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Electric Light and Power System Revenue Bonds Series 1955
l .r CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS * * * * ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1955, $265,000.00, 2- 3/ 4 + %, 3 %, 3 - 1/ 4 % * * * • WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1955 $110,000.00, 2 -3/4 %, 3 -1/2% MOLAR , CITY COIL :TM March 12, 1951 The City Council net in regular melon Baran. 12, 1951, at 700 p.m. with time following pews Niger Langford; Councilmen Amax, Badgett, Basely Halpin, and Orr; City Attorney Baer; City Secretary malinnis; City Minager Rtes., and Assistant City Secretary Boswell. The following visitors were present at this meetings Joel Austin from the Battalion, Isnneth Irish tram the Bryan Boars, and R. H. Balder from 4arles, Winston & Company. The minutes of preoseding meetings were read and apprwed. Councilman Orr mode a motion, seconded by Councilman Black, that the following list of citizens be appointed by the Ccwaoil as a Charter Commission and that the Charter Commission be authorised to prepare a preliminary draft for a city charter far the City of College Statiao n Texas; that Mmes Ernest Langford be chairmen of the eeenittee and that the ©omm ttee be authorised to employ whatever assistance that aey be needed in drafting the charters Ernest Langford, chairman, J. H. Sarrela, H. H. BUrgess,, .. A. Lipinsk asi Oden, J. C. Culpepper, Truman H. Jones, L. S. Riehmrds > W. D. Fitch, A. P. B ett, J. W. Beri ', D. B. Coffer, 8. R. Wright, C, Black, J. A. Orr, R. B. Halpin, Charles LaMbtte, and A. A. Pries, The Council vote was unanimous Li favor of the motion. £rat landard Ernst Langford Attests / A < 1, nnti N.M. McGinnis, City secretary 4 • THE STATE OF=LAS COUNTY OF ERAZt CITY OF =LIEGE 9TATIQ I, the undersigned, Assistant City Secretary of the City of College Station, Tee, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on the 2,211a day of March, 195j as appears on record in Volume 2, Page Minutes of the City Council. WI1?ESS MY HAND and the seal of said City, this the al day of October 1954. Assistant City Seer- , City of College Station, Texas ( SEAL) w •. Or S .. ... C1ry CCC cu November 23, 1951 The City Council met in regular *elision at 7s00 p.a. novelber 13, 1951, with the following errs putts *par r Langford; Conne llmen Badgstt, Byer, Borett, Halpin, Orr; 01.10 Attorney i Assistant Ci City ; City Secretary McGinnis. Visitors presents L. G. Janes, C. J. Besse, T. B. *Wee, W. A. Stretch, Jr. representing the Battalion. Gcdiaaatsors No. 166, an ardinanor repealing 4rdinenos $o. 119, vea approved. Ordinance no. 119 vas an ordinance ooaaerning regulation of traffic within the City of College Station. • Ordinance Bo. 167 entitled "The Traffic Conde of 1951 for the City at College Station* wee unanimously apps and its caption ordered published. By unemtmeum tots 4rdirta'nes no. 16S, an ()Mimes ct'deuris a special elation fear the adoption or rre#eotion of the proposed City Charters adopted. The data at January 8, 1952, was set es the date of the election. This a$tion vas to aertitio*tjeen ter the Chairman and Seams of the f that the proposed charter is ready for printing and Miaea T1* *prim authorised to publish notice of * s election for 1, January 8, 19 such nom to be l public places within the city and to be affiolattr t . . The City Menagsr vows instructed to oar and place all signs necessary for trai'fis regulations. 04 MUM by Councilman ', monied by Councilmen 7 `i s Ct� portion P or the zsoctesee dations of with ame au is to read se f date or asptaad ► 10, 195 PLUM. The North Gate Area of College Station be send i' P as finales A, imam maw L (C a.ii. to 5 p.m..,r S and holiday') 14 firth Suds Onto from Stassar Starlet to a point apptejy 200 foot soot r 1ayett Stree 2) Both sides of Mehl Street fact Church Street to TA L60. 34 South side of !*0 # sotiom of Tauber end !") 60 to inters/4Sn of Skin Street and 7160. B. 6411 PAWN tam (8 a. *. to 5 pJi, es+o/Pt wadi rr and halide:re) South ebb 7M 6Q from ''atfia Cirale to CZd H 6, oPt es noted in A.3, sod the Barth Side of !`�i from a point 200 test east cut Boy eta Strout to Old Highway No, 6, City Council Minting MoveMber 23, 1951 Pip two Councilmen Dedgett and Boyer were appointed to constitute a aPeatal committee to considirr the possibilities of purchasing and davelagag a park site Mr the negroes of the community. A petition signed tq T. B. 'WAN, L. G. Jones and others requeet. Jag mortal* romiliork: wee tabled pending further collection of monies from all property owners concerned. The City Manager wee authorised to confer with the City Inginser . 1 ' . relative to placing a three feet pipe in the dos in the lake area of '1 College Ptirk4 APPROVEN S/ Ernest Langford /War ( ATTESTs 14. 140Gin32ill . 4 niE STATE OF TEXAS 1 1 COUNTY OF IRAZOS '1 1 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION i 1' P I the undersigned, Assistant City Secretary of the City of ColleEe I Station, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true q and correct copy from tbe Minutes of ReEular City Council Meeting held on I the 11th day of jiovember, 1Q51 as appears on record in Volume 3, Page/Q.5am 26 Minutes of the City Council. - viIMSS MY :'ND and the seal of said City, this the 23ca day of iWaLer• Assistant City Seer- City,- ColleEe Station, rexis If • CRDDA IE NO. 168 AM CODA= CALLIIC FCt SI CIAL EISCTIOi WORM, by a vote at Wo.thirds at more of its assmbers, The City Cowell selected �ted s charter aor�reiasian consisting at *Water (16 to prepare a proposed charter far this city; and Wes, said Charter Commission has completed its work and has approved lnam c n sd a proposed charter for adoption t the quelif and and sets J.msszy 8, 1952 as the date for a s ol*etian to be held far the of allowing the q � voters to pees an said propose ohsrtsrt now t , � refore, ME IT CIAIN 19 bpi the City Council of the City of College Station, Toms 1. A special election shall be emd is hereby ordered to be held on Jamasay 8, 1'9► , taor the purpose of enabling the qualified voters to pass on a proposed meter for the City of College Statism, Teats, as prepared and anb®itted by the City Charter Cisodssian. 2. %lists shall be prepared so that voters soy vote !For the Adoption at the Charter as properod t' the City Charter Cpssrtssien" or °Against the ideption of the Charter as prepared bin the Citric tsar Camsissior. 3. fulling pleas far said Wootton shall be the City }fall. The following persons are bebT t ed as election was L. G. Jones, Mrs. C. E. Culber and Ins. E. E. Ate. 4. 'foe palls still be opened prompt]; at eight (8) a.m. and slow at swoon t?) p.a. The provisions of the love et the State *flexes gewerning gmeral election Abe Observed and o y qualified voters shall vote. Notice at said election posted in the official three public plasm and et* s spapsrs. Passed and approved this the 13th d4 of 4 saber, 1951.. 1. D. AMP/EDI s/ Ernest Iangford MOT M. McGinnis City Seareterir * ••••• STATE OF IFIAS 1 COUNTY OF bRALOS 1 CITY 0? COLLirig STATION I the undersiEned, Assistant City Secretary of the City of College Station, Tames, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copg of Ordinance No. 168, an ordinance passed by the City Council of said City on the 1314 day of ka1gas1o_1251 as appears on record , in Volume 24 hige i, ordinance Look of said City. lTNESS MI 1:1441) and the seal of said City, this the 23= day of 1Q4, Assistant City Secre'' , city /. Co11e Station, Teems . SEAL) 1 ; is :r Kiln C ` sPEGIAL SWIM TO TZ Ct Tit Gr! COW= AHD T1$ CM "matter CF TIE CV! CF CCLIZtlt SUZ ICt1, =Its !CT= MUT MN that a special meeting at tie City Conrail Of the City at SUM= will be bbl on the 9th d"' et 43inunm 1952 at the City Hain said eit ,►' at 51003 p.m. for the popes. of paring en matters as fellows 1. Comm res is of special *3ns1ln of January • 2. Adopt charter u the law of the atty. Dated the 9th day of Janueryt 1952. s/ Hrnast tangford � II 1 w, t at C o U * g e , ' I $ { 3/ N. 14. McGinnis City Secretary. t or College Ststioal. Tames callifF T9 ve, t• undersigned matbare at the City Council and tau City Attorney et the City of �� ° aerobe re the tem** nastier. vetting any �ii� �a � sash nett** mad Call per. t o r. d d for Us there S/ Harry L. Boyer S /�, - - ,.....rte S/ A. P. Eloyett S/ W. H. badgett 5/ William D. i{ #.tch S/ R. B. Halpin Councils= S/ J. Wheeler Barger City Attor y I i ..;■■•• 'NW TR4 STATE OF MIAS COD= OF BRAZOS 1 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION I I the undersigned, Assistant City ,Aecretary of the City of College Station, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and forefoing is a true and correct copy of Notice of Special Meeting held on the uh day of Januqry nia as appears on record in Volume 3 Page 22 Minutes of the City Council, WITNESS MY hAND and the seal of said City, this the day of iktadltir4.215k. ,./ Agsistant City Se.. tary, CV of collage 3 .tion, Texas crSPE CIALCITYCOACILMIDIO January 9, 195.4 Ile City Council met in special esseion at 5100 Nu. J 9, 1952, with the f o Swett, , t' tx'�� presents Mayor Lp�'�y� 11 men *new Rogers. 'aarlpiy 4rt Cife�, j City sp y o f w a to s r+f 'fie of 'tie e of • i said eleatt Wae city ��� � �,° C 3��iaia of � t perrapgt� itself that tips College :�'• satis fied , af�'ial mtm. Baas 220 far adopter as d 11 the follo Orr int�t*oduoe,t and Councilman MO/Mai �tiion�',?om � Cor d, of the City of The pimple of the City of College Station having voted 220 for and 11 againit the adoption of the the Charter is b ada erd and free this declared to be 'she law of oit door ' ► broom's the .far Connell vote wee unanimous In favor of the motion. A ' 'ROMD$ .fit f ATTESTI I NoGinais City r ean+tte�y 4 ' i 4 4 ' 111•■ THE STATS OF TZIAS COUNTY OF }RAMS i 1 i CITY Of COLLF,CPi; STATION I I, the undersigned, Assistant City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy from the Minutes of Special. City Council Meeting 1 on the w day of 4nuArv 1Q52 as appears on record in Volume 3 Fate 44 Minutes of the City Council, WITNZSS NY AND and the seal of said City, this the 23rd day of Qiiliebaz (SEAL) __ Assistant City e tary, College 3tation, Texas g of ; 1 i 1 i I , I 1 I i I II I . 1 C E R T I F I C A T E THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached copies of: (1) Appointment of Charter Commission; (2) Ordinance 168 adopted November 13, 1951, calling election on adoption of Home -Rule Charter; (3) Noticecf Special Meeting of City Council, dated January 9, 1952; and (4) Resolution adopted January 9, 1952, canvassing returns and declaring results of charter adoption election, are true and correct copies of the originals of such instruments • n file in my office. I further certify that said Ordinance 168 and said . esolution adopted January 9, 1952, were adopted after a proper lotion, second, and unanimous vote of all members present of the ity Council of said City. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY, this 14th day of December, 195+. /s/ N. M. McGinnis N. M. ,cGinnis, City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas SEAL) 401k, - 1 C E R T I F I C A T E THE STATE CF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS We, the undersigned, Mayor and City Secretary, respectively, of the City of College Station, Texas, certify as follows: (1) That following the adoption of the Home -Rule Charter of said City by virtue of the election held January 8, 1952, the Mayor certified to the Secretary of State of Texas an authenticated copy of said Charter under the seal of said City, showing the approval thereof by the qualified voters of such Charter, as provided by Article 1173, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925; and (2) That the City Secretary duly recorded said Charter at length upon the records of said City, in a separate book kept in his office for such purpose, as provided by Article 1174, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY, this the 20th day of December, 1954. /s/ Ernest Langford Mayor f sf . N. M. McGinnis (SEAL) 1 SOME OP sawn 0300C IL or r eta OM 01 too coital OP Skitiaatt sotto. Si Woo* t to of meeting et tho CiAigy Ilkoosoll City ele Clotho. o Woos tat tho vorsolor os o3oso thoroot *I _L W,* 4.14. en tits SO dato oft *N 199 the PorPoot et *d tz ' d $10.0111111, liesteostas ostoos. maths to else- tie* t o ot or t taw r oalootain tomb& 1 the resident iUt t yt oalliois so 02ootioo to OW pootalso• t tS ON 1111011 AO TAX OPIPICIAL ORAL P ern, Wit *so or NiovostOop. 1954* ,1 any * ;. ,:. 4?" - T eery 4e tl" b _ 11 tom. Or t CIA _ - the Oily a CO liege atot forist tompoby oitiolooloiset s000lpt + ` tho . Owe =tic* Of I oarosent to thaw tolitting et odd 1 y 0 /9 110101LI,i . .. . .. . , / 4*. ,, .k- li 2 ' 0 c* rush / �■- G'2�� C:.-t.-.-A.e ` 1• r�meaa«u»w»m.wwo-w UOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION 10 THE DULY QUALIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE TATIO N, TEXAS, WHO OWN TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY AND 0 HAVE DULY RENDERED THE SAME FOR TAXATION Notice is hereby given that a special election ill be held in the City of College Station, Texas, on the 1st day of December 1954, pursuant to the following ordinance adopted by the City Council of said City, to -wit: AN ORDINAiEAUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; MAKING PROVISION FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON; AND PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in special session at the City Hall within said City on the 8th day of November, 1954, with the following members present, to -wit: Ernest Langford Mayor J. A. Orr Councilman A. P. Boyett Councilman Ernest Seeger Councilman G. W. Black Councilman Joe H. Sorrels Councilman N. M. McGinnis City Secretary M. C. Pu. Councilman and the following members absent, to -wit: AVON C , when the following business was transacted: The Mayor introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Councilman OR R_ made a motion that the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman PU4 (j , and carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Orr, Pugh, Boyett, Seeger, Black, and Sorrels. NOES: None. The Mayor requested that he recorded as voting 'Aye'. The ordinance thus adopted follows: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; MAKING PROVISION FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON; AND PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS WHEREAS, under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the Home -Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, said City has authority to issue revenue bonds as hereinafter provided; and WHEREAS, before said bonds can be issued, they must be approved at an election by a majority vote of the resident qualified electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, voting at said election; THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: Section 1: That an election shall be held in and throughout the City of College Station, Texas, on the 1st day of December, 1954, at which election there shall be submitted to the duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon, the following proposition, to -wit: PROPOSITION SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PER CENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE CITY'S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, SAID BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND SECURED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED IN ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AND TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES, BY PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM, AND, AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BY ALSO PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, EITHER OR BOTH; EACH BOND TO BE CONDITIONED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND THE PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF ANY FUND RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION? (The probable period of use- fulness of said improvements is forty (40) years.) Section 2: That the probable period of useful- ness of the improvements for which the bond funds are to be expended is forty (40) years. Section 3: That said election shall be held at the following places, and the election officials shall be, for the purpose of this election, as follows: In Ward No. 1 at the following polling place, to- wit: (LA- h, 6-K4 (4.- Q�dLia ()-C Presiding Judge t. 0. Assistant Judge `1 k M . Clerk 9 h • �-� Ur is 1 . C lerk C _ 8 . In Ward No. 2 at the following polling place, to -wit: -e .a ti a - 1)1 .. Presiding Judge & R. (�l Assistant Judge - K. CL/A■ Clerk r . �• (.43 Clerk i14114- . w . ('1 . o &_ _9 _&..%L. In Ward No. 3 at the following polling place, to -wit: 00)1ji • 4 - 441ks Gk Presiding Judge (' . (! • 4 Assistant Judge MU". &. . P. ,a 91 Clerk At-t.• . IsA) • 8. at2. Clerk (, k Section t+: That said election shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and only duly qualified resident electors of the City of College Stt ion who own taxable property within said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be qualified to vote. Section 5: That the ballots of said election shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Election Code of the State of Texas, Chapter 492, Acts of the 52nd Legislature, 1951, so far as applicable, and shall have printed thereon the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVE- MENT REVENUE BONDS In accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Election Code (codified by Vernon as Article 6.05 of said Code), a square shall be printed on the ballot beside each of the above expressions. The voter may vote by placing an X or a plus sign, or any mark that clearly shows his intent on, in the square beside the expression of his choice; or he may vote by marking out one of the above expressions, thus leaving the other as indicating his vote of the proposition. Section 6: That notice of said election shall be given by posting a copy of a notice containing a sub- stantial copy of this ordinance at the City Hall and at a public place in each of the wards within said City not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and by publishing such notice on I the same day In each of two successive weeks in The Battalion, a newspaper of general circulation published within said City and which newspaper is the official newspaper of said City, the first of said publications to be not later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election. Section 7: That if said proposition is approved by a majority vote of the electors voting at said election, the same will constitute an approval of this ordinance and of the authority of the City Council to issue said bonds. Section 8: That the issuance of said bonds is hereby authorized, subject to the approval by a majority vote of the resident qualified property taxpaying voters voting at the election hereinabove provided, in accordance with the provisions of Section 63 of Article VI of the City's Home -Rule Charter; and that if the bonds are so approved at the election, the details governing the issuance thereof shall be fixed and specified by ordinance or ordinances duly adopted by the City Council subsequent to the holding of said election. Section 9: That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of November, 1954. /L ') �' �a Mayor, City /College Station, ATTEST: Texas. /--' "'OW If .t City Secretary (SEAL) • THE STATE OF TEXAS f COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the notice of bond election, including a true and correct copy of an ordinance calling said election adopted by the City Council of said City at a special meeting thereof, to- gether with an excerpt from the minutes of said meeting showing the adoption thereof, as same appears of record in the official minutes of said City Council on file in my office. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY, this 8th day of November, 1954. City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas (SEAL) inIVPUT ?t STATE ar TUAS 1 COMY OF WA= Asi'oze aye, the undereighed authority, on this day per- sonally appeased*. N. Nedinnia, City Se o retery ot ths tatty of College Stator;`, Text, sho being by a duly awora„ a °awl deposes and that on the / 7 , dilky t X0,110110114 lam, he CM ONO aarreet copy ot the attached and fore- going nottee of speed/at eleetion at the follShial pubitc� planes within the City of college Station,, to-wit: (1) At Ma door of the � (2) At ty .l. �. ,;. /. ��: ', � � ..�.,,,,,, � �r � ,,;. tit lj (3) At J . > ' in Ward No. 2; end (4) At hart N0. 3. That h of said notices was posted th rt d public ply mess thin fourteen (14) Pull drys Aster te the date fixed for said eleation. 1 N _ ,,,,,.., SWORN TO AND SUMCNICSID 111Pede Pa this / 7 , . sad sevember, 1954. Notary rr Brasov county, Temp ONIANV .) • (Attach Newspaper Clipping) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HAS 1 BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Publisher of The Battalion who, bbeing by me duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: That the attached notice was published in the Battalion a newspaper published in the English language and of general circulation in the City of College Station T e x a s , for more than one year prior to the date of the first publication of said notice, i n the issues of ... alter .J and November s 1954, and that the attached newspaper clipping is a true and correct copy o._ said published notice. SWORN TO AND SUB CRIBED BEFORE ME, this 2nd day of December, 195 Notary Public' in and for Brazos County, T ae (SEAL) W ELECTION RETURNS THE STATE OF TEXAS i WARD NO. 1 COUNTY OF BRAZOS I We, the undersigned officers holding an election at AM 00hr., rchool k -zoic Room in the ward shown above on the 1st day of December, 1954, on the following proposition, to -wit: SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PER CENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENT'S AND EXTENSIONS TO THE CITY'S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, SAID BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND SECURED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED IN ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AND TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES, BY PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM, AND, A T THE OPTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BY ALSO PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, EITHER OR BOTH; EACH BOND TO BE CONDITIONED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND THE PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF ANY FUND RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION? (The probable period of use - fuleness of said improvements is forty (40) years.) do hereby certify that there were cast at said voting place 214 votes, of which there were cast: FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,00,0 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS votes AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS `'' votes MAJORITY "'V° THE ISSUANCE (For or Against) OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS /1:! votes We further certify that only duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who had duly rendered the same for taxation were permitted to vote at said election. Enclosed you will find poll lists and tally sheets and other papers required by law. , ing Judge Assistant Judge / -A. Clerk / Clerk // Clerk E CTIO J RETyRNS THE STATE OF TEXAS WARD NO. COUNTY OF BRAZOS i We, the undersigned officers holding an election at J.C. Culpepper'' Offie ,121 UCUmain the ward shown above on the 1st day of December, 1954, on the following proposition, to -wit: SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PER CENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE CITY'S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, SAID BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND SECURED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED IN ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AND TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES, BY PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM, AND, A T THE OPTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BY ALSO PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, EITHER OR BOTH; EACH BOND TO BE CONDITIONED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND THE PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF ANY FUND RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION? (The probable period of use - fuleness of said improvements is forty (40) years.) do hereby certify that there were cast at said voting place ;; votes, of which there were cast: FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS votes AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS votes MAJORITY , . THE ISSUANCE (For or Against) OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS k .t votes We further certify that only duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who had duly rendered the same for taxation were permitted to vote at said election. Enclosed you will find poll lists and tally sheets and other papers required by law. Presiding Judge Assistant`Judge Clerk Clerk Clerk 410 ET�ECTION RETURNS 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS WARD NO. COUNTY OF BRAZOS i We, the undersigned officers holding an election at C. H3 in the ward shown above on the 1st day of December, 195+, on the following proposition, to -wit: SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PER CENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE CITY'S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, SAID BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND SECURED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED IN ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AND TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES, BY PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM, AND, A T THE OPTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BY ALSO PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, EITHER OR BOTH; EACH BOND TO BE CONDITIONED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND THE PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF ANY FUND RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION? (The probable period of use - fuleness of said improvements is forty ( years.) do hereby certify that there were cast at said voting place :35 votes, of which there were cast: FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS 33 votes AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS votes MAJORITY For THE ISSUANCE (For or Against) OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS votes We further certify that only duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who had duly rendered the same for taxation were permitted to vote at said election. Enclosed you will find poll lists and tally sheets and other papers required by law. Presiding Judge Assistant Judge y--J7574 Clerk Clerk Clerk v /A.) .5-4-4..t.t. • r 3 TIM ! AT* 0? TEX A l 1 CoUlifY OF BRAZOS 1 Ma, the undersigned, members of the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, certify that a spatial meeting of said City Council was sailed by the Mayor to be held on December 2nd, 1954, for tho purpose of adopting an ordinance canvassing the returns end declaring the result of the band election held within said City on the let day of December, 195 and that we were duly notified of sold meeting and consented thereto, but were unable to attend. We further certify that we do hereby ratify, adopt, confirm and approve all proceedings had by said City Connell at the called meeting mentioned above, Including the adoption of the aforesaid ordinance. be =i OUR flA11D$, this t f day of J a ' . ya 195$ �1 *r C• back r AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULT OF BOND ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in Sp e. c.„ session at the City Hall within said City on the day of December, .�.Jr y 1954, with the follow- ing members present, to -wit: Ernest Langford Mayor J. A. Orr Councilman A. P. Boyett Councilman Ernest Seeger Councilman G 4 Biftek GeruncHman Joe H. Sorrels Councilman N. M. McGinnis City Secretary and the following members absent, to -wit: P U.i t+ 4 D , when the fallowing business was transacted: The Mayor introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Councilman made a motion that the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman , and carried by the following vote. AYES: Councilmen Orr, Rte, Boyett, Seeger, Blame*, and Sorrels. NOES: None. The Mayor requested to be recorded as voting "Aye." The ordinance thus adopted follows: AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULT OF BOND ELECTION WHEREAS, there was held in the City of College Station, Texas, on the 1st day of December, 1954, an election at which was submitted to the duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who had duly rendered the same for taxation the following proposition, to -wit: PROPOSITION SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PER CENT (k ) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE CITY'S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, SAID BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND SECURED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED IN ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AND TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES, BY PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY' S ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM, AND, AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BY ALSO PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, EITHER OR BOTH; EACH BOND TO BE CONDITIONED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND THE PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF ANY FUND RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION? (The probable period of use- fulness of said improvements is forty (40) years.) WHEREAS, there were cast at said election 21 5 votes, of which number there were cast: FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS a.:3/ votes AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS 2*, votes MAJORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $300,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS i0/ votes as shown in the official election returns heretofore duly and lawfully submitted to this City Council and filed with the City Secretary; THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: Section 1: That said election was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with law; that said election was held in the manner required by law; that only duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who had duly rendered the same for taxation voted at said election; that said election has resulted favorably to the issuance of the bonds; that a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds; and that said election resulted in the approval of the ordinance passed by this City Council on the 8th day of November, 1954, authorizing the issuance of said bonds and calling said election. Section 2: That the City Council is authorized to issue said bonds and to do any and all things necessary and convenient therewith. Section 1: That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this &AU, day of December, 1954. Mayor, City of' oC" liege Station ATTEST: II City Secretary (SEAL) . . THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, certify that the attached and fore- going is a true and correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Council of said City, together with an excerpt from the minutes showing the adoption thereof, as same appears of record in the official minutes of said City Council on file in my office. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY, this the day of December, 1954. — e/ City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas (SEAL) +1 OROINAME AUTIORMO2 THE ADYMISEXENT OP in was of crry OF COLLEGE C TIM MU 0? TIMAS COUVIT OP BRAZOS 1 The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in r +;ular season at the City Sall within said City an t e 20th day of Desemher, 1954, with the following i,t the Idiagtord yor J. A. Ow Council a m A, P. Boyett Counee► mat Zoeger Councilman 1 W, Black k"oiaailama JO, &. So veil Council N, C. Pugh Counc i n N. N. *Ginnie cityi when the fallowing business eAllt 't,ids The X ty r introduced am oi' !trance M s road in full. Coun.1lntn Orr made a motion that tho ordinance be adopted as road. The motion was seconded by Cout t .. _ B9yett„ ....f and carried by the tome vote: Coemetboni 41 ►„ Ott, 8 , Serrels, and tom. MO .S s tone. M is be miderded as voting ' Aye. ► Tho ordieSikai thus adopted tidIlimo s AN CRS E A tlx 4 AIMMINnimiiire OF TVS SALE 01 ClYT 0? COLLBGE STATION MOM DOI news, wsuant to an eltion held on the Cth day. of January, 1951, the issuance of #70,000 revenue bonds for the aviiposs building trosevementa to the 0lectric light Sad power systes,„ 00,E r bemds fOr the purpose of Constructing 1pnts and extending. to the smidessrls eyot re, and 010,000 reverme bonds for the purpose of constructing Improvements and extensions to the sewer system, was authorised by majority vote of the qualified resident texpayinc voter, of said City votint at said election, all said bonder to be unused by a pledge of the aft ressinuen of the Its and sewer systems and WHEREAS, , said Wade Men Ii*, and out of the total or 000,000 venue bonds voted at said election, a first installment of *60 of bonds and a seoond installment of $30, 000 of bonds have bile authorised; WHENNAB the City Council now wishes to issue and sell the remaining *110,000 of M onth authorised at the •3tion held Jeneery 8, 1 931] and WEREAS, pursuant *s an ordinance here#orere adopted and to an election held on tits of e„ 1954, revenue bonds in the amount or € 0 a 000 for the purpose of oemstructiell IMprovemonte and exteMeieMe to the CLty'e existing Sanitary reeler Systems (Mid beside $ be seeured by pledges the net PONOOMMOR Sr** the arpsestion et I! City's Electric Light and rower alps004, hen boss solasoplisdi i,,, thin City Council hit determined to lefts a first ine.ellnent of slid *300,000 voted end authorised bps,, to-ott i 065,000 tot said boat; and WHBREAS, it is provided n Section f of Article VI " the ML.t'i Nem W estoter that Winds shall be advertised once 4 meat for Iwo conseeutive wk*, the first publication to be at least fourteen days prior to the time sot for the sale et said Wade, tad That said bonds shall be sold at public sale for the beet bids UMN10,11 BE INT oPIDAINED * VMS ern mom or TIM Mr OF COLLEGE STATION: awagisaAS That the Payer harehy autlearised • d directed to publiob the following advertisemeat The Battalion, the offtelel newspaper of said City, on o 60 in each of two weeks the tirat b lica tleft to be et least fourteen dap prior to the time set for the sale of said bondss The . : ` L, Tome %iu poet,* esaled bids at City . Colleee tf 44 70 0 P4/4 4 17 * 1955 On tbe t i et the Clot City : to be papebbi dm end plekbp et the est moos '` the motereeete sad City, I Ato tike MVO*' et* *Soh te build ad pasebsis toseemstodo exteiedissi to ortts led easteatient to the M s the stow *setae or eal4 City, ftitd my the third md mei t* v140.8 ilisassos MU Mr et . to boo bl* timat s elfolyik Of the rowilwidd O 00 eik the iliteetple het Ida O+* et o atb !t rya Weft ero the Mot t or - 1 1954. Aso 4 bid forms any hi Mewed trealikii 1111114.0031, CillOMMMIOIN City Hall, College Ptation, / /, A ittesit ` k ear fit Co tt..b' , ems jimMititt Ilbst this oralsaime OW affect fry ecnd after ite per. 7 /* ' r APPROVED this of , 1954. _ Ctt Station WNW ATTLIT: c City Secretary (SEAL) THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUN Y CF BRAZOS 4 I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of Cope Station, Texas, certify that the attached and mot is a true and correct copy of an made adopted by the City Council of said City, together with an excerpt from the minutes showing the adoption th eof, as same appears of record in the official minutes of said City Council on file in ny office. WITNESS MY HAND ARM THE OFFICIAL gam+ @! 3AID CITY this day of December, 1954. City secretary, City of College Station, Texas ORAL) J N Thursday, December 30, 1954 THE BATTALION Page 5 College Station, Texas LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of College Station, Texas, will receive sealed bids at the City Hall, College Station, Texas, at 7:30 P.M., January 17, 1955 on the following revenue bonds of the City: $110,000 City of College Station Revenue Bonds to be payable from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the net revenues of the waterworks and sanitary sewer system of said City, to be issued for the purpose of securing funds with which to build and purchase improvements and extensions to the electric light system, and construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks system and the sewer system of said City. Said bonds are the third and final installment of $200,000 of bonds voted January 8, 1951. $265,000 City of College Station Revenue bonds to be payable from and secured by a pledge of the net revenues from the operation of the electric light and power system of said City, to be issued for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the City's existing sanitary sewer system. Said bonds are the first installment of $300,000 of bonds voted December 1, 1954. Complete financial statement, terms of sale, and bid forms may be secured from Mr. Ran Boswell, City Manager, City Hall, College Station, Texas. Ernest Langford, Mayor City of College Station, Texas (Attach Newspaper Clipping) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Publisher of The Battalion who, bbeing by me duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: That the attached notice was published in the The Battalion a newspaper published in the English language and of general circulation in College Station, Texas, for more than one year prior to the date of the first publication of said notice, i n the issues of December 30, 1 954 .. and January , and that the attached newspaper clipping is a true and correct copy of said published notice. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 18th day of Jan °nary, 1955. Notary Public in andor srazo a Co unt: , ; Texas (SEAL) 1 �t t TEE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF DALLAS On this the $ h day of J ' Z41 , 19 55 , personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, Winifred Scott_ duly authorized agent of the Texas Band Reporter, who being by me dully sworn on oath deposes and says; The attached is a true and correct copy of notice of nals of 0110,000 City of College 'Aldine Immo Duds and $266,000 City of College rtation Weenie Bends, as published in the Psssrbsr 27, 1 eel the .J- l * isswe of the Itr. bOOD , tom d efdertissrent. iLl"'4Ih Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 40 day of January , 19 0 • 7)(4.1.11 ' 1/.4f/A If Note Public, Dallas County, Texas Jee<b l r, hyenas Cbmapss7 December 27, 195 TEXAS BOND REPORTER 198 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of College Station, Texas, will receive sealed bids at the City Hall, College Station, Texas, at 7:30 P.M,, January 17, 1955 on the following revenue bonds of the City. $110,000 City of College Station Revenue Bonds to be payable from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the net reverses of the waterworks and sanitary sewer system of said City, to be issued for the purpose of securing funds with whir.) to build and purchase improvements and extensions to the electric light system, and construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks system and the sewer system of said City. Said bonds are the third and final installment of $200,000 of bonds voted January 8, 1951. $265,000 City of College Station Revenue bonds to be payable from and secured by a pledge of the net revenues from the operation of the electric light and power system of said City, to be issued for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the City's existing sanitary sewer system. Said bonds are the first installment of $300,000 of bonds voted December 1, 1954. Complete financial statement, terms of sale, and bid forms may be secured from Mr. Ran Boswell, City Manager, City Hall, College Station, Texas, Ernest Langford, Mayor City of College Station, Texas PAID ADV, Copyright, 1954, by Texas Bond Reporter, Inc. January, 1955 TEXAS BOND REPORTER 682 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of College Station, Texas, will receive sealed bids at the City Hall, College Station, Texas, at 7030 P.M., January 17, 1955 on the following revenue bonds of the City. $110,000 City of College Station Revenue Bonds to be payable from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the net revenues of the waterworks and sanitary sewer system of said City, to be issued for the purpose of securing funds with which to build and purchase improvements and extensions to the electric light system, and construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks system and the sewer system of said City. Said bonds are the third and final installment of $200,000 of bonds voted January 8, 1951. $265,000 City of College Station Revenue bonds to be payable from and secured by a pledge of the net revenues from the operation of the electric light and power system of said City, to be issued for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the City's existing sanitary sewer system. Said bonds are the first installment of $300,000 of bonds voted December 1, 1954, Complete financial statement, ttrms of sale, and bid forms may be secured from Mr. Ran Boswell, City Manager, City Hall, College Station, Texas. Ernest Langford, Mayor City of College Station, Texas PAID ADV. Second Insertion Copyright, 1955, by Texas Bond Reporter, Inc, NOTICE AND CONSENT TO SPECIAL MEETING THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS ' Notice is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the City Council of City of College Station 1955 at the regular meeting place on the 25th day of January • i at M., for the purpose of adopting an ordinance authorizing the issuance of $110,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds and $265,000 Electric Light & Power System Revenue Bonds. WITNESS our hands and the official seal of said City this 2rf day of January, 1955. ATTEST: Mayor ' r �.bialU (SEAL) City Secretary e * e We, the undersigned, members of the City Council of the City of College Station - r .+nsowledge receipt ' the above Notice and hereby consent to the holding of said special meeting. S A. Orr /) -*- -� L A. P. Boyet • `Ernest eger ..__ G. W. Bieck '*10 H. 5onele � fr -. ,Nid rY' f.i isammena THE STATE OP IMO 3 3 COUNTY OP SO0204 S the City Conseil of the City of College Station, Tome. con- vened la spatial •ssston at the City Nall within sold City an the nth dam► or Jam, 1955, with the following members present, to-wit: Ernest Longford mayor J.A, Orr Councliman N. C. Pugh Councilmen A. r. Myatt Councilman Ernest Mow Councilman C. W. Block Councilmen Joe 11. Sorrels Comae llama N. 4. No0Innia City 3.Orsta y end the folly ember* absent. ii*n the tallowUi$ iw si ss NW transacted: The Meyer inked an to d ranee ithio r use reed in full. camallum 0 R R mode a motion that the oje adopted as writ. SW notion nos seesoded by Councilmen 131 14 - , end sorft d bt the S'1lleving "oto s AVMs Councilmen Orr. PION Hoy tt, r. S1*Sk, end s. : None. The Mayor request- ed that he be record se voting 'Aye*. The ordinance thus adopted follows: AN CODINANCE. AUT lR12INS tug IS' Of *265,000.00 CITY Or COLLINS TI0 ELECTRIC War AND MOS SUTER ifs OMNI= 1955; !1`IS ' 'O/ gab 101101131,1 AND NMI= SININUION OCIR fig NNW OP !rl3L A MOM MOOS • ..r Yea, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, on the 8th day of November, adopted an ordinance calling an election on the question of the issuance of revenue bonds of said City to the amount of $300,000.00, for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the City's existing sanitary sewer system, raid bonds to bear interest at a rate amt to exceed Four per cent (4 %) per annum and to meter* aerially over • period of years not to a xeesd 30 years frets their date or dates, said bonds to be secure. by a pledge of the net reevenurs from the operation of the City's electric light and power system, and at the option of the City Council, also by a pledge of the net revenues from the onion of the City's waterworks system end sanitary sower system and MUUAS, said election was held pursuant to said ordinals**, and in accordance with law, on the let day of Desem4er, 1954, and resulted favorably to the issuance of said revenue bonds; and $ AS, the City Council duly adopted an ordinance declaring the results of said election and determined the specific authority of the City to issue said bonds; and WRERFAS, the City Council now deems it advisable to issue a first installment of 4265,000.00 out of said voted bonds, leaving the remaining 435,000.00 voted bonds to be subsequently issued when needed to carry out the voted purpoae;and wHEREAS, the City Council has determined, in accordance with the proposition submitted to and approved by the qualified resident taxpaying voters of said City at said election, to secure said bonds by a pledge of the net revenues from the operation of the City's electric light and power system. WHEREAS, it is now necessary and proper that the City Council proceed with the issuance of such bonds. Therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP COLLEGE STATION: • rrr Andias fait pursuant to the Constitution and ,Latinos of Os State al , including particularly Articles 1111 to 1118, betb Ineluelve, Of Ur n'e Texas Civil. statutes, 1925, as amended, and the charter of the City or College Station, and in accordanes with the election held for the purpose, there shall be issued the bobs or said City in the prriecipal sun of Two Hundred Sixty-Five Thou *and Dollars (4 .00), to be known and designate as "CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM UM BOWS, EERIE'S 1955 ", to be numbered consecutively from One (1) to TMe Hundred `'ixt3 Five (SW, both inclusive, in the denomination or One Thousand Dollars (41,000.00) sack, aggre- gating Two Hundred Sixty -Five Thousand Dollars (4265,000.00); said bads constituting the first installment or series issued by the City of Collage Station out of en issue in the total principal amount or Three nondred Thousand Dollars (4300,000.00), authorised at an election geld within said City on Deoeabsr 1, 1954, for the purpose of constructing improvements and ext cone to the City's existing sanitary sower system, said bomb being secured by a pledge or the net revenues from thw operation of the City's elestie light and power system as hereeirarter provided. Srptte4 2: Said bonds shall be dated February 1, itIA, and shall beer interest from dots as follows: Bonds Mos. 1 to 122, both inclusive, at the rate of 2_3 /4 per annum; Bonds from. 123 to 187, both inclusive, at the rate of 3% per annum; and Bonds Nos. 188 to 265, both inclusive, at the rate of 3 -3/*I per minus; interest shall be payable August 1, 1955, and semi -telly thsresfter on February 1st and August let in each year, such iailseest to be evidsneed by proper coupons attached to each of said bonds; the principal of and interest en said bonds shall be payable in lawful money ©f the United States of America upon presentation and surrender of the bonds ear proper coupons at the College Station State Bank, College Station, Texas. Ses ion , : That said bonds shall mature serially on `0'' • February lot in each of the years and in the re0Postimosemota shown in the following ft sdutle, to-wit: 1011.1101Mit tatu r . ty Ana 1 - 5 1956 $ 5,000.00 6 • 10 1957 5,003.00 11 • 15 19 5,000.00 16 -21 1959 6,000.00 22 • 17 1960 6,000.00 26 • 33 1961 6,000.00 3+ 39 1960 6,000.00 40 . 45 1963 6,000.00 46 . 52 1966 7,000.00 53 . 6o 1965 800000 61 • 66 1966 , 000 . 8 00 4 69 .. irf 1967 ,t i.00 1966 9 3.00 86 - $4 1969 9,000.00 9$ - 103 2970 9,440.00 104 112 1971 9 : 000.00 113 122 1972 10,000.00 123 132 1973 10,000,00 1 33 - 142 1974 10,000.00 143 - 153 1975 11,000.00 154. 164 1976 11,0.40 165 1 €5 1977 11,000.00 176- 187 2.978 12,000.00 1684* 199 1979 12,000.00 200- 211 1980 12,000.00 212- 224 1961 13,000.00 225- 237 1982 13,000.00 238- 251 1983 14,€00, 0 2 265 1964 14,044.00 8 ct, on 0, That the City of College Station s:prressly reserve! the rat to redeem ter roforguasswerimmes way all the then outstanding bonds of this isms on any interest pent cats prior to 15 some rroe the bona dela if the following +Done t ions are net: {d) *11 bonds then ootetomiftspegmbla from Ohs net reiSIMIS of the watermarks ast rs vomitory ust .r s tom electric light and power system, or from the met rovommes of wag coablnatION at aucb eystamo are to be refunded in accordance with . them existing law into one issue of bemde payable from they net V W $ of the w*tiiiPiPks system, smeltery sewer system, end •iast*'ic light and pili1r systems and (b) Thos* bonds of the refunding bend issue which are to be exchanged for the bonds authorised by this ordinar S beer the same interest rate or rates sad Nitwit; s or dates as the un dsnying bonds to be so rettaed•d and .i hsipid. 1f the conditions outlined in (a) and (b) are met, and notice of the redemption is gran as peeWided hereafter in Sc a - tioa 6, the holders mead oars of any Soh bond or bonds shall surrender the semi end aesept in lieu and exchange a thereof a refunding bend or bonds authorised as shove p1[svtdsd. Section 5 City of College Station alse Mpeeeelp reams the right Aso redeem all or any part of the beside - ised by this ordimenee then outstanding, for any larfni purpose, on any interest pant date on sideliner 15 yews treaty the date of Mid bonds by mite to the ewers eidikeldere thereof a price Wiper or valM of the bonds so redeemed plus Mid interest to the date fixed for redemption, ,ectzwilk As IS amy bonds redeemed Terrier either : Lion 4 or Section 5. vatic* in writing thereof shall be given to the bark •t shish said bonds a ro pepeble, and Mid notion shall be published et least one (3) time in a financial journal published and of geMera1 circulation in the *Mot States of Amines, which notice shell be mailed to said beekendipabildhed in said journal at leeest 30 digs weer to the date time ter iredemption. when sal bend* hie been called for redemption miler * Mar $setion 4 or Seetiem 5 above me nat14i thereof hes been given as herein pro- amidms yregislon hes been made to redeem the sown, the mss. seed holders right to collect interest on sold bonds which would otherwise acr , sfter the rrdsmption dote shell tersdnete as of the Cate fixed for rediMPtion. Sects 7: t each or semi 1006 ill be NS! br that Ne,jcr sod eemsteratigked by the City SP7, sod the steal of the City shell be 1wpsMss w at Um, That the fintaimilis sutures of the Mayor said City 's rieg be prin • , .laved, or lithographed upon the coupons attached to said bonds smd shall have the same effect as it they had been signed 'ea such officers. tAon 8 f That the Corm of ,std bonds shell be sit,- •tsntislly as follows' NO, 4,000,00 UNITED STATES OP ARUM STATE OP TEXAS COUNTY BRAZOS ern' OF COLLEQE STATION ELECTRIC Latirt ill NUM =MN REVENUE BOND, SERIES 1955 The City of College dam, in the County Mismos4 in the State of Texas, for value s.ssi d,, .skessiedgss Mot indebted to and penmiaes to paly to the to '; solely from the apeoisl t'Unda hereinafter specified, the sum opt OMB MUSA= DOLLARS ( 1, 00040 ), in lawtUl money of the United States of America, on the 1st day of February, 1 2.. ...0 and to pay interest therm from dote hereof at the rote of ('$ ) per amnion payable Augmat 1, 195 "# and semi-annually thereafter an Pebruary 1st and AugMed 1st in year, until the priMoipal eum shall be paid, upon the station aad seinAlMisr a Viae osteses as they severally bosom dmei bo principal and interest bid payable at Collets Statism State sank, College Station, Tomas, This bond is ono of a aeries et Tsar andred ty -Olve (265) bMs nembevad eamseoutivoiy from Ono (1) to Two ilandkned dixtyFiv (285), inclusive lathe denomination of One Thousand Dollars 01, 000,00) each, aggregating Two Hundred Sixty Me Theamend Dol- lars (4265 constituting the first series or bonds issued by the City of Collie Station out of an issue in the total princi- pal amount of $300,000,00 authorised at so election held in said Ctt7 on December 1, 190 for the purpose et eMrtrontiog improve- ments and extensions to the City's existing monitory sewer system. in MMidence with the Constitution and laws of the State of Time, including particularly Articles 1111 - 111$, both inclusive, of Vernon's Tomes Civil Statutes, 1915. is amneded6 and the charter of amid City, nod the authority at a vete of the ipalifiadoiectero of the City of College Missy 00 aiiM tam aremPlw ta meld 01 snd who Mot duly rendered the s. me for tamales. Voting et an elec- tion !mod an the 1st day of December, 1954, and Ott to an ordi mesa peeved by the City Council of the City of 001110 r Station, ERs, duly recorded in the minutes of the C1sy denooll. The date of this bond, In conformity with Mid ordinanee is Sibrusavy 1, 1955. This bend. sod the series et *sift it is a pant, sonetituts special motions of the eltd of Osilsge Staties4 Texas, pile solely frn, and secured by s fit lies en end pledge of the reve- nues et the slestric light and poser oaten of said City, after *Amelia stremesmOble ope st a t eel asintearese mss. the Wier t shall never hove the rib t to denend pqw sent et this obligation out of any funds , ate sr tl r be rained by taxation. The City of College station expressly reserves the right to redeem fbr refunding purposes only all the then an to bonds of this Issue an any interest payment date prior 00 fifteen (15) pia from the date of m14 beads. but only pursuant to and sub - ject to the restrictions Mad limitations cenheined la the ardinance authorising this issue of bands, to which x to 'incse is hereby Mae for all particulars, and the balder or owner et this bend by the seseptenee Hof expressly agrees to the provisions of said ordi- nate', Said City also expressly reserves the right to Mess all or any part of the bonds authorised by this ordinance then ing. for any lawful purpose, on sny interest payment dote on and after fifteen (15) Years from the dale of mid bends by paying to the teasers and hoydens thereof a prioe of per value of the bends se rogainssaplue unpaid eearnsd interest to the date fixed far Lion, As to any ;goads redeemed, notice in wanting thereat shall be illen to the bank at which said bonds are per, any said notice slams be published at least one (1) tine in a financial journal rA:ab shred lad of general circulation in the United sites of Americo. • which notice shall bad to said berme and publst in said journal at least thirty ( ) days prior to the data fixed for tion, When said bonds have been called for lion and Mies thereof has been iven as herein specified, and doe pro- vision hme boor Mee to redeem' the ammo, the owners' and ha ' right to collect ilmberart OM Mid biuia► abdah resald (Absentee asap after the redemption deft shall Immm ln is as of the d fixed for redemption. The City ompromelr reemrives t a! .* to lams 1*0 n- ng bonds voted et the attrition bald DeeW 1, 199t, asd addi- tional parity bond* pagebla from the net re44mmem of the City's 014 limit aad power system, and ouch velleinimg voted bonds mmd additional bonds, when Issued, may be on a parity with the Meads of this lsue, but only purseant to SN* subject to the rss- triitioeia,, eoleaMMte, Mod liai tat i ons ammtsJ*sd 1* the ordinanes authorising this issue at` bands, to h referesee 1! mode for *11 particulars. AMMI 11 IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT the ire of this bond aM the eerie* of rdd1eh it is s ptget, is duly authorised by law; tbit all acts, conditions aa4 thlege reentrod to exist and to be done preeedent to and in the issmamas at this best to maw the memo lmrtul end valid, Moo boon prepertr dom. beset beePosmill and beet performed in regular and due time, Pere and manner es required by t*0 Constitution and laws of the State 00'141114 s d the midi- novae hereln*bove mentioned. and that this alatem of revenge bolds does not exceed any constitutional or statutory /imitation; mad that provision has been made for the ant of the principal and tote of this bend and the series of which it is a part, Ly irremmmiftpdadiAms the revenues of the elestrie limit and PIM e' the Cit 7 a ' Colleege Stattiea*, Teas, IN TESTEMMOTIONOMKOP, the City Cowbell of the City of College notion, Texas, hes esuud the seal et said City to be impressed hereen, awnd this bond to be signed by the or of said City, countersigned by that City Soox'etaz 1 emd Is hos soused the ammensd interest coupons to be signed by the fet#ialle flVstur.s of the Myer amid City Secretary. Mayor, City of College Station, City tar', 411•0 Station, Texas Nasm s Nes, 1 to 122 boa inol1 &Ml1 St 'tom rats of 24,10 per ammsel4 Maude doe. 223 to 18T, both inclusive, art the rate of $ peace annul,; and $ss el MM 188 to 265, both isolustvs, at the rate 0! 34 r+ ) S ct1 1 e, That the torn of said emeana *UMW to said bonds ill be substantially as follows s NO. , On the let de, et. lei' ,.,.,, 1014008 ttem to *,fait this omen is ettelhad hes teen celled tear redemption end doe provision s ie to redeem some, the City of College Station %mes, will pay to bearer out of funds specified in the bond to shish this seem is elteebeil at the College Station State fir, College station, Ta amt et , t) t 4 said am belay eamithe' nt rest doe NW dair 0 1 ern lOP NUMMI SIMON 2002120 LIMA= POW* MUM REAM BONN MOO 1 , � •w....., . deted hamar, to 1955 to which this esepsa is aattaaola ed and le a part thereat, Ihe holder hereof shall never have the right to +t M Mart of this obligation out of any a raised or to be raised br tazotion• Mayer. of y► oft ll t s ti City .er+ttar, city of Station, Texas Section 1Q a That substantially the tallowiaag shall be printed on the beck of mash beads WPM OP COMPTROLLER 5 IMO= MAU or was S l hereby certify that there is on file and of record rd in rig .nisi a eatertifloste of the Attar*' Gensral of the State of Texas to the offset that this bead his been used by hia ea sired by lawn, mad that he rind* that it hoe been issued in uty with the Constitution eat Um et the Stet* at lhaaoN s, aid that it is valid and bring SpeeSa1 ehligatiOm of said city ' ds , Station, Tomas his from the renames plaid to its plapriat by said in the ordiagnes eadhcitalag Ti:, OM Mid UMW this day bees Sagiatered by 1100 MUMS INUMNIONSIMIWNP GNUS at Austin. Teedas this d! tit' Pub a Aoctow ' the State or Ti e cttio 4: In this ordinemee the tens 'fit" shell leOlude and men the eelo etris 14006 mod sewer system of eiid City, tegother with oddities, doss thereto amd improvements as repiesemosts thereof. easlioni2,: the City Council shell at all times, stele any of said bonds or any interest thereon are asst lies sad umped46 cher. nod collect for servieee rendered by said System rates sufficient to pay all aaleintenansi, depreciation, rsplssaumnt, betterment, and interest ors, and for Interest #yee simian rand sufficient is pay the interest eons prinsipsl st said berms as such principal and interest matures and seems and any . img indebtedness evinst the Sysien ss is required by Article 111 Veen* Civil stallseas d' leass. 1915, sand en to thereto • Fa thr beemeit of the eeiginel purebsser, and for the benefit of any SOW ell aeeememb holders et said bonds, cis, or am, part theres4 sU in addition to all provisions end casements in tho leme of the State of Texaas en' i* this ordinance, it is expressU stipulated; +t4 Menet Ile o emu fix and maintain rifts aad consist shame for the eseillties and service* sitYSIMell by the System Bch win provide revenues sufficient at all tinsel (1) To swell c s ration, maintenance, depreeistion, replesement and betterment Charges of the System* (2) To establish and maintain the Bond Fuand. (3) ?r pet ell outetendime indebtedness seelmet the systee6 ether than bond' es end whsn the some b*0M! due. Provided elaav, that no free service of the shell be allowed, end should the City or any of its eameaies or lastrummatalltloa nal* we of the servlees and feellitiee ot the Syntemp payment of the ralavenale value thereof shall bs as by the eity as Al' fowls derived item ssureso either Una the rossinsia and imam of the ilotea• Ss II JPWRz The City will deposit as collect- 11111 INVONIMea devolved from the operation of the System into a Sip erate aeasnat (herein called the *Spaten limme) which shall be kept **pante *id apart fres all other twits et the CIO. The Sistas Fund shall bs administered as follow' (1) assUjoic From the tale In the System aul, the - City shall pay into the Send Fond drains sash year la Which any of the bends basin authorised ere outstandi ng'. asmaseing with the date of the delivery of the bonds health hatherlavd to the pur- °hewers thereat* al amount equal to 100 per cromtma at the Ilieenta required to Nest No Interest cad principal paysmate due on er before the NM* maturity date of the bands. b addition to Ma MEM*, t* Olt, shell pay into the Baud Puna teem the System rand in each year twenty (ago per Mm et the shaft regalred amount until ow* time as there le in the Sand Pond an awn* suf- ficient to meet the interest and prinoipal payments falling due on er before the wet isturity date et the bend" ad the interest Ind principal pasasiste an the bomb ter sae yew thereafter. The account required to 110 vivid Into the Sad P4 irnd la sash par shall bs paid la substantially equal monthly payments taus the moseys In the *Stem Arid after isdistisse have been made for paying the rfaitasahla soot of the speratiwg awl Maintaining of • the System t'ar alma mIM* It the relleemse it the anew Lt sag mantic, atte r deduetleaa ter spershian sad all41106.1111144 Me law sufficient to maks the reydaamd t into the as File Um the emeent stem deficiency in the POYment a3*U i* iiiiiid to the etae required to be paid Saes the lend Fund in the at asallh. It is the intent of this procvlsion that the r1a Old Into iht Said Naar shell be is excess of the Iailalws it 1 st as Old griusips1 e' theismis matli them bee taa aesusulaand i n the Bond ice. as a MOM for I 1*ss •105, am amount sottlatent to aMav1ce the b e n d s f o r one r e a r s The managre in the bead tee thall is helped aS1o1 for the pag * et , ; lag interest an a Solinelsal et the beads until ell the beadle retired; provided that,. Whess the total la the Med /tad So a te the eggniptte pr1as ps1 z; of the leads matatamilas plus sec lat la the ray be low to skid blabs at # as et act to la o r the priesigal eavemet theme. or to redoes mild beads la With the en plaevielea Oestslaog 3eetiaa S et WA met - rMtaimt• the sows paid into the bond read thell be degootted in s b!lttlk et Woke sed Shell 3* oentts sully assured bra valid pledge e the Casty of di s$ Ib l,gstiate st to United Stelae of daps, ham lag - espreseto aorket value. sasluat s at aid tit, at time egad at Meet to lath Sad * The thad ice, at the optl. •t 13* City's any be invested 1* inteh direst sW l fleas 0 the Mad Stites 0 Amerieli Saes depeelted La eserew seder an escrow egleemeat If wish bode s a k e ee invested s a d dspntte d 1a u , the City s 1 have the right to have mold through the outran spat ea the Opera . amilloat s ratteloSoot mewl or fold oompopitioo to order is sot tts i t t ot principal interest in amt it Mlle► met have dent temlies sedialleeted, on hand for such purpose. Under eliasietanees the !tole► is hereby autteariaed. arr'isrsll atria to sttae fittest illoyo ootiso to such oiorso spot et is aleeeeity le OM amid securities on ts noalmoto Ater X11 a libo moneys resulting therefrom shall bitas to the aoai MM sall don be available to pay such obligations of principal and interest. (s) itirslueks ttavde remainlag i.n the Sates emu, attar poravLstas ter the axe coot it was and *din' ins the 'd and atter min the t s required to be psid in th. as above frOSSAS4, eepto lad by the City ter the MOM a Mad tondo at not tweasedLog the prineips1 amulet . . (emelw i v. or aaa • inter.st) or tar nollosidog sold beads in aeserdenee with the redomptiam previalee aid to was 5 or this arr# sa sr far any other IoM peemitted by ION* c. *' (1) Us otigr ot College Station reserves the right to l the ! sulfas $35.000400 Armes voted at the election held Deeember 195 as otS6 b *so 1aswri Mull to so $ parity with the tondo or Wit law but new of suiii r000lalms Wind tuft M ,1 #r ood unless the conditions provide! bei It v tit rompost to the isev rrsee se additisnal p rity bends !tire ast. (2) it action to tndsrior lien Maio Sotbirioodi by aspiers 249 m 250, Acta of the 5lst Leitalataro of Ted, 199, s wed, Um OW assets Wm aright hereafter te issue aMi parity bonds, end lirah allitiaael parity hernelhe. tip issued N' be ter. • assured by sat psyeblo fray, a rivet lien *a ant pled a it the set reireause et the sl ctrie lid ant power system in the sass ahem end $s the Met eatent ae see the Made atiblber laid by We a ;t- wee Sad the b ads satherised herein sad ENO ehlitiamel *f► beadle wry in ell 141111.1101010 be et will t' • It Is everidell 0 however,, that me such * platy bends Well be lamed ' $ (a) An indspi kst fire of certified publics seeeunt- ecte e arttt'tss Not the net et the System Mir the twelve- soft the ardiessee auth- orising tiollp1 parity beams is adripted. were coal is at least sae sad alws4l r (1 .4.') tia•• the pia 111116tsat requirestata an the thee outstanding bode payable tram the reve.- s et said System aced on said M it eaid teats: ate lamed, sold,' and delivered for the caleader year to s sh said require- ments nom Sli or the net Mks ee!' the ewe light sea pewee elates (erelusive or in a ne reeelvid epeeltillallY tor esiottal items) atter dearitian of the 811 1* eigensed eat Veratlee are aelhealemee et the Slyabeis toseladias eseractitarea tar eapitel item* (b) Said atilltlamel bade ere mode to Mire an February Let in wok if tier yore in uhieh they are sehsdulid to mature. D. @Sty ill wai n►teb O. Sa Said alliattlen sort spent* en seas in an Wielded d munter and at s reseeneWa east. So long as ae ► of the balls a outstanding the City epees to maintsin inStalleee for the benarit 110 at We WWI, w helders Wee MM. on the apalla. Is hied ad la ea am* Wilt* molly meld bs serried bp pritaile amperges mood in a *mail type of business. nothing in Ude ealinallee le emmelreed as requiring the Cilir bs expend sack funds litish sr s derived fres 00%1IPOSO other Was as aperatiaa of the Speem, but inatide$ Waft sill te ofillairled se plus the City fres doing se. Z ° 4 9 44 ,17. 1 19MODic MAINIONIPs The city slui11 keep wooer books or IMMOSIM Ms illessvate (elviseste reva other 'WO& Old Amounts) is emplets **0 esersel satires shall be Naas or ell trelleetimee Mating 1* the Slyeeste• T City dam furnish to any holder et rigr for ime imadat It thinsIttee rogiort or mash helder• apt allre thee thirty days after U* *left ef emit $ia asalles. mega persad Sits operettas and lasses stalemate W We ltralosa th temsomiblii sellwriget es* lie seethes periele est ears iala Maid' doe Saw the aloes of such fiscal yaw, emplele fiseaelal lastmente at Wee Spates is valmialliblo MAW elmoilag suds Melia year. oertirlad bp IOW Cites kailners P . Ulf Perelamir or 25 Per Maim In ealrellat• alamet et the Waal al IS tsars ane- us sr ler honer or holders el* *5 per scat 01 1614 ammant attaimoug bond* shall have like right at *11 reseasehis time to laspeet the 3ystes and all reeeedlik easseals and data ef the City relating thereto. 0. 110IVIIMATISN: VIM wattle request. the City will **uvula to any purchaser of 25 par mates et the bonds such • 0 finonsial staff mod other pertinent information and data relating to the City and System as each such purchaser tram time to time may reasonably require. no SALE or BONDS: Upon request, the City will f iah to any purchaser or holder of 25 per centua of the bonds, information for the ,preparation of a bond circular in customary form, signed by the MOW official of the City, containing such data as such purchaser or holder may reasonably request concerning the City and the System* Seetiopj3t The Mayor, City Secretary and City TrwMPUM km* lailiroOtott lad directed to do any and all things noloeselry MO, Intent in roforonoo to bites installing and maintaining of a aseplete system of records and accounts pertaining to said Afaillaiaad to make the moneys available for the payment of said rem beads in the manner provided by 122, Aots et the Ala► passion of the forty -third LagAslature of T mo, effective May 12, 1933. In soomnionooilth the provisions of Article 1113, Revised Civil Statutes of 'end', es ananM*, the fiscal year for the operation of such System shall be July let to June 30th of each year. Sectlon f# : The City further covenants and agrees by and through this ordinance as follows: (a) That the revenue bode authorised hereunder OW to spootal oblisotismo of the City and the holder thereof shall never have the 'Isla to dOmmisd payment thereof out of funds raised or to be misled by taxation. (b) That It has the lawful power to pledge the revenues Supporting this imams eet bad end has lawfully exercised said power under the Constitution and lama of the State of Texas, including the power existing under Articles 1111 - 2118, both inclusive, 1925, Ti's C Staff Of the State of Tuxes, with smandients thereto, alit by authority of • vote of the wall - fled tied electors of said City 'feting et an election held in said City on der 1, 1954; that the boade lessee hereunder shall be rat ably secured under said pledge of ineeme in au Mow that one bond shell have no preference over any other bent of this issue (o) ghat other thee ler the payment of the bonds herein provided tor, the pants, musses emd Imams of the said System have not been gifted d 1* any UMW to the pigment of any debts or obligations of the City, nor of said :fit. aeeti9n 2.51 It she be the duty of the Mayor to submit the reword of said bonds and the bonds to the A►tierSey aessra eat the Stag of Tasas for ice, amd thereafter W hash them reels-- teered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State or Tunis. When said bonds have been registered by the State Comptroller, the Stye Comptroller is hereby euthorleed sod instructed to deliver the bands to the American Watiawal AMait, Austin, Texas, where thaey will be taken up sod paid for by the peer. Section 16: That said bonds heir bees edertised for sale #kl< d!*!vided by Section 65 of the City's home eel. Charter and bids having been received on January 17, 1955. pursuant to said advertise- ment and the bid of nodes, Winston ; 004 limaten, Texas, being the beast bid rseelisd, sad the City Council WOW determines that sold bid is the best bid. the sale of said bonds to Rowlea, winstan & Co., Houston Ts, at its bid price, to -Vitt the principal amount plus seeeled interest thereon from the dote of said bonds to the date et actual delivery. subject to the unqualified approving opipi • 1 as is the legality of said be by the Attorney deeeral of Texas, d asrket attorneys selected bj the peeetseu1 is hereby aPON0104 ratified, and confirmed. ed. .S ection 17: That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passe. PAWED AND APPROVED this *5th day of January, 1955. 7 ,; ( - 1 - L4C if... Mayer, City air AN 4e Station, Sews ATTEST: 0 City Secretary THE STATE OF TEXAS 5 COUNTY OF BRAZOS § I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Council of said City, together with an excerpt from the minutes shoring the adoption thereof, as same appears in the official minutes of said City Council on file in my office. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY, this 25th day of January, 1955. . , r' y/ City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas (SEAL) Nee PhD ZHNg THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 1 The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in special session at the City Hall within said City on the 25th day of January, 1955, with the following e members present, to-wit: Ernest Langford Mayor J. A. Orr Councilman M. C. Pugh Councilman A. P. 'Wyatt Councilman Ernest Seeger Councilmen O. W. Slack Councilman Joe H. Sorrels Councilman N. W. McGinnis City Secretary and the following members absent, to -wit: NONE' , when the following business was transacted: The Mayor introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Councilman 0 12 made a motion that the ordinance be adopted an read. The motion was seconded by Councilman 50 _ , and carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Orr, Pugh, foyett, Seeger, Llack, and Sorrels. NOES: bone. The Mayor requested that he be recorded as voting 'Aye'. The ordinance thus adopted follows: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TIE ISSUANCE OF $11O,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 0? 1955; DESCRIBING THE TERN AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; AND *ABINS novi$1UN POP THE "Amer v? k 1 :�� ►� �t �AY. a�. � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, on the llth day of December, 1950, adopted a resolution and order on the questions of the issuance of revenue bonds Nor et said City in the amount of 470,000.00 for the purpose of securing funds with which to bui ld arse! purchase improvements and extensions to the electric iiG ht system of said City; the issuance or revenue bonds of said City in the amount of $20,000.00 for the purpose of secuAhe funds with which to construct im- provements and extensions to the waterworks system of said City; and the issuance of revenue bonds of said City in the amount of $110,000 for the purpose of securing Hinds with whieeh to construct improvements and extensions to the sanitary sewer system of said city, all said bands to bear interest at it eats not to exceed Three and one -half (3 -1 /2) per cent per annum and to mature serially over a period of years not to =seed 30 Years from their date; and WAS, said election was held pursuant to said resolutionsnd order, and in accordance with law, on the 8th day of January, 1951, and resulted favorably to the issuance of said revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, the City Council duly adopted a resolution declaring the results of said election and determined the specific authority of the City to issue said bonds; and WHEREAS, it was provided in said resolution and order calling said election that if the three propositions were adopted, the City Council should have the right to issue combined revenue bonds and to pledge the net revenues of the combined waterworks and sewer system to the payment of the principal of and interest on said revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, two previous installments of said bond have been authorized by the City Council and approved by the Attorney General of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of the State of Texts, to-wit: $60,000 City of College Station 1 — Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, dated February 1, 1951, end $30,000 City of College Station Waterworks and Sewer Fystea Revenue Bonds, Series II of 1951, dated Auguet 1, 1951; and WHEREAS, the City Council aev dew it advisable to issue the remaining $11 0,000 of voted borne to carry out the voted purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the revenues of the waterworks and sewer system for a period of twelve months immediately preceding the adoption of this ordinance, after deducting the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining the System are equal to at least 1.4 times the average annual requirements of principal and Interest on the outstanding bonds of the two previous install- mantis of bonds, and the additional bonds to be issued and Bold at this time; and that all required payments into the bond fund of such issues payable from the revenues of the waterworks and sewer system have been made; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and proper that the City Council proceed with the issuance of such additional bonds. Therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF COLLEGE STATION: §-1.0n921-1 That pursuant to the Constitution and statutes of the State of Texas, including particularly Articles 1111 to 1118, both inclusive, of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, 1925, as amended, and the charter of the City of College station, and in accordance with the election held for the purpose, there shall be issued the bonds of said City in the principal sun of One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars 4110,000.00), to be known and designated as 4 CTTY OF COLLEGE STATION WArn AM MU SWUM REVENUE BOIL, SERIES OF 1955," to be numbered consecutively from One (1) to One Hundred Ten (110), both inclusive, in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, aggregsting One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00)j said bonds constituting the third and ttnsl installment or series issued by the City of College Station out of an issue In the total principal amount of Tee Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00), authorised at an eleetion held within said City on January 8 , 195 for the purpose of securing funds wit:* which to build and purchase improvements and extensions to the electric light system, and construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks system and sower system of said City. Section 2: Maid bonds shall be dated February 1, 1955 and shall bear interest tram date as follows: bonds Mos. 1 to 40, both inclusive, et the rate of 2 -3/4 per annum, and sonde Nos. 41 to 110, both inclusive, at the rate of 3 -1/2% per snnua, interest shall be payable august 1, 1955 and semi- annually thereafter on February 1st and August let in each year, such interest to be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each of said bonds; the principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of .America upon presentation and surrender of the bonds or proper coupons et the College Station State bank, College Station, Texas, or at the Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Texas, at the option of the holder. AtattialLai. That said bonds shall nature serially on February lst in each of the yaws and in the respective amounts shown in the following schedule, to-wit: 0 ( Id ■M. biwiti Ansbertd It 1Sy t 1 - 2 1956 $ 2,000.00 3 - 4 1957 2,000.00 5 - 6 1958 2,000.00 7 - 8 1959 2,000.00 9 - 10 1960 2,000.00 11 - 13 1961 3,000.00 14 - 16 1962 3,000.00 17 - 19 1963 3,000.00 20 - 22 1964 3,000.00 23 - 25 1965 3,000.00 26 - 28 1966 3,000.00 29 - 31 1967 3,000.00 32 - 34 1968 3 35 - 37 1969 3,000.00 38 - 40 1970 3,000.00 41 - 44 1971 4,000.00 45 - 48 1972 4,000.00 49 - 52 1973 4,000.00 53 - 56 1974 4,000.00 57 - I0 1975 4,000.00 61 - 64 1976 4,000.00 65 - 68 1977 4, 000.00 69 - 72 1978 4 73 - 77 1979 5,000.00 78 - 82 1980 5,000.00 83 - 87 1981 5,000.00 88 - 92 1982 5,000.00 93 -101 1983 9,000.00 102 -110 1984 9,000.00 Secelep 4: That the City of College Statism expressly reserves the right to redeem for refunding palliate only all the then outstanding bonds of this issue on any interest payment date prior to 15 years from the bond date if the following conditions are met: (a) All bonds than outstanding payable fres the net revenues of the waterworks system, sanitary sewer system, and /or electric light and power system, or lyres the Met revenues of any combination of such syeteas, are to be refunded in accordance with then existing law into one issue of bonds payable from the net revenues of the waterworks system, sanitary sewer syetem, and electric light and power system; and (b) Those bonds of the refunding bond issue which are to be exchanged for the bonds authorised by this ordinance bear the sass interest rate or rates *ad maturity date or data as the underlying bonds to be ■s refunded and exchanged. If the conditions outlined in (a) and (b) are met, and notice of the redemption le given as provided hereafter in Section 6, the holders and owners of any such bond or bonds shall surrender the same and accept in lieu and exchenge thereof e refunding bond or bonds authorized as above provided. : et19n 4 3: The City of College Station also expressly reserves the right to redeem all or any part of the bends authorized by this ordinance then outstanding, for aq lawful purpose, on any interest payment date on and after 15 years from the date of said bonds by paying to the owners and holders thereof a price of par value of the bonds so redeemed plus *termed interest to the date fixed for redemption. Section 0 , As to any bonds redeemed under either Section t or Section 5, notice in writing thereof shall )be given to the banks at which said bonds are payable, and said netiee shall'be published at least one (1) time In a financial journal published and of general circulation in the United Steeee of America, which notice shall be mailed to said banks and published in said Journal at least 30 dabs prior to the date fixed for redemption. When said bangle have been called for redemption under either >'ection 4 or Section 5 above and notice thereof has been given as herein specified, and due provision has been made to redeem the seas, the owners' and holders' right to collect interest on Mid bonds which would otherwise accrue after the redemption date shall terminate as of the date fixed for redemption. ;gption 7; That each of said bonds shall be rimmed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Secretary, and the corporate seal of the City shall be impressed upon each of them. That the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and CitySecretery may be printed, engraved, or lithographed upon the coupons attached to said bonds and shall have the isa, effect as if they had been signed by such officers. sgttian z That the fors of said bonds shall be substantially as follows: 41,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WATERWORKS AND SEWER 5y► t REVENUE BOND SERIES OF 1955 The City of College Station, in the County of Brazos, in the State of ?Ms, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebisd to and promises to pay to the bearer, solely from the special funds hereinafter specified, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR ($i in lawful money of the United States of Attica, on the lst day of February, 19____, and to pay interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of (+I) per annum, payable Est 1, 1955 and semi - annually thereafter on February 1st and August let In each year, until the principal sum shall be paid, upon the presentation and surrender of proper coupose se they severally become due; both prineipal and interest being payable at College Station State Bank, College !tation, Texas, or at Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Texas, at the option of the holder. This bond to • O •f a series of One Hundred Ten (110) beads, numbered coseeeutively from One (1) to One Hundred Tin (110) , inclusive, in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, aggregating One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,00 0.00), constituting the third and final series of bonds issued by the City of College Station out of an issue In the total principal amount of $200,00 0.00 authorised at an election held in said City on January 8, 1951, for the purpose of securing funds with Which to build and purchase improvements and extensions to the electric light system, and construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks system and the sewer system of said City, in accordance with the Conitttution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Articles 1111 - 1118, both inclusive, of Vernon's Texan Civil Statutes, 1925, as amended, the charter of said City, and the authority of a vote of the qualified electors of the City of College Station, who owned taxable property is said City and who had duly rendered the are for taxation, voting at an election held on the 8th day of January, 1951, and pursuant to an ordinance passed by the City Coundii of the City of College Station, Texas, duly recorded in the minutes of the City Council. 1 The date of this bond, in conformity with said ordinance is February 1, 1955. This bond, and the series of whicht is a part, together with the outstanding City of College Station Waterworks and Fewer System Revenue Bonds, dated February 1, 1951, and the outstanding City of College Station Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bands, Series II of 1951, dated August 1, 1951, constitute special obligations of the City of College Station, Texas, payable solely from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the revenues of the waterworks and sewer system of said City, after deduction of reasonable operation and maintenance expenses. The holder hereof shall never have the right to demand payment of this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation. The City of College Station expressly reserves the right to redeem for refunding purposes only all the then out - standing bonds of this issue on any interest payment date prior to fifteen (15) years from the date of said bonds, but only pursuant to and subject to the restrictions and limitations contained in the ordinance authorizing this issue of bonds, to which reference is hereby made for all particulars, and the holder or owner of this bond by the acceptance thereof expressly agrees to the provisions of said ordinance. Said City also expressly reserves the right to redeem all or any part of the beads authorized by this ordinance then outstanding, for any lawful purpose, on any inteeeet payment date on and after fifteen (15) years from the date of said bonds by payin$ to the owners and holders thereof a price of per value of the bonds so redeemed plus unpaid accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. - As to any bonds redeemed, settee In writing thereof shall be gtvsn to the banks at which said bends are payable, and said notice stall be published at least ass (1) time in a financial journal publie ed and of $e si elreulation in the United States of Americo, which notice shall be mailed to said banks and published in said journal at bast thirty (30) days prior to the dote fired ferredemption. When said bonds have been called for rede pt an tee notice thereof has been given as herein specified, end due provision has bean mede to redeem the sore, the owners' and holders' right to collect interest on said bonds which would otherwise accrue after the redemption date shall terminate as of the data fixed for redemption. The City expressly reserves the right to issue additional parity bonds payable Bate than net revenues of City's waterworks end sewer system, Ond such additional bed, when issued, may be on a parity with the bends of this issue, but only pursuant to and subject to the restrictions, covenants, and limitations contained in the ordinance authorising this issue of bonds, to which referemee 10 made for all p b emalimM. 1T IS HUBBY cdd ld►, Tdd thel issuanee ere We band and the eerier d which it is a port, is duly authorised by law; that all sets, conditions and things required to west and to be done precedent to and in the issue at this bond to render the saws lawful and valid, have been premix done, have happened and been performed in regular and due time, fora sod UMW as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the ordinance hereinebove raenttoned, end that this series of ravaowr bps does net exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation; and that provision his been usda for the payment of the principal end interest of this' bond and tali series of which it Is a part, by irrevocably pledging the revenues of the waterworks end sewer system of the City of College Station, Texas. IN T TINGIIY WHEREOF, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, has caused the seal of said City to be lepressed hereon, and this bond to be signed by the Mayor of said City, countersigned by the City Alecretary, and has aflsed the annexed interest coupons to be signed by the holdalls signatures of the Mayor and City . ecretary. Mayor, City of College Station, Texas COUNTERS IQNED: City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas •($ends Noe. 1 to O0, both inclusive, at the rate of 2 -3/4% per annum; and Bonds hoe. 41 to 110, both inclusive, et the rate of 3-1/4 per annum. Yection 9: That the tore of e:aid coupons attached to said bonds shall be substantially as follows: On the lst day of . 1� unless the bond to which this coupon IS attached has been called ter redemption and due provision lade to redeem sine, the City of College Station, Texas, will pay to borer out of funds specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached at the College Station State Bsnk, College Station, Texas, or at Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Teams, at the option of the holder, the sum of Dallare, said sum being months' interest due that day on CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WATERWOR1C AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BOND, SEN OF 1955, NO. . , dated February 1, 1955 to which this coupon is attached and ie a part thereof. The holder hereof shill never have the right to demand payment a of this obligation out of any fund:: raised or to be raised by taxation. Mayor, City of College Station, Texas Ity tae nary, C ity of Collegi Cation, Texas ,Segtigp 1Qt That substantially the following certifi- cate shall be printed on the back of each bond: OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER 1 STATE OF TEXAS REGISTER ND. I hereby certify that there is on file and of record In my office a certificate of the Attorney O neral of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been examined by his as required by law, and that he finds that it has been issued In conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and that it la valid and binding special obligation of said City of Calls Station, Texas, payable from the revenues pledged tc its payment by and in the ordinance authorizing sane, and said bond her this day been regt*tered by me. WITNE2S MY HA WD AND E.EAL OF OFFICE at Austin, Texas, this Comptroller et Public Aecou of the State of ?exas Segtioaq Us In this ordinance the term "system" shall Include and mean the waterworks system and the sewer system of said City, together with additions and extensions thereto and improvements and replacements thereof. Sectj,op 12: The City Council shall at all times, while any of said bonds or any interest thereon are ©utst$*1ng and unpaid, charge and collect for services rendered by said System, rates sufficient to pay all maintenance, depreciation, replacement, betterment, and interest charges, end for Interest and Sinking Pund sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as such principal and interest matures and accrues send any outstanding indebtedness against the System, as le required by Article 1113, Yerpan'e Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, and amendments: thereto. Pbr the benefit of the original purchaser, and for the benefit of any and *11 subsequent holders of said bonds, coupons, or any part thereof, and in addition to 011 provisions and covenants in the lame of the State eat TMean and in this ordinance, it is expressly stipulated: A. RATE: The City shall fix and maintain rates and collect charges for the facilities and services afforded by the System which will provide revenues sufficient at *11 times: (1) To pay ell operation, maintenance, depreciation, rspleetasent and betterment charges of the ^ysteea. (2) To establish end maintain the .Bond fund. (3) To pay all outstanding indebtedness against the System, other than bonds, as and when the sane become due. Provided also, that no free service of the System shall be allowed, and should the City or any of its a eneles or instrumeMtalities make use of the servieese and facilities of the System, payment of the reasonable value thereof shall be made by the City out of funds: derived frowssrsurces other than the revenues and income of the System. B. LJSE QF "tit The City will deposit as collected all revenues derived from the operation of the system Into a separate account (herein called the "System Fund ") which shall be kept separate and apart from all other funds of the City. The System nand shall be administered as follows: (1) and Puna: Pros the funds in the System Fund, the City shall pay into the bond Fund during each year in which any of the bonds herein authorized, the Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, dated February 1, 1951, and the Waterworks and Sewer ,yetem Revenue Bonds, aeries 1Z of 1951, are outstanding, comentise with the date of the delivery of the bonds herein authorised to the purchasers thereof, an amount equal to 100 per centum of the amounts required to meet the interest and prineipal payments falling due on or before the next maturity dote of the bonds. In addition to such payment, the City shall pay into the bond Fund from the System Fund in each year twenty (24 0) per centur of the above required amount until such time se there is in the bond Fund an amount sufficient to meet the interest and principal payments felling due on or before the next maturity date of the bonds and the interest and principal payments on the beads for one year thereafter. The amount required to be paid into the Bond Fund in each year shall be paid in substantially equal monthly payments from the moneys in the Eystona Fund, after deductions have been made for paying the reasonable coat of the operating and maintaining of the ystea for such weft. if the revers of the system in any month, alter deductions for operation and aaiatenemee, are insufficient to make the required payment into the B Fund, then the amount of any deficiency in the payment shall be added to the amount otherwise required t, be paid into the Bond Fund in the next month. It is the Intent of this prevision that the sumo paid into the Bond Fund shall be in excess of the immediate requirements for payment of interest on and principal of the bonds until there has been accumulated in the bond Fund, sr a reserve for conttngeneies, an amount sufficient to service the bonds for one year. The moneys in the bond Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of paying interest on . • 4,40. a and principal or the beans until all the bonds have been retired; provided, that, when the total in the Bond Fund is equal to the eggregete principal mount of the bonds outstanding plus accrued interest thereon, the moneys In the Bond Fund may be used to purchase said bonds at a prise, exclusive of accrued Interest, not exceeding the principal amount thereof, or to redeem said bonds In accordance with the redemption provision contained in Section 5 of this ordinance. The moneys paid into the Bond Fund shell be deposited in a bank or banks and shall be continuously secured by a valid pledge to the City of direct obligations of the United States of America, having an aggregate market value, exclusive of accrued interest, et all times et leant equal to such Bond Fund. The Bond Fund, at the option of the City, may be invested in such direct obliga- tions of the United States of America and deposited in escrow under an escrow agreement. If such funds are so invested and deposited in escrow, the City shall have the right to have sold through the escrow agent on the open market * sufficient amount of said securities in order to meet its obligations of principal and interest in event it does not have sufficient funds, uninvested, on hand for such purpose. Under such circumstances, the W jor is hereby authorised, ordered and directed to give fifteen daps notice to such escrow agent of the neeessity to sell said securities on the Open market. After such sale, the moneys resulting therefrom shall belong to the Bond Fund and shall be available to pay such obligations of principal and Interest. (2) Sufplupa Any funds remaining in the 'ysten Fund, after provision for the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining the system, and after paying; the amounts required to be paid into the Bond Fund heretofore established for the CITY OP COLLEGE STATION WATERWOR. S AND SFAIER SYSTEM REVENUE WNW, dated February 1, 1951, under the terms sad provisions of the ordinance authorizing said bonds, and atter paying the amounts required to be paid into the Bond Fund under the terms and provisions of the ordinance authorising THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WATERWORKS AND Ste! SYSTEM WNW SERI* II of 1951, and after dam the amounts required to be paid into the bond Fund se !bs provided, of the issue herein euthorieed, may be used by the City for the p irchaee of said bonds at not exceeding the principal amount thereof (exclusive of accrued interest) or for redeeming said bonds in accordance with the redemption provision contained in Section 5 of this ordinance, or for any other purpose permitted by law. c. AOpITI0,�eA_ L bit In addition to inferior lien bonds authorized by Chapters 2 49 and 250, Acts of the 51st Legislature of Texas, 1949, se emended, the City reserves the right hereafter to issue additional parity bonds, and such additional parity bonds, when issued, rmey be secured by and payable from, a first lien on and pledge of the net revenues of the waterworks and sewer system in the some manner and to the some extent as are the bonds authorized by this ordinance, and the bonds authorized herein and such additional parity bonds may in ell respects be of equal dignity. It Is provided, however, that no such additional parity bonds shall be issued unless: (1) An independent firm of certified public accountants certifies that the net earnings of the waterworks and sewer system for the twelve - month period next preceding the month in which the ordinance authorising such additional parity bonds is adopted, were equal to at least one and one -half (1 -1/2) times the principal and interest requirements v. on the then outstanding bonds payable from the revenues of said waterworks and sewer system and on said additional bonds, when issued, sold, and delivered, for the calendar year in . which said requirements are greatest. The term net earnings" as used herein shall mean all of the net revenues of the water- works and sewer system (excluding income received specifically for capital itema)atter deduetian of the reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance of the System (excluding expenditures for capital items). (2) Said additional bonds are made to mature on February 1st in each of the years In which they are scheduled to mature. It is expressly recognised that because of the out - standing bonds of the first two installments of the bonds voted January 8, 1951 (of which the bonds authorised by this ordinance constitute the third and final installment), those may be a lapel Impediment to the issuance of additional bonds on a parity with the bonds of this issue. The provisions of this ordinance relating to said additional parity bonds are not intended to infringe upon or affect the rights of the holders of said bones of the first two installments, but are intended to reserve unto said City the right to isame said additional parity bonds under existing lave insofar as the holders of the bends authorised by this ordinance are concerned, and said right as outlined above is expressly reserved and retained by said City. D. mummiC; &ND OPERATION: The City shall maintain the System in good condition and operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. So long as any of the bonds are outstanding, the City agrees to maintain mort insurance for the benefit of the holder or holders of the bonds, on the System, of a kind and in en mount nceih usually would becarrisd by private companies ended in a similar type of business. Nothing in this ordinance *hall be construed as requiring the City to expend any funds which are derived from sources other than the operation of the System, but nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the City from doling so. E. JCcOU A PERIODIC TAT '!�s The City shell ri wu�.rr rr r ■ irr�r ��r r � keep proper books of records and accounts (separate from all other records and accounts) in which complete and corrset entries shall be made of all transactions relating to the System. The City shall furnish to any holder of any of the beads, at the written request of such holder, not mare than thirty days after the elose of each six months • fiscal period, complete operating, and income statements of the System in reasonable detail covering such sic months' period, and, not more than sixty days after the elose of such fiscal par, cam- pieta financial statements of the System in reasonable detail co- vering such fiscal year, certified by the City's Auditor. F. $c Iaii# Any purchaser of 25 per centum in aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time then out - standing or any holder or holders of 25 per century of said amount of outstanding bonds shall have the right* all reasonable times to inspect the System and all records, accounts and data of the City relating thereto. 0. ,INfOaNATIQN: Upon written request, the City will furnish to any purchaser of 25 per centum of the bonds such financial statements and other pertinent information and data relating to the City and System as each such purchaser from time to time nay reasonably require. H. SA 9 ? ND8: Upon request, the City will furnish to any purchaser or holder of 25 per centum of the bonds, information for the preparation of a bond circular in customary form, signed by the proper officials of the City, containing such delta es such purchaser or holder may reasonably request concerning the City end the System. Sectjgz 33* The tor, City Secretary and City Treasurer are hereby instructed and directed to do any and all thing necessary and /or convenient In reference to the installing and maintaining of • complete system of records and accounts per. tsi,niie to said :system and to she the sonys available for the payment of said revenue bonds in the manner provided by Chapter 122, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty -third Legislature o! Texas, effective May II, 1933. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1113, Revised Civil gtetutee of Texas, as amended, the fiscal year for the operation of such System shall be July let to June 34th of each year. Fection 1 : The City further covenants by and through this ordinance as follower (a) That the revenue bonds authorised hereunder shall be special obligations of the City end the holder thereof shall never have the right to demand payment thereof out of funds raised or to be raised by taxation. (b) VMS It has the lawful power to pledge the revenues supporting this issue of bonds and has lawfully exercised said power under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including the power existing under Articles 1111 - 1118, both inclusive, 1925, Verne's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, with amts thereto, and by authority of a vote of the qualified el ster* of said City oting at an dlection held in said City on January 8, 19511 that he bonds issued hereunder shall be ratably Secured under °; Id pledge of income in such Manner that one bond shall have preference over any other bond of this issue. (e) That other than for the payment of the bonds rein provided for, and for the payment of the City of College Station Waterworks and °ewer System Revenue Ronde, dated February 1, 1951, add for the payment of the City of College Station Waterworks and ` Revenue bonds, Fortes II of 1951, heretofore authorized and issued, the rents, revenues and income of the said system have not been pledged in any manner to the payment of any debts or obligations of the City, nor st said System. $eetioa ) is It shall be the duty of the Mayor to submit the record of said bonds and the bonds to the Attorney General of the State of Texas for approval and thereafter to have thew registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. khen said bonds haven registered by the State Comptroller, the riots Comptroller is hereby authorised and instructed to deliver the bonds to the American National Bank, Austin, Texas, where they will be taken up and paid for by the purchaser. Seetlon 16t That said bonds have been advertised for sale as provided by Nation 65 of the City's Home Rule Charter and bids having been received or January 17, 1955, pursuant to said advertisement and the bid of Rorie', Winston & Co., Houston, Texas, being the best bid received, and the City Council hereby determines that said bid is the best bid, the sale of said bonds to !ovules, Winston & Co., Houston, Texas, at its bid price, to -wits the principal amount plus accrued interest thereon from the date of said bonds to the date of actual delivery, subject to the unqualified approving opinion as to the legality of eaiA bonds by the Attorney General of Texas, and market attorneys selected by the purchaser, is hereby approved, ratified, obit eo fLva d . gtguk 17: That this ordinance shall take effect from and sister its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of January, 1955. Mayor, ' ty a ►' tiara, 'Texas >r , y r.tsry (SSAI4 TEE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Council of said City, together with an excerpt from tho minutes showing the adoption thereof, as ease appears of record in the official mimmtas of said City Council on file in my office. WITNESS NY HAND AND TIM OPPICW. SAL_ OF SAID CITY, this 25th day of January, 1955. ` i City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas ( L) • C E R T I F I C A T E THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, the undersigned,City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, certify the following: (1) That the following persons are the members of the City Council of said City: Ernest Langford Mayor J. A. Orr Councilman N. C. Pugh Councilman A. P. Boyett Councilman Ernest Seeger Councilman G. W. Black Councilman Joe H. Sorrels Councilman N. M. McGinnis City Secretary (2) That by virtue of an election held within said City on the 8th day of January, 1952, said City adopted a Home - Rule Charter, and that said Charter has in no way been amended, altered, changed, or repealed since its adoption. (3) That neither the waterworks and sewer system of said City nor the revenues of said system are in any way pledged or hypothecated except as said revenues are pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of said City's outstanding Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, dated February 1, 1951, and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series II of 1951, dated Pugust 1, 1951, and the proposed $110,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series of 1955. (4) That neither the electric light and power system of said City nor the revenues of said system are in any way pledged or hypothecated except as said revenues are pledged s r,, to the payment of the principal and interest of said City's proposed $265,000 Electric Light and Power System Bonds, Series of 1955. (5) That the gross revenues, maintenance and operation expenses, and net revenues derived from the operation of said City's waterworks and sewer system were the following for the indicated fiscal years: Year ending Gross M & 0 Net 6 -30-51 $47,33 $ 336,391.97 $10,9 6 -30 -52 51,676.07 i+3,4 3.01 8,233.06 6 -30 -53 70,895.97 5 0,858.36 20,037.61 6 -30 -54 61,608.4 47, 074.25 14, 534.19 (6) That the gross revenues, maintenance and operation expenses, and net revenues derived from the operation of said City's waterworks and sewer system were the following for the twelve months ending December 31, 1954 (being the twelve months immediately preceding the authorization and sale of the proposed $110,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series of 1955) were the following: Gross Revenues $ 72.341.54 M & 0 52,432.03 Net Revenues $ 19,909.51 (7) That the gross revenues, maintenance and operation expenses, and net revenues derived from the operation of said City's electric light and power system were the following for the indicated fiscal years: Year ending Gross M & 0 Net 6 - 30 - 51 $ 55,653. $ 35, 6.51 $ 20,397.55 6 -30 -52 87,329.48 50,36.50 36,982.98 6 -30-53 95,950.52 55,180.11 40 6 -30 -54 108,553.38 62,052.79 46,500.59 (5 mos. 7 -1- 54/11 -30 -54 57,203.03 28,479.57 28,723.46) (8) That the rates charged for service by theCity's waterworks and sewer system and the electric light and power system are the following: WATER RATES Per month Minimum charges $ 1.00 First 1,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallons) .75 Next 2,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallons) .40 Next 3,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallons) .25 All over 6,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallons) .20 SEWER RATES Residential 1.50 Apts . & Room1nk Houses One water closet 1.00 Each additional W.C. (per W.C.) .50 Commercial and Industrial (Based upon water consumption) First 7,000 gallons or fraction thereof 1.00 Each additional 7,000 gallons or fraction thereof .50 ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER RATES Minimum charge 1.0000 First 25 kwh (per kwh) Next ?5 kwh per kwh) .0600 Next 80 kwh (per kwh) .0225 Over 180 kwh (per kwh) .200 WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY, this 2S day of January, 1955. ' °—: 4I City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas (SUAL) I, the undersigned, Registered Professional Engineer, do hereby certify that the revenues of the waterworks and sewer system of the City of College Station, Texas, for the twelve (12) month period ending December 31, 1954, after deducting the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining said system, were as shown in Section 6 of the attached and foregoing certificate, and that the same equal at least 1.4 times the average annual requirements of the outstanding Waterworks and Sewer System Bonds, dated February 1, 1951, and the Waterworks and Sewer System Bonds, aeries II of 1951, dated August 1, 1951, and the proposed $110,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Bonds, Series of 1955. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, this the ,G•4 day of January, 1955. Homer A. Hunter Associates, Consulting Engineers Registere5 Professional Engineer NO: /d (S) L.-.W OFFICES VINSON, ELKINS, WEEMS & SEARLS ESPERSON BUILDING HOUSTON, TEXAS SIGNATURE IDENTIFICATION AND NO - LITIGATION CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS We, the undersigned officers of the City of College Station, Texas, certify that on the / s day of f 5 ' 2 V '4 2-Y , 19 w officially signed for and on behalf of said City the following bonds, to -wit: (1) City of College Station W terworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series of 1955, dated February 1, 1955, numbered from 1 to 110, both inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 each, aggregating $110,000; and (2) City of College Station Electric Light and Power System Revenue Bonds, Series of 1955, dated February 1, 1955, numbered from 1 to 265, both inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 each, aggre- g gat ng $265.000 bein on t d a e of §uch sign and on the date hereof the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers authorized to execute such bonds and holding the offices indicated by the official titles set opposite our names. We further certify that, to our knowledge, no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened, either in the State or Federal courts, contesting or attacking said bonds or re- straining or enjoining their issuance, execution or delivery, or restraining or enjoining the as- sessment, levying and collection of the funds from which said bonds are payable, or in any manner questioning the authority or proceedings for the issuance, execution or delivery of said bonds or affecting the title of the present officials, and that no proceedings or authority for the issuance, execution or delivery of said bonds have been repealed, rescinded or revoked. The undersigned officers whose facsimile signatures do appear on each of the coupons attached to said bonds further certify that said facsimile signatures have been so affixed with their full knowledge and consent, and are hereby respectively adopted. We further certify that the seal which has been impressed upon all of said bonds and upon this certificate is the legally adopted, proper and only official seal of the agency issuing said bonds. We further certify said City adopted a Home -Rule Charter at an election held in said City January 8, 1952, and that said charter has been in no way amended, altered, or changed since its adoption, and that said Charter in no way changed the boundaries thereof, and that the boundaries of said City have not changed since the issuance by said City rand the approval thereof by the Attorney General) of its Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, dated August 1, 1951. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SAID SEAL, on the date above written. SIGN URES TITLE OF OFFICE Mayor (SEAL) _ City _Secretary The signatures of the above officers are hereby certified to be genuine. Dated this !S day of F I✓I 2 Y 19 55 COLLEGE STATION Name of Bank STATE BANK, (BANK COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS SEAL) r Aee igna b re of Bank Officer Title of Bank Officer *f LAW OFFICES VINSON, ELKINS, WEEMS & SEARLS ESPERBON BUILDING HOUSTON, TEXAS NO - LITIGATION CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF SOS I, the undersigned, Clerk of the District Court of the County shown above, make this certificate with respect to the following described bonds, to -wit: (1) 5,000 City of College Station Electric Light and Power Sys Revenue Bonds, Series of 1955, dated February 1, 1955; and (2) *110,000 City of College Station Waterworks and Sei' System Revenue Bonds, Series of 1955, dated February 1, 1955. I certify that there is no pending litigation now of record in the District Court of this County, nor to my knowledge, of record in any other Court, nor is there any litigation, to my knowledge, threatened or contemplated, affecting in any manner, either directly or indirectely : i. The legality of said bonds; • 2. The issuance, sale and delivery of said bonds; 3. The levy and /or collection and /or pledge of the funds from which the principal of and interest on said bonds are payable; 4. The proceedings and authority under which said levy and /or collection and /or pledge are authorized or made; 5. The corporate existence or boundaries of the agency issuing said bonds; 6. The titles of the officers thereof to their respective offices. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of said office, this /al' day of , 19 55 • c T 004 District Clerk (SEAL) BRAZOS g wart By Deputy Office of ATTORNEY GENERAL of State of Texas THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the City o f College Station Electric Light and bower Systems Revenue Bonds, :series 1955 issued by virtue of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said City on the 25th day of January, 1955 for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the City's existing sanitary sever system, dated Peery. 1, 1955 ; numbered consecutively from 1 to 265 inclusive, for the sum of One 'Thousand (1,000) DOLLARS each, aggregating the sum of :mu Hundred Sixty -five Thousand (265,0 DOLLARS payable at College Station State Bank, College Station, Tex serially on February lst each year, as tollovs: 450000 1 95 6 /5 8 $8,000 1965/67 412,000 19/8/80 ,000 1959 9,00 1968/71 13,E 1981/432 7,000 1964 1 1972/ 5/77 14,000 1983/84 (See Schedule "A" for option clam ) Bonds Numbers 1 to 122 inclusive, at the rate of 2 -3/4% per annum; Bonds Numbers 43 to 187, inclusive, at the rate of 3 % per annum; Bonds Numbers 188 to 265, inclusive, at the rate of 3 -1/4% per annum; with interest at the rate of / per cent per annum, payable August 1, 1955, and semi- annually thereafter on February lst and August lst of each year, have been submitted to me for examination in accordance with the requirements of the statutes of Texas and I have carefully examined said bonds in connection with the facts and the Constitution and laws on the subject of the execution of said bonds, and I find upon the evidence submitted +o me and as the result of a careful examination of the matter the following facts: I. That the Cit of College Station was at the time of the passage of the ordinance above referred to legally incorporate*. 2. That said bonds constitute special obligations of the City of College Station, Texas, and are payable solely from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the revenues of the electric light and power system of said City, after deduction of reasonable operation and maintenance expenses, and the holders of said bonds shall never have the right to demand payment thereof out of moneys raised or to be raised by taxation. 3. That the ord' nce authorizing the issuance of said bonds is in proper form and was legally passed. 4. That said bonds are proper in form and in accordance with the ordinance authorizing their issuance. 5. This $265,000 of bonds constitutes the first installment of an authorised total amount of 4300,000 voted on December 1, 1954. 1+ is my judgment, and I so find, that all +he requirements of the law under which said bonds were issued have been complied with; that said bonds were issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; and that they are valid and binding special obligations upon the said City of College Station County of Brazos Texas. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially and caused to be impressed hereon the seal of my office in the City of Austin, Texas, this the l,7''h_ of February , 19_ .._;j_... #1478 (S_ ,igned) JOHN BEN SHEPPERD Book #1Y Attorney General of +he State of Texas. A66 -548 kC 3LE AN CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ELECTRIC LIGHT AID POWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1955 $2 ©5, 000.00 OPTION CLAUSE: That the City of College Station expressly reserves the right to redeem for refunding purposes only all the then out - standing bonds of this issue on any interest payment date prior to 15 years from the bond date if the following conditions ars mats (a) All bonds then outstanding payable from the net revenues of the waterworks system, sanitary sewer system, and/or electric light and power system, or from the net revenues of any combination of such systems, are to be refunded in accordance with then existing law into one issue of bonds payable from the net revenues of the waterworks system, sanitary sever system, and electric light and power system; and (b) Those bonds of the refunding bond issue which are to be exchanged for the bonds authorised by the ordinance authorizing these bonds bear the same interest rate or rates and maturity date or dates as the underlying bonds to be so refunded and exchanged. If the conditions outlined in (a) and (b) are met, and notice of the redemption is given as provided in said ordinance, the holders and owners of any such bond or bonds shall surrender the same and accept in lieu and exchange thereof a refunding bond or bonds authorised as provided above. The City of College Station also expressly reserves the right to redeem all or any part of the bonds authorised by the ordinance mentioned above, then outstanding, for any lawful purpose, on any interest pymsnt date on and after 15 years from the date of said bonds by paying to the owners and holders thereof a price of par value of the bonds so redeemed plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. As to any bonds redeemed under the provisions mentioned above, notice in writing thereof shall be given to the bank at which said tends are payable, and said notice shall be published at least one (1) time in a financial journal published and of general circulation in the United States of America, which notice shall be mailed to said bank and published in said journal at least 30 day's prior to the date fixed for redemption. When said bonds have been called for redemption, as mentioned, and notice thereof has been given as specified above, and due provision has been made to redeem the same, the owners' and holders' right to collect interest on said bonds which would otherwise accrue after the redemption date shall terminate as of the date fixed for redemption. INV -009 Waiver of Eligible Bonds by State Board of Education STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Texas give to the State Board of Education an option of ten days on all municipal bonds issued in this State, and WHEREAS, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION has issued ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1955 aggregating $265,000.00 dated Febrwary 1, 1955 , and numbered from 1 to 265 , inclusive, bearing interest at 2.3/4, 3, j-1/4 v per annum, and maturing: 195h — 19B4 SAP Tra.narript , and WHEREAS, said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION desires to sell said E.LEC LT. &POWER SYS. REV. BDS., SER 195 in the open market, THEREFORE, this is to certify that the State Board of Education at its meeting on the 5 day of April , 19 "i8 did waive all Revenue Bonds. WITNESS MY HAND, this the 1 7 day of February , 19. (e. Commissions ' • i Education and Executi Secretary State Board • Education (( Jf Office of ATTORNEY GENERAL of State of Texas THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the City of College Station Waterworks and Sewer Systoles Revenue Bends, Series of 1955 issued by virtue of an til*dinanee passed by the City Council of said city on the 25th day of Jay, 1955 for the purpose of securing funds with which to build and purchase Vau.Dts and �" sions to the electric light system, and cons t Z v nts and ex» tensions to the Oaterwarke system and the ewer system of said City, dated Fernery 1, 1 955 ; numbered consecutively from 1 to 130 inclusive, for the sum of Oars Viand (1,000) DOLLARS each, aggregating the sum of o suldred ten Th oussa d (110.000) DOLLARS payable at Collage Station State Sank, Collie Station, Texas, or at atlas National Bank, Dallas, Tomas, at the option of the bolder, serially as follows: $2,000 on lebruery 1st in each st the years 196 to 1960, inclusive; February on Febzy 1st in each of the years b1 to 1970, inelusivei 4,000 on Febrwaryy 1st in ash of the years till to 1 8, inelmaives 5,000 on Pebeltary lit in each of the years 9 to isssra1 *ivst 9,000 on February let in each of the yes 1 3 and 19541 (See Schedule *Stashed for option clause) Sonde Irs 1 to 40, inclusive, at the rats of 2 -3/%0 per annum; Bonds IuAers 41 to 110, inclusive, at the rata of 3-1110 per annul; with interest at the rate of / per cent per annum, payable August 1, 1955. andintatosanualIT thereafter on February 1st auk. August let of each year, have been submitted fo me for examination in accordance with the requirements of the statutes of Texas and I have carefully examined said bonds in connection with the facts and the Constitution and laws on the subject of the execution of said bonds, and I find upon the evidence submitted to me and as the result of a careful examination of the matter the following facts: I. That the City of College its ion was at the time of the passage of the Ora___*. above referred to legally incorporated. 2. That said bonds constitute special obligations of the City of College ;Millen, texas, andt are payable as to batty principal and interest solely frost and secured by s first lien onandidgedge of the revenues of the waterworks and serer system of said City, after deduction of reasonable operation and mainte- nance expenses, and the holders of said bonds shall never have the right to demand payment +hereof out of moneys raised or to be raised by taxation. 3. That the ordinsase authorizing the issuance of said bonds is in proper form and was legally passed. 4. That said bonds are proper in form and in accordance with the o dt acs authorizing their issuance. 5. This 8110 � of bonds oonstitutss the third cad flail installment t an al�tised total amount of poomo va1ibd +iaao a e, 1951 ($90,000 having been previously approved)* It is my judgment, and I so find, that all the requirements of the law under which said bonds were issued have been complied with; that said bonds were issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; and that they are valid and binding special obligations upon the said City of College ;Station County of Brazos Texas. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially and caused to be impressed hereon the seal of my office in the City of Austin, Texas, this the1,7 day of , 19 F;... Isok #17 (Signed). Attorney - rah �p or ney o + e State of Texas. A66 -548 SCHEDJLB "A" CITY OF COLLIE STATION WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES of 1955 $11 0,000.00 OPTION CLAUSJ: That the City of College Station expressly reserves the right to redeem for refunding purposes only all the then out- standing bonds of this issue on any interest payment date prior to 15 years from the bond date if the following conditions are met: (a) All bonds then outstanding payable from the net revenues of the waterworks system, sanitary sewer system, and /or electric light and power system, or from the net revenues of any combination of such systems, are to be refunded in accordance with then ex- isting law into one issue of bonds payable from the net revenues of the waterworks system, sanitary sever system, and electric light and power system; and (b) Those bonds of the refunding bond issue which are to be exchanged for the bonds authorized by the ordinance authorizing these bonds bear the same interest rate or rates and maturity date or dates as the underlying bonds to be so refunded and exchanged. If the conditions outlined in (a) and (b) are met, and notice of the redemption is given as provided hereafter in Section 6 (of said ordinance), the holders and owners of any such bond or bonds shall surrender the same and accept in lieu and exchange thereof a refunding bond or bonds authorized as provided above. The City of College Station also expressly reserves the right to redeem all or any part of the bonds,authorized by the ordinance mentioned above, then outstanding, for any lawful purpose, on any interest payment date on and after 15 years from the date of said bonds by paying to the owners and holders thereof a price of par value of the bonds so redeemed plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. As to any bond redeemed under the provisions mentioned above, notice in writing thereof shall be given to the banks at which said bonds ars payable, and notice shall be published at least one (1) time in a financial journal published and of general circulation in the United States of America, which notice shall be mailed to said banks and published in said journal at least 30 days prior to the date fixed for redemption. When said bonds have been called for redemption, as mentioned, and notice thereof has been given as specified above, and due provision has been made to redeem the same, the owners' and holders' right to collect interest on said bonds which would otherwise accrue after the redemption date shall terminate as of the date fixed for redemption. INV -009 Waiver of Eligible Bonds by State Board of Education STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Texas give to the State Board of Education an option of ten days on all municipal bonds issued in this State, and WHEREAS, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION has issued WATERWORKS & SEWER SYSTEM REVEaUE BONDS. SERIES OF 195.5 aggregating $ 110,000.00 dated February 1, 155 , and numbered from 1 to 110 , inclusive, bearing interest at 2-34, 3-12 per annum, and maturing: 1 to 29 years — See Transcript , and WHEREAS, said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION desires to sell said WTR. WRKS. & SEWER SYS. REV. BDS. SER. OF 1955 in the open market, THEREFORE, this is to certify that the State Board of Education at its meeting on the 5 day of April , 19 3d did waive all Revenue Bonds. WITNESS MY HAND, this the i7 day of February , 19. . C).- LA ). C A 4.4 0-.)\------ 1 Commissioner o ducation and Executive a rotary State Board of ucation LO7V OFFICES Y VINSON, ELKINS, WEEMS & SEARLS ESPERSON BUILDING HOUSTON, TEXAS TREASURER'S RECEIPT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Sag= } I, the undersigned, Treasurer of the City or College Station, 2 , certify as follows: I. That on the day of '` " ' 1955 , 19 55 , I delivered to the pur- chaser thereof the following bonds: City or College Station Electric night and Power Title of Bonds :system Rtveras. t Series or 1955 (doted 2-1 -1 Principal Amount: . Denomination: 1 Maturities: (nt d from 1 to 265, both inclusive) serially on February lat in each or the years 1556 to 104, both inclusive. Interest Rate: 2 "'3/ 11 % DIOS* 1 1 122 ), 3 00 12 3, 18 7) ♦ and 34/4% 1�. (Nos. ' 6s) (Nos. (Nos. 2. At the time of such delivery, there were no matured coupons attached to said bonds, and all unmatured coupons were attached to said bonds. 3. At the time of such delivery, I received from said purchaser full payment for said bonds in keeping with the order, ordinance, or resolution authorizing the issuance thereof and the order, ordinance or resolution awarding the sale thereof, said full purchase price being t plus accrued interest from date to delivery. 4. At the time of such delivery, there was not pending or threatened, to my knowledge, any litigation affecting the validity of said bonds, or the levy and /or collection and /or pledge of funds for payment thereof or the organization or boundaries of said agency or the title of the officers thereof to their respective offices, and that no additional bonds, warrants or other evi- dences of indebtedness have been issued since the date of the statement of indebtedness or non - encumbrance certificate submitted to the Attorney General of Texas in connection with the approval of said bonds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of said , this the day of , 19 55. (SEAL) Treas er / The foregoing signature of the above Treasurer is hereby certified to be genuine. , MAR - 7 19u- Dated this day of , 19 95 COLLEGE STATION Name of Bank - - - S �F A - $A�Pll4, VO L%.E GE STa TIGN , TEX',S (BANK SEAL) ignatur - • Bank ffice Title of Bank Officer f Li/ OFFICES VINSON, ELKINS, WEEMS & SEARLS ' ESPERSON BUILDING HOUSTON, TEXAS TREASURER'S RECEIPT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, the undersigned, Treasurer of the City of College Station, Texas, certify as follows : 1. That on the day of , 19 55 , I delivered to the pur- chaser thereof the following bonds : City of College Station Waterworks and Sewer System Title of Bonds : Revenue Bonds, Series of 1955 (dated Feb. 1, 1955) Principal Amount : $110, 000 Denomination: $1,000 Maturities: serially on February 1st in (numbered from 1 to 110, each of the years 1956 to 1981+both inclusive) both inclusive. Interest Rate : 2 --3/4% (Nos. 1/40) and 3 -1 /2% (Nos. 41/110) . 2. At the time of such delivery, there were no matured coupons attached to said bonds, and all unmatured coupons were attached to said bonds. 3. At the time of such delivery, I received from said purchaser full payment for said bonds in keeping with the order, ordinance, or resolution authorizing the issuance thereof and the order, ordinance or resolution awarding the sale thereof, said full purchase price beingpar plus accrued interest from date to delivery. 4. At the time of such delivery, there was not pending or threatened, to my knowledge, any litigation affecting the validity of said bonds, or the levy and /or collection and /or pledge of funds for payment thereof or the organization or boundaries of said agency or the title of the officers thereof to their respective offices, and that no additional bonds, warrants or other evi- dences of indebtedness have been issued since the date of the statement of indebtedness or non - encumbrance certificate submitted to the Attorney General of Texas in connection with the approval of said bonds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of said , this the day of , 1955 . (SEAL) Tr asurer The foregoing signature of the above Treasurer is hereby certified to be genuine. Dated this day of , 1 9 55 • COLLEGE STATION Name of Bank STATE _ BANK, COLLEGE STATION, TEX. (BANK SEAL) ignature o : ank Officer ) 42. s7 dew Title of Bank Officer