HomeMy WebLinkAboutA & M CISD Minutes 1966 A & M CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT College Station, Texas January 24, 1966 To 411 Schooj Soar& 7. 1.E.-. - .mberct: There will be a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the A & M Consolidated Schools Monday, January 24„ at 7:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the School Administration P The following items are on the agenda: I. Roll Call 2. Hearing of such citizens or groups of citizens who may desire to appear :t3efore the Board. 3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. 4, Superintendents Reports. A. Budget Control E. Tax Report C. Cafeteria Report D. Snack Bar Report E. Student Activity Report 'Bills Payable 5, School Tz Election -- The following are important dates In regard to the sohoollxuste.e election: PI.. March 2 last day to file fo ;,. place on ballot. B. March 14 - Start of absentee Irobg,. C. March 29 Last clay of absentee Yoi:Sng. Do Aor.t1 2 Election. 60 Defense Jake Ca.ngelose has asked to discuss the Civil Defense prcycay q - tll• DOS. rd 7„, High School C.)fff.ce 4d(i!tion: StriCke ed to wJ.hdiw hJ,s bid as he failed. to ric.!lue.,e labC*: in his price., 13oai:c1 hou1d cons;:de 7 VI ha steps to take in Zh.cs te Buthet Amendment Aocozding to 01;7 audito;, the amount in Qem 121 0,, Sites , should be changed to 1312, retirement of short tern loans. The amount should be inczease.d $:' `,:o r r� A eI. da, January 24, 1966 Page 2 Census The school census is currently being taken and should be _'- ompiiete. Fehru:xr j 1. Present figures show an increase over Iast year., 10.. Vocational S nfe_. l have received a letter f.rom the Texas E t t S CiL.�'.`.3 10x1 Agency s tin'L< that they :)' n to be reS Cr.. on i\lionc ay, re.bruary 7 to organize a Vocational Survey.. _.o Room Requirements *Oi' 1966^67 1:!?:' school staff is completing pi'L7) °Csl'.ion as to room need:; in September. The. Board 1-night consider the appointment of a Board committee to work with the staff on this i' .. 12.. Snack Bar Equip:lent •, We owe Read_{eld Restaurant Supply a balance of $5861.71 fo; s Eck bar equipment. We might pay this out of Building fund aid refund .. frr-: Snack Bar and Cafeteria at the and of the year 3. -=edexal_ Progra,__:1 - Application for Title I and Title if have been faiwarded to the Texas Education Agency, We should receive approval within the next. "70 weeks, 14. R 'organizaiio:l _J. Lincoln School Mr. Riedel will discuss proposed plan _=ox housing ct:j'_ J.:en, who had been at'ienL • .ng Lincoln Sr EXCUf T E SESSION 1. Board of B j lial!zation The School Board should appoint the Board of ECi ua .tzau/•n for this year. 2.. Stlecti.cnof Architect The Board should :elect an architect for the new e. lemen uy school. if the aae other i':ems to add to this agenda, please cal me S nocrely years ,a, T Riedel T. ,�,e dam.± . A & M CONSOLLDATED '.DEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT College Station„ Texas Regular meeting •- jan:.=a:_' 24, 1966 7 :00 p.m.. �. Membovs Present: Par! . Loncr eil" lsbe1I,, Wooten: : Hensarilnry 7 Thompson 11. Members Absent: None 7 11. School Officials resent: We 1. i?... ^del, Superi.rctendent ? mitdri.dzie ,Barker, ; Secretary E„ P,, Ozm e_nt, High School Principal IV,. Guests Present: Mr,, and Mrs, Leonard Burgess Rodney Leifeste Jake Cange.11os'e,. Civil Defense Elton Jones, BTX• -TV Shary Brown, Brian Daly Eagl He r_ ;< Alien V ' r- e''l_tions Present: None VI. Approval of Minutes ° Regular F : Q December ;" ' I ti 8 I.: =xI2 : _J ; 1965 and special meeting January 13, 3966 ' Dr. Isbell moved 2 uha the minutes of these meetings be approved as presented.. Mr, Hen.`. Fsrl1 n seconded the motion. Motion carrl_d unanimously., Vii. Superintendent's Reports. 1. B dgeC Control The Board re iti. ied the Budce7. �-•! C nc. ra .., Control for the month F'! -v December 31, 1965, M . C Alexander moved - .._ n sl(!• _ figure .t - v CaL the .`..Jt..� r .. of $2100 be A. �+'��.�lG��!! t. •1 4(( under the item ? 210 Sites. ;_, that i 1 re from _ _! � s - -;ai., _ � 1 ..... amount be .Cia?G`- _� lr'Ui!I ? .. ' -� , •`�. :.. to 1312 Retirement of S ns . :. re.commended c School b_uditor, D 'yiic *en s i onLe;; the motion. f i c -ll c �i •: �... - C:._ .St. til L.._tij �JaCdon vCl n"P.C{w 2. Tax 2�epoi. : : The Tax R n i! '� : . _!.. r_. -r :slam: if ar 1 f December -gyp review-ad _. . .,_.. _ . J _ i .i: U•�C._ 1111..e� ws - :oars ._' Cafei.:eria Te. '3, = 7 -' _ _ - - ot December. 2. Snack Bar `epos., T ...fit - I�' =oa: �..._.- ; d the Sna Bar rte� crt for the :: December. J-, Student A --- 1:e T:)01 T-__a ,!.:. - .. =.:'::'a ::!";e Student Activity "}r'.!'- for the 111011'31 o `,- , r r Regular meeting. January 24 1966 Page 2 Superintendent's Reports continued from :page 1. 6. Bills Paid -- Dr. Isbell moved that the Beard approve the pai ment of enuar.. bills 1 throuch 90 of the Operating Fund, an 1 i`.iiAough 11 of the Student _ ctivity Pund, Mr. Palmer seconded the =lotion. Motion ion ca hied unanimously. A i II i1, i- e ? t s moved that since M . Burke wit dc his the ... .. `r, nsar:.i_l.. !. o�.ed _A_at s ii.. t• ��,._, � �' C _ bid on �' High School ..{ that Board r. '� . -W Construction t� r te. c�Cti�_.ctii? �A_d'C the d'a�c'2YCs the bid to B' :. Company at their bid o tce of $14,830 to be comPleted in 65 days. 1.%r. Wooten seconded the modon, 'Motion carried unanimously. L`_. Dr, Wooten moved that Readfield Res au';ai_t Supply be paid. $5861,71, the amount of balance owed for snac'. ba'. equipment, this amount to be paid from Building fund and later reimbursed b y the Cafeteria fund. Mr, _Hrensarling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. X. Dr. Wooten moved that the Board authorize the following: 1. That t>, �! M Consolidated independent School District r: t� �.�E L, I`� C I C J ©: .Six C'� Sep E? as the icoa public educational agency to sub=mit an application for Title. 11I fends for a A ann i ng grant. 2 , ? at Mr, Riedel, Sup°ri ntendent of Schools, be authorized to receive and administer this grant in keeping with the regulations of the focal School District, the Texas Education Agency. • nd the U. S. Office of Education. 3. ► ^at in the administration of this Grant: the Superintendent be authorized to _ assign appropriate adrninist.atve and fiscal responsibilities to Texas A &M University in keeping with the provisions of the Act, and to provide in the application that adequate funds be :;Fade available for these administrative and supplemental services. jr , Ishell seconded the ;rr i t c unanimously-. ��.. Se.,...ri_...0 to _ rJ+`..�`•A'i, Motion 0' cai'r ie a_A_aT31.A1QUSly . EXECUTIVE' SESSION y E �`�,_..: r. 't- =� } i z - f ..- .... The t_� T . s as r > f e ^i C� C :. Neel ley, �L, ..�: Gtr- „ ��t..s...ar? i_- Board v_ .t pia ":t -� a aj�'3: _ . _ 22i..:.. L.t7.aiii.,.S .-.t ..: ,: Bill Adkins, ; Jim O'Brien serve on tie B f . :? . ti for T th ' -� -._ _ F� 1 � :zItil.c Jim _ La ,-_7 to ... ._ �,. L. o... ^•.;�.G v., a ao :;�. term and ._ !Si e t 'd five men from which tevo more memb xs will be chosen. The list is as follows: Rob Gr fan Rat" 17:1d Parsons Ben Lies n > t�- v.°. diL Ryan Charles Pinnell Regular meeting, :fa nu]ry 24, 1966 Page 3 Executive :;e.;siOn (continued from page 2) li.: Architect • - Mr. Hensarling moved that the Board emc•1oi% _., i.ar1 Merrell, Tr. as the School .':3chi;.e t for the next building program. Mr. Alexander seconded the nd2d ..le motion., Motion carried. M.. Thompson and r, Wooten abstained from voting., il' e Mr. Alexancier moved that $10,000 be put in Community Savings and Loan and the balance of the $56,706 received from insurance on the Lincoln buildings destroyed by fie.. be put in the University National Bank in a savings account., Mr. !'den serling seconded the motion.. Motion. carried unanimously. The m :etin: was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. . John 13 , Longiev President A. F. Isbell, Secretary �"" • A & M COINNSOLIDA T EIJ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT College Station, Texas Regular meeting - February 21 1966 7:00 p orr_ Gr b r; P osen : Palmer: Conn1e r. •ensariiing, Woot a ,'.ei i eas _zb ent: Thomoson. i.lexander. T_'}. _ .C11001 . �?.r,..t is ', e: _h : Y e T Fier Superintendent . �•. i.a,. _ rL:> W. _ � Riedel, Superintendent 1_rmildriei e Barker, Secretary E. P. Oz J ilt, "_``_i J School ? �, �.r.?l a � SC_.of " IZCiaat _ .ale Guests = S e::+ Era;:: R. L. Schleide.4 Leonard BLIP -fess Roy D Gaul Calvin C. Boykin Sh ry ;?rc'.;rn, ;r an Dailt. `Eagle . i.i�lecietions F;esent: None v - Minutes ... Re ,l e t n. , January , 24, 1966 and special meeting [- :•.:.:..eJ; �; >: C_ iL.:lliltG •ti GL 3f meeting 4 �x a meeting, Pebru:lry 9, 1 966 Dr. Wooten moved that the minutes of these meetings be ap oo ed as presented. t M ns r: seconded hn f f c ' _ s n;. �.. x . _e „a z � the motion. Motion t�r.:r3�c:. tzr_; ni i ous1fir. Superintendent's '1 i .. Reports 1. Budget t Co, t ! - The ' reviewed the get Control for the month ending � iti: -Gt .: .r0 _ G u 3r g L'3.c��A;.' + +. r� S� ?� .,i_"!3.P_.� January 31, 1966. �.'. Ta.:-7 Reper - T le Tax der or:' for the month of ja.nuary January was reviewed by the Po•�r, _� C.... a Cafeteria Catst .ria Report The Boa3: reviewed. ed the C'�t rt }., _ The � the c,:. _c., �f1.: for "��7... month 4. Snack Ear Board re reviewed the Snack Ear Report for the month of -- ti:k _ iCr t1.. '_�'iDl i "�%t �.. .'r 4:_ «. 'v _. �:._: :a.- ?- � .. ' 1 o r', the t Activity R .... ..,_.._ ^u13.� < "�_..._,'L _..:iiC + }' ^ :_._ -3: " \ _ : � , z.G'�'t. ___" S�'i3�'.Gnl..._U`_�V?.�_y' r�,3'S for the month of Bills raid ... �:,: '�"-.7. - the _ . v .�._....0 .i'i. .. «♦ t:.. «. ±S \�':t :i::��+. �. �. �.i _.:4 :.i>.... Board -._�.•_�is ���:� the ��G •d SSSe:l i. T ! •-' r j . b. 1 1 t_ti;ou 75 o f the O .__. c t) Fu _t •Y through t r`� ii A'U - •iL:ui _s � 1 �._� Dr, . -... J � �.:.ci..._ y '� a::i�tt ^� Aus�J.Motion 1� mss i.:ri" t ^'tt".' e ��tf f .. ' i ""l a �-%r, . � "e ./c,- ..Coe') •.' `he motion. a carried Regular meeting , February 23, 1966 Pape i' �:.. er` <: • of School Trustee Election Mr. Hensarling moved that the Order calling the School Trustee Election to be held on April 2, 1966 in the A & M -: t 7 School Music Room `,� Wooten �:,�i,i�'v� junior High v.- .�2CU1 !FZllSs R��On; passed. 1! OOi °i1 S8C0 cjf:C1. otio__. Motion Carried un.an mous1y. sL c;'es .�.'.v the following men from which to choose a judge and an t int cadge 70_: the election: Luther e r r~` Jones +k.: w.•ivt �.. o E„ ,T` •r P. L. Downs, Tr. it .. •? the r, the t the a select Ict e v k (:-_ iii. wish of �.e?r'. t��,c.rC? than til? ;ii�?C,� :, i" .�• clerks ,Ee °7rJ) to work at r;? election,. �: it ✓r: _ 3ark r was appointed to act as clerk absentee t- a -i _x,�...e� was Gp�....r__...G to acL a,J i ...� o'. voting, and W. T. Riedel to act as assistant clerk, . 1. Wooten rilove_z that the ity College Station be pa d $3742, 28, the School's C �. of COI >c - C'. �.:i•� >. shale for the paving of Timber street. MT. Palmer seconded the motion_. Motion cw. ied unanimously. X. Mr. Hensaxii ..g moved that the Board authorize the Superintendent cf Schools and the President of the Board of Trustees to employ someone to clear away the result of the recent fire at Lincoln. Dr. Wooten. seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. following which the Board met in 13xec ti Ve Ses. ?ions • J ohn B. 1 i President - Lie ,. = ✓!J. _ L, `e ��t.•ti�.•Y -t i t • • N . , A& M CONSCILTDATED INDEPENIYE1:4T COL ai.:';TRC:' • • College Station, TeNas S 2 , Pre ' ;:t.1-11-: Grif •F i " 7-) j.i jae S e ilt: T. Imer, Porte r S C b. 0 01 Offici315 Pre.se-.nt: W. T. Slap rt E. P. Ozzlent, •ier.. of Clirr,toz=1 Jane Miller, Se.crtary TV.. neIega Present: None V. Guests Present: Mike Matthews, Reporter RrYa n Daily Eaf!le OPEN HEARING Guests Present: Robert A. Knapp Robert M. Lo-sgan Mike Matthews, Reporter Bryan Daily Eagle Mr. Riedel presented the preliminary budget for 1967-58. After open hearing, the Board reconvened in regular session. VI. Amended Budget - Mr. Longley moved the 1966-67 budget be amended as presented by the Superintendent. Mr. Hensarling seconded the motion.. Motion carried unanimously. VII. Superintendents Report: 1.. Budget Control - Mr. Riedel reviewed the Budget Control for the mc-nth ending July 31, 1967. 2. Tax Report - The tax report for the month of July was re-viewed the Board. 3. Cafeteria Report - The Cafeteria report for the i7lonth of August was revieed by the Board. 4. Snack Bar Report - The Snack Bar report for the month of August was reviewed by the Board. 5. Student Activity Report - The Board reviewed the Student Activity report for the month ending July 31, 1967. 6. Bills Payable - Mr. Longley moved that bills payable. 1 - 56 of Operating, Fund be approved for payment as presented. Mr. Griffin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • fze;J_f J..i1 - Page • VIE,. , - ' - i 5 b the E o :._ --!opt 5c 1967-68 nr _ `econdec'. - ;:he . C._.. -. ;i.: _._ .. (- �_a t %1 L' f_1()-':`.;'2i ^ -�2 h f 0 ;. `_` °_:. == - ;.i 7i. :.:iii_._ C`nc 11 _ _:1T' _.. __ K.'__ ...... i':' < \•`s.• .3( i . seconded the motion, Be it resoi i that: 1. The sor- .21; 'tee, ct; 1�? �ss��S�� -`i ��G_ ..:3 -- 3L:.i�::� to .�sC• the ��ui.;.,,,_�iJn with the School Depository each t mss' da except on any day the cal ec'tio :ls should exceed $5n0'3, thin it is to he deposited caJ . 2. The largest amount collected at any one time in the preceding fiscal or calendar year during the above ,'.re=iod was $5000. 3. The. amount of bond for the Tax Collector-Assessor shall be $10,000. 1. iMe.a't ds - Mr. Longley moved the Bn ce t Sup fin e; de - m a :g :7 Board. a.. �__2 ,. �_ �� �_t.__s.��__ts r�com_,_cs�•_:a- tion to award the meat bid to Readyield Mat Company of Bryan for • their bid of Hormel Franks at . 54 _b; Decker Franks at .50 lb Ground Meat at .46 lb; Boneless Stew at . 59 lb; Bologna at .43 lb and Frozen Steaks at .49 lb. Mr. Gri fir: seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. XII. School Depository for 1967 -69 - Mr. Riedel brought to the Boards attention the need to officially select the School Depository fore next two year period. Mr. rlensarling moved that the Board continue to use the University National Bank as the official school depository. Mr. L on ley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.. XIII. Mr. Riedel discussed with the Board the posibility of renting the Lincoln Homemaking Cottage_ The Board agreed to rent it provided a suitable terlent could be found and that the Superintendent should proceed on that basis. Mr. I-iensarling suggested bids be taken on E ernoval of Lincoln Cafeteria. XI V. The inventory of athletic Property was tabled until Meeting eting Board September of 18 1967. XV. Election of Teachers - Mr. Riedel piesented a list of live candidates for the Boards consideration. Mr. Longley rncved the Board elect candidates No_ 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as presented. Mr. I'lensarling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A Rogular Meeting August 28, 1957 - Page 3 DY. Wooten presfmted to the 13-o.:- current Building Fund st:vtements for oayment. Mr. Hensarlino moved the Bo;Ird nay the statements as z3resented. Mr. Lonale.,.7 seconde.c i. the motion. XVI. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Dr. A. B. Wooten, President Mr. Bob Griffin, Secretor! • A & M CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL. DISTRICT College Station, Texas Regular Meeting November 27, 1 _ ;67 - 7:0Q p.m. I. l ie_be s Present: V Dote 1, Griffin, Paltrier, Po;-ter, Lono;i.___ T1. 5 s Absent: "ine _ -i s r i C'iii;J�_i men; � 'Y" 1_ �, •en �1 i ilg School Officials Present: VV. T. Riedel, Superintendent E. P. Ozment, Director of Curriculum Arthur Bright, Principal, A & 1'J Consolidated High School Edsel }ones, Athletic Director Jane Miller, Secretary IV Delegations Present: None V. Guests Present: William P. Kuvlesky, Bill Luker, Pieter Groot, Tommie Preston, Mrs. Robert Chenowith, Mrs. Tom Reynolds, Mrs. Virilliar n Rowekamp, Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Wick, Mrs. Charlene Strawn, Clyde McQueen, Mrt3. fames Bassett, Ivir. and Mrs. Jack Inglis, jack Upham, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lowy, June Mayer, Mrs. Vivian Freston, Rev. L. W. Flowers, Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Fryxell, and Susan Patton, Reporter: Bryan Daily Eagle. VI. Mr. Groote requested the Board to consider purchasing a $29.03 9x12 rug for the Special Education class at College Hills since the children do exercise on a bare • concrete floor. VII. Mr. Longley moved the minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeting November 7, 1967 be approved as presented. Dr. Porter seconded the motion. Motion 'carried unanimously. VIII. Superintendents Report: a. Budget Control - Mr. Riedel reviewed the budget control for the month ending October 31, 1967. b. Tax Report - The tax report for the month of October was reviewed by the Board. c. Cafeteria Report - The Board reviewed the Cafeteria Report for the r ending October 31, 1967. d. Snack Bar Report - The Snack Bar report for the month of October was reviewed by the Board. e. Student Activity Report - The Board reviewed the Student Activity Report for the month of October. f. Bills Payable - Mr. Griffin moved that Operating Fund bills payable 1 - 123 and Student Activity bills payable 1 - 32 be approved for payment. Mr. Longiey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Dr. Porter requested that only outstanding items on the monthly Financial reports be brought to the attention of the Board. Regular Meeting November 2j, 1067 - Page 2 • VIX. Facilities - Mr. Edsel Jones presented to the Board a diagram showing how a track could be worked on to the available space at the football field and the adjacent bus parkina lot. This would provide 6 30" lanes on a 430 vard track. Since this is not reaulation size, it would only .z_ccon small meets, triancular n and prn a place f.,nr students t work out. The Board raci Mr. Tones to net cstitnates cf cost bns facilities to r2if',DS('F'Zt: at tlie Special Meetin:J December ltn. Mr. Riedel nres,.. Droaress of the BLildino program. architect and construction company made their final inspection T''ici_v!y NbvlDer a. 7 and Monday Ioveraber 20 and presented their final statements, - .7ith retainage of .910;)0 on B--W Construction Co. and $53 on Wr. E. Ear for minor adjustments. Mr. Longley moved the Board approve both statements for payment subject to Mr. Wells' approved. Mr. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carded unanimously. it was agreed by the Board not to have an official_ inspection by the Board, since Mr. Wells is the official representative of the school system. Mr. Riedel brought to the Boards attention the need to proceed with the proposed Band Hall construction. The Board authorized Mr. Riedel to draw up a contract for Mr. Wells at the regular rate of 6% fee and credit taken for preliminary work already paid. Mr. Longley moved the Board authorize Mr. \Yells to draw up plans for the Band Hall. Mr. Griffin seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Riedel told the Board the Facility Study would probably he ready the early part of December. X. Insurance- The Board set the time at 5:09 p.m. for the special meeting. on December 11, 1367 for Insurance Agencies to present their insurance programs with 15 minutes allowed each agency for their presentation. The agencies will draw lots for order of proceedure. Mr. Riedel vas requested to notify participating agencies of time and date. Yd. Audit Report - The Board set 5:00 p.m. November 29, 1367 for a special meeting to hear the Audit Report. XII, Mr. Ozment reviewed with the Board various special programs in the school system. He presented some revisions on the Special Education classes for the Boards consideration c The Board requested Mr. Ozment to have this in printed form to present at the next regular meeting. XIII. Textbook Committee - Mr. Riedel presented a list of names of teachers to be nominated for the Textbook Committee. Mr. Lonaley moved and MI'. Griffin seconded thr motion that the teachers listed be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously. ' r I • R cula_ !v. et?.iiq November 20, 1967 - Page 3 . (r_ om_tiL. ity- School Cooperation - M_ . Riedel E =i � to the Board the schools participation in the Study -help or tutoring program ' i t cam;. �:un_ CLti7�.12t1y :7c ^ ^,__ f�_c<li__ , Phase .:Fin bo to open Con ; r r y - U. s.: two nicfhts a week with volunteer help for students. Later the High School Library w211 be avai1ab.e from 4 to 5 p.m. to students for study and 3atr.1 help from volunteer :':or'kCr: . The CATB I - roject will cio on the air November 27th in the Speech Room � at the High School two nights a i "Teo: with an arithmetic class for people who have not completed the Sth gracie. Lincoln gym is being kept open for use of oeople in that area for basketball and other sports. XV. Mr. Bright t esented to the Board a request for clarification of what constitutes • unacceptable attire in regard to "length -of- skirl" since mini- skirts have become fashionable. Mr. Bright recommended that a hemline which exceeds 5 irches / from the floor while a girl is in an erect kneeling position is beyond the limits of decency. Mr. Long'_ey moved that the accept Mr. Br ight's recommendation as presented. Mr. Griffin seconded the motion. Motion ca_ ied. XVI. After preliminary discussion, Mr. Palmer moved that the school system declare Monday November 27, 1967 a holiday if the University also took Monday as a holiday due to the Aggies winning their football game over Texas. Mr. Longley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. XVII. Mr. Griffin requested to be put on record as urging parents to participate in parents meetings. XVIII. Mr. Lon' gley moved the meeting adjourn. Ni eeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Dr. A. B. Wooten, President Mr. Bob J. Griffin, Secretary