HomeMy WebLinkAboutV-Mail 010604118 CENSORS STAMP MR. & MRS. JAMES D. PREWIT EXTENSION SERVICE COLLEgE StAtION TEXAS. (Undiscernable) APO 627 _____________ SENDER ADDRESS NEW YORK _____________ 26-9-42 _____________ DATE China. Howdy Folks- Come over & have chop suey and rice with me. We are really having a time here a giving the Japs tit for tat and a little over. To make teh odds even we figure 3 Japs to one American. Thats in the air. On the ground they are as good fighters as we are. Either way youtake it I'm having a lot of excitement and am enjoying it. That is when I'm not scared out of my wits. How about another bunch of lttira like you all sent over before? They sure keep a fellow pepped up. Sincerely Albert. No.___________ Majh Juan Rudn J CENSORS STAMP MR. & MRS. JAMES D. PREWITT EXTENSION SERVICE COLLEGE STATION TEXAS 0-294935 Maj R. Juan Reader Jr __________________ SENDERS NAME Hdg&Hdges of PRE. __________________ A.Ag507.40 Postmaster __________________ SENDERS ADDRESS N.Y., N.Y. __________________ 3 Jan, 1944 __________________ DATE Jan 4 1944 Dear Prewitts: Willa's letter of Dec. 13 has arrive bringing the good news, and I am very happy for you. Know there are a lot of others who are extremely pleased, too, especially a lot of ex -4 H club young men. Guess the first month or two will be a bit rought but we are for you. (Haven't made him buy fall dress, have you Hagel?) Thanks for both your letters, Jim. The 2nd arrived today. A lot of this O.P.A, embargo etc is so much "Greek" to me, but must be a pain in the neck from what I can see in an occasional cattleman. We hear a lot of stuff much of which don't sit so pretty with men serving, but we know pretty well where it is localized. HAd a letter from willa today with some recent pictures of Jack, and he has really changed. I would not ^HAVE recognized him had the ^PICTURES not come out of the envelope and been marked with his name. Guess you'd better track him a little fast bal "Sammy." Thanks again for our letter. Best to you all. Rudy V-MAIL WAR & NAVY DEPARTMENTS V-MAIL SERVICE _______ OFFICIAL BUSINESS U.S. POSTAL SERVICE JAN 12 8 PM 1944 No. 3 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300