HomeMy WebLinkAboutOtto Seeman 010604a4 — Part I U11r Bet flitnnting jjg Sunday, September Bonham Business Shows. Uptrend Special to The News . BONHAM, Texas, Sept. 8. —De- spite reports of a crop failure in Fannin County, Bonham merchants report an increase of 11.4 per cent in business for the period of Jan. 1, 1951, to Aug. 31, 1951, as com- pared to the same period in 1950. These facts were revealed in a survey made of local firms this week. The survey included stores of every type and they were grouped together as food stores, de- partment store sales, automobile dealers sales and service, tractor and implement sales and service, auto appliance and hardware store sales and drugstore sales. Every group showed an Increase over 1950. Contrary to the state -wide trend, department store sales were up 4.5 per cent and merchants reported the outlook for fall as being good. Automobile dealers reported an 8 per cent increase in sales and serv- ice. Sales and service of tractors and implements showed a gain of 12.6 per cent while auto appliances and hardware stores showed gains of 12.3 per cent. Drugstore sales were up 7 per cent. All reported the outlook for fall as being good. The largest gain was reported by the food stores which showed a whopping 24 per cent jump. The First National and Bonham State Banks reported their farm loans were up 9.5 per cent with collections being good. They report- ed an increase of better than half a million dollars in their deposits on Aug. 31, 1951, as compared to Aug. 31, 1950. Two new department stores opened their doors for business in Bonham during the past year and a new hardware store opened only this week. One auto appliance store moved into larger quarters and a chain grocery store moved into a modern and much larger home. An- other completely remodeled, en- larged and improved its facilities. Sanitation Engineer Named in Wood County Special to The News QUITMAN, Texas, Sept. 8.—E. I. Dreschel has been employed as the new sanitation director for the Wood County Health Unit by Dr. James Strong with the approval of commissioners court. Dreschel replaces J. C. Jones who resigned the first of September. He has been sanitation director of the Gainesville (Cooke County) Health Department for the. last ;siic years. He also spent about a year as san- itation director in'Lamar County. Youth Benefit Show Planned at Brownwood Special to The News BROWNWOOD, Texas, Sept. The Horace Heidt show, with fifty entertainers, will present a program on the night of Oct. 16, in Memo- rial Hall, under sponsorship of the Brownwood Junior Chamber of Commerce. Profits from the show have been earmarked for the Jaycee Christ- mas fund with which gifts and food baskets for hundreds of Brown - wood children and unfortunate families are provided annually. Athens Legion Elects Special to The News ATHENS, Texas, Sept. 8.— Hubert L. Boyd was elected corn- 9, 1951 mander of American Legion Post vice - commander; Tom Baker, sec - 173 to succeed Ed Barron. Other and vice - commander; Joel Lusk, new officers are Travis Scott, first adjutant; James Fulton, finance 1 A LOT OF PORK Otto Seeman, swine herdsman at Texas A &M College, looks over the big litter of pigs of this 2- year -old college -owned Duroc sow, Miss Golden. Miss Golden broke out of her pen the night of Sept. 3 and was found next morning with nineteen pigs. Six months earlier, she had given birth to eighteen pigs, all of which were raised — with the help of another sow that produced a smaller litter. Three of the litter of nineteen, however, were found dead, as the sow was unattended. officer; Norman Anderson, his at arms; Mack Stover. child wel- torian; the Rev. D. H. Bonner, fare officer, and John K. Simmons, chaplain; George Brown, sergeant service officer. Presbyterian Will Act on Lake Lease Special to The News DENISON, Texas, Sept. 8. —1 Paris Presbytery is expected take affirmative action next Tu I day in a development plan for X 38 -acre lease on Lake Texo granted the First Presbyter Church of Denison by the Co: of Engineers. • The church lease, announced Resident Engineer Richard C. P; of the Corps of Engineers, is !twenty-five years. The site is the east side of Preston Peninst on a tract 'adjacent to a lea granted last year to the Boles C phan Home of Quinlan. It is a proximately two miles 'north Island View Camp. The Rev. Edward S. Bayless, pa: for of the Denisoh church, said the the church entered into the leas with the hope that the developmer would be shared at least by th Paris Presbytery. Next Tuesday morning a grou of Presbytery delegates, who wi arrive in Sherman for the start a 2 -day meet, will be taken out fc a first -hand inspection of the sit Out of this, Bayless said he hope to get Presbytery approval. k ' • N �. The Session of the Presbytiria Church here has issued a form invitation to the Paris Presbytei to share in the control and develo ment of the camp. At present, 3 -man committee composed of E D. K. Jamison, E. L. Hopkins at C. H. Waldron head the rest planning. Rev. Bayless said Pre bytery members would be added the committee and later, a boa of directors named to operate t resort. He said he hoped to develop 1 camp over the winter so that be junior and adult groups will be a to start using the camp next su