HomeMy WebLinkAboutLincoln Reunion Letter 1990 January, 1990 Dear Former Student: As we look back over the decade of the eighties, we are proud of the accomplishments we've made, also grateful that things have gone well for us. Now, that we have entered the decade of the nineties , hopefully, bigger and better things will come our way. It is unbelievable, that it has been two years since our last reunion. "Oh How The Time Flies ". Many things have tran- spired during the past two years. Our organization has continues to function in a pleasant and unified manner, which brings one particular scripture to mind: Psalms 133:1 "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" We strive to do everything in unity, therefore, minor conflicts, which are few, are easily resolved. Since we are all God fearing members, of the Lincoln Former Students Association, our lives have been enriched, by always putting God first. We applaud, our president, James E. Steen, who has done an excellent along with all officers and members who have worked diligently to keep this organization moving forward. We've shared some wonderful and worthwhile experiences. During the "Christmas Open House, 1988, at the College Station Communi- ty Center, on Jersey Street, we represented with a display of "Lincoln High School Memorabilia" as well as "Black Art ". Needless to say, we were very proud of our display. Many people were unaware that a black school ever existed in College Sta- tion. We have continued to give scholarships to graduating seniors of A &M Consolidated High School. Our social events have been well attended and supported by most of you. We take this time to express our appreciation. To name a few events" "Christmas Gala, 88 -89, Spring Musicals, 88 -89, Hawaiian Luau, Concert rendered by Doretha Steen Sanders, L. A. California, Week -end trip to Houston, Texas. You can see that we have not been idle. We are ecstatic, that our Former Students of Dallas, Texas, are establishing a Lincoln Former Student Chapter in their area. On March 24, 1990, all Lincoln Former Students, are invited to Dallas, Texas, for a week -end featuring their first annual banquet along with entertainment. The fee is $5.00 per person. We are encouraging as many former students that can, to support the Dallas Chapter in their first event. The affair will be held at the Holiday Inn - Phone number (214)298 -8911 - Redbird Mall - 711 East Camp Wisdom - Duncanville, Texas. A map is available. Mrs. Doris Collier Carter is the Chairperson, telephone number (214)375 -9122, Co- Chairpersons, General Peter- son, telephone number (214)557 -0972, and Barbara Searcy Moore. We would like to have 50 or more persons to attend this event from this area. Our hearts go out to those families who have suffered the loss of loved ones. The ones we are aware of are: R. W. Robin- son, Calvin Banks, Mrs. Edna Harris Tarrow and Mrs. Eloise King. Now that we've tried to condense two years of happenings in this letter, our main interest is the upcoming reunion. The time has come to inform you of our 6th biannual school reunion, scheduled for July 13, 14, and 15, 1990. All impending details will be sent in our next communication. We consider this to be sufficient enough time for those of you out of state, to plan your vacation time accordingly. Those of you who failed to attend our last reunion missed a special treat. We are hoping you can arrange your schedule to be here. We will be delighted to see each of you. Our fees this year will remain the $30.00 per person, $60.00 per couple. If you are aware of a friend or relative who did not attend Lincoln High, but would like to share this joyous occasion with us, please feel free to invite them, if they are willing to pay the $30.00 fee. We are making an appeal to all of our former teachers to attend again this year. As compliments of the Lincoln Former Students Association, you will not be assessed a fee. This is just a small token of our appreciation. We strongly recommend that you start sending your donations, so that we may defray some of the necessary costs, for this affair. Please contact all family members and friends you know in town, as well as, out of town.