HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Community Appearance Committee Activities INVOICE # 22838 • 1 PLEASE PAY FROM THIS COPY Wow/ , 116AWalton Dr. College Station,TX 77840 409/764 -8339 FAX 409/764 -5975 (1)c,vei op nv-L", t -vry 1 caS Company: 'a C� L�C Contact : ,..1. __ Address : 0 0 Telephone : '7 . — 06 - 10 City : Fax : State : Zip : 1 /c9 c? Estimated Due Date : / 9 Sales Person: CSZ�J Order Date: � � � st e / aS / Type :J RTA SAG FAG VEHICLE LOGO SHOWCARD SILKSCREEN BANNER OTHER : Material : cox MDO FOAM PVC ( LL FLEX FECAL MAC OTHER : Colors : ' 2i ii c 1 �.>` —r 6:11%) IP Ink : Exact copy : lx ,, i r . C ITy o FeAUr-r s 1IAJ C A D N � rl 4 a{ 1' APPeAramicr A-LuFvn 8 o U (3r i< 1 ., 1 Y aL I ' - T -K 1- tsc (� � T ` rY, e_ IUr1 K -t t Pro-pr ic+ ... s / ■ Cost: . 6 8.7S -- Installation: Sub total: Customer PO # 3 9 sU Tax: c`m P i / Total: 11- --45-C = 7 1,-0 11 �/- • 7 S Delivery Date ; �- 4 S- s Approval : Date Paid : CH # Terms : Net 10°'.Invo -s over • 'Po dayse charged 11 per ..nth service c arge. (18% annual) iv NOMINATION 1.- City of College Station Community Appearance Award The Community Appearance Awards program recognizes businesses that exhibit pride in the community through exceptional aesthetic enhancements to their business property, or through other contributions to the appearance of College Station. Businesses of all types are eligible for the award, such as non - profit organizations, small businesses, regional or national corporations, multi- tenant properties, apartment communities, etc. Nominations are accepted year- round. Awards are given twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Name of business: • Contact name /owner (if known): Telephone (if known): Address /location of nominated site: Briefly explain why this location/business contributes to the appearance of the community: Nominated by: Date: Telephone number: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *FOR CAC USE ONLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Staff comments: Date reviewed by Community Appearance Committee: Action taken: Please return to: Community Appearance Awards Debra Charanza, Development Services P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -9960 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AWARD PROPOSAL SUB - COMMITTEE MEMBERS: KYM PARKS, CHAIR; SHANNON MALONEY, BETTY GROCE. TODD MCDANIEL, CITY LIASON. PURPOSE: DEVELOP AN AWARDS PROGRAM RECOGNIZING THE COLLEGE STATION BUSINESS COMMUNITY FOR THEIR DEMONSTRATED COMMITMENT TO THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE APPEARANCE OF OUR COMMUNITY. ADMINSTRATION OF AWARD PROGRAM: ONCE ADOPTED, ADMINSTRATION OF THE AWARDS PROGRAM WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON ESTABLISH A STANDING SUB - COMMITTEE TO ADMINISTER THE PROGRAM AND TO MAINTAIN COMMUNITY AWARENESS OF THE AWARD ON AN ON -GOING BASIS. RECOMMENDATION: 1. THESE GUIDELINES ARE VERY GENERAL AND OPEN. THEIR PURPOSE IS TO RECOGNIZE BUSINESSES THAT EXHIBIT PRIDE IN THE COMMUNITY THROUGH, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MAINTENANCE AND /OR DESIGN OF THEIR BUSINESS PROPERTY, AND /OR THROUGH THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE APPEARANCE OF THE COMMUNITY. THE GUIDELINES USED IN THE SELECTION PROCESS ARE TO BE RELATIVELY UNSTRUCTURED SO AS TO ALLOW FOR FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTATION TO ALL BUSINESSES WARRANTING SPECIAL RECOGNITION AND OPERATING IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. 2. NO PRE - DETERMINED NUMBER OF AWARD WINNERS WILL BE ESTABLISHED, HOWEVER IT IS RECOMMENDED NO MORE THAN THREE (3) TOTAL WINNERS ARE SELECTED AT ANY TIME. THE EMPHASIS IS TO RECOGNIZE BUSINESSES THAT ARE DESERVING OF THE AWARD AND THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF RECIPIENTS REFLECTIVE OF THAT GOAL. 3. WHILE IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT SPECIFIC AWARD CATEGORIES NOT BE ESTABLISHED TO LIMIT THE PROGRAM, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT CONSIDERATION BE GIVEN TO THE VARIOUS LEVELS OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP. ( FOR EXAMPLE: PRIVATELY OWNED, SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS, LARGE CORPORATIONS, MULTI - TENANT PROPERTIES SUCH AS STRIP CENTERS.) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE RECOGNITION /AWARD PROPOSAL PAGE 2 4. THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED SEMI- ANNUALLY. THE 1995 AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED IN MARCH AND SEPTEMBER. IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS THE AWARDS SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: AWARD WINNERS SELECTED AWARD PRESENTED MARCH C.A.C.MEETING APRIL COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER C.A.C. MEETING OCTOBER COUNCIL MEETING 5. PRIOR TO FINAL SELECTION, THE C.A.C. COMMITTEE WILL VERIFY THE AWARD WINNERS ARE IN GOOD STANDING WITH THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION'S POLICIES AND ORDINANCES. 6. INITIAL AWARD NOMINEES WILL BE SOLICITED FROM THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE. SUBSEQUENT NOMINEES WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM ANY MEMBER OF THE COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY BY SUBMITTING THEIR NOMINATION TO THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON. SELF - NOMINATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 7. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE NEW AWARDS PROGRAM AND ITS GOALS WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF PSA'S, ENLISTED COORDINATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND THE CHAMBER OF COMMMERCE NEWS BULLETINS, CITY NEWSLETTER, LOCAL PUBLICATIONS, AND JOINT EFFORTS WITH OTHER GROUPS AND COMMITTEES. 8. FUNDING FOR THIS PROGRAM IS MINIMAL AND WILL BE HANDLED BY THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. 9. FORMS OF AWARD /RECOGNITION: 1. AWARD WINNERS WILL BE PRESENTED A CERTIFICATE RECOGNIZING THEIR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE APPEARANCE OF THE COMMUNITY AT A CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COUNCIL MEETING. THE AWARD WILL BE JOINTLY PRESENTED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE OR THEIR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. 2. PHOTOS OF THE PRESENTATION WILL BE TAKEN AND SUBMITTED TO THE LOCAL MEDIA AS OUTLINED ABOVE FOR PUBLICATION. PSA'S WILL BE SENT TO THE RADIO /TV NEWS MEDIA. 3. SIGNS WILL BE PLACED AT THE WINNING BUSINESS LOCATIONS AND WILL REMAIN AT THE SITE UNTIL SUBSEQUENT AWARD WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AWARDS Purpose The Community Appearance Awards program recognizes businesses that exhibit pride in the community through, but not limited to, maintenance and/ or design of their business property, or through other contributions to the appearance of College Station. Businesses of all types are eligible for the award, such as small businesses, regional or national corporations, multi- tenant properties, apartment communities, etc. Administration of Award Program Administration of the program is the responsibility of the Community Appearance Committee, through a standing Awards sub - committee. The Community Appearance Awards are presented twice annually. Award recipients are selected at the March and October meetings of the Committee and the awards presented at City Council meetings in April and November. Award Guidelines 1) No pre - determined number of award recipients is established, however, it is recommended that no more than three be selected each time. The emphasis of the award is to recognize and reward the most deserving businesses, for example, those that exceed the City's requirements for landscaping. 2) Publicizing the awards program and its goals is accomplished through coordination with the Awards sub - committee, the C.A.C.'s staff liaison and the city's Public Information Office. 3) The C.A.C. solicits nominations for the Community Appearance Awards from committee members, residents of College Station, and members of the business community. Self- nominations are accepted. The Awards sub - committee reviews all nominations and forwards its recommendations for awards to the C.A.C. The Committee votes to accept or reject the sub - committee's recommendations. 4) Businesses selected to receive the award are notified by the C.A.C.'s staff liaison. Prior to notification, the staff liaison verifies that the selected businesses are in good standing with thg City of College Station's policies and ordinances. 5) Award recipients are presented with a certificate recognizing their outstanding contribution to the appearance of the community at a College Station City Council meeting. The awards are presented jointly by the Mayor and the Chairperson of the Committee, or the Chair's designated representative. Signs are placed at the business site and remain there until the subsequent award recipients are selected. 6) Press releases regarding the awards, and photos taken of the certificate and sign presentations, are submitted to the local media through the Public Information Office. 7) The minimal funding required for signs and certificates is provided by the City of College Station. • 707 C San Pedro Drive College Station, TX 77845 December 24, 1997 Lynn Mcllhaney, Mayor City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Mayor Mcllhaney, I would like to thank you and the College Station City Council for giving me the opportunity to serve on the Community Appearance Committee. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my resignation from this committee. Since 1995 I have had the privilege of working with a group of citizens and city staff dedicated to fostering community pride through enhanced community appearance. As a member of the Gateways Subcommittee and Chairperson of the Community Appearance Awards Subcommittee, I have learned much about city government and hope I have contributed to lasting positive changes in the aesthetics of College Station. In the middle of my second term on the committee, I am stepping down as accept the position of Main Street Manager for the City of Nacogdoches. Thank you again and best wishes for the success and growth of the Gateways, Banners, and Awards programs. Sincerely, Molly Gritter cc: John Nichols Lee Battle Angela Doolittle Public Relations & Marketing Intern 764 -3445 September 23, 1996 CAC Award Nominations For Immediate Release College Station Community Appearance Awards The City of College Station Community Appearance Committee is accepting nominations for its Autumn 1996 Community Appearance Awards. This semi - annual award program recognizes businesses that exhibit pride in the community through the design and /or maintenance of their business properties, or through other efforts to enhance the appearance of College Station. Nominations are encouraged for all types of businesses located within College Station's city limits, including small businesses, regional or national corporations, or multi- tenant properties. Past recipients of this award include Cafe Eccell, Eastmark Apartments, the Scott and White Clinic, and the Texas Aggie Credit Union. Letters of nomination should include the name of the business, address of the nominated site, and the name of a contact person, along with a brief explanation of the nominee's contribution to community appearance. In addition, the nominating party should provide his /her name, address, and telephone number, and include the date of nomination. The Committee encourages self- nominations. Send nominations to: Joey Dunn Community Appearance Awards City of College Station PO Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -9960 (409) 764 -3570 Nominations must be received by Friday, October 4, 1996. The Community Appearance Committee will select the award recipients at its October meeting and awards will be presented at a November meeting of the College Station City Council. ### COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AWARDS Autumn 1996 The City of College Station Community Appearance Committee is accepting nominations for its Autumn 1996 Community Appearance Awards. This semi- annual award program recognizes businesses that exhibit pride in the community through the design and/ or maintenance of their business properties, or through other efforts to enhance the appearance of College Station. Nominations are encouraged for all types of businesses located within College Station's city limits, including small businesses, regional or national corporations, or multi- tenant properties. Past recipients of this award include Cafe Eccell, Eastmark Apartments, the Scott and White Clinic, and the Texas Aggie Credit Union. Letters of nomination should include the name of the business, address of the nominated site, and the name of a contact person, along with a brief explanation of the nominee's contribution to community appearance. In addition, the nominating party should provide his /her name, address, and telephone number, and include the date of nomination. The Committee encourages self- nominations. Send nominations to: Joey Dunn Community Appearance Awards City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 -9960 (409) 764 -3570 Nominations must be received by Friday, October 4, 1996. The Community Appearance Committee will select the award recipients at its October meeting and awards will be presented at a November meeting of the College Station City Council. ATTENTION LANGFORD STUDENTS & FACULTY The Community Appearance Citizen Committee of College Station would like to recognize businesses that contribute to the overall appearance of the community though the maintenance and design of their business property. If you would like to nominate a business or non - profit center that positively contributes to the overall appearance of the community, please come by Room 345 and pick up a nomination form. The guidelines used in the selection process are flexible and are not based solely on architecture and landscape design. .over: :::<:<::<' > > <' >> < < g > > <> © Regular Item ri Consent Item El Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Lee Battle, for Community Appearance Comm. For Council Meeting Of: April 23, 1998 Director Approval: City Manager Approval: Item: Presentation of Community Appearance Awards. Item Summary: The City's Community Appearance Committee gives awards twice a year to businesses, multi - family complexes or other non - residential properties that have maintained a neat and attractive appearance and /or have improved appearance through landscaping or other means. This spring the Community Appearance Committee selected two recipients. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church was selected to receive an award due to the continued maintenance of their property and landscaping that leads to a neat and attractive appearance. The property Includes a large yard and open space that softens the development along Highway 6. The College Park Enclave Apartment Complex was selected to receive an award due to the continued maintenance of their property and landscaping that leads to a neat and attractive appearance. Policy Issue Statement: Impacts the Civic Pride Vision for the 21st Century. Item Background: The Community Appearance Committee is a volunteer group of citizens appointed by Council who work toward enhancing the community's appearance by recognition through the awards program and by the administration of other programs such as adopt -a- street, gateways, banners and participation in the big event. Budgetary and Financial Summary: Development Services budgets moines for certificates and signs for the awards program. Council Action Options: Give recognition to award recipients. Supporting Materials: Copies of Certificates :.:.>;»>:::>::::>»:::>::::><:::.»::>:.>::::>: :::_>::>::::::: >::: >:::: >:::::: :::1tem Cover. She • Q Regular Item Consent Item Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Todd E. McDaniel Polic Anal st For Council Meeting Of: Aril 27 1995 Director Approval: Executive Member Approval: ........... Ends Statements / Strategic Issues: #8 -- Civic Pride; #5 -- Community Appearance and Strategy... Beautification Item: Presentation of Community Appearance Award Selections Item Summary: The Community Appearance Committee is re- implementing its Community Awards Program. This nce through a� h tectural design, entities that achieve a high level of app lue that landscaping and maintenance, as well l overall improves the appearance of the City College Station. series of Appearance Committee has chosen three award selections sem�anuall basis selections for 1995 and will make future s elections on (March and September). The March 1995 Selections include: (1) First American Bank (Texas and 2818) -- for their commitment to high quality landscaping and maintenance; (2) Texas Aggie Credit Union (University Drive) -- for their renovation efforts to an existing structure; (3) Eastmark Apartments (7600 Central Park Lane) -- for their commitment to long -term landscaping and maintenance. r 1111111111111111111111111111140.n d ajte 1/ 1 Regular Item I Consent Item U Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Joey Dunn, Staff Planner For Council Meeting Of: April 11, 1996 Director Approval: City Manager Approval: Ends Statements / Strategic Issues: #8 -- Civic Pride; #15 -- Community Enhancement Item: Presentation of Community Appearance Award Selections Item Summary: This award is intended to honor those entities that achieve a high level of appearance through architectural design, landscaping and maintenance, as well as, overall aesthetic value that improves the appearance of the City of College Station. The Community Appearance Committee has chosen two award selections for Spring 1996 and will make future selections on a bi- annual basis. The Spring 1996 selections are: (1) Cafe Eccell ( 101 Church) -- for their commitment to long -term landscaping and maintenance; and • (2) El Chico's (1912 Texas Ave.) -- for their commitment to quality new development and landscaping. Financial Summary: N/A Staff Recommendation: N/A City Attorney Recommendation: N/A Council Action Desired: Present Award Supporting Materials: N/A o: \ group \deve_sery \cvsht \cacaw4. doc B0 V Regular Item I Consent Item I Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Joey Dunn. Staff Planner For Council Meeting Of: ril 1 1996 Director Approval: 1• • City Manager Approval: Ends Statements / Strategic Issues: #8 -- Civic Pride; #15 -- Community Enhancement Item: Presentation of Community Appearance Award Selections Item Summary: This award is intended to honor those entities that achieve a high level of appearance through architectural design, landscaping and maintenance, as well as, overall aesthetic value that improves the appearance of the City of College Station. The Community Appearance Committee has chosen two award selections for Spring 1996 and will make future selections on a bi- annual basis. The Spring 1996 selections are: (1) Cafe Eccell ( 101 Church) -- for their commitment to long -term landscaping and maintenance; and (2) El Chico's (1912 Texas Ave.) -- for their commitment to quality new development and landscaping. Financial Summary: N/A Staff Recommendation: N/A City Attorney Recommendation: N/A Council Action Desired: Present Award Supporting Materials: N/A o: \group'deve_serv\cvsht\cacaw4. doc ::;::::::>::::»::»::.::.::.»::::::< ::::: >::;:.:.::::: > ::.:::::::. .: OOa::. fWOW:............... _............................::.:: :::: :::::::::.............:. ✓I Regular Item I Consent Item Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Joey Dunn, Staff Planner For Council Meeting Of: Pec 12, 1996 Director Approval: / .r_ =� •.b -- - PP � City Manager Approval: Ends Statements / Strategic Issues: #8 -- Civic Pride; #15 -- Community Enhancement Item: Presentation of Community Appearance Award 1 Item Summary: This award is intended to honor those entities that achieve a high level of appearance through architectural design, landscaping and maintenance, as well as, overall aesthetic value that improves the appearance of the City of College Station. The Community Appearance Committee has chosen one award selection for Fall 1996: Outback Steakhouse, (2101 S. Texas) Tom Kenney, Proprietor -- for commitment to quality new landscaping and maintenance, as well as Mr. Kenney's commitment to appearance issues throughout the community. Financial Summary: N/A Staff Recommendation: N/A City Attorney Recommendation: N/A Council Action Desired: Present Award Supporting Materials: Certificate and Sign will be available at the meeting. o:\ group \deve_serv\cvsht\cacaw5.doc ............................. V Regular Item Consent Item F-1 Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Joey Dunn. Staff Planner' - For Council Meeting Of: April 11. 1996 Director Approval: 12„ t City Manager Approval: Ends Statements / Strategic Issues: Ends Statements #6 Cultural Arts and # 8 Civic Pride Item: Presentation by the Arts Council of Brazos Valley of the Color College Station Street Banner Designs Item Summary: Earlier this year, the Community Appearance Committee teamed up with the Arts Council to issue a 'Call for Entries' for local and state artists to submit three coordinated street banner designs: 1. General City of College Station Design - to be used for the Phase 1 Pilot Project this summer on University Drive East, as well as subsequent phases for other areas throughout the city such as Texas Avenue and the Wolf Pen Creek area. 2. Northgate Design - to be erected on future "period" lights throughout the Northgate area. 3. George Bush Drive Corridor Design - to be erected on future light poles along the existing as well as widened portion of George Bush Drive. On March 5, 1996, the Arts Council assembled a selection jury made up of representatives of the CAC, City Staff, Arts Council, Northgate merchants, George Bush Library Staff, and other local artists to choose the winning coordinated designs. o.dev serv\cvsht\banunvt.doc / » fr : \ - : 4 4 �.� � it :� . ,,, � "� `'.. �� � y � s i rJ rfI bJ kf. J 71 W 1 - - — - I 'b -1 L-i 1- 1 . ) - L_J - - 1 +� Cfl jj 5L ���" � � LEA n "�� � ' ___ :fl L 34. 3 (' -ia S ,-- . 12/10119'6 15:22 4096468559 CAFE ECCELLEROSALIES PAGE 02 • ,. pp 111" N--:)...__....i_41 • :, , Ilitirli eD . • ■ 1 11 n ' ,. .. el- e, (....: ° e° , ot 5 *mimi n .. _ 5 . 0 :"ir.ir, P . )(4 6 , et pi ro l _1 : v ... l i,,i , -- 01 p a: 0 5 s iPttll 0 " eiD . Ii...K= ±=1 is ..„ ft GQ t cc> , 0 r.). --'' PO CA CI eD C Z e ' iii ' l l:V 1 ' CA/Parr. • 1. 4 ,...n 1 et t ItV et 1:w s F ' ' rm " , , L., 5 • . - - t i ....�.�.. .. 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P 0 '—, . n r c i Q___ C----H"'") ._ 0 rp I t)ii_- : i- P g q : Fr p.- *I Lm q 2 -_ 0 *it •ci 411Q____W 1 ; - I-+- o 1[:----- ;::-- rl C i c:7 It it P-- rD t It 1, CZ) 1.1 t, ; ;'; '" : t i rD n I:: 1,-M- P P L 0 :I n r- (0Th :D ==1 ,i__ ei— CD cA M"1■4 O t Ai__....■4 �® 1,!1( 09/17/96 10:13 TAMU RECREATION PARK & TOURISM -. 409 764 3496 N0.659 D02 NOMINATION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AWARD NAME OF BUSINESS: Brae 4- 5 /DS re33 �� CONTACT NAME /OWNER: ADDRESS /LOCATION OF NOMINATED SITE: BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHY THIS LOCATION /BUSINESS CONTRIBUTES TO THE APPEARANCE OF THE COMMUNITY: Cam; 1� -�--- dam- • mod_ � v Z NOMINATED BY: ° LL "l.. 'v C-10'6 DATE: 6 /z'/ 9�c TEL #: 9 'd 7 l � (0) ********* * * ** * **** * * * *** * ** * ** * * **k* **** Ott **** ************ DATE REVIEWED BY COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE: ACTION TAKEN: 09/17/96 10:13 TU RECREATION PARK & TOURISM 409 764 3496 NO.659 D02 AM NOMINATION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AWARD NAME OF BUSINESS: R.(T NG%(. s AKf-oUs CONTACT HAMS /OWNER: T 4/4/ `, ADDRESS /LOCATION OF NOMINATED SITE: WAS 14 VE, sox ( kw 540frbv6 ( BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHY THIS LOCATION /BUSINESS CONTRIBUTES TO THE APPEARANCE OF THE COMMUNITY: wF G . MANTA P- As117 ATTAGTI V pL, Nc s . 7 1- ANTN‘6 Reg Pl2v(.J 7 - 7?71 iVT NA-71V E S 6000 @2 /SCAp / . A/30 7/-4.4 AvAi 6 - ToM ' //j a - A cT/ Ve /A/ Mz./Al T . Appp. r74 G, AC/ V / 7 / p4pT7/01 T /ON 1AI 7- C A .G , Ago Z'aS 6 :.4zITi/Z/L. NOMINATED BY: �_k , e, /2L-iiviDeP /4ST DATE: / 9& TEL #: 6 - 5.7fi ***************** * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * **** ****** *** * ***** *fc*,tirx*** DATE REVIEWED BY COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE: ACTION TAKEN: 1 4 09/1 ? /96 10:13 TAMU RECREATION PARK a TOURISM -. 409 764 3496 NO.659 P02 (9av \\ EEE;;;/ NOMINATION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AWARD NAME OF BUSINESS: ( c CONTACT NAME /OWNER: ADDRESS /LOCATION OF NOMINATED SITE: G`f 4a'4 BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHY THIS LOCATION /BUSINESS CONTRIBUTES TO THE APPEARANCE OF T E COMMUNITY: /-,- jA ? / / / ' / i dA-47 7:5---/ re - / NOMINATED BY: `� \. DATE: 9 l 7 TEL #: CJ 9— f 7 ************** t**************** * *** * ****** *x** * ******** ******* DATE REVIEWED BY COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE: ACTION TAKEN: dke_ 144 0 11 1111 NOMINATION City of College Station Community Appearance Award The Community Appearance Awards program recognizes businesses that exhibit pride in the community through exceptional aesthetic enhancements to their business property, or through other contributions to the appearance of College Station. Businesses of all types are eligible for the award, such as non - profit organizations, small businesses, regional or national corporations, multi- tenant properties, apartment communities, etc. Nominations are accepted year- round. Awards are given twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Name of business: it 0.GA_ gteAtisi, • Contact name /owner (if known): Telephone (if known): Address /location of nominated site: 4.., i e , . Briefly explain why this location/business contributes to the appearance /J � / of the community: 4 9.....; ,,.. .42 Atelle_ / Nominated by: /14-P-1 4m IJ E Q FRO/co Date: 2 -28-1 Telephone . ti ?3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *FOR CAC USE ONLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Staff comments: G SSG 5 \(\‘`\ T \ cAs' \ '' CL Date reviewed by Community Appearance S\NQ -A cc.k Action taken: c `Ck r\ . \•V Please return to: Community Appearance AI W Debra Charanza, Develo (,Q cc ���� P.O. Box 9960 ` VVV College Station, TX 77842- OrW W a A "a NOMINATION City of College Station Community Appearance Award The Community Appearance Awards program recognizes businesses that exhibit pride in the community through exceptional aesthetic enhancements to their business property, or through other contributions to the appearance of College Station. Businesses of all types are eligible for the award, such as non - profit organizations, small businesses, regional or national corporations, multi -tenant properties, apartment communities, etc. Nominations are accepted year- round. Awards are given twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Name of business: C LC= C i9Fv . . • Contact name /owner (if known): DAviS ycu Telephone (if known): Address /location of nominated site: ec- 66 Tgi v'c C6f\ w,AY) ()fI G (ENS r KA iRi J.-D. Briefly explain why this location/business contributes to the appearance of the community: 4A Ku- of ciN DE2sT'r b TYPE of 6A-M- ' “wr £ EV1 ArJ PEU - vo f T 7 A R E ( t9 &iv ? ENT 2A1 " Nominated by: (44Z-`r Sa 5 t'' Date: z/t) 77 Telephone number: &q 3 ` 74 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *FOR CAC USE ONLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Staff comments: Date reviewed by Community Appearance Committee: Action taken: Please return to: Community Appearance Awards Debra Charanza, Development Services P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -9960 r 4 NOMINATION -I S' .e City of College Station pper�,_ Community Appearance Award ---4.".4., The Community Appearance Awards program recognizes businesses that exhibit pride in the community through exceptional aesthetic enhancements to their business property, or through other contributions to the appearance of College Station. Businesses of all types are eligible for the award, such as non - profit organizations, small businesses, regional or national corporations, multi -tenant properties, apartment communities, etc. Nominations are accepted year- round. Awards are given twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. / � , Name of business: ,." _ f - Contact name /owner (if known): / ' / S OW !'( -' Telephone (if known): i Q' t i 6 y — ile) Address/location of nominated site: tiff/ 6� �� /_ / � A i ' / /iie Briefly explain why this location/business contributes to the appearance of the community: �l / n / H � L !A -1, vi--�' f ;,1 %k A. ► ' / / GG v at `l 1 - 1 � � ✓� A ti% I L / l A/ i ONWellri i / A inintE . • .■ . ■ .. Eft- 4.411L41 A 441, 41 - .,Ale .4-d-- 4.,t------- law..., _.. , .4. i .„, Alle ...- Srm, r., ' ,41171ViiMr, , ' , , , - _ MI. i 11..WMP!MA.:/g / / 4 1 ', bri) Nominated by: S >%1 sr I 0 �. Date: ' ?' 4 6 , ` ? T elephone number: b „ I , / �� 7 • / t—/ 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *FOR CAC USE ONLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Staff comments: Date reviewed by Community Appearance Committee: Action taken: Please return to: Community Appearance Awards Debra Charanza, Development Services P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -9960