HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939 Order Re-establishing and re-defining CSISD • - 1 t "i r :. ' 4••'• 1 y \ . 1 It ¢: , { ? •n. . . ' i J • 'l ' a se ✓'_. i of ` ORDif ' E STA.BLI8ffl 11ND DE 'INaJ N> , •. ..A. & M. CONSQLIALTLD INDBP 1, 1D] NT SCHOOL DTSTRXCT On this the•' • day 'of F@ ., — `i': 1939, the County $Gard of Trust of Brazos County, '\ in sesSionj , the fol1.owing members _ . thereof, to wit t' - • c.-ii. Be anj. f Chairman ,'; ' Joe Locke � ' . , Trustee r ; : : ..- Luth Pearson , TrttStee A• Trustee _ beilie, present, it is ordered that;'..' & LS. Conao1idated,'Indopendont 1t s -- :.sohool Distric of said ounty bo - established and rude i for tho purpose or more: lear1.y defining .said District ; n ohangibg the boundaries thereof y, .aaoordanae with the Constitutio "and Laws of - this Stato, and oaid is b7 this order reN.establis1ed and ro _ dorin.ed within the ` metes and bounds, to wits' t, 3 )) ,r . • • e , '"—..,' , 11; T ? i I r r .4 • ? 41!,111 4 ,, .4.1,t • • •' U 1 '- • • . . 1 .. ., .t - �1- it £ :. -ti! . g1 ' .. Y. • n S R ;r , ..): . ..,.., 4 . ,. s -.,,: , :,,, 4..., ,. . ,- tir.t -_-,-„, • s?�y4 l 1 - ._. . — -- t • . , . . , ' " . ' . . . . ,• . .., . • 4 . 1 \ ; I i • l ‘ . , ''` .! • ' ',' ...:, 0 P:.- t : • : ,, : • . , I_ , '', • ". \ ' ' ' • • . • ' ' ''.; :.,1 4, l i' , ' i 0' •• ;',`,. t-'‘'''. i ., , ." '' i , ...- '. ' ' : ' ' BEONfintd., at a ,..point, Philli 0 :Le „gue;',.B •ai3O0..; , : ..- ; ; ; 1 I :. County, Texa's, at the north Oorner .':of,.. \ther', A*, t . 84 M:;...,C011ifild • in \ said ,.'i 1 I i :.';',.•'.' Zeno Phillips LeagUe, said- co'rrier. being on the .. soilthviebt 'Side ,lof the , right of way Of the, F. & T. 0 . 1ai1rod • Company; 1 , • ; • ,',,:,,,.... . '.; • 1-1 .-.- .\• , , , .. .;',;,,..,;,'' i •,..,..,;',.,. :',;.'-;,,..;•;;;;.;',;.,•;.;..'•-•,,..,... ! .'..r. , • , ....t; •'; • • - ... ... ; ;, 1 ..,.. ; .. . . TEENCE 45 West With': tliW:IithWaiit', lindary 'li e', or the -- - .1! 1 , . .. . .•. A, .& College Property, to the Wait a ;irner 'of the i1. .11: ' ,property in said League; ,. 1 - " ' \ . ', : ', : ,..%., ..', r ,-,' -\-- . .. . THENCE South . 45 East: , ith• the' Bout boundary ; o tlr. • .• : ,. i ..: ' ; i '-:-•., A'.' 1 M. college' Propertt,in sal& League.. tO•ilUrIcer.:.0,reelti.:, , „.' ;,:.-. ',". .• ', :. ... : ' I . '•'" ' . • ;: ' ' .. '' : , : \":.:1, ' '. ' ' ''..- s i . .' . • '. -.:. '''... ;;`,/;......';';\ .,:;;;;,/,...i .,'"; ';'...c • '-' t, „ .•'.. ; . -: 4, ; ' LI ' . ,-... ! THENCE .dOwn. Tiirkey Creiele:viith/iii3: t4:, the northeast . ; ; i . o f ritl . • • . • ..,... ,; \ t!? • ,. .;• 1 . ' ... 1 boundary line of, the: ;.. H. ;Ones LeagUe;!/ , ', V.,4 , ',• .' 1 ; ,- .' • :. , : '..!..t • , • , .. 1 :,..,, \ : ' ; ,'',., .... ' , ,2. ,.. '........,'. , 1i • , i / • ,... ,..:_ ; : I ; . 1 1 ! -.. I THENCE !South 45 Ba tiVP th '. with', lorjb,east.".:,b9undary: 'line of , • . ' . ; t --...--,1 the Z. H. Jone s , League and. the ,Sciittli,(bd,iindqrY4irie0ibe ; ,li ,:.;•• . i - . ........, Scott, and Crawford Burnett Leagues ; ... the' eaStjoor , ,, ner ' of ' • ; ....,, • .,, the J. .H.; Dowling'80..•,aare . tract of land ;,:initlie ' nOrth, corner' .of . the '. ; '; ,, -4 Mike . ;Wiititiki .120 acre,. tract.' of ,.laii•i,in.;:t4„Ww.' .4; /,' i . 1 ,,:,. .. ..., ,, 1,: ,,.-, i,: ..-„'-!: .:. ..,; ..; :. :: . //: ! , . , : I :1 THIgNCE South 45 We 'with'ithe' line ' El aiit ---- 1 '; i - -•......4) , • ; -.... and Wisoski 1.240 varas to stake .for.: t.on ': the.: E. of the S'. '14•Dowling 112 acre tract', of land. lin . said iturifely 3 i f tinth04'; East 1635 VS:rap with the, ! northeast; boudary•,,s, line of said ':;3.1" Z." Dowling .112 tore tract.; and O. 1. Dowling •27 Ore' ' ! •,........ ' , .'.... : .r.; tract of land and R. Z.... pi:*1134g: loe aore tract • stake for • corner. I - .....,...1. the same being thei..;east:*rnaii Of R. 1'4, powlig.405 acre tract, . an4s.. 1 i t •-st, ■2 .• ‘ . : 'r %-• : • • e' , • . ' the north co Mer t :ff, D:: .14 D'oyfli 89 •akre..i, 94,', ;..,..-...'. „ ..,-, .}' v .i : ; ..;i; ; 1 i ; -•';-:- ;. ! s,;., .‘,. t... ,,,),,,,,15(. f •:, !v.: .:1\ •:•,; .u. •,',.i..... '.4.- ., ,,, • . .• , • . # ,,,,,:i : • ;, .:,....,,,1 .ruNcis::•s( :v.tit,.h.. the,.., en R. Z. '.D.o. ling:and • i 1 • -•,- , , -.•,....,,• D. E. Dowling 640 rvaras to ,btalc6 .`i3O*ti,ets.;•..•On the nortb,easVi tioUndary , • .... „ line of tie ,John Childress Survey; •., -'' .',' , .... .'. . . :1 • I' . , : , i ,:.; ..,',11' . ., ''; '":;.; -', ' ', .• ..., .i , , .. , ._ 1 ,111ENCE South 45 East ,•550 , varas _•tto ; t he , pcipt "' 4 :!.0.;7 11(3 , 1 * .. Oil ';Onn ; , ; . ... 1 ; ; ••• Childress SurVey; : ,. . ,' ,.. , , , ',:i", ), ''.,,'''',; ::' `., " THENCE South 45 West 2250 varaa ' o the pie , Brodge road; .;.. .\\ • . . ' tiiciO i 13:i •a.'• southerly.".direetiOnwith the raea'n4ers ' ofi said ; ' 1 ; - .7.••;:. , . • . , , ... , • ' - • . 1 , t :---t), road to where it is crolsed by the N W.linp of Gificings 'pasture', 1 ; ' --• tract of land in the lames Hope league; , '; •., ,,i, .;.\ ' ; , ' ;.-,...,...• ., . , ; -- , c .i , ., .., - t ,.J.-ss -,, . . , • .... ; • I .„,--- . .. , ,, ', ..„ , ,.„.,....., ,.\. : '1 t'.. • ; ,. . .;,,. . ‘.... ,(:„. .., .! _; . ; i 1 'THENCE North; 45 Ea st-witb.\ said, 'etake for orner in the old Wellborn :road; - , • !1. •'',\ .),.,..., .. ,'..-: , TliATOB Soutb; !.4A; East ',across' the . .. at 1420 . -z- varas paid.:.'.tlie *eat bdrner Of ':' 184 - acre tract. Of 1014; :9 by, ;. B. Neelley estate„ at 2250 varas the South corner Of. eeid ,tract.;On, the new Wellborn, and .1C.oppe Bridge'. road ; , ..•.....• .. , ,...: . , . ! i ; :-- THENCE lforth.s.45 East ;Up said road 50 varee', tO,, the west . ' . 1 ' ' -'';• corner of D. D. Burkbalt'er tract of land, in the' SablueI ;Davidson League; . , . ,... ... • ; ----;;•,.. . , . • ; 1 -.-"a , -‘,. , '• ;. ; ; ; • '' ‘.. ' H'4 " • ; ; - -.0 . . . . . ' • ' • .'"'■'t 1 1.1 ' --- ` 4 -g- i f . ., . : .': :. . , -;.,.::A;•..at: i ..: , • , • ,, ' - , „ ..., - ! : . ' 2:.- 7 V 4 • , , i'.. .: . ;. j:. , s ' ".• 1S 4.:4' ; 41- ,'.. . , • • ' ,.. I .. .. .. ......e 1 4Ili : . . 1 , 1 / 'i l i , i .' - ' -.. . ,: 3 ---- --, . -:-4`5141:::,1,;;;,:•-: :'...;, . . .. , , ' , , 1 i i . -.'i, '''i ,',, i ' , . ‘,,,,,; :'.:.,-. : ' , ,;;;,:-.,,::-:?;:,.R . f . :,1- . .r.4 -, ' , Vrk.,,'lrv-. . ,. ' '' . :( ',-1...,), .---':!.';'-',-' :-..-•.,-, , ., .,.' . . . :.4:jArt?-4i. ',. ,,.,,;... .' ,,,i'.;;;„, . . '..., ' i',,A 'V",;`,. -,frit . .• , ;:il:; 1 -.:t;4 . '• 7:1 ,:i'';...,' . . . I • ! • /• THENCE South 45 East 2170 varas to the west or southwest right of way line of the I & G. N. R. R. ComimnY; -• 'THENCEdown & G. N. right of way and on the west side of same'tdYwhete'itcrossed the E. boundary line of the J. C. Stuteville.SUrvey, Abatteat No. 216; THENCE ,North 45 .East with the east. boundary line of Stuteville Survey and B.McGregor Survey, Abstract No. 170, 2400 varas to stake for corner; THENCE North ,With the east boundary line of said B. McGregor Survey, '620 varas to stake for corner on one of the southern boundary lines of the B. 13.13. & C. R. R. Company Survey, • Abstraot No. 82; THENCE South 45 East 100 varas to.the southern corner of said last named survey; . North'45 1000 varas to the eastern corner of said survey; THENCE due North across T. Henry Survay;:Abattiot No. 130, 600 varas to the south eastern'corner of the W. Young Survey, Abstract No, 246; :THINCE,North 10 East with the east boundary line of the W. Young Survey '550,varas to one of the corners of the T. Renry Survey, Abstract No. 129; THEMOE'in an easterly directiOn'200 varas to corner oe T. Henry Survey,' Absttact No. 129, same being the southwest cornet of the J. M. Barrera Survey, Abstract. No. 69; , • • THENCE North with.the West line of said l3arrera Survey 1980 varas to the northwest cOrner-of:same on the south boundary line of the Samuel W. RobertsOn:Survey, Abstraot No. 202; . , . • THENCEEast:wIth.the abuth.lino of aaid:Robertson Survey 1000 varae to tha:bouthWesteorner'Of the S.' D. Smith Survey; • • • THENCE .North with,the division line tetweeethe Robertson and Smith SurVey8iat.2480.vairaa'pass N. W. corner of S. D. Smith Survey at 2800 varas the N. E. corner of Stephen and Seigert, formerly Offa Williams 'tract. land in said Robertson 8urvey; • THENCE West with tie north line of said Stephen and Seigert formerly WilliaMs land 1100 varas to the northwest corner of same; THENCE: Orth'on the boundary linebetween the A. Babille Survey, Abstraot 0406, and the S. W. 'Robertson, Survey,. Abstraot No. 202, 1150 varae't0theeast boundary line of the RobertStaTenson - League; f . THENCE NorthA5 East 800 varas to the corner of the Robe Stevenson Leagua,' whieh is also the south cornet 'of the Thomas Carruthers League; THENCE North 45 East' with the boundary line :al the • Thomas Carruthers League to.Carter's Creek; • • ! • 7 : r , . • '-'`.cr < • THENCE up Carter's Creek with its meanders to the ` ' + .." Mitchell Bridge road; . trii.eN¢E in a westerly direction with said road to the ' Corporate Limits of the City of Bryan, Texas j THENCE .with the east. portion of said City .-Limits . and , ' .l 1 ' 7 { in various directions with the various "• meanders of i the City' ' . Limits of :the City of Bryan, Texas, as said City Limits' have ' 1i . `v been recently extended to where said present City Limits ,. , ` intersect the center line of ;the H. & T. C. Railroad Company • j w ; right of way; Z4.: - THENCE in a southeasterly direction n with the cent er • line ,.:s. of the H. & .T.' C. right of way, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, con- ' ' I ` taining .5 square miles of land. r / ` _ WHOLE fi i SURVEYS IN DISTRICT J, E. Scot t,',Abst'a t„�TT4, 50, r , - Cra�ivford Burnett,) Abst�ra`at No, 7, - f 1 f. Peter Norton; ; ,tAigtract No. 186, ' ,, a T , Henry, Abstraot No.' :129; * 4 -- • _� John Payne, •Abstri t'`No ' 95 ` x ," John Childres$ ,,, �caot- No. 92 & t A. McMahon, Abstr . No. ' 168, - . 0;7',•' n i 2 W. L. Ellis, Abstract No, 116, ' B.E.B. &.O.RR.Co., •Abstract No, 82, 1 - i B. McGregor, Abstract No. 170, W. r`oung, Abstrao.t?� No. 246, ., r ; 11; MoGr.ew, Abstract' No. 175 , . z+ X. Bledsoe, Abstract No. 71, 7 s'r W. Clark, Abstr t No. "101, i A. Babille, Abstract No. '76. PARTS OF' SURVEYS _ t `` VEXS IN DISTRICT. ,• Zen Phillips, 'Abs No. 45, l• Tames Hope, Abstract ' No. 22, F r W. `H. Frazier, 'Abstract No. 122,' i . . James Erwin, Abs tract No, ''' ..119 , _ f _ , � x .; Samuel Davidson, Abstract No. 13 !h J.',C 4tuteville, Abstract. No. 216, 0)-,;;;;.•*'' ^ ' T. Henry, Abstract.; No. 130, - ,, Thomas Carruthers, Abstract No.. 9, Morgan Rector, Abstract'' No. 46, • -� Richard Carter, Abstract No 8, John Austin,, Abstract No. 2. :,.' . f '`-- ! t ' 3 ,' i , i r t # . ' . 1 : y • • "h. 4 . } ,' . ,. ', ,, :. r • rt t.t i t . �h a 4 a t t r i i 1 i 1 L $ A J. ``r'- The aeorotery of this. Board is horoby ordorod to record a copy of . th :a order in the L;inuteti of this Board, and oertify an to the Coutt r Clerk for record in his record designated "Record of ;school - 1riats." Tho abovo order being read, it was E ved- and seconded that L samcOlo pass: Thereupon, the question being ()ailed for, tho following members ohe Board voted ,A/E: C. M, Joe Locke Luther Pearson , ; and the following voted NO: NONE. Chairman, County Boa of Trustees. bTTEST: eoreta�y THE STATE OF T1 .. 1 ' COUNTY of B ' OS X i ! I I, j„, L _ _, County Superintendent and Ex- Officio ooretary of the Co y Board of Trustaoa ,�pf..Brazos County, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a ,true and correct 1 : Copy of an order passed by said Boar& 'on: the 8th 'day of February , 1939, and of the minutes pertaining t'o its adoption, as said order appears of record in Took ', Pages 1 __ 5r 177 , Minutes of said Board. . Witness my hand, this the g , ti day of . February , 1939. y: . oun'y :Alper n on•e . ;r-x o o :;ooretnry County Board" Truotoe6 of Brazos County,..� , •