HomeMy WebLinkAboutF.B. Clark Subdivision 010604 ! I The above map represents the s~.xth, and in alt rea! estate subdivisions at ~ of the first undertaken. The Mr. Byron Winstead, the publicity man at the College, and several ot~er persons, were A. & bunch of seven year old kids. , have been transferred. ~ few changes w~re lx~ade 'iu ~he';map to a~medate the pur- the years 194%56.. Every Iot in this subdivision either has been built o~'er is owned by someone who expel_ts to build on it shortly. The landscape plan for this subdivisio~ was drawn by a in the map as drawn to accommodate the purchasers. more not owned by the writer. Three other property owners were here involved. They were Charles Schwartz, Frank Dobrevolny, and Steve Holik. The map covers ~pproximately 240 acres, east into existence as a result of prizes offered blt us to a class of stu~dents in the Department of Atwhitectura under~ the guidance of Prof. Melvin M. Rotsch. To what extent the design will be The official map of College Station should enable one~ easity to fit the abot~ described subdivisions ~nto the general scheme of things.