HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting Minutes re Lincoln School • gEETING OF THE :IiY COW.R:CIL, . i'T : -�.Z t?, 1941. "embe !I- e-sent; , ayor Anderson, Alde!!_en Langford, Munson, vli1 cox , and 'Orr. i :otion was rte by r. Langford, and seconded by Mr. Munson, that the city extend the power line from the f.. �r H. L School to the Gymnasium site on the school grounds. Motion carried. It was agreed that the Utilities Committee look into the matter of extendinr The water line from nest Perk to the new Negro School. A motion was made to this effect by •'r. F-unson, seconded by .Mr. Langford. Motion was made by lur. rvilcox, seconded by I" r. Munson, that the deed for easement across the Jcminik lard , for, 150, be accepted, and recorded. F•i_otion was made by iir.La.nrCord, seconded by �-r. Munson, that Edwin Lour he employed b the city for ;: 90.00 a month, effective July 1, 1541. i:otion carried. Motion was r:ade by u'r. Wilcox that Ordinance Rol 65 be adopted. " An ordinance 'Vacating a Certain Portion of an Alley Along Lot 10 according to a revised plat of a ;zert of Block 3, Collage Hills ::states ". The Council accepted the recommendations of the Zoning Commission or 1 u-nst 23, and instructed the Mayor to bdvertis e a public hear- ing in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and the Revised Citri1 Statutes. *1 Ilayor Assistant ° itr Secretary 00037 C.? Tr.. COUNCIL, 0:TOFILR 2, 1941. !cmb rrosent: Fnior Anderson, Aldermen Munson, Orr and Wilcox. tion was made by Orr, seconded by kir. wilcox, that tf.e city 'roc s tr pay th-t !;)Ero School for Timber Street; an amount equal to thc cnst o' extendinr a water line fror the city lines to the School, nnd, not to exceed s, hoO. votion narried. It was t.cr by tho Council to set the city tax rate at 60/ per S 100. ot'on v.as mtde by mr. Orr, seccndod Ly Lr. Wilcox, to adopt the runo-inndation of tho Zon:nr ;onmission, tiat the i'ollowing areas ho rinced ar ?:o. 1 --sidentiol area: Lots 1-10 inclusive, block 1 Lots 1-3 ft 2 Lots 1-10 " 3, L11 cf this arca is in the cubdivit known as holick's Aestrict- e.d ::omesites. LA--e-{-A- A • Lk—U/ 6„s -ete 'Ojj8 =_. k'" Meeting of the City Council, 'Thursday, July 9, 1942. Ivie.mbers Present: Mayor Langford, Councilmen Orr, Munson, Burns, Ailcox, and Smith. Mr. Langford reported on the city's help in financing the disposal of garbage. It was agreed that the city is to pay tle College $ 25.00 per month, beginning September 1, 1942. Until the 31st of August, the College will ai,izay the amount of 68.00- the amount of paving the road adjacent to ti pro houses- work done by the city, to maintaining the garbage disposal . iir. Langford reported on the purchase of a city owned garbage truck; the arrangements were trade by Mr. Langford and by Mr. Smith. The cost of the truck is to be $ 920.75. . Mr. McGinnis and Mr. Leland, two members of' the city's board of equiliz- ation, discussed some of their proposed plans with the Council. Permis- sion was given the bcard to take the tax rolls out of the city office. Mr. Langford reported on the first meeting of the City Park board. Mr. Miller was hired by the city to start mowing vacant lots within the city limits on July 20th, at a rate of 4 1.00 per hour. The Mayor reported on his meeting with the Brazos County Health Board. Motion was male by Mr. Munson, seconded by Mr. Wilcox, to authorize the Mayor to drill a well to be located in the Kapchinski area in order to furnish water for 23 negro families. motion carried. Motion was :rad e by Mr. Orr, seconded by Mr. Smith, to extend a water line from the negro school out to the highway in order to furnish to the negroes water in that area. On motion by Mr. +Y ilcox, seconded by Ivir. Orr, a hearing on the budget for the year July 1, 1942, to June 30, 1943, was set for 7:3- p.m., July 24th. ----------5 ,/". �,G Iviay or • Assistant CiItv Secretary V. V) ..7 J) 00114 Meeting of the City Council, Thursday, 7 P.I., December 10,1942. The Council met in the City Office with Mayor Langford presiding, and Councilmen Orr, Burns, Wilcox,Business Manager Smith and Mr. Simpson present. Mr. Tignor, from the Campus Theater, met to discuss the possib- ility of a night watchman for the North Gate Addition, and the city's contribution toward the salary of one. Principal : Cunningham, of the Negro School, met with the Council to request the piping of water to about 15 houses in the district in %hich he lives. An agreement was reached between the Council and him, that he is to be entirely responsible for the collection of these bills and for the deposits; these deposits to be $ 1.00 for each customer, with 6% interest, and in teturn for this vork, he is to receive 'water for his personal use, free of charge. This •ater is not to be metered separately, but is to pass through one meter only. It was the decision of the Council that J. G. Brown be paid for the month of Dece tuber only. It was agreed by the Council that Mrs. McCoy be employed at $100 A per month for 1 month or more; she is to check with Mr. Simpson } as far as possible on the audit of the `'ity of College Station's books. Upon recommendation of Mr. Simpson, if he feels that a ccmplete audit is advisable, the Council would act accordingly/ Ho-ever, Mr. Orr stated that the Council should not hold Mr. Smith or Mrs. Sneed responsible for anything previous to December 1, 1942. Mr. Smith made the statement, which was agreed upon by • the Council, that he would not like to assume any responsibility previous to I)ecemLer 1, 1942. Mayor 1 Essi stan,t; City Se cretary � � 00122 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING City of College Station City Council April 19, 1967 Members present: Mayor Anderson and Councilmen Holt, Rhodes, Adams, Cooley, Boyet and Rosprim. Visitors present: John Denison, Joe Hanover, Bob Schleider, and W. J. Byford. The council conferred with Joe Hanover, District Engineer, Texas Highway Department, on the possibility of additional highway media breaks for relief of businesses. Hanover advised the council of the need for a policy, such as they have, with media breaks only for streets and to other public areas. He pointed out how the highway media have resultec in the lowering of the accident rate. He encouraged the support of the council of the present policy. Following the discussion the mayor presented to the council for their consideration written requests as received from the Community Savings and Loan Association, Universi National Bank, and Ramada Inn, relative to their desire for media crossovers. The council, by general concurrence, decided to withhold action on the requests and the approval of policy of Texas Highway Department until a later meeting. A brief discussion followed with Hanover relative to the 100 foot width of the proposed highway near Louis Mais' store. Hanover spoke in favor of retention of such width and to securing of property on only the south side of the present Sulphur Springs Road. The council, on motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, approved a request of the City Manager to attend the Municipal Finance Officers' Association meeting in Chicago, June 5 -7. The council, on motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, and by unanimous vote, requested the mayor to attend the United States Conference of Mayors, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 17 -21, as a representative of this city. Considered by the council were the recommendations submitted to council members by the mayor for updating the police department. There was some discussion relative to personnel and salaries. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the recommendations were approved, subject to salary adjustments and personnel matters as discussed. The mayor and city manager were directed to see that the recommendation were implemented, effective May 1. The council considered the recommendations of the Charter Commission as submitted to them on January 15, 1967. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Issue No. 1 was approved. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Adams, Issue No. 3 was approved. On motion by Councilman Boyett, second( by Councilman Adams, Issue No. 4 was approved. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconc by Councilman Boyett, Issue No. 5 was approved. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seco by Councilman Rosprim, Issue No. 6 was approved. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Issue No. 7 was approved. 00989 Special Meeting Minutes City Council City of College Station April 19, 1967 Page 2 On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Adams, and passed, Issue No. 2 was not accepted by the council. Councilman Rhodes asked to be shown as voting for the Issue. With respect to Issue No. 2 relating to the system of electing Councilmen, it was agreed that the sentiment of the people favored retention of the Ward System. There was some discussion as to the need to reflect both total and voting population for equal representatioi in the three wards. The City Manager was requested to prepare a map reflecting the population, by type, within the city for further study by the council, in this connection. The Charter Committee was officially dismissed. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Cooley, and passed, it was agreed that the approved Issues be presented to the people for their consideration at the next general election. The council approved a joint meeting with the A &M Consolidated School Board and recommended the date of May 15. They also approved a joint meeting with the Bryan City Commission, suggesting the dates of May 29 and 30. A decision was reached by the council to postpone further consideration of Ordinance 38 pending the receipt of a report from the Kindergarten Committee. Considered by the council was a report from the City Engineer as to creek areas of the city needing improvements. The report was adopted. Mr. Byford, Resident Engineer, Texas Highway Department, presented plans for Jersey Street congtruction from State Highway 6 to F. M. 2154. On motion by Councilman Holt, and seconded by Councilman Boyett, the mayor was authorized to sign title sheet of the plans in the name of the city. The mayor furnished a brief report to the council relative to an informal agreement he planned to consummate with the A &M Consolidated School District relative to the temporal use of school property as a city park. The council approved action proposed. The meeting adjourned subject to call. PPROVED: D. A. Anderson, Mayor ATTEST: z {/ City Secretary 00990 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Members present: Mayor Anderson; Councilmen Rosprim, Boyett, Cooley, Adams, Rhodes, and Holt; City Manager Boswell; City Attorney Dillon; City Secretary Richardson. Visitors present: Rex Bailey; Felice S. Klein; D. Brooks Cofer, Jr. ; N. B. Bardell; John Hais let; and Wayne Allen. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, the minutes of the March 27 regular meeting and April 5 special meeting were passed and approved with one correction on Page 3, paragraph 10, of the March 27 minutes to read, "City Mana- ger Boswell reported that Homer Hunter Associates delivered the plans back to H. U. D. with Homer Hunter's Recommendations. " On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 509, an ordinance on the Southwestern States Telephone Franchise was passed on its third and final reading. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance No. 510, an ordinance on a Limousine Franchise was passed on its third and final reading. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Ordinance No. 517, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements on certain portions of Winding Road, Langford Street, Park Place Street, Live Oak Street, First Street, Spruce Street and Kerry Street, and directing the advertisement for bids was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, Ordinance No. 518, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements on certain portions of North Walton Drive and directing the advertisement for bids was passed and approved. The approval for North Walton Drive provided for paved head - in parking on the south side of Walton Drive instead of parallel parking. Councilman Cooley voted in opposition. The city manager set the date of May 12, 1967, at 1:30 p. m. for the opening of bids. Brooks Cofer, President of the Brazos County Counseling Service outlined the expan- sion program and budgetary plans of his group for the next fiscal year. He stated that in order to provide the citizens of Brazos County with a better quality of counselors and case workers, and general service to the public, an increase in the present budget would be needed. Mr. Cofer requested a $2, 500. 00 increase from the City of College Station in the budget for the coming year. Mrs. Klein presented to the council figures and statis- tics of people that have been helped through the service. She stated that there was no service in Brazos County that provides this type of counseling for its citizens. Following the conclusion of the presentations, Mayor Anderson stated that the council would give consideration to the request in the new fiscal year budget. 00391 , , 1VIIIUIICS ()1 I Aieeti Ig City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 2 On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, Ordinance No. 519, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 14, Block 2, Tauber Addition, from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District, was passed. The council requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider rezoning the rest of the lots in Block 2 of the Tauber Addition as District No. 3, Apartment House District. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, Ordinance No. 520, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, College Hills Addition from District No. 3, Apartment House District, to District No. 4, First Business District was passed and approved. Councilman Adams abstained from voting. Considered by the council was the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission to reconsider the location of the 20 inch water line from proposed 29th Street to the reservoir. After deliberation, the council took action to stand on its original decision. The council considered the recommendation of the Parks Committee with reference to the A &M Consolidated School property located west of and adjacent to the city's park which adjoins Lincoln School. Related by the mayor was that an informal agreement will be entered into between the mayor and the superintendent in keeping with the phone canvass he conducted on the matter. It will free use of this school property by the city. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the council voted to name the main lighted Little League park in honor of Wayne Smith, deceased, in keeping with the recommendation of the Parks Committee. Mayor Anderson reported to the council that he had fulfilled the request of the Parks Committee by writing letters of appreciation to the groups that had participated in the parks survey. With regard to the request of the Parks Committee that the council give: consideration to the establishment of three neighborhood parks and a large park, the mayor requested that such be withheld pending the evaluation of city needs over a period that he will shortly present to them. Consideration was therefore deferred. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the extension of a five -year contract with Ernest L. Brown, Vice President of Moroney, Beissner, and Company as financial consultant for the city was disapproved. Councilmen Holt and Rhodes voted in opposition. Mr. Wayne Allen, a resident of the City of College Station, asked about the city's present street paving plan as stated in Ordinance No. 517, including the paving of Kerry Street. 00992 7 Minutes of Ilcgular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 3 He stated that he was not in favor of paving the street as it was not frequently used by citizens. He asked if the city had an over -all paving plan. The mayor informed Mr. Allen of the policy of the city with respect to paving streets. City Manager Boswell gave a report to the council on the cost of a culvert under Nagle Street, amounting to $3, 000. 00. He also reported that channel lining of the Inlow Blvd. drainage ditch would cost $13, 000. 00. One -half of the total cost would be borne by the City of Bryan, the other half by the City of College Station. The council, after deliberation, requested the city manager to proceed on a one -half basis with the City of Bryan for placing a culvert under Nagle Street. Action on channel lining the creek will be withheld pending action on the street adjacent to the drainage area. The City Engineer's recommendations of an 80' right -of -way for the County Road ex- tension from the Glade to Highway 6 S. was discussed and approved by the council. The estimate of cost for over - laying one -half inch hot mix asphaltic concrete on Walton Drive and Kyle Avenue was reported by the city manager to cost $7, 724. 48. After a discussion on the cost, the city manager was asked to check into the possibility of using some cheaper material, such as a slurey seal that would be effective. City Manager Boswell advised the council that he had talked with property owners concerning securing land for the extension of Park Place Street. Mr. Kapchinskie offered the city 202 feet of land, free of charge, if the city would not charge him for curbing and guttering and paving of the street. Mr. Surovik offered the city land for $200. 00, if the city would pay for the paving of the street, including the necessary curbing and guttering. The council gave the city manager authorization to go ahead with these propositions in securing land for the extension of Park Place Street. However, the contract consumated should specify that the paving the city would do is in lieu of payment for the land provided. The city manager was also requested to check with A &M Consolidated School to ascertain if perhaps we might use a small portion of school property to avoid purchase of land from Otto Jeske. City Attorney Dillon discussed with the council the problems involved in the collection of money due from J. C. Culpepper. Dillon advised the council Culpepper was willing to settle the matter for $1, 500. 00. The council requested the attorney to proceed with the collection of $1, 500. 00 representing a settlement on the total claim. A discussion arose relative to the cost of a connection to the sewer line established by Culpepper and the city in a 76 acre tract which Culpepper developed. Two developers were not charged when they developed tracts near this development thereafter, and which, under terms originally arrived at, was to be done in view of the investment on the part of the city. Charges were to be at the rate of $113. 00 an acre. After a thorough discussion the council decided to forego charges against those already connected to the sewer since they were unaware of such, and were not so informed when they applied for a building permit. However, all subsequent developers are to be charged so that the city might recoup its investment. 00993 Minutes cif Regular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 4 Mayor Anderson inquired of the council as to their wishes on written requests the city had received for media breaks, and the policy of the Texas Highway Department in general. After discussion of the subject a motion was made by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Holt, that the city advise the Texas Highway Department that they temporarily withdraw their request for a media break to the Bank of A &M. Motion passed. Councilman Boyett voted in opposition to the matter. The motion was pre- dicated on the proposition that the city communicate with Charles Pinnell or some other recognized engineer to determine feasibility, considering safety, of establishing media breaks at other than at street intersections so as to help business. The mayor presented to the council for their consideration andadoption an application form for use by individuals who apply for employment with the city. He also presented a supplemental application for police officers. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the forms were approved. A brief discussion ensued as to a taxi ordinance, led by Councilman Cooley. At its conclusion the city manager was asked to reproduce and send to each councilman a copy of the Bryan ordinance for their review. Meeting adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary €0994 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING February 26, 1968 Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Councilmen Rosprim, Boyett, Rhodes, Cooley, Adams; City Manager Boswell; and City Attorney Dillon. Visitors Recording their Presence: Barney Stevenson, N. C. Whitehorn, Darlene Whitehorn, Daniel Russell, Sadie Hatfield, Lorraine Klipple, E. C. Klipple. C.D. Wells, Maudames De S. Reynolds, Mrs. C. B. Godbey, Mrs. J. Wheeler Barger, Marguerite B. Mitchell, Velma H. Couch, Russell Couch, Frankie A. Sanders, Joe T. Sanders, H. L. Heaton, R. H. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Sorenson Jr. , W. H. Badgett, Mrs. Frances Badgett, Mr. & Mrs. L. P. Gabbard, Mrs. John K. Riggs, Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Doak, Tom H. White, R. B. Hickerson, Fred E. Smith and P. J. Alvin Zeller. Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. in the College Station Council Room. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the minutes of January 22 and February 5, 1968 meetings of the Council were approved. Councilman O. M. Holt was officially excused from the meeting in view of his inability to be present. The Mayor presented Lee Norwood an award certificate in recognition of and appreciation for his 25 years of faithful public service to the City. As reported by the Mayor, similar longevity awards were to be presented to other City employees. A watch was also presented by Jim O'Brien to Mr. Norwood on behalf of the citizens. Dr. Russell Couch spoke on behalf of a petition by Oakwood Addition home owners addressed to the City Council asking for a reconsideration of Ordinance # 555 passed at the previous council meeting which changed the zoning in Block 1, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Oakwood Addition and certain other property owned by D. B. Cofer located adjacent to the above described property to Apartment District 3. Discussion was held on the above matter with the City Attorney reporting that Ordinance # 555 could be voided by passage of another Ordinance. Mayor Anderson reported he favored reconsideration of previous council action to deny request for rezoning since the people did not know of the public notice even though it appeared in the local paper in accordance with law. He also stated that the Mayor Pro Tem Holt was in a similar accord. 01052 City of College Station Council Minutes Page 2 February 26, 1968 Following further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Boyett, that the Cofer property, Block 1, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 as described in Ordinance # 555 be ref erred back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further review. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes , that in the future, property owners living adjacent to property concerned with zoning, be notified in writing of the proposed change prior to the public hearing. Motion carried. A public hearing was called by the Mayor on the question of rezoning a tract of land out of the Morgan Rector Survey from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 4, First Business District. There being no one present in favor of or against, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Ordinance # 559, an ordinance rezoning property described immediately above, was unanimously approved. A motion was made by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, to authorize payment of estimates on water system improvements as follows: H. J, Hogan, Estimate No. 4 $19, 603. 91 Vance & Thurmond, Estimate No. 3 $42, 572. 68 Bering Tank Division, Estimate No. 3 $88,155.00 On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, City Manager Boswell was authorized to proceed with the purchase of 5 parcels of land needed for the right -of -way for the East Loop. The Mayor was authorized to sign a short -term note at the University National Bank for the cost of the rights -of -way estimated as $189, 683. 80. The note is‘to repaid when the State Highway Department remits one -half of the cost and the balance when the bonds are sold. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the City Manager was authorized to purchase the land needed for the right -of -way at the appraisal price. The motion carried. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Boyett, and passed, the traffic signal plans for University Drive and Nagle Street intersection and material cost in the amount of $7, 500.00 were approved. The City Manager was given authority to advertise for bids. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Boyett, and passed, the Council accepted the proposal of C. D. Wells for a study of sanitary sewerage system and sewage treatment facilities for the City, and authorized the Mayor to sign the contract. Cost of the study will amount to $2, 000. 00. 01053 City oI College Station Council Minutes Page 3 February 26, 1968 On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Adams, and passed, the request of A &M University as contained in their February 13, 1968 letter to City Manager Boswell for water connections was authorized. One item that needs to be resolved is that pertaining to the sale price of water. The City Manager was requested by the Mayor to make a recommendation in this respect at the next meeting of the council. Action was deferred at the council meeting on the communication from County Judge William R. Vance relative to the purchase of abandoned Missouri Pacific Railroad Company property. In a meeting following the close of the council meeting, it was suggested that the City Attorney examine the condemnation judgements and deeds listed in the proposed conveyance from Missouri Pacific Railroad Company to the City of College Station and render an opinion on the question of quit claim deed from the Railroad Company to the City. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Ed S. Holdredge, Cecil B. Ryan and R. L. Elkins were appointed to the Board of Equalization for the present year. Motion carried. r k Considered by the council was the Parks Committee recommendations that the City purchase the A &M Consolidated School lot which lies south of and adjacent to the City's portion of Southend Park; and that the City obtain a 40 -foot easement along the northwest boundary of the A &M Consolidated School property, which fronts on Eleanor Street and leads to the City property, to provide a permanent means of access to Southend Park. Action was deferred by the council, with such matter to be discussed at the forthcoming joint meeting of the council and the School Board. Also considered by the council was the Parks Committee recommendation that the City acquire that five or six acre tract of land which lies along the northeast side of Anderson Street and south of and along Wolf Pen Creek which is owned by F. A. Dobrovolny, to be dedicated and developed as a City Park. Action was deferred by the council. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Adams the revised Memorial Square preliminary plat was approved with the understanding that 5 feet of property on the west side of the tract would be sold to the City at a cost for which the land was purchased at any time in the future for widening Nimitz Street. The City Attorney was requested to prepare the legal papers accordingly so that the City could acquire the property. He stated he would act accordingly. The Mayor reported to the council on the present status with respect to funding of needed improvements at Easterwood Airport reporting that Judge Vance had written President Rudder regarding an election for an Airport authority. 01.054 ti City of College Station Council Minutes Page 4 February 26, 1968 C. H. Bates requested the City Council to pass an ordinance relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Following a discussion of the matter, the council requested City Attorney Don Dillon to draft an ordinance relative to prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages by any dealer where the place of business of any such dealer is within three hundred (300) feet of any church, public school or public hospital, the measurements to be along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door and in direct line across intersections where they occur. Motion carried. The Mayor announced that his one year term on the Board of Directors of the Brazos Valley Economic District had expired and that it was necessary for the council to make a new appointment. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, and passed, the Mayor, whoever he may be, was appointed to the Board as the City Representative. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the meeting was adjourned subject to call. Motion passed. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 01055 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING June 24, 1968 Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Dan R. Davis, James H. Dozier, Bill J. Cooley, O. M. Holt, Robert R. Rhodes, T. R. Holleman; City Manager Ran Boswell; Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag. Visitors Present: Winston P. Crowder, R. J. Bading, Antone Dobrovolny, E. F. "Woody" Sevision, North B. Bardell, Jr. , W. D. Fitch, Felix S. Kapachinski, Mrs. T. M. Leland, Mrs. Redmond, Codie D. Welts, Dr. Kimbler, Frank Matous, Al Holick, M. D. Thornton, Buford R. Craig, and Dr. J. D. Lindsay. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. in the College Station Council Room. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the minutes of the May 27, 1968 Council meeting were approved. Motion carried. A public hearing was called by the Mayor on County Road street improvements. Winston P. Crowder, Attorney at Law from Houston, Texas, spoke as a representative for the Frank A. Dobrovolny Estate, Felix S. Kapchinski and Frank Matous. He called upon R. G. Bading of Houston, representing the Dobrovolny heirs, and Antone Dobrovolny in an attempt to prove to the Council that the City was not justified in making the assess- ment as proposed based on land values. His main contention was that the assessment did not enhance the value of the land. He pointed out two areas where he thought inequities existed, namely near the home of Frank Matous and a triangular piece of land on Dobrovolny property. Councilman Holt said an adjustment was due on the area near the home of Frank Matous and also on the triangle piece of land which the City owns and is charging the Dobrovolny's for the assessment. In this all Councilmen were in agreement. At the request of the Mayor and motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holleman, the public hearing was declared held open until the next Council meeting. Based on a legal opinion of the City Attorney the City Manager was authorized to proceed with signing the contract for constructing the county road. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Davis, Ordinance 576, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements of certain portions of Highlands Street, Montclair Avenue, Ayrshire Street, Bell Street, and 01081. 2 Nimitz Street, and directing the advertisement for bids, was approved. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Holleman, Ordinance 577, was adopted receiving and accepting the work of Young Brothers, Contractors, Inc. for improving portions of Winding Road, Langford Street, First Street, Park Place Street, Spruce Street, Kerry Street, and North Walton Drive in the City of College Station. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Holleman, Ordinance 578, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the rezoning of Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 1, Tauber Addition from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 4, First Business District, was approved. Motion carried. An amendment to Councilman Holleman's motion was made by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Holleman, to include Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 1, Tauber Addition. Motion carried. A public hearing on the 1968 -69 budget was called by the Mayor. As part of the discussion, the salaries of two police officers and the administrative secretary were increased. Following questions from the public, the Mayor officially closed the hearing on the budget. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance 579, an ordinance levying taxes for the use and support of the municipal government of the City of College Station and providing for the interest and sinking fund for the year 1968- 69 and apportioning each levy for the specific purpose, was approved. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Holleman, seconded by Councilman Davis, Ordinance 580, an ordinance adopting a budget for the 1968 -69 fiscal year and authorizing ex- penditures as therein provided, was approved. Motion carried. Councilmen Dozier and Rhodes, the Council Committee on the Lincoln school facilities, reported their findings. They stated that A &M Consolidated school was willing to turn over the land and facilities on the Lincoln school site to the City on a ten year lease, with the provision that if the school wants the property back they will give us six months notice. The exception is the residence on the property now rented by the school. Any improvements put on the property by the City may be removed when the lease is terminated. The Assistant City Attorney is now working up the lease agree- ment. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, and passed, the Mayor was authorized to sign a lease with the A &M Consolidated school for the Lincoln school property. It was agreed that after the lease was obtained, the Parks and Recreation Committee will be asked to develop detailed plans for the property, including the buildings. Codie D. Wells was given the authority by the Council to advertise for bids on sludge drying beds for the sewage treatment plant following the approval of plans by the State 01082 3 Health Department. City Manager Boswell presented bids on hospitalization and life insurance for City employees. On motion by Councilman Holleman, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the City was authorized to enter into a contract with Aetna Life Insurance Company. Motion Carried. Mrs. Redmond spoke to the Council about the need for sewerage relief on their sewer line. She was advised that some action would be taken on this request. W. D. Fitch presented a plat for some land that is out of the City limits and requested that the Council zone it for apartment use, citing that the Planning and Zoning Commission had been contacted and they were reluctant to act on his plat since it was outside the City limits. After discussion he was requested to re- contact the Planning and Zoning Commission on the matter with the understanding that such property would be brought into the City and rezoned in keeping with the recommendation of the Commission. On motion by Councilman Holleman, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance 581, an ordinance annexing the property accepting the recommendation of zoning by the Planning and Zoning Commission was adopted. Councilman Dozier made an inquiry as to an up -to -date map of the City and wanted to know when the City charter would be finished. City Manager Boswell reported the map would be finished by September and the charter was printed and needed to be proof- read. Fire Chief Sevision requested the Council to consider ordering fire trucks as soon as possible in view of late delivery dates. Action will be taken on this matter. The meeting was adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: ilk • Mayor ATTEST: Assistant City Secretary 010N3 L. MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 15, 1969 Members Present: Mayor Anderson; Councilmen C. H. Ransdell, Dan R. Davis, Bill J. Cooley, James H. Dozier, Robert R Rhodes, and O. M. Holt; City Attorney Dillon and City Manager Boswell Members Absent: None Visitors Present: Messrs. Tommie Preston, Forress _ Johnson, Lorenzo Wilborn, James E. Steen, Paul L. Walton, Donald Caldwell, Clinton Robison, Matron Grays, Joseph McGraw, Ray E. Abbott and Jim Gardner The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7 :10 P.M. The first item of business was action on Parks & Recreation Committee recommendations relative to the hiring of a Park Superintendent with work emphasis on the Lincoln Center and the Policy Statement relative to the use of these facilities. There was much discussion among the councilmen directed to some of the members of the audience regarding the hiring of a man to direct the Lincoln Facilities and other aspects of the proposal. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Davis, the Council authorized the City Manager to hire .a Parks Superintendent. Motion carried. Passage of the motion was with the understanding that the funds from the Parks and Recreation Committee's remaining budget for the current year will be used to pay the salary of this Park Superintendent. It will need to be budgeted in a subsequent year. Dr. Joseph McGraw stated that the AAUW would like to offer a tutorial service to the Lincoln Center facilities in areas such as math, English, home nursing, etc. He stated that they had approximately twenty (20 ) volunteers. He also stated that they would have a variety of people from the University who would make guest appearances to give interesting panel discussions, etc. Dr. McGraw stated that he would furnish the Council with a copy of the outline he had for this service. Mayor Anderson was authorized by the Council to appoint a committee to re -write the proposed Policy Statement on the Lincoln Center Facilities. It was the expressed will of the council that judgement be exercised as to groups that may be authorized to use the facilities. Regarding the parcels of land on the East By -Pass in litigation, City Attorney Dillon stated that he did not know the current status but that he would check with Mr. Tom Giesenschlag and report on the matter at the next regular meeting of the Council. 01113 Minutes of Special Council Meeting January 15, 1969 Page 2 With reference to the proposed road along the railroad bed area in the industrial tract, Dillon stated that City Manager Boswell had the quit claim deeds for all the people concerned, but that they were not signed. He stated that, in his opinion, if some of the property owners would sign the deeds, perhaps Marion Pugh would also sign. The City Manager was authorized to write the owners of this property along the proposed road in the industrial area urging them to sign quit claim deeds toward the West By -Pass where the county has purchased said land. City Attorney Dillon related that the longevity and service pay (P. C. Title 18, Chapter 6, Article 1583 -2) was not applicable to our police and firemen inasmuch as payment made to them is in excess of the minimum stated in the law. Regarding University Drive, Dr. Holt moved that the Law Firm of Cofer, Dillon and Giesenschlag be employed to start handling acquisition procedures and also to hire an appraiser. Mr. Dillon stated that a contract should be drawn up to this effect. Motion was seconded by Mr. Davis. Motion carried. City Manager was requested by Mayor to undertake action immediately. In the discussion on "29th" Street, Mr. Boswell stated that the engineering plans and specifications have been prepared and the tract contains 3. 818 acres at an estimated cost of purchase at $50, 000. Councilman Holt moved that the City Manager be authorized to proceed immediately with negotiations with Mrs. Putz for the "29th" Street tract on the same basis as the Dobrovolny- Kapchinski Estate was handled. Motion was seconded by Councilman Cooley. Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the exercising of option on Nimitz Street, the Council requested the City Attorney to follow up on this matter at an early date. With acquisition of this area, the City Manager will undertake widening of the street. With respect to the updating of the electrical code and the licensing of electri- cians, City Manager Boswell and Councilman Ransdell were asked to contact John Dennison and see if they could get some immediate action going on these two items. Ransdell related that help might be forthcoming from the Texas Engineering Extension Service. Re- advertising for bids on sludge drying beds will be handled at the next regular Council Meeting of January 27, 1969, City Manager Boswell reported. Relative to the extension of boundaries to East and West By -Pass, Councilman Dozier moved, after considerable discussion of the matter, that the city limit lines be extended south on Highway 6 along the west right -of -way line of Highway 6 to where it intersects with the north right -of -way line of Farm Road 2118 and thence, along the north side of this road to where it intersects with the Missouri- Pacific right -of -way and thence north to where it intersects at the present city boundary; and a strip of land approximately 2, 000 feet wide lying east of Highway 6, but not including Highway 6, 011_14 Minutes of Special Council Meeting January 15, 1969 Page 3 running south parallel to Highway 6 from the present city limit line, south and parallel to Highway 6 to where it intersects the south line of Miller's Subdivision. Councilman Ransdell seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Mayor reported that the personnel appraisals had been forwarded to Mr. Lancaster for his review. Action on the Weed Control Ordinance, Peddling Ordinance, Animal Ordinance, and Mobile Home Ordinance as submitted to Council Members by the City Manager prior to the meeting, was postponed, to be taken up at a later meeting. Each Councilman and the Mayor received copies of these ordinances for their review but there was insufficient time for study prior to action. City Manager Boswell stated that the reflector lights had been placed on Walton Street as an aid to the prevention of accidents. On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Holt, it was moved that stop signs be placed both directions on Park Place at the intersection of Park Place and Glade Streets. Motion carried. City Manager reported that the matter of alley violations had been taken care of by Mr. DuLaney. City Manager Boswell stated that, regarding the disposal area, he had contacted a Mr. McSwain who has 21 acres. He reported that McSwain will accept $1, 000 an acre for it. Boswell further stated that another gentlemen owns 56 acres and he will sell it for $800 an acre. City Manager Boswell will check further into this matter and make a firm recommendation at the next council meeting. Regarding the report from the Council Sub - Committee of Councilmen, Holt and Cooley, on self - service gasoline pumps, Councilman Dozier moved that their recommendation that no restrictions be placed on them within the city be accepted. Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried. City Manager Boswell stated that the 1970 Street Program includes the following streets: Gilchrist, Harrington, Nagle and Grove. Mayor Anderson recommended to the Council that George Huebner be appointed as Director of Civil Defense for the City of College Station. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Davis, George Huebner was appointed as Director of Civil Defense. Motion carried. 01115 Minutes of Special Council Meeting January 15, 1969 Page 4 On the recommendation of the Mayor and upon motion by Councilman Davis, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the following men were named to serve on the Board of Equalization: Mr. Ed Holdredge, Cecil Ryan and W. A. Smith. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Wendell Horne and Joseph R. Baur were appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried. Upon recommendation of the Mayor and by motion of Councilman R. R. Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Dan R. Davis, Mrs. Lynda Swoveland was appointed as City Secretary. As pointed out by the Mayor, Mrs. Swoveland attends Council Meetings and can best attest to actions of the city. Meeting was adjourned, subject to call, on motion by Councilman O. M. Holt, seconded by Councilman R. R. Rhodes. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: Ci Secretary las 01116 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING February 24, 1969 Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen O. M. Holt, Robert R. Rhodes, James H. Dozier, Bill J. Cooley, Dan R. Davis and C. H. Ransdell; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Attorney Don Dillon; Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: None Visitors Present: E. F. "Woody" Sevison, M. K. Thornton, Tommy Preston, Davis B. Covington, Stuart D. Lyda, Jo Anne Lyda, Dixie Hill, Fred Hill, Donald Gibson, Horace W. Van Cleave, Scott Van Cleave, Bette Van Cleave, Diana Van Cleave, Richard L. Puckett, Mrs. R. L. Boone, Robert Boone, Gene A. Verwold, Tom Rowell, M. V. Meisch, Mrs. C. E. McCandless, Charles L. Dobrovolny, John Haislet, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Randall, Donald Caldwell, Paul L. Walton, Lorenzo Wilborn, Allen Swoboda, Wallace Bay, Alton Risinger, Paul A. Fryxell, James H. Berry, Mrs. James Dozier, M. R. Callihan, R. J. Bading, W. Kennedy Upham, Pat Lester, R. M. Mullinix and Mrs. John Haislet Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P. M. in the Council Room of the City of College Station. The motion was made by Councilman Dozier and seconded by Councilman Ransdell that the Minutes of January 27 and February 3 meetings be approved. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson called a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.821 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the C. Burnett League from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. There was no one from the audience who commented for or against the passage of this rezoning. The Mayor then closed the public hearing. Councilman Dozier moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 609, an Ordinance to rezone a 1. 821 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the C. Burnett League, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. Motion was seconded by Councilman Holt. Motion carried. 01128 q/ Minutes of Regular Meeting February 24, 1969 Page 2 Mayor Anderson then called a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 10.264 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the J. E. Scott League from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. Dr. M. R. Callihan presented a petition to the council signed by thirteen (13 ) property owners in the area protesting this rezoning and served as spokesman in presenting their grievance. They were opposed to the rezoning for multi - family dwelling units in the area because of trash and garbage containers, parking lots, etc. being adjacent to their homes, in an area they assumed to be residential. A letter addressed to the City Council from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wall, Jr. also protested the rezoning. Mr. Kennedy Upham protested the rezoning because of the fact that it would create traffic problems in the area. Richard Puckett, Paul Fryxell, Tom Rowell, Mrs. Kennedy Upham, James Berry, Stuart Lyda and Frieda Fryxell all spoke against this rezoning for similar reasons stated above. The Mayor then closed the public hearing. Mayor Anderson expressed his personal feeling in this matter stating that he felt a "buffer zone" would be effective in this area. After considerable discussion among the City Councilmen, Mr. Bading and some members of the audience, Councilman Dozier moved that the request for rezoning in Ordinance No. 610 be denied as it is presently presented, and that the Dobrovolny's reconsider rezoning this particular tract. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried. Councilman Holt moved that Ordinance No. 611, an Ordinance calling for a general municipal election on Tuesday, April 1, 1969 for the election of three councilmen be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Davis, Ordinance No. 612, an Ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of the annexation of territory within the confines of the city's extra- territorial jurisdiction was adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Rhodes and seconded by Councilman Holt that the Planning and Zoning Commission Policy Statement be adopted, with the corrections noted by Mr. Davis. Motion carried. Councilman Cooley voted no. Motion was made by Councilman Ransdell and seconded by Councilman Davis to adopt the Job Description and Policy Statement of Lincoln Facilities, with corrections read by Councilman Dozier, to be made when final typing was done. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Dozier and seconded by Councilman Holt to adopt the Policy Statement of the Parks & Recreation Committee, with corrections read by Councilman Rhodes, to be incorporated into the final typing. Motion carried. 01123 Wit- Minutes of Regular Meeting February 24, 1969 Page 3 A motion was made by Councilman Davis and seconded by Councilman Ransdell to adopt the Policy Statement of the Commercial Development Committee, with corrections read by Councilman Dozier to be incorporated into the final typing. Motion carried. The Mayor stated that he had asked Bob Cullen and Tommie Rowell, graphic artists, to work as a committee for designing a new city symbol for review and action by the Council. The Mayor presented the drawings of the symbols designed by these men to the Council for review. Mr. Rowell stated that the circle on the symbol he designed designated the city, University and our community. The green arrow signifies a city on the grow. The color of green used in the symbol also was similar to the new street signs, which are green. Following discussion, the motion was made by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, to adopt the design submitted by Tommie Rowell as the official seal of the city. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson requested permission from the Council to attend the U.S. Council of Mayor's Conference in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania June 14 - 18, 1969 since there would be programs discussed which would be of vital interest to our community. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Davis, the permission of the Council was granted. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the low bid of Texas Metering Device Company in the amount of $2, 243.20 for metering for Travis House and Tanglewood Apartments was recommended. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the low bid for conductor for Toxicology Laboratory and North Gate area feeder of Dealer's Electric in the amount of $10, 810.56 was recommended. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the bid from Temple, Inc. in the amount of $9,487. 08 for the Toxicology Transformer Vault Equipment was recommended. Motion carried. Upon recommendation of City Manager Boswell and on motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the following description of Mrs. Fannie Putz Right -of -way and Street Construction Cost is hereby incorporated into the minutes: 01130 Minutes of Regular Meeting February 24, 1969 Page 4 Mrs. Fannie Putz Right -of -Way and Street Construction Cost R. O. W. for University Drive Extension 14.315 acres @ $3, 000.00 per acre $42, 945. 00 ko, rf �l Paid out of R.O. W. Bond Fund R.O. W. for 29th Street Extension 3.818 acres @ $3, 000.00 per acre $11, 454. 00 TOTAL COST OF R. O. W. $54, 399. 00 Mrs. Putz part of cost of 29th Street Extension Construction Cost $39, 640.78 CASH PAID OUT $14, 758.22 In making this deal with Mrs. Putz, it was agreed that no assessment would be made by the City for the original street construction cost for 29th Street Extension across her property. The City Manager reported that Mr. Porterfield would accept a $500 option for 90 days for the land which was proposed at an earlier meeting as a sanitary land fill. The council agreed not to exercise the option. Councilman Ransdell suggested that the City Manager attend the conference in Austin on March 24 to find out in detail what kind of land the city needs for this purpose and other factual information needed. The City Manager reported that at the present time, the cost of the East Loop R. O. W. 'for the city was $140, 933.81. City Attorney Dillon stated that Mr. Smith had the appraisgls for University Drive Extension just about ready for submission. The City Manager stated that the amount due from the City of Bryan for the 20" water line inside the Bryan City Limits was $79, 099. 64. The surplus amount the city will have after payment from HUD will be $48,423. 51. The architect presented plans that he had prepared to date on the city hall and fire station - police headquarters. April 2 was selected as the date when bids would be opened for these facilities. March 16 was selected as the date when bids would be solicited. 0113,. Minutes of Regular Meeting February 24, 1969 Page 5 On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Davis, the meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: (c,)c aria"- e il L a,./ Mayor ATTEST: i C Secretary las 3 -2 -69 01132 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING March 24, 1969 Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen O. M. Holt, Robert R. Rhodes, James H. Dozier, Bill J. Cooley, Dan R. Davis, and C. H. Ransdell; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Attorney Don Dillon; Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: None Visitors Present: E. F. "Woody" Sevison, Shirley B. Pfannstiel, David K. Chester, M. K. Thornton, Karl S. Patton, Jim Smother, Ruby Gough, T. J. Hirsch, Edsel G. Jones, C. Wayne Keese, Michael Harney, Joseph U. LeBlanc, Sandra Letbetter, K. C. Morgan, J. R. Bewley, Alton Risinger, S. E. Babbitt, Harry Seaback, W. D. Fitch, Logan Wilson and Pat Lester Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. in the council room of the City of College Station. The motion was made by Councilman Dozier, and seconded by Councilman Rhodes that the Minutes of February 24, 1969 meeting be approved. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson called a public hearing on the question of the annexation of territory within the confines of the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction. The mayor asked if any person in the audience would like to speak for or against the proposed annexation. Mr. Edsel Jones expressed his concern over the proposed annexation because he felt the property in the area would not be developed fully for another 5 to 10 years. He was concerned with the taxes the property owners would have to pay for this vacant land. Mayor Anderson stated that it would be to the city's advantage to bring the land into the city because the general area was being considered as a location for a future school, which would lead to development in the area. It was also brought out that the city could exercise better control over developments within the city. Mr. C. Wayne Keese, a property owner on Miller's Lane, asked whether the city would provide adequate water and sewerage facilities for the territory under consideration for annexation. The mayor told Mr. Keese that at this time, the city had under consideration, the extension of a main water line down State Highway No. 6, from the elevated storage tank south to Miller Lane. Upon closing the public hearing, the mayor asked the council to consider withholding passage of Ordinance 613, bringing the area into the city, for a period of a month, so that consideration might be given by the Planning and Zoning Commission to zoning use within the area. After discussion among the council members, Councilman Holt moved that Ordinance No. 613, an ordinance receiving certain territory adjoining 01133 1 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting Page 2 March 24, 1969 the city limits of the city into and incorporating the same as a part of the city, be deferred until the Planning and Zoning Commission could study and recommend to the Council the best zoning use for the land in question. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried. Councilman Rhodes abstained from voting. On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the Statement of Policy for the Planning and Zoning Commission was corrected to read as follows on Page 3, Item 7, entitled "MEETINGS ": "The Commission will meet on a regularly scheduled date each month and on call by the chairman (or vice-chairman), the City Manager or the Mayor. A majority of the membership (four members including a chairman or vice - chairman) shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business. A joint meeting of the Commission and City Council shall be held annually and more often if the need arises, the date for which will be set at the mutual convenience of both groups ". Motion carried. Mayor Anderson directed the secretary to correct this item in the Statement of Policy. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the Master Preliminary Plat of Southwood, Sections 5, 6 and 7, from Southwest Parkway to West Loop, was adopted. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Davis, the Preliminary and Final Plat of Skrivanek Addition, Section A, was approved. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson read a letter addressed to the Parks & Recreation Committee from Mr. S. E. Babbitt and Harry E. Seaback, Developers and Builders of the University Arms proposed development. The letter stated that they would be willing to dedicate, at no cost to the city, approximately 1. 7 acres of land, bordered by the five -acre Baptist Church tract on the West, the Lone Star Gas Company easement on the East and Lots Number 7 through 10 on the North, with access from Highway 30 for use as a public park and recreation area. Councilman Dozier moved for the adoption of the Preliminary Plat of University Arms, with the stipulation that the land described above would be used as a park site. Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried. There was discussion with representatives from University Arms relative to the establishment of an additional park in that area to the North and East of the area covered by the preliminary plat as approved. The representatives agreed to give serious consideration to the proposal. Councilman Dozier moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 614, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a part of the proposed University Arms Subdivision along State Highway No. 30, from District 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried. 01134 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting Page 3 March 24, 1969 Councilman Holt moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 615, an ordinance vacating an alley in Block 2, Ridgefield Subdivision. Councilman Dozier seconded the motion. Motion carried. City Attorney Dillon stated that the property owners abutting the alley in Block 2 of the Ridgefield Subdivision would make an easement dedication and that he would record the dedication. Councilman Holt moved that the low bid of T &T Company for the tractor and backhoe in the amount of $6, 872.62 be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried. Councilman Davis moved that the low bid of Hart Creosoting Company for the electric utility poles in the amount of $2, 930.73 be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman Rhodes. Motion carried. City Manager Boswell reported on the proposal from A &M University with regard to street lighting along FM Road 2154. After considerable discussion among council members, the mayor asked the city manager to communicate with the University about using a forty -foot light pole and a new type of luminaire, as opposed to the proposal they had submitted. The city manager was also authorized to consult a lighting expert as to what type of layout could be provided at more reasonable prices than those proposed by the University. The mayor presented to the council a copy of a letter that was received from Mr. Marvin Hagemeier, with the Economic Development Administration, informing the city that the pre - application conference for sewer improvements had been approved. The mayor stated that the next step would be to file our formal application which would express our needs in this area. Councilman Holt moved that the city manager be authorized to complete the application, with the amendment in it to include the 18' water line down Highway 6 and such sewage lines to the mains as Codie Wells feels would be appropriate, not to exceed one mile. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson read a petition from property owners in College Station which was directed to the Parks and Recreation Committee which respectfully requested the city to purchase the land adjacent to and extended from the ease side of Bee Creek, where it runs under Glade Street to where it crosses the Southwest Parkway for a distance of at least 200 feet, and maintain such as a city park for the following reasons: 1. The area is rapidly developing and has no park facilities within 20 blocks. 2. The area is naturally wooded, picturesque and attracts a wide variety of migratory songbirds. 3. The adjoining area to the east is zoned for apartments and this would provide a buffer zone. 4. The land is presently undeveloped and should be more economical to purchase. oii Minutes of Regular Council Meeting Page 4 March 24, 1969 Approximately thirty -two (32 ) people signed the petition. One council member stated that it might be possible for a service club to make a financial contribution to the purchase and development of the area in part. After considerable discussion among the council members and citizens from the audience, the Mayor recommended the referral of the petition to the Parks Committee for detailed study and recommendations by them. Such was approved by the council. The Mayor stated that he had received a recommendation from the Negro Committee with respect to three areas in College Station which needed improvements. Copies of the recommendations dated February 20, were presented to council members. Mr. Logan Wilson of Lone Star Gas Company made a report to the council regarding natural gas in the Spring Green area. This was one recommendation of the Negro Committee. He stated that he had contacted his regional office and had made a request to lay additional pipe in this area so that all residents could be served. He felt necessary approval would be forthcoming shortly. Mr. Wilson stated that the council would be notified as soon as approval was received to install the gas line in the Spring Green area. City Manager Boswell stated that action would be taken on hard topping the area in Spring Green Street as soon as possible. With regard to the drainage on Bank Street, Church Hill Street, Lincoln, Pasler, Preston and Gilbert Streets, the city manager reported that the city would work on these areas as soon as possible. A� to the sewage problem in the community south of Washington Chapel Church, the city will redeem its responsibility only as existing policy permits. City Attorney Dillon stated he would write a letter to the property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gibbs, with regard to the opening of Church Hill Street. He stated that he would inform them that if they and the city could not come to terms with respect to the necessary right -of -way, the city would probably initiate condemnation proceedings. The mayor stated that a plan for a park in College Hill around the ground storage water tank was under consideration by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Councilman Ransdell recommended the council defer action in the St. Matthew area until the council could study the area in more detail as to the problems in that particular area. 01136 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting Page 5 March 24, 1969 The mayor read a request from Community House Kindergarten requesting free utility service. Tom Giesenschlag reported to the council that there was nothing in the City Charter to prevent the city from providing same, but if free service were provided to this particular group in question, another group might be able to sue the city for the amounts they paid for utilities during the time the group in question had been provided free utility service. The Council concurred with Mr. Giesenschlag's legal opinion and agreed that it could not honor the request made. Tom Giesenschlag reported that the appraisals for University Drive Extension are being updated by Jim Smith and are expected to be in his office this week. Mr. Giesenschlag stated that he felt it would be best for the city not to incur the expenses of another appraiser before the commissioners hearings. He also reported that title work has begun on the project, but that overall, the condemnation proceedings were going to take some time. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the city manager was authorized to negotiate for the R. 0. W. on Tarrow Street to Lincoln, being an extension of so- called 29th Street. Motion carried. The City Manager reported that the Parks Superintendent (Mr. Arthur Dunn) had been employed and would report to work April 1. His primary duties will be to handle the Lincoln Center Recreational facilities. The City Manager reported that he and the city attorney met with the City Manager of Bryan on March 14 in regard to the 20" line and other engineering work. City Attorney Dillon stated that Mr. Stacy, City Attorney for Bryan, was to work up the legal agreements on this. Mr. David Chester submitted a petition to the Council regarding the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to deny the petition for rezoning 2.6 acres of land on the south of Holleman Drive and beginning approximately 350' east of Glade Street and facing 263' on Holleman Drive from District No. 3, Apartment House District to District 4 -A, Neighborhood Business District. However, Mr. Chester stated that he was in error in submitting the petition since the Planning and Zoning Commission had denied the rezoning request. 01137 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting Page 6 March 24, 1969 On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Davis, the meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: Chhie0Y Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary las 3 -31 -69 01188 THE BRYAN DAILY EAGLE PAGE 2 Bryan, Tex. 77801, Friday, Jan. 21, 1966 VOL. 90 sqn t . Damage Totais $65 $65, A roaring inferno virtually that children first warned strangling in wind- whipped buildings housing .10 class - iestroyed the Lincoln School adults of the impending dan- flames. As the adult students rooms, the principal's office, a .omplex in College Station ger. and children watched, the teachers' lounge and the high .ast night — an estimated $65,- MILDRED CALDWELL, an- flames leaped to another build- school library were .d.estroyedi )00 loss to the A &M Consoli- other adult education teacher ing where just minutes before This morning, Willie Ter - fated School System. whose class was nearer to the a similar adult education class re'll, principal of the school Although an adult education door, was alerted by a child had been held. shuffled sadly through the rain= class was in progress at the who had been waiting for his Firemen, however, contain- soaked debris • wondering time of the 7:49 p. m. fire, no parents in a car outside. ed the costly blaze within an where his 100 students without one was injured. John Jerome The classes filed outside to hour after arriving at the classrooms would go to school. Knox, class instructor, said see the building next to them scene. But the wood frame "All of our , records are - -- buildings, housing classrooms gone," he said, kicking aim - for students from the sixth lessly at a piece of charred through 12th grades, were a wood. "We will have to have total loss by the time fire - temporary quarters for them. fighting units arrived from I guess we will decide that this Bryan and College Station. weekend. QUICK ACTION by firemen The smoke was still drift - saved at least two classrooms ing up in eerie clouds through in the Negro school complex the sleet and snow. Books lit - by playing water over a ma- tered the muddy ground out - sonry building located adjacent side, and small desks writhed to the holocaust. Firemen kept in what was an elementary • cooling the walls with water classroom. to prevent a new fire. Bobby A &M• Consolidated. Supt. W. Hicks of Bryan Fire Station T. Riedel,, also back •at the No. 2 said that heat could scene' this morning; could not penetrate the cinder - blocks say where the lire actually be- causing the wood interior 'of -- (Ste FIRE Page 10) the building to blaze. . The building suffered only .paint damage. • College Station Fire Marshal Marvin Byrd said that cause of the fire has not been determin- ed. College Station City Mana- ger Ran Boswell said this mor- ning that a massive crowd of "around 600 to 700 people hind - ered the fire fighting .... mak- ing it hard to move equip- ment." . Flames shot over 25 feet in- to the air as at least 22 volun- teers signed the College Sta- j tion roster while five men from Bryan rushed to battle the blaze on Eleanor Street. At Ileast one fire fighting unit i from Bryan was utilized. How- ever, it was out about an hour. UNIVERSITY FIRE Chief ;Gilbert B. Eimann said that cssrooni ifj,juitatifigs .. George Hensarling, another Fire Smold On Des » ite .ain board member, said that pies- r , ,,,. ent school finances "will stand up. (Continued From Page 1) • the cafeteria.. building. He pointed out that the de- gan, but thought it might have science ,. le d' the indl arts shopp le stroyed buildings were reach- ing a point of condemnation been in a heater. ft, Well r , what to. do about other saying, "they would have been "WD SALVAGED a couple rooms • - sometime today unfit in two or three years." m of filing cabinets, a few desks make ito#ficial at the "The only reason more did fro the first" building," he ; board • meeting Monda3 riot come from Lincoln to said. "We got much more out 'contift��Qt_�" x,. '!`'.: 'i - onsolidated is lack of space," of the second one,. though Riedel saaid °that'•the le said of integration. "We still have a gymnasium ings were ".estim`ated at .` s, Herb Thompson and L. L. two classroom an _ assembly and $34,500, with conten ?almer also declined comment. room, a homemaking cottage, . ued at about $2,000: " , M 4y. _ ,1 �MCr -, -�./ X G Q ,, .!� �� 'tl wd $ ti q +y f e � . 4 4 M1' %, ..,,.. + . . „+ W. . u w Iu1I +vy .. I j.. m �I� 1,11 ;1 1 '4 4 i ' l „II II '""�` I, °xJp'� I`R JYi :,,,,,,,..,"44.1: .... I 0 r y r d ' d W hI a 1 I 4i n,I; yy � x qr n t 3 r + °i w $. ." * ; ∎ .'.. M 1QiI , { I O tl . - � �x I nl 4 " +'. x S 1 ' - n� I'a 1 R� 1 114 1, � y dy - II4 II lil I; +uI ""011111,1,1:111'1 I W „r d Ih” 'r d'I Np I I � { IIC��� �� r I " t , '@"r'",�^i�'' ,A I � IIII C �r m "i g�pli �"" �' . . II II I P iiI l' u t • -. '24 . I I � II 4 � 1 ' Il n h1 JI M I II ^ " T ! 1 x,�W � "I" C6• d ��•WrX I IIII I I I I'I I IIIIN a '' I uY ''@ d l' ,• , '� . . I IF a s ,i ?: ti':9x y h �" dar 7 .J:h�'CMI«M" I I Qi NI lul I I` II IQI�+II I I ''�'IJ�) p y d{+ x� IIA :I 5p,''rrv 4 -_d ,. I „ II I III II�� {I I , II II � MI I II x"1r '1 ' 'I t � r hdmJal �/I�' �', r'!!"" "'� 7Fi+9� M' 1 , I II II I I V I 9I�I IIQ I II I 4" QI NI CWC in �' m r �, 1� 1 IC I �I ��I I r 1r �" �p��i l h „I I + , , r M .�� y ti�,C, ,, I Iy 4 IIt rM /11,%", i,„, '1' 0 r +1r�' {h � . I,,i ..* . ` • - " ` I' R �IF a .r d'1 II,Q' rn 11 " r : �m1 r ,• t / , Ih r. I I d I , l ,x C i:" 1 • WI 1 •F f. �I ,* } .d• : . IC I . I , ,1 , 'It r . aw`�ih Mr 1 � - y d 1 '` P. .r. a , iW , d I t " I .1 ° + r, w A• . I N l X < w 1' II. 1' 4I. II I rh 1, ,411, " T J• ,t y "d- ct i + } 1 1 6 1 y ' . - , ,tl, !yl I IIil1 ' ll'I r I l � ti. r ,.f":l �wY�iri.:. �•pw' u � � a r 1i,z � M1• J, p. Volunteers Help Firemen ,_-;* e. Texas Aggies Assist in .Fighting Bl aze :;_,;: Va e i �F fS ric? ..- -+ As — � { — _ _; ,,--n--=., - � * — = — = = -i — _ -- —r — — _ s — _ _ _-:1,- mss# -` = - - - —w - — era -'� ��� -�- - 's - s' k 9 . 14 14 ,r - - - .� F y lame l l ivo 1Fiatn C ttilize Campus Units high school grades at Consol-Ior the other," he said. "We Board member J. idated. have to sit down and re -eval- ander declined to c' tcd from Page 1) a new elementary school, with "But, when faced with an i uate how we spend what little stating he wanted t, rifler of assistance completion hoped for by 1967, I emergency you find one way1 money we have." praise the new situation A. l e r O. Bowen of is already under board consid , �r: I ' r 1 I lr hoof District. eration• 1 v ly u An I� L r n ,� ' III vn k 711 "l ', , I Id i I, i ,r l yA �,. ' ro" .il •n T „ '.ty rt. d 6 0 I 41 IUrI �` • I Yd t+ r i . 1„ y r , � 4 .14 14 „ 4 4 I I Yb I !V . ��' � 0 i 'sl I r , � . *' , 'hws�Y "'„ A ft 1 �, `f , } j Ka � � K r r' d rcciate this offer of "This will, I think, solve W �0 , � ' , 4 , *t Pat , , r,, g y Y '4" , I p � : I u r I It .. p l, Idh'°'i• (t Q � K I . , ;.'' iu K i y [feel we can take the problem," Lon le added. A '" ° r� , �r `� � ' �� I �Ir�h� N,4 i r " s with the existing "But I don't know what we I , n " I' I � ` . he said. are going to do in the mean '1,1'01,11;':',11„;10 I 1 p ; �' „' n G ( 3 „ j, 1a „` G r ' 1 1,„ , 1 11 aH4rr 1, : ,5 .'i,1. 4iY 44 1 1 , 4' w' 1 . 4 , , I ry, il4 'X 6 1 1i'k '�4 r � , ,-,,,,o,,. t time -the next school year ,;. ud I �l p u i I l T C 7h �N'�' "� �� u� • 1 t'h�fc flfttendent said that „ e d " 1 ,! '' w ry; I m "" I w.,, .w , hl a I a�44,,,, 1 „ �I,. "" r' : . I I I r i, 1 4 w ry � � r P. and the rest of this ear. ' I t d "h� F` +� ri classrooms were y i , 11 � I 1 41,1 I,I 11 0 � N , y A . , -.1. 4; l1 ., as '.ti9 ", "� fire. He declined to "We'll have the answers at f ", ry ' i ' Y tl "l a' ll ' I' 1 , l vi l 1i,r,ll '' l Y p l� 0', .:'ll; rll1 ' " u r ;� ,^ ' 0 l' 'I'V, „ 1 .I ,, .+ 4 , I'll F qt ,,' v '� ,, "Jiii'i :.,01 I' "lu'I, �. 1• .e cuttount of funds our Monday night meeting," e , ?� +� � + ti �� lly I n ,' purchase supplies he added. n " 1 '6 ` ,,a " `� ' + r ' , � ,_ , a, ' ' ' 04,1.1:* . tent required to re- Dr. A. F. Isbell; a board ? t t v 1'14:I'', " lions. �. r 9 , m I r , member, expressed concern ,' �� "t' , e ' I I w .�. ,. "� , i" I �t : I - l, 6 k ! IA 1 d A F tgicy, school board over overcrowded conditions Y ` I 6 ;5 * „' ", " , � � m n !` ! ''I +M, l f"" ' i f 1 i A ti ., '� ' 1 I n e 14 �'(' 1, 4 t II 1 M�,I I p r . y u � 1a�'� " h xr �' c I�y {' IIn� "t��� � I ;h l ,�F' �*'� �.' �� I��I,1�1 I I I �,II :( a:ci that laps for already existing to the junior d.I �" tax p ill , �, � II � 3r g . ! .7 W tvF4t + - i .axw ' G Of j , a i i 1 ' MI °10,1 � %, it 11i " ' 0 y'I h 'h6''�" "+ 1 :�.- , ,,, , + ' 1 ,y o- 'Y� " t: '',7 ra��IN Y �" ��'�� f� t� � 'i ull I n N"16- � 1 � v- w 1 't� $' > r , a hl ,+9 ! � 'd '". d I r �r .I i II � q 'Ar 5� � - x. n,� I II � I ,, ' I . f ,6 4 1 ` , r .' " !„N ' ^. ' h' " f 4° ,'' :F r y , I ' 1 1 . .!nnd ` �. "^>�r ' n r" 4 .- Y : tt Nn ' iN� d 1 ,, Via ,. " f u� '. Ix : r#. �.. q �y. � " w " i �� I rr��:Y ryN111 • y �� , "Lts`" i t I I I ��llr I Ir., w1 r t �'. -3« "1 +1'' � �ws ? 11� S^7q � II 1 I - ��r � ,r! rll �i n II�IIII ?,' i r. ' <xr.ace�s y � ya r rA. , � r .3 nl��. I I R � �� ^� �1 ��� ,+` n * I 41 r x , " Ip ,w K ire '' ,. I wl ,, d r A 'l, } �' , r • � „ ,., y , f,. x y 4 4 + R. I r S w � f �"' S� ��IA r� a �, �d���,, • r* � 1 1 "u a�, 61 1 n M �w{ ! ha q � y * F T r ' - y , :r a � d i t a" lu J I h 4 . a h w,: r. ' G c2 K l^� , �.» "' +{t, . b_:.. •�I�p „��p ^ {. 7 ,. I F f�, �Ii + •F,',4 4a,lh rory, x,0 � ' � a < p,.. 0 , . ..' ,fi "'. I.5 ,,,i J pl i3OI ,,,,,, 4ll 11', .. - . a},. • . � ' �! ��.; ''%+ ��� r,:c. It4711N1., y '',�ar C I ^f �C '�. „ LI � w �' a .,fru Cr 4f .� '� '�p '�1i+ ..� � •� 11 i Ii� III "� �.p .�I� N' 'I"p" -1, 1 c . 2 °• 0. " ., , jii.. :,' ' 6.4; " tt r 4 FY , li. ,,PI I { % w 7r wd 4 I 1pi 1 ''I I ' I I � 8' , Ii,t 6 ' . � Y rl, . � ,,., , yu .r -r 4 :7p i C �l �. J!kl G phre ru �l:�gl � p ?i! �h. M I A ' � • Y., ' N e'"1M'mtis 4 1 I; II e Y y�nN'li�' If :. . .. h + 4 1 1 , "',., 4 4I." t I '. , I .F 1 1 fl . yd• h n4L'•9s ( . 4I , 0.i J P� y l4,01•114 i 4 I .• N- ,'? F , ry.0 +, -. s I r , F �. ' 1 y M +'I „ ;till, I � '7p�M�1�i 1I n I . i'�' , ' - 1" 4I r'Nllk l uyy (, 1 . ' ' �Il ` ' ' :: ��� Ip�l �H � ieN I 1 o t ,,-, l l���y r r I sle ' + "g.,10:01 G '' „,..' .t S l �' M,. S L e , ; ' r alli s. _ _ h ^: '? #'.. a _. 4 -, w- :$,x d -1 i_ � 4--- y a . . -- 'aJ. .--.4 i ,'+ 1, . "- tv L rJr '. it ''� - *,^�:: • y t '' "�'�Iti l'� Z"e 'm'. k z"Gv u- V ti �l . ri ��"'S 3 i • d'>r k , r d 'tIv - AI 4'?''4 y '' .• e r o- h Ortifje- y w I ,. 1 - 1 LI' : +r .d -- r '1V,,.:vli .w wlh 'lart .. W w4 ,14[ 41e.•w• � ` v ,.. . 1 ' - '.....:,..,' { : r . ••_ V ',?',1°,.".?, Buildinb Flames .. .. , to Flaes w, te ,, 7 1 lit I ' School Chair Finds Shelter Under Arch na wti li .1 A 4 't! N 1 • �; a I oIf ., I� I . Y�,• yrn�t� 14 1113 Ytr' r 4 �r I.,�hr' 1 s w ! � 4 f I r M'r:4 _''S,,,w)y •# , N yY fix .,-+.: : ■ *f.*: II ' u *f 'M�. • 4 h�','r,ny�: 4.y, w5 y"�Zv#� y •i" y f r p 1p ;yl,r 'S r c�",r, k 1. "rs � it�,r��,,.'.':��sln�„1"s r ,�N •i h1 + r ys : ■ _• ' ..', ° '� • It !' ,. . rub,- ''11 ∎4 ji N�'+i'7a d 1 %, J,; 4J''ly/ ilS• tGw+•"* Ilg ;'d /1•M' �; Y �f ; ` . 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