HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/2008 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments10 11 Nall M
17 November 2008
6:00 P.AL
City Hall Council Chambers
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Frank Cox, Commission Members
Quinn Williams, Bobby Mirza,, Alike Lane, and
David Hart.
STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Director Planning & Development
Swi Lance Sinims, Building Official Chris
Haver, Residential Plans Examiner Terry
Borislde, Assistant City Attorney Adam Falco,
Staff Assistant Mandi Alford and Staff Assistant
Amber Carter.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call meeting to order.
Chairman, Frank Cox, called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Consideration, discussion and possible action on
absence request from meeting.
Hear visitors for items not on agenda.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to
approve minutes from Construction Board of
Adjustments and Appeals meeting from
Wednesday, September 26, 2007.
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November 17, 2008 - Minutes
Quinn 1ATUllualns motioned to approve, the mimites; David Heat seconded the
motion, which passed nnopposed (5 -0).
AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 : Public Hearing, presentation, possible action and
discussion of a recommendation to City Council
regarding changes to the City's landscape irrigation
standards, implementing the provisions of House
Bill 1656.
Building Official Chris Haver introduced Assistant Director Lance Simms,
Who presented an overview of the changes to the City's landscape irrigation
standards, bronght about in order to implement the provisions of Horse Bill
1656. These changes require that all irrigation systems be designed, installed,
maintained, altered, repaired, serviced and operated in a manner that shall
promote water Conservation.
An irrigation plan will be required in order to obtain an irrigation permit
and nmst include, in summary, the irrigator's seal, signature and date of
signing, all major physical features and boundaries of the areas to be watered,
a, North arrow, a, legend, the zone flow measurements for each zone, the
location and type of each controller, sensor, water source, backflow prevention
device, water emission device, valve, pressure regulation component and main
line and lateral piping. The plan nmst also inclnle the scale used and the
design pressure.
In addition, the inspection to approve the installation of the irrigation system
will be more comprehensive than current requirements in conjnnction with
the more stringent permitting requirements.
Commission members had several inquiries for Lance Shnnls regarding how
these changes would be enacted in practical terms. Qninn Williams
questioned how the new inspection would differ from the City's current
irrigation inspection, the response being that the inspection will now include
checking the placement of the water emission devices, among other things.
David Hart inquired as to what kind of effect these changes would have on
staff workload, and whether additional staffing would be needed to meet the
increase. Lance Sinnns acknowledged that this ordinance will create an
additional work load, though there axe no immediate plans to hire, additional
staff at this time. However, the department bnsiness plan calls for the
addition of a Building Inspector position in 2010.
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November 17, 2008 - Minutes
Mike Lane inquired as to how these changes would affect the Certificate of
Occupancy process. Lance Simms replied that the City currently requires new
constriction which has an irrigation system installed to have that system
permitted prior to the issuance of a, CO, and that will still be the case under
the changes proposed.
Chairman Frank Cox asked if a homeowner would be required to puill an
irrigation permit to install their own irrigation system. Lance Simms replied
that ,yes, homeowners would be required to pull an irrigation permit and meet
all standards set forth by the City for licensed irrigators in order for that
perinit to be approved.
David Hart asked if there were any changes made to the proposed ordinance
after the public stakeholder's meeting. Lance Simms replied that there were
no changes made after the public stakeholder's mieeting.
Chairman Frank Cox opened the public hearing for Item # 5
Jennifer Nations, City of College Station Water Services Program Coordinator
spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance.
Frank Cox closed the public hearing for Item # 5.
David Hart motioned to approve the recommended ordinance changes as
submitted; Quinn Willianis seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-
AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 : Discussion and possible action on future agenda
items - A Construction Board member may inquire
about a subject for which notice has not been given.
A statement of specific factual information or the
recitation of existing policy may be given. Any
deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place
the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 Adj ourn.
Alike Lane inotioned to adjourn the nieeting; David Hart seconded the
motion, which passed unopposed (5 -0). Meeting was adjourned at, 6:42 p.m.
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November 17, 2008 - Minutes
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Chairman: Frank Cox
Staff Assistant: An`i er Carter
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