HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Brazos Genealogy Association CalendarBrazos Genealogical Association Presents an Early Bryan and Brazos County Calendar * Scenes * Personalities * Events * Maps Bryan, Texas 1871 - 1996 CITY HALL. Celebrate Bryan's 125th Year of Incorporation Guy M. Bryan, Jr. -- Guy M. Bryan, Jr. was the first member of his family to move to the city of Bryan. Born in Texas in 1843, he was the son of William Joel Bryan, after whom the town was named. In 1861, Guy M. Bryan, Jr. enlisted in the Confederate army. After the Civil War, he moved to Bryan and was present when the first train arrived in August 1867. Guy Bryan was active in the cotton commis- sion business and a member of the banking firm of Clark, Bryan and Howell, which eventually became the First National Bank -- the oldest bank in Brazos County. In 1877, Guy Bryan married Lucy Falconer, daughter of a local newspaper editor. Long ac- tive in Democratic party politics, he served as a city alderman during the 1870s. Guy Bryan was so well known as a local civic leader that many sources erroneously indi- cate the town of Bryan was named in his honor. He died in 1921. Guy M. Bryan started his money lending in- stitution in 1873. The building is shown at cen- ter right in this early Bryan scene photographed from the north end of Main street. (See back page of calendar for illustration credits.) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friaay Saturday 7 1 8 14 15 W.L. NUNN m. J.E. COLLARD by G.W. CASTLES, L.D. 2 16 Henry KURTEN sold Wm. Simon FULLER (fmc) m. William DOWNS (fmc) m. McINTOSH 208 acres of Mattie WHITELEDGE Mahaley DANIELS (fwc) land (fwc) by O.W. by R.C. MYERS, J.P.R.C. HUGHART, M.G. Prec.1 January 1996 3 George GILBERT W.J. BRYAN sold David Jessie McLENDON died. mortgages his wagons & McINTOSH 201 acres of Born 15 Mar 1870. mules to James land Daughter of J.S. & S.J. COOPER McLENDON. Buried New Year's Day Bryan City Cemetery Peter SMITH (fmc) m. T.L. TERRY m. Miss Lizzie H.P. EDWARDS mortgaged J.D. MITCHELL m. E.J. Nat R. WILSON m. Miss E.C. COLLIER registered a Jimmie WELLINGTON THOMAS by. A.M. BALL, his property to E.F. PEARSON by J.H. Emma J. IGLEHART by brand (fwc) by Rev. A.W. M.G. EDWARDS MITCHELL, M.G. J. Fred COX, O.M. GREEN 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Henry A. MOORE appointed C.P. SEALS m. N.E.L. CLOWER sold L. ERWIN postmaster of Bryan PARKER by Wm. M. 2 lots in Bryan WILLIAMS, M.G. Amos JOHNSON (fmc) m. Wm. DAVIS sold 5 lots in Bester SOUTH, Thomas Sarah DICKSON (fwc) by Bryan to W.H. MINKERT JAMES, & John M. Lewis LANE, O.M.G. . ADAM were appointed to lay out a road to MITCHELL's Bridge 4 18 Events of Brazos County, Texas from January 1871 5 T.R. COLLINS m. Annie VOUGHT by F.M. LAW 19 James RAMSEY m. Miss Kate YOUNG by W.B. EAVES, O.M.G. 6 10 11 12 13 20 Willie SANDERS born in C. BUCKLEY m. Miss Hammett HARDY sold W.C. Brazos Co. Son of T.D. & Louisa HORTEN by GREEN 320 acres of land E.A. SANDERS James WILSON W.R. McRIGHT m. Miss Susan HORTON by James WILSON Henry ORAM gave W.C. ORAM his power of attorney, so that he could carry the mail J w NOWELL V.... N mnwS A... ... GUY M. E RYAN J V.<e Pro, 1 Ue; N. CAPITAL 5100 000 qY. '.4'1892 SURPLUS $17000 Ainmr, 93cr `C6c- 1 0 7); 7 Celebrate Bryan's Sesquicentennial Stephen Curtis -- Little is known about Stephen Curtis, an early African American political leader in Brazos County. Curtis was born a slave in Virginia about 1806. It seems he lived in Alabama for a time, and came to Texas in the early 1860s, about the time the Civil War broke out. Although census records list Curtis' occupation as "laborer ", it seems he worked as a carpenter. In March 1867, he received a contract to remodel the Freedman's school at Millican and to furnish the school house with 20 benches. Stephen Curtis apparently was an impressive man, for he was elected the Brazos County representative to the Texas state constitutional convention in 1868. During that convention he pressed for a formal investigation into the Milllican race riot, which took place in July 1868. Curtis continued to be active in Republican party politics in Brazos County until at least 1872. Research failed to disclose the date and place of his death. There was no information with this photo of Stephen Curtis to indicate where or when it was taken. (See last calendar page for illustration credits and abbreviations.) Celebrate Black History Month Mrs. P. V. Pennybacker Remember -- March is Women's History Month Bryan Continues Its Year -Long Birthday Party! Mrs. Anna Hardwicke Pennybacker -- Anna Hardwicke Pennybacker was born in Virginia in 1861. In the fall of 1878 she moved to Bryan with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. John B. Hardwicke. Her father was a Baptist minister. Anna Hardwicke briefly ran a private school in Bryan; then attended Sam Houston Normal Institute in Huntsville. Following graduation in 1880, she returned to Bryan, and taught school for a time. There she met Percy V. Pennybacker, the young principal of the school. In the 1880s, Anna Hardwicke and Percy Pennybacker went to work for the Tyler, Texas schools, and in 1884, they were married in Tyler. In 1888, Mrs. Pennybacker wrote A New History of Texas for Schools. Adopted as a textbook, that work was used to teach a whole generation of Texas children the history of the state. Mrs. Pennybacker achieved statewide prominence in 1901, when she was elected president of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. She continued to be active in educational and civic work until her death in 1938. Anna Hardwicke was a teacher, and Percy V. Pennybacker was the principal at Bryan's first public school. (Shown above.) It opened in 1880. (See back page of calendar for illustration credits and abbreviations. ) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3 Josiah DOWNING sold Marshall PAYNE 150 acres of land 10 31 Frank FULLER was convicted of burglary 4 11 W.B. BOWDEN sold W.L. Richard SMITH was granted ROBERTSON 50 acres a license to practice law of land John MILHANKS was Nelson HENDERSON (fmc) John STERLING (fmc) m. convicted of assault with m. Millie PATENT (fwc) Sarah SIDNEY (fwc) by intent to kill by Hammett HARDY, Fredrick LEIGHT J.P.B.C. 5 12 March 1996 6 13 T.D. SANDERS gave Jas Charles MEADOWS (fmc) The grand jury met and F. EDRINGTON his m. Giney WHITE (fwc) by included 2 African power of attorney to J. KENDRICK, M.G. American: Kelsey collect rents CARTER & Frank WESTBROOK Thos. HALL, Jr. sold H.M. Elisha Cloud died at Kurten. Dixon ENGLISH m. Kate Horace MITCHELL died. WREN a lot in Bryan Buried in unmarked grave LION by J. Fred COX, Age 19y,7m,22d. Son at Tryon Cemetery O.M. Dr. J.P. & Sarah J. MITCHELL. Buried Boonville Cemetery Andrew HOLLIDAY was fined $1 for smoking in court 7 W.M. DEELEY m. Mrs. E.V. GARDINER by W.B. EAVES, O.M.G. 14 Harrison HERNDON (fmc) The sheriff hired Martin R.A. ALLEN sold J.B. of m. Fannie NEVELS (fwc) HOCKLEY, John KUHL & RAWLS a lot in Bryan by Charles B. FOSTER Charles HELLWIG as guards for the jail 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 Alexander DONIPHAN (fmc) V.C. KIRKLAND sold G.M. Bond & Oath for guardian - m. Mahala WALLACE NEELEY a stallion ship of Fannie J. CHARL- (fwc) by Hammett ES by W.D. HERRICK, HARDY, J.P.B.C. principal; James WEBB & E.R. McNEIL sureties 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Matthew A. POSEY m. Mary J.K. COLLINS sold M.A. John GREENWOOD m. E. HALL by F.M. LAW COVEY 25 acres of land Mary Ann SIMMS by George S. ARNOLD, M.G. Liq uoro and C roceria , Day Cloodp., $o;o ,v 'hoe; liat; C'ap;s! &,o Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Events of Brazos County, Texas from March 1871 1 T.L. LOUGHRIDGE sold J.J. KIMBROUGH 10 acres of land 15 Cr:4 .7n, e :•nd, 2 y Alex HENRY (fmc) m. Louisa JACKSON by O.W. HUGHART, M.G. 9 Calvin EDDINGS (fmc) m. Sally RECTOR by A.F. PERRY, M.G. 16 RAZOS ii- PILOTEsiongsE VOL. 1.] SATURDAY, OCTOPR 6, 1877. P li State Baptist Convention.l t Assembling of the Delegates. Preliminary Meeting to Organize a Pastors' Conference. [Reported Specially for tae The State Baptist Convention which meet d s-in this city to•ay (Saturday) at: 10 o'elock,a.m., perhaii.,on account of its numerical p.trength and the impOrtance of the various interests claiming consideratiOn, the most distinguished religi OUR conference ever held in the State. The aelegates have been arriving' for several days. and others are expected daily. The following are brief notes of the meet- logs held yesterday for the purpose of oran ng izi a Pastor.' Conference : The delegates in attendance on the Baptist State Convention were called to order by Eller F. M. Law. On. motion, Elder 0. W. Rogers was vaned to the chair. Song ; hymn 600—"Nearer, My God, to Thee." A passage from John 14 was read, and the body • engaged in Elder F. M. Law opened the Baptist Co ■ • Lientc:.1:01(2:;biee, rjf°11:::::e,::',418, .4, n" eeed 11 P, S. 4. icibet1/..90.7111 JP: , 4 , ,, l - 0 0, , ;n 1 i t ; h 1 cc' OhPrel:Yvii:111tkon n i ° C (', nt1 ,t1.) co 01 1,:e ile144 7'4 .1.2. eha41 Cove : 11:: iiel ii'l: het: 1:: k US- " °1-1-/.Pie:Pikia..ah:14 4 .s, j , • e -e.o it,.. ..4:, u °lite,. Ill „ --"••• & -for m e f inutes. , .ge/e4,;P:1. Ca t. 44 14:, It was '41:1;1": D 4: ,.7 CI14 'Y. , i II". / 7 e el; a " 4 Ati, 8, G. sip a. f el:. gr it . h t ° i l l ' i i v i ) i t t ) ;: . ,' I. . „ I k e -iP I ; .. (11 / 1 : / : :: e . 82't ., S,9// e , _ l L e ., 11 1 l 'i s '. : :: - , „ € 7- ,..f., i : 4-k fb 4,. ,.. /6 ftei l .' G,....p t.. tt. lii.r • ti• p 1) 116g ; • .71 1 7:; i 4 11 , 4?"; P• S ' • 4.. , T i: ' 4 28, is G /11 Pi en' , ()p .(, Joh "80 .v _, lz 11 0 1 " d'' It .p C011 i , AP , . P. - e, 4. k a Ink „-- a : 471 j l i o :h P I ,/, . ...,91 .7 i , 4.../44, li. , 44411P4 - i : ' ''' % ,;;*'' P- 4 h 1 4 9,h ' a P' 4414 ,_ ej: A . 0 at 23. I Ceep ti 21, 4 I t( pasto , 41,„, or, j: _ kelf6,. Iles 11,rr , ,,, ,..,..,.... VI A, .I e .. . s 4r. 3fei ui 0, 4,01` 4: .L1). 411 en..° 1 0b, A tiii„ .bot Ii tt ...00 s, , .1, 4 . .. c Tl eel, educati ,A v • , INA. ‘ 1 tt reir. p 4. -21474-1.4 114(711124 j 2'1• up, and n li llie e out tact ci A / .1 4 , L. 2' , w ii e i r v „,....- , e greatest _ 6,. ._.‘, 144 3.:. P , 41 18 ile .194:.,en4:48 t ll e Union. le,kettd4T-4o/Iliesfil..'111besi: A ieli, 'Wit, tist State ki„ 4. h .., 8, 11 7. 11 ),. 4 . / -t Elder C r a n emo moved li that t I t b f 8st t e i, :s * . P. p. il Pie e,./. : ,: e ,40.0fr:rp. tveral to (, sidered the sense of -this body • 4 12.,t727,1.11.yey40.1p: 4.eit, 28s,,fletehti,e1,01tre,42;0.1,44 T .: ,.... I . eon !emit ee of this sort ‘ I s t t e ,e ltt: p.u:./42„,/.24,:theipj...;;:p4. 11,71,:j s.,..4. 4).4. ;tiew., : :, ° : j e l d b$1 ‘ 1 ; 1 : a ) :::: vied. he Feco ti (I question afilA44,‘IRoltie,,retihrie n e .„.• a, ,,, . _„,, tip : What are the objeet,4 4 )5 , 4, 1 1 , 4 ,7 1 edi espe -o . . c conferece ? . s 4 /02,/, • e8 0 eY /Phi e , , e 1,, i:i ` l ciAirk as highly esi il, , ll e j tp, Elder Murphy thought t he. p ieit 4 o b r O s p le, t ii ; or e e Zt ' ''' • /i 4 -- - e f0 7great difficulty h m g delivered at. cacti of the body ...;., el 4 4, be a confere4ce sermon or hr.., _ ,.,....0 att ere to iwk among the Farther, the conference should have! 6 • ----- c . °. i„' tilled with prej- nvention in Bryan in 1877. (See last page for illustration credits and abbreviations.) , ; 1 Sunda Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7 ALEXANDER & IWEVARITY sold Thomas P. BOYETTE a steam mill Easter 1 2 Pleasant Bertis JAMES registed a brand Wm. McINTOSH sold S.W. Inventory and appraisal MONTGOMERY 100 of property, estate of acres of land Thomas B. CLARK S.H. TERRELL was granted Alex SCOTT, Jacob Mark A. COLEMAN sold a license to practice law MARSHALL, & R.C. M.J. HUNT 132 acres of SEYERS registered land brands 28 29 30 Sam KIZER mortgaged his crops to S.C. ECHOLS April 1996 3 4 Events of Brazos County, Texas from April 1871 5 Emily CORGEY died. Born 17 Oct 1860. Buried New Church Cemetery 8 9 10 11 12 13 Arean DICKEN died. Born J.H. WEBB sold the Bryan Bridge Company 1 Jul 1851. Buried Bethel Presbyterian Church a lot incorporated. W.L. Cemetery in Bryan SANDERS, pres.; P.R. SMITH, secretary and directors 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Jose ARMENGALE sold Moses WEATHERS (fmc) Edward J. BLAIN m. Mrs. A.A. CURTIS m. Kate C. W.W. BERRY sold J.M. Wm. M. SPENCER regis- Salvadar TURENTINO a m. Ellen WILLIAMS by Lucetta THOMAS by BALL by T.T. ZIMMERMAN 40 acres of tered a brand lot in Bryan Rev. I.W. GREEN Hammett HARDY, J.P. SMOTHERS, M.G. land B.C. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Joshua DAVIS mortgaged Jno. MURRAY sold Pat his personal property to MARTIN a lot in Bryan Davis F. MYERS '1113.e Ca ti. usfa ' I.aiver, , Fooca slid Ssa10 Removed to DAY'S OLD STAND, on Main Street, 1I. A.. J ROOXAHRR, Proprietor. 3 an. Z` ossaet. 6 A.N. ROBINSON (fmc) m. Sallie MILLER by Charles B. FOSTER -yy 9 , e) p G Ii TEXAS LEGAL DIRECTORY. John N. Henderson -- This Bryan attorney was elected district attorney for the Bryan district in 1874. He became a state senator in 1880; was appointed District Judge for Bryan district in 1888, and elected to that position in 1890. He became the Associate Justice, Court of Criminal Appeals, in 1894. The illustration of the state capitol building and of Henderson are from a 17th Legislature photo sheet. See last calendar page for credits and abbreviations. Z°R2CD - -O�TD DOLL) 1' . CONTENTS', 0I8iers of = Gaited States Government '=OrtnetTeof the - Legislative n > end memt.- 3 <: T II E '376-77, C vp • Pe w(Jq v('to t , Il ist$aa Jvi Te zue � f issi$ 1 ' 18 Amin trt ivd e, 70:: ip f rom N bpi a. �l a. ,i p o f of u w p / 6 18.54; b .8 T �ht a r , Co eatt e t zd l � tr C f S Pel °a of membcrtted i co Tali 7' J: 18'5, °f 0_1,3 ?'er 1240 e r t, T eo , �a ( ' t t ed l a ostitot p oP ee • ; o a D ez e psi baps ' $ e.t ll wen e��oisl bot$a op � beep `e iRt'. dis ,odd. / ne ?'e $� bie J at t0 Efem 0 c �b e 2 If 1858. �'or io - .P. o d F o r d '�nu'►� `� fro ?�eaa S 18g °Od La 2 Oat see ad epic e r 1 4 a0� mate dge. o et � �1is c ,! e ni - ted it al to Tr ,, I e Tp b or. to N ew /pa ob sec o�lol , ; a af b tuber a( / exJ �t , e r .5 ar/o n , ce a di 2'�' /866, ur dio , 18 7 , 18 E S• 1 8 14 • Fitt ta ` 4 ' a dm't' 1 ba Me ad e pe ace s : • d l s f �e � 2,e a , job a o s s/ H ead 186'; 1s ' ad trt4t lu � j � Cle a a t i : ad, ,. 1 P 5/ fi lslutvre d is a o ' Tes S e p Si , D s tv me , Las er of tub , atp ? rttt Thomas-it T Th / 1,( e1 1 t, F r , n c gr it ge,nnnbcrrd. %bat on thto .R dag of ..9:1/.41-.7.........18714 the tot- lowing 3i lacringe giccnee trio loud pt mis to.w1t . _ QSountg• ss. TO ALL WRO SHALL BEE THERE R / RESENTS. GREETING. 5 110W st, C��/►qe ,,,y' /ir1✓en% 4:1„ y� „,„/L„,i /I:" ce /%I,IIC -2/44y hlr4' i, / rrrjer� ld /;v,t. rx' egr!• if;/ye r Nr %Kn4Hw IIwO aw ...(/ �/i'�'141�5�� ` ✓� , /w• 1.4vx4 . / � 4. rwr/' f P ✓d doe;7 /h'.i- ✓Ar,ll 4, .47/ /,ren(r arr /,half ;y -t.Q, We,• �ee..a.win�n Y.w+al a R CIE l, tk C E B E . P7✓/iiwo %firUrol 7- C. F. Moore, , ����IA of (,td gvai o/ 23.- ! ^•nww /Y Il,,,,,# ✓n/'e e my' tone/ awe" of/rs• /h xalc ✓ra.? Civr1 /, 11..:r Ir r4 r! ...... - ................., - 1041atotit£oeie To it t unthec gm- nairrrd, ,far on' (,fjr... C a,r q / ' f /,1d f llowin9 et1// we.' nm✓ / ?d 1,..• my o�ae'. le•wri: Texas, to -wit: Brazos County. C 71 ( Jr1 lr'rn. /,�al _ fr '.ed vie C'1�allrir a✓ <6✓41 nd rind on /,�i L. ea� e /......... ......... f8 /. .- ..... .i:...... Q .. .. 4 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Coulter -- John William Coulter, from Arkansas (b.1847), and Nannie A. Robinson, from Tennessee (b.1851), met at a Methodist gathering in early Bryan. They were married 22 May 1871, at the home of Dr. Hiram Downard, the third mayor of Bryan. Coulter's first trading store was successful and expanded into other businesses, including banking and real estate. The couple and their four children were civic - minded and contributed in many ways to the community. The photo shows John and Nannie Coulter on their honeymoon trip to Galveston. It appears John had difficulty getting the clerk to spell his name correctly on the marriage license. (See last page of calendar for illustration credits and abbreviations.) Sunda Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Appraisers appointed to Heirs of Jno. LOWERY sold J.R. and Batt PETERSON Joshua F. THOMPSON m. appraise property of D.D. 600 acres of land to Jas. sold Ann McMICHAEL a Elizabeth SHORT by Jon. MOSLEY E. BATTLE lot in Millican H. MITCHELL, M.G. 9 Benjamin JACKSON (fmc) Clem CONLY m. Clara registered a brand NORWOOD by Willis Van HOOK 16 Anna BURKETT sold Ester D.M. GLOWER sold M.J. MASTERS 1 acre of land WHITED a lot in Bryan 23 Robert MARTIN died Born 24 Aug 1856. Son of Rev. S.C. & S.A. MARTIN. Buried Steep Hollow Cemetery 30 Wm. MODE (fmc) m. Adeline WILSON (fwc) by James WILSON office of 9/: Oiam, aunty C[m 3 4 10 17 24 razos Co. 11 18 25 E.D. BENNETT sold S.M Closing exhibition Odd JOHNSON a lot in Bryan Fellows University and Male and Female Seminary June 1996 06 * OF e 5 12 19 Emancipation Day Orleans P. BEALL was granted a license to practice law 26 Wm. T. FISHER gave Harriet E. FISHER "Every Thing" because of his love for her 13 E.C. PEARSON m. Zilphia W.H. LOVELL m. H.A. NEEDHAM by F.M. LAW TABOR by F.M. LAW 20 Tunstall BLOCK died. Born 15 Nov 1862. Son of Virginius & Lenore BLOCK. Buried Bryan City Cemetery 27 Events of Brazos County, Texas from June 1871 r e93z4 a-n. Lc.xa.� ,� (� -elf. W. JOlNSQJN — -mil aaoral � crelzandizc 6 7 H.M. THOMAS sold M. Jack ADKINS m. Miss BONNEVILLE a lot in Savanna PIERCE by C. Bryan KENDRICKS, M.G. 14 E.J. COOPER sold L. ERWIN a lot in Bryan 21 J. Fred COX sold 1226 acres of land & Harvey MITCHELL sold 980 acres of land to the A. & M. College 28 I: 1 KELLY & HAYS mortgaged their lot in Bryan to BURTON & CLARK 8 15 22 W.H. WEBB m. Miss M.E. HALL by H.B. PHILPOTT, O.M.G. 29 Mary EVETTS sold land Walker BRITTON m. Sarah to P.A. BARBER GREEN by Hugh REED, J.P.B.C. EBRASKA Fl[AMAN MG KINNEY DALLAS O, ry Pm.ecmB rkanrav µ11 6Y N K A. N • Mavis IND IAN T ` Si Jod .hr a • OF TH. HOUSTON AND TEXAS • CENTRAL RAILWAY AND • CONNECTIONS hal I L w_ 5 D•c 9rRiNlflal i N 0 • Vanaasaa 0 co hvg ` • TERF: . HAUTE IND N Sank, S SEE mac. lb� • :1 44 • 5/ u o c ' , Du 0 � ( 0 a 4 t. a r L' u]amliin ' r _ J j ✓ v: �1 ;B.r. % ` >�` - t ' " _ • • y a" r Al 1 HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAY' TIME TABLE. Trains Bound North. Night Express 9 • $ Express Night Express Mall g Mall Expreso 7 30p.m. 7 30a.m. 0 ....HOUSTON*.... 0 5 OOp.m. 6 16a.m. 7 46 7 46 6 EUREKA ...., 6 4 40 6 66 8 10 8 16 12 ..GUM ISLAND *.. 7 4 20 6 86 8,50 9 00 25 .....CYPRESS *..... 13 8 26 4 40 9,20 9 85 35 ....HOCKLEY* ... 10 2 65 4 06 9 40 9 50 40 ...McKINNEY...,. 6 2 36 8 46 10'20 10 30 60 ..HEMPSTEAD *.. 10 2 00 8 06 1086 10 46 66 HOWTH *.,.... 6 1 46 2 46 11 05 11 10 62 ...COURTNEY *._ 7 1 20 2 20 11"40 11 45 70 ...NAVASOTA *: - 10 12 66 1 60 m. 1 20 12 15a.m. 12 20p.m. 80 ... MILLICAN p 11 46 12 60 12 60 '12 56 90 ...WELLBORN ... 10 11 10 12 15a.m. 1 26 1 36 100 BRYAN* 2 00 2 10 110 ... BENCHLEY ... 10 10 35 11 50 2 80 3 10 lv. 2 60 ar. 120 HEARNE *..... 10 10 9 40 ar- 11 20 3 00 3 40 130 ....CALVERT *..... 10 9 10 10 46 3 30 4 00 138 ... HAMMOND ... 8 8 60 10 16 3 45 4 16 143 BREMOND *... 5 8 35 10 00 4 15 4 45 163 KOSSE *. 10 8 10 9 80 4 40 5 05 160 .. THORNTON ... 7 7 60 9 00 5 10 5 30 170 _GROESBEECK* 10 7 16 8 -Be 5 45 6 00 181 .. MEXIA, 11 6 40 7 66 610 6 26 189 ..TEHUACANA* 8 8 10 7 80 • 640 6 55 199 ... RICHLAND 10 6 46 6 66 7 30a.m. 7 30p.m• 211 ...CORSICANA * 12 5 00a. 6 16p.m. Trains Bound West. t o STATIO" Night Express m o ♦ Aa O 7 30p.m. 10 45 12 00 1 00a. m. 2 00 3 00 3 46 c3 0 •p4i7M93I' MR_ N $R gNO 7 30a.m 10 46 11 12 44 w H II j TIRS STATIONS, Trains Bound South. al .,o 2 m y The first train reached Bryan on August 29, 1867. (See last page for illustration credits and abbreviations.) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7 The District Judge appoint- ed attorneys John A. BUCKHOLTS, John N. HENDERSON & J.T. THOMAS to defend Sam JACKSON 1 I I IG 111 Jt t1 alit 1 l.a\+IIt.0 111 ya +1 vu , r vv r . hsF- ft", rr t.r CIA) LETIU LIUII/CVIU/IV /I.). Report of claims against estate of D.D. MOSLEY filed 2 3 28 29 30 31 John Walter BLATHERWICK died Age 2y 7m 20d. Son of S.N. & M.F. BLATHER - WICK. Buried Bryan City Cemetery Shepherd WILSON (fmc) m Fanny REED (fwc) by Caroline SLEDGE July 1996 4 Wm. McINTOSH sold L.F Independence DEARING a lot in Bryan Day 5 J.F. LONG m. M.G. PETTUS by W.J. ALLBRIGHT, O.M.G. 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The District Attorney dismissed criminal charges against Henrietta ZERBST and Julia JOHNSON Mary E. BOLDRIDGE died. A.A. CASEY m. Isadora Bond, estate of James I. J.L. HEARNE sold P.R. Frank ROBINSON (fmc) m. Born 16 Dec 1869. MITCHELL by J.H. BOWMAN - -David SMITH & Co. a lot in Ellen SIBBY (fwc) by Buried Bryan City MITCHELL, M.G. McINTOSH, principal; Bryan Willis Van HOOK, O.M.G. Cemetery Wm. McINTOSH & Hammett H. HARDY, sureties Isaac BINGHAM sold Jno The grand jury indicted H. J.W. ROBINSON m. Louisa J.M. GARLAND m. Anna S.M. JOHNSON sold W.R. J D. DESERENS sold land SHOWS a town lot COHN for selling liquor A. WHEELER by McLEUDON by F.M. KING a lot in Bryan to S.C. MARTIN on Sunday and J.C. Hammett HARDY, LAW HUBERT for perjury J.P.B.C. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Jessie Wade THOMAS Millican nominates A.B. GREEN sold T.J. Sarah PRUSS died. Born 9 Jonathan BAKER sold H.M. died. Infant son of James candidate. For Justice of BLAKEY a lot in Bryan Feb 1871. Daughter of J. MOORE property in & Sara THOMAS. Buried Peace - -Mr. Albert G. & E. PRUSS. Buried Woodville, near the oil Boonville Cemetery PREWETT. Address by Bryan City Cemetery factory Mr. GOODWYN of Bryan (A� Events of Brazos County, Texas from July 1871 14 f BRYAN, TEXAS. _A f))ff li5 ,07 MRS. G. M. FIGH, Proprietress. a' 1-• ' . c 0 a C a s. N a 0 0 tL C I. a o a C O stl a O l et O O TOWN OF BRYAN. KIRK & RIDDELL, 57 an3 59 Market Street, Galveston, Dealers in Landreth's Warranted Seeds. SEED STORE, E. F.'VIRGIN, No. 98 Grimier Street, New Orleans, La., Deafer 0 Landreth's Garden Seeds. Atao— abrabbery at Nursery Pricer. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BRYAN. Adore A Lobit, Wholesale Grocers. Anderson & Newland, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Broadus & Thomas, Lawyers. Barton, J. M., Livery Stable. Badgett, W. C., Saddle and Harness Maker. Burk & Mason, Book Store. Burt, J. T., Stoves and Tinware. Blagg, J. F., Saddle and Harness Maker. Brantley, R. A., Agent Sewing Machines, Main street. Blatherwick, S. N., Boot Maker. Main street. Beck, C. W. A Co., Wholesale Grocers, near Depot. CANNON & CO., Manufacturers Agents for Salt Meats Bacon, Clear and Rib Sides, Hants and Shoulders, 5 Strand, Galveston. Blake. Mrs. H. A., Dress Maker. Buckbolts & Cotton, Attorneys at Law. Bonneville, M. a Co., Grocers, Main street. Brooksher, W. A., Livery Stable. See Card. Correvon, A., Jeweler. Cohn, H., Groceries. Clarke, Frank, Wholesale Groceries. Chatham, R. K., Manufacturer of Cotton Gins. Corley, S. A., Boot and Shoe Maker. near Postoffice. Cunningham, A. B., Attorney at Law. Davis A Beall, Attorneys at Law. Ford, Spencer, Banker. C. 1F. 'rotusard d Co., Dealers in Gent's Furnish! 112 AQ9INE89 DIRECTORY, Else SIr..37iot's Southern .P.emedies. See pa FowIkea, J. S. et Co., Wboleanle Grocers and Co nit Merchants. Fulkinson A Davie, Dry Goods. ,; Garth, J. L., Lumber Yard. Goodwin et Scott. Att orneys at Law_ G R. R., Editor Brazos Eagle. C Gardiner, W. S., Insurance Agent. V homer, S. L., Druggist. Hunter, J. W. A Co., Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. Il annan, W.11., R'• Dry Goode and Clothing. yo Dry Goods and Clothing. Stowell . Webb o IS Hoffman, Samuel, General Merchandise. Hareman, Wm., Restaurant. 4 Hunter, S. N., Express Agent. Halsey, R. E., Hardware, Main street. �e Kelly & Hayes, Stores and Tinware. Main street. ti Kaisere, S. A Co., Dry Goods. C Kendrick, C., Physician. t Kendrick, J. C.. Physician. ., Kimbrongh, J. J., Attorney at Low. 'v Kasen, B., Grocer, Main tar Z s and Vegetables 53 Strand ]Cl Le a Lipari A Ill°. Barbers, Groceries C Lumpkin, R. S., Saddle and Harness Maker, Main street. C o Morrison, H., Livery Stable. a Moore A Wilson, Dealers in Exchange. ns • Mike, D. A Co., Family Groceries, Main s, m treet , Malone, W. M., Grocer. Gaul n, W., Groeer. m Moore, Mn Alice, '.T O Main 'o i 1 set. a 1 r & CO., CANTON iS CO., Agents for Grocers' Fancy Goo. Agents Sodas, Concentrated Lye, Canned Fruits 3 d1 at-c., &c., c., 63 Strand, Galveston, e n, Texas. 3[ aul. tra ; C ,� e tlle0eld F, s p Mitchell A Pierce, Book and Drug xtort. Minkem, W. Street. Store, Main street. t� McIntosh, Wm.,Commission Merchant, Main street. atl McQueen, T. J. A Co., Groceries and Liquors. McGraw, N. \V., Attorney atLaw. G cc Perry & Headessoo. Attorneys et Law. , .< Proctor & Lamkin, M'mea., Milioers and Dress Makers, 1 C street Padgitt, W. C., Saddle end Harness, Main street Regenaburger, R. H., Dry Goods and Clothing. itnad C. sr, ex Co, Wholesale and Retail Groeen 'Xi lYeddsny Ou,Jlts, lulett styles, at 1Jroussarvt's, TOWN OF BRYAN. r Ilse 9r. E /iol's Southern 1 Lenredies. Sec pay 4. Robinson, B. W. Surgeon Dentist. , Sanger Bros., Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Clothing. a Smith, P. R., & Co., Bankers. K Spring, s-. L., General Merchandise. Sterne A Adams, Dry Goods and Clothing. c Tallman, T. A., of D. Mike & Co. H Tabor, John W. O Thomas , Grocer, Main street a. . , H. M. ' Drugs and Medicines. c.1 Tyler, S. L., Proprietor Commercial Hotel. Wilson, N. R., General Merchandise. . Wolf, J., Dry Goods. a Walsh, D. A., Merchant Taylor. _. Webb and Howell, Physicians. to Williamson, D. T., Carriage Factory. V Ward, E. L., General Merchandise O BRYAN Is Main t Line o of unty Seat of the Housto nand Texas Central Railwa on the from Houston, and 150 miles from Galveston. It has y a lW p ul - lion of about 2,500, and is growing steadily. Pous ness is done here, and the place contains yman fine local bai- houses. The Agricultural College is being ere; business a/so sev- good eral new Churches and some fine business houses. is 20 miles from Hearne, the crossing of the H. A. T. C. Railway a th International. C. E. Brorssserrrt . Co., Jobbers in Clothing, 119 Slrau? (See last page of calendar for illustration credits.) 0 aA to m n w ab 7c' 0. N 0 W m n w m re 0 113 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 8 J.B. COLLINS died. Born H.A. MOORE sold C.F. Jack SCURRY (fmc) m. E.D. STACEY m. Miss L.P. W.F. GRANT sold Martha Will of Annie STEVENSON 16 Aug 1871. Buried MOORE 338 acres of Rosanna READEN by SEWELL by F.M. LAW J. TABOR a lot in Bryan mentions step- daughter Bickham Cemetery land O.W. HEUGHART, M.G. Mattie STEVENSON and daughter Sallie WEBB 15 O.A. ROBERTSON m. S.E. HAYS by A.M. BALL, M.G. A.R. SCALLORN died. Age 57y, 4m, 3d. Oddfellow. Buried Bryan City Cemetery 29 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 Jno. ARILLO gave Maxiano B.F. CHURCH sold land to ARILLO a lot in Bryan MOORE & WILSON 3 J.U. PARSON m. Miss L.E. FERRIN by O.W. HEUGHVART, M.G. September 1996 4 5 R.R. GILBERT mortgaged George BELL m. Sarah the "Brazos Eagle" to EVANS by Abner M.W. McCRAW GREEN, M.G. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WILKINS & THOMPSON F.M. HALL sold Thos. J. were paid $230 for putting DEARING a lot in Bryan lightning rods of the courthouse � / • /X rrrr , Events of Brazos County, Texas from September 1871 6 Wesley BROWN registered Wm. DUNLAP sold M.B.A. James LEONARD m. a brand FOSTER 70 acres of land Martha Jane HARRALL by J. Fred COX, O.M. A.B. CARR born in Bryan 7 Phillip KIRKSEY (fmc) m. Lucey VINCENT by Fredric LIGHT Frank BECKHAM (fmc) m. Francis JORDAN by Hammett HARDY, J.P. B.C. - 75.! A s), c 41 • • • 'V To Incorporate the Hook and Ladder Company fro. One. of the City of. Bryan. ti SECTiox 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature .of the State of Texas. 'fhat.Frank Leman, Albert Burk. Nat Wilso• , W. G. Bunger and Chas. A. Sterne, and•their associates and successors, shall be and are hereby constnutad a body cor- porate under the name and style of Hook and Ladder Com- pany, No. 1, of the City of Bryan. with power t' sue and be sued plead and be Impieaded, to appear and prosecute to final judgment in any court or elsewnere ; to have it common seal, with such .devjce as they may adopt; t' elect in what- ever manner they may choose the officers necessary to com- mand them ; to establish by•!aws for the government and regulation of their affairs not inconsistent with the eon.ti- • tution and the laws of this State, and the same to alteribd • amend at pleasure, a d hold real and personal property, and to dispose of the same; provided. that s real estate and • personal property shall not exceed at any time twenty thous- and dollars in value ; and that said Company shall never ex -. seed one hundred men, rank and file. Sac. 2. That the active members of said Company shall be exempt from serving on juries, except upon the trial of •. s"`• capital cases, and from militia. duty [also road duty], except 7 -I; in times of insurrection, rebellion or war. • SEC. 3. That said Company shall have power by their con'stitutlon and by -laws, to try all violations of their ordi -.. nances. agreed upon by a rt5ajority of the members of sold Company, to suspend, expel or fine, not to exceed ten dollars. y those members violating the constitution or laws of Kid • . Company. ' Sac. 4. That this act be in force and tale effect from the' "date of its passage, and continue in force and effect twenty " " a years. Passed, May 18th, 1871. • '�► STATE DEPARTMENT, • Austin. Texas. • I, James P. Newcomb Secretary of State, for the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original enrolled bill on tile in my office. WITNESS my hand and official seal at office, in the C of Austin, this 5th day of July. A. D., 1871. [SEAL] , James P. NEWCOmai' j Secretary of'Sta r` October is Fire Prevention Month An Act to Incorporate the Hook and Ladder Company No. One of the City of Bryan -- 5 July 1871 The Hook and Ladder Company was actually incorporated four months before the city of Bryan. Members of the Fire Department represented a variety of backgrounds and drew considerable ethnic support. It remained a volunteer unit for many years. By 1887, the fire department had the fine equipment shown in this photo taken at Main and 25th streets. Horses were used to pull the wagons, and a street cistern supplied the water. (See last page for illustration credits and abbreviations.) 6 J.J. ADAMS sold Anna E. SANDERS 22 acres of land 7 Houston & Tx. Central R.B. & M.J. HUNT sold Dan Moses DUKE (fmc) m. Railroad sold Mrs. E. M. DANSBY a lot in Bryan Rebecca THOMAS by GREGORY a lot in Bryan O.W. HUGHART, M.G. Vrue WOODRUFF died. Born 14 Feb 1869. Buried Bryan City Cemetery 1 Tarlton BROWN (fmc) m. Tempay BROWN by Porter SCOT A.W BOOKMAN (fmc) m. W.H. DORSEY sold N.R. Fannie BULLOCK by NELSON a town lot Willis Van HOOK, M.G. October 1996 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 J.F. CHUK m. S.T. MORROW by G.W. CASTLES John KIZER died. A. MICHEL sold H.M. Born 29 Oct 1871. Son of MALONE his groceries & B.P. & Pency KIZER. merchandise Buried Kizer Cemetery 3 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 Events of Brazos County, Texas from October 1871 4 Final account, estate of T.J. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WOOTEN JACKSON sold A.W. THRESHER a lot in Bryan Wm. H. DOWDING m. Ferdinand Mose MILLICAN gave Dicy Martha J. HICKS by T.T. BOHENSTENGEL m. MILLICAN his horses & SMOTHERS, M.G. J.A. LAREDGRAF by cows Hammet HARDY, J.P.B.C. The new passenger depot at Bryan is complete. [Austin] Democratic Statesman 11 18 25 5 George HAYLOCK (fmc) m. Ellen POOL (fwc) by Willis Van HOOK, M.G. 12 J.F. HALL m. Temprance GREGORY by F.M. LAW. James JOHNSON sold land to H. MITCHELL 19 Julius WINSTON (fmc) m. Julia CASTLES (fwc) by J. Fred COX, Methodist Minister 26 J.P. MITCHELL sold L. Sam M. JOHNSON sold Virginia PROCTER died. ERWIN a lot in Mitchell's Alice MOORE property in Daughter of J.S. & M.A. Town Bryan PROCTER. Buried Bryan City Cemetery C. Is. gAL a1 . I.' 4 i■aM MANUFACTURER OF CYPRESS CISTERNS AND TUBS. yriva Gurantaal Iawar than any Aka plate h tha Stat.. Nark and mwcri.l warranted in all 'nuance.. Send for Price -list BRYAN, TEXAS. Harvey Mitchell -- The Father of Brazos County -- Harvey Mitchell accomplished so much for Brazos County that many give him this title. He was born in Giles County, Tennessee, and went to Robertson County in the fall of 1839, at age 18. He served with a military unit protecting settlers from Indians, and between skirmishes tutored children at the homes of Richard Carter and Major Eli Seale. He left the military in January, 1842, moved to nearby Brazos County and built a schoolhouse, various other buildings, and two different courthouses in Boonville, the county seat. He taught school, was deputy to the County Clerk, and to other county officials. Mitchell was also superintendent of public instruction, justice of the peace, postmaster, blacksmith, and innkeeper. Mitchell was an active member of the Masons, helping organize Brazos Union Lodge No. 129, A. F. & A. M. in 1852. He was their first Worshipful Master, and served in that capacity seven other times. He married Arthuisa J. Foley in April, 1848. They had nine children, but lost several family members to illness. The Mitchell family lived in Red Top for seven years, where he had a general store and sold land. He returned to Boonville to be Assessor of Confederate State Taxes for Brazos County. When the Houston and Texas Central railroad started to lay its tracks following the Civil War, Brazos County residents moved the county seat the few miles from Boonville to Bryan, as Bryan was on the line. Mitchell built the first courthouse in Bryan. He had acquired a lot of practical experience in surveying, construction, teaching, and county govermnent, but he never ran for public office. Harvey Mitchell was one of three men selected to represent Bryan and Brazos County in their bid to obtain the Agricultural and Mechanical College authorized for Texas in 1871. It happened that Mitchell was the only committee member present in Houston in June 1872, when he learned from the site commission that additional requirements would be necessary to obtain the college. He wired to Bryan for instructions but received none. So on his own, he bid $22,000 in land. The offer was approved subject to having clear titles to at least 2250 acres in 48 hours. Brazos County met the challenge. (It is not clear as to when or where the photo was taken. See last page for illustration credits and abbreviations.) Sunday Monday Tuesda Wednesday Thursda Friday Saturday 3 10 17 WOOTEN & WILLIAMS, NnNU FACTOR ERS OF ig t jC1vg Taxxia r.es Of the Latest and Most Improved Pattern. EVERY STYLE CONSTANTLY ON IIAND AND MADE TO ORDER All Work Warranted Orders llollelted. HRYAN, T}7 $A8. 4 5 R.S. LUMPKIN m. Miranda Severe Lovell HORNER A. WRIGHT by Hammet died. Buried Bryan City HARDY, J.P.B.C. Cemetery 11 John LEE (fmc) m. Margaret DAVIS by Willis Van HOOK, M.G. Sol HARRIS (fmc) m. Ann LEE by Willis Van HOOK, M.G. 18 Letters of administration, estate of Patrick McNAMARRA, filed by John McNAMARRA 19 Geo. W. MOORE m. Fancy DUCKWORTH by John W. PHILLIPS, Rector of St. Andrews Report of sale, estate of J.0 Bryan Real Estate, Bldg. & Philip PRINZER m. O. GOODWIN Joint Stock Assoc. H.T. NEAHN by William M. DOWNARD, E.L. WARD, WILLIAMS, O.M.G. T.J. DEARING, & D.C. BARMORE November 1996 139"1 of H.ATFMIVIIC1 , , 4-1100 T A'N'D = SHOE MAKER,$IE-<- Iacbloe O!, Ladles' Shoe Dressing, Lye's' Paler Neel SilLoers, Etc., Ett. 6 20 - m rr a7 ®rfraols oTOR3E14 - Sam WHITE (fmc) m. Emma WILLIAMS by James B. FOSTER Henry ALEXANDER (fmc) m. Miss C. LEWIS by Willis Van HOOK, M.G. Mary E. WREN died. Age 41y,8m,11d. Wife of R.H WREN. Buried Bryan City Cemetery 21 24 25 26 27 28 The County paid Henry TIEBOT $50 for drafting map of Brazos Co. T.R. GOODING m. Eliza - a beth ALLEN by O.W. HUGHART, M.G. Thanksgiving Day Events of Brazos County, Texas from November 1871 1 7 8 Report of monies paid out by BOYETTE sold cattle Eliza W. BOWMAN, to Frances E. BOYETTE administrator, estate of James I. BOWMAN 12 13 14 15 B.F. CLAMPITT sold Jas. Henry HUNTSMAN (fmc) E. BATTLE 176 acres of m. Jenny NEAL by Rev. land A.W. GREEN 22 The grand jury indicted Jane Frank FOSTER (fmc) m. . COLEMAN for adultery Julia FORD by E.P. and Charles HELWIG for SCOTT assault with intent to murder Jordan NELSON (fmc) m. L.D. ROGERS sold T.J. Cicily ISAAC by Charles McQUEEN & Co. one B. FOSTER yoke of oxen 29 2 9 City of Bryan. Appointments. Geo. D. HASWELL, alderman 16 The grand jury indicted Lewis BECKHAM for theft of a steer & Miles KIRK for assault with intent to murder 23 John B. TAYLOR m. Martha HARP by R.S. MOTTLEY 30 Henderson MASSIE m. Margaret GRAVES by Hammett HARDY, J.P.B.C. • •• • • • •41L i lw • • •• • •• • • •• • • O. • • • •• • • 791( • •• o • • • 1:10 • • • • W. A. BROOKSHIRE WEST SIDE DEPOT, e able. YAN, - - - TEXAS. Good Horses, Carriages, Buggies and City Hearse always on hand to serve the Public. • 6 0 ' l •� • • L� ' �. � t1� '' 1. 1 c � • � • � � . ��' ' �11 '' rI. r �. �11 � . ��' ' ` r J' •. lti • • fif • • • • WO* • • o . • •• • s o Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Bryan Manufacturing Company incorporated. Directors: George D. HASWELL, S.D. CONGER, & Frank CLARK 8 First Presbyterian Church called Rev. J.M. COCHR- ANE to be pastor, replac- ing Rev. J.R. HUTCHIN- SON, the first pastor 2 3 Willis OATS (fmc) m. Emma Joseph F. BURNETT died. City of Bryan. J.A. FARQUHAR sold James S. GIBSON m. Mary WATSON by Willis Van Born 2 Apr 1814. Mason. Appointments. H.T. horses & cattle to Perry M. LANE by A.M. BALL, HOOK, O.M.G. Buried Bryan City DOWNARD, mayor; T.J. HARRIS M.G. Cemetery DEARING, marshall and others 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 G.W. CASTLES sold W.V. Elijah SHEPHERD m. John ROUCH m. Ellen WALDROP 2 lots in Henrietta SINGLETON by CHEEK by G.W. Bryan Rev. A.W. GREEN CASTLES, D.D. 22 23 24 25 29 Elias JACKSON m. Mary McKEEN by Hammett HARDY, J.P.B.C. 30 Joanna Mabry CODY died. Born 12 Jan 1822, Jasper Co. GA. Mother. Daughter of Rozin E. & Elizabeth MABRY December 1996 4 Jesse HAWKINS (fmc) m. W.W. BERRY sold M. J.M. PHILLIPS (fmc) m. Ella Rebecca LITTLEFIELD Mary BURRELL by Rev. HAMMOND 368 acres of BOND by Rev. A.W. died. Age 64y. Wife of E. A.W. GREEN land GREEN LITTLEFIELD. Buried Bryan City Cemetery B.D. NEWSOME m. A.J. A.S. ECHOLS m. Willie NEELEY by G.W. VAUGHT by T.T. CASTLES SMOTHERS, M.G. Christmas Day 31 5 12 19 Mr. & Mrs. Matt HAMMOND John BRANTLEY m. sold land to Mr. & Mrs. Cornelia SPRAWLS by J J.M. HOOD Fred COX, O.M. Robert BOYD m. Sallie SPRAWLS by J. Fred COX, O.M. 26 •USINEa. DEPARTMENT. R. M. SMITH, Publisher. Events of Brazos County, Texas from December 1871 6 13 20 Elam H. HOLBROOK m. Amelia JAMES by H.V. PHILPOTT, O.M.G. 27 7 14 21 Gibeon Ainsworth FOSTER m. Martha A. JONES GUEST by Hammett HARDY, J.P.B.C. 28 Henry WILLIAMS (fmc) m. A.G. DAVIS m. Lulie DUNN Harry WYATT (fmc) m. Rody ALBERTSON by F. by W.B. EAVES Rhoda NASH (fwc) by LIGHT, M. Hammett HARDY J.P.B.C. Robert MASON (fmc) m. Lizzie NASH by Hammett HARDY, J.P.B.C. THE. BRAZOS PILOT STEAM PRINTING 4- OFFICE. ! fags: (z.6 C/77., b 00 / The 1871 - 1996 Calendar -- It is hoped this calendar will provide some sense of what life was like in 1871, when the city of Bryan received its charter. The calendar may also serve as a valuable resource for persons researching their family histories. To gather dates for the calendar, researchers checked many sources including birth records, marriage records, death records, probate files, deeds, church papers, tombstone inscriptions, laws, legal items, and newspaper items. Each event recorded on the individual days of a month, occurred during the year of 1871, unless otherwise noted. Due to the fact there were few cameras available in that era, there was a limited number of photographs; then floods, fires, heat, bugs, dedicated house cleaners, and other disasters, caused even fewer materials to survive. Unfortunately, many interesting photographs were not identified, as to person, place or date. Most of the illustrations used in the calendar are of Bryan or nearby areas and are of residents, scenes, business papers, or maps in the year of 1871, or as close to that time as possible. The calendar committee selected some illustrations which may be of interest to local residents, though photographic reproductive quality is not of current standards. BGA members hope you find the calendar of interest. tit Sources -- The following references were used in preparation of this calendar, and recommended for those desiring additional information: Brazos County History, Rich Past - Bright Future. Glenna Fourman Brundidge, Family History Foundation, Bryan, Texas, 1986. Those Were the Days, Brazos Co. 1821- 1921. Mary Edna Dorsey, Bryan Independent School District, 1976. The Early History of Bryan and the Surrounding Area. Joseph Milton Nance, Hood's Brigade - -Bryan Centennial Committee, June,1962. A Comprehensive History of Texas 1685 to 1897, in 2 Vols. Dudley G. Wooten, William G. Scarf, Dallas, 1898 Brazos Genealogical Association -- The BGA is a not - for - profit educational group open to all persons interested in genealogical and historical research, preservation and publication. It began in 1978. Members come from all walks of life and are currently researching ancestors in a wide variety of states and countries. While most members are from Bryan and College Station, many live in Brazos or nearby counties. Residents of other states may join and receive family history assistance through correspondence with BGA. Local members volunteer in the Genealogical Research room at Bryan Public Library and in the selection and purchase of genealogical and historical materials. They maintain the new computers available to the public for family history research. The men and women of the Association desire to educate visitors, newcomers, youngsters and others concerning the unique heritage passed to residents by previous generations. Genealogical research is a co- operative effort. As members collect, preserve and publish data from many sources, they learn to appreciate the efforts of researchers compiling information in distant locations. They enjoy exchanging progress reports and helpful hints; some have published their own family history books or newsletters. The Association publishes a quarterly, The Brazos Genealogist, available to members. Computers -- A number of family historians use computers to organize, transfer and obtain data, to publish findings, and to communicate with persons throughout the world. The Brazos Genealogical Association has an informal computer group willing to assist others in organizing their materials and learning to use computers for research. Projects in which individual members are engaged include: public school local history research/cemetery project; identification and decoration of old military graves; recording of naturalization records; and a cemetery dedication. The preservation of local cemetery records was completed in 1986. Current efforts focus on county and district pre -1900 court records. Individuals are abstracting and indexing old probate packets and naturalization records, and are studying early survey books and county commissioners records. The Brazos Genealogical Association meets at Bryan Public Library, 201 E. 26th St. in downtown Bryan, at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. Visitors are welcome. For information on meetings, contact the Reference Desk, Bryan Public Library or write to: The Brazos Genealogical Association, P. 0. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. Please include a business size self - addressed stamped envelope for your reply. OA } M1 to BRAZOS CO, / M ( 4./4A r•..... »..... y'•4 6.._..< / qr,, 4. .<.v..N.. B._... 6....4 ... nv ... ..., •.� r.,f / W d , w ... w..m 4.. Lx... .. -., e.. ,s, w C u✓w r............ y - c..' !awe ye*. &.0 I I...! 4b! «t .V.. I , o..t i y. �..7.040llr to Was /tt/ugto,. ('o. j ;P IIYJr� b L L TOI' Joe Map courtesy of Archives Division, Texas State Library,A ustin, TX 78711 An 1871 - 1996 Historical & Genealogical Calendar By Brazos Genealogical Association P.. 0. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 Printed on Recycled Paper ( 4..., - . L. , 7'du<u K.:< w .,C � e IOS / II