Channelization PROJECT BUDGET:$2,500.0 Combined PROJECT #: SD9802 & SD9903 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): Drainage Utility PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project will widen the existing drainage channel of Bee Creek Main Channel from Texas Avenue upstream to Southwest Parkway and Bee Creek Tributary B from its confluence with the Main Channel upstream to Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Has CLOMR from FEMA and Individual 404 Permit from USACE. Need land acquisition and final design plans updated for USACE Individual 404 Permit requirements. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 3295298 2002-03 12719 2003 -04 156210951,172 2004-05 1110001,011 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$30$375$2,095$0$2,500 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 252 CYMILLERPARK CYMILLERPARK LEMONTREEPARK LEMONTREEPARK ARBORETUMPARK ARBORETUMPARK BEECREEKPARK BEECREEKPARK 253 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Bee Creek Phases IV & V PROJECT BUDGET:$1,400 PROJECT #: SD0001 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): Drainage Utility PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Storm drainage improvements to the flow capacity of Bee Creek Tributary "A" including bank stabilization from where Phase I improvements ended at Brothers Boulevard to Longmire Drive and continuing to Texas Avenue. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 147$147 2002-03 22 2003 -04 5050 2004-05 2111801,201 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$220$1,180$0$1,400 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 254 LONGMIREPARK LONGMIREPARK 255 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Wolf Pen Creek Channel PROJECT BUDGET:$3,000.0 Improvements PROJECT #: SD9901 & SD9902 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): Drainage Utility PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Channel improvements to Wolf Pen Creek from Texas Avenue to the East Bypass (SD9901 & SD9902). The project will provide point repairs to control erosion and sediment along the deteriorated sections of Wolf Pen Creek. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years 224241249 2002-03 3535 2003 -04 50100061,056 2004-05 256305660 2005-06 10001,000 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$334$2,654$12$3,000 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 256 WINDWOOD WINDWOOD HORSEHAVENESTATES HORSEHAVENESTATES POSTOAKMALL POSTOAKMALL SUTTONPLACE SUTTONPLACE EASTMARK EASTMARK WOODSTOCK#1 WOODSTOCK#1 ALLENHONDA ALLENHONDA SOUTHCREEKPH1 SOUTHCREEKPH1 WOLFPENCREEKPARK WOLFPENCREEKPARK SOUTHWESTCROSSING SOUTHWESTCROSSING 257 WINDSORPOINTE WINDSORPOINTE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Southside Drainage Improvements PROJECT BUDGET:$550 PROJECT #: SD0300 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Harris FUNDING SOURCE(S): Drainage Utility PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: First Project: Southside System A Drainage Improvements in the amount of $260,000.00 to be reimbursed by Community Development Funds. Includes improvements in the area of Southside bounded by Welsh Ave., Luther Street, Fairview Ave., and Guernsey Street. Improvments includes drainage flume in alley between Welsh and Fairview, ditch section along Welsh from just south of Guernsey to Park Place, rebuilding the street section of Welsh between Luther and Park Place, installation of storm sewer system along Park Place through Luther Jones Park, and valley gutter across Welsh just north of Guernsey. Additional Southside Drainage Improvements will be incorporated into both the West Park Rehabilitation Project and the Breezy Heights/College Park Rehabilitation Project in the Southside Area in future fiscal years. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 4040 2003 -04 5215220 2004-05 150150 2005-06 140140 2006-07 0 2007-08 0 2008-09 TOTAL$0$45$505$0$550 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services Capital TOTAL$0$0 258 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 259 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Insbruck Detention Pond Access PROJECT BUDGET:$200 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING SOURCE(S): Drainage Utility Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Construct concrete valley gutter/access-way to provide access to the detention pond on Insbruck STATUS: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 40040 2003 -04 1600160 2004-05 000 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$40$160$0$200 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 0 Capital TOTAL$0$0 260 ELMCREST ELMCREST SOUTHWOODVALLEY SOUTHWOODVALLEY EDELWEISSESTATES EDELWEISSESTATES 261 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Bee Creek (lancelot to guadalupe) PROJECT BUDGET: $200 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING SOURCE(S): Drainage Utility Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Erosion repairs and stream restoration. STATUS: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 000 2003 -04 401600200 2004-05 000 2005-06 0 2006-07 0 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$40$160$0$200 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 0 Capital TOTAL$0$0 262 MAPNOTAVAILABLE MAPNOTAVAILABLE 263 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FORM (x $1,000) PROJECT NAME: Stormwater Mapping PROJECT BUDGET:$200 PROJECT #: TBD PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING SOURCE(S): Drainage Utility Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Mapping of College Station stormwater infrastructure. STATUS: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FYLANDENG.CONSTR.MISC.PROJ. TOTAL Prior Years$0 2002-03 000 2003 -04 50050 2004-05 5050 2005-06 5050 2006-07 5050 2007-08 2008-09 TOTAL$0$200$0$0$200 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY1ST F.Y.ANNUAL Personnel Supplies Services 0 Capital TOTAL$0$0 264 Embracing the Past Exploring the Future 265