HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957 - 1963 Recreation Council Minutes CONSTITUTION of the COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL (As modified by Council action, November 1959) PREAMBLE Whereas it is right and fair that children, young people and adults should have an opportunity to make the best possible use of leisure time, and Whereas it is a wise community that provides proper places in which citizens may play throughout the year under intelligent and sympathetic leader- ship, Therefore be it resolved, that we hereby join together in a Council in accordance with the following Articles and By-laws. Article 1 Name. The name of this Council shall be the College Station Recreation Coun- cil, College Station, Texas. Article 2 Purpose. The organization shall be non-political, nonsectarian and non-comm- ercial. Its objectives sh.all be to encourage unity for the purpose of obtaining for the people of ou.:r community such opportunities for whole - some play and recreation throughout the entire year as shall help them to become more worthy citizens, and to provide such opportunities for the wholesome recreation of youth as shall make our community the best possible place in which to live. Article 3 Membership The membership of the Council shall be composed of 16 adult citizens who shall serve without pay. One shall be a representative of the City Council, appointed by the Mayor; two representatives of the School Board of the A &M Consolidated School System (one of which shall represent Lincoln School), appointed by the Board Chairman; and one a representative of the A &M College of Texas, to be appointed by the President of the College. One member shall be elected from each of the following organizations: Boy Scouts, Kiwanis Club, Mothers and Dads } 1 Club, Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, Council of Church Women, Girl Scouts and Lions Club. Four members will be selected at -large by the Council, as required, at the regular meeting in January. The term of office of the members affiliated with the City Council, A &M College, or, with the Consolidated School System shall automatically expire upon the termination of the affiliation of such members with their respective organizations. The vacancies occurring in the Council, other than by expiration of term, shall be filled for the unexpired term. The expiration dates of the members of the Council shall be staggered so that 4 members will retire each year and the new members will be selected for a 3 -year period. Article 4 Officers. The officers of this Council shall be a President, Vice - President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected at the Febru- ary meeting. Duties of officers shall be those provided in the Constitu- tion. Article 5 Meetings. The Council shall meet monthly to hear reports and take action on current business. Special meetings may be called by the President, and due notice will be sent to each member at least 3 days before a meeting is called. Article 6 Order of Business. (1) Reading of minutes; (2) Report of Committees; (3) Re- port of Officers; (4) Ur. irdsh.ed business; (5) New business; (6) Adjourn- ment. Article 7 Election of O fficers. There shall be a nominating committee consisting of 3 mem- bers appointed by the President. Nominations also may be made from the floor. If there is but one nominee for any office, election may be by voice vote. When more than one nomination is made, election shall be by ballot and a plurality vote shall constitute an election. Any vacancy occurring in office shall be filled by election. Article 8 Committees, The business of the Council shall be conducted by special and stand- ing committees. Any proposed plan of work by a committee must be presented to the Council for approval. Article 9 Duties of Officers. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meet- ings of the Council, to sign all 'documents, to appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered by the Council, and to be ex- officio member of all committees without the right to vote. In case of a tie vote in general Council elections, he shall have the right to give the deciding vote. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the ab- sence of the President or on the request of the President or the Council, and shall be responsible for arranging for all meetings, and for seeing that publicity is given to everything that is vital to the program. The Secretary shall check the roll, record the minutes of each meeting, keep a record of all publicity notices and activities, handle all corres- pondence, such as notifying new members of their election, conduct correspondence for the Council, acknowledging all grants, funds, resig- nations, etc. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and record all funds from local contributors and co-sponsors, to pay out funds on written order signed by the President, and to present a written report to the Council. He shall keep a summary of all receipts and expenditures. BY -LAWS OF THE COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL (Adopted November 1959) 1. Eight members of the Recreation Council (hereafter termed Council) shall constitute a quorum. Notices of all meetings must be given at least 3 days in advance. The order of business shall be as provided in the Constitution (Article 6). 2. Immediately following the Council meeting in November, the Secretary shall notify the organizations having members on the Council whose terms expire in the current year. Each of these organizations will be requested to nominate one of its members as a candidate for membership on the Council. A nominating committee will propose candidates to serve as members -at -large to fill forthcoming vacancies caused by expiration of terms of such members. In the event of the resignation of a member - at- large, the Council will select someone to fill the unexpired term. When an organization representative must be replaced before expiration of his term of office, the subject organization will be requested to appoint a member of its organization to complete the unexpired term of the pre - decessor. 3. Persons elected to take the place of retiring Council members shall be installed at the February meeting. The out -going President will preside until the newly elected President is installed. 4. The tenure of service on the Council is provided for in the Constitution (Article 3). The following schedule shall be used: Organization affiliation Retirement dates Boy Scout representative Kiwanis Club representative January 1959 -62 -65 etc. Two members -at -large Mothers and Dads Club representative Rotary Club representative January 1960 -63 -66 etc. Chamber of Commerce representative One member -at -large Council of Church Women representative Girl Scout representative January 1961 -64 -67 etc. Lions Club representative One member -at -large 5. An annual activity program will be developed for adoption at the March meeting of the Council. A detailed budget for each program activity will be prepared. The budget and program must of necessity be tentative in view of the fact that definite financing commitments will be impossible at that time. 6. The portion of budgeted funds to be supplied by the City of College Station will be used specifically for instructors' salaries and for play and play- ground equipment. A request for City funds will be presented to the City- Recreation Board on or before April 1. A detailed program and budget for activities which will require the use of City Recreation Board funds must accompany such a request. City Board allocations will not be avail- able until July 1, following approval of the Council's request. 7. In February after new officers for the Council are elected, a panel of 5 Council members' names (all of whom will be qualified voters in the City of College Station) shall be submitted tothe Mayor of College Station. The Council shall request the Mayor to name these 5 citizens to serve, to- gether with the City Manager, as the newly organized Recreation Board. (See City Ordinance passed January 30, 1953). The term of office for members on the first panel will necessarily conform to the provisions of the new ordinance. The Council proposals for subsequent Board appoint- ments likewise will conform to Board requirements. 8. In April, at the time City funds are requested through the Recreation Board for use in the promotion of Council activities, the City Mayor will be re- quested to name all Council members to serve as the Recreation Board Advisory Committee. The latter is provided for in the new ordinance men- tioned in Item 7, above. Thus the activities of the Council can be most closely associated with the proposals and actions taken by the City Recrea- tion Board and its Advisory Committee. Conflicts or duplication in re- creational activities in College Station can be eliminated by the interlocking relationships thus established. 9. All funds of the Council shall be deposited in the College Station State Bank. 10. The Treasurer shall disburse funds only on regularly receipted bills signed by the President. All funds received by the Council from all sources shall be deposited by the Treasurer and disbursed as budgeted funds are disbursed. Funds received by gift, bequest or otherwise shall be disbursed in accord- ance with the terms of such gifts or bequests. All checks shall be counter- signed by the President. 11. The Treasurer shall be prepared to present financial reports to the Council at regular meetings or as often as necessary. 12. No activity shall be undertaken in the name of the Council until the Council shall have approved it. f 13. Progress reports of activities shall be given at the Council meetings. 14. All members of the Council shall be residents of the City of College Station. Exceptions may be made by concurring Council action. 15. Persons living or employed in College Station, or those owning taxable property in the City, are (including dependents) eligible to participate in the programs of the Council at basic fee rates where participation re- quires the payment of fees, such as swimming or tennis activities. Fee requirements to be assessed participants other than those mentioned above, will be double the basic rate. This requirement is designed to offset the contribution of tax supported funds assigned by the City of College Station, contributions made by the local Chamber of Commerce and by the Community Chest. May 14, 1957 The College Station Recreation Council met on Tuesday, May 14, at 2 :00 p.m. in the superintendent's office rrith the following . , members present: Haas, Jones, Varvel, Quizenberry, Hierth and Matzen. The meeting was called to order by the president who then distributed new rosters. The re-,ding of the minutes was ommitted. Mrs. uisenberry announced plans for the summer swimming program and introduced Mr. Adamson who discussed problems involved in administering the program. After a short discussion the council -.Toted to set swimming fees at X4.00 for six weeks. The schedules for all phases of the summer program were announced. Mrs. Hierth named Mrs. Joe Fagen as the director of the pre- school. Iirs. Haas reported that he and Mr. Manning had been discussing new methods of accounting for the council funds and that they would bring this up at a later meeting. A discussion followed as whether or not to Pilot council funds to the Driver's Training Program. The opinion of most members seemed to be that the amount of money needed was toogreat for the number of people benefited. A motion was passed by voice vote note to include Driver's Training in the summer program financially sup- ported by the council. A lefter was read from Mr. Tack Ashwort, Bryan's recreation director pledging cooperation. The meeting was adjounned. Respectfully submitted, 7774/1 4 Calendar of major items of business to be considered at regular meetings. Jan. -- No meetin=g Feb. -- Report of the auditing committee Select nominating commitee to contact other organizations for replacement of their representatives. Study funds available Mar. -- Vote on organizations' representatives and members -at -large Apr. -- Election of officers New officers take over Consider budget May -- Name personnel to operate program, its • scheduling an publicity June -- Operating and reporting of program July -- n tt a n n Aug. -- n n ft u Sept. -- Preliminary reports and evaluation of pro =cram Oct. Nov. Dec. -- Christmas program plans Community Chest report Noe College Recreat 1 Station • ion Program Set T Open June 3 l �- i The summer recreation pro- Southern, treasurer, and Walter r � �w gram of the College Station Varvel, secretary. ' , Recreation Council will begin June 3 and last through Aug. There will at a community 24. Picnic July 4 at 5 :30 p.m. at the Sponsored by the College Sta- Consolidated High School Sta- tion Civic Association, the Col- chum. Mrs. W. A. Varvel is lege Station Community Chest, chairman. the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs Adult recreation classes in Station, calest henics and volley the taught by Larry ball y es and the City of College be ta . program will consist of g Y Mrs. Larry Hayes. swiming, tennis, tumbling, golf Men's softball will begin July baseball, pre - school activities, 15 and last through Sept. 13. bowling, reading, and commu- There will be a Girl Scout day nity picnics for young and old. camp June 19 -26 from 8:30 a.m. Registration f o r swimming until 2 p.m, at the Girl Scout classes under the instruction of camp site. A community day Art Adamson will be May 30 camp will be held June 22 from and July 11 at 9 a.m. at the De 11 a.m. until 3 p.m, at the Girl Ware Field House. Registration Scout camp site. for tennis classes under the in- The Arrowmoon District Boy I struction of Horace Schaffer Scout long term camp will be- will be on June 5 from 7 tog gin on June 23 and last through June 29 at Camp Strake in Con - a.m. at Consolidated Junior High School math room. roe. Golf classes registration will Registration for the ninth be at the golf course on June 4, basic small arms training school f ilm, Registration for student classes will be between 8:30 a.m. and will be at 9 a.m, and for adults, 1 p.m. June 1 at the Twin City at 5 p.m. Joe Fagan will be in- Rifle Club range at Pleasant Acres. structor. Tumbling classes will be Wo men classes in swimming, taught by Dick Dowell and can not under sponsorship of the be registered for on June 5 at 9 recreation program will begin a.m. in the Consolidated on June 3. Beginner classes will gymna- be on Tuesday slum. y and Thursday at Registration for bow 1 i n g 5 : p.m. Advanced classes will classes will n be from 1 to 3 be on Monday and Wednesday June 5 in the MSC bowling al- and other classes will be from ley. John Geiger will be instruc- 1 on Monday, Wednes- tor. day y a and d F Friday. Library hours will be from 8 - -- ° °° a.m. until noon Monday through Friday in the Consolidated Jun - ior High School. Little League Baseball will be under the direction of Jack Fun - gate, president; Howard Mit- chell, vice president; Dixie L s - 49 Pre - School Activities Outlined Finger pa in ti n g, puppets, handwork, music, stories and games are among the activities planned for pre - school children for the first six weeks of the summer under auspices of the College Station recreation coun- cil, Mrs. Joe Fagan, instructor, announced today. Classes will be held daily, Monday through Friday, from 9 to 10 a.m. in Room 7 at the A &M Consolidated junior high, school and will be open to chil- dren four and five years old. Children above five years who have not attended public school because of being under age last September will also be accepted. Registration will begin June 5 in Consolidated gymnasium at 9 a.m. and will last an hour. Tumbling classes will also reg- ister here at the same time. Classes will begin June 10. A longtime resident of College Station, Mrs. Fagan is a grad- uate of TSCW with majors in music and art. She also attended the Hollywood School of design in California, and at present is enrolled in the Famous Artists Schools under the direction of 12 of the nation's best known ar- tists. Mrs. Fagan, a mother of three, also finds time to serve as den mother and to teach in the pri- mary department of the A &M Methodist Sunday school. The pre - school program, as are all activities, is open to all residents of the community. A nominal fee will be charged for I the course. Complete details about the program may be obtained from III Charles Haas, president of the recreation council, or Mrs. Fa- gan. June 11, 1957 The College Station Recreation Council met on Tuesday, June 11, at 2:00 LD.m. in the Junior High 3 ool Library. The presdient called the meeting to order and the secretary's minutes were approved as read. Mr. Haas brought up the subject of the $450.00 in the budget for the Little 'Lt Arue program. .±s. Varvel madca motion that the money be turned over immediately and Mrs. Klipple seconded the motion. After a dis- cussion, Mr. Fisher ammended the motion to read that the money be used for current operations. The motion e.s carried. orted that there is a balance of $4070.52 in the treasury. This sum includes $800.00 from last *ear, $1335.00 from the Community Chest, $1932.00 from the swimming registration, $197.00 from tennis, and $44.00 from pre- school. Mrs. Varvel reported on plans for the community picnic and announced that the city has a special ordinance which allows the council to ha,7e fireworks on the city limits. She asked for : rmission to pay $5.00 for a boy to clean up the premises and all members thought this a good idea. Mr. Manning asked who will handle the concession stand this year. Mrs. Klipple asked permission for the Girl Schouts to have it. After a discussion the members voted that the operation of the concession stand be handled by the Recreation Council. Mr. Nanning was named chairman of the stand for the 1957 picnic. Mrs. Quisenberry announced that there were 445 participants in the swimming program and that she had had1250 programs printed for $15.50. Mr. Haas brought up the method of paying the summer pr c ; ram instructors. At present they go to Mr. Manning at irregular intervals when they wish to be paid. Mr. Manning stated that they seemed to like this m' thod, and that it was no burden on him as treasurer. It was decided to continue in the same manner. The subject of disbursement vouchers was again brought up. Several members voiced the opinion that this might be unnecessary red tape and the subject was not acted upon. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, d -4 .7." 14 - 44 -- * L L July 9, 1957 The College Station Recreation Council met on Tuesday, July ° at 1:15 in the City Hall with Haas, Boswell, Butler, quizen'erry, Hierth, Jones, Fisher, Varvel, Manning, 'nipple, and Matzen present. The president called the meeting to order and the minutes of the last meeting were w proved as read. Mrs. Varvel reported that there had been _ many favorable comments on the July 3rd picnic. As many attended the fireworks display as in the past but there were fewer families with picnic suppers. Mr. Vaanning reported that the concession stand cleared $27.78;half of which was made on cold drinks, the remainder on hot dogs and " ^14, 4 4 ice c ✓Co7/77 Mr. Manning presented a financil summary of the council funds at that time. Mr. Haas introduced Mr. John Geiger, who reported on the bowling program. He raised the point of rewarding his instructors who until this time had been voluntary. Mrs Matzen Made a motion that 10.00 be given to Mr. Geiger to purchase gifts for these ladies. The motion was carried. Mr. Geiger also asked for the council policy on registration fees for non - residents. The policy of charging double was discussed at length but no action taken to change it. err. Fisher reported that the softball program would start July 19th with six teams lined up for action on Friday and Saturday night. He asked that x"125.00 be alloted to this program. Fr. Butler moved that this be done and the motion was carried. Mr. Jones Stated that Mrs. Hierth, Mary Margaret Hierth and Mrs. Krenitsky helped with tennis. The meeting was adjourned. Res . Z'; 271/4 1 August 13, 1957 The College Station RecreationCouncil met on August 13 at 1:15 p.m. in the City Hall. The President called the meeting to order with the follotsing members present: Haas, Boswell, uiwenberry, Manning, Matzen, Fisher and Tarrow. The secremtary read the minutes of the previous meeting and the minutes were approved as read. The president announced the resigna- tion of Mrs. Matzen, the present secretary. Mr. Manning moved the resignation be accreted and the motion was carried. Mrs. Matzen moved that Mrs. Hierth be asked to take over the secretary's office and the motion was carried. Mr. Haas will contact her to see if she will accept the office. A discussion followed on the election of a member to the Council to replace Mrs. Matzen. Mrs. Matzen suggested that Mrs. Bill Dozier is both interested and familiar with the swimming Drogram and 'would make a good replacement. Mr. Manning moved that she be contacted and the motion was carried. _fir. Tarrow introduced a visitor, Mr. Joe Paton, .rho has been in charge of the colored recreation program. Mr. Patton asked that the council make available to him the balance of the money budgeted to this program. The Negro Chamber of Commerce had loaned x 3100.00 toward the purchase of baseball uniforms, .hi.B needed to be repaid. The remaining buggeted sum of 19.35 would be used for baseball supplies during the last two weeks. Mr. Fisher moved that the total sum of 119.35 be made available and the motion was carried. Mr. Tarrow reported that the negro Program had consisted of planned recrevtion each morning, Little League Baseball, and a square dance. Mr. Manning reported on the financial situation after most of the summer programs were completed. In addition he listed the irr ome and disbursements for the Women's Physical Education and the Tumbling programs. Mrs. Quisenberry reported on the number of swimmers registered for thesecond six weeks and the ex. -enses still outstanding. It wasthe unanimous op�.on of the council members that the summer would be completed with income and expenses checking closely with the budget. Mr. Haas asked that vll prcg ram chairman have reports ready for the September meeting. Mr. Manning moved that the meeting be adjourned. The rm tion was seconded and carried. Respectfully submitted, September 10, 1957 The College Station Recreation Council met at a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 10, at 1 :15 in the City Hall with Haas, Varvel, Klipple, 3oswell, Tarrow, Krenitzky, Dozier, Fisher, Quisenberry, **"..■ Tishler, Jones, and Hieruh present. The president called the meeting to order. Minutes or the precedinM meeting were red ana approved with one correction. The treasurer reported as follows; Bank 3alance . 1982.69 City Fund 245.92 Total Cash on Hand..$1228.61 The treasurer stated that the Council was operating very close to its bud Met of 46207 with total expenditures at 46210.69. Expenses of the program were given as follows; Administrative expense 29.35 Soft -Ball 129.38 Swimming 3914.67 Pre-School 140.46 July 4th Picnic 138.33 Women's Physical Ed. 96.00 Little League 450.00 I..' Tennis 470.00 Negro ecreation Golf Bowling Reports were given on the followin_=, activities: S# ring- There were 353 enrolled pupils for instruc.e tion, and all who wanted to enroll were accepted. There were 5 paid ana 7 unpaid instructors. (See attached sheet) Tennis- 100 paid members took Part in the program, and over 100 participants in the County Tournament. The chairman expressed thanks to Mr.Tishler for the use of the courts and to tnose who helped with instuction when Mr. Shaeffer, instructor, was away. It was suggested that we might try to et one court liMhted for night use, and that age limits might be considered is - : setting up next year's program. " loll- No detailed report submitted. It seemed to be f felt that we should supplement the ]olf Association program. Pre - School- An en- ollment of 25 was reported. The i+�x(►e attached report) Bowling- A stea - y attendance of 80 was reported. Community Picnic - There was a large attendance at the fireworks, but not many picnickers. It was suggested that having more of a carnival atmosphere might stimulate attendance. Soft -Ball- Over 100 participated in the program. `► Some paid umpires for the games were requested for next year. (See detailed report attacljed.) Negro iecreation- The chairman reported 25 in their pre - school program, 30 boys in the Little League, nd 12 in the girl's sort -ball. He said they wished they could expand their program with tennis a��d .olley -mall as possibilities and said there was a need for trained leaders. It was suggested that the Council meet again in December at which time Mrs. Klipnle, chairman, would report on the Christmas program. The meeting was adjourned. XYLaniost �1 Margaret Hierth, Secretary L December 10, 1957 The College Station Recreation Council met for regular meeting on Tuesday, December 10t1 at 1 :15 p.m. in the superintendent's office in the Junior Hi School. Members present were: Haas, Manning, Jones, Boswell, Varvel, ,cozier, Klipple and Quisenberry. The meeting was called to order by the president. Yinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported the bank balance to be 4685.24 with 1245.92 in the City Fund. It was reported that the Community Chest had fallen 12000 short of its goal, and of the 1 1500 requested by the Recreation Council only ,1000 was allowed them on the proposed budget. It will be decided at the City Council meeting in March how much will be allocated to the Recreation Council.It was announced that the yearly audit will be presented at the Council's regular meetins in February, election will be held in March with new officers takin; office in April when the 1958 budget will be considered. ( The budget will be presented for adoption in i�• May and the Recreation program established. The Christmas Prty was announced for Christmas eve at 7 :00 p.m. in the Cafeteria with Mrs. Joe Fa an, i charge of the program. Mrs. Dozier` as 'e y . S. Troop 45 will fill the candy bags, Dicky 'Dowell will be Santa Claus, Mr. Haas will see to the Christmas tree which Mrs. Klipple assisted by Troop 5 will decorate. Frank Coulter will lead the ;group singing and Mrs. Varvel will serve as publicity chairman. The president appointed members Jones and Boswell to serve as an auditin- committee and to have the report for the February meeting. A calendar of major items of business for our regular meetings was established with the secretary instructed to place a copy in the front of the minutes book. The calendar read as follows: Jan. -- No meeting Feb. -- Report of the auditin- committee Select nominating committee to contact other organizations for replacement of L their representatives. Study of funds available Mar. -- Vote on or^anization's representatives and membera -at -large Apr. -- Election of officers. New officers take over Consider budget Thy -- Name personnel to operate program, its scheduling and publicity. June -- Operating and reporting of program JUly n n u n n Sept. -- Preliminary report and ev Oct. Nov. Dec. -- Christmas pDomram plans Community Chest report Mr. Jones and Yr. Krenitsky stressed the need for a lighted field somewhere for tennis players co- overatin' • with the youth facilities. t ie The secretary was directed to prepare a general news story of the Recreation Council Activities to be submitted to the local newspaper and the 3attalion. The meeting; was adjourned. Pearl auisenberry, Sec. Pro -tem DEC. 12, 1957 THE BRYAN DAILY EAGLE, BRYAN, TEXAS SEVEN there to include tennis and vol- CS Recreation ley -ball and more recreation for adults. C ouncil Reviews Council members who attend - ed the meeting are Charles Hass, }• Pres.; Flake Fisher, Vice - Pres.; Years Activity Mrs. H. E. Hierth, Sec'y.; K. A. Manning, Treas.; W. T. Riedel; The College Station Recrea- Carl Tishler; Ran Boswell; W. tion Council met in the office of A. Tarrow; Mrs. W. A. Varvel; Superintendent of Schools, Tay- Mrs. E. C. Klipple; Luther Jones; for Reidel, to review the year's Mrs. J. Quisenberry; Mike Kren- activity and to make plans for itsky; Bill Hensel; O. D. Butler; 1958. According to the reports Mrs. W. B. Dozier. submitted by council members, the program attracted more than 1500 participants. Activities for the children of the community included swim- ming in which there were 853 enrolled pupils, golf with 22 jun- ior members, tumbling for 75 youngsters, bowling with a steady attendance of 80, pre- school for 21 regular "students ", and reading. Little League Base- ball had 150 boys and parents. The tennis program had 100 , members taking part in the pro- gram and over 100 participants in the County tournament. Adults were not outdone by the youngsters, with over 100 men participating in softball, 28 taking golf lessons, and the class in calisthenics and volleyball for a large group of women. Family groups attended a Community picnic on July 4th, which was followed by a display of fire- works. At Lincoln School, a diversi- fied program was held with about 100 registered partici- pants. It included pre - school ac- tivities, boy's Little League, and l girl's soft -ball. Plans are being made to expand the program `rr► Christmas CS To Have Free Party Set Christmas Party 24 A free community Christmas, For Dec. 24 complete with Santa Claus, is of- fered to local citizens on Christmas Eve by the College Station Re- COLLEGE STATION (Spl) — creation Council. The annual Christmas party The Christmas party will be held of the College Station recrea- I on Dec. 24 in the Consolidated tion council will begin prompt- Junior High School Music Room. ly at 7 p.m. Christmas Eve in Girl Scout Troop 45 is acting as a the music room of A &M Con- soliddted Junior High School. i crew of Santa's helpers by wrap - Mrs. E. C. Klipple is general ping candy which the jolly old chairman of the party and Mrs. gentleman will distribute to the Joe Fagan is program chairman. kiddies. Girl Scouts from Troop 5 Girl Scout troop 45 is helping are in charge of decorating the Santa Claus by sacking candy large tree. and Girl Scout troop 5 will dec- I The program will feature several orate the Christmas tree. Frank I presentations by local children. Coulter will lead community f singing. from various age groups com- Residents of College Station j m carol singing and Santa's might be interested to know ( presents for the kiddies. that this party dates almost Larry Hayes will lead the cam- back to the founding of Texas munity singing, and Patricia Jack - A &M College. son, a Consolidated High School According to the college arc- junior, will give a Christmas read - hives, " ... for years some pro- ing, vision had been made to have Other features on the program a Christmas observance for the include a short play, "The Toy cadets who lacked the means Shop ", by a group from Wee Ag- to go home or who lived too far away to make the trip. It gieland Kindergarten. The play was this organization (the Cam- was presented by the kindergarten pus Social Club) that in 1911 students on Station KBTX -TV, in made the annual Christmas par- Bryan, yesterday. ty a community affair for the entire college." 1 Such ca '`. Cil.s:•: values, ` in the absence of denomination- ; al churches, had been held ih the old chapel, in use since 1889.1 At that time each family con - tributed 50 cents to a dollar to I Icover cost of decorations and !refreshments. I Mrs. W. A. Varvel, who is i publicity chairman for the par- ty, says eveiyone in the com- munity contributes to this year" party through the recree`;,.`As council. •qsanbaa duo aTTaM pTnoM au Tvs qusp-Tsaad aus •spaeu TT sTaaJ TTouno0 auq qunouiu auk gsanbaa oq uoTq.eqS a: eTTo0 Jo aoAvIta etq oq uaq*TaM aq aaqqe[ v quuq auoud Rq p:a rsa `ans TTamsog uvj 'aossaoons aau oq a no mau,q umq pun 111917,4 daax TTTM aus pue pasuuoand uaaq @Keg suoTquaooap queuumaad emoS • A.a d 011'4. ao; aau on, uaiT 00 ' OS aLq MOJJ JOA0 q.TaT 'unomu auq `59 'TTY,- aaans eaaq. auk' oq pauangoa puu (gaaus peuougqu aas) saangTpuedxe pazTmagT aLS 'papuE44.0 00 Lazo.; .g4 s6U4B JuQ auk uo qaodea az aTddTTH urTTETri •aaggTmmoo STuq ggTM gaam osTE TTTM 1.uepTsaad ou •aoggTtuaoo auTqt;uTWou v sv TaAauA pug: aTddTTH `s auor s aagmam paquToddE que T s aad ow, •SaTgaem gxau auq qv uoTqoala aoJ TTounop auq oq paggTmqns eq p[noM uoTUM dnoa Love MOJJ suoTquuTmou oMq eat puv paq.uaseadaa Rauq suoTquzTuuSao auq qoequoo p[nom Aeuq. pad cqs 956T ` uoauK aaTdxe suiaaq asogM saagmam eaauq auy •paTaaeo puu epuooas sum uoTqom au' •paq.deooi aq gaodaa swq qvwi- paAom RaaaguesTnt TJBad (•gaodoa pauovqqv ..� aas) •sxooq s i aaansveaq auj uTTA paxoauo uoTUM - 7 z ' 6i7L SUM 9S/OT/ Z eoumT'sq auq ee4qTmmoo SuTgTpnu auq ao; pagaodaa senor aau nq •mea: o,tid uoTq e ioaa auq uT squudToTq.aud pa - :jauuo aq oq soej uo .auTT aua- Tou o. Aaq pTnous am q>ruq sum q.uesaad asouq Jo uoTuTdo Jo snsuasuoo et.p • s pond A;T 3 MOJJ tuns ' puv `OOOT Jo qunomu pagva -oad v as TTTM uoTUM gsaUO RqTunmmo0 uoTquqS eSeTToD aqq MOJJ qunomv apn[ouT pinoM anuanaa aauq.o quuq pagaodaa aeq zn; aaansvaaq aus. •pun, /CorTD eqq uT 66'St7' pu ' aq'sgS 'S'0 uT osiu pun uoTquToossy oTITO uoTqugs e:taiToo auk. Fq paieooTTti 5zT? ` 3u�S equgs uoTq`sqS aTTo0 auq uT sT i Y6+7L; ' ttnomr sTuq JO aq o4 putt uo us Go Tugo' auq pad aodaa .zaansvaaq et i • faaaquesTnt pug; • senor `aeTzoa `TanauA `ugaeTH ` uTuuux `eTddTTm `aausT� `siiH saagmam aaaM LuTqaam auq aoJ quasead •sToouos Jo quepuequTaedns auq Jo aoTj;o auq . ..J uT 'm'd ST :T 956T `TT li nagel ` - epsenJ, uo qew TTouno0 uoTquaaoe uoTgigj a`..euTo0 eta g561 `TT` Laenagod • .LregOJaas `ggaaTH qa,zeS.ze; • pau mo C p s'em lT q a om auLT J •q.dax sT qT aaOLM TT04 pue puuu uo quaudTnba auq. l.zoqueAuT oo uviuTuua uOEa pa)s'e quapTsaJd aus m U —1 -1 c'. 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O H .. , ,� N 7.; .9 o ° g U 00 a ° , cd ro a ti ' 3 m i ° ,, a � M x . g . a °' w H a 3 a 0 44 U C7 . 3 ao ao 3 00 ro o a ,0 ' cZi ., •I 0 0 o N o a a a z 3 pa< A . a v 11 • o w 0 N 4 0 • • . a ., ro 0 w A a a 3 U O a u, d .H+ w,, H" •' 0 0 w b * co a -4 0 4 0 m° 0 ai 0 U m H CO o m H "' ] y U 1:1 +' • a+ 0 a a v 3 a 3 'co a 3 0"0 b C ' ► i a a i a a a 0 H "' a t i n [i � •', .0 0 0 a 0 a +• . � 0 a ,0 0 0 •.• 3 °{ M a >, Y A cn cd N �; +� H o n H .a WG4.aWd 4 «aWU , U g 0 wtiti � a v 4 04 y -4 a 0 .,, ,4 i ni u, 0 w a, z o4 3 a H 0„ w�.0 3 H U a 0 H a, H a 0 m .4 0 a d ,., 4 a '3x x ,° N � ' . o >. .0w (0 0 0 • p 3 • 000 •, > 3 •co '" 4 b E . E 3 a "' 0 :: M ro a. a U a cn r, }' M 0 0 a Ti 0 a N a 0 '3 to . 3 3 ' U a CAA 'd A a o 0 y 4PAd d a crl W••U 4-. a , a x H ° U a a a HA E 0 •0 o m �a co 0 --4 ,4 x En 0 0 N o VI 0) CO > , m U U > .. , 0 00 a 0 3 a 0 0 H a rt! O r * as rAd Han 04xcn h 3A a � 0 ¢ a )n ,n 0 0 cn E 0 cn u� 0 0 0 0 .• 0 ,,. 0 00 o w H CO 00 co O• o• •, •-- ■•• •-) ,-, COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR 1958 SOURCES OF FUNDS 1957 1958 1. Balance Forward $ 858.69 . 1,006.81 2. Contribution City of College Station 1,000.00 1,500.00 Development Association 150.00 125.00 Community Chest 1,350.00 900.00 $3,35 $3,53 3. Registration Fees Swimming 11,3,594.00 X3,500.00 Tennis 248.00 250.00 Pre - School 52.00 60.00 Tumbling 70.00 100.00 Bowling 113.00 100.00 July 4th Picnic 53.78 50.00 , ;;4,130.78 $4,060.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $7,591.81 Program Budget 1. Swimming Instruction '1,909.50 ♦$2,100.00 Trips, Fees & Awards 1,288.17 1,500.00 Use of Pool 717.00 725.00 $3,914.67 $4,325.00 . 2. Tennis Instruction $ 360.00 360,00 Trophies 20.00 25.00 Trips 90.00 100.00 $ 470.00 $ 485.00 3. Pre - School Instruction 4 113.75 v 120.00 Supplies 21.71 75.00 $ 140.46$ 195.00 4. Lincoln School Instruction & Equipment $ 329.15 $ 462.00 5. July 4th Picnic 138.33 125.00 6. Tumbling 255.00 340.00 7. Little League 450.00 400.00 8. Adult Softball 129.38 200.00 9. Christmas Party 88.35 100.00 10. Bowling 158.35 150.00 11. Twin -City Jr. Rifle Club 0 75.00 12. Administra irExpense 29.35 35.00 $6,103.04 $6,892.00 UNALLOCATED FUNDS (ESTIMATE) $ 699.81 .. • ("P 0....44.-.4. 4 et 4 7) , s l fp dllon, V / c 0 42 . ajti—"it .4 h 024...42. 4"Athiewil- ta / ) 42 ° **( 944--( 4 4( - , 43404 _, " . 1 •Ide.• el 4 014 4 0-o. it-1 0 „eya--,041 d i ? /44 , ( , . , / / -e-t ,..,.......„..„,"...e .t.' ) ' k , of ' Audit of Recreation Council of College Station, Texas 12/14/56 - audit by Haas & Fisher / /ao/ Start of audit u 796.94 Bank shov;s $4.00 more than Cubby Manning book - -a /c Hank Chapman- On hand at beginning of. 1957 796.94 Total receipts 5874.69 6671.63 5922.39 5922.39 Balance 2/10/58 749.24 AUDIT, 2/10/58 j ' 110 r L. Jones 7z A- N.._2 „f/ Rqn Bosewell ct-cA 13S IAAA -1)S1 Q 6 Of° 211-(A.111114LtIL (UAIA.14WKA- 3. D3 1 71 &---cA__, S—EoL.JL 2 , 2s 1?.1 - 171y ktipi,-)1w4fril 3 oc. 2 1 41A1C d . " 1 - - 4V c l h turLatL6,„,),, 45-7 L March 11, 1958 The College Station Recreation Council met (s. for regular meeting on Tuesday, March 11 at 1 :15 P.M. in the office of the Superintemdent of Schools. Present for the meeting were members Haas, Q.uisenberry, ')ozier, Fisher, Tarrow, Klipple, Reidel, Manning and Hierth. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported our funds at 120 31.81. This amount includes: *749.24 Balance 125.00 Civic Association 11.65 Refund from Xmas Party 245.92 City Budget 900.00 Community Chest New members were considered. For member -at- large Mrs. Norman Anerson was selected and the President agreed to contact her. From the Lions Club, Mr. James H. sregory was elected. The secretary was asked to bring copies -o.i' the Constitution to the next meeting and also to make up copies of the "agenda" for the monthly meetings for each member. Members were asked to make their requests for funds of the next meeting to present to the budget committee. The meeting was adjourned. Margaret Hierth, Secretary Low April 8, 1958 The College Station Recre Lion Council met for regular meeting on Tuesday April 8, 1958 at 1 :15 P.M. in the office of the Supt. of Schools. ¥embers present for the meeting wer as follows: Haas, Quisenberry, Jones, Varvel, Klipple, Fisher, Dozier, Hierth and Tarrow. The meeting was opened by the president. Minutes of the previous reular meetin were read and approved. The treasurer sent word to the meeting that our total balance on hand was the same as reporter as the last meeting. The City, from who we have requested ;1500, has not yet met to act on our request for funds. Mrs. Klipple reported that Mrs. Dale Limper would come on the board to represent the -irl Scouts, her term to begin June, 1958, and that she would be asked to attend the May meeting. Dr. Jones agreed to continue to serve until his successor might be appointed. The following report was made by the nominating committee: President -- Mr. Flake Fisher Tice- President -- Mrs. J. Quisenberry Secretary -- Mrs. H.E.Hierth Mrs. Varvel moved that this report be accepted and these officers elected. The motion was seconded and carried. Requests for funds were made by chairman present. Members were told that the pre- school group needed a new record player. Mr. Tarrow stated that Lincold School needed about 167 more. There is a need at that school to hire some qualified leaders, and also they want to provide some wholesome entertainment for the teen -agers once a week. They woul° like to have $462 to carry out their program. The Twin City Rifle Club is askin - for 175 to assist their program to be use for some "modification " to their rifles. The Little Leaguers want to increase the number of their teams to 4 Class A and 6 Pee -Wee teams, and need several items to carry this out. It was suggested that we mi ;ht sponsor two teams '@ 475 with an upper limit of '400 if funds were available for incre' ded help. The Swimming chaiman felt that we should try to increase the salary to Mr. Adamson to show our appreciation of what he is loin for our youth. The Tennis ch ^irman asked for .240 for instructors and 4240 for travellinM. expenses. It was suggested that out -door dances might be sponsored for the teen -aers with an expense of 425 to be allowed. The Adult Soft -,all program asked for 1188 to include 160 for p ^id umpires. A bua^;ot committee was appointed with Mrs. auisenberry as chairman, and the Sec., Mrs. Hierth, and the treasurer, Mr. Mannin7 as members. Chaimen were asked to have each sport schedule ready for presentation at the next meetin^;. The meetinT was adjourned. Margaret Hierth, Secretary--- L 215 hay 1998 The College ; tation Recreation Council College z=tation, Texas Lear Members of the Council: It is with great pleasure that I accept, on behalf of our Zwecutive Board, your check for $75.00 for modification of the rifles which you have made avail- able to our Club for the use of the youth of our Community. W e appreciate your generous support and how that we can continue tc merit it. In order t`-_t you members of the Council may be brought up tc d: ties on just what has been done by the Council, 1 sho'ild like to report to you that in 1955 your Council +Bade available to the Twin City Junior attic Club, on a leen basis, six target rifles, Remington 510. Although the si.ghte on these rifles mere in- adequate we used the until you were in position to pay for new sights which were put on in 1956. This has greatly improved the value, use, and effectiveness of your rifles. Aeai.r , we came to you tale y €lr r asking for additional money to make additional anodi.fieations to the rifles. We have put on Freeland sling keepers mead put the in protective eases with the money w ioh you have :ride available tc tee in resent weeks. .�e have attached to each stock a metal plate ateting that the rifles are the pro- perty of the College 'tation Recreation Council. I should like you to know that the rifles are receiving extensive use, proper eere, and sufficient &afe- guarding. In order that you may h ve a better idea of the scope of our program, you might be intereated to know that we train in schools, and in the Club itself, more than one hundred boys and girls each year. +e have been conducting three basic schools each year, two intermediate courses each year, and t:is training is in addition to regular Club firine and competitive firing by the teams of our Club. :lad it not been for the availability of the rifles put at our disposal by you it would have been extremely difficult to get this program started. We now have our own range which is developed each year, :end we have considerable equip - ment on hand, including other rifles. we are firing in excess of 25.000 rounds per year, so you can see that the rifles are put to a lot of use. it is estimated that one of those rifle barrels is Ecod for approximately 100,000 rounds, so, of course, not knowing how old they were when we got them, and how much firing ad be n done, we have no idea as to when these barrels will start becoming defective. College Station Recreation Council 2. 28 Nay 1958 =hen that time cods, however, new barrels can be placed in the receivers and your rifles should be good for an indefinite period of time. You are invited to come to the range and visit our shooting activities at any time it is convenient with you. Again, thank you very much for your support. Sincerely, Sidney L. Loveless, Club Leader and Chief Instructor LL: ak :iza, . nT � D . .ice m Fl k , i \ 1 1 1( cv a _ co7 0 1-0 4 ` i � 7 lo r) W ` `\D '',,' , ,, , _ -,p J ‘-- A 4 1 m a W o a a a w w F F ec WC1 0 w m z 0 Z >- 0 all D a Q w F ,— u z w,F CD D a H e m n ' " , W W U a z < o A a u til x May 13, 1958 The Colle -e Station Recreation Council mot for re -1 ular meeting on 'Tuesday May 13, 1958 at 1 :15 p.m. in the office of the superintendent of schools. Members preent for the meeting; were Varvel, Liepper, Riedel, Mannin -, Fisher, Quisenberry,Tutlor, Hierth, Dozier, Cashion. New members were announced as follows: Mr. Larry Hayes to replace nr. Luther Jones, Dr. R.L. Hanna to replace Mr. Mike Knenitsky, Mr. M.L. (Red) Cashion to represent the Civic Association, and Mr. K. A, Ma nine:, a member, but now to represent the Kil'anis Club. The President, Mr. Fisher, called the meeting to order. He expressed the hone that the Co-ncil's program mi ht grow and be adaptable to the needs of t the community and thus continue a real service. The secretary red the minutes of the previous meeting- which were approved. As a member of the buTh';et committee, Mrs. Quisenberry gave their report, which was approved': + After discussion reTardin-; the purchass 1"f a new record player, Mrs. Quisenberry moved that a committee be nm -d to investigate thorouhly the securin of a record player and public address system with 1125 as the upper limit. The motion . was seconded by Mrs. Varvel and carried. The Pres. appointed Mr. Cashion, ch., Mrs. Hierth and Mrs. Dozier. The point was raised for discussion that there may be children kept out of the swimnin' program because of the fee. The consensus of opinion was that members had not ?mown of any such cases, but would be alert to see what couli be done if anyone hears of any. The opinion was also expressed that the Christmas party at Consolidated no longer serves a need, but that it did at Lincoln school. Mrs. Quisenberry was named as chairman of a committee to see about Navin-; the programs printed_ giving information abou the summer recreation schedule with Mrs. Dozier as her assistant. L Meeting was adjourned. Margaret Hierth, Sec. to a U H - U z A a u O d U co N 0 • Pgi fa O >. k x iii (7 ,,_ E .a , , ,.0 a.) U .,� O • `~ E1 [-I y., o Q, • C7 U `n W 0 0 u 0 x ° < z 0 10 0o �° W U o a Ill H A :D nn p4 ° .? ON <4 cd • [Li a) U U to ro Z E-1 a U '° 0 ° � 0 0 ,ra ,--1 ..•, .•, O U an v $4 < 4 ° U �� • Z "� ° E-1 a. 4-4 cn u) 0 C4 aa) W 0 O co .3) W ° W y , a4 an 00 Q 1-.1 VI U UU • s' O 0 o .E 0 0 Cn a� a P • it • t ... . . . ' (4),... 0 a) H O O + a) . .. C ,y �+ � I•� l- O `O U U rx ' v U> ..1 d. • y rd a ) x U .' Os .+ 'D 0" 3 ' �• N O .0 • CO 3 3 ,- 1 CO b0 al a) v' . O C M .O v' X U U , >.. O ,-.1 ,+1 a) m '0 a ' a + N • O O> x F N Q) A � q H a) • '�A .; o v U 8 N • w . 0 . j> A 0 a ., a co 0 0 .. x o .. `n .. a) r 0 0 U Pd x tti > N t: 0 .-al U ° o > 0 x >, .. • : o o 0 17 0 0 >. 0> g „ d N F `� >0 „ FU Z no • 0> o u m A O U � � x w �o H > a Nx a) . o •H m . ) • m _ 1 • • H 0 • ro d �d °� ... F m a� H o T) 0 ti H .a rq 4 , 0 - m ) H A • F y , Q 0 . o g ti F F U r > . 5,v' • H 6 � > '" ° o c e 0 0 0 0 ') G+ ro • m • > M ° 2 °: U a a ) 0 ° u6" `a `" 0 'o 0 c , ( d v '" H I. • n > ' x - CO • ,, • E y~' al Gv � ° . �� m om —+ 0 0 N a > a) o 4) a ;14 w� Has o o . 'n • 0 'o .kU) M . a d 6N x v ti . a� tiv °° g >. >. c' ,n . 1 O x A 0 -. >, a) >. 0 >. a) ,n H 0 >. a) >. 0 m 0 G a 0 • m H w • 0 • A 0 ., A A A 0 ,d A A 0 0 0 Q> A a o HH 0 0 m F H m • '0 ,, P F ' . 0 o H N to F , 4) x , a) H O 0 H H y H ,._,43 y .N + ' a H i m +, a >. 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'7' O CD O 0. o O G • o a x m" w . - D F o 11 o' m Q o m ° E E M a p m D o m H- p G P n 5 w w p t, 'ti M ~ ~ 0 m O K w '1 m r. m „ a- ,p r' W w °- o m , 5 n. o m 'ti m n n , o• n a U o a m E '+ n . c., O o' n . ti o o Y r. m p m n a o :+ G 5 r. p • C / n . � E .°, , °, O ° m ei w o � m ro m o ° 0 -' 0 171 r 'k 5' 9 by r td td r ' 7 O ° ''t . y' hl 'i a '° '' o 0 N m 0 '-' r. m 0 m 0 Y `" -° ro p o x m m m y o f o . ro O. 2° N ac) E m as N E N oa E o m o •"' - m o m " m � m • o. w o `r° b O ti 5• . 5 5 m w .0 E r' (7 '0' K * n n. n 8 r ' y m N x 1 c m a o E a a o• p ro ° 0 4 N H m m m H .7 m rt. r ',.t .. m O. m w y M 0 o- co • m 5 oR " a t 5 ' o. r::', G , - ( cc:: '- C1 td r td 7; 9 td r u, ill • as m' p m oa x .* 2.. 0 ,---' ° �� ° p , m ° a as yc ,� ° eill w C , 5 a 0 y m �. m 0 m ro ( 2 ° 1 '- 5 . E 5 • ° w 5• CD a o m 1 # p 0P50 , E 9 0 9 * * 9 E o H o „d m I'1 d by t. co* as O• 'ti as * co a . G E m 111 (O H m rn O '] a o-, o � a° m m m 5 Z r t y t " m 0 0 td co w a t o 0 t" 11 z ' c ca " x H o G 0 4'. . .- "• . 5 • oa 5 x' t7 'j 9 t1 m r a r m x m m 1 o ,-, w ° ° r'r. r 5 r. °R •• o in 49 p t" t --1 ( z 0 Z 0, o o 0 0 i Pr. ccp m0 C1 m a .• m0 C) z rr�i o o 0 o .- 09cm o m cn n o a d m OD .•. a m tr1 H a M 0 ti °- ti G o O m C H ' . ■ 8 ' ..• < w Era 0' I. a' 4a o H 0 0 xx r � ° 5 a w n J " m ^ m b m 0 0 n ti o n as t" p t a i 1:h o n . '+ n rn cc 9 W. , �• m K n . '+ ci r a . m K o 0 p' w m m 5 C) �, ti cm a m m D. • m w 0 o x o m n a. D 0 O M G m ,b m n 4 a , ,* x co 'O O .+ N 'P N N .. 'P N w �y cLi Li -1 M O ' K Ui tr7 .- ~ O ~O .O K 'E'' y !-1' .O ",�' 'D DD 1 1- 3 a p t °. Q ° 00011, OOOOO 5 5 w 4 O o 0 C w •. .. O O co G O co O 0 0 0 t ti o E, 7. 0 m m 0 n; 0 00 ry 0 w 00 0 o m o o 0 000 ▪ - - o .' U ' . 0 .r a, N '-. 0 a P' 'i7 •G L O O W '-. D. 'd 'Y W r. r rr r p m g p 0 a ,ry J w `.G '• r K .'"" w • '~� .-. F . y n H • • N a d o r. ri _ w n' G 5 .+ .O DD a x m 0 .- m 0 cm c, o 0 0D m w . _ _, x ''. a • w' ° !'!yt 9 h a G G w a O y P. .. 1-..- 0 .1 O 0 N H O ' a N n a d ) K `G O En p ° 0 �''� :• . O O 0 O °. O ° 0 0 0 0 r < , 0 w .. . O. N ,.•. ro . .. . .0 Era m o 0 0 w 0 0 07 O H 0 Oa O a a ✓ a a <' m r: u , '- • G O•' O. 'ti a 0. a 0- w x a r. cis ;d N :: k o `` 5 ' cn w a. 0 • . 5 5 • n H .�P oa b co 0 a 0 G G • a 5 y m 4 • M. c N m g '• 00 oa 'G G • • n . O n ) C7 r g 1 m m N OD 0 `G K • ` G 0 O 0 co .. i 0 N w H D ro N a N O Oa D a m 0 N r {A D1 ° 00 . mw .PN OD P 4 Z ( 5t ''.1 b r 9 K 00 7d ti 9 0 9C) m. °w ' '^ ' N ° o000000 �0 m �� ' w t .. m Cn 0 0 • 0 Q R° t * ti° y 0o Y '� o �n �m G p o 5 xo KC) y ti r. 5 5 w n m o n r. (7 0 ,, m• ■ -4 oc " o co r c i a 10 m n . e° � r co . n. 0' a C) G C7 0, g m o r.- 0 •-- m m m x^ Oa o .§ . cr. , m 0 n • A m 0 M M 0 O 't 0 E n. o. m m m 0 ]' N a r' .. . Al m O TD Oa . G Y r• T T i f June 10, 1958 '/ / The College Station RecreatiO4'Council met for regular meeting on Tuesday, June 10, 1958, at 1:15 p.m. in the office of the Superintendent of Schools. Members present at this meeting were Fisher, Manning, Hanna, Hayes, Quisenberry, Varvel, Tishler, and Tarrow. The president opened the meeting, and minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. The treas- urer reported a balance on hand of 43381.06, not including $1500 which will be forthcoming from the city of College Station. Mr. Fisher reported that the committee to nur- -chase a publics address system, was able to secure a weatherproof system Tor approximately $135.00. This amount is $ 10 more than the amount set by the Council. However, the Council agreed that a weatherproof system would serve it's purpose more adequately. Mrs. Quisenberry distributed conies of the summer recreation program and toll of their distribution in the schools. Progress reports on various facets of the Council's program were made by the following memoers: Tarrow, Quisenberry, Hanna, Hayes, and Fisher. Reports of the Rifle Club and Little League were mailed the Council president by Mr. Loveless, a� Mr. Skrabanek respectively. Plans for the annual Community Picnic were outlined oy sirs. Varvel, and the Council agreed to accept the generous offer of the Lion's Club to operate the concession stand as a service to the Council and the Community. Some discussion of the date of the picnic ended with the ruling oy the Council tLat since July 4th had been set previously and appears on the printed programs already distributed, it was best to use that date. The meeting we,s then adjourned. Nellie Varvel,Sec. Pro -tem L COLLEGE STATION LITTLE LEAGUE Faculty Exchange Box 255 College Station, Texas • Dear ntr- gem f �:,. Th e College Station Little League is trying to bring its records up to date. We are not necessarily asking that you pay all that you have agreed to at this particular time, but would appreciate receiving any portion of your total bill at your earliest convenience. As treasurer of the College Station Little League I have been authorized to send rou this bill. The total amount you have agreed to pay is � 11L? • for rrr. s.. �. , u -> z Please make your checks payable to COLLEGE STATION LITTLE LEAGUE and mail them to the address listed above. We who have the responsibility of working with the College Station Little League this year deeply appreciate the contribution you are making. I am sure that I am expressing the sentiments of some 120 boys and their parents who are this year's participants in saying, "Thanks a lot." We all realize that without the cooperation of individuals and business firms College Station boys would not have had this wonder— ful program. Sincerely, OSee!-)A,4176,124 R. L. Skrabanek, Treasurer College Station Little League RLS/ja ecy-e 0 D " .wa • yy ','" 7 , J� a47 gype r A r.s-ez ,a. 3 .,' F yt ' —, .t ' .,,.' , 4::,' ' 4. ' 4 ArIPIr - d CELEBRATION —Folk at Col- lege Station and their guesta- held a real old fashioned Fourth of July celebration Friday when they gathered for picnics, games and fire- works. Families came early to spread picnic lunches and to take part in games, and by nightfall the crowd was estimated at about 3 ,500 as the fireworks display was set off. A typical family picnic Y scene is shown here. The J. � Gordon Gay family had as V�� ' their guests T. A. E1Hashimi of Iraq Baghdad, an agricul• r, ture student at Texas A &M, ° second from right and Mr. � , and Mrs. Tom Morrow of a F.° Birmingham, Ala., seated on k either side of El Hashimi. Mrs. Gay is seen heaping a plate of food for her hungry u f ton, David, seated at the feet :� /, of his father, J. Gordon Gay. and brother, Mike. Gay is the general secretary the YM- CA at Texas A & M College. The other photo is typical of the fireworks shot o ff during g r �' the evening. (Eagl Ph oto s u j 5 by Gene Dennis) ' 4 x r ' ( a. * September 9, 1958 The College Station Necreation Council met for thier regular meeting on Tuesday Sept. 9, 1958, at 1 :15 p.m. in the office of the Superintendent of Schools. Members present at hte meeting were Fisher, Manning, Liepper, Varvel, Dozier, Hanna and Tarrow. The President called the meeting to order. He stated that there wasn't a meeting in July and only three present at the August meeting. The minutes of June 10, 1958 were read and approved. The Treasurer reported a balance on nand of : 4,448.97 250.00 Still to collect from City fund. 4698.97 Total. All bills have been paid to date. He reported that the Council was operating a little over the budget and sug- gested that next year we increase our budget accordingly. It was suggested by Mr. r'isher that maybe it would be wise to change the full fees for children participating in more than one phase of the Swimming Program. No . action was taken. Reports were given on the following activities: Golf - No money was allocated to the Golf program in the 1958 budget. Mr. ivlanning made the motion that the Golf Instructor be invited to our October taw meeting. Motion was seconded by Mrs Varvel and carried. Soft ball - Mr. Fisher reported 4260.00 was spent in the Softball program. $200.00 was alloted by the Council. When all fees are collected he is sure that the program will not run over the budget. He reported a great improvement over last year due to the hired Umpires. Community Picnic - Mrs. Varvel stated there was a large attendance at the Fireworks, and it was one of the nicest we've had. Expenses were $1111.00. There was 4.88.51 taken in, and 125.00 allotted by Council, leaving a balance of 472.50. Jr. & Sr. High Dances - Mrs. Liepper reported a very small attendance and suggested that it might help if we could have a Jr. High and Sr. High Hepre- sentive.for the Summer Dances, also mext year some money be alloted for records. Action was deferred until the Oct. meeting Mrs. Varvel made the motion that the meeting time be changed from the Decond Tuesday of the month at 1:15 L p.m. to the Second Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. It was seconded oy Mr. Hanna and carried. Meeting was adjourned. Marge Dozier, Sec. Pro -tem January 13, 1959 The College 6tation Recreation Council met for a regular meeting on Tuesday Jan. 13, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the office of the Superintendent of Schools. 'embers present were Fisher, Leipper, .4uisenberry, Welch and Dozier. The president called the meeting to order. He stated due to poor attendance there had not been an official meeting since September. The minutes of Sept. 9, 1958 were read and approved. The president asked Mrs. Dozier to serve with him on the Auditing Committee and to have the report for the Feb. meeting. After the discussion on the Teen Dances, Mrs. Leipper made the motion that the Rec. Council present the Jr. and Sr. Hi Council a suggestion that a repre- sentative from each body be appointed to serve with the Rec Council to promote Summer Teen Dances. This was seconded by Mrs. Quisenberry, and the motion carried. ,., Mr. Fisher asked for a complete report on all Activities participated in in 1958. In the report to be submitted; he asked that there be included the operating budget, number of participants and any suggestions to better the program. Also an inventory on equipment and suggested fees for their usage, if arty. A discussion followed as to the limited time we now have for setting up the budget and making up the program before school is out for the summer. No action was taken. The meeting was adjourned. Marge Dozier, Sec. Pro -tem February 10, 1959 The College Station Recreation Council met for a regular meeting on Tuesday Feb. 10, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the office of the Superintendent of Schools. Members present were Fisher, :canna, Manning, 'Nelch, Dozier, Quisenberry and Tarrow. The president opened the meeting and minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported cash on hand - $1401.23. Mr. Fisher reported for the Auditing Cimmittee that the balance as of Feb. 10, 1959 was 41444.23. They found no errors in the treasurer's books and Bank statements. (See attached report). Mrs Quisenberry moved that this report be accepted. The motion was seconded and carried. Reports were given on the following activities: Swimming - Received from registration $3362.25 Expenses 44394.60 Balance from R. C. of 41032.35 Exceeded amount allotted by 4 69.60 -- Bowling - Registration *142.50 -%'` Expenses $161.58 Allotted by R. C. $ 50.00 Balance 4 30.00 Tumbling - Registration 4 78.00 Total disbursement $247.00 Balance from R. 0. $165.00 Complete reports are attached. A request has been made tc add Archery to the Rec. Council's activities. A study was planned and will be reported on before programs are printed. The point was raised for discussion that we had had many requests for rental of the record player. The consensus of opinion was that there should be a rental charge of *2.50 for the use of the record player. Rental would be limited to only Civic Groups of the City of L College Station and persons renting the player will be liable. Meeting was adjourned. Marge Dozier, Sec. Pro -tem 9 COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR 1958 SOURCES OF FUNDS 1957 1958 1. Balance Forward $ 858.69 $ 1,006.81 2. Contribution City of College Station 1,000.00 1,500.00 Development Association 150.00 125.00 Community Chest 1,350.00 900.00 $3,358.69 $3,531 .81 3. Registration Fees Swimming , 3, 594.00 S 3 4 L. 3-0 X3 9 500.00 Tennis 248.00 250.00 Pre - School 52.00 60.00 Tumbling 70.00 100.00 . Bowling 113.00 100.00 July 4th Picnic 53.78 50.00 ;S '""`/ ;, 130.78 $4 1 060.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $7,591.81 Program Budget 1 . Swi mmi ng Instruction 4h 1,909.50 - Zz ?, b {'2,100.00 Trips, Fees & Awards 1,288.17 - 3.512 3,5 1,500.00 Use of' Pool 717.00 6 7 3 0a. ; 725.00 $3,914.67 $4,325.00 .i, yZsz', 8'5 2. Tennis Instruction $ 360.00 ;; 360.00 Trophies 20.00 25.00 Trips 90.00 100.00 $ 470.00 $ 485.00 3. Pre - School Instruction $ 113.75 120.00 Supplies 21.71 75.00 s° ' $ 140.46 $ 195.00 4. Lincoln School Instruction & Equipment $ 329.15 $ 462.00 5. July 4th Picnic 138.33 125.00 6. Tumbling 255.00 340.00 7. Little League 450.00 400.00 8. Adult Softball 129.38 200.00 9. Christmas Party 88.35 100.00 10. Bowling 153.35 150.00 11. Twin -City Jr. Rifle Club 0 75.00 12. Administrator Expense 29.35 35.00 $6,103.04 $6,892.00 UNALLOCATED FUNDS (ESTIMATE). . $ 699.81 / 9S� /9,4- fra).4) /95 ' 1- x2,o .3 0 z 7 k5/�c 1 G7" �i%'�' " , aga..40 --,-X-e-ptA-Cd. At,01-7 )11 / 4142-) COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL Report on Tumbling Instruction conducted during summer of 1958. Paid to Senior Instructor $180.00 Paid to Junior Instructors 67.00 Total Disbursed $247.00 $247.00 Fees from Advanced Students 36.00 Fees from Beginning Students 42.00 Total Collected $ 78.00 $ 78.00 Balance from Recreation Council $165.00 Submitted by: ii. L. Hanna 4 � fr a.t kire.th‘2._ /V-4,_. 3 36.2. Rs- — >Z•tuze. a 2 a.9 -mo 06 4 74 0 --1 • 3 . �f 3 94 Q_- _ 4325 00 S 4 9, 6 0 a t. ad 1 r ,e, 6:7;69- 171/1"--7.r<-. fc_c A .,4/ exf-e--.4%* /2--7 i r i's8' 1, 3), 5 0 /95-r / a, e • g7't- 61,4A- c3 , 7S / 5 7 College Station Recreation Council 1958 Financial Report January 27, 1958 Bank Balance $749.24 Deposits (Jan. 27, 1958 to Feb. 10, 1959) $7694.24 Checks issued (Jan. 27, 1958 to Feb. 10, 1959) $6987.33 Other charges: Bank service 4.92 Checks deposited but returned to council unpaid 3.00 3.00 1.00 Total Expenses $6999.25 February 10, 1959 Bank Balance $1444.23 Books audited by Mrs. W. B. Dozier and Mr. Flake Fisher on February 10, 1959 and found to agree with bank statement. Mrs. W. B. Dozier Flake Fisher April 14, 1959 The College Station Recreation Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday April 114, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the Math. room of A. & M. Consolidated Jr. High. Members present were Fisher, Manning, Tarrow, Dow, Amyx, 4elsh, Leipper, Hanna and Bechman. David Fitch represented the Lions Club for Mr. Wooten and Sarah and Phillys Goode represented Jr. and Sr. High School. Mr. Manning acted as chairman. He requested that Mr. L. K. Hayes, who will be leaving in June, be re- lieved of his duties on the Council at once and suggested that Flake Fisher fill his unexpired term. This met with the approval of the council members. He then submitted for approval the nomination of Mr. Fisher for President due to his past experience and the fact that almost all of the members are new on the Council and not familiar with the duties of this office. This met with unanimous approval of all the members and Mr. Fisher was elected President for the coming year. Mr. Fisher then presided and presented the report of the nominating committee which was as follows: Vice President -- M. L. Cashion Secretary Mrs. J. W. Amyx Treasurer K. A. Manning These candidates were elected by unanimous vote of the - members. Mr. Tarrow ask for a list of approperations by items for Lincoln School. Mr. Fisher made the following activity assignments: K. T. Riedel - Volley Ball; Ran Boswell and Mrs. Dow - 4th of July Picnic; Carl Tishler - Basketball; 4. A. Tarrow - Lincoln School; K. A. Manning - Golf; Flake Fisher - Tennis; H. F. Bechman - Softball; Mrs. Amyx - Bowling; Mrs. Leipper - Jr. High Dance; Mrs. Welch - Pre-school; .''Mrs. Dozier - Swimming; C. ut. 4 00ten - Little League; M. L. Cashion - Senior High Dance. Mr. Fisher read a letter from Mr. Knox Walker Jr., Pres. of the Brazos Bowman, outlining his plan for Archery instruction which is being considered as an addition to this years recreation program. He recom- mended classes of 10 children to a session, an age limit of 12 and up. Cost of bows and arrows estimated at 4190.00 and $30.00 for target repairs etc. for the season. A440- X40_ The council voted that Mr.'[alkers proposal be considered. Mr. Bechman, Ir. Hanna and Mrs. Dow were IC appointed by Mr. Fisher as a committee to study this plan. Chairmen were ave the sports schedule ready for presentatio °th. ; =et Mrs. 'Welsh was /limed c n i a committee to see about having the programs printed, giving information about the summer recreation schedule, with Mrs. Amyx as her assistant. David Fitch suggested that an annual Easter Egg Hunt be considered as an additional event of the rec- reation program in the future. No action was taken. Last years budget was discussed and the amount of money spent in each activity noted. The meeting was adjourned at 5;30 p.m. 0 64 (1,74.114 Louise Amyx, Sec. o ' "` -d _., -•2.57 A. CS ; ecreation it w: eing eta . 1 Plans for the summer recrea- tion program at College Station are being made by the College Station Recreation Council, -.' Flake Fisher, new council res- ident, announced today. #. Officers besides - +F' w:in- elude M, L. Cashion, vice presi- dent; Mrs. .7.1V. ' Amyx, secre- tary, and K. A. Manning, treas- urer. • •..., . May 12 1959 The cJ --e 5 t o Recreation U ` for tan n ay 1v1 it 12, 1959 the office ., , '` , of schools. hers present ( r�• were Mannir , .,er, Dow, Tarrow, St y, Dozier, Welsh, Bechman, Leipper, Amyx, Reidel and Wooten. The president, Mr. Fisher, called the meeting to order. The minutes of the April 1 eeting 1Vre read and approved. Mr. Aanning and Mr. Fisher lead the discussion on the tentative budget for 1959. Each chairman reported the amount of money appropriated in 1958 to the activity assigned and recommendations were made as to the amount needed for the coming year. It was proposed that the bowling instructor be paid a salary of 450.00 for 8 weeks of instruction. The motion was made, seconded and carried. Forms of the 1 959 budget were to be typed and distributed at the next meeting. Mr. Reidel, Mr. Manning and Mr. Tarrow were appointed by Mr. Fisher as a committee to work on the assignment of the Lincoln school program. L Mr. Fisher suggested we put a sign costing 425.00 on the fence at Little League park as advertizement for the College Station recrea Council. Mrs. Dozier made the motion, sectln4e y Mr. 4 00ten and carried. , Alofi During the week previous to our regular meeting a telephone vote was taken and the Council officially designated archery as part of the recreation program. Mr. Bechman supplied additional information. Classes are to be held each Sat. morning for 12 hour sessions. He ask that 421.00 by appropriated for this activity, this included the instructor's salary. Tha fee was set at 44.00 for 8 weeks. big After a discussion on the need for AP77 for teen dances it was decided they would be rented. Program schedules were discussed and the program sheet was prepared to go to press. L The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. I �C_ C 1/l 'v�jJ , � L ou i se Amyx, Sec'y 4-171,--y1,-)..,.. C. -5 -iy Co ' ge Stat ' w. 1 Program Set i . ., ,,,, 0 COLLEGE STATION — The June 8 from 8 A until 9 AM. .. annual College Station recrea- John Geiger will be instructor. program, directed by the Col- Library hours will be from 8 lege Station Recreation Council, AM until noon Mondays through will open May 30 and continue Fridays in the Consolidated through Aug. 29. Junior High. Sponsored by the City of Col- Little League will be under lege Station and the College the direction of Wayne C. Hall, Station United Fund, the pro- president of the Association; gram will consist of swimming, Walter Varvel, vice president; archery, tennis, tumbling golf, Dick Hervey, secretary, and R. baseball, pre - school activities, L. Skrabanek, treasurer. bowling, reading, adult softball, Pre - school registration will be basic small arms training, team June 8 at 9 AM at Consolidated dances, and a community picnic. gymnasium. Instructions will be Archery is being added to the given by Mrs. Joe Fagan. list of activities this summer. In- The community picnic is structions will be by Knox scheduled for July 4 at 5:30 PM Walker Jr. The course will run at Tiger Field. Mrs. W. A. Dow for eight weeks. Instructions is chairman. Teen dances, under will be given each Saturday the direction of Mrs. D. A. Leip- morning for an hour and a half per, will be June 12, July 16, at the Brazos Bowman's Archery and Aug. 14 for junior high and Range. The age limit is 12 and June 26, July 24, and Aug. 28 up. Registration will begin at for senior high. 9 AM May 29 in the junior high ADULT SOFTBALL begins = music room at A &M Consoli- July 5 and continues until Aug. dated. 23. Herman Bechman is di- a REGISTRATION for swim- rector. • I ming under Art Adamson, Tex- The basic small arms training as A &M swimming coach, will school begins May 30. Classes j I be Jae 7 at 3 PM and on July will be from 7 AM until 9 AM 19 aM PM in DeWare Field at the Twin City Rifle Range at House. Registration for tennis Pleasant Acres. Full informa- classes, under the direction of tion about this course can be ob- Horace Schaffer, will be from 7 tained from Sidney Loveless. AM to 9 AM on June 3 at Con- Women's swimming classes solidated Junior High School. are offered, but not under spon- Golf class registrations will be sorship of the recreation council. at the golf course on June 2. The 1 PM class will register at Registration for student classes swim on June 8 at 1r PM while will be 9 AM. Adults will the 5:30 PM clasp will register regist : S;E�PM. Joe Fagan will the same day at 5:30"1"M. bet . sr. Tu lasses will be In 1831 Belgium elected as taught ^' l uel Garcia. Regi- king Prince Leopold of Saxe - strati.' ` on June 8 at 9 Coburg. He was widower of AM in onsolidated gym- princess Charlotte of England nasium. . s 'ling registration and uncle of the future Queen will be at the MSC alleys on Victoria. f + F \�•' 2 ¢ 0 z a) O 0 cn 00 0 0 O U co v 1 - o A z o a — 0 g b ° A x H c � , u H bw a) N z v H o.' - . w " o • H • " pl a •' a li a 0 4, a a) °, H E" 0 cd 0 m n A A a) bn t.' V] °' w w 0 o F' o ao • cd 0 0 ai 0 z 0 a) co U w U s U a) �' 0 ° o 0 up . a W 0 0 0 0 U .•' .1 , G, H Oa w a) b O ro d (.0 °�cn (..) A' P , 0 f.4 r. U nn c H 0 0 �' - ,.a U m % E O 0 0 %i r -• L 0 .0 0 w • • lipr-4 ?SIN O . 4 0 I•+ g M tit N .-1 ,-' }, 0 . N a.� C .r al / >. ' > • al O• O C + } 0 0 ° N S: . ' rodC 't7 O, O ,11 (1:1 a) a a • .° N U > F' d' 0 , d Li ro 4. OD M b N C7 C1., 4, • Q > O d' d' • N V] 0 `n Ti ,� ' CO ° U r o m .14 ro ' .. d -" U a 0 0 c:;, .a 0 an A U Ca H 0 "I . d , ^ H 7-■ r, ro —O �1 O O o• Q, ,4 ,-, o y .o i > . U N • N , > if1 r-, �1 d �.,^ co 0 m -, ,%, > b 0 .o M h • � > U 0 ,--, b • r,' F. .N d' , , �-, .D 'd ro d' .0 ,.. A .4 +- 0 > O ro N O In • 0 bn H> 0> H M y .0 w m Ca o c j > 0 i cd Y co o F A (13 > 0 ro 0 0 0 o ro rd ° g m H • x > 7 . 1 > a 0 b 'u) > U a H U ° a T U :d E U ° al .0 ir i C v o o 'ma E" F s � o H U ° ••,-,' U o ro n ro a k h Ca „ w ° ., 0 al U� 3 m . G a) C a) - O O • H (a C • O m ro ro 0 u U a •- Q (s, x s, y ,—, rd uJ m A MI c d °' c' F; 2 o U O cn , .-. C7 (d ° H a) r 4 ° , ro b H y a ro i 0 0 2 O a I 0 ro 0 b 0 • 2 a) 0 U .-, 0 .' m° N'4 • • xr. g 0 3 m a,) ;•-. U 0 u) c � � w oo 0 0 0 ��, d ,I 00 1.) 0 • PA s 5. F=.11' *i w x ° .. 0 .0 o ) x - , • U o a) • ui ; ° c0 - d s y c o 0 0 - 0 . o- s ° at y • .O ro co N _, > a) y N ,n �, N - W '8 Q' .Ti F. .r, ,") 4 CO O. R: O , • ., M > r - a ) m y N >, a) > ° b w >• a) c j >, a� ., >, °> v a % > a A ° o w A 0 0 ° ° 0 A 0 a) 0 - an 0 O A 0 .0 0 v • "0 .L a) • N a) a) ,0 0 a) c 'b d ro 0 --, `n 0 A 0 in .d ° U 0 .0 • U 0 • • > cd o c^ 0 0 �' ° 0 �' O 0 .0 U o , up 0 0 o " 0 cn � w ti> 0 U a . v d 0 ° 0 - u y ° y ), u U a,) U ;) . 1' al rd D., O m a) m • �" o w d' . 0 i m , m ,d ,d g u f1ro . 0 . ` p o H . a) • r 7 .d • •, • -. w •pn V .a DO >• y h 0 U n A . b m t4 ? a) m bU ' v • op F N . C - c - ii a ro a) 0 o " „ a) 'd a) .. $ , 0 a) y ° 0 0 . -, al U h �O ,2o 3 A3x 4x w in co , x<4 ax a xA axti ax w ax x U cii • z x .4 51 H w PI z as a .. O H p U 5 r r r i) Cd 9 ; . r m 'Y G' m a E `� � w bi hrj a iE .- * �- r o .O .O CO y m a r p a ° o' 11' K c(P) m m I O m o ff ° () o o .. . . o .. .. "• Pl. H C r H m E P P o o r w w 0 A o a m K o v ' o o Jn v. 0 0 Cn 0 p• 0 P:' ' (D i n ,T b °ca ' �. m m A' 17: m o m m • m m 5 ' o E 5 m a. o- 'o a . k r: o m `°° w w N O ° 0 o 4 o E. 0 4 0 a .' K< En - 0 9 E L. w m p: o m o m m a a . k rn p 7 m o 0 ,,,., td t" t t" b a p W m d? f a E hi G" N H, O ° N aq ° a ° r . ° 0 m K 0 o a m H a 7d z p' P 0 m r' 5 G m "• .O K a• O ' E 0 E m w G p m m o 0' - r' b E 0 ` G m H " m m O 0, 4 `,.° ti M < w m �y o 0 w m '" `" p " ' E m 4 C7 , m m .+ H m r+ G r m N OD m "• G OQ 0 co W O CD 04 H m m ` CDD l a ° E G m • "• ° ''. , a m r • < O r. K m 0'7a :4,0-.P-0"''C' HE H a�7yp0 °' o 0 • : m ° C» ,. nG1r 5 air CD P' m H " p m m ti m o m ° m p o° Ott ° " m 4k a o m m cn a O O O r . GO cn G a 00.1 N ". m • C) G ' ". p m a M m m Cr a H aQ p+ m m w N' o 0 a. ... 0 fr o '. O g 'O K N r • E H o f o ". m H � H • • w O d b 0 m K m " , : . P' N co F. 1-.. a ,+ • O O • . fp # (n m 0 H H E ,< H O F.,' n n O O 0 m .< m m m . 7y H m + o ". E m ?" p p L, m d o • 0 41 • ▪ a O. O M H a 0 o H N r. O . O H m r r a < " H O H :" •* Al r. 0 m m m ,9_,. H P o ° ' b -4 Cr 0 ) 0 0 C1 ' tr7 1 0 1 tb c) w p r p o m E• o a o „ 0 o a 5 m m P ° o i n r ° x �D r rD m y O "• o N a K 5 K a ' 0M O OQ f � OQ O a b Q • '< O f . 'O P p : '-^ `'o 'Y H O a a' ' Po m V H R' r 5 E 0 .. "' p' E 'O .r•• O a '� , '� m N o .'+, W 0 H G U G 1 ° �7 'O �' f � O * C) yy ° a H m r* a p a "• cp "' P. �y ,7 N a m H O m .0 m f D 0 H p= CI) G. � •• n a' o m t.D 1-1 rr H N° m 'O n ' ''' O p' ~ 5 CW m " H H • ", m ti ,C N• H k K p. a p to ' n C. o 0 N 0 0 0 ti m . r - - A, 0 0 ° 0 0 0 o w ° a • ° 0 a cm aQ 0 O • ?; °O oo N 3 k w a Pr P m L 0 X m i'. by H R . .- E < r E H M '• • ° 0 ° E 15 n� e * CD a v ,n a;� ° . ° m m: m o � o w ' m o o .. 5 0 p o OD °w 0o o rf ,°0 0 m 0 H a w w 0, o p (, (C) o .-( 9 01 0 ' t F • a p m E 0 �', w x a a c a D R ° N ° p. E ' N °� • • • m V? m c °.°e w x• hD CD re, G 'CT' CD O O * H E G G m E K m cmD e+ O r " E o • o o "• C s E w 0 d a • P < K r m ' n n 5 ~ x C� m . , O 0 d r n . r �k . to . r o ;21. Oq P 0" w a 0 a fD 4 •* "• P • n a �k O Q O ." QQ OQ �k o ° G m y ° P H 0 �' o m m W a ti H R° ' E 0' N ' E • 0 H cv P IA I co y H fr t c' 0 co # to op a> cl -4 41111 6 4* z z 0 ; O m O H t '�' * * y G m E b o 0 9 w r m on c ti d `° n * m �" tlf m C1 o 3 #y OP m M E G m p > 0 na0 oz rr O Y Qa m 0 p, r O ' r c) O 0 p z O 0 O G O O t9 r O (TO m ,._' Pr " GO "• m r . __ G a 5 tp o o c) G O G.- 0 G c) G Pd hl cn m �. " "• m 5 n ' a H cn H a C m H H M 9 H P.0 H .0 p " . G' oQ k o to ,'n m C m o a H H l3l m r m O H m 0 m to • ,. cm 0 O M m a. m a H 5' x x On m m o o m Cl " oQ o c - < g 0 ". ". M o [q w y G1 I 0 m m m x m m m ,r„ r r ,. a m i- o n as H H m r �' N E. T < oq m m N 4> m H N K H 0 °• v a m v m g. x o 4 o n m � . m o G G•' a UO 0" • r ot1 x0' n UI 0 r r .o ^ .O 5 ,0 J L, r-, ..- K+ .o y U. .o trf r �/ lT r .o t as o .°. '' 0 0 0 0 0 G G w o o G o o < i s o o p . ° o H o G 0 43 0 0 G 0 0 0 f m 0 0 0 m 0 0 m 0 0 0 G w o p; o 0 m H p. 0 0 p r N r W N .P N .A N 4L m '4 r' r '-' `C .r- f r.. . O- N r < � `a0 ' o .r-- `�,' 1r-' `G , O : w o H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l7' o 0 0, r " '-' r ,,- r . o , O r a • r m W m ' -' r p '' "D000000000 m , r r o � O y G •• H O ., N H r o P. •• m , K ° -- . °. 0 O 0 0 0 o 0 0 o a o o o , 'w �n o h9 a G o w o G O `C o O G o 0 1.3 0 t S• O 0 a 2" a s W N o h7 l.. a 0" a a 'U O G 'D a . � �i 5 5 V .. • . a • w • • + p a mt o,Q pa, a 4 < '< '< * C a 0 N r aC a co 'A r n m m 1 z . 0 LA C) 1 . 0 0 x 0 > 0 r > to c) '1 r .P N .P W .P W w OD `< O n , O O n „' 0 .,., O r r• 4 4 H . ,... —' Kegister }+' c ,, Ike'. . 1. r-. COLLEGE STATION— (Sp1)— __ The Recreation Council's sum- _ mer swimming program is sch- __ eduled to get under way this _ week with registration starting at 3 PM today at Deware Field House on the A &M campus. The program will include two six -week sessions for both chil- - dren and adults, and a full sc dtle of competitive swim- - "` ` 'fin Houston, Dallas and Austin. Classes for the first si, eek session will start tomorroi.th the second session getting tinder way on July 19. The instruc- tion will be given by A &M Swimming Coach Art Adamson. Mrs. William Dozier will super- - vise the swimming classes, with ~'"' Flake Fisher in charge of the overall recreation program. Children who want to parti- cipate in the program must be — at lea :, ear. :, old and 51 inch able to swim 0 fe- ". ° are retluekted to _ r}e - A - • Ladies w want lto t< .r ��1ty . in the adult!: pro - g .register Monday at eith,.,: 5:30 PM, at which time .i: -.` s will begin. COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL BUDGET 1959 St }URGE OF FUNDS $ $ $ Balance Forward 478.23 Contributions City of College Station 1,750.00 Community Chest 1,216.00 Balance 3,414.23 A Registration Fees Golf 40.00 Swimming 3,300.00 Tennis 175.00 Pre — School 70.00 Tumbling 80.00 Bowling 125.00 Adult Softball 60.00 Archery 40.00 July 4th Picnic 50.00 Balance 3,940.00 Total Available Funds $ 7,384.23 PROGRAM BUDGET $ $ Swimming Instruction 2,40000 Trips, Fees, Awards 1,400:00 Bent of Pool 7pO.QO Balance 4,300.00 Tennis Instruction 360.00 Trips, Awards 100.00 Balance 460.00 Pre — School Instruction 120.00 Supplies 50.00 Balance 170.00 Lincoln 400.00 Picnic 125.00 Tumbling 300.00 Little Liague 400.00 Adult Softball 175.00 Christmas Parties 50.00 Bowling 200.00 Rifle Club 60.0o Archery 300.00 Golf 250.00 Administrative 30.00 Dances 25.00 Total Budgeted 7,245.00 UNALLOCATED FUNDS $ 139.23 r :b; 9, 1959 our ,.. The College Station Recreation Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday June 9, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the office of the Supt. of schools. Members present were Manning, Bechman, Amyx, Dozier, Cashion and Dow. There were not en members present for a quorum, but due to the sing ers to be consid- ered the following ac - ere . The Vice - president, Mr. Cashion, presided. The treasurer submitted a budget for 1959 to the Council showing total available funds 47,384.23, total budgeted 47,245.00, with unallocated funds 4139.23. At the request of Mr. Manning, the members present gave him permission to dispurse funds as submitted in the budget. Mr. Cashion di 'buted pri ed forms of the, . Constitution to t rs an at they review .; , them and be read est sary changes at owe the next meeting . Progress reports on various activities of the Council's program were made by Mr. Bechman, Mr. Manning, and Mrs. Dozier. A letter from the Pres. and Vice - Pres. of Little League was read by Mr. Manning. The 4th of July Picnic pla s were •_' ussed and Cdr. Cashion said that the Lions C d a o operate the concessions stand is y: : service to the council and the community. Mr. Cashion ask the Sec'y to write a letter of appreciation to Mrs. Dozier's Girl Scout Troop, thank- ing them for helping in the Pre- school program. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. J. W. Amyx, Sec'y - ?j ' Y ,.. �, Rec Council a Pliti Picnic Final arrangements for the College Station community pic- nic were made during a regular meeting of the recreation coun- cil. The picnic will be held at the A &M Consolidated football sta- dium at , 5 PM and v4,11 be fol- lowed ... the fire firew0X1 display at 8 P : , Also durin the meet- ing t ," ` dget for 1959 Was pre - sented "' adoption. Informal Dance At ege S Fri, c Stati... ` Recreati.' Council h.: ' - d an informal dance for Friday night to be held at the Patra- nella Slab, with no admission charge, but light refreshments will be available at a nominal fee. The group has . ' •d this dance to initiate mmer swan anal; has t .fans fora ormal = ` s`'aged more 3&tely at the close of he summer vacation. woe ..July 14, 1959 • The College Station Recreation Council met for L a regular meeting Tuesday,July 114, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the office of the Supt. of schools. Members present were Fisher, Bechman, 400ten, Stelly, KiingeK Reidel, Amyx, Schlesselman and Manning. The president, Mr. Fisher called the meeting " 4N . to order and the minutes of the June meeting were TEE :: : ;:. {: read and approved. <�? ;: >.,.:,Y Each committee chairman reported on the :gagiOtt of the activities of the Councils summer recreation `yu program. It was noted that the 4th of July picnic 011$ had been very successful with a record breaking croud attending the fireworks display. Mr. Manning `. reported a profit of about 465.00 from concession OL WSW T C stand sales. He also suggested that the Council I ` D ES appropriate about 4120.00 instead of 4100.00 for :. , > .:�.' fireworks next year to provide a better variety in >:;: the fireworks display. No action was taken. Mr. : Manning also gave a report on expenditures of the Y..4i*N; '.< past month. Mr. Fisher said there had been a number of requests for volley ball and ask Mr. Reidel to make necessary arrangements for a volley ball program this fall. The Constitution was carefully reviewed and necessary changes were made in Articles 1 thr7okjh,,_2. ,0N.�. „x It was moved that these changes be adopted;?secorMa and carried. ±3y —laws were to be 'reviewed at the next meeting. Mr. Manning moved that the treasurer be bonded, since the Council is a non — profit organization and the treasurer is required to handle large sums of many different peoples money. The motion was made that the treasurer be bonded for 410,000.00; it was seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. J. V. Amyx, Sec'y J� !1 H ' `�Z� 'd'J VP, 2 rD • ¢� 0 o p: 8 ° • . A' 12. PL' t" OW • z w ¢G' o S c• � • ' rt a X 4 • 0 0 zo ' � 0 �?;ooa' � �q � t om " Pia 00 = ,9 f� �p = C �� CD�. CO • ���H -3 r-h .. w a•m � ° Ul :o Tenn Champs Crowned In Colleg Station Tournament o M P' W ". � � 5 �� (D By RUSSELL BROWN while Jackie Barton and Vicky o . m c N o -, d - ° crq Eagle Sports Staff I Vrooman defeated Pat Calliham S " .d ° d' V2 • d The third annual Recreation and Nancy Jones 6 -3, 6 -2 in the 0 c '° 0° 0 X �. o 0 c. and Joe Joy- irls' division. �: 2,5" ° 8' 0 o ° Council Summer Tennis Tourna- g RONNY BOLEN ano c' 0 oil 0° ,8. d ment came to a close Saturday ° •s ° row . ° a `' as the remaining singles' title er used 6 -2, 6 -2 scores to elimin- cn w m � N' • o it ° n �' and nine of ten doubles' cham- ate Jim hM12 -13 year old division w co - 5 m o o m pionships were decided. ° co K - - ° h The final doubles division was as Sharon Yeager and Kim S ¢ N ¢ K o Miss Vroo- called because of darkness and man and Miss Baton 6-4, 6-1 in S c 5 n . - CD • 0-. o will be played Tuesday. a c K cc) - - — N ¢, o (7 Mike Mills and David Riedel the girls' division. N ". ° 0 " 0' CD " as 8 o d teamed to down a team of Mark Jody Rush the J division i 5 " ` d " V fD d T � Riedel and Rick Crow 6 -1, 7 -5 picked up „ o o in the finals of the boys' doubles an C on and TommyfKerley 4, crown when they 7 -9, 6 -3. In the girls' division Judy Morgan and Eleanor Wor- ley took the 'title from Miss C n o c Q ' 6 ° S S S d • . o w o S o n o CD 1-1 al Z m i~ � 5 c „ o w .0 c ' ' 0 Yeager and Miss Alexander 6 -2, ; 7 9, 6 3. ''. N sz tj 'A „ � m , 0 Rush teamed with Bolen in c c o e c,_ ". (D ° o d • a fD `D ° co the 16 -18 division to defeat An- o N No CD dy Anderson and Tony Wilson ' 9 w _ • o ¢ o • 6 -2, 6 -1 while Elaine Nedbalek 1 r. oa c• i d o i* H o d°• and Margaret Chapman proved N 0 ° d" o °u o `� 0 m too much for Jane Fisher and sz w m� Co xw �,e. � a � p ° IN THE VETERAN'S division, Linda Potts by a 6 -1, 6 -2 count. N ED so ° o c 0 o 0 . ° CD 0 (DCD 0 rJ) 0 = 1 ¢ 0 ¢ Jack Scott and Tex Isbell de- C? feated R. W. Mitchell and Rob- c E d c c, m w m ert Budwine 6 -4, 6 -4. N° o The senior division, 19 -29, is w N o 0 o a o as yet undecided. When dark- Po C2 t' ¢ S ness halted play, Don Avera and N 0, .5; ° E. K "• �,, S S Rush were meeting Bill Lyons V w ¢ m " cro 5 and Dan Shaefer with the scores o c ° y m ° ,"'" c d posted of 1 -6, 6 -2, 7-7. fD b v �, b x ° ° o o � co m o iA CO 8- The 16 -18 girls' singles crown 0 � , c c N ,. zs ? sa went to Margaret Chapman by O m p , �0 � 0 " c O ,P Dc, a 5-7, 6 -3, 6-4 win over Elaine CD p lir P-1 Nedbalek. m m d d r. 5' o p, "• n o m " '4. c m o ,• N v CL tl. r , 0 CD k - Lzfv (774 ee-agyei X eAL4L-4.07.. e&e,t4,4 - „,.-Q r-c4 &c: iew 1- August 11, 1959 The College Station £recreation Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the office of the Supt of schools at A. & M, Cons. Jr. High. umbers present were Reidel, Fisher, uooten, Bechman, Dozier, Amyx, Manning and Dove. The president called the meeting to order and the minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Committee chairmen reported on the activities of the Council's recreation program, most of which were concluded the 1st week in Xugust. Mrs. Dozier made a detailed report on the swimming program which wbuld continue for 3 more weeks. The swimming meets and the fine showing of the L'ollege Station �'wim Club were discussed. Mr. Fisher introduced Mr. John Geiger, who dis- cussed the possibility of organizing an adult Bowling League sponsered by the College Station Recreation Council. The Council gave Mr. Bechman the athority to investigate interest in organizing such a league with Mr. Fisher and Mrs. Dozier as assistants. Mr. Manning made a report on expendituresof the past month. Mrs. Dow circulated a petition for the Council members to sign on banning the sale of obscene literature from news stands in College Station. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. J. W. Amyx, Sec'y `� — � S'• Sri Swimming, Softball To Continue At CS Swimming and softball pro- „..se grams sponsored by the College Station Recreation Council will continue two more weeks, Mrs. J. W. Amyx, secretary of the association, said today. Most of the recreation pro- grams concluded their activities the first week of August. Mrs. Amyx said that golf had 26 participants; tennis 55; soft- ball had seven teams; bowling 44; 200 took part in Little Lea- gue play; eight in archery; 85 in tumbling and 785 in swim- ming. Report on Bpwling 1959 Students registered -- 47 27 girls 20 boys 4 trophies given Cost of trophies -$28. 65 The bowling instructor was paid $50.00 for 8 lessons. fq) • Texas Form No. 1 Revised to March 1, 1946 . 49 INSU, 4J y 1\ % W - ; FIREMAN,'" FUND INSURANCE COMPANY 17 \ 1', A STOCK COMPANY a '�bED ■`' HOME OFFICE SOUTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA DALLAS, TEXAS INDIVIDUAL FIDELITY BOND In consideration of a stipulated premium, the FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO. (hereinafter called Surety) hereby agrees to pay to RECREATION COU_NCI L OF COLLEGE . STATION of COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (hereinafter called Employer), within 90 days after proof of loss as hereinafter set forth, the amount of all direct losses, which K. A. MANNING (hereinafter called Employee) may, while in any position and at any location in the service of the Employer, directly or by collusion with others, cause to the Employer, including loss of money and other personal prop- erty in the Employer's custody or possession, whether or not the Employer is liable therefor, not exceeding, however, the amount of THOUSAND AND N0/100 D o ll ars ($ 101 000.00) through larceny, theft, embezzlement, forgery, misappropriation, wrongful abstraction, wilful misapplication, or any other act of fraud or dishonesty, committed, during the term beginning with the 14 TH day of JULY , 19 _ stcmdard time at the address of the Employer above given and while this bond is in force, and which losses shall be dis- covered by the Employer before the expiration of two years from the termination of the employment of the Employee, or the termination or cancelation of this bond, whichever shall first happen. This bond is executed and accepted subject to the agreements and limitations set forth in SECTION A hereof, and to the conditions set forth in SECTION B hereof, which conditions shall be conditions precedent to recovery hereunder. SECTION A CONTINUATION First: This bond, if written for a definite term, may be continued in force from time to time by continua- tion certificate executed by the Surety. LIABILITY NON- Second: Regardless of the number of years this bond shall continue or be continued in force and of the CUMULATIVE number of premiums that shall be payable or paid, the Surety shall not be liable hereunder for more than the sum above specified. DISTRIBUTION Third: If a loss occurs hereunder through the act of the Employee which is in excess of the amount of OF SALVAGE this bond, any recovery thereof by the Employer shall revert to the Employer for the loss sustained in excess of the amount of this bond, the balance, if any, to be paid to the Surety; and likewise, the amount of any recovery that may be made by the Surety except from reinsurance, other suretyship, collateral, or third party indemnity, (less the expenses incurred by the Surety in making such recovery), shall revert to the Employer for the loss sustained in excess of the amount of this bond, the balance, if any, belonging to the Surety. CANCELATION Fourth: Either the Surety or the Employer may cancel this bond, by written notice served upon, or sent by registered mail to, the other, and specifying therein the effective date of such cancelation. Such date, if the notice be served by the Surety, shall be not less than twenty -five days after such service, or if sent by the Surety by registered mail, not less than thirty days after the date borne by the sender's registry receipt. In case of cancelation the Surety shall, on written demand, refund to the Employer any unearned premium. TERMINATION Fifth: This bond shall terminate as to future acts of the Employee immediately upon discovery by the AS TO er, or, Employer, if a corporation, by director thereof or officer thereof not in collusion with the EMPLOYEE p y p Y an y recor ereo by any Employee, of any fraudulent or dishonest act on the part of the Employee, whether in the service of the Employer or otherwise. I SECTION B FILING First: Within 100 days after discovery of loss hereunder by the Employer, or, if a corporation, by any OF CLAIM director thereof or by any officer thereof not in collusion with the Employee, the Employer shall furnish to the Surety affirmative proof of loss with full particulars in writing, including dates and items of loss, duly sworn to. FILING Second: Legal proceedings for recovery of loss under this bond shall not be brought after the ex- OF SUIT piration of 28 months after the cause of action shall have accrued. RIDERS Third: This bond, as of the date thereof, is subject to the riders attached hereto as a part hereof, as follows: SIGNED, SEALED and DATED this 21 s T day of 'JULY I9__L '_. 1 FI EMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO. BY '/'1 - t ' H. L. OLMOS Attorney -in -Fact. BN 8024 P FIMAL REPORT ON SWIMMING FOR 1959 ENROLLMENT FEES laIRXIMEEEKEI 011 "'" - FIRST REGISTRATION (7st. session) For 6 week period 413 $ 1849.00 SECOND FERIOD was broken Lite two swimming sessions due to repair being dime on pool and building. 371 1st. registration in second session 1129.00 2n40 registration n 'T 528.00 Registration fees returndd to swimmers $8.00 TOTALS 784 $ 349400 EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTION June, July, and August $ 2198.00 RENTAL OF SWIMMING POOL June, July, and August 723.00 COLLEGE STATION SWIM CLUB Trips, Fees,Expenaes t23 1356.29 TOTAL EXPENDITURES .t27 7 . 9 SWIMMING BADGES ON ORDER (Have ordered all new badges for the six difference glasses in the swimming program. This was not tne1uded in the 1959 swimming budget.) ■ti. November 10, 1959 Mr. A. D. Adamson Downs Natatorium College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Adamson: We of the College Station Recreation Council all sincerely appreciate the fine swimming program you have brought to College Station. We know that many of our children have profited by this program in more ways than just learning how to swim. Many people of our city have told us they feel the swimming program here is one of the best in the world, and we on the council agree they are right. We would like you to accept this letter from the College Station Re- creation Council on behalf of the people of College Station as a measure of our appreciation of you and your wife's contribution to the recreational pro- gram of College Station. May you continue to serve the youth of our city in the same fine manner in the future. Sincerely, The College Station Recreation Council • September 8, 1959 (ftm. The College Station Recreation Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the office of the 6upt. of schools at A. & M. Cons. Jr. High. Mnbers present were Fisher, Stelly, Nooten, Reidel, Amyx, Bechman, Dow, leipper, Tarrow, Dozier and Pemberthy. Mr. Fisher announced that ivir. PeNberthy as a new member replacing ivr. Tishler as A. & M. College representative. The president called the meeting to order and the minutes of the ,hugust meeting were read and approved. Mr. Fisher reported, for the treasurer who was absent, a bank balance of 0685.00. Committee Chairmen presented reports on z)oftball, Golf, Lincoln School, Bowling, Swimming and Teen Dances. Mr. Fisher suggested the Council send flowers to Dr. Schlesselman. The motion was made by Ir. rVooten that we send a potted plant; it was seconded and Crew carried. The By -laws of the Council, 1 thru 4, were reviewed and necessary changes made. Mr. Reidel made the motion that the By -laws 1 thru 4 be ammended as discussed; it was seconded by Mr. Stelly and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. ( WVr / / 6/6' 7 Mrs. J. W. Amyx; iec' y Lord, /e , /Y4--7 __ ll Station ' Co ege : C. S. Council Bans Obscenity ' Restricting ....... In Publications _; Filthy Mags An ordinance has been passed in the city of College Station p ‘17 COLLEGE STATION — An hibiting the sale, writing, publish- ' ordinance was passed by the ing, distributing, or exhibiting of ) City Council at its monthly any obscene or indecent writing, meeting Thursday night restrict - and the preparing of any indecent 1 ing the publication, printing and • > transportation of obscene litera- picture or print for sale. , ture in College Station. It has been declared unlawful ) A second ordinance is to fol- for any person or organization who 1 low at the November meeting resides or has its principle office -.> of the Council which will name outside of the City of College Sta- t a citizens' committee to act as tion to bring into the city for pur- a screening panel for the litera- ture. pose of sale any of the following: Y Any time a complaint is made ! obscene and indecent writing, pa- to the committee about a par - per, magazines or books, obscene — titular publication, the publica- drawings,. and any writing, paper, tion will be screened by the magazine or book which contains Q citizens. The committee will a story, article, or dissertation say whetehr or not the publi- concerning immoral intrigues be- ( cation is to be considered ob- tween men and women, or immoral „Z. scene. These ordinances will empow- conduct or assignations designed to arouse lascivious thoughts and er the city to prosecute. anyone violating the obsecene literature lustful desires. ruling. Nothing in the ordinance author- This clean -up the filthy litera- izes prosecution of any person for ture campaign, which began dur- the possession of ' any filthy, ob- ing the past summer, has re- scene, or indecent papers as long ceived strong backing from Col- ' as the material is not publicly ins: lege Station church groups. played. Its primary purpose is to con- trol what is sold and distribut- Anyone violating any of the pro- _ _ ed to the younger boys and girls visions of this ordinance is guilty of the area. of a misdemeanor, and upon con - viction in the Corporation Court of College Station, shall be sub- ject to a fine of not less than $10 and not more than $200. The ordinance was passed Oct. / 15, and signed by the city mayor, Ernest Langford. 67104110 November 10, 1959 The College Station Recreation Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1959 at L p.m. in the office of the Supt. of Schools at A. & `.I. iii,,,, Cons. Jr. High. Members present were Fisher, Stelly, Manning, Bechman, Welsh, Amyx, Dozier, Penberthy, and Dow. The president called the meeting to order and the minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported that he had nego- tiated a loan from the College Station State Bank for the Rec. Council for $L00.00 to pay for swimmers badges, and ask approval of this necessary move. The motion was made, seconded and carried that this action by the treasurer be approved. Mr. Penberthy reported that he had investigated possibilities of organizing a volleyball program for this winter. He found there were no facilities available either at the College or A. & M. Cons. schools and that it is impossible to arrange such a program at this time. Mrs. Dow reported that on Oct. 15 an ordinance was passed by the City Council restricting the pub- lication, printing and transportation of obscene lit- erature in College Station. Plans for the Annual Xmas Program were discussed with Mrs. Dow as Chairman in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Dozier and her scout troop will sack the candy. Mr. Fisher explained that the College Station Rec. Council had been allocated *1550.00 by the United Chest, but that 4200.00 of that amount is to be given to the Bryan Teenage Baseball League; thus leaving the Council 41350.00 requested for 1960. The By -laws of the Council, 5 thru 15 were reviewed and necessary changes made. NIr. Penberthy made the motion that these By -laws be ammended as discussed; it was seconded by Mr. Bechman and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. ff//10, 11 /11€ Mrs. J. W. Amyx, Sec' y c � 2 /3140. g, 9r! December 8, 1959 L The College Station rLecreation Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1959 at 4 p.m. in the office of the Supt.of Schools at A. & M. Cons. Jr. High. Members present were Fisher, Dow, Dozier, Schlesselman, Bechman, Reidel, Amyx, Tarrow, and Leipper. The president called the meeting to order and the minutes of the November meeting were read and approved. Copies of the revised constitution were distributed among the members. The Sec. was instructedto notify organizations, having members on the Council whose terms expire in the current year, that they are requested to nomin- ate one of their members as a candidate for member- ship on the Council to replace the outgoing member. Final plans for the Community Xmas party were discussed - the time and date set 7 p.m. Dec. 24. ,Mr. Tarrow said plans for the Lincoln school Xmas party had been completed and it would be the even- ing of Dec. 23. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. (L19-7 //t/Lzf. fl. Mrs. J. W. Amyx, Sec'y 64,1`"'"Q ..- /, /fba OW • COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL 1959 Financial Report .1)1444.23 Bank Balance February 10,1959 xl$IR. Deposits (Feb. 10,1959 to Jan, 1,1960) 6451.48 United Chest allotment for 1960 1550.00 Checks issued (Feb. 10,1959 to jan.1,1960) ,p8u69.72 Other Charges: Bank service .5u Total Expenses 8070.22 January 1, 1960 Bank Balance 1375.49 Books audited by Mrs. W. B. Dozier and Mr. Herman F. Beckman on Ja.nuary 12,1960 and found to agree with bank statement. Mrs. W. B. Dozier ze/e Herman F. Beckman f January 12, 1960 The College Station Recreation Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday, January 12, 1960 at 4 p.m. in the office of the Supt. of Schools at A. & M. Cons. Jr. High. Members present were Reidel, Dow, Manning,Fisher, Stelly, Schlesselman, Bechman, Amyx, Leipper, Dozie r,Penberthy and Shaffer. The president called the meeting to order and the minutes of the December meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Dozier reported for the Auditing Committee that the ballance as of Jan. 1, 1960 was 41375.49, which checked with the treasurers books. (Report attached). The report was unaminously approved by the members present. Mrs. Dow reported on the Xmas Party which was poorly attended. She suggested that due to the small attendance and apparent lack of interest, the Council should consider discontinuing - Lae Annual Xmas Party; and that the money and effort expended might be of greater benifit if used elsewhere in the recreation program. Mr. Fisher ask that the members of the Council give this proposal full consid— eration and ask them to inquire of some of the citizens who usually attend this function as to their feelings on this matter. After which the Council would discuss the subject further at the next meeting. Mr. Fisher asked the secretary to write a letter of appreciation to Mrs. Roland Gureard for bringing her group of young ballet artists to participate in the Xmas party. Mr. Fisher requested that the officers of the Council serve as the nominating committee. Mr. Herbert Shaffer was introduced to the Council members as the representative from the notary Club replacing Mr. Schlesselman who's term has expired. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. "ef 7214,9, 6?-4f-At, A7 Mrs. J. W. Amyx, Sec'y • 1.i rch 13, 1:61 the oolle ge station crea: ti on aet for its regular .ieeting on ruesd: =y, iabE eh 13, 1061 at 4:00 P...i. in the j•iath rooa at 4_ & :i eonsolid tsl School. .•ie present were Penb -rthy, 4:inyx, Asher, _r�uss', Shaffer .tiggs, Hervey and �.Mnning, O° Gy„�. The new site of officers elected at the ?ebru,ry aeeting took office as follows: President - -r'. L. Asher 'Tice President--n. ,d. Shaffer Secretary-- idrs. J. v. JJrusse Treasurer - -... A. .:i &nning The new roster was read and corrected and council assignments for the yelir were .;jade. i copy is attached. The council discussed holding dbncing classes for Jr. iii, and Sr. hi children. Plans for Teen age baseball were discussed and ..pril is ® was announced Es a work thy on the new field. The president appointed .ciyx, ..ironing -.nd Asher I'S budget counittee rid asked a nbers to turn in budget requests by -1)11.1 4. Frances Lirusse, secy. CO c U U o • , ( -0 c cd li cd o E., U o .4 U az o • �° U �o • o tyo MI CO ...0 anZ fx g ; U • � ' = Z " w do E • 'C .- - 0 ,0 o m o 5 o o a) 0 al U L.) '4 >h P40-1(,E - 1 u) rntiha v)cA E- 1 . zn +, a) a) a) a) cd +) 4 -) ._ . C ti O r •r1 N N It N W d+ M M di N c M W W '4 W .0 .O .O .O .0 .O .0 .O .O .O .0 .0 Q` O k '1:1 '� "C/ ,O ON Cr' O` Cr Cr‘ O` ON ON ON Q` o r4 r4 H H H H 1+1 w '. O s~ Z co k a) 0 W 0 E U 0 la k 0 0 a 0 N U w G4 pp +' ,4 a) 0 la .4 a) •••• V) .0 O bn co OD U Cn U 1-•1 G' L" co U Fa Q: U U , U U V O D U R1 cd cd O 0 �$ cd 0 _� U W 1-4 1 1. to U to co t~ .-.4 0 m 1a 0 a) U U O � U 0 4 .Q ,.Q u En aki (.1) U 0 A 0 Fi •� �! C u1 Cn C O ri U x ai .-1 it E E E C '' i G F 0 z • o 1 Ti I 3 0 0 0 o o a) ,� o o a s o �, u) ,,, a ax U6 1. a) f-1 O U s: E.-+ b p , 0 0 U a x U) U U U U O d' N N O N N N in O •+ in in N O in $4 ...4 0) •+ U N Cr) d CO ■O d ON CO Cr) N N d N 00 in O W (?y > En El 00 O -4 N-4 t!) d' di N d 0` d N N M O di N i!) .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 t() tf) in in ,0 N O 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a x .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .O .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .O co -1 C U r 0 E (], O- M - M N Q` dt CO N U .-r 'D N .-., N r-4 '- 4 co O -i ,-a U '--I N 00 to N O N N N 00 M w in N to di di d' so d' in di .0 U 4-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 }-' o .O \O .0 .0 NO '.0 '.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 cd • U 0 cn m U '' N 1 1 C m ,, '0 . CO y k 5 +a 0 0 44 cd S1 ; •. U ' U O , to - "� i U U CO O • .. t /.4 p U x rl a) 4 U U M U r0 0 0 0 C U NU U ` 0 O _.0 c • � U cd rd , � . U i �+ N O U) s O O 0 . , . OA U O a U in di h 44 1-1 � a X x E- 0 i1 • 0 `a�d A . to to 1n m � •� • • a x �1 ti U `z ti April 11, 161 The vo11ege .%t.ti m hecre `tion Uouncil met Q in regular session in the math room at r: x uoilsoliduted ciiool with the President, iIr. Asher, presiding. Present were 4 Hervey, Griffin, Lhaney, Hrusse, .iggs, Fisher sit ad ahmffer The 151 udget wus discussed. jrusse moved and iiervey seconded to adopt the budget :s requested by coy,ne i . ■rs. i ney proposed zn amendment to Lincoln budget 44 450 end suggest a fee system to raise an ®dditional "1b.0. for Lincoln. The arn'nd:n•nt carried by vote of four to three. The iiudget us unleaded wm uri nLaously dopted. A copy is ttached. The president called a special Meeting for two weeks from today, .1pri 1 25, Frances Lsruss -, ecy. • • 0 COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL Purposed Budget, April 1961 SOURCE OF FUNDS $ $ $ Balance Forward Contributions: City of College Station $2,000.00 Community Chest 1.750.00 Balance $3,750.00 Registration Fees: Golf $ 190.00 Swimming 3,150.00 Tennis 190.00 Pre - School 120.00 Tumbling 130.00 Bowling 60.00 Adult Softball 100.00 Archery 40.00 July 4th Picnic 50.00, Balance $.030.00 Total Available Funds $7.780.00 PROGRAM BUDGET Swimming $ $ $ Instruction $2,200,00 Trips, Fees, Awards 1,550.00 Rent of Pool 700.00 Balance $4,450.00 Tennis Instruction $ 360.00 Trips, Awards 120.00, Balance $ 489.00 Pre - School Instruction $ 200.00 Supplies 20.00 Balance $ 220.00 Lincoln $ 450.00 Picnic 200.00 Tumbling 240.00 Baseball 800.00 Adult Softball 260.00 Bowling 175.00 Archery 145.00 Golf 193.00 Administrative 60.00 Dances Teen 30.00 Total Budgeted $7.705.00 RESERVE FUND $ 75.00 vJ C 1p ce � ccd ter^ 0 -7 911 c--0--c-fet (?( p „,„.4 c:5 Cit 9 / Ot.vvtAri , ✓� nom'- ✓ � - °-f , M , aA-210 n a-1-‘ /IA „�-► � a irn ,4 SS, o-»- k-. � X00 ® c X53 ,0Q-J\- • , C-e-EQA7 ZPZI--;-v! 4 1/ 4- "-4/j /1/uc'-7tt-,;-^ avvi-c-rj, Cam C ` 4 . c . , 1 ( a,g _71-&-z-wL fli\ Cirlc:/eako , Yvl GIA-rn,4_ J.„(4„. gutAfr, r aL ,L4) /0,—Las2-4 ai --`� A-Qe7t fr‘" T/e—e _ a. _ ,,ice' Wv` d9°e - a /ZA2Ca. D .r 1 9 6 1 C O L L E G E S T A T I O N S U M M E R R E C R E A T I O N P R O G R A M Sponsored Program s: Adult Softball, Archery, Baseball, Bowling, Community Picnic, Golf, Pre - School, Swimming, Dance Instruction, Tennis, Tumbling & Gymnastics F o r Y o u n g a n d O l d COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL Supported Financially by City of College Station, Texas College Station United Fund COUNCIL MEMBERS Flake Fisher, Pres.; Herb Shaffer, Vice Pres., Mrs. Frances Brusse, Sec.; K. A. Manning, Treas.; W. T. Riedel, Ran Boswell, W. L. Penberthy, W. A. Tarrow, J. D. Chaney, Mrs. J. W. Amyx, Mrs. Alice Riggs, Mrs. James Griffin, Mrs. J. B. Hervey, C. V. Wootan, Randall Stelly, J. E. Loupot r S W I M M I N G P R O G R A M TIME MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. 8:45 Low Low Low Low Low Low till Begin. Begin. Begin. Begin. Begin. Begin. •: 0 , ,,2 2,2 ,1 ,,2 :,2 9:30 High High till Adv. Inter. Begin. Adv. Inter. Begin. 10 :15 1 1 ,1 i1 10 :15 Low Low Low Low Low Low till Begin. Begin. Begin. Begin. Begin. Begin. 1 :00 1 2 ,1 :;`1 C;2 ,1 11 :00 12 and 1• and 12 and 1• and 12 and 1• and till under under under under under under 11:4 Com..* Com..* Com.,* Com..* Com..* Com..* * Competitive Swimming is open to anyone interested in competition who is a good swimmer and who pays the fee. To enroll in Junior Competitive the child should have completed the Frog Division or its equivalent. To enroll in the Senior Com- petitive the student must have completed the Turtle Division or its equivalent. Beginning Swimmers must be 6 years of age or either 51 inches tall or be able to swim 30 feet. Any child who does not qualify will be dropped from the class. Two six - weeks sessions each class will meet twice a week. Sessions will run from June 5 to July 14 and from July 17 to August 25. Registration: First Session Sunday June 4 at 3 :00 p.m. at DeWare Field House. Classes will be closed when full. Registration for Second Term: New Students - 3:00 to 4 :00 p.m. Sunday. July 16 at DeWare Field House, Repeat students: 4:00 to 5 :00 p.m. Sunday, July 16 at DeWare Field House. Registration Fee: $4.00 It is expected that there will be sufficient room for all students wishing to take swimming to enroll. However, in order that all children of the area will have a chance to participate in at least one session of the program, early reg- istration from 3 :00 to 4 :00 p.m. will be restricted to those children who are not enrolled in the first six weeks. After these children have registered, classes will be thrown open to those children who are now participating in the swimming program. These restrictions do not apply to the competitive groups who may enroll, provided they are sufficiently good swimmers. On day of registration, any child who can already swim and is joining the pro- gram for the first time, should bring a swim suit and cap so that he can swim for Coach Adamson and be placed in the proper class. Ladies classes are offered, but not under the sponsorship of the Recreation Council. The 1 :00 p.m. class will register and swim at 1:00 p.m. on June 5. The 5:30 p.m. class will register and swim at 5 :30 p.m. on June 5. Fee for the Ladies Class is $5.00. All registration must be made in person! Contact: Mrs. J. W. Amyx, V16 -6487, or Mrs. J. B. Hervey, VI6 -5445 ,.A .. ACTIVITIES TIME FEE AG. PLACE - { ADULT SOFTBALL Fri. & Sat, $2.00 Adult Men Lighted Intramural Field 6 & 8 p.m. South of the Grove Starts June 2 - all interested contact J. D. Chaney. Office V16 -6]19, Home: V16 - 6492 ARCHERY Mon. & Wed. $4.00 Adults & Juniors Brazos Bowman Archery 8 weeks course 5 -6:30 p.m. Range Starts June - Instruction b E. 0. Morrison. V16 - 1. Register b .hone. %/BABE RUTH & Mon. - Fri. Little League Park LITTLE LEAGUE 5 p.m. Little League Pres. - A. Slovacek. Babe Ruth Pres. - M. tiller Council Re.. - C. V. Wootan. V16- 84 or V16- 22 BOWLING Wednesday $2.50 12 thru 18 MSC Bowling Alley 40 weeks course 1 :30 p.m. Register June 7, 1 - 3 p.m. - MSC Bowling alley. Classes start June 14 thru August 2 Instruction b Wa e Smith. V16 - 8 21. Council Rep. - W. L. Penberth V16 - 6814 or V16 4 COMMUNITY PICNIC July 4, 5:30 p.m. Consolidated High School Mrs. James Griffin, Chairman: V16 -64.20 Grounds ir -GOLF 6 weeks course Tues. & Thurs. Golf Course Junior Golfers 9 a.m. $4.00 8 thru high school Adult Golfers 5 p.m.(if enough register) Register June 6: Juniors - 9 a.m., Adults - 5 p.m., at Golf Course. Classes start June 6. Instruction b Joe Fa:an VI6 -481 , Council Re . - K. A. Mannin• V16 -422 or VI6 -6160 DANCE INSTRUCTION 7 :30 - 9 p.m. '.3.00 Senior High M S C 6 weeks course Beginners Tuesday Improvers Thursday Instruction by Pat Lackey. Council Rep. - Mrs. Alice Ri_zs, V16 ®6 & J. E. Lou.ot V16 - 6312 $' PRE _SCHOOL Mon. - Fri. 52,00 4 years Consolidated Junior High 6 weeks course 9 - 10 a.m, School Room 7 Register June 5, 9 a.m. at Consolidated Gym. Instruction by Mrs_ Joe Fagan, V16 -4349. Council Re.. - Mrs. J. C. Brusse V16 -[• 4 SUMMER LIBRARY 8 a.m, - noon Con idated Junior High Mon. - Fria School Library NE NIS 8 weeks course Mon. - Fri. $3.00 10 thru high school Concrete Courts Beginners 7 - 8 a.m. Intermediates 8 - 9 a.m. Advanced 9 - 10 a.m. Register June 7, 8 - 10 a.m. at Consolidated Junior High School Office. Instruction by Horace Schaffer, VI6 -7325 Council Rep. - F. L. Fisher, VI6 - 4117 or V16 -6542 Instruction from June 12 to Au gust 4 0 (No s ses Ju ne 5 to July s) l- TUMBLING & GYMNASTICS 6 weeks course Mon. - Fri. Consolidated Gym Girls & Women Gymnastics 8 :45 -9:45 a.m. $3.00 Beginners Tumbling 9 :45 -10 :15 a.m. $1.00 Junior High and Advanced Tumbling 10 :15 -11 :15 a.m. $2.00 younger Register June 5, 9 a.m. at Consolidated Gym, Instruction by Henry Walton, V16 -6848. Council Re.. - Randall Stell V16- 01 or V16- 28 Non - Resident Fee Twice Resident Feet A resident is defined as the family on one working or residing in the city limits of College Station. Basic Small Arms Training School - Registration and information - contact Sid Loveless before June 3 at V16 -4836. Classes start June 3 between 7 and 9 a.m, at Twin City Range at Pleasant Acres, Fee: $7.15. Age limit for both boys and girls: 10 and up, ( C24 0 -� c /.'/ / 7 * - 4 7 cti ( ›vi 7v1 CJ 4 4 :; 7 3 RA:*, ' I a y1,1 v , A.w- . 3 3 5' 4. • )-1 a----- 0 .J cL-c;P .tw_o k 4 � D Aar .„0 3c o�,0--vim �� 3 A.z. q 0. 311A. A471,4 , c0-0 4„, 1 { t 1 1 • . 0-1 4 f .ems\(, / ‘ 1, I .°. ° c I,taC.1 r V 'i/t- ar )1 0 '-- _)\ ..4) 474...el./ P 1 c ` 1 / `'-' ■ � - 1 . • .' � .. _t -J L - / r f ' / • ' Mitt 1 ' 11111MPINNEa i 1 1 / ^, .. . i - e 1 a l / i .- /' - /. dit 41P. / _. 4 i ' _ / ■111i •/ � - ... / .= -- - -4 _ - � . h_ _ , / .� • 4%.12-."... UJ P 4 ) . IP. i 1 0 /111D ,A, 1 Alf . I An A Ar . Ja . - - _ L- • I i A . 410511.1111111, c i • / / ALAI �I Am . -A A. _ _ • - -- - — s • ■ - - - -- - - -- k 1' - l • l . r • t ,ij • c - . 4 f c S v - .! .' - - _ ,p� t _ A ,,,, • ,....„„ . ..g. L.. p......A. a4._.....,,....i.., OW • ,ja G am, Q ca�a _ IAA • - . c C 4 Z h eil2 1. 2.. , 1„4..... \ co 1 79_.,,\ .... 4 44 d ' l &d14 c-Q - L L. ) • /_- � .. :. �/- L c i • n »A .u-- CA r, / / • _ L • AAA t n • A 4 ` _ t= • 1 / 1 ✓• _--_4 �� ' - _�� 1 (L/ • 1 • • • 0 ( 11F-- `j' / / ?6 M - _ - - -- � , _ _ ,° - - . _ ``- w . tea/� (A[= y // /" �� �D ey / /��� // A 60... .-- /- "—1 o,_ " _'/ Py4.4.1a-0 .1,�. Ji , -•- --- = -- II A, - - - -. 1 ' / �..) Gi ILA -..0 ( f ' i t*' - .. / it:Q-A/els- eZ AO e 07 ,..e.- -.IA.!' r■C)■ i r.i..,,. 4 - O Q _4 e / 4 ,' ! • - - - - . �� H--- CSi 4 a. . 4 e 0 . i te '2. ---- i - 1 I 1 i k k' ® [ ..) 0 RECREATION COUNCIL BOWLING REPORT 1961 Individuals enrolled - 18 Meetings held - 8 Cost of Program: Instruction - $50.00 Use of Alleys - $45.00 Total - $95.00 Income (Fees) - $45.00 Cost t� Council - $50.00 H , e•/ III Iiiki L, tp , 1 i •IA (----------- • , 1 3 4 0 ._ . 1 _ " Ite5' 2. .0 ll -111 vb . I% ta a 41 - 4-C- rzg T Ida- / '' ( ------ 1 . .1' 7 0 .5',0-0 ' o o.›. 7 b, / 4-0,97 _ , -1. i : P ' _ / ti--- _6_4 - . \ ■ .. \ A O _ di : * A ' •. -. : 11,7' .__ 0 3 r • t ,-- . 1 . j4tos ____ -■ ) ----------";"-Cj'"-------------"4-±-.--) - - * ---------------- ---..........----- ....... - • a , • -0 ..---- !, ,-(i ___ k I 2 at , e , 4 1 ()--E) 17(----0\- ------ r 4 36 i 1 ' ___ 1 k --h-- i ._... 1. flvw _ • \ . ..> , r - , -- _ Alt . 6 ; ( Q � - - - , ` 1 - -- - t 'i _ Ot° /) /mil . P -A- n..„...^ - , 4. ,o. G ._...„ _ ri i ! _ -_ ...-A • 1t _ • 1 __ i (�i✓/ / y' ° - _ _ _ _•,= ' _ a /2-e---b ...A-.0 - e-qp- i . j s 3 7 i 1 3 1 1 3 _ ()7,1,,,, n a 0 1 9 4-Z ,� r ` ,i 1111. . � _ ill /i ...., - _ _ / ( �`- am.- - - - / l v / 1 / / / / • .0 -AL _ 0 ' A i .1, / '1 4 Al l .1i.... nx c1,,, Q v 4 .... 0 " 6_ .,.2.....3._ — .. X ca Ai . t ill I_+ .. .. .J4 . . MIN, . _ /.a i. i rte: tea �.a � -_ �� 1 // , _ e� �L ' ` / 1M 4 11 _ _ - ' j/J ./ 0 CAPW+n..�M - - • +• • ( . try 6", ' - j4.- / r / / • '41%4 \ /).1 . ♦ ,e ,rte o ._J- ,7741 d • /2 _/3//1! S zL-4;k4t4,_i, v r.rlr ADULT SOFTBALL FINAL REPORT The following is the final report of Adult Men's Softball Lev ue for the College Station Sumner Recreation Program of 19610 TEAMS PARTICIPATING 6 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS 90 GAMES SCHEDULED 45 MONEY RECEIVED ( TEAM !dABERS) 101075 MONEY EXPENDED: EQUIPENT w' 170.35 O FICIATi 124.50 SCOREKEEPER 32.25 TOURNAMENT EXP. 15.00 TOTAL t34 QiO LESS FEES 101.75 k u 4 . 5 ........ Trim standings ar the conclusion of the summer program were as follows WINS LOSSES 1st ENGINEERS 2nd UNMENTIONABLES 10 5 3rd TWO by TWO 9 6 4th TIRED NINE 7 8 5th PHONONS 4 11 6th WATERSPOUTS 1 14 The " All Star " teams participated in the past season Invitational Tournament sponsored by Bryan merchants losing two (2) games and - winning one(1)0 Respectfully submitted J.D. CHAT EY Council Member at Large dooms MARCH The College Stetson Recreation Council met Tuesday, March 13 at the Consolidated Junior High School with the following members present: Chaney, Riggs, Ibert. Loupot, Shaffer,Tarrow, Brusse,Pen- berthy, Griffin, Riedel, Wootan, and Gallaway. Mr. Wootan, president, announced that funds in the Council treasury were depleted. He asked that each member try to estimate the amount of money needed in the area in which he would be working so that a budget could be set up. A budget committee composed of Mrs. Hervey, Mr. Shaffer,and Mr. Manning was appointed to work with Mr. Wooten in preparing a budget for 1962 to be presented at the April meeting. Reports of activities supported by the Council were given: Mrs. Hervey reported the cost of operating the swimming program would be approximately the same as 1961; however the possibility of receiving enough additional money to raise the swimming coach's sal - ery was discussed. No action wcs taken on this matter. Also that about 706 children participated in the program. Mr. Chaney reported th ^t about 100 children participated in the tennis program. It w-s announced in this report that Mr. Ibert would tyke Mr. Fisher's place in helping with the softbn11 Pnd tennis. Mr. Chaney passed final reports on the 1961 adult soft- ball program to Council members. Mrs. Brusse reported 36 children were enrolled in the pre- school activity for 1961. Also that 870.00 in fees was collected from the children, cost of Pn instructor was 8100.00, en assistant instructor 122.50, and 120.00 for supplies mPking e total of 4'3142.50 spent in this program. She stated that there is a need for 2 full time instructors in this acttvity. Mr. Tarrow reported the Lincoln School program was operated at a cost of a 600.00 -- 8450.00 of this received from the recreation Council. 880.00 was spent for transportation of children in the swimming program, ' for an art class, Qnd some for salaries Softball and little league were also included in this program. Light bulbs will be needed for some of the `"lights for the ball field. Mr. Tarrow suggested the possibility of asking 11.00 fee be paid by the children participating in the swimming program. Mr. Wooten reported fireworks for the July 4th picnic would be ordered as usual and the Lions Club would again handle the food. Also that Mr. Riedel would work with Mr. Boswell on the July 4th activity. The people who fired the fireworks in 1961 will be asked to do so again this year. This will include an ordinance man. The insurance will be included in the cost of the fireworks. Little League baseball report given by Mr. Wootan. He stated there would be no change in their program and they would like to receive 1;400.00 for 1962. New uniforms are being pilrchased. Also the dugouts are to be rebuilt at an estimated cost of ' 400.00. Mr. Ibert reported that a letter had been re ceived from Mr. Miller,president of teenage base- ball, asking for 1600.00 from the Council. It was announced thst funds received from signs around the field would go into the Council treasury . Also that money could be raised for little league through gifts only and $334.80 was received in 1961 in this manner . Mr. Penberthy reported the bowling would cost the Council X 50.00 in 1962 - -the same as 1961. There were 18 members participating in the bowling program. Mr. Shaffer said there would be no change in the Archery program for 1962. 13 members par- ticipated in an 8 weeks course for a fee of 14.00 — each.E. 0. Morrison is the instructor. Mrs. Riggs and Mr. Loupot reported the teen- age dances had not been successful in 1961; there were too few participating. There w ^s some discussion as to whether the situation could be remedied and a recommendation was made that at least 30 to 40 students participate or not include the program in Council activities. Mr. Chaney told the Concii that a well equipped shop w•s available at the Consolidated School and suggested the possibility of a "Do it Yourself" night being establishes for the benefit of adults in need of this equitpment for repairs etc. There would be an advisor available to work with those who need help in using the equipment. The meeting ws adjourned. Respectfully submitted APRIL The College Station Recreation Co'incil met Tuesday, April 10 at the Consolidated Junior High School at 4 p.m. Those present included Mr. Wootan_, W. S. Manning, Cubby Manning; Mrs. Hervey, Brusse, and Gallaway. Mr. Wootan gave a brief summary of the business covered at the March meeting. Mr. W. S. Manning was introduced as a new member of the Council re- placing Mr. Stelly. Work sheets for setting up a budget for 1962 were F to the group Pnd each area of recreation supported by the Council wPs discussed on the basis of needs and student participation in the past. A final budget will be drawn from this work sheet. Mr. Wootan read P letter of appreciation and information expressing their needs from the teen- age baseball league. A motion was made by Mr. Manning, treasurer, that the budget proposed at this meeting be accepted contingent on the City of College Station giving the Recreation Council the needed 12500. Mrs. Brusse seconded the motion. Motion carried. v.. Mr. Wootan read a letter which he composed that would be sent, to Mr. Boswell, City Manager, and city council members. This letter expressed the appreciation of the Council for past support from the City and explained the needs for the in crease of financial aid from the city. (letter attached) The meeting -was adjourned. Respective y submitted A bc _ 4 41 4 , c ," .1/4.4/7 April 13, 1962 Mr. Ran Boswell City Manager City Hall College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Boswell: As I mentioned to you on the phone last week, Mr. K.A. Manning and I would like to appear before the City Council at its April meeting to discuss the summer recreation program for the City cf College Station. In order that you may have time to look over some of the information we would like the Council to consider, I am enclosing some data along with a brief statement of our purpose and program. As you know, the College Station Recreation Council is a volunteer group of College Station citizens formed for the purpose of arranging the financing for and the general supervision of, a sound and inclusive summer recreation program for all the citizens of College Station. This Council is made up of 16 members re- presenting each of the various civic clubs, the public schools, A. & N. College, the City of College Station, and the churches. It is the objective of the Recreation Council to aid in the physical, mental and moral development of our communities through an inclusive recreation program during the summer months. Financing of this program is obtained from registration fees of those participating in each program, from the Community Chest, and from the City of College Station. The guiding principal has always been to charge a small participation fee to help support the program and yet keep the fees low enough so that they would not exclude anyone from participating. The enclosed sheets, showing the amount of money taken in by the Council and the amount expended on our program for the year 1961, and the proposal for 1962, will explain the financial predicament now being faced by the Council. In spite of completely voluntary supervision on part of the Council and voluntary instruction in many of the programs, the cost has con- tinually risen over the years without corresponding increases in income. This rise in cost has been brought about by two factors. L Mr. Ran Boswell-2 First, the substantial increase in population in College Station, and particularly among school -age children as reflected in the en- rollment in A. & M. Consolidated Schools, has meant that we are serving more people each year. And second, there have been sizable increases in cost of sports equipment, awards and meet expenses in those programs that have them. It is the opinion of the Recreation Council that participation fees should not be substantially increased above present levels. We also feel that there is little hope of obtaining additional funds from the College Station Community Chest in view of the difficulties experienced by the Chest in meeting its last quota. We would like to request, therefore, that the City of College Station give serious consideration to increasing its allocation of funds to this program. Our minimum budget for the summer program this year calls for a total expenditure of about $7,500. To meet this minimum need, will require at least $2,500 from the City of College Station. On behalf of the College Station Recreation Council, I would like to express our appreciation for your fine support within the past years. We sincerely hope that you will be able to continue supporting this program in the years to come. Sincerely yours, C. V. Wootan, President College Station Recreation Council Enclosures NNW MAY The College Station Recreation Council met Tuesday, May 8, 1962 at the Cond soli dated Junior High School at 4 p.m. The following were present: Brusse, Hervey, Riggs, Griffin, Gallaway, Chaney, Wootan, Riedel, Ibert, and Loupot. Mr. Wootan announced the increase in funs from the city would be considered in t e�b,udget meeting held by the City in June and o pstructed to include the entire 12500.00 in setting up the budget for the summer recreation program in 1962. The group went over the budget and discussed the program briefly. It was suggested that 115.00 be added to the amount allocated for the tumbling program increasing this amount to 1240.00. This was approved. s.) Mr. Chaney reminded that shop facilities were available at the school for persons wishing to make furniture repars etc. and that a quali- fied helper would be - veilable 1 night each week. Mr. Wootan ask Mr. Chaney and Mrs. Riggs to work "'�' out a program for shop usege to be included in the Recreatior brochure which would be circulated May 24 to Consolidated school children and the City Hall in College Station. The meeting was adjourned until September. Re pectivey submitted, (2 )/4/064,/ September, 1962 The College Station Recreation Council met Tuesday, September 25, 1962 at 4 p.m. at the Consol- idated Junior High School.with the following members present: Wootan, Manning, Manning, Penberthy, Brusse, Griffin, and Gallaway. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. Wootan. The minutes were read and one addition was made- -that 125.00 was added to the budget to fi- nance the shop useage program. Mr. Wootan announced that there would be nrly one more meeting of the Council during 1962 -. this to be a called meeting. The Council will meet monthly beginning February, 1963. Mr. Wo -tan ask that a complete report of each activity be prepared for the next meeting.This should include cost, number of participants and any problems encountered. Mr. Penberthy submitted a report on the summer bowling activity. Mr. Wotan ask those who will be retiring from the Council in 1963 contact the organizations they represent for replacements. Action will be taken on this in February 1963. Mrs. Griffin suggested that we commend Mrs. Louise "'Amyx for her help on the swimming program. What the Council can do to help thi , program was discussed. It was decided that help should come from the parents of the children participating in the program. Mrs. Brusse r that Mfs. Fagan had only one class in the pre - school activity. Mr. Loupot reported that Mr. Fagan did his usual fine job with the golf program. It was announced that the teen -age base ball pro- gram would receive an increase if the money is availabi. as they were allocated only 1300.00 in the budget. Mr. Marshall Miller will meet with the Council if necessary in connection with this program. Mr. Loupot reported a bigger than ever Little League program. Also that he had operated the con- cession stand for all games which provided extra funds for this group. A discussion of receiving financial help from parents of boys in the Little League program was held. Mr. Loupot ask for permission from the Council to make a request for money gifts from these L Mr. Wootan announced that the United Chest would like to receive a request from the Council on their financial needs by October 4. Also that someone from the Council would meet with the United Chest October 10. The meeting was adjourned. October The College Station Recre't'Lon Council met Tuesday, October 9, 1962 at L D.M. _,t the A & M Consolidated Junior High School with the follow- ing members present: Wootan, Ibert Riegel, Manning, �.- Penberthy, Loupot, Griffin, Hervey, and Gallaway. Mr. Wootan, presidentip passed copies of the budget to each member so that actual cost of each program and participation could be compared with the proposed cost and participation.. Also sug- gestions and recommendations for improving the recreation program for 1963 were given by those making reports. Swimming: Mrs. Hervey - -854 children participated in this program at a cost of :1.73 per participant. Also 225 swimmers were sent to swim meets through- out the summer.(a complete finanicial report is included) Tumbling: Mr. Manning- -There were 62 preschool participants and 30 advanced. The cost of in- struction was $232.00, income from dues ' cost to the council - 1110.00. A change in the time schedule was suggested by Mr. Garcia, instructor. Bowling: Mr. Penberthy - -There were 31 participants, 8 meetings, cost of instruction $50.00, use of the alleys - "77.50 and income from fees - 77.50. Cost to the council for this program - 150.00 . PRE- school: Mrs. Brusse- -There were 31 partici- pants, cost of instruction - 122.50, supplies - $23.60. There was an average attendance of 28 per day, cost per participant - .2.56. It was suggested a second session during July and August be con- sidered for 1963. Also the-e is need for a new record player. Income --160.00; cost to the council -- $86.10. July 4th Picnic: Mr. Wootan- -The cost of fire- works including frei cost was ?202.36- -this also represents the cost to the council. This program was well attended with the Lion's Club being credited for its success. Archery: Mr. Shaffer -- There were 13 participants, costof instruction was 172.00, supplies 6.12, and income was 132.00. Cost to the Council was $46.12. Golf: Mr. Loupot - -There were 35 participants cost of instruction--'100.00 no supply cost, income 8120.00 . This program showed a profit of 8 20, Tennis: --Tilts - program showed -a cost to the tunnc#i of;4z37,0o. It was decided that a check for $50.00 with a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Shaffer for his interest and instruction during 1962. Also that this 850.00 become a per- manent raise in salary. The cost of trips for tournament play was 8120.00, income from fees was $243.00. Cost to the council for this program was $287.00 Adult Softball: Mr. Ibert- -Cost of umpires was 1i33.75, equipment 176.54, income 8122.00, and cost to the council X187.29. Mr. Ibert suggested an entry fee be assessed the teams as there has been some increase in the cost of equipment due to some being lost. It was suggested that this group should pay its own way with the managers responsible for collecting. Fifteen ball games were played by each team in 1962. Lincoln School: Mr. Tarrow- -Cost of instruction and transportation was 1230.00, supplies 1216.02- - total cost $446.02. This program was allocated 8500.0C Teen ^ge Baseball: There was no final report on this .program. 1300.00 was allocated with the possibility of additional funds if available. Little Lea =ue: There was an increase in the number of participants. New uniforms will be needed for 1 9 6 3. There was a discussion of how finances should be handled. It was brought out that there were too few sponsors to ask them to pay the cost of the program. There were 228 participants; cost to the council was 1400.00. Shop: The cost to the council for this program was $25.00. A fee of $1.00 was charged participants in this program. It was suggested the program be started earlier in 1963. Mr. Wootan read a,1,etter, Dean Watkins asking for a request for funds from the Community Chest in 1963. Also that all proposals would be considered October 10. Mr. Weotan, Mr. Manning, and Mrs. Hervey will attend this meeting. - asking for $1,750. from the Community Chest. The next meeting of the council will be held in February. This is to be an organizational witieeting with the appointment Of an audit 'cor - -nd - nominating committee . _to select officers of 1963 -64. The meeting was adjourned. aa- / /1'4j Report of 19( Swimming Program INCOME Allotment from College Station Recreation Council $1500.00 Registration Fees 1st 6 weeks $1856.00 Registration Fees 2nd 6 weeks 1735.00 Income from Fees 43591.00 Total Income • $5091.00 EXPENDITURES Pool Rental lat 6 weeks . $ 478.00 Pool Rental 2nd 6 weeks 376.00 Total Pool Rental . $ 854.00 Instruction for lst 6 weeks $1256.50 Instruction for 2nd 6 weeks 1326.48 Total Instruction Fees $2582.98 Printing Registration Cards $ 17.50 Badges 111.47 Gulf AAU Registration 14.00 Tarps and Poles 37.49 Refunds 20.0C Long Distance Calls 8.32 Total Miscellaneous Costs $ 208.78 SWIMMING MEETS: Shreveport Invitational $ 83.16 T.A A F /197.149 Gateway 337.90 Jr. Olympics .... 172.26 Tyler Invitational 190.87 Sparks Club 181.111 Golf crest .. 191.62 Tropicana 99.85 Total Coat of Meets $1424.29 TOTAL EXPENDITURES OF PROGRAM TOTAL MONEY LEFT ON HAND RECREATION COUNCIL BOWLING REPORT 1962 Individuals enrolled - 31 Meetings held - 8 Cost of Program: Instruction - $ 50.00 Use of Alleys - $ 77.50 Total - $127.50 Income (Fees) 77.50 Cost to Council - $50.00 is Februr ry , 1963 • The College Station Recreation Council met Tues- day, February 19 at 4 p.m. at the Consolidated Jr. High School with the following members present: Wootan Penberthy, Hervey, Manning, Tarrow, Griffin, Manning, Shaffer, Riggs, Ibert, and Gallaway. A report of actual expenditures as compared with amounts budgeted for each program was given by Mr. Manning, Treasurer. He reported that the Council has $$96.)0 in the College Station State Bank and -9.50.11W due from the City of College Statign.making a total $1846.10 present Council funds. LLjn�+i ..,�fit Mr. Wootan announced that the3ecre tion, "' receive $1700.00 from the Community�i 1 1963. An Audit committee comoosed of Mrs. Hervey, Mr. Ibert and Mrs. Riggs was appointed by Mr. Wootan. They will report at the March meeting of the Council. Replacements for members retiring was discussed. It was suggested that Mrs. Stanley Clark would replace Mrs. Brusse representing the Mothers and Dads Club. She will serve on the swimming program. A motion was made by Mr. Manning and seconded by Mrs. Rervey that Mr Wootan select a replacement for I Mr. Chaney, member at large. Suggestions were also made for replacements for Mr. Shaffer, Rotary Club +.. representative and Mr. Loupot, Chamber of Commerce. All of these replacements will be made by the March meeting. Mr. Wootan appointed a nominating committee com- posed of Mr. K.A. Manning, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Ibert. They will present a slate of officers in March. Mr. Wootan ask the members of the Council to think about the present program in terms of changes or new ideas they would like to incorporate for 1963. These ideas and changes will be discussed in March. He also ask that anyone wishing to make a change from their present program let this be known at the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned. Respectively submitted A lth 't • wim Pro Offer .. L ogical of earnin By MOLLIE BLAKE children the first six weeks ses- ' SINCE ALL classes are regis- ' includes beginner, intermediate Eagle Staff Writer sion, and teaches three adult tered at the beginning of the and swimmer classes and junior Swimming classes in Bryan women's courses outside of the summer, a person who fails to and senior lifesaving. and College Station have en- College Station program. pass, as about half of them do, BRYAN IS THE only city in tirely different objectives. Coach Adamson teaches corn- cannot return until the follow- (See PROGRAMS Page 7) Bryan Recreation Director petitive swimming and, in fact, ing summer. However, Ash - Jack Ashworth says the two took his competitive group to wow pointed out, failure to programs complement each oth- Houston for the Junior Olym- pass the course does not mean er. While the Bryan program pits today. Lessons are given the person is not safe in water merely attempts to make the twice weekly in two, six -week at his depth. The purpose of student safe in water, Texas terms and he expects a pupil the program is to make s A &M Coach Art Adamson, who to stay with him through a him safe in water at any depth. directs the swimming program three -year progressive course. He also pointed out that a for the College Station Recrea- Bryan teaches ten lessons in person safe in a swimming pool tion Council, tries to teach the five two -week sessions under should' not swim unsupervised student to swim so well it re- the Red Cross plan. Registra- in a lake, tank or especially a river. mains a joy for the rest of his tion for the entire summer is life. taken in June for the three About two- thirds of the Bry- BRYAN OPERATES a larger white pools, but the Negro an classes are for beginners. It prgram, with an estimated 1,500 pools register each two week is due to this backlog of non - perscns scheduled for instruc- session as it comes. Therefore, swimmers that the program tion it; four pools this summer. Ashworth has no accurate count seems to be progressing slowly, Coach Adamson registered 473 until the end of the session. Ashworth said. Their program COACH ADAMSON thinks Programs he has one of the best programs r9 in the country at College Sta- (Continued From Page 5) tion. His assistants are eight Texas who hires only qualified high school students, both boys Water Safety Instructors as at- and girls, who have been train - tendant- instructors and 1 i f e- ed by him and are picked on guards at their pools. WSI is their ability. as high as one can go in water He says he has never failed to safety work. It can be obtained teach a person to swim who only through school programs has stayed with his program. such as Adamson has at Texas They may fail to progress or A &M (he uses assistants who progress slowly, but they do have gone through his courses) learn to swim. or at a National Aquatic School His three -year, six -term pro- run by the Red Cross. gram is divided into beginners, Most guards come from A &M, tadpoles, frogs, turtles, seahors- Ashworth said, but it has been es and pelicans. However, his four years since a school-trained students usually finish t h e instructor - attendant was found first tw steps in six weeks by Bryan. Girls are picked for and take a year on the third, this job because they are pri- the one in which basic skills marily working w i th small are learned before the higher children and beginning swim- steps can be mastered. mers. The city sends them to HE ALSO teaches junior and the school. Usually the closest senior lifesaving, one is at Ardmore, Okla., but i He has a pre - competitive 1 this year there was one at Ath- ! team, ten years old and under, , ens. I in which he teaches the me- chanics of competition for those THERE ARE two classes daily planning to enter later. There at each of the three Bryan pools. is a junior competitive group, About 12 volunteer instructor age 10, 11 and 12 and a senior —aides work under the chief in- competitive team, ages 13 structor at each pool; each in- through 16. Over 16 they are structor or aide is responsible considered adults. for no more than five persons. In the junior olympics this These volunteers, "Bless them," week, the midgets, age ten and says Ashworth, "without them under, compete Monday and the we would have nothing," are juniors, ages 11 and 12, corn - usually high school girls. They pete Tuesday, both at the Levy must be over 14 years old. Pool in Houston. The intermed- They teach at "stations" down fates, ages 13 and 14, compete the side of the pool, beginning Wednesday and the s e n i o r s, at the shallow, three -foot end. ages 15 and 16, compete Thurs- Under the four -foot level, they day at the Sharpstown pool. are considered to be better than His teams have already enter - non- swimmers, but not safe ed competition twice this sum - safe enough to be allowed on mer. At the Texas Amateur their own. The intermediate Athletic Federation meet June and swimmer classes follow rit# . 6 and 7 in Tyler, the junior similar procedures, but farther and senior teams, 14 and under down in the pool. As a person for girls and 16 and under for masters the skills, he passes on boys, placed second overall. to another "station." Sharon Covey took a first place ii "THE ONE question people in the butterfly stroke. want to ask, but don't is, how RELAY TEAMS placed sec - good is the program ?" Ashworth ; and usually. About 25 children said. "They usually ask how II are on these teams and each many pass." He repeated they are not training expert swim- mers, but waterproofing every family. one brought home one or more medals. At the Gateway meet in Houston last weekend, the Col- lege Station team finished fifth among about 30 teams entered. There were no first place win - ners here, n e a r l y all their points came from placing in re- lays. Adamson thinks relay swim- ming shows b e t t e r coaching than individuals as one can stumble across a good swimmer occasionally. Thursday he was trying to select one relay team from three teams of young chil- dren, all of which kept finishing in a dead heat. 1 e .- `" "Q t', `. x "¢.rrr �, .ts'a'r a : 4 � "' --,- i�.. ` 55 y 7 � ut x L . a ye H Rza r. " q" ' F t AFTE i i i TI i i i . Experienced swimmers, such as these young ladies, find the deep portion of Texas A &M's new outdoor pool a test of swimming and diving skills. Trying the one and three -meter boards are Sharon Covey and Suzanne Callaway while Cheryl Lowe waits her turn. Corning up the ladder (foreground) after a dive is Pam Hayes. Two unidentified lasses watch the springboard workouts. (Eagle Photo by ene Dennis) Minutes of March 12, 1963 Meeting. The College Station Recreation met on Tuesday, March 12, 1963, at 4:00 p.m. in the A and M Consolidated Junior High building`., Those present were: K. Manning, W. Manning, Riedel, Griffin, Clark, Wootan, Sutphen, Gallaway, Ibert and Riggs. r. Wootan presided at the meeting which was opened with a discussion of the financial plan to acquaint new members of the Council with this aspect. The Council will begin this year with a balance of $1846.10. Ir. Riedel informed the members that the City of College Station is also contributing $400 to the Consolidated :school Library to assist in the cost of operating the library during the summer months as a part of the recreational program. The following replacements on the Council were announced: Mrs. Stanley Clark (Mrs. Joe Brusse); Gene Sutphen (Horace Schaeffer). Replacements are still pending for the positions of Mr. Loupot and Mr. Chaney. K. Manning gave the report of the Nomination Comm. as follows: President - Charlie Wooten Vice Pres. - Mrs. Hervey Secy. - Mrs. Riggs Treas. - L. Manning Mr. Sutphen moved that the slate of officers presented by the committee be accepted. Mr. W. Manning seconded the motion and it was carried. i:Ir. Wooten asked that the budget estimates for the new year to be ready for presentation by each representative at the April meeting. A discussion over the feasibility of incorporating new programs into the recreational program was held. A committee of Higgs, Riedel, Griffin and Wooten was appointed to study possible inclusion of Art Classes for Adults, Teenagers and Youngsters. The following individuals were appointed as representatives in the various phases now existent: Swimming - Hervey, Galloway and Clark Softball - Ibert Bowling - Penberthy Linciln - Terrill Tumbling - Walter Manning Tennis Archery Golf - K. Manning Pre - School Griffin Fourth of July is i ieccei Pinance - K. Manning j'- M.. ,„ The actual 'working program should be ready for study at the April meeting. Each Representative should have the follwoing information ready to present: Time Fees Age Limits Place of activity When to begin Length of Instruction Whom to Contact on Rec. Council Instructor's name The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ) rs. John K. Riggs, secy. w 1 4 la o <4 0 ! t 44 144 .--4 W ..0 (11 .a 4:11) 0 0 00 NO bD .-i ..1 H .1J 00 0 $4 , -•1 0 400 0 .-1 7, O 0 - 0 .-.1 C m ..1 u •.1 ..1 •.•1 c0 .4 o • m .•1 3 o a) w o •,.1 4.I Q) •.1 •.1 r1["j m u 0 m 0 0 ,-1 H o v a 14 1.1 3 3 . a ro 11 ti ca a H cn H W .:4 a m W .:4 -1 aa. a� O a a) 0 u v 44•1 E-4 .0 4.1 1J +.1 1.1 ...I •.1 •.i •.1 cUw o o 0 Ou1u1.Ou1.t.t.0.t.tu1.0.0 W O -. •.1 w 4-1 4-1 w O, O ON ON ON 01 ON O ON ON 01 O, a. a) Q) a 0) N ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 .-d .-1 ,-1 r1 .-1 -4 ,-1 .-1 .-1 PC o 0 0 0 0 A H H H H 0) 0 v c'1 •.1 6 � 0 x 3 .0 0 I-1 . b `n 0 Q a 0 ) U 0 � • t0 MW m x000000 M W g Z 3 • w o .4 a) 0 ,-1 14414 .0 -0$.4 O +'7 ••1 oC 0 • oD 0 ,.O (b cC c(1 C.) ca Ca C.) o C) o 0 0.- m A a .o 0 p. 0 0 •.+ .0 0 .-1 .0 .-•i w4.4 ,0 m O w m •..1 cd J✓ u 0 r•1 0 0 u b.l 4.1 0 0 0 •G•1 O 4.1 ,-1 0 Z 7, 1 a ' - + Z 0 N O m 000 0 0 ci .-1 O 0 o a) Z 4 v w 0 m .-1 u m C.) 0 1.4 u H a 1 4. m 00 u -.1 1+ 11 1+ •.I c) 4 1a A a) .. m ,•I Z ,a o u w a) u v a) m c) 1.1 ..0 W cti m 14 .-1?, .-40.0440.-1440 cq E z H v o z x a 0- •3 W) a) W) o .4 o 0) o 0 0 ,,% O o ' ;w 1 + x acs -4wZZZ00Zzacac4o u m 7, 11 Z N 114 0 1 H ' P., 4J : ) H •.1 u m O 6 m 0 0 0 m y. t, LI V) H 9.1 a) 1a O .t I-- N O 1 - 0 . - + u1 0 co u1 u1 0 u1 N 1� 0..> c/) H I�M.t00.ONNO mC1 - I.4N..tO,N r•! a) C0 O. -1 r .-i u1 .-1 0 N .t .-1 .t N .t 0 0 U' 00 .D .O O u1 .t .O QO 1 L1 0 1 1 1 1 1 I ul 1 1 .O 1 t 1 1 u1 ! 1 1 1 x 1/, � O a) 0 0) 0 •-• c+1 1-4 01 00 O1 ,--1 m .t O N .0 X 0 r1 .O N .-1 N 1/40 .-1 . C' O . . O 114.44 .--1 1- cO u1 cV r-. 1-. O, O .. 0 .t 0 W 111 1' u1 .t .t Oo.Oiq u1 =+.t-t.o.O Q-1 4.1 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 ."d.0 A b. .0 .O .0 '0 110 L, J H I S 1 ' ' d 1 0) ''d C Cil • r O Ili .-I -0 S-.•' Q C N. a) • 0 0 -; m FI ri 0 A O 0 m .61 •1 x 1.1 a) 0 N • r1 - P 0) 1.'' . • rl S~ cli O a N -i O r-1 L,' . i •r-1 C:'• K1 r - I rte N rl • N 03 0 1 G-1 0 0 : N I I N r-i ti ,z. \O 0 CO H T 1 S O 4 ri N t11 1 3 •, i 1+ 0 7i 0 0 K1 ri ;4 r-I r•i O m 4 0 0 N ri 1 rt 'J, I O .4 bO W 1 > 1 r-1 1 1 44 0 14 1 4.1 00 14 H 1 1.1 3 o I ,-1 O C4 C9 7, x o 0 0 c W �.-10)0-4J0 a) ct1 •.1 a x '-11 .0 'o .-I .o s i o w x o a) m r1 . .0 o x a fa W v 0) 14 Cti . o u m ar u o al o o a v z a 0w ca.,a c J o o 4.1 O z1*+ wcn-1 co.w . z o , v . al . . 1.4 `3 ....\ ..;* H O ,-.1.:44 g m m m 0 c d .X ...) . 0 • • «) 1i w 1.1 1I 1+ • . 0C.) N' 3w'33 aZZZZZC.R_3t7ti . IP Minutes of April Meeting- 1963 The College Station recreation Council met on Tuesday, April 9, 1963, at the Junior High Sc'lool Building. Mr. Wooten, President, presided. Hervey, } Manning, Holecek, Galloway, Sutphen, Clark, Griffin and Riggs were present. A letter from the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce announcing the selection of Mr. Jack Upham as their representative to the Council was read. A roster of the Council Members and officers for 1963 was distributed to members and the various assignments reviewed. The budget for the present year was discussed and an outline of tentative requirements for each phase of the program was made. The age of participants in the Bowling program was changed to read "12 and over." Mrs. Griffin gave a report of the work of the commit- tee to study the possibility of an Art program: Mrs. Ruth Mogford would be instructor Children from 10 - 14 years of age would be included in the program Classes would be on Tuesdays and Thurs., 8:30 a.m. - 10 :30 a.m. Classes would run from June 4- July 23 Classes would be limited to 25 members A fee of 34.00 would be charged to each student, 31.50 of which would be supplies. firs. Mogford would be paid 3100 for her work and approximately :350 would be needed for supplies. The Council accepted Mrs. Griffin's report and voted to allow 387.50 in the budget to institute this program. Reports on all phases were heard with the exceptions of the plans for Archery and Softball. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, la,y 14. Nair All reports not already in should be sent to Mr. Wootan not later than April 13. host of the programs will begin on June 5. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, J . _ 171- , _ .4 • . Mrs. John K. Higgs, Secy. woo May Meeting- 1963 The College Station Recreational Council met on Tuesday, May 14, 1963, at 4:00 p.m. in the Junior 41 ,,, High Building. Mr. Wootan, president, presided. Members present were Sutphen, Ibert, Holecek, Penberthy, K. A. Manning, J.S. Manning, Riedel, Hervey, Gallaway, Riggs and Clark. The Calendar for the 1963 Summer Program was distributed and checked for errors or omissions. Mr. Wootan told the Council that arrangements had been made for some of the members to be on Town Talk at KORA on I >onday, May 27, to discuss and explain the program. A sugges- tion was made that any errors in the printed program be corrected before sending the schedule to either the Eagle or Battalion. The minutes of the April meeting were read and aproved. The budget was reviewed and notations made that the Archery and Adult Softball programs would remain approximately the same as for 1963. A request for the Lincoln program was sent by letter and signed by dr. Tarrow. The request was as follows: Instruction - 160; Supplies- 3240; Swimming Program- $100. The Council approved the request. Mr. Sutphen gave a resume of the Teen Age Baseball Program. At present, two Babe Ruth teams, the Rebels and the Hawks, and one Connie Mack team, the Wheels which are being sponsored by the Rotary Club, will use the field. The two Babe Ruth teams do not thus far have a sponsor for the season. "'here is an outstanding debt of x6400 and a fence will be put up this season at a cost of ;800- 1000. There is about x;700 in the bank, i,ir. Sutphen recommended that the Council increase this year's fund from the Council from t300 to 'S450. This recommendation was approved. lr. Wootan reported that Mr. Upham had been asked to look into fieldd which might be incorporated into the program, particularly Horsemanship, which might be added in 1964. The Lions Club will provide the concessions for the 4th of. July picnic. The Council voted to give the Baseball programs their funds immediately. Meeting adjourned. Respectfull submitted, i.:inutes of June ,eeting- 1963 The Colleve Station itecreati n vouncil met in the Jr. _iig iildg. on June 11, 1963. 71'. Wootan presided with the following members present: Upham, Tarrow, A. Manning, Hervey, Galloway, Ibert and Aiggs. The following reports were given by the various members: Tennis was well under way with 84 participants. Adult softball was in progress with 6 teams, would go in the red this year because of needing new equipment. Some request for women's and girls teams. Archery had more participants than last year. The Little League teams consist of 4 :majors, 6 Junior '_inors and 4 Sr. Amor teams. r were being used as umpires which was saving the council money. Teen- age baseball teams were now using the new facil- ities. Howling registrants had paid a 17.50 thus far. Golf was active. Picnic plans were under way with the Lions planning expanded activity and a larger turnout than before. .No report on Pre - school program. About 80 persons were in the Tumbling and Gymnastics classes. Art classes were underway with 37 applicants and room for 24. Swimming had 460 registered for the first Half of the summer. The financial report listed 43005.85 on hand. Up to this day0450 had been disbursed to the Teen age baseball program, 4400 to Little League and :580 to tennis. A request to the City or Collee Station for 2500 had been sent. Mr. Jack Upham then gave a report on the possibility of ha ing a Council sponsored program in Horsemanship in the future. The needs, cost and instruction require- ments were presented. About 35 children are now in a beginner's program sponsored by You Tororrow ; group. No action was taken on the report. eeting was adjourned by the president. respectfully submitted, Secy. f) 1.,�c) - /�, 7q 3 -----Th\te I >7%-0-,,e- 2 ---,z, c.„0_, (41-,--,, _c • . z ,z,,,,•)-,, _ ,t,, -- i p, ) . rZ, .ef-z>cg , -e.,--a-4, - c' Cf—w l 6.-e-6-7, -'''A-'-4 . , 4(Z/44 . -, to ),a--,0 eu____;-,a,,,, Avd-e-ei 0 Ad- Y O l,e,j •Q- L I- V - L -4/-a--;- o . 'Z .6„Le, -,-,..i ,4Q_ ffi 4-'LIL 6-("4-1 Z-Z0,■e'l - r a A lifr? : . . L y 42f, a ,_,,_4_.0, ,,,,,t-,-&--- , C ea -- °..'z c.' 4 `b t _ LAV-1-1-4-16 a-/--- , it,'--cAA-----'' 4-,..------- f . ,2 7:€4,-"1;t:,-Q, / 5/ Zi■ L/ • t 6 9 "s_e2e-, cl:f 4..c.r. „‹.„,,,' / 1,4 4 (7(,' -Ze'vt) .4zA,4.4-e; ,rya 1" j 41'(e; era. ,,,, ew „P.e.,.e.i eli g 1 e / ./ ' ' 4 ' 4- 1 —v 07) 1 4:7-4-e..-,- 6--•cr:—v- / 1 e . . C7 / Q - 5-sty 9. 75- - /.: • ,54 A 4 ' 4 a e. -. a.„, / 5 6 .9 - .co - Q - , - . i - / L t.' CLW 0 6 0,0 ei — / 2 ir - -c—e, • Y . 6' e e 7...2-. a.„_:t.._ e 4 . fe .g z , „ _ lie 0 R ( / /// / � [ � • lv�I : A er.s. y�✓ /e • V • f t 0 ,46.4—.—g—A. d1.'-/ice- •.'"? �Z"Q � � • i l • L�+� Sze mot' C - s siZ 0 !! / • Z , , y /4 '/ 4( 4.4.• Imo. 4 .. /, ! C! ,t -,� �f -0 :inutes of Feb. 11, 1964, Meetin The Colleze Station Recreatio Co .tncil met on Tuesday, r'eb. 11, 1964 with the followin me -bers present: Wootan, Hervey, Holocek, Clark, 'Galloway, K. A. Manning, 7. S. Tannin Sutphen, Gr ffin, Tack and Rijs. The meetin was called to order by t e president after which the ,Minutes of the previous 74etinj were read and approved. It was announced that ',another meetinj would be held on Tuesday, Feb. 18, as a transition meeting from old to new members and of`'icdrs. Those members to be replaced .. ^,re: Mrs. !ties, Council of Church Women, replacement to be announced later: • Mrs. Griffin, to be replaced by Mrs. Alvin Price, Girl Scouts rep.; ME. Wootan, Lions Club rep. to be repl placed by Marshall Miller; Mrs. Hervey, member at lar,e, replacement to be announced later. The followin; committees were appointed by ..r. Wootan: Nominating Comm.: Clark, Sutphen and K.A. Manning Auditing; Comm.: W. S. Manning, Galloway and Taack The officers to be replaced are: President, V. President Secretary and -treasurer. Yr. K.A. Manning will continue as Treasurer. The present balance is '667.26 with 51500.00 still to be contributed by the city. It was noted that in as riuch as the original request for funds from the Community Chest had been -yet in full, no additional amount was allocated to the itecreation Council when the actual donations exceeded that of the anticipated fund goal. ieetinV was adjourned. Respectfully ub- :itted, • Alice Hi,, , Secy. (� Q = 27.e , e 1 , * rg14‘.►0�t"''"' - 0. '( i.•F t z 700 etr. e-•- BUDGF,T, 1962 69'` z Y 1 COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL ctua Proposed Program: Item 962K /4 1963 Swimming No. Participants 854 6,. 55a n - ) colLt. Instruction $ 2582.98 44200 t ,/: , Awards 208.78 - /O. Cerry • C4. Pool Rent 854.00 6' 50 Trips 1424.29 /'7 - 0 47-1 ' 7 -).- 4 -yr->--/ e,. .,,,,44. ---_ Income 3591.00 - 35 - S0 / - Net Cost 1479.05 15o0 7560 Pre - School: No. Participants 31 Instruction 122.50 i� ?. ?. Supplies 23.60 < 5. _ o Income 60.00 6 D . op Net Cost $ 86.10 100 S 7 S�Q July 4th Picnic Net Cost 202.36 ,o b - Archery: No. Participants 13 Instruction 72.00 Supplies 6.12 -;? Income 32.00 Net Cost $ 46.12 Golf No. Participants 35 Instruction 100.00 r w-<.) Supplies -0- o Income 120.00 .2.2.2.— Net Cost + 20.00 < ,).,0 Tennis No. Participants 4' - /a e to _ 7 5/ yy Instruction 410.00 - Y' / 9 ' Trips 120.00 /...? 0 - , N ' o Income 243.00 R 5. Net Cost $ 287.00 ,, 0 5 3 5 Actual Proposed 1962 1963 Tumbling: No. Participants 92 Instruction 232.00 Income 122.00 Net Cost 110.00 / /Y. Bowling: No. Participants 31 Instruction 50.00 Rent 80.00 Income 80.00 ) Net Cost $ 50.00 Adult Softball No. Participants 84 Umpires 133.75 Equipment 176.54 Income 122.00 Net Cost $ 188.29 , j 0 Lincoln School No. Participants 100 Instruction 230.00 /- Supplies 216.02 Net Cost $ 446.02 � V teen Age Baseball No. Participants 30 Net Cost 300.00 5o o !PT 6 Little League No. Participants 228 c? leri'd Net Cost 400.00 SiC'� ifY Administrative Net Cost 40.00 Shop Wort Net Cost 25.00 -) COLLEGE ST'TION R?CR^ATION COUN'CIL Statement of Cash Receipts & Disbursements 1963 Cash Balance - January 1 301,95 Cash Receipts !Balance 1962 C.S. United Chest 850.00 1963 C.S. " " 1750.00 Balance 1962 -63 City of C,S. Budget 950.00 Part 1963 -64 " " " " 1000.00 Registration Fees Tennis 264.00 Bowling 42.50 Softball 95.00 Tumbling 108.00 Art 104.00 Pre - School 58.00 Archery 16.00 Golf 80.00 Swimming 4101.25 hiscellaneous Swim trip refund 4.15 Adult Softball (1962) 40.00 Unknown 2.00 Returned Checks (18.00) TOTAL CASH T7C 7IPTS DURING Y":=►R } 9446.90 COSH DISBU%SIT,ENTS Administrative 35.00 Teen -age Baseball 750.00 Little League Baseball 400.00 Tennis 560.00 Art 156.90 Lincoln 496.25 Tumbling 232.00 Softball 174.67 Pre- School 150.13 Golf 100.00 July 4th Picnic 202.36 Bowling 92,50 Archery 72.00 Swimming 5627.38 TOTAL cPSI DISDURS`iMT DURING Y ^AR 9049.19 Txcess of Cash Receipts Over Disbursement for year 397.71 - Cash Balance, December 31, 1963 University National Bank 699.66 /S' , U o - > u i COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL INCOME & EXPENSE 1963 PROGRAM 14 ADMINISTRATIVE Cost to Council a 35.00 ;r 35.00 2. TEEN AGE BASEBALL 3450.00 450.00 3. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL ?400.00 400.00 4. JULY 4th PICNIC (fireworks & freight) $202.36 202.36 5. SWIMMING Instruction 4 3,096.90 Pool Rent 961.00 Entry fees & meets 1,365448 Income 3,915.25 1,508.13 6, TENNIS Trips 150400 Instruction 410.00 Income 264.00 296.00 7. ADULT SOFTBALL Supplies 146.67 Umpires 28.00 Income 95.00 79.67 8. ARCHERY Instruction • 72.00 Income 16.00 56.00 9. ART Supplies 56.90 Instruction 100.00 Income 104.00 52.90 10. BOWLING Alley Rental 42.50 Instruction 50.00 Income 42.50 50.00 11. GOLF Instruction 100.00 Income 80.00 20.00 12. LINCOLN Supplies 236.25 Instruction 260.00 496.25 13. PRE - SCHOOL Supplies 27.63 Instruction 122.50 Income 58.00 92.13 14. TUMBLING Instruction 232.00 Income 108.00 124.00 3,862.44 COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL M E M O R A N D U M April 13, 1962 TO: All Members, College Station Recreation Council FROM: C. V. Wootan, President SUBJECT: 1962 Pro Enclosed you will find: 1. A copy of the letter sent to Mr. Ran Boswell asking for additional funds from the City Council in support of our program for 1962. 2. A copy of the roster of members of the Recreation Council, the terms of their appointment, their representation, and their assigned responsibilities. 3. A summary budget statement for the 1962 program. 4. A detailed budget statement by type of activities showing last year's program and the proposed expenditure for 1962. You will notice the following changes in the roster. Mr. Ibert has replaced Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Galloway has replaced Mr. Amyx, and Mr. W. S. Maning has replaced Mr. Stelley. As to the assignments, Mr. Riedel and Mrs. Griffin will now handle the July 4th program. Teen -age dances have been dropped and Mrs. Riggs will be responsible for any new programs in this area. Mr. Loupot will handle the golf program and Cubby Manning will spend full -time as treasurer. The budget is shown as approved by the Council at its April 10 meeting with one exception. The teen -age baseball program has been reduced to $300 from $400 in order to make our budget balance. This budget is promulgated in anticipation of the City Council raising their support to $2,500. If less money is received from the City Council, these budget figures will need to be reworked. Members of Recreation Council - -2 It is extremely important that everyone attend our next meeting. We will finalize our program at that time and work up a schedule for release and general distribution. Please have all the information concerning your program ready for listing in the 1962 program at that time. For those of you who did not attend the last meeting, I am en- closing a copy of the 1961 program so you can see the type of in- formation needed. Sincerely, 4/ ;4 C. V. Wootan, President College Station Recreation Council Enclosures ! -,55, COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL PROPOSED BUDGET, APRIL 1962 S O�.CE,,,.OF.,.,1UNDS 4 Balance as of January 1962 Cont ribution s; ' - 285.20 City of College Station COmmunity Chest $ 2,500 Total 1 ,700 Registration Fees: 3 914.80 Golf Swimmi Tenni 50. P re - School 3 , 0 00 Tumbling 175 Bowli 120 Adult o£ 90 Archery tball 50 Total 80 40 TOTAL AVAILABLE FU p122 B 3 60 5,00 GET 7 519.8 Swimmi -_-- 1 Tennis Pre - school 4,500 Lincoln 485 Picnic 220 Tumbling 500 Little League 200 Teen Age 225 Adult $e Baseball 400 t Softball Bowli 300 Archer 250 Golf 150 100 Admi nistrati ve 00 Teen ativ Dances 50 Da Total Bud -0- geted Reserve Fu 480.00 3 9 4 80 t COLLEGE ST, TI0rr R7CP".1TIo'' COUr'CIL Statement of Cash Receipts & Disbursements 1963 Cash Balance - January 1 301.95 Cash Receipts Balance 1962 C.S. United Chest 850.00 1963 C.S. " " 1750.00 Balance 1962 -63 City of C,S. Budget 950.00 Part 1963 -64 " " " " 1000.00 Registration Fees Tennis 264.00 Bowling 42.50 Softball 95.00 Tumbling 108.00 Art 104.00 Pre- School 58.00 Archery 16.00 Golf 80.00 Swimming 4101.25 Uiscellaneous Swim trip refund 4.15 Adult Softball (1962) 40.00 Unknown 2.00 Returned Checks (18.00) TOTAL CASH r:T C TIPTS DURING Y °AR ? 9446.90 CASH DISBURS Administrative 35.00 Teen -age Baseball 750.00 Little League Baseball 400.00 Tennis 560.00 Art 156.90 Lincoln 496.25 Tumbling 232.00 Softball 174.67 Pre - School 150.13 Golf 100.00 July 4th Picnic 202.36 Bowling 92.50 Archery 72.00 Swimming 5b27.38 TOTAL CASH DISBURS DURING YEAR 9049.19 - 7xcess of Cash Receipts Over Disbursement for year 397.71 Cash Balance, December 31, 1963 University National Bank 699.66 px141. 94406-tAJ , t 0.K 727 /' a _„titi - y e 7O 72'2, - ?MA/ 421,, , CJ G LE.,C.1G _ t s , --.t-'::! �Ll, . ..r. . .,: 4-Ova, a duo i5.„,1--- ,...-. • • .....• • . .. . .. ... . ,. . , :.,......c-,.. ... ..... ;...,.. . • .. • . ,.• ?,..-...„,.: ;..,- ,. .....- -.....• . ,. .1 •••• .... . ..,. ,•••.., .. . . .., . ..... .. . ... ... . .. ...• . ..•• • ., .... ...,..-•-., •,. , . . .,:.- •,.........1,. ,.. ,,,.........„. . : •..„• • ...... • ..•...• ...... s it'• 1r t't -t.i . . , • ,.i4 • . 'ter ;� • t .. ; t r -` :.; . • 7 COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL INCOME & EXPENSE 1963 PROGRAM 1. ADL•_INISTRATIVE Cost to Council 3 35600 3 5.00 /� Gt-� . c 2. TEEN AGE BASEBALL 3450600 450.00 _.,. 3+ LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL $400.00 400.00 4. JULY 4th PICNIC (fireworks & freight) $202.36 202.36 c540, 5. SUIMMING p.d0 Instruction $ 3,096.90 Pool Rent 961.00 Entry fees & meets 1,365.48 Income 3,915.25 1,508.13 / 4-51916o 6. TENNIS Trips 150100 Instruction 410.00 Income 264.00 2 96.00 0 0 6 0 7. ADULT SOFTBALL Supplies 146.67 Umpires 28.00 Income 95.00 79.67 r a• e 8. ARCHERY n �Z2.OA 446.9e 9. ART Supplies 56.90 Instruction 100.00 Income 104.00 52.90 / 10. BOJLING Alley Rental 42.50 Instruction 50.00 Income 42.50 50.00 ' 11. GOLF Instruction 100.00 Income 80.00 20.00 12. LINCOLN Supplies 236.25 . Instruction 260.00 496.25 -J 0, 13. PRE - SCHOOL Supplies 27.63 Instruction 122.50 / 0 �• Income 58.00 92.13 14. TU`;•MBLING Instruction 232.00 �--� Income 108.00 124.00 x3,862.44 4/ a/o. el-e, . _ . in"4-6.4) dial Vi: It,et4 i-4 "a-'?- "*' f i A"4/teW 74d A t tfl . 7 .772A1 ' -771-A--it,414,1, iuc,2" ix j , ' f i L Id ./,,e- ,,,,,,, ,," , ,i/ , 0 r a ..•1 I ' ' . , Z_ /---,7--u - 4,0,rfr 1 Areftd-1)f—r" .9 e 4-141444 a . a l. /4e4./4.644., zat, ii ir.,;',1071.-,,eir a/y / ra,44 .-1, //4-0,--1, A . 7 A7-44.4-4-- 4t4,. tc - j k.,..td-tiern444.441,, , p,:, 4 ,,, A0.71,1 ei. Ar Adak e / ,A.,iiii • -1- 4:13:4, i 71 46,--- i /:- _ - 1 200M0110018 8C Sialifki IMMOMUMMOOM ormastessarawrara~a osommorrmr... aftwomom.... =Now 40110.00.millOPOOOMMaim •~WARSINIMMA WAANANNIIIMISANNAS .1■10••••••• ••■■■• 1111110 (40011. 40d amyl) (I iPt JO alai*. saornms SLUK IdOi SSVIO rwuJoJd seinQi4Avu syto uy puJojjo 0040 40 OW0/0 011q4 040U ity easta j• ucylvalosul acemq triquanj oveni) ISMOIIVS8e 4SAW) faitCHNIVII*11* if ***I IMIKe**********PM41114***********111111* •irr*. • a: UN -.11.11111..••••••■•• MORI TIOMMTS V SIZIVZOZ Lt VO dg1140 UMOINIONO..~114.../IMIN.lemos AV* 00 I Jal ai I OOMMISOMMMMM MVAN Mad 10I0,19 ECM ROW • it• 441 1,404 VIrlICAS Antraitair 11040A8ZSVI (1,4tkxlea rum) 'V71 (,44.c,e,Ga 'Z414) hVIIDOSA 1/0N002 SOUV311014 UnT4VZS 2011103 =an unum "ss 1 9 6 3 C O L L E G E S T A T I O N S U M M E R R E C R E A T I O N PROGRAM Sponsored Program s: Adult Softball, Archery, Art, Little League, Bowling, Community Picnic, Golf, Pre- School, Teenage Baseball, Swimming, Tennis, Tumbling & Gymnastics F o r Y o u n g a n d O l d COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL Supported Financially by City of College Station, Texas College Station United Fund C O U N C I L MEMBERS C. V. Wootan, Pres.; Mrs, J. B. Hervey, Vice Pres.; Mrs. J. K. Riggs, Sec.; K. A. Manning, Treas.; W. T. Riedel, Ran Boswell, W. L. Pen - * berthy, U. A. Tarrow, Mrs. James Griffin, Mrs. B. M. Galloway, Jack W. Upham, Gene Sutphen, Lawrence Holecek, W. A. Manning, E. R. Ibert, Mrs. Stanley Clark SW1l'iR4I1 PRWAIK .. TIME MON. TUES, WED. THURS. FRI. SAT, 8 :00 to Low Begin. Low Begin. Low Begin. Low Begin. Low Begin. Low Begin. 8 :45 A -1 B -1 A -2 B -1 A -1 A -2 8:45 to Low Begin. High Begin. Low Begin. High Low Begin. Low Begin. 9:30 C -2 1 C -2 Begin 1 C -2 C -1 9:30 to Low Begin Low Begin 10 :15 Advanced Intermediate B -2 Intermediate Advanced B -2 10 :15 to 12 & Under 16 & Under 11:00 Jr. Comp ** Sr, Comp. Jr. Camp, Sr. Comp.. Jr. Comp. Sr, Comp. 11 :00 to 9 & Under 11 :45 Pre- Comp.* Pre -Comp. ____ Pre -Comp. * Pre- competitive swimming is open to children 9 years of age and under who can swim at least 60 feet. The child will be trained in competitive techniques, with the idea of swimming competitively when they reach a sufficiently high degree of proficiency. Children should not be put in this class unless they are mentally attuned to competitive activities. **Competitive swimming is open to anyone interested in competition who is a good swimmer, and who pays the fee. To enroll in Junior Competitive, the child should have competed the Frog Division or its equivalent, To enroll in Senior Competitive, the student must have completed the Turtle Division or its equivalent. Beginning swimmers must be 6 years of age. They must also be 51 inches tall, Dr able to swim 30 feet. Any child who does not qualify will be dropped from the .lass. Two 6 -weeks sessions will be held. Each class will meet twice a veel:. sessions will run from June 3 to July 13, and from July 15 to August 24, Registration: First 6- weeks, Sunday, June 2, at 3:00 p,m. under the north lid of Kyle Field football stadium. Classes will be closed when full. Registration or second 6- weeks, Sunday, July 14. New Students: 3 :00 to 4 :00 p,m. Repeat tudents: 4:00 to 5 :00 p.m. REGISTRATION FEE: $4.00 resident fee. $8.00 non - resident fee. It is expected that there will be sufficient room for all students wishing to :eke swimming to enroll. However, in order that all children of the area will have t chance to participate in at least one session of the program, early registration, :he 2nd 6- weeks session, from 3 :00 to 4.00, will be restricted to those children Tho are not enrolled in the 1st 6- weeks. After these children have registered, glasses will be thrown open to those children who did participate in the 1st session, These restrictions do not apply to the competitive groups, who may enroll, 'rovided they are sufficiently good swimmers. On the days of registration, any child who can already swim and is joining :iris program for the first time, should bring a swim suit and a cap, so he can swim - or Coach Adamson, and be placed in the proper class. CAPS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL TUDENTS IN EVERY CLASS. Ladies classes are offered, but not under the sponsorship of the Recreation , uncil. Advanced Classes will register and swim at 5:30, June 3. These classes 11 meet Monday and Wednesday. Beginning swimmers will register and swim at 5 :30, me 5. These classes will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays. All registration must be made in person; Classes will be held in the P. L. , uns Natatorium. For information call Mrs, Dick Hervey, VI6 -5445, Mrs. Bob Galloway, 16 -6091_ or Mrs_ Stanley Clark VTh_R11R ACTIVITIES TIME FEE AGE PLACE ADULT SOFTBALL Fri. & Sat. $2.00 Adult Men Lighted Intramural Field of Starts June 3 - all interested contact E. R. Ibert, Office u VI6 -8768 Home -5527 ARC ERY Mon. & Thurs. $4.00 Adults and Brazos Bowmans Range 8 w . co se 5 - :3 .m. ._.__Junioro Classes Start J e 3. CouncilRepresen I g ry phone: io oBarnes� - 4946 tative: Jack Upham, VI6 -6006. BASEBALL Council Rep. Gene Sutphen, VI6 -6412 or VI6 -6095 LITTLE LEAGUE League President - Bob Schleider, VI6 -4683. Mon.- Fri. -5:00 p.m. 8 -12 L.L. Little League Park TEENAGE League President - Marshall Miller - VI6 -7840, VI6 -4421. Mon. -Fri. 13 -15 (Babe Ruth) Teen Age Park 6:00 p.m. 16 -18 (Connie Mack) BOWLING Wednesday $2.50 12 and over MSC Bowling Lanes 8 wk. course 1 :30 p.m. Register June 5, 1 -3 p.m., MSC Bowling Lanes; classes start June 12 thru July 31. Instruction b Wa ne Smith,Vl6 -8721; Council Re.. W.L.Penberth ,VI6 -5749 or VI6 -5147. COMMUNITY PICNIC July 4,1963 Free Everyone Consolidated High School 5:30 p.m. Invited Stadium Council Representative & Chairman: Taylor Riedel, VI6 -5110. 130LF Tues.& Thurs. - i week course :unior 9 :00 a.m. $4.00 8 thru HS A & M Golf Course .dult 5:00 p.m. $4.00 Adult A & M Golf Course Zegister June 3, Juniors, 9:00 a.m., Adults 5:00 p.m., at Golf Course. ]asses start June 5. 'nstruction b Joe Fa•an, VI6 -4813 - Council Re.. K. A. Mannin• VI6 -4223. .RESCHOOL Mon. -Fri. $2.00 4 -6 Years Consolidated School 9 -1 a.m. egister June 3, 9 :00 a.m., Consolidated Gym, Instruction by Mrs.Joe Fagan,Vl6 -4349. ouncil Representative: Mrs. James Griffin, VI6 -6420. U1MER LIBRARY Mon -Fri. Consolidated Jr. High 8 a.m. -Noon June 10- Au• ust 16 School Librar ENNIS Mon -Fri. $3.00 10 thru A & M Consolidated wk. Course High School Concrete Courts eginners 7 -8 a.m. .ntermediates 8 -9 a.m. Register June 5, 8:30 - 10 a.m. advanced 9 -11 a.m. Consolidated Jr. High Office instruction by Horace Schaffer, VI6 -7325; Council Rep. L. Holecek, VI6 -6719 "nstruction from June 10 to August_2 (no classes July 1-5, Texas Tennis Clinic) ?UMBLING & GYMNASTICS - Council Representative, W. S. Manning, VI6 -4440 or VI6 -4019. wk. Course Mon. -Fri. A & M Consolidated Gym ;iris & Women Gymnastics) 8:45 -9 :45 a.m. $3.00 3eginners Tumbling 10 :00 -10 :30 a.m. 1.00 5 -9 years 10:30 -11:00 a.m. idvanced Tumbling 9:00 - 10 :00 a.m. 2.00 10 -above ' June 3, 9 a.m., Consolidated Gym, Instruction by Manuel Garcia,Vl6 -7195. ZT - Council Representative, Mrs. James Griffin, VI6 -6420 wk. Course Tues. & Thurs. $4.00 10 -14 Art Room 8:30 -10 :30 (includes supplies) A & M Cons. Junior High struction by Mrs. Ruth Mogford, VI6 -7344. gister June 4, Art Room, Junior High Building, 8:30 a.m. ., . PreSchoo1ers Register For Class June 6 1 Story-telling, games and pup - ets are among the activities Tanned for pre - school age chil- 1 dren for the first six weeks of summer, under auspices of the College Station Recreation Council, with Mrs. John S. McCannon as instructor. Registration for the class, open to 4 and 5 year olds, will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. Monday at the A &M Consolidated jun- ior high school. The first class will be held Tuesday, and there- after will meet from 9 to 10 a.m. each week, Monday through Friday. Mrs. McCannon, who has ser- ved as cub scout den mother . for all of her four sons, has been a kindergarten supervisor and teacher and conducted a Vaca- tion Bible School on the Island of Guam during the time her husband, Colonel McCannon, was stationed there. Since the family's residence in College Station, Mrs. McCannon has for two years taught a fifth grade Sunday school class at the A &M Methodist church. She is a past president of the A &M Officers Wives club and served I as vice - president of the A &M Consolidated Mothers and Dads club. The pre - school activit3kof the summer recreation program wilt be offered only for the first six weeks. The registration fee win be $1. Activity records will be used in class and from time to time the group will be visited by members of the Troubadour Story League. Other activities, including puppet work have been planned to give the pre - schoolers a well- rounded pro - gram of fun and interests. From the desk of P. E. BLACKriURN i 9 December 11, 1959 1023 James Parkway College Station, Texas Rotary Club Fred Jones, Pres. 201 College View College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Jones: 1 Mr. G. W. Schlesselman's three year period of being a member of the College Station Recreation Council will terminate January 1960. We are requesting that your organization nominate one of its members as a candidate for membership on the Council to replace Mr. Schlesselman. Sincerely, 1 1 7/14V-a0 - Mrs. J. h. Amyx, Sec'y 0 a) PA PA o ta �, a) c U 0 '0 4 f 0 0 0 cd 1 S - 1 x + .Zi '.0 N , 00 0 0 `-I [7) '.0 r (M N • r' 1 cd U 4-1 F-' H>_;Ga O M O m U 0 1 4-1 -- m U • 0 0 v) r-I •1-1 f-■ •-1 Cr] Cf r f) ).0 � r A L` • r i a) 0 +' y^ /. • 0 ( O' ('2 �+' d .. 4) 0 M 0 N M b�0 m 3 0 +) t, n t ( V c�! c cd X 0 M nt O, 0 Z o � r 0 kn t c," +> Cr: O 04 O ( \1 (1 1 t I .s~ C Es 111/4 \ Q 0 0 r-1 ( � ,--1 (1) 0 1 I 1 1 Q Z �' rr4 r (\1 •r - -I (C\1 c!) 4a O 0 1` P, Cg • • I • R i` �V+ O\ ',' - -- E-1 1 r •U N G� .0 +) M4 (Ni O y 0 ND 0 0 •(.4 %.0 Z 1- C7 •F r- i 0 r- 9, U) 0 c4 ' 0 r N U) 0 Cr) r1 0 O H I 0)� o M 'a o o - - -- -4 1) U 0 CO C O r: MI c' O o \k) a) CO " vh 0 > y . rdI 4 al � •r � H 1 (2 al 0) 1 0 " (r 1~ . 0 00 a 0 I a CO 0 u, +3 ai U 4i O' 0 0 O 0) • . •r w 0 r 0\ + 4 ,- r� f U) L(, E 0 CO m 1 C>~ 0 0 cd 0 - Ul F, O O g rd E F-I cd + O r0) � 0 - P R 0 0 0 •,- -t a 0 c3 a) 0 () 0 +, 0 +o r F7 Ia 1 4-1 0 r-1 cd i 0 0 - • 'Ja cd 1 '0 1 O 0 'r1 E 0 U) •rI1 '› 0 E rd 14 •,�.1 CO U U) u) 1-1 +3 bp 0 •rl � 0 +� +1 N ra 1 0 1-1 U f-1 a) 4- +4 C) 0 J 1~ 0 CO ri a) -rr-I cy .0 c') • -P 4- " 0 Q Q cd O 0 M 0 •r1 0' cd r te , •3 0 a) i a0 roj CGS H, W H P-1 0 0 , L-1 .>•i fr.-4 - 1 6,∎ U '0 I 1 i r ibilvaief a 1963 4:1144,11111 lific.X1RAN fat Allotosi4 Ave Collet" 3tation iioereat (&a1.1 43560.00 aet;Lstr.tion, Rim ist 6 vests . 43#19,25 RkkAstr Ike.; 22 6 woks • WWI MOM ilrols tot= 391645 Mc. lisigunds ..04114, 1 NNW * * 0 0 .. 0 000 • 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 te1 44 Pal Seetel lit 6 voaks . 4 * reel meta 2kat 6 seeks ,* TOM PrMEM= • • • • • • • 411 • 4 961.00- *striation let 6weeke .. .4.101PUM 2014svistion 214 webs iknikl. MUM 306%. Refund ea bosom • • • • • • 8.4* agar isrlittug • • • • • • • • 3.30 Telephone cans • . • . . 6.6B MU MU lesiebration • • • • • Aa ICM110 314* *Mai AMEMEM Dues ClUb * • * * • • • • 4, 4 9605 pasmew • • • No* 245402„; AUrtta * * • * * • * * * * • 27743 Jc. Myopic* 0 0 . * • . * • 4, • 2070$ GateVay • • • • • • It • • • • • htyarload 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 • 0 • • 104,0D Tyler 0 0 • 0 • . AP • • 0 7.50 Golftreet • * * * * * * • alga =AL CO OF MOM ISMS. 13357d. natIMORISS Of WM= Fd0Gait1 045645 Matey Alort cube:a 0••* 00•• •000 0000 **a* •*** *sots .... • 3240 IOUs WOW bails limmicsdered, but mot received. Ibis bill will be aneustoste4 $330.00. Wban thin la taken fres the budget, Oa Mark* *wee szt33. chow c. deficit of upprcalsatele 417.00. lbdra Snowy September 16, 1957 College Station Recreation Council Tennis Reports 1957 The 1957 recreation council program for tennis began with the registration on June 5th, 1957. Hours were 7 to 8 for beginners, 8 to 9 for intermediates, 9 to 10 for advanced. Instruction extended from June through August 2nd and was for 8 weeks. The instructor was Horace Shafer, former head coach for A&M Consolidated School and principal for 1957 -8. Three trips were taken in competition. Lufkin June 20 through 22nd, Tyler July 12 through 15th, and Abilene July 5th & 6th. A BC tournament was put on by coach Shafer the week of August 5th. Recreation council participants won all but two matdhes. Coach Shafer was assisted by Mrs. Harrison Hierth, Mrs. Mike V. Krenitsky, Mary Margaret Hierth, Maurice Olian, and Luther Jones who took over classes while the coach and the advanced students were away on trips. College Station members participated in t he Bryan tournament the week of August 19th and won four 1st places. One hundred and eleven participants signed up for instruction. Coach Howard Shafer did a splendid job of coaching. Luther Jones advanced to semi- finals in the agc 19 and over division, of the Brazos County tour- nament organized by coach Shafer. The budget was $360 for instruction, $220 for trips and fees. Total expended was $470, Receipts from participants were $380, Trophies $20, trips $90. The amount spent was 110 less than the budget. Total received from enrollees, $248. A lighted court IA re_oommep.decl for 1958. a / 11 (4-2"1'-"C t°c7 Respectfully subtaitted, Luther G. Jones, Chairman LGJ :jm / ; �� r 1� )ck. Charles Haas, President College Station Recreation Council Dear President: I would like to report that the Adult Softball program is completed for the 1957 season. A very good group of men (approximately 100) active- ly played softball during July, August and the first week of September. On Saturday night September 7, a All -Star Game closed our regular season. As of the close of the season the following equipment is on hand: 4 masks - good repair 8 balls - new 22 balls - used, - but good practice balls 25 bats - used - but good The expense of running the program was $129.38 which was paid to the Student Co -op for equipment purchased in two orders. July - $105.08 August 24.30 Total 129.38 This equipment was picked up personally by me from the Student Co -op. I have picked up all of the equipment and have it with me at the present time. Attached you will find a copy of the schedule and a letter I sent to each team manager. I feel the Council members should extend their own personal thanks to any of the team managers that you see or know. Sincerely, r F. L. Fisher General Manager Softball Dear Managers: I would like to take this means of expressing my appreciation to each of you for the wonderful manner in which you handled your teams and for the fine sportsmanship displayed by each member of every team. I have been playing in the College Station Recreation Council softball program for the past several years, and I personally feel that this summer has been the most successful and sportsman league I have played in. I feel that this success is largely due to the efforts of you Managers. As you have already noticed the final team standing is listed at the bottom of the page. The Vets were without a doubt the most consistent team in the league as their record shows. I would like to request that each of you managers take a few minutes off sometime in the near future, while softball is still fresh in your minds, and write me a letter as to your thoughts for improvement of our program during the years to come. Some of you have expressed some ideas to me so would you put these down in writing for me. Any of you that see Mr. Barney Welch might extend a word of thanks to him for the use of the intermural diamond. Let me close by saying again that I enjoyed the softball with all of you this summer and I am looking forward to a delightful summer in 1958. Final Team Standings Team Won Lost Tied Percentage Vets 8 1 1 .850 Flashes 7 3 0 .700 Eagles 5 5 0 .500 The Tired Nine 4 5 1 . 450 Duffers 4 6 0 .400 Tigers 1 9 0 .100 Sincerely, F.L. Fisher General Manager .4‘ • Report Is Disestilies 004tria1 ti ti iestesoo 196/ Rigtiviatiut fee flint atz weeks 466 mile 0 44 * sessail " — 11 . 167 - Mvrol1sa fox laitrastasa M�11 ot MN'S Ma weskit #34430 . uI1 100 twasses f,,A.Aries ftioll•bo trial b�* sameotosmi P. E. risipte 111 air WOO fa the pool q tri4;,a sI Dm* j..70,147 *eel $9 5. . 0-0 - R. t ira $491.5447 3 0696•6/ .. . .1,Z1594.($0 reN•01101111111111/m.• • 1 :1•111 ant Ammo Coos Sakes 7 Pgild izeixtuttore A. • D. Aftsima 4,3•0 gair aims Ann So1int3atn 21.00 III aka • .eo a a sin Toms •60 Ass Ctislaat * Litru may Adams- lee Spites* ,a>lox alesa•reir 12$ lAshr Ibpitftriton • vi„fro t►s+4 tt . z woks ksgiatered students Salaries Ann se3hle ca uelnan $ 9$C;0 Month of fiii t 40.60 June E411 Pumas 33.60 (3-29) .ten, Malang 19.60 A. D. Adamson 450.00 ;'. X. Dept. 3:32.00 3426.50 Ann 3ealesseanam 62.00 ontr' of iRil • 26.00 July 3011 ihssas 24.00 1 -13) Ass Cleland 9.00 A. V. Manson 140.00 Total 11 ;1379 .60 Cysts], Peel Meet 6 44.94 6/21, 22/67 "'1 Bats Club Met 73.3.3 6 /'.',t$, 79/57 z lis Meet 282.4,= • 13, 14/57 4,1,%:, . intros F .a 1b.75 416. �4 T otal e� first six weeks 1.795.9! Austin A satin test 41066 T /19, 20/57 trees Pee -40.03 Junior vllrapisa M sit 92.0 7/24 5/57 o f . a: , . most 09.40 7/n7157 " Entree POO 28.75 Ji►1.r 47,E 10q ;l0 9/2, 3/37 (intete oii =its :ind senior) ..tator.3a Met 272.88 0/9 10/67 J r intro* F+e $34.60 Cheeks Cols Croat Meet 126.13 8 /23, 24/67 " " Bntisc Fe 64.00 Tot 41 - ' u '"' t w.81 Salaries A, D Adaetstn #0279.40 Month or P.Z. Dept. 335.00 4 7 41 ,14, Ann Malang 9.00 (1.611) Bill Femme 27,00 tan Sehlesseloon 37.00 Cell • 28.00 $716.00 716.00 A. D. Aaassa 387.00 Math th •f Ann isl1sas4a a 7;::.00 Andust Gail . 26.56 (1 **24) 1111 Faspai 35.t; A+ Cleland 1.60 63sa.0 Mel spent amend six weeks Fleet Six *mks X716,94 $1936 Sonoma * . ' !. o$ Uc _ - / , 1L1 c : -ii 4 .Lti, e,,,.,. 4 .k A 2 9 6' . 4 7 99 Qt. . A14 4 A,. . 4 ■2.L. A;,n 11 COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL Purposed Budget, April 1961 SOURCE OF FUNDS $ $ $ Balance Forward Contributions: City of College Station $2,000.00 Community Chest Balance $3,750.00 Registration Fees: Golf $ 190.00 Swimming 3,150.00 Tennis 190.00 Pre - School 120.00 Tumbling 130.00 Bowling 60.00 Adult Softball 100.00 Archery 40.00 July 4th Picnic 50.00 Balance $4.030.00 Total Available Funds $7.780.00 PROGRAM BUDGET Swimming $ $ $ Instruction $2,200,00 Trips, Fees, Awards 1,550.00 Rent of Pool 700.00 Balance $4,450.00 Tennis Instruction $ 360.00 Trips, Awards __moo _ _ Balance $ 489.00 Pre - School Instruction $ 200.00 .t = i� Supplies ____a 0 a Balance $ 220.00 i' 6 Lincoln $ 450.00 7 Picnic 200.00 Tumbling 240.00 Baseball 800.00 Adult Softball 260.00 Bowling 175.00 Archery 145.00 Golf 193.00 Administrative 60.00 Dances Teen 30.00 Total Budgeted $7.705.00 RESERVE FUND $ 75.00 COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL Purposed Budget, April 1961 SOURCE OF FUNDS $ $ $ Balance Forward Contributions: City of College Station $2,000.00 Community Chest 1,750.00 Balance $3,750.00 Registration Fees: Golf $ 190.00 Swimming 3,150.00 Tennis 190.00 Pre - School 120.00 Tumbling 130.00 Bowling 60.00 Adult Softball 100.00 Archery 40.00 July 4th Picnic 50.00 Balance $4,030.0o Total Available Funds $7.780.00 PROGRAM BUDGET Swimming $ $ $ Instruction $2,200,00 Trips, Fees, Awards 1,550.00 Rent of Pool 700.00 Balance $4,450.00 Tennis Instruction $ 360.00 Trips, Awards 120.00 Balance $ 489.00 Pre- School Instruction $ 200.00 Supplies 20.00 Balance $ 220.00 Lincoln Picnic $ 450.00 Tumbling 200.00 240.00 Baseball 800.00 Adult Softball Bowling 260.00 Archery 175.00 145.00 ,5.00 193.00 Administrative 60.00 Dances Teen 30.00 Total Budgeted $7.705.00 RESERVE FUND $ 75.00 I ZG / '' , 4._ e.,7„ -6 _ , ._ 7 ,, , f_......„.. : ,c.,..„....z......„_ /e .J.Z.., po.,_-4-s-e-7...-........- .0--e-e--- 7 J � ,�, 1 "� r '2� -.'`....c.- -,ma - — ''t"-"--- . Gam'' -r4- c -4.44. , / ..4.2-€.--i,-1-- ,-t/ ,--r....,‘-- ` -c- r y .°,-1 . . mss- r ..4- : ' A ) a, 0 _ ,.., i . , . .. . . . . . i. , ,,,...:,_,,. _ ...._ , e „I ... 6 e I . ). . : . a 0 e .. l' ; - z' i - ; ..,‘,.,,e,4,..,,.., - . ` 4 "*" * ..` - 4 : ' 7: . . . .. ; , ,. .., 1 464 • -�- %2- }- :max _ -A 1