HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940s The Round-Up1941, 1942. of lost two, (c~ntinued ~ pa~e 3; 6bI~ t) ' November 22, 194.0 ........ THE' ROUND-UP Page 3 ( made the first was dull with] Congratulations to the Tigers, the first Maroon and White ;earn ~.o ;vin a championship of any sort. They did it the ohard way barely having two full t~ams. But they did have called AGAIN grade school boys. The ot won any games Marquez be no easy game for them. Field White ing light. His good as has Kenneth Kinsey also and they pick up many a demon seems to quez beat the slim mar- TeXas Nowembe~, 22~ 194~ A, :HOOL of groups attended. Also many of the pep squad and foot- doubt., cut deeply The dance follow~ the dying moments to 13. ;I'he dance and many Ip.~es, tiny aquarium fish, during the cold weather. The second grades are proud of the big Christmas card sale. They anticipate new library and cold books from the proceeds. Miss Keller gave both grades an interesting talk about the Rio Grande Valley. Her talk followed a movie the children saw on Beezley, Al- Rio Grande farms. BOth rooms en- joyed working on Pilgrim projects. I one room making a miniature colonial Park, and room and a miniature Pilgrim vil- lage and the other a mural depict- in~ the interior of a Pilgrim log[ house. THIRD GRADE grade teachers. ISSUE 2 very T~es- fine Rave fourteen to They plan to play in three tourna- to be about B, so that ~very and Gym. by their room has also and have SIXTH These grades had a Thanksgiving playlet presented by different pupils of the grades. The playlet w~ en- i joyed by all those present. THE ROUND-UP At the regular newsPaPer, request. maroon and M On a foot- of cham- B compe- no home grounds even a small part of who were enthusiastically If Forrest Field in Bryan none of the played in this all. We are glad we are but there was :ould have been sum necessary to equip more eco- the long run to invest-our that It a satis~ dressing note than Field. size of College it has a $50.000~ Homemakers will issue. NO MEETING Staff no news of any importance. An outstanding person in Consoli- dated High is that pretty red red- headed Senior girl, Cynthia Lancaster. I h ~ sophomore year, Cynthy twas annual favorite of her class, and both last year and this year she was chief yell leader. For the three year Cynthia offices and Choral Club, Dra- maS;lc Club, Orchestra, and Press Club work. For the year of I940-41 she is secretary of the Senior Class and president of the Dramatic Club. Cyn- thia is an excellent swimmer, an all- around good sportsman, a fine seam- stress, an accomplished harpist, and (Continued on page 4) football field. And that is no graphical error either. L~t's build a satisfactory FOOT- BALL FIELD in honor of our ex- cellent teaTM of 1940 and Coach Mance E. Park. We owe that much to the '40 ~eam, to future teams, and to the ~people who are interested in see'.rig us free from ;vorry about our is reasonable to thatstronger, the football teams will be-! Edt ~ors ~ Gretchen (Tommy Dorsey) We should Elwood hair bounced Mc~ New blue of Quote. -~SNOOPE THE ROUND-UP Page 3 and M Consolidated Tigers the most successful football the school has ever known defeat to the of the season was over Calvert when the picked up a total of 277 the teams went the bacon since they this time they jour- Bedias and to bring back bacon with a 18=7 victory over of 45-6. Playing most of the games and be all thank Mrs. Beezley for her selfish efforts in-behalf of the foot- ball teton. T z in the two games and tying . more than the Bull- six games. The Tigers' defeat at the hands of Yellow Jackets cer- Aggies Texas Longhorn breaks. believes ~ as success- full a basketball season as they did revue and any possibly see it which will get an at ed · till ago. TIME-- to DODGE. LATIONS TO THE FIGHTING TIGERS OUTFITTERS PLYMOUTH- FOR MEN & YOUNG MEN THE ROUND-UP December 5, 1940 Page 4 ..... . ~ ~ _ ---~ . ...... =~ ~. ::_= :.__ . :.~-~ ...... _ z--:_ - _~-..~ : ':::-- ...... WHO'S WHO (COntinued from page 2) a good scholar. Her capability, good spirit, and fine character are ValUable assets to find in any high School stu- dent, and Consolidated High should certainly recognize the value of such students. T ....... lqoo~lev's dark hair, keen ey;s~,~Ua~ g~;;a-{ooks would attract anyone; but, folks, it is not just skin deep. After a successful season as aback on our high school team, Jacques was elected co-captain of the i94~-4t South Zone Champion Tiger football squad. From last years cord we know that he excells in bas- M Consolidated High School. Last year he Was Business Manager for the school annual, and each year he is cast in a number of Dramatic Club productions. Jacques' report cards show that his scholastic stand-I lng is also far above par~ Ile is good at talking, both formally and infor-l malty. Jacques, ~vho is a future West Point man, is one of the best alibi around boys in A and M Consolidat~d High School. by A and M Consolidated Sehoot i~ store . - - You'll like the special ping service we no extrt BRYAN a~ COLLEGE JEWELRY. STORE DIAMONDS, WATCHES, AND SILVERWARE that the pupils, friends of A and M School patronize them when at all possible. HARDWARE STORE Appreciates Your Trade BRYAN TEXAS BRYAN Phone 5500 school and grade school a metal lathe, and take .stocks DRINK A BITE TO EAT BRYAN, TEXAS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. there have been studer~ts of the displeasure of ISSUE 3 ve name for them to the Waco. The that was holidays be- aid.~ The special event of the evening of the football Xelq~ Ike Ashf showin~ the ~gers' pro~ress. As a token: of appreciation; from ?the team, Goach Park received a sterling silver fruit bowL : Page 4 WHO'S WHO M Consolidated High School. veer he (Continued from page 2) the a good scholar. Her capability, good he is in a number of Dramatic spirit, and fine character are valuable Club productions. Jacques' report assets to find in any high school stu- cards show that his scholastic stand- dent, and Consolidated High should ins is also far abbve Par~ He is good certainly recognize the value of such at talking, both formally and infor- students, really. Jacques~ who is a future West Point man, is one of the best ali- Jacques Beez!ey~s dark hair, keen around boys in A and M Consolidated eyes, and good looks would attract anyone; but, folks, it is not just skin High School. deep. After a successful season as - - ~ - a back on our high school Seam, Jacques was elected co-captain of the 1940-41 South Zone Champion Tiger football squad. From last years re- cord we know that he excells in bas- THE ROUND-UP Youql like the no extra cost for Among the many advances made by A and M Consolidated School is school and M College tools SaW~ a metal lathe, and and pine~ arno some ] The instructor is Mr. JEWELRY STORE DIAMONDS, WATCHES, AND SILVERWARE BRYAN TEXAS HARDWARE STORE Appreciates Your Trade BRYAN Phone 5500 DRINK A BITE TO EAT 10~2~4 BRYAN~ TEXAS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. A. *'Brxaw ~ Le~ding ISSUE 3 ,!Fighting for With paper. ¸ to ~rOm clip- pro~ress. As from the sterliug Page 2 THE ROUND-UP the Now thaL basketball practice has started the Tigers realize more than ever their need for a gymnasimn. The basketball teton is seriously han~ dicaped by the lack of a good gym- nasmm. They must practice at hours and someti~mes must forestall practice ali together. Our basketball team likb our football ~eam is grow- ing' better and better each year, certainly impedes progress, This need not be a financial monstrosity but a simple building Would he s~fieient. Such a building need not serve only as a gym but a popular plan for th; smaller-schools is a combination gym- nasium and auditorium. Such a sys-] rem would be very satisfactory for this set up. The auditorium could be used by both grade school and high since they are so close nlor Box, v, Louise duties of done she held Well, ; over and have all ~o school a only to be disturbed in t~erm Chestnut was was ~vorth waiting movement has been tl the windows he f~.;tlall boys won't wearing t?eir jackets of school she is a "daisy of a girl" trict championship game was a too. She very well and Danc~ and horseback riding being the most prominent. Besides her fine person- ality, Louise possesses one of those happy about six I always put might be at the Science Club, sports editor of the Tiger Rag, and reporter of the Junior Class. Just a good all around depend- able fellow, he was the representalive sophomore boy in the I9~0 Shorthorn. come out in the 1,, So We there- 5V. was saying abou~ wanting move to Houston? Jeanne Elwood was esco~nted Banquet by M_ (Tyone) Cairn At the regular Club January 2, Rag was the next school ~;ame of the Consolidated ~vith a ~vin a score of night was who scored eleven Joe Finley was high point also looked a play] that scored F. 2 C. 4 2 1 0 ] 0 1 I 11 1 3 0 0 1 3 1) Basketball season is now under Navasota,' Madison- R degrees the really a ~ala if ~he SO are 'ootball at A and power to sooner' ~ot of~ will press the game A Friendly Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription WE DELIVER Phone 44144 Casey-Burgess Building COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS most boys, well. We are Jim to really College Hills CASH & CARRY VISIT THE BARBER. SHOP ~wo sections. The beginner~ advanced. The beginners consist main- ly of grade s, sent the.s thirty minute~ finishes the houm wilt be eembLned as ~ progress is made. children are in the chestra. The advanced orchestra is made up of twenty musicians. This section played for a banquet Thursday, Jan, 9th, 194L The advanced to enter a contest very Clair who is new to Consolidated this year. THE "A Safe Place To Buy and Save" NO. 19 HAMBURGERS 5c~10c this friends to patronize them when possible. COMPLETE ST~K Of EVERYTHING VARIETY STORE Want to Do Your TAILOR WORK Suits C. & P Pants C. & P A. M. XkYA A.'& M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL an edi- in the sport- of Consort- the season. Shorthorn" features. First, of all, in the addi- eked victory. As the game began Calvert em- Lhe From then started scored two 18-16; a~nuai's theme bail Itigh i Fotlbwing iS a Complete box score As a California cutie come to Texas o,C SChS°iing arid iS Dramatic ~ranees m also no drop ~she s~ candy is no pain heard about the new I~atrieia Orr ~ SoI~t or are the troub]e ~h~ms~lve~ was gossiping~ so you better, administer the PrO; gaUlt The ~Y saint THE ROUND-UP PAGE 3 R ' but four times in the first only one of them being a the Tiger basketeers went finish. game from the quarter it was i0~4 Richards with ~en points, followed by Morris of Rich- points stood out over the flock. 0 10 0 0 0 0 c. 3, 0 6 0 2 g. 4 0 8 g. 0 0 0 g. 2 0 t 0 o 0 O 0 o 15 0 g0 4 1 9 3 0 6 0 2 score. The Well, ;veil what's this we hear ahout football letterman Richard Cal- lendar and Frances t~aton. Could it of team :o the right track title material. and its stu- i-Y S~ of the South Texa conference will last if this may end with a ele~ mu heard you seen "AlwayS A Good Haircut" HARRY GORZYCKI, Prop. PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 14, 194I R CLEANERS & DYERS College Hills CASH and CARRY & MEATS all THE ROUND-UP WHO'S WHO /Continued i'rom page Richa'rd Callendar Nickname You In loo r ~ 'S DIAMONDS JEWELS SILVER NEW DECCA, Columbia and Okeh Records R. C. A. and Crosley Radios PHARMACY The Rexall Store We, wish to pi'eSS 0ll1' possible. IT PAYS TO Visit IISI of College Station Issue 5 number At the $40,000 ~ 1:0 tt~e gym- field the In an ~ hall, Mr: up every hschool school be as possible to th~ football field, The stands in the gym per- will be opposite the stage so to give the clearest vision to the audience. monthl~ t~2~ugh of the Press GlUb of A, and M. Con- THE ROUND-UP solidated High School. STAFF Editors and Dillard Feature It is not College thing out o: solidated a lifetime has come for Conosolidated. If lege day we will be The COE nity, rant ' town. The SO! time. now set at the vialed by law size. ! as prow of th~s When you,re in need friend, getting in the Ruth, because she's A two year a track letterman that's Joe Athletic Fund of now, I hope You no mean she Jim are you a financial success be a big success again. neth Krenek toward B, given pursue the your you will Alt only by all, so I had better stop. next time. go. AlSo Page 3 the kind of a- is all enroll- ~{adents 500 COLLEGE ~ BRYAN Page. 4 THE ROUND-UP CRAMMING (( teach it ;,, ~h~ . This is a new all to ho~ will , abov pions' will ~idd also be formed Location North Gate up all your ~nd for In the rear, informing long time he was hailed by an oL ricer, who said: "Where are you going wikh tha~ carcass ?' "To the rear, sir--he's lost his leg!" readers of ibis paper friends to possible. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SEE Ell PHONE 4-4444 Humble Products G Dial 4.8884 College ;$tati~ SCHOOL basketball of ; ;Gl~ener's Jones the Mr. on page 4) The is published twice a month, and is the official paper of A. & M. Consolidated High School and Grade School; College Station, Texas. Dillard S Editor Henry Editor: BettY Vezey ............... Typist Patricia Orr (Editor's Note ,staff will be date and Always a which ~ ~o blows in you or land for ilaslum. for call as their team is by enough of peak this L~s work up let everybodY Put tots of school there Hard The other player lost was ~ Cashion, It looks like should soon catch ten home basketball games; from adults and $1.50 for students all the the gossip Because we tion which will stand with the best. Gretchens something your you attend here also and are just as his time could this Tigers the under so letterman tear~ have a Most of the were as fol- and James As ~f th~s wash ~or to i'~ not all of it. This will and tots Of TIGER PROSPECTS SINK With the mert a championship are growing less Lloyd, a ~vas the team when he injured Second: how~ John Junior back~ George Todd, Krenek, and MEATS Page 4 (Continued f~rom page 1) ATHLETIC lar to the gymnasium. Dressing possibly coaches offices, and also a cafeteria will be under the stands. The stage for theatrical productions will be opposite the bleacher section. The gym will be erected next to the footbkll field. Consolidated is indeed fortmmte [o have its own athletic plant~ so let's all do what we can to better it and care for the way class will some choice missles, but I don't know THE ROUND-UP page I) rePlaceS 'Mr. Badger courses that she did ish and English. teach commercial work and some Miss Dorothy St. Clair Mrs. g. R. Louise Keltett w~ll teach the firs~ grade. Miss the third insiead of the seconzt year. made We wish t Issue 2 their home Still AFTER aft~ and The sale of tickets end~ (Con~nue~ on Page Page 2 THt~ ROUND-UP The The twice a is the official paper of A. & High School and Grade School; College Station, Texas. STAFF Mary E. Anderson ..... Club Editor Berry Joyce Outlaw ..... Grade School Editor Louise Wright__Secy. and Treasurer Betty Vezey ............... Typist Pat Orr __~__~ ............. Typist Dexter Gabbard .............. Etc. FOLLOW THE TIGERS last sion, few try for Let'~ the We When you to get your seemed to have a retest in the football ' us his wins What's this we hear about Corabeth having an overnight visitor? Frances were you too hoarsq t~ say n,o to Curtis last Week? Instead o£ fox hunting or some other high classed sport, armadillo hunting seems ~ be the fad, at least for Carol, Pip- squeak, Frances, Dnke, Keaneth and Fred L What's this bestow a kiss upon but kv~ow . list of new pupils last One Open Date The Tigers still lack one game ,on their schedule despite the fact tha~ Coac~ W. B. Liles has written some fifteen letters to Other schools. Page 3 TIGERS READY With two victories already 'in the bag, the double-tough Tigers joum~ey to Iola Friday to open their con- lerence tilts with the usually strong Iola B~lodgs. The Tigers, despi~e the fact that they are the favorites will to watch every step much m last ]?igers that should the let's lO 0 7 6 6~19 0 0 0~0 3~11 Now On Sale yarn dolls are asked umphs, the credit that to molding ,out o£ the scanty wit.h Joe job and go places. there' s ihs Tigers ~o keep four ' our side ~ggies to ~ at least .Adios. SNAPSHOTS COllege Station He.quarters Page 4 SHORTHORN-- (continued from Page 1) Literary Edi~ors~Carol McFadden and Margaret Medberry. Chief Photographer -- Bo Bilsing (assistants have not been chosen), Business Editor--Ike Ashburn; also Louise Wright~ Sports Editor--Jim Bonnen, Vypist--Betty Vezey. ith such a good staff the annual should be something to lo~k for- ward to. TIG]~RS OPEN-- (Continued from Page 1) Wade c tackle; Jim Clarence Gabbard Horace neth Kinsey at the quarterback or sig~ ual callin~ position; Kenndth Krem~k .at l.e£t l~kl}back; Jerry Bonnen at I right half back, ~nd George Todd at the fullback position. These boys wilt be backed up by many of the bandd of reserves, in- cluding James Carll, Buddy Rich- ards, ~nd Bo Bils]ng. room is t ~. a D sChooL- lssue 8 field W, B. LileS Will be able to this seaS°h. ~h~ lihe.uP will be as £oliows~ at left end of A. & i, >: mgh School and Grade SchoOl; Co!!eg~ S~ati0n' during the class period has Texas; These songs Neal Reeves .... Asst. Sports Editor officers of the club soon. Mary E. Anderson ..... Club Betty ~ School cheil and Miss St. Clair, meets Louise day exeep~ Betty Vezey ............... Pat and reviewing the ones they club ~h~ Mrs. Morris .............. 8ponsorl ward IT COULDN'T BE DONE Somebody said that it couldn't be be So he On He That At But was selected chapter flower, Chapter colors are Marroon and White. SENIOR CLASS There The But grin; Just take off it; Just start in to sing as the thing That cannot be done, and They Billy M. Duke d~ n t al the Scavenger to Jo Ann will be the last that with Sylvia day afterno°n ? Puddin's A the money, ride around om Also friends with bleyeles, he Puddin~ ? ? Whose t seems Joe THE ROUNDUP R t2-7 Next T~e~ Foes Page 3 Consoiidated's to roll and roar and after test Friday r the Tough Schulanberg believe they are able to win any ball game that they play ~he rest of those business w~ll un- off Short- s lost Elks J. O. are yell Insti- foot - class at A. to stop the Aggies, Bryan to COMPLIMENTS OF , ~ LUKE S Page NEW GYM-- ture g5 various Piay~ nmsicai organiZa~i0nS[ Lancaster' steel girder eons~rae~i°n; make$ the C!~rence building s~o~g and eliminates the righ~ tack!6~ pose~ i: care of the ag usual, schC mad~ of tO nasium William tackle p0~t~ at be among nasiums in ~his With the football ~h~ ~i~rs ~h0u!a Location North Gate AT NORTH GATE NEW WALDROP BUILDING WE HAVE COMPETITORS IN PRICE ONLY Place and bring the FaCulty to pre. CANDLES 2 Pounds for $1.29 y d. isappointment L pscomb s GOOD FOODS ALWAYS College Inn Cafe EAST GATE GROCERIES and MEATS Issue A, & M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL VitopiL Jim tackle; The quarterback Kinsey at t hal~ack, at full- Page 2 a of A. and . ~l; Col ege i Texas~ STAFF DiI~ard Edii Spr~ggs ............ E i Henry GiichriSt : Neal Mary Betty, Loui Be~t~ Pat Mrs THE ROUND-UP sung on OffiCers were will the One S (leeds that shoul if W~e The than excllse classm that we sed, was lad, wink class sence sqps ? Io Ann ? effort. o£ paper. A be put thtir THE' ROUND,UP Will dis~ fe~ minutes he Tigers ] usual bang yards 4-4444 Page 4 THE' ROUND-UP on~:e-Ec Girls ro£h From Dolls Last Saturday at the Baylor vs. A. & M. game, many of our high school girls were seen at various places in the stadium selling yarn dolls. Th~se dolls differed from those made in the past since they were made from red, white, and blue yarn. Previously they had been made in maroon and white~ TIGER DEN-- (Continued from page HERE, THERE, AND EVERYWHERE Watch ~ Warren's Kittens; grade teacher. will be used former could dolls Using were been tee workmg bers'Df theme. wer~ Last made person GRANT'S SERVICE STATION "That Coorl Gulf Gasoline" HIGHWAY 6 First Grade mission was COURTESY TIGERS BE~T TmNITY & M. CONSOLIDATED C S HOOL Issue 5 Maj, Stevens the Mx'. Bunti ent. As a pre-Armistice Day program, Major J. t~un olq a on the to Jackie Rollins: "'Elmer's Tune' is The he year s snappmst tune. Carol McFadden: "'I'm a Little T ' 'i eapot s nog only my but my favorite song." want to know about the on fire start a flame in your have but one desire and that is you, no other love you 'm dream- I don't want to set the world on fire, I just -want to start a flame tn your heart. Page 2 :lsge Hills to i hcuses. They are 2~_ ~_ =L~_ Editor i b:'rthy, eOnfrac~o~; and; Tom~ ersor! v .............. The pupils (ContinUed ~from Page 1) tuni~y Membership ~ of one ~tion let does sNOOPER; THE ROUND-UP Page a T S AROUND THE TIGER DEN Champions Champions for the second succes- sive year; that is, champions o~f the South Zone of District 26-B. A pret- t.~ ~ood record for any high school tea~, and especialy a pretty good Zone, after defeating Bedias record for an injury ridden team. ;until Todd inter-TO Be Dec'ded on the five and 1 own thi~y. On the Kin- y ran six- the i be first district quarter p no ~ the Marquez duel between lo Sept. game proved vary much, The game between the two cham- pions wilI pr]~ably be played on Frb day, Novm~ber 21. Home'er, if Buf- falo has a game scheduled on this date, then the play-0ff will be played on November 26. ail of the omitted from week he were not top shape; Aubrey Parsons and didn't even see any ac- are cham- they are Announcing ! ! ! For the first time in the history it wiH present a valuable player The tro- annual under . B. Consol- ~ is out, Just when he not known for which is won that for the If It Ne , Have It" CaldweH's Jewelry Store Bryan Texas meetings necessary. the sChOol voted Article V itis powers , Neal Reeves, and evens. and W.S.D. Clothiers Correct Men s Wear FOR WOMEN Two Stores College Station and Bryan FOod Committee Holland Win- ng and Grounds~Philip Bobb_v be cha~lged by the given the Recognized for Issue 1 Tomte s Game S.O. You T T G T-G E E 148 185 195 paper staffs. ~talock CobUrn Gordon Dalson the Fie TOUGH Sealy the the 0I°I ~, had a ~ough STARTERS will seniors Kenneth William Bilsing, Page 2 The whole speech by Major Stevens on Armistice Day. The Freshman home room played The Sqmrrel and the Nut. This game was played 'by the whole room Editor last Wednesday. EditOr The Sophomore hbme room had Editor as their program the telling of jokes. Editor They also discussed the possibilities of having at least one business mee~ ing a month. Treasurer had a quiz program over Typist and ................... Typist .......... Ete~ neth Scofield have a secret love in troubl, e~ and be the ca,;not ptiee YiSes. THE ROUND-UP Page George Todd, by ninety feet, and the floor will be made of maple. A stage for theatri- cal ~S L mar s none. The Startbag played at officials Bryan, and officials probably be due Wed- were the Tiger~' sort-- over real "Come In To See Them" MADELEY PHARMACY CaSey;Burgess Bldg. Issue 2 uture Christmas Is Here ~ar. This that wha~ on page 6) y ar s team, and Luke Pat- football St. pre- 8PEECII his principaI any- of eh- Marine war. by going good in Tiger football squad ai " ' s d, Coach Lfles t~rned in one of the best coaching jobs in the whole state of Texas." TIGER LI~TTERMEN The eighteen lettermen for the 1941 season were: Go-Captains Ken- (Continued on page 3) Page 2 THE ROUND-UP The Round-Up is published twice a month, and is the official 'paper of A. & M. Consolidated High School and Grads School; College Station, Texas. ~it°r Editor Mary E. Editor BeOty Joyce Outlaw ..... Grade Betty Vezey Pat Orr ................ Dexter Gabbard Mrs. Morris .............. in order to sit cil ideas from this visit to have a better idea of their pose and v~hat they are trying to accomplish. They the room pens in the meeting. her class were NCLUBB[, WITH TEENY ~On the Wednesday we. got out of the home Freshmen had a busi- Lancaster as the again put the concert on with Betty Joyce by eleven o'clock HEAVEN FOR THE OLD TOWN Parties Mrs. Reid 'q ing French and algebra. Say 'Good ' - Morning' to the lady in algebra, Ther~ has been little news from Tommy." the Grammar Sehoo~l during the pas~~ -- three weeks. All of the school rooms feature Christma.~ trees and decora- tions. Christmas parties and pro- grams wilt be held this afternooni J~rry Reeves first-grader, was given a birthday party in the first grade room three weeks ago. Jerry was king of "Jerryland". Ginger- bread boys and ice cream were serv- ed. A good tiros was had by all. Th? second grade has two new pupils. The fifth Grade LOVE--Puddin' Rey- Choir ,presented a program to Woman s Club to Pat we~k. Suitor~Darling, how can I ever leave Father (shouting downstairs)~Bus, train, or taxecab. me down n fore I wake for pity's sake. I~Buddy DE GR~AT FOOTA BALL the second, "this is the third. "Let's novelette is a who haystack unfortunate. pitch- he didn't hit the hay- ack, either." Your teeth are like the stars, he said And pressed her hand, so white He spoke the truth, for like the Stars, Her teeth came out at night_ Liles called together all 0Pp0nen' B~ Liles ketball the meeting schedule of nly once. each on this teaml had two on ; Sealy and Wbr~ham 1 fine :bail elUb~ and Trinity is i exr~ieneed rafter the Christmas for many of the good footba}l several years. All Opponent Team: L, E. Lummus L T. Engleke L. G, Koy Allen ]ounds Magourik Stubbs Davis Kveton Buffalo Sealy Sealy Iola Wor~ham Jan. Buffalo Jan. Wortham Leona Normangee tackle The backfield Iola lOOSe THE ROUNDgUP Impressive Season tlecord Following are the scorers on the Tiger football team: Points 85 James Vincent ................ 69 George Todd .................. 26 Jimmy Cashion ................ 9 through. back position on the Round~Up's Zone team. It was Grisset that al- Page 5 With a thrill~packed eleven game season of 1941 behind them the dis- tr~e~ champion Tigers had their big at Consoli- events ever held at Consolidated. CoaCh Liles announced the lettermen a $16.50 payment James Vincent pre- Liles all and one that none of us will forget in a long ~ition the Vitopil bi-dis- los ~ Fullback North Gate LUKE'S GroCery Store Page 6 it is hard to I think I like "Tonight Love." He would. June Allen successive states that she likes "Anniversary Waltz." CHRISTMAS-- (Continued from page 1) lyrics little we could save would absolutely it has moved steadily be of no use to the government, we can comply with these requests. Then, since this war wilt undoubt- edly bs~ a 10ng war, some of us may three successive weeks. Hit Parade will a final ~ top the week according to The There Will Be Blue- To All Our Patrons . . . MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR we take in school no;v~ and what we taarn, may, although it iq our complete education, be af great value to our country, that. this year whomever we can. On that day let's will toward men." ~xpress our their help. HAPPY For Last ,Suggestions. 50c ~ 11 N. Main You A NEW YEAR A HAPPY NEW YEAR CHARLIE 'S FOOD MARKET ium Is Club eommuni~ night, and all a- ether. which was P A. & M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Issue 3 be g is more The C~lass Treasury ~qow 23, the eat cafeteria, however, the what food their gym- number the cafe- SO. advanced to the State drawing, part, or none. question- School him whether in the Cafe- if so, could ~hey of the meal in full Page 2 THE ROUND-UP The ............... Betty V~zey of America, now or for ever hold our peace; we must acquaint om'sieves ~vith the facts of this war, and be able and willing to make compensations ~nd Sacrifices. Clubbln The lubs one program in committee. C~aairman been a long time have taken McG'artney tmmed into a me. It not like about school sabotage~ business diSeassed in gheir o~ own Sense their conse- basketball season has play Bedias next Mon~ the Tiger Gym; the "B' Cashion, Grant, Riley Carroll as starters are in the BrazoS coun~.v * iS a summary of F.T. F.T. T.P 1 S o F.T. ....... 0 1 ...... 0 0 0 10 THE ROUND-UP 2 I0 7 Tiger Den Page 3 the football ~eam out yet. Prospects for another good season are p~etty go°d with about six or seven letter- men rturning headed by Jimmy Cash- ion and Aubrey Parsons. Up from th~~ eighth grade will be ~ good bunch of boys with Bobby Potter the best bet, others will be Edsel Jones, ~ Powers, and Rusty A.n- derson. v~rere: ]~. meet · So Long. ago at the second stu- the the the presented and a trophy the Reverse be a gray sleeves. A on the maroon left side of the is a silver actual sized football mounted on an imita~i0n mahogany base with the words LUKE'S GROCERY TRO- IHY A. &. M. C. H. S.--DIS- TRICT CHAMPS 26-B~ 1941 en- graved on ii. Page 4 THE ROUND-UP February 20, 1942 So dance Step 1. Approach the poor victim nonchalantly . . .act as if you are looking her over, then say, "We'c look good dancing togethtr," ant ore she can run. But bE ~at she is going to d( slap you, so .eat y0U~ going to thc 2. Put one arm around her to if ~ wants to be, squeezed she will her band witb your and don% grab her but right where the fingers · . . also don't give her the Oh yes, please "CORRECT MEN'S Step 4. Next comes the actual process of dancing. There are sev- eral s~eps you can learn by taking dancing, the two step, and the square step, but if you do not have to learn oc are too dumb, just make up some- thing and tell the poor innocent vic- tim that it is a step you picked up in Paga Paga or Walla Walla. She might be sucker en:ough to believe you. Step 5. Try to make c~nversation even if you have to memorize a book of jokes, no one wants to dance with a mummy if you make a gOod im- pression, then maybe You Can slip * " k" if out dumng the dance for a girl been Step isn't because s ii is just relief. KITTEN KAPERS 4th. Grade pupils, and February 6. 6th. Garde "WHERE SMAR~ LADIES TRADE Bryan, Texas valentines and both have valentine ]parties Miss Kellett's room also has a number of new libra~T¢ books. 2nd. Grade six flags of ftag~ FOR QUALITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CALL Jeweffv Store A.M List of Seniors ares--No. 1 ~mes 2 oe Virginia Kenneth Kenneth A. &' M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Although the teria has not to do so. So of children is limited and fifty a person a dollar and fifty cent meal ticke~ or a three dol}ar ticket. The tickets are collected returned ][SSlle d Due To School a uaw school song; W. Pmllins staff followed and (Continued on page 4) took ~0 %he song "as a duck takes to water", and it was definitely ~fixed in the hearts of the student body. THE WORDS We a~e the Tigers, Tigers~tried and For victory we fight, In the stands we are fighting, too, For Maroon and W~ite. Win or lose, with hearts aflame, Win or lose. we'll try To fight, fight, fight, fight--play the game We are the Tigers of Consolidated High. Page 2 THE ROUND-UP STAFF bi- , o£A. & ol, College oyce Outlaw, Grade School Orr BeTty Vezey ___ That old wit. "leave your all right in its are s.tudents this stafe~ room with do to analyze do your doodling as we must say something whether fact or rumor let's start with the tun, about dance, new date for should have 9chant stationed at Fort Georgia. 6, C. A. Lewis is a second Lieu- After roll call and ~¥ere at,el able to The ricing ~Snow' cen,tly songs, March 9. has a way toward Miss these days ?--Why Mary Ann Munnerlyn. SNOOPER ..... '. Brooks Field, 11, Billy Itensel, former basket Lieutenant sey. THE ROUND-UP TS By Coach Liles Page 3 Yell Leaders And Reserves Receive Sweaters Two weeks ago a special assembly ~.~...~ ~R~bet The lettermen for this year's bas- ,vas called in order to give the yel _~ers ketball squad were announced last leaders and reserves their sweaters. Monday by Coach The yell leader's and reserve - .sweaters are made of 100% wool lettermen are: Bu and stockine;;e knitted, the tain and forward; Henry Gilchrist, ers are maroon and Tiger basketeers forward; Fred . the Cushion, or the word score a guard; past week. get her with six boys ~cause the ~eam winning two games and whole had "A" games. and losing only The awards; if "A" team with no real good be determined at s~ar manages ~o win i~s very improbable, I teamwork. The awards will be given. scorer, and Robert and Carlisle Spiker up from the "B' team. Spiker TIGER DEN has. been the top scorer forfor the flash on Congratulations to the six basket~ "B', probably won t bail players, Jimmy Cushion, Bobby be back next year, is Robert Scofield, Vivian Sheffield, Fred Lew- zck. il, . Henry Gilchrist, and Captain ~ERE, THERE and EVF_~RYWHERE Ctlrtis Gray, who were announced team, the as the lett~rmen for this year's bas- almost every confer~ ketball team, In an.n last seconds, closed ~h a 46~42 thriller not Teasipper~ was h to 154, in fine fashion. $ "A" team Bulldogs by a Long. played a ] this column' t " ' and "B' he A teams bask~e{baI1 team prom- a bunch of hustlers !ad CHARHE'S Food Market GROCERIES AND MEATS NORTH GATE Page 4 THE ROUND-.UP CONSOL!D ED HIT PARADE Th~ hit song this week is "Rose? is i'D~ep in the Heart of Texas." O-Day". It is a 'tu~ which most~ IThis song is new. It has already of you have probably heard about jumped from ninth to third on the three times a night for the last National Hit Parade. · month This is a comparatively old 'W0 · reached ~ts RDS FOR ROSE-O-DAY Johnny MtcCarthy loved Rose-O-Day. She was the. pretties% thing. Every night in his sweet Irish way under her window would sing in Ne Rosff.]O-Day, Rose-O-Day you re my etc., etc., rolla-rolla hoop- They to-de:op of Rose~O~Day, Rose-O,Day a fil-a-ma*goochen, etc. This gave them an id, ca Out of which "Rose- O-Day grew. The runner up in the Hit Parade "LILY"-- (Continued from page 1) 1938 as salutatoriam After gradua~ ting from High School she went ~o McKenzm-Baldwin Business Col- lege. Liiy has been mis SMART SAYINGS: A. B. Walkeley, London critic, wrote the play ~ sh~ to everyone that. ~OT~C~: 1st Grades On Friday, F:ebruary, program at sembly. A was also pOX, 2nd Grade The second grade is studying ~he progress of transportation. Maxine OF returning. This grade has thirty five new Verse-Speaking study- poems. They have several nexv~ library books~ in a sandwich than on a stage--- Robert Garlan& A musical critic on a Detroit pa~ wrote: amateur string quartet played chines. here last evening. Brahms numerous to mention-- Winchell. He wore the class colors of the SOUTH SIDE RAY ODEN, Pr~. ' not; long ago. AGGIELA OF A. M. W A LDROP ~ G( P A. & M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Issue 5 March 30, 'at the two perform- and evening. illusions. its road seen at his performances. Benefit is almost ~ SiX of 8:30; the couF[ and the into ~our will 1942 Shorthorn OUtj Five Candidates Remain The fivs candidates remaining aft- Lilian last emerged in their mat- completed, with the the Senior section. Th page 3) Vezey and Duke Class--Teeny course, be t b~ Le~ and Mac Lewis L nLd Bud ouise Jones and Doris Bukowski and Rust3 Page 2 THE ROUND-UP The ........ Editor Club Editor Are You a Good Winner? Read Th s. rush to his opponents and eongrat- Club The Freshmen planned their home- 7oom program for the next tirm< The possibilities of a quiz program with consequences £or those who did no~ a~swer the questions correctly. IThe o'ther Freshman home room m~t t i~ a ..~tudy hall as there was no Iprotein' planned. The Sophomores carried a vote as /t~ discontinue hazy a home room program as ~hera no interest in the -programs. The in a class gested and the pointed. The Seniors elected their candi- dvtes for Sports Queen. They discussed the plans ior the Sports Night. IV hoql Inda, T*eny, or Doris? No one is convinced; everyone is hopinff that their candidate will win. The Sports Night has certainly brought out the romanticaI interest, as well as merous cases of jealousy, no~ among the candidates, but among the pu- pils. Ali queens supposedly chose thmr own escorts and this presents an in- teresting angle. Betty Joyce chose room Robert Lee Blazek., Caroi might as well be expected ~o be escorted the festiviti:s by Kenneth Kinsey. who was leading the fieht s was written, will appea,: other than Mac McCul- lough. numbers of the Sports Night. The Homemaking Club had re* freshments of an Easter style a[ their meeting. O r hop Students Nea , rnsn m 20 Models their escorts will be there. the the brain Frances Eaton, Other classes are due to have a large representation on hand to cheer their duchess into the Queen's chair. Jimmie Cashion is bringing Betty Jo Hale. Phillip Grant and Boozie LaGrone are coming along with Dex Gabbard and Hil~a Red- man (~he latest romance in Consol- furnishing the labor, everything has a solid mod- el airplane according to government tests will receive a certificate frora the government signed by local au- thorities. now. Remember, it's never too tate-- g, eta date and come to the Sports %light Dance tonight. SNOOPER. Keep 'Em Flying Buy D¢:fense Stamps TH E ROUND-UP RT RepOrt For a stm~ing guard, laurels as high of the Tiger quintet for W~ednesday Regular action start until the issuing of and six free or a and 45 6 96 56 boys are boys from F.T. Total 7 5 3 5 2 3 1 Dyes Anderson, ~11 ..... 5 2 2 6 Orr ......... 6 1 .q 3 1 0 0 1 ( from page 1) berry, Mary Jim com- plicated job up complL merits (true or othe~ise) for some ~hirty-odd seniors! So when their work is compleSed, the whole staff should be applauded. Page 3 AROUND THE TlGER DEN Tracksters C~me Through Two weeks ago the Tiger thiniy sands led b~ Captain Kenneth sev took second place in the strong Cameron tnvitation Track and Fiekt lV~set. Cap,ainU' KinSey set two new records when he broa4 jumped 21 £ept and tl 8/4 inches, and when he high jumped 5 feet and 11 Kenneth also took third place in ~he shot put. Fred Lewis picked up lacing in the mi!e. of Houston the Tigers were second, for third fourth. ]lB Li!es but elq~ Spring Training Starts Spring football training started his week with about 42 boys string. Most of these boys, how- ;'er, are inexperienced, and Coaci~ be forced to work long ion for as a The in machine sure Y.M.C.A, "A GOOD HAIRCUT ALWAYS" Page 4 THE ROUND-UP Another two Weeks rolls around The prairie sky is riding high at Consolidated High. The Ieadin~ Deep in the heart of Texas. song at Consolidated this week is The sage in ~loom is like perfume "Deep in the Heart of T~xas', The Deep in the heart of Texas. leading song all over the nation, from the R:,o Grande to the Great Lakes. A close s e c o n d was "Blues in th~ Night". After the "Sports Night" Friday there will probably be some changes. "Deep m the Heart of T .xas The stars at night are big and bright Deep i~q the h~art of TeXas. TIGlgR DEN (Continued from page 3) its seems as if the Senior Class (!id a great thing by sponsoring a Sports Night and electing a Queen ~' Sports .... Help the Mother's Cub Jan's inee ' ~h~ As ney claims flash the money tonight. Don't Reminds me of the one I love Deep in the° heart of Texas. The rabbits rush around the brush heart of Texas. along the trail heart Of TeXas,' bawl and bawl and bawl Deep in the heart of Texas. Cla;,sified, Ads Wanted ~ One Aggie wigh Buick convertible (blue preferred). Sheila Rode. Wanted~Help! Bill Magee. line of white Wright, First progresmng race. ready to eat. growing nieely~ The Seventah Grade my football jack~ blonde. Kenneth FOR QUALITY PRESSING LAUTERSTEP; ,S 4-4444 Easter at A. M. WALDROP A. & M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL -- - Is-sue 6 3kes By Louise Wright Friday, May 22, Barton be over-flow- activities bus to 29, the great ?) school, TEENY ANDERSON ports.Night Nets hlet c Fund $189 In probably the greatest social the Queen, the fifth grade verse speak~ King, Milton Sorrels, and Court. Other ente~tain- a harp Sports Night not only was a huge social success, but a great financial success. Bullet Gray, business man- ager of Sports Night, annOUnced last Monday that $189.43 was netted by (Continued on page 2) Business Also Vacant; within the offices the ROUND-UP, each of the theee wilt Petition Candidates by employed Any person candidate in the for any office must choose minimum of twenty signers of said p¢tition. After this }s completed the person is legally entere& in the race for the designated office. No Candidates Aa Yet As yet there are no candidates for any of the offices due to the fact that the problems of the election were not thrashed out until Wednes- day's Assembly, However, according to the "grapevine," many candidate's will file for office within the nex~ week, or next. Page 2 of A. & College Station, Texas. STAFF Dillard Spriggs ............. Editor Henry Gilehrist ............. Editor Louise Wright ...... Feature Editor Dexter Gabbard, AssL Feature Edi+~or Neat Reeves .... Asst. Sports Editor I~ary Evelyn Anderson, Club Editor Betty Joyce Outlaw, Grade School Ed. Pat { Betty Vezey ................ Think gefore You Vote For Officers Student office elections wilt be held in the near future with some five year. These offices but our qualified and ~0 I) THE ROUNDZUP '[fie The Freshman Home' Room had a qt:iz program in the absence of Mrs. Morris. The Sophomores have decided to abandon home room programs as ~ no interest. group of timely event because there age of' football snatched Feezer and this reminds us of a Fhom- lough say about this? B. J. Lloyd is another of Miss Hor- and at in A. and M. College. Jimmie Cash. plans ' woman hating lad Jimmie for this time, met April weekly meet- participated in Inda Free. All is a chicken plus. quitting would start THE ROUND-UP Page ~'~ is District ooks ~orward out for looking geam around Aub- FROCKS 17; Stars The A. and M. C'onsolidated T~ of these ville), Lewis 23.6. Rodesney TIGER CHANCES Well, last ~eek the Tiger track~ si)ers came through one more. The Tigers led by their star, Kenneth Meet or 3~4 , 33 1~4; Bryan, 33, made 22 and 11 6 at Kinsey 22 feet. In the wasrt~t that was due *~o the track had absorbed a GRADUATION GIFTS OF JEWELRY C.ALDWELL S Jewelrv Store Page 4 THE ROUND-UP ~S is in the and bright, (Continued from page 3) ~ raim Next week at Hunts- soy ~s point LET US DO YOUR CLI~ANING' AND PRESSING North College ~Iitls F~tates ShoeswReady to Wear Dry Goods hs prairie ~igh Deep in the heart of Texas. The sage in bloom is like perfume Deep in the heart of Texas, Reminds me of the one I love Deep in the heart of Texas. The rabbits rush around the brush Deep in the heart of Texas. The coyotes wail along the trail Deep in the heart of Texas~ Classified Ads For Lease My ,ability t~ fascinate girls; then break their heartm--~ar- tis Gray. a: Friendly Welcome" LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION We Deliver Phone 4~4144 Across From Project Houses College Station/Texas lng for spring training. Harry let, a builder of state district--The Th~ Battery, school newspaper f~r Abilsne~°~ High, after winning in the region literary co~ntest, will go ~o the State Meet at Ausiim~The Bat- tery. Texas and 5 track and at Hunts- Shop NEW SPRING FR~ S For Ladies, Children, and Misses "Bryan's Leading Clothiera" ISSUE 1 $ By ! Eat Well The ca£eteria which open, ed a few full a few improvements are GAT and ice cream W~th the or The Snoop- rat with a sot magnati, i- a flaor show will be given twice bean shortage eonste~ation amon~ the eating ccnsiderably. and blood- of the also stat- peo- ple don't appreciaSe the things ~hat are done for them~such aZ what Pinsey did for the A. and M. Con- sloppidated Drool." It is 'believed that the rat with ~he gat made his escape ~hrougn one of the locker room windows. De- ,ect}ve Cam has gone so far as t~ suspect :many of Pinsey~s su osed- PP ected to improve ly best friends, The chi+f sus.pect, Dx'ed Dewis, is known to have been of the students thoroughly .griped at Pinsey for a (Continued on page 4) Tt{E ~ GR@UND-UP HoUSe hom~ his head dotb0d time ST Ed. Feature Ed. B]azek ~__~__Grade Drool dues~ and membership ts ~determin- and onl~ a select SO WE DID RUN sa:.d, Walters said, "Why ' '~ possi- U RLD SEBALL T Olympics held jump by ) a near~ two and three-tenths Pi D. Q. even scratch. It was Bullet Black that was the hero for the Dr°olies. He connected for 38 hits in the short series, 30 o5 which were home-runs. Black hit six home-runs in one inning. BASKETEERS TO RECEDE CO TS As the result 5Iight, important award will be the solid rubber mtn- basketballs for a watch chain. for the ticket now banquet; they're only Page Around ~e TIG~ PEN MURDI~IR.q Well. well, when I picked up my copy of the Ground-Up today, found soma very startling news about tB~ death of Penny Pinzey~ Conslop~ pidated's football and track s~ar. Mabry Cain was because the done by one Dred of certain coat hang~ ill Yanks Lloyd newspaper, The wl~ere two broke four at the Olympics. map in the sports world. SUCKER TRY Ug NEXT TIMI~ Aj~ LoHy pop CO,. Inc. ,Page .4 THE GROUND-UP Want ~ore Exams bet or and longer onesi This just a s u ,The weekly Oazz!e Po'It taken ea~ the fact that the lieachers haTM no Consolidated High School showe voice in the gove~ment of the that the students ~re almost unani- school. This is a ~ery deplorable eon- mously in favod~ of more exams and dJtion. longer exams. ~lis is a ~een% %rend This poll which we all know has in practically all schools. The eor~ never miss~ fire also shows that among the student body is'in favor responding poll taken teack teac exams. Plans changing the having short 50% in favor training compulsory. MURDERED BY RAT- ( certain turfed lng ( Cain ) rat the 0 FOUND -- One "Garrett's Port Wine'' bottle. Contact E. B. Rey- nolds~ Notify of paper. A. --Paid Political Adv.-- Mr: Rigor Morris anaouaees his candidacy for the office of Cora- Jones VOTE!-!-~ IF W]~ MAKE YOUR SUIT YOU'LL HAVE A FIT FLIP-FLAP TMLORS TO N)~ON~ MEEq' The Drools are ready SENIORS LET US PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION (Also, Fall, Winter~ Spring, Summer, Etc.) U.S. v New PAINTS,