HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoan's Chapel Miscellaneous Information Warranty Deed is • WARRANTY DEED • WITH VENDORS LIEN 1935 EC 26 . 94 06 P r g hTY{E(M � t i KNOW ALL MEN BY • THESE`'Pki,SEgTS : JT7 B. HILL and wife, CHARLOTTE R. HILL, of the County of ae of Texas 'for and in consideration of the sum of TEN 7' - -- DOLLARS and other valuable .consideration .geed paid by the grantee herein named, the receipt of '• acknowledged, and the further consideration of , , iond delivery by grantee of his one certain promissory. date herewith in the principal sum of Sixty -Three No /100. Dollars ($63,000.00), payable to the order of BANK, at its office at 505 Barton Springs Road, 78704, as therein provided and bearing interest at erein specified and providing for acceleration of. 4 'ent.of default and for attorney's fees, 'of which note is secured by the vendor's lien herein is additionally secured by a deed of trust of even to RONALD L. EHRI G,. Trustee, have GRANTED, SOLD, AND 4 by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto ADRIAN J. PIPERI, 401 Weston Lane, Austin, Texas ,. " of Travis and State of Texas, all of the following 1 property in Brazos County, Texas, .to -wit: • •tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in ounty, Texas, and being part of. Lot Numbers Two (2) ee (3), in Block Number Two (2), and an adjoining tided portion of COLLEGE PARK ADDITION. to the City of . .Station,' Brazos County, Texas, according to the Plat ,. in Volume 38, Page 602, Deed. Records of Brazos Texas, and the said tract of land being more. ' M=arly described by metes and bounds as follows: ` *i G at an iron bar for the common front corner of Lots Block 2 of the College. Park Addition; `in a Southwesterly direction along the line between and 4 a distance of 45 feet to an iron bar for a Northwesterly direction and parallel with the pine of Lots 2 and 3 a distance of 135 feet to an iron the Northwest line of Lot 2 for corner; : 'in a Northeasterly direction along the Southeast line ey Street, at 45 feet past the most Northerly corner 2, and at a total distance of 111.6 feet to an iron .;: corner; in an Easterly direction along an' arc of a circle a radius of 32.3 feet a distance of 59 feet to an e •ar for corner in the West .line of Ayshire Street iy Galloway Street); in a. Southerly direction along the West line of :e Street " a distance of 114.5 feet to an iron . bar for in a Southwesterly direction along an extension of ne between Lots 3 and '4 a distance of 57.7 feet to the OF BEGINNING, according to .survey made on the ground • ; tober, 1959 by J. A. Orr, Professional Engineer, tered. • c V�•_ 840 fAGE c � ' • `d P . j.« , This conveyance is made and accepted subject to th following: . Right -of -Way to Community Natural Gas Co., in instrumen dated January 19, • 1928, recorded. in Volume 71, Page Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. fit; Any and all conditions and restrictions, if any, relating the hereinabove described property, • to the extent, and on a '' '` to the extent; that the same may . still be in force al,,. effect, shown of record in the office of the County Clerk.., Prazos County, Texas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, .together`4 r all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in .a belonging unto the said grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administr' to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said pr unto the said grantee, his heirs and assigns, against every e whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any thereof. I But it is expressly agreed that the VENDOR'S LIEN, as we 1 the Superior Title ..in and to the above described• premise; retained against the above described property, . premise.: improvements until the above described note or notes an interest thereon are fully paid according to the face, tenor, and reading thereof, when this Deed shall become absolute TEXAS NATIONAL BANK, at the instance and request of the''.: herein, having advanced.and paid in cash ' the grantors here portion of the purchase price of the herein. describedpropert', 'evidenced by the hereinbefore described Sixty- Three. ThousS No /100 Dollars ($63,000.00) note, the Vendor's Lien, togeth;, the Superior Title to said property, is retained herein } benefit of said TEXAS 'NATIONAL BANK and the same are TRANSFERRED and ASSIGNED to said TEXAS NATIONAL BANK.'' EXECUTED this 020t4t day of December, A.D. 1985. .t• , . A DAVID B. HILL r' J /fr CHARLOTTE R. HILL , 7j^ J ,b 4 4 . • v 849 ra�� 350 �� V t :r4 I WARRANTY DEED WITH VENDOR'S LIEN THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS j KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE 'sI °: 1 That we, DONALD M. BOUCHER and BEVERLY A. BOUCHER, t J, of DONALD M. BOUCHER, of the County of Travis and State of for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO /100 D e' r ($10.00) and other valuable consideration to the Undersignea-»: by the Grantees herein named, the receipt of which is `{ acknowledged, and the further consideration of the executi4 delivery by Grantees of that one certain date herewith, Promissory note o�� payable to the order of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINM LOAN ASSOCIATION OF BEAUMONT in the principal sum of 7"1 . payable at maturity thereof and bearing interest as provided and containing the usual clauses relatis acceleration of maturity and for attorney's which said note of even date herewith is secured the PaV�; by a lien herein retained, and is additionally secured by a ` I trust of even date herewith to R.F. DUBOIS, JR., Trust GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents do GRAN k and CONVEY unto DAVID B. HILL and wife, CHARLOTTE R. HILL County of Brazos and State of Texas, all of the real situated in Brazos County, Texas, and described in Exhi•, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes;.; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, a with all and singular the rights and appurtenances th anywise belonging unto the said Grantees, their heirs and forever; and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, e ,, . and administrators and their assigns to WARRANT AND DEFEND all and singular the said premises unto the said P their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever ? claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. But it is expressly agreed that the VENDOR'S LIEN t' as the Superior Title in and to the above described re t retained P against the above described property, improvements until the above described $77,2000 note interest thereon are fully paid according to the fac I. effect and reading thereof, when this Deed shall become,- �� The said FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC e BEAUMONT, at the instance and request of the Grante t having advanced that portion of the purchase pr N . evidenced by the $77,200.00 � ': note described aa promissory ,; :,: of the Vendor's Lien, together with the Superior Tit] k t tdr 849FAGE 602 F ,. 1 of 4 1 4 : : 1 r L 1'' ), herein retained is for the benefit of FIRST FEDERAL AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF BEAUMONT, and the same is hereby 1 AND ASSIGNED to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ION OF BEAUMONT. s conveyance is made and accepted subject to conditions, - ions, and easements appearing of record only to the they affect the Property in the map or plat recorded in ,- 38 Page 602 of the Plat Records of Brazos County, Texas, the Instruments recorded in Volume 107 Page 181 of the operty Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the gas . easement granted to COMMUNITY NATURAL GAS COMPANY in an Hent recorded in Volume 71 Page 497 of the Deed Records of :county, Texas. is conveyance is made and accepted subject to real taxes for the year 1985 and real property taxes for 2ent years not yet due and payable, and subject to the ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, only to ent they affect the Property. • I ECUTED on this cti/day of December, 1985 A.D. q •-•• t p. v.. ...s5ZQ DONALD M. BOUCHER E VERLY A BOUCHER E BOUCHER FATE OF TEXAS y OF BRA-2 efore me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally ed DONALD M. BOUCHER, known to me to be the person whose is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged ,- that he executed the same for the purposes and , therein expressed. • Given under my hand and seal of office on this c 90/ 4 day of 11:ier, 1985. i A016.4 1111gla . otaiy P n and or the • . 14*.ion,,Expires: State of Texas .• I •-•Jor ail • P'%17 or Type Name of Notary . • s t) ..... oF 41 0 I - . I nl. 849 V 11E603 2 of 4 •. I - I Ill . . • • 3 ' 1 f EXHIBIT "A" - i All of that certain lot or parcel of land, lying within an unplatted portion of COLLEGE PARK., t , an addition to the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, according to the plat recorded f s in Volume 38, Page 602 and being that same David B. Hill and wife, Charlotte R. Hill, called kA ' 3 Lot 12, Block 2A, recorded in Volume 849, Page 602, Official Records of said County, and } being further described u follows: u f BEGINNING at a found 1/2" iron rod in concrete for the intersection of the southeasterly right- of -way line of 40' wide Old Jersey Street and the northeasterly right -of -way line of variable . width Ayrshire Street; x <., ' THENCE along said Old Jersey Street line the following calls: s, : N 37 deg. 21' 46" E a distance of 137.33' to a found 1/2" iron rod in concrete; i N 36 deg. 32' 28" E a distance of 19.93' to a found 1/2" rion rod in concrete; THENCE S 39 deg. 03' 40" E a distance of 118.13' to a found 1/2" iron rod in concrete; THENCE S 39 deg. 22' 23" E a distance of 16.14' to a found 1/2" iron rod in concrete; THENCE S 16 deg. 38' 03" E a distance of 136.05' to a found 1/2" iron rod in concrete; x` THENCE along the northwesterly right-of-way line of variable width West Dexter Drive the following calls: S 72 deg. 20' 14" W a distance of 100.95' to a found 3/8" iron rod; r ` N 71 deg. 54' 55" W a distance of 46.29' to a found 1/2" iron rod in concrete; THENCE N 32 deg. 02' 30" W along said Ayrshire Street line, for the basis of bearings of this I survey, a distance of' 148.23' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.762 of an acre of land, more or less. I VOL 2 � , 1 1 PAG 308 y t