HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/1968 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilCITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING May 27, 1968 Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Dan R. Davis Bill J. Cooley, James H. Dozier, Robert R. Rhodes, 0. M. Holt; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Attorney Don Dillon. Members Absent: T. R. Holleman Visitors Recording Their Presence: M. K. Thompson, Codie D. Wells, E. F. "Woody" Sevison, Mr. & Mrs. F. L. Thomas, Mrs. John V. Perry, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Gladden; Mrs. William S. Hall, Edward A. Linton, John A. Haislet, Robert P. Welsh, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Leabo, B. G. Foster, L. G. Reed, Mrs. George Draper, Mrs. James W. Divin, Mrs. J. D. Lindsay, Mrs. G. L. King, John C. Culpepper, Jr., Robert J. Williams, Robert L. Degner, Jackie N. Magouirk, Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Rose, Paul E. Pate, Earl H. Edwards, Dr. Joe R. Parker, Ray E. Abbott, Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Holdredge, F. J. Trost, Jack Upham, W. D. Fitch, Lane B. Stephenson, Alphonse L. Holik, Jr., Tom Stallworth, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zingaro, W. G. Adkins, Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Kozik, H. Bruce Fisher, William Blessing, Dr. 0. C. Cooper, Joseph McGraw, Mrs. Paul R. Kramer, Carl E. Shafer, Richard Mayer, K. R. Menefee, J. R. Gardner, E. C. Bashaw, E. C. Holt, Mrs. Homer Norton, Neal Ward, Marshall Miller, R. C. Fanquy, F. A. Gardner. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the College Station Council Room. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the minutes of the April 22, May 9, May 15, and May 20, 1968 Council meetings were approved. A public hearing was called by the Mayor on the question of rezoning a tract of land out of the Victor Dominik and Albert Dominik tracts of land from District No. 11 First Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District. The Mayor read a petition signed by various citizens opposing this rezoning. The Mayor also read a letter from Dr. Sidney A. Brown opposing the rezoning of this land. The Mayor was handed four additional petitions signed by numerous citizens opposing the rezoning. Jack Rhodes, who lives on Kyle Street, spoke in opposition of the rezoning because of the traffic problem it would create on various streets. John C. Culpepper, Jr. spoke infavor of the rezoning. He argued that the apartments to be built would be high-class and very well -kept. He said the apartments would be built for the betterment of College Station. Following additional discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, that Ordinance 569, an ordinance rezoning the Dominik property, be referred back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further study. The Mayor voted affirmatively on this motion. Motion carried unanimously. The election returns of the May 25 election were then canvassed. Councilman Holt introduced a resolution and order and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rhodes and the motion carrying with it the adoption of the resolution and order prevailed by the following vote, AYES: all, NOES: none. The resolution is as follows: 0W1 tf 10 or u City of College Station Minutes of Regular Meeting May 27, 1968 Page 2 There came on to be considered the returns of an election held on the 25th day of May, 1968, for the purpose of electing the hereinafter named official, and it appearing from said returns, duly and legally made, that there were cast at said election 454 valid and legal votes; that each of the candidates in said election received the following votes: FOR COUNCILMAN Charles H. Hall - 148 Dan R. Davis - 306 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That said election was duly called; that notice of said election was given in accordance with law, and that said election was held in accordance with law, and that Dan R. Davis was duly elected Councilman of said City at said election and said above named party is hereby declared duly elected to said respective office, subject to the taking of his oath as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. Following the adoption of the Resolution, Dan R. Davis was sworn in as Councilman. Davis McGill presented information on the forthcoming bond sale. He recommended that we not issue bonds for one-year recall based on information available to him. He suggested we issue bonds for a 20 or 25 year period with some assurance we could get a good rating if we passed a resolution indicating our desire to increase the tax base and decrease the tax rate. July 1 was set as the meeting date to sell the bonds and give them a rating. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the Young Brothers bid of Alternate "A" in the amount of $45,314.85, for the construction of County Road from Glade Street to State Highway No. 6, was passed and approved. A letter from E. V. Walton was read by the Mayor. The letter was concerned with the danger of children playing around the large curb outlets. The City Manager was requested to take appropriate action on this matter. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Dozier, a resolution concerned with road assessment where the City must buy the right-of-way, was passed and approved. The resolution in question follows: ,..When it becomes necessary for the City of College Station to purchase right-of-way grants or easements from property owners for the purpose of building, constructing or creating new roads, streets or highways, it shall be the policy of the City Council of said City to assess the entire costs of constructing curbs, gutters and sidewalks and not more than nine -tenths (910) of the remaining cost of such street improvements as shown on the estimate of costs against the abutting property and against the real and true owners thereof. Payment of said assessments shall be made as follows: 01070 City of College Station Minutes of Regular Meeting May 27, 1968 Page 3' (1) If the property owners concerned will voluntarily convey said right-of-way to the City of College Station at the then current appraised value as determined by a board of three disinterested and qualified appraisers and apply the purchase price, to the extent needed, to pay for the abutting property owners share of the cost of improvements so constructed; then, if any additional ccosts are due and owing from the property owners after applying the appraised value of their right- of-way grant, these additional costs of improvements may be paid to the City by the property owners over a three year period, with no interest due or payable, in equal annual installments. The first installment due and payable on or before the first day of the first month following the passage of one year from the date of the completion and acceptance of the street or road improvements by the City, and a like installment on or before said day and month of each year thereafter until the entire sum is paid. (2) If the abutting property owners refuse or fail to convey said right-of-way to the City at the current appraised value, as set out above, then the entire costs of the improvements to said property owners, shall be due and payable in full to the City on the date that said improvements are completed and accepted by the City. (3) If any of the annual installments described in (1) above shall become delinquent for more than ten days, and if the City Manager does not grant an extension of time for proper cause shown, then any balance remaining unpaid at that time shall become due and payable immediately and shall draw g per cent interest per annum until paid. (4) The amounts payable by the abutting property and the owners thereof shall be assessed against such abutting property and against the real and true owners thereof, and shall be a first and prior lien. After deducting.the total cost of curb and gutter and not more than 910 of all the remaining costs of the improve- ments, the remaining costs of the improvements shall be paid by the City of College Station. (5) The owners costs as defined in this policy shall be based on the minimum right- of-way width of 56 feet and minimum width of 38 feet of street pavement as adopted by the City Council. Costs of additional widths of right-of-way and street pave- ments as required by the City Council shall be assumed by the City of College Station. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance 570, an ordinance amending Ordinance 563, ordering improvements on County Road in the City of College Station, was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance 571, an ordinance determining to assess a part of the cost of improving a portion of County Road from Glade.Street to State Highway No. 6, was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Dozier, Ordinance 572, an ordinance ordering the improvement of certain portions of Highlands Street from Jersey Street to Luther Street; Montclair Avenue from Jersey Street to Luther Street; Ayrshire Street from Jersey Street to Bell Street; Bell Street from Ayrshire Street to Rereford Street; and Nimitz Street from Cooner Street to Sulphur Springs Road, was passed and approved. OJL077 'YO City of College Station Minutes of Regular Meeting May 27, 1968 Page 4 On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, Ordinance 573, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for the improve- ment of certain portions of Munson Avenue and Marsteller Avenue and directing the advertisement of bids for such improvements, was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance 574, an ordinance ordering the improvement of certain portions of Nagle Street from Inlow Blvd. to University Drive, was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Cooley and passed, landowners with curbing were given credit for $1.50 instead of the regular $1.00 per existing front foot of property. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the Young Brothers Bid, in the amount of $9,576.75, for asphalt overlay on Walton Drive and Kyle Avenue, was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the City Manager was authorized to pay for the water system improvements on Vance & Thurmond, Est. No. 6, in the amount of $15,465.12, and Bering Tank Division, Est. No. 5, in the amount of $31,207.50. Motion carried. On.motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the appointment of Nelson Durst as auditor for the City's records for the fiscal year 1967-65, was approved. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Codie Wells was employeed as designer for the sewer plant improvement as recommended in his letter of May 13, 1965. The motion also included the acquisition of land and development of additional drying beds. Motion passed. The City Manager is to take needed action. The date of June 14, 1965 6:00 p.m. at the Ramada Inn, was set for the Council budget meeting. On motion by, -Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the proposal from the Southwest Planning Associates dated May 24, 1965 for the development of a City plan in the amount of $15,000 to $20,000, was rejected by the Council. Motion carried. Such plan recommendation was not in keeping with the wishes of the Council, which requested a proposal for extension of zoning map to east and west by-passes. The consideration of street name changes for Jersey Street, County Road, State Highway No. 6, Wellborn Road, and Sulphur Springs Road from State Highway No. 6 to the East Loop, was discussed by the Council members. The Mayor was asked to put out a news release concerning street name changes and get the p.e.opleIs reaction. The Jaycee's request to have a carnival on the vacant lot across from the Circle Theater was refused by the Council because of possible noise. The Mayor was asked to handle this matter. MOPS City of College Station Minutes of Regular Meeting May 27, 1968 Page 5 The Mayor read a letter from Joe Hanover, of the Texas Highway Department, with reference to the City paying for cost of curb and gutter on FM 2154 from Jersey Street to the south City limits. The City Manager was requested to reply to the letter advising the Highway Department that the City would not pay for the curb and gutter. Karl Patton, local home builder, spoke on the issuance of building permits, in relation to deed restrictions, citing the problem he had in one area of the City. After considerable discussion, the Council adopted the policy that it was the responsibility of a builder to clear the building plan first with the deed restrictions committee and then turn such into the City for a building permit, assuming said committee approved. If the request is turned down by the committee, the reason for such will be obtained by the builder. If such reason is not in violation of the deed restrictions, the City will issue a building permit. Dr. J. D. Lindsay spoke on behalf of street name changes, suggesting North, South, East, and West University streets for roads on periphery of campus. He also called to the attention of the Council the need for better timing of lights at the East Gate. The City Manager was requested to handle this matter. At the request of City Attorney Dillon, Tom Giesenschlag was appointed as Assistant City Attorney, with the understanding that the salary now being paid to the City Attorney would be cut in half, the remaining half to be paid Giesenschlag. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Davis, the meeting was adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: .kms Mayor ATTEST: Assistant Cit ecretar City y r Y