HomeMy WebLinkAboutBCHC Minutes and Agenda 1987 - 1998 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSI0N Rt. 5, Box 852 College Station, Texas 77840 March 11, 1987 March Meeting Notice The March meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 16, 1987 in Room 117 of the Brazos County Courthouse at 201 East 26th Street in Bryan, beginning at 7 :00 p. m. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by chairman. 2. Reading of the minutes of the February meeting. 3. Introduction of persons present who wish to discuss historical marker applications. 4. Old business. 4:. a. Discussion of second draft of inscription for the "Early Texas A &M Campus Housing" marker. b. Other old business. 5. New business. a. New historical application forms. b. "Medallion" subscriptions. c. State convention of Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution coming to B -CS. d. Other new business. 6. Adjournment James L. Boone, Jr. Chairman 0 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES, MARCH 17, 1987 Present: James Boone, Milton Nance, Russell Bradley & Eleanor Nance. Chairman Boone presided. The minutes of the February 16, 1987 meeting were distributed and approved as read. The revised marker inscripton for Campus Houses was presented & discussed. New business: A discussion occurred on obtaining "Historical Markers in City" signs for all state highways coming into Bryan- College Station, with the possibility of obtaining Hotel -Motel tax money to pay for them, and the Texas Highway Department to erect them. James Boone announced that in 1990, the State Meeting of the Sons of the American Revolution will $ eld th °ir e ° in Bryan- College Station. Mr. Boone also announced that he would check with Jody Bates to see if she can attend the Texas,. Historical Preservation Meeting in El Paso, and if Jody is unable to do so, he would see if Russell Bradley can do so. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. e flL Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Rt. 5, Box 852 College Station, Texas 77840 May 18, 1987 May Meeting Agenda The May meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on :,ondav, May 18, 1987 in Room 117 of the Brazos County Courthouse at 201 East 26th Street in Bryan, beginning at 7 :00 p. m. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by chairman. 2. Reading of the minutes of the May meeting. 3. Introduction of persons present who wish to discuss historical marker applications. 4. Old business. a. Status of marker applications (Early Texas ACM Campus • Housing and Czech - Moravian Cemetery). b. Other old business. 5. New business. a. Reports on 1937 Historic Preservation Conference held at El Paso, April 23 -25. b. "Medallion" subscriptions. c. Providence Church and School sites. d. Other new business. 6. Adjournment James L. Boone, Jr. Chairman 111 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Rt. 5, Box 852 College Station, Texas 77840 September 21, 1987 September Meeting Agenda The September meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 21, 1987 in Room 117 of the Brazos County Courthouse at 201 East 26th Street in Bryan, beginning at 7:00 p. m. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by chairman. 2. Reading of the minutes of the May meeting. 3. Introduction of persons present who wish to discuss historical marker applications. 4. Old business. a. Approval of marker inscription for Czech - Moravian Cemetery. b. Status of Early Texas A&M Campus Housing marker. c. Other old business. 5. New business. a. 1988 Budget b. Other new business. 6. Adjournment James L. Boone, Jr. Chairman Future Meetings: October 19, November 16, December 21, January 18, February 15, 4: March 21, April 18 and May 16. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Rt. 5, Box 852 ® College Station, Texas 77840 September 21, 1987 Proposed 1988 Budget Budget Item Budgeted Proposed 1987 1988 Communications expenses (postage, stationery, printing, etc.): $50. $ 50. Marker ceremony expenses (program printing, invitations, certificate framing, etc.; estimate based on 4 ceremonies at $50 each): $200. $200. Travel expenses for Brazos County delegates to 1988 Annual Historic Preservation Conference sponsored 41) by the Texas Historical Commission in Brownsville (Registration fee, transportation, food and lodging) $800. $800. Travel expenses for delegates to 1988 Texas State Historical Association Convention (registration fee, travel, food and lodging) $350. $350. TOTALS: $1400. $1400. A; BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 4:) Rt. 5, Box 852 College Station, Texas 77840 March 18, 1988 March Meeting Agenda The March meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 21, 1988 in Room 117 of the Brazos County Courthouse at 201 East 26th Street in Bryan, beginning at 7:00 p. m. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by chairman. 2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. 3. Introduction of persons present who wish to discuss historical marker applications. 4. Old business. a. Marker dedication ceremony for Early Texas A &M Faculty Housing. (This ceremony is scheduled for 4 :00 p. m. on Friday, April 8 near Throckmorton Street on the TAMU campus). b. Final planning for Czech - Moravian Cemetery marker dedication ceremony. (The ceremony will take place at 2:00 p. m. on Saturday, April 16). c. Other old business. 5. New business. a. New historical marker application forms. b. Other new business. 6. Adjournment James L. Boone, Jr. Chairman Future Meetings: April 18 and May 16. 0 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES, FEB. 15, 1988 Members present: Milton Nance, Paul Van Riper, James L. Boone, Jody Bates, Mary Bess Young, Eleanor Nance, Billy Beard & Walter Carl Jones, Guests present: Mrs. Nettie Crenshaw. Minutes were distributed and approved. A discussion occurred concerning the Moravian /Czech Cemetery Marker Ceremony which has been scheduled for Saturday, April 16, at 2:oo p.m. People attending the ceremony will be able to park on Knights' Bridge Lane & Warwick St., in Copperfield Subdivision. The location for the marker will be by the little gate. Eleanor will bring a Texas flag on a pole, to tie near the gate, so it will be easier to locate. Nettie Crenshaw will furnish names & addresses for invitations to the marking ceremony. The A &M Faculty Houses Marker will be dedicated April 8, at 4:OOp.m. `r. Shawn Carlson will be contacted about the Boonville Cemetery fence. Jody Bates will go to Brownsville as our delegate, and a second person can be appointed by James Boone. Walter Carl Jones moved & Billy Beard seconded that Eleanor & Milton Nance, and Jody Bates represent our commission as delegates to the Texas State Historical Association Meeting in Austin, motion passed, Walter Carl Jones announced that the Steep Hollow & Reliance markers will be pursued with vigor, and that the Toonerville Trolley and the Pea Vine Railroad markers should be worked on. Paul Van Riper announced that a National Register Marker was placed on the Cavitt House in February of 1988. The meeting adjourned at 9 ;0O p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1110 Woodhaven Circle College Station, Texas 77840 October 14, 1988 October Meeting Announcement The October meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 17, 1988 in Room 117 of the Brazos County Courthouse at 201 East 26th Street in Bryan, beginning at 7:00 p. m. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by chairman. 2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. 3. Introduction of persons present who wish to discuss historical marker application. IC: 4. Old business a./ Woman's Club marker application b. tHarris School marker application c. Revision of list of historical markers in Brazos County d. Consideration of nominations to the Commission for the 1988 -89 biennium e. Other old business 5. New business 6. Adjournment James L. Boone, Jr. Chairman Next meeting: November 21 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1110 Woodhaven Circle College Station, Texas 77840 Telephone: (409) 846 -6478 c October 14, 1988 TO: Members of the Brazos County Historical Commission I am enclosing the agenda for our next meeting, which will be held at 7 :00 p. m. on Monday, October 17 in the courthouse. As you know, the terms of all members of this Commission expire on December 31, 1988. In January, the Brazos County Commissioners' Court will be appointing persons to serve on the Commission for the next biennium. It is customary for the Commission to submit a list of suggested appointees to the Court. In view of the fact that our last meeting of the year will be on November 21, T propose that we complete the list at that time, so that she list will be available to the Court at its first meeting in January. Therefore, we should develop a preliminary list at our October meeting. A convenient starting point is to prepare a list of the current members of the Commission who desire to be re- appointed. If you cannot attend the October 17 meeting, please call me before the meeting to let me know if you want to be re- appointed. The following persons' names have been suggested for consideration as new IL, appointees to the Brazos County Historical Commission: Ruth Peattie, Mary Lou Epps, Nettie Crenshaw, Joe Hanover, Mary Frances Robert, Colleen Bachelor,-- C/7' Lena Scasta, Mrs. Orval Brown. Additional names can be considered at the October meeting; if you cannot attend and have others to suggest, please call me. WAet,-- ai% A Eck Q� James . Boone, Jr r.,lL Chairman 0 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING, SEPT. 22, 1988 Members present: Guests present: James Boone Mary Kathryn Briggs Madge Wallace Charles Schultz Walter Carl Jones Russell Bradley Milton Nance Paul Van Riper Jody Bates Eleanor Nance The chairman, James Boone, presided over the meeting, introducing the guest, Mary Kathryn Briggs, who presented information on a proposed marker for the Bryan Woman's Club. Milton Nance & James Boone will be a committee of two to compose & edit the wording for the Woman's Club marker, A list of Historical Markers in Brazos County compiled by James Boone was distributed to those present. Walter Carl Jones reported on the road names project which is underway. Charles Schultz reported on Ruth Hull's Estate historical information on the South family which was left to the Sterling C. Evans Library Archives. New Business: Names were suggested for persons to be considered for new board members. These & possibly others will be presented at the October meeting. Wheelock Hall was suggested as a possible site to be marked. A discussion was held about brochures for Historical Markers of Brazos County, to be paid for by the Hotel Motel Tax, to be distributed to tourists at Tourists Centers, (to include maps). Paul will bring samples of Margaret Van Bavel's map & brochure. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary f.. James L. Boone, Jr. IC) 1110 Woodhaven Circle C ollege Station, Texas 77840 Telephone: (409) 846 -6478 January 10, 1989 TO: Members of the Brazos County Historical Commission TOPIC: Meeting Announcement The first meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission in 1989 will be held on Monday, January 23 in the auditorium on the second floor of the Bryan Public Library 201 East 26th Street. The meeting will begin at 7 :00 p. m., and should be concluded by 8:30 p. m. Please note that this is a change from the originally scheduled "third Monday" meeting date and place. I apologize for having to make this change, but our regular meeting place, the county courthouse, will be closed (and unheated) on January 16. Our other "favorite" meeting place is the Bryan Public Library, and it is not available on any third Monday. Because of the convenience of the library auditorium, I re- scheduled the January meeting for January 23 in the library. An important agenda item at that meeting will be to determine the meeting dates and times for the rest of 1989. As most of you know, I have decided to leave the Commission at this time. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of the Commission for the past 22 years, but the time has come when I need to give up some scheduled activities in order to spend more time with my family. I will continue to support historical preservation efforts, and plan to continue research on the old rural school districts in the county. I thank all members of past Commissions for their friendship, loyalty and support, and pledge to "stay in touch." The first item of business on January 23 will be to elect a chairman, vice chairman and secretary for the Commission. I trust that you will review the enclosed list of members and be prepared to accomplish this. I look forward to seeing you all on January 23. James L. Boone, Jr. cir ICI BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION January 10, 1989 January Meeting Announcement The January meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, January 23, 1989 in the auditorium on the second floor of the Bryan Public Library at 201 East 26th Street in Bryan, beginning at 7:00 p. m. The terms of office of members of the previous Commission expired on December 31, 1988, and this will be the first meeting of the newly appointed Commission. Members should come to the meeting prepared to elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by temporary chairman. 2. Election of permanent chairman. 3. Election of vice chairman. 4. Election of secretary. 5. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. 6. Old business a. Annual Report for 1988 b. Other old business 5. New business a. Determination of meeting dates for 1989. b. Other new business 6. Adjournment I Cly BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 0 Members, 1989 -1990 Names -- Addresses Telephones Mrs. Colleen Batchelor 822 -6500 (Home) 614 E. 29th Street Bryan, TX 77803 Mrs. Jody Bates 696 -0784 (Home) 605 Hereford S. College Station, TX 77840 Mr. Stephen C. Beachy 693 -5147 (Home) 1101 Neal Pickett Dr. 764 -3773 (Office) College Station, TX 77840 Mrs. Ann Bell 693 -7519 (Home) 1805 Medina Drive 260 -9898 (Office) College Station, TX 77840 Mrs. Rosemary Boykin 693 -0224 (Home) 1505 Laura Lane College Station, TX 77840 Dr. J. Russell Bradley 775 -6730 (Home) 616 E. 31st Street 693 -1511 (Office) Bryan, TX 77803 Dr. Gary M. Halter 696 -5512 (Home) 1204 Ashburn 845 -2152 (Office) College Station, TX 77840 Mr. Randall Haynes 823 -1426 (Home) 614 E. 32nd St. 776 -7600 (Office) Bryan, TX 77803 Mr. Walter Carl Jones 778 -0517 (Home) 3703 N. Texas Avenue Bryan, TX 77803 Mrs. Eleanor Hanover Nance 696 -5864 (Home) 1403 Post Oak Circle 845 -8851 (Office) College Station, TX 77840 Dr. J. Milton Nance 696 -5864 (Home) 1403 Post Oak Circle 845 -7158 (Office) 4 College Station, TX 77840 S 41: BCHC Members -- continued, page 2 Mrs. Ruth Peattie 775 -4142 (Home) 712 Chevy Chase Bryan, TX 77802 Mrs. Joan R. Rabins 690 -0093 (Home) 4587 Cricket Pass 845 -0384 (Office) College Station, TX 77840 Mrs. Mary Frances Robert 822 -4943 (Home) 704 Esther Blvd. Bryan, TX 77802 Dr. Charles R. Schultz 696 -8483 (Home) 1200 Goode Street 845 -1815 (Office) College Station, TX 77840 Mr. Dempsey Seastrunk 693 -4304 (Home) 1220 Ridgefield Circle S. College Station, TX 77840 Mr. Randy Sims 846 -6702 (Home) Brazos County Courthouse 361 -4105 (Office) 300 East 26th Street Bryan, TX 77803 Dr. Paul P. VanRiper 822 -2082 (Home) 713 E. 30th Street Bryan, TX 77803 Mrs. Madge N. Wallace 823 -0615 (Home) 611 S. Ennis, Apt. 19 Bryan, TX 77803 Mr. Walter Wilcox 778 -1409 (Home) Brazos County Courthouse 361 -4115 (Office) 300 East 26th Street Bryan, Texas 77803 Mrs. Mary Bess Young 846 -9055 (Home) 3607 Parkway Terrace Bryan, TX 77802 1E: BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING, FEB.27, 1989 , MINUTES 0 MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Schultz, J. Milton Nance, Eleanor Hanover Nance, Randy Sims, Ruth Peattie, Rosemary Boykin, Mary Frances Robert, Mary Bess Young, Madge Wallace, Joan Rabins, D. H. Seastrunk, Russell Bradley. Paul Van Riper, Jody Bates& Randy Haynes Charles Schultz, Chairman, opened the meeting with the introduction of members and distribution of minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes were approved. Madge Wallace reported on the approval of the Woman's Club Marker application, with action expected by June. She also reported on the upcoming 20th year celebration of the Bryan Public Library, 3 -5:00, Wed., May 3, 1989. Rosemary Boykin & Joe Patrenella will work on the Steel's Store Marker, and he will continue when Rosemary leaves for Botswana, March 13th. The Historical Preservation Meeting with the Bryan City Commission will meet at the Bryan School Administration Building, March 2, 7:10 p.m. Paul Van Riper moved, Milton Nance seconded, & Motion passed, that a letter be written to James Bond about Providence Church & School which was located at the site of the old roadside park, Turkey Creek Road & FM 60, and the fact that a historical marker should be included in the plans for this area when it is made into the new entrance to the airport. Charles Schultz announced that $38.01 was due James Boone for printing costs, and Russel Bradley moved & Jody Bates seconded & the vote was unanimous that the amount be paid. Jody Bates announced that the Bryan Eagle will be celebrating its 100th anniversary beginning at 10:00 A.M., May 6, in Central Park, & that perhaps we can sponsor a table in conjunction with Citizens for Historic Preservation. Randy Haynes brought photographs to identify, of homes, etc. in Bryan and the surrounding area, from the Cavitt collection. The decision was made to continue to meet in the Courthouse. Charles Schultz, Russell Bradley, Jody Bates & Ruth Peawere elected delegates to the April 27 -29 Historical Preservation State Meeting in Dallas at the Sheraton. Joan Rabins announced that the Texas Historical Foundation will sponsor an auction of antiques at Round Top, April 1st, beginning at 1:00; She also showed photos of ornamental stonework of Fannin School, asking for suggestions of what could be done with them when the demolition of the building begins. Randy Sims reported on the Boonville Cemetery: the lights are up & the water is available for irrigation. Brazos County will provide the parking area and fill the curb cut to the gate, etc. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 845 -1815 March 15, 1989 March 1989 Meeting Agenda The Parch 1989 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held Monday, March 27, 1989 in the Commons area outside the County Commissioners' offices in the Brazos County Courthouse in Bryan beginning at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th street entrance, turn right between the two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the commons area. MEETING AGENDA. 1. Call to order by the chairman. 2. Approval of the minutes of February 1989 meeting. 3. Introduction of persons who wish to discuss historical marker • applications. 4. Old Business a. Participation in Eagle centennial day, Saturday, May 6, 1989. b. Report on Providence Church park /new entrance to Easterwood Airport. c. Status of marker applications. d. Progress report on Boonville cemetery. e. Report on Texas State Historical Association meetinc. f. Other old business. 5. New Business. a. Report of Preservation Day. b. Texas Archeology Awareness Week, April 9 - 15. c. National Preservation Week, May 14 - 20. • d. Other new business. 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 845 -1815 April 14, 1989 April 1989 Meeting Agenda The April 1989 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held Monday, April 24, 1989 in the Commons area outside the County Commissioners' offices in the Brazos County Courthouse in Bryan beginning at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th street entrance, turn right between the two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the commons area. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the chairman. 2. Approval of the minutes of March 1989 meeting. 3. Introduction of persons who wish to discuss historical marker applications. 4. Old Business. a. Participation in Eagle centennial day, Saturday, May 6, 198'9. b. Status of marker applications. c. Progress report on Boonville cemetery. d. Other old business. 5. New Business. a. Discussion of committee organization. b. National Preservation Week, May 14 -20. c. Other new business. 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes of the May 22, 1989 Meeting Members present: Charles Schultz, Russell Bradley, Milton Nance, Eleanor Nance, Madge Wallace, Randy Haines, Walter Wilcox, Joan Rabins, Ruth Peattie, Jody Bates, Randy Sims, Mary Frances Robert. Guests present: Vernon Gomez Charles Schultz, Chairman, opened the meeting, and the minutes of the April 24th meeting were distributed and approved. Randy Haines presented information on the condition of the two museums in the Texas Land Office Building in Austin. Plans are being formulated for the restoration of the two museums: The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Museum and the Daughters of the Confederacy Museum. Mr. Vernon Gomez, a guest, presented information on a proposed Texas Historical Marker for the site on which Judge Baylor presided over the 1st court held in Brazos County. A report of the Eagle Centennial Day Celebration was presented by the delegates, Ruth Peattie, Jody Bates, Russell Bradley & Charles Schultz. Walter Carl Jones received a 20 year certificate from the Texas State Historical Commission. *6► Nothing has been heard of the status of the marker application for the Women's Club Building. Randy Sims reported on efforts to obtain another iron worker to complete the gates for the Boonville Cemetery. Charles Schultz announced invitations to nearby historical celebrations in Houston and Atascosito, There was a discussion about the possibility of having a meeting with the Historical Preservation group in Bryan /College Station. The next meeting of this group will take place on the 4th Monday in September, 1989. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary TEXAS A &.M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ZIP CODE 7743 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY May 24, 1989 Mr. Stephen C. Beachy 1101 Neal Pickett Dr. College Station TX 77840 Dear Steve: I am enclosing copies of materials I distributed at the Brazos County Historical Commission meeting on May 22. I apologize for the confusion on the agenda I sent out prior to the meeting. It was dated May 12 (the date it was sent out) rather than May 22 (the date of the meeting). As has been our custom in the past, we will not hold meetings in June, July, and August unless a called one is necessary to plan the ceremony for the marker for The Woman's Club. As of this date the application is still pending with the state commission in Austin. You may want to mark your calendars for future meetings as follows: September 25, October 23, November 27. All will be at 7:00 p.m. in the Brazos County Courthouse. Prehaps I should provide some explanation about why I distributed the copies I am enclosing. The first two items relate to awards which can be received at each Texas Preservation Conference. I am not sure how many BCHC members were aware of this program. I think that without too much additional effort we could receive a Distinguished Service Award in the near future. Plans are underway to nominate the Bryan /College Station Eagle and the Texas A &M University Archives for awards at the 1990 annual meeting. The Eagle will be nominated for news media coverage for historical matters while the Archives will be nominated for its traveling photographic exhibit. The third item contains brief descriptions of several suggested committees of county historical commissions. The BCHC voted at its April meeting to create two committees for 1990. The two to be created are Historical Markers and Research and History Appreciation. The fourth and fifth items are detailed descriptions of the role and functions of these two committees. It is my hope that every member of the BCHC will read all of the enclosed material and come to the September meeting prepared to volunteer to serve on one of the two committees. Those two groups will then choose their own chairs and will begin making plans for activities during 1990. With a well devised plan of work for 1990 and an active year we can place our commission in nomination for a Distinguished Service Award for 1990 to be presented at the 1991 annual meeting to be held in Austin. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 845 -1815 during working hours or 696 -8483 after 5:00 p.m. I shall hope to see you in September. Sincerely yours, 0 Charles R. Schultz Chair, Brazos County Historical Commission CRS /am Enclosures BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION IL University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 October 1989 Meeting Agenda The October 1989 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 23, 1989 in the commons and outside the County Commissioners' offices at 7:00 P.M. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the commons area. Parking is available in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the May and September 1989 meetings. 3. Introduction of persons who wish to discuss historical marker applications. thed (� 4. Introduction of other guests. Goe Jr 1-if-5 ) 5. Introduction of Joan Robins to discuss Texas Historical Foundation. 6. Old Business a. Status of marker applications. b. Progress report on Boonville Cemetery. c. Report on hosting Texas Preservation Conference in 1994. 7. Committee Reports a. Historical Markers and Research Committee. b. History Appreciation Committee. 8. New Business 9. Adjournment • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION September 1989 Meeting Minutes Charles Schultz, chair, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Members present were Colleen Batchelor, Gary Halter, Madge N. Wallace, Mary Francis Robert, Joan Rains, Randy Haynes, Russell Bradley, Randy Sims, D.H. Seastrunk, Mary Bess Young, Walter Wilcox, Walter Carl Jones, Ann Bell, Jody M. Bates, and Charles Schultz. Marie Engblom was present as an invited guest. Due to the absence of Secretary Eleanor Nance, the minutes of the May 1989 meeting were not available for approval. Marie Engblom informed the commission about current and planned historic preservation activities in the City of Bryan. She thanked the commission for this opportunity to discuss her work in Bryan and expressed a hope that all groups involved in historic preservation could work closely together. Randy Sims reported on progress at the Boonville Cemetery. The sign is up and spear points are on at the gates. A portion of the fence will be up and the parking area will be completed by the end of the year. Chair Schultz passed around a sheet on which members were invited to sign up for the two committees. The following signed up: Historical Markers and Research Committee: Gary Halter, Madge N. Wallace, Mary Francis Robert, Mary Bess Young, Walter Wilcox, Walter Carl Jones, and Joan Robins. History Appreciation Committee: Randy Haynes, Russell Bradley, and Jody Bates Following a brief report by Chair Schultz and some discussion, the commission voted to invite the Texas Historical Commission to hold its 1994 annual Historic Preservation Conference in Bryan /College Station. Members Bates, Bell, and Schultz were named to a committee to pursue the matter with the THC. Chair Schultz reported on a meeting he and Jody Bates had had with the publisher of The Eagle about having a series of articles in the paper about historic sites and then making I the articles into a booklet. This matter was referred to the History Appreciation Committee. The federal government, which now operates a prison at the old Allen Academy site has suggested moving the marker at that site to a location that is more easily accessible to the public. Walter Carl Jones was named a committee of one to investigate this matter. The commission invited Joan Robins to speak at the October 1989 meeting about the programs and activities of the Texas Historical Foundation. Robins announced the THE would hold its fall quarterly meeting on the Texas A &M campus on October 21, 1989 and invited members of the BCHC to attend. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Colleen Batchelor Acting Secretary IL 1 I IL, 1 III BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 November 1989 Meeting Agenda The November 1989 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, November 27, 1989 in the commons area outside the County Commissioners' offices at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right r'■ between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the commons area. Parking is available in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the October 1989 meeting. \ 3. Introduction of persons who wish to discuss historical / ti)-.. `' marker applications. �, 4. Introduction of other guests. • 5. Introduction of Gary Halter to discuss historical 1 � preservation activities in College Station. _n. i 6 . Committee Reports jtN4e rs '- a. Historical Markers and Research Comm . itt 0 ` J � ���aC`. b. History Appreciation Committee. zJ trieLi - 5 ; 7 . Old Business J . -oi.•. C ?.AA rti a. Report of Woman's Club marker dedication. Li (l..a- `4'e r- 6ouf_ C.5. b. Progress report on Boonville Cemetery. c. Report on hosting Texas Preservation Conference in 1994. 8. New Business a. Report on Christmas ornament for Governor's Mansion. b. Correspondence received by the Chair. It c. Other new business. , - � M, \ 9. Adjournment .------(4- / . _. BRAZOS COUNTY HiISTORICAL CJH.iISSION :C Minutes of October 23, 1989 Meeting Members present: Charles Schultz, J. Milton Nance, Randy Sims, Walter Wilcox," . Steve Beachy, Mary Frances Roberts, Mary Bess Young, Ruth Peattie, Joan Rabins, Colleen Batchelor. Guests present: Fred Patterson; Jennifer Gose, President Junior historians, Bryan nigh School At 7:00 p.m. nor. Charles Schultz opened the meeting, and the Minutes of May 22 - and September 25, 1989, were read and approved as presented, with the correction of the spelling of Joan Rabins name in the September 25 Minutes. Chairman Schultz presented . Fred Patterson, a Bryan Architect. he showed several charts showing the grcund'plans for tne new Fannin School to be located on the site of tne old Fannin School in Bryan, demolished. He talked about the old marker for the school and the proposal to move its location on the property to the front entrance to the new school and the erection of a new historical marker for Fannin School. The old marker was to the firbt public school in Bryan. The new marker will commemorate Fannin School, 1928 -1989. In - front of the new Fannin Elementary School, there will be only off - street visitors' parking and it is at this location that the markers will be placed. The Brazos County historical C Commission was in agreement that the old marker should be moved to the proposed new location. Jennifer Gose, President of tne Junior Historian Chapter of Bryan High school, presented information on the "time capsule" taken from the demolished Fannin School, and discussed the plans of the Junior historian Cairpter to place a new "time capsule" in an interior wall of the new Fannin )Elementary School whenever it should be dedicated. She talked about various items thnat threy planneu to place in the capsule, and received suggestions from several mer:iuers of the Cormrission on the need to take care to protect the items from the ravages of time. Some of tine things planned to incluue in the new capsule were: basic information concerning the old capsule and_sor,ie of the items from it; a roster of the 1989 Class of, Fannin School; a copy of the Bryan- College Station Nagle carrying an article on 'tile old Fannin Scnool; one or more pictures of the new Fannin School; several historic coins; a copy of the prize paper from each grade level of what Fannin School means to them. She spoke of plans for the ceremony of placing the "tune capsule." Joan Rabins was called upon by the Chairman to give a report-on tyre Texas historical Foundation, of which she is a Director. She gave an interesting talk on the formation, history, operation, work, and activities of the Foundation, and of plans for the future, ending with a plea for financial support and membership. i Chairman Scnultz under "old business" reported that Dr. Paul Van , 4 C Riper, wino could not be present for the current meeting, was cont work on an application for a historical marker for the Cavitt house, and ,roped to have the application completed by the end of the year. Mary Bess Young reported brat the historical marker for the Bryan _ -2- Woman's Club arrived today (October 23, 1989) and was at the Woman's Club, -- awaiting erection and dedicated. Expected date of dedication is Wednesday, November 15, 1989, and Dr. Schultz is working with Madge Wallace _ op the program for that occasion. Dr. James Boone, former C hairman of the Brazos County Historical Commission, will talk on historical markers, their purpose, and how obtained, etc. - Chairman Schultz reported (Mr. Beachy having to leave the Commission's Meeting early) that W. Beachy and others were working on ahistory of College Station schools. Commission member Randy Sims gave an up -to -date report on the work going on at the Boonville Cemetery. He said the chain link fence was now down; and that culverts were being put in; the grounds have been greatly improved and cleaned up. he looked forward to a Spring 1990 dedication, and of getting out of the cemetery business. Dr. Scnultz reported that he had sent a letter to the Texas Historical Preservation Committee expressing our interest in having teem meet in Bryan, and requested that they invite a delegation from this Commission to appear before them in Austin to discuss holding the meeting here. Their schedule of meetings are: Abilene, 1990; Beaumont. 1991; hoston, 1992; Austin, 1993. he had in mind that the delegation from our Commission should consist of himself (Charles Schultz), Ann Bell, and Jody Bates to present the local invitation to the Committee in Austin. Commissioner Walter Wilcox reported on what was going on at Allen Academy. The main building there is being restored to the original building with the removal of the additions that had been made in past years. The historical marker will be moved about 120 to 150 yards to the front of the property, where there will be a pull -out for cars (but not parking) and the marker can be viewed. The question of making Jennifer Gose, and whoever may be her successor as President of the local chapter of Junion historians, an ex- officio member of the Brazos County Historical Commission. After a brief discussion it was agreen to do so; and C hairlam Schultz was to make the necessary arrangements with the County Judge. Meeting adjounred at 8:43 p.m. J. Milton Nance, for hleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING November 27, 1989 The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with the chairman, Charles Schultz, presiding. The October 23, 1989 minutes were distributed & approved. Guests present were: Gary Halter, Jenifer Gos- & Steve Beachy. Members present were: Rand Haines, Paul Van Riper, Russell Bradley, Joan Rabins, Randy Sims, Madge Wallace, Mary Bess Young, Jody Bates, Ruth Peattie, Charles Schultz, Walter Carl Jones & Walter Wilcox. A motion was made to accept an application for a marker for A &M Consolidated School District. The application will be sent in as approved. Jenifer Gosh representing the local Junior Historians, was introduced, and it was announced that she will be appointed a commission member in the near future. Gary Halter was introduced, and distributed College Station historic calendars to members and quests. Steve Beachy showed a proposed map of what could be done for the area along Wolf Pen Creek. A discussion followed, including the possibility of historical markers for Shiloh Cemetery, Lincoln School, the College Station Railroad Station & a Historic Homes Park of campus houses that could be moved into such a park. The recent Womans Club Marker Dedication was reported on by Madge Wallace. Eleanor Nance raised the question about the temporary location of the OSR marker at Benchley which has been removed due to construction. Walter Carl Jones will check, as it has been taken to Hearne. A report on Boonville Cemetery was given by Randy Sims, who announced that the parking area in front of the gates is being packed down. A discussion followed, concerning the new burials taking place in the cemetery, when burials are supposed to have ceased. Charles Schultz reported on hosting the Texas Preservation Confer nce in 1994. Our commission will be on the committee at the Jan. 1990�in�Austin, Charles also announced that Eleanor Nance painted the plat of Boonville or the Christmas Tree ornament for the Governor's House Christmas Tree, Hazel Minkert Garrett asked about obtaining a marker for her home in Bryan. A request for information on Indian sites in Brazos County from AR Consultants was read, and a discussion followed. 4 ‘p The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 January 1990 Meeting Agenda The January 1990 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, January 22, 1990 in the commons area outside the County Commissioners' offices at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the commons area. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the November 1989 meeting. 3. Introduction of persons who wish to discuss historical marker applications. 4. Introduction of other guests. 5. Jody Bates and Ann Bell presentation of proposal to Texas Historical Commission to meet in Brazos County in 1994. 6. Old Business a. Progress Report on Booneville Cemetary. b. Report on hosting 1994 Texas Preservation Conference. 7. New Business a. Report on open house at Governor's Mansion. b. Selection of delegates to Texas State Historical Association meeting in Austin in March. 9-s c. Selection of delegates to Texas Preservation Conference in Abilene in April. d. Correspondence by Chair. e. Other new business. 8. Adjournment 1 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 February 1990 Meeting Agenda The February 1990 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, February 26, 1990 in the commons area outside the County Commissioners' offices at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the commons area. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the February 1990 meeting. 3. Introduction of guest speaker. ram 4. Introduction of persons who want to discuss historical marker applications. 5. Introduction of other guests. 6. Old Business. a. Progress Report on Boonville Cemetery. b. Report on meeting with Texas Historical Commission. c. Report of History Appreciation Committee on possible fund raising projects for 1994. d. Other Old Business. 7. New Business a. Selection of delegates to Texas Preservation Conference in Abilene in April. b. Correspondence of the Chair. c. Speaker for March. • d. Other New Business. 8. Adjournment. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING January 22, 1990 The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with the chairman, Charles Schultz, presiding. The November 27,1989 miiutes were distributed & approved. Guests present were: Karen Lancaster, - -4i- 4efit- Members present were: Charles R. Schultz, Paul Van Riper,Steve Beachy, Eleanor Hanover Nance, J. Milton Nance, Randy Sims, Ruth Peattie, Jody Bates, Colleen J. Batchelor & Yvonne Moll . 4J,J Ann Bell & Jody Bates will be on the program in Austin Friday morning to present a packet & proposal for Brazos County Historical Commission to host the Texas Preservation Conference in 1994, the end of April. Ann Bell presented a "dry run" of the Texas Preservation Conference presentation which she will make. Charles Schultz reported on the idea of obtaining historical markers for the Aggie Band & the Corps of Cadets in 1992? When the Corps Center is built. Randy Sims reported on the progress of Boonville Cemetery fence, etc. Concrete parking will be finished soon, in time for the dedication in the spring. Briarcrest Drive will be widened so existing crepe myrtles will be cared for. ID Randy Sims moved & Paul Van Riper seconded that Milton & Eleanor Nance be delegates to attend the Texas State Historical Meeting in Austin March 1 -3, 1990. They were elected. Delegates for the Preservation meeting were discussed, and action will be delayed until the February meeting as several members were absent. Charles Schultz reported on continuing correspondence from AR Consultants. He also reported on the National Trust for Historic Preservation's information on Heritage Tourism. Jody Bates will check into historical signs for Richard Carter Park & report at the next meeting. Suggestions for applications for Historic Preservation Awards were discussed & will be continued at the next meeting. Colleen Bachelor suggested an art contest for the 150th anniversary of Brazos County. This will be discussed at the next meeting. Charles Schultz suggested that we have a speaker at the Feb. Commission Meeting. Downtown Now, with Pam Wiley was suggested, & Colleen for the March meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 4 ot Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary 2 C .G¢.r cow BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 March 1990 Meeting Agenda The March 1990 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 26, 1990 in the commons area outside the County Commissioners' offices at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the commons area. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1 11 14/ Ca)1 to order by the Chair. 2V Approval of the minutes of the February 1990 meeting. r Cr 3.1/ Introduction of guests. ( col1eeew �r5 r is p " vQ` y fi o'� • A ,-/c " / lt 4.v Introduction of guest speaker. U ( war 5,/ Introduction of persons who want to discuss historical marker applications. 6. Old Business. - / Progress Report on Boonville Cemetery. b! Report on Texas State Historical Association meeting. c. Other old business. 7. New Business a. Join with Texas A &M Archives on proposal to Texas Committee for the Humanities to create a traveling photographic exhibit. b. Correspondence of the Chair. IC, c. Speaker for April. d. Other New Business. 8. Adjournment. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING Feb. 26, 1990 The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m., with the chairman, Charles Schultz, presiding. The January 22nd 1990 minutes were distributed and approved. Guests present were: Pam Wiley -&23s Members present were: Steve Beachy, Ruth Peavy, Russell Bradley, Randy Haynes, Nary Bess Young, Anne Bell, Charles R, Schultz, Mary Frances Robert, Madge Wallace, Paul Van Riper, J Milton Nance, Joan Rabins, Jody Bates, & Eleanor Nance. Jenn;4 Gose Steve Beachy announced proposed markers for Lincoln School & Shiloh Cemetery. Madge Wallace announced that the Edge Home on Ennis Street in Bryan, will probably be ready for a marker in the new future. Madge will take an application to Mrs. ?Fot;tirirA,,rck _ %0/"I Joan Rabins announced that the Parker Lumber Company records are in her Department at TAMU & can be used for research. Ann Bell reported on the Historical Commission Meeting which she & Jody Bates. and Charles Schultz attended & that the Conniission will consider our bid for the 1994 meeting to be in Bryan - College Station. Pam Wiley spoke on the progress of downtown Bryan restorations & reconstructions. etc. Jody Bates reported on an extended committee she is on - the 1991, 150 years Brazos Trails. Joan Rabins suggested that the National Trust Cotton Industry, Brazos levees, etc. be included. Jennifer Goss reported on the proposed location of the Fannin School corner stone. Charles Schultz suggested that MaryI'Ellen Bowers would know how the contents of the new corner stone could be preserved. Paul Van Riper brought up the question of the use of the Carnegie Library. This will be discussed at the March meeting. Delegates were elected to the Historical Preservation Meeting in Abilene. Charles, Jennifer Gosh, Jody Bates & Ruth Peattie were nominated by Eleanor Nance. Ann Bell will go for one day. The vote was unaminous. Charles reported on correspondence: Historical Commission & Medalion Travel & Information Division of Trails(no reply yet). National Trust money for travel trails, Texas Highway Dept. will promote county meetings concerning travel trails lobbying. The wooden bfidges in Brazos County are being identified by Walter Wilco..News for this Commission: Preservation Week - May 13 -19th. Phone books(last Years) needed? I Summerl900._Commission on Texas History. The speaker for March will be Colleen Bachelor. Milton Nance moved that we adjourn. We did at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary Brazos County Historical Commission Meeting Minutes, April 23, 1990 Members present: Charles R. Schultz, Gary Halter, Randy Sims, Russell Bradley, Eleanor Nance, Milton Nance, Madge Wallace, Mary Bess Youn , Walter Carl Jones, Stephen C. Beachy, Anne Bell, & Joan Rabins.;C Guest present: Lillian Robinson, Robert Marraro, W. T. Riedel, Jo Riedel, Dorothy Van Riper. The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with the chairman, Charles Schultz, presiding. The March 26, 1990 minutes were distributed and approved. The Lincoln School Black Education in C, S. 1941 -1966 paper which had been mailed to members was discussed. Robert Marraro presented information he researched from Brazos County School Records housed in the bus barn. Members tabled the Lincoln School Marker presentation for further rewriting, etc. by Charles Schultz, Jody Bates, etc. Information on the Shiloh Community was presented by Steve Beachy, and he and Gary Halter will bring final summation & map to the May meeting. Randy Sims announced that cement work for Boonville Cemetery has been completed, & a marker will be erected for names of people who have contributed to the fence. Charles Schultz reported on the coming Preservation Conference in Abilene. Markers pending are for the Edge Home, owner Mrs. Hiler; and for the Harris School. The decision was made to have a speaker on Heritage Tourism in May, and Anne & Joan will report on historical tours. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary /&e4- Z_ /114-1 et-'44)44"11-1 7,14 vt ,6. /947o 6 , 6, 199 D arr ti.e"°L g . C e-,), i 6L- It' r - g 1 a - - A r e t - 4 2 - ) Cie2-4 ,th <iTe ' 74 •• /' / / zc e.. cx-tr fax-4 f/4-e—e-e' ,d-t-e-e--v-, ejt Lee_c_4,:_oc /- / - ,i-.6-2-v- c Z L — : / / .4.4- r c � w ,Zxe. , 1 ' 1 ' / . e-e n --- - " - - c ‘ )t - P 1 -ea6‘tR 1,04--ge ' ' • . /- , 6. ( 1 ect _sV--/<--1e ' ' . - 1 _ ; " ' ' - 4 PrA jd2-71 Ca---z_ g 7&- l' / it_.4- jkl-i-e-d , -te ' , .'�', eae4,e,c,,__41e2-tt-- i' �� 4 A t-t �, i / ,i ; "/-. e:ite vo'. Ate .6-e • - -, O , t_ „/ , (.5._#cie_ef_e_c__ 4 c - i/ 0---7? , e--62--kt-e_ez---ke----;7_ 7i_e __et,i-t.2.-r.e- 1- fe:e-z-e-4—c-1 I li i r r / 4v - , ( Z L ziai . 7 /7 1 Get , eee Zo / 4- ..vr -- - - ' Cr .t.Ye ./t1C-P-g---- , z. r (, c.e;--,ea&e // L , -tL'erc"-r, I e_ei-t7 7) 5P--6 -- Alt21-4-e-et-to "e;v-e-rii -dc-e ,/ , ) 94 41/e 4/ 7Ag yr . # a e-</t° ke,"Z /61•1`-eA-4 , ,C 1 • c, ifg/ I ( " BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 May 1990 Meeting Agenda The May 1990 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May 21, 1990 in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. !!!PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN DATE OF THE MEETING. MAY 28 IS A HOLIDAY AND THE COURTHOUSE IS CLOSED!!! MEETING AGENDA A. Call to order by the Chair. \ ; 2. Approval of the minutes of the April 1990 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests. [4' Discussion of historical marker applications for Lincoln School and Shiloh community. 5. Old Business. a. 4rogress Report on Boonville Cemetery. b. j/eport of delegates to Texas Preservation Conference in Abilene . / TpU c. �ther old business. �'� z G,�a - 1rf 6. New Business ivy' y 6- L'' 1,141 6ipcv a. Correspondence of the Chair. b. Speaker for September. c. Other New Business. 7. Adjournment. 411 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION • University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 September 1990 Meeting Agenda The September 1990 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 24, 1990 in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA Call to order by the Chair. t/2. Approval of the minutes of the May 1990 meeting. J3 Introduction of guests. j1. Discussion of historical marker applications for Steele's Store community. 1 5. Unfinished business. a. Progress Report on Boonville Cemetery. b. Report on 1994 Texas Preservation Conference. Jc. Report on previous marker applications. 1) A &M Consolidated Rural School 2) Lincoln School 3) Shiloh Community r `d. Other business. 6. New Business a. Correspondence of the Chair. \7" Other New Business. 7. Adjournment. 1 1 1 Brazos County Historical Commission Meeting Minutes, May 21, 1990 Members present: Charles R. Schultz, Madge N. Wallace, J. Milton Nance, Colleen Batchelor, Randy Sims, R. Harper, Russell Bradley, Jody Bates, Eleanor Nance, Ruth Peattie, Joan Rabins ` erg Guests present: Lillian Robinson The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with the chairman, Charles Schultz, presiding. The minutes of the April, 1990 meeting were distributed and approved. Charles Schultz moved and Jody Bates seconded that we accept the Shiloh Community • Proposal for a Historical Marker. The vote was unanimous. A progress report on Boonville Cemetery was presented by Randy Sims, concerning the redone gravel road into the cemetery & drainage work where needed. A short discussion followed concerning how the original committee names & the names of donors of funds for the project could be included on a Memorial Marker on or near the cemetery gate. Jody, Joan & Charles reported on the Preservation Commission which they attended in Abilene, and their tours of the historic buildi.ngs & the National Trust Heritage Tours, etc. There are 4 tourism areas defined in Texas which will work in conjunction with the National Trust: Cotton Country; LBJ Country; El Paso Mission Trail & Galveston. Cotton Country includes the Brazos River, Old Washington, Calvert, Bryan & College Station, & Brenham. Charles Schultz reported on correspondence of the Chair: Two telephone calls: Mrs. Dunn of Houston wanted to know if the oldest house in Brazos County is in Millican. David Becca called about Black Cemetery off feeder road from Highway 6 to Highway 21. Randy Sims offered to get the Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity to consider this as a project. Jody Bates will be the speaker for September? 150 years of Brazos County next year? Photos of Bryan Baptist Academy are wanted. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary BRAZOS comm HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 October 1990 Meeting Agenda The October 1990 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 22, 1990 in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA /1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the September 1990 meeting. 40 1) v /3. Introduction of guests. ✓4. Historical Marker Application for Edge House 5. Unfinished business. V S. ,/a. Report on 1994 Texas Preservation Conference. Vb. Report on previous marker applications. 1) A &M Consolidated Rural School 2) Lincoln School 3) Shiloh Community 4) Steele's Store 4 . Progress Report on Boonville Cemetery. vd. Report on grant application for traveling photograph exhibit . 1' re-t/Y' 0-t 4_ ,gam re_ 4_41//4/4 ,e j, 4 7 ;C / ? 5 ( t " ✓e. Other business. � g�' S 6. New Business �� �� NIA Wfc% �k ,- � a. Correspondence of the Chair. N 3 ��PF o � 5 p b. Other New Business. 7. Adjournment. Brazos County Historical Commission Meeting Minutes, Sept. 24, 1990 Members present: Charles R. Schultz, Eleanor Hanover Nance, J. Milton Nance, Randy Sims, Stephen C. Beachy, Gary Halter, Ruth Peattie, Russell Bradley, Madge N. Wallace, Mary Frances Robert, Mary Bess Young, Colleen J. Batchelor Guests present: Josephine P. Patranella, Joe C. Patranella, Robert Coureave, June Marden & Phyllis Dozier Charles Schultz, Chairman, introduced the guests and distributed copies of the application for the Steels Store Marker. Gary Halter moved & Madge Wallace seconded to accept the application. The vote was unanimous. A progress report on Boonville Cemetery was given by Randy Sims, who displayed the inscription for the Boonville Cemetery Beautification Project. Randy reported that Ornamental Casting will cast the plaque. A discussion concerning the A &M Consolidated Rural School Marker was held, and Steve Beachy & Charles Smith agreed to work on this marker. The Lincoln School narrative was distributed and will be taken up at the October meeting. The Shiloh Community application was presented & copies distributed. Since Brazos County will be 150 years old in 1991, plans are being made for celebrating this eventbyPhyllis Dozier, who has designed & produced a logo, and a flag. A discussion followed about various ideas of how to celebrate this occasion. Gary Halter presented City of College Station Historic Building markers for Campus houses, etc. He also presented the Rock Prairie Church & School marker information. A discussion took place concerning old cemeteries in Brazos County, such as the one on Dillie Shaw Tap Road. Don Simon can be contacted about information on old cemeteries as he and a group of interested persons have done much work & collected data from markers, and have a large collection of photos. Colleen Batchelor spoke on plans to design & build a gazebo near the Cavitt House. Charles Schultz reported on the Old San Antonio Preservation he attended recently. He will report on the Oct. 3, 1990 Historic Preservation Meeting which he will attend, when we meet again on Oct. 22, 1990. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p,m. Eleanor Hanover Hanover Nance. Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 November 1990 Meeting Agenda The November 1990 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, November 26, 1990 in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. FETING AGENT A 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the October 1990 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests. 4. Unfinished business. a. Report on previous marker applications. 1) A &M Consolidated Rural School 2) Lincoln School 3) Shiloh Community 4) Steele's Store 5) Edge House b. Progress Report on Boonville Cemetery. c. Other business. 5. New Business a. Correspondence of the Chair. b. Other New Business. 6. Adjournment. Brazos County Historical Commission Meeting Minutes, Nov. 26, 1990 Members present: Madge N. Wallace, Mary Frances Robert, Charles R. Schultz, Walter Wilcox, J. Milton Nance, Eleanor Hanover Nance, Colleen J. Batchelor, Joan Rabins Guests: None Charles Schultz announced that the Hiler home will be open for tours on the 9th & 10th of February, 1991, and that the A &M Consolidated Rural School marker application had minor changes made , and will be sent to Austin. No report of Shiloh Community or Steele's Store School applications. Randy Sims reported that panels were being constructed for Boonville Cemetery gates. Nan Olsen in Bastrop is the person to contact for Old San Antonio Road Celebration information. The Allen Academy Marker relocation is still on hold. Correspondence received: Betty F. Aycock, WTAW, Names & ages of children in families who might need Christmas Cheer. Jody Bates, Eagle cheer fund. Also when corps center is complete, a marker will probably be erected. :on & t, -cAvr10.5.---74-6t.etrAhave been contacted. Discussion concerning a dog trot house on Leonard Road will be continued at the next meeting, also aerial photo's of land along OSR, The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 January 1991 Meeting Agenda The January 1991 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, January 28, 1991, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the November 1990 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests.-47 /4/1,4,4 c �/1/1 � l� y"``x / vec� , FY &- -5. °C.( / •• 1.1'17 4. Unfinished business. / ° ,, Q /.€ f3 . I a. Report on Boonville Cemetery b. Report on previous marker applications 1. A &M Consolidated Rural School 2. Lincoln School 3. Shiloh Community 4. Steele's Store 5. Edge House 5. New Business. a. Report on Old San Antonio Road Commission activities b. Election of officers for 1991 -1992 c. Election of delegates to Texas State Historical Association meeting in Dallas, March 1991 d. Election of delegates to Texas Historical Preservation Conference in Beaumont, April 1991 e. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment. 4 1:1 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 February 1991 Meeting Agenda The February 1991 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on February 25 1991, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA '` 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the January 1991 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests. Sa So c " . W eilr( 4. Unfinished business. . # 0 c ` ^' a. Report on Boonville Cemetery I " e b. Report on previous marker applications c. Report on invitation to host 1994 Preservation _ Conference d. Report on OSR commemorative activities, April 16, 1991 5. New Business. a. Election of delegates to Texas Historic Preservation Conference in Beaumont, April 25 -27, 1991 b. Correspondence to the Chair 6. Adjournment. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING ® JAN. 28, 1991 Present; Charles Schultz, Madge Wallace, Eleanor Nance, Milton Nance, Paul Van Riper, Gary Halter, Walter Carl Jones, Walter Wilcox, Randy Sims, Steve Beachy, Dempsey Seastrunk, Mark McCullough, guest, Patty Sears from the Chamber of Commerce. Minutes of the Oct. 22nd meeting were read and approved with the correction that the I#jers were guests, not members of the Commission. iii le`6 Minutes of the November 26, 1990 meeting were approved. Guestf Pat ty y * Mark McCullough were introduced. A report on the Boonville Cemetery was given by Randy Sims, that the gates & fence would be finished very soon. " ' be '&&. Reports on previous m rker applications were given: A &M Consolidated Rural School Marker, be cast; Lincoln School, Shiloh Community, Steel's & Edge Home, all pending. Extension Service & Corps of Cadets markers were discussed. It was lbw noted that there is enough space near the TAMU Marker at the front entrance of TAMU, for several markers, as there are objections to placing markers on A &M buildings because the use of building may change over the years. Dedication of Boonville Cemetery will be held the first or second Saturday in April. Henry Dethloff will be the speaker. A discussion followed concerning what ceremonies, etc, will take place along the OSR when the markers are replaced. One possibility suggested by Charles Schultz was a joint thing with Robertson County at Benchley. Another idea was a barbecue luncheon at the Brazos Center, where exhibits could be set up. Randy Sims was asked if he could cater the barbecue & he agreed to. The discussion will be continued at the February meeting. Officers were elected as follows: Chairman, Charles Schultz, Vice Chairman, Milton Nance, Secretary, Eleanor Nance. Milton & 'leanor Nance were elected dele ates to the Teas tate Historical Association in Dallas, March 7 -9, 1991. Delegates will be elected to the lexas Historical Preservation Conference in Beaumont, April, 25 -27, 1991 at the February Meeting. Appointments of Commission members will be made by the Commissioners Court at the Jan, 22, 1991 meeting. There will be a program, Feb. 1st, 1991, in Rooms 204 B & C, Sterling C. Evans Library, concerning Charles Schultz' Exhibit on Rural Texas Blacks. Speakers will be Robert Calvert, Dempsey Seastrunk & Mr. Morgan, from 141M4914 The meeting adjourned at 9 :00 p.m. © ��� C �x.�� se.,,,,,,p BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 MEMORANDUM TO: Brazos County Historical Commission Members FROM: Charles R. Schultz SUBJECT: Item for discussion at January meeting - DATE: 15 January 1990 On January 14, 1991 I had a conversation with Nancy Kenmatsu, the Texas Historical Commission staff member who is coordinating the observance of the 300th anniversary of the Old San Antonio Road. Apparently the main activity at the state level will be a caravan of 12 -25 state and private vehicles along highway 21 with stops in every county. The County Historical Commissions are being asked to plan activities along the way. They expect to be in Brazos County on Tuesday April 16, 1991 at about 10:45 and will leave for points north at about 1:00 p.m. We need to plan an activity or some activities for that time period. One possibility is a joint thing with Robertson County at Benchley. Lee County is talking of a trail ride from around Lincoln to Dime Box. One county is planning a caravan of antique cars to accompany the regular caravan. Madisonville is having a reception on the evening of the 16th. I am asking you to give some thought to what we can do and come to the meeting on the 28th with some ideas. We will need volunteers to take responsibility for some activities. CRS:lam ._ BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF FEB.25, 1991 Guests: Members: Phyllis Dozier J. Milton Nance Charles R. Schultz Madge Wallace Mary Francis Robert Paul Van Riper D. H. Seastrunk Steve Beachy Pattie Sears Michael G. Patranella Russell Bradley Ruth Peattie Joan Rabins Mary Bess Young The Chairman, Charles Schultz, called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the January 28th meeting were distributed & approved as amended. Steve Beachy announced that the A &M Public School Marker has been cast. (lor Phyllis Dozier reported that she & Randy Sims have planned the dedication of the Boonville Cemetery, & gave members seals of the Sesquicentennial of Brazos County. Flowers will be planted at the entrance & the date will be Sat., April 13th, selected by Ruth Peattie & Phyllis Dozier. Henry Dethloff will be the speaker & will speak for three minutes. Dick Holmgreen will be master of ceremonies, Margaret Van Bavel will also speak. Randy Sims wants nice refreshments. Phyllis Dozier & Ruth Peattie will see to that It is to be a memorable occasion. The invitations will be appropriate and handsome. The plaque will be attached to the gate where there is a cluster of pecan trees near. The Historic Preservation Conference will be held in 1994 in San Angelo. We were asked to resubmit our request, for 1995. The policy may be to meet every other year in Austin(1995 will probably be Austin) but we do not know. If 1995 is to be in Austin(every other year) then we will apply for 1996. Madge Wallace moved to have the Commission meet in Bryan in 1995 & if not, in 1996. Russell Bradley seconded & the vote was unanimous. The Preservation Conference will meet in Beaumont in 1991, in Houston in 1992 & in Austin in 1993. Mrs. Burnitt of Calvert will cooperate with us in the rededication of the OSR Marker. Who would be a speaker for that occasion, Mrs Burnitt asked. Milton Nance suggested Joe Grady Hanover, former District Highway Engineer for Hearne and the surrounding area. Olson suggested having Phil Gramm & she wrote to him & told him to reply to Charles Schultz. Phyllis Dozier announced that there would be a reception at the Brazos Center, using the picnic area. Schultz wrote Judge Holmgreen to see that no charges are made for this use. Schultz suggested to Holmgreen that some officials of Bryan &College Station be invited. If Gramm comes, do not make it a political occasion but an historical occasion. Food to be catered -some will be guests but others will be expected to pay. April 16, program 9:15 at Benchley & then to Brazos Center, then Hearne & Franklin. Get media coverage - in the area. Charles Schultz will contact Joe Brown concerning food. page 2 Charles Schultz plans to go to Beaumont - other 2 delegates to be elected next month when program is known. Charles B. Jones has historic marker for Bethel Cemetery - Schultz read it & returned it to him since it had no footnotes, no bibliography & needed a county map & where marker is to be located. Schultz sent him copies of applications for Edge House & Steels Store, as samples. Bethel Cemetery is off Highway 30. Walker County Historical Commission sent us an invitation to their March 2 event. Charles Schultz has been urged to write State Senator Jim Turner to maintain present financial level financing for Historic Preservation Commission. Schultz wrotr to Senator Turner & also to Rep. Steve Ogden emphasizing tourism & the fact that it takes a year or more to get a marker approved, and the need to maintain a staff and to encourage marking historical spots, etc. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p. m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary II I BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 April 1991 Meeting Agenda The April 1991 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on April 22 1991, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 111 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the March 1991 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests. 4. Unfinished business. a. Report on Boonville Cemetery ceremony of April 13 b. Report on previous marker applications c. Report on OSR commemorative activities, April 16, 1991 5. New Business. a. Rock Prarie Baptist Church Marker Application b. Report of delegates to Texas State Historical Association Meeting c. Correspondence to the Chair III 6. Adjournment. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25,1991 (kw The chairman, Charles Schultz, called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the February 25, 1991 . meeting were distributed and approved as corrected. A discussion concerning the replacement of the Highway 6 & OSR Historical Markers took place, and Walter Carl Jones was asked to consult with the highway engineer in Hearne (Frank Shinker). Mrs. Burnitt & Charles had a meeting about the placement of the markers, the program, etc. Nancy Kemnxats.61-,in Austin will bring 15 people to the celebration at the Brazos Center. Charles has the letter drafted for invitations to be sent out. Joe Barton will be invited along with Phil Gramm, Dr, & Mrs. Mobley, Mr. & Mrs. Mobley, Mr. & Mrs. Hiler, Dan McGilvray, Judge Holmgreen, Randy Matson, Steve Ogden, Jim Turner, both Mayors, Mary Ann West, Mr. & Mrs. Judge Vance, Colleen Bachelor & husband,Columbus Quin Centennial Committee, Carol Zeigler, Allon Fish Chamber of Commerce, Art King Chamber President & Robert Borden. Charles Schultz will contact someone from the Moody Foundation, since they paid for the original marker. The program will begin at 9:30, & should be over with at 10:30, and will take place where the markers will have been placed, about a third of a mile East on the OSR. IL y Kathy Godfrey will handle refreshments for the Boonville Cemetery Marking, Sat. April 13. Judge Holmgreen, etc. from the Courthouse will be on the agenda. Delegates to go to Beaumont: Dr. Van Riper nominated Colleen Bachelor, and Charles Schultz was nominated by Madge Wallace. They were elected. Our next meeting will be the 4th Monday, April 22nd. The May Meeting will be the third Monday, May 20th. Brazos Beautiful & the Bryan Rotary Club would like money for trees, and there has been a request from the State Historical Commission for longevity awards. TheRock Prairie School Church Application was distributed, and the A &M Consolidated Rural School homecoming Dedication was mentioned. Chair to design suitable resolution to Commissioners Court Paul Van Riper/suggested that the Chair be directed to design a suitable resolution thanking the County Commissioners for their work on the Boonville Cemetery to be presented at the ceremony. The Committee so moved. Milton & Eleanor Nance will report on the Texas State Historical Association Meeting at the April Meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 May 1991 Meeting Agenda The May 1991 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on May 20 1991, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. NOTE: This is a change to the third Monday because of Memorial Day on the fourth Monday. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair. X 12. Approval of the minutes of the April 1991 meeting. Introduction of guests. 4. Unfinished business. a. Report on previous marker applications b. Shiloh Community application c. Rock Prairie Baptist Church Marker Application 5. New Business. a. Report of delegate to Texas Historic Preservation Conference in Beaumont b. Correspondence to the Chair ‘lo' 6. Adjournment. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 22, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Schultz Gary Halter Paul Van Riper Joan Rabins Milton Nance Eleanor Nance Steve Beachy Walter Wilcox The meeting opened with Charles Schultz, Chairman, presiding. Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed to the members present & approved. Paul Van Riper reported on the Boonville Cemetery Marking Ceremony, which was a huge success. Frank Hubert & Margaret Van Bavel were the speakers. One of the earliest Boonville residents, Frank Hubert;s ancestor, is buried there. Margaret Van Bavel researched and wrote the book, "Birth & Death of Boonville, first town of Brazos County ", which has a copy of Hiram Hanover's plot of the town which he surveyed & laid out and then purchased lot #1, building a log (11,, cabin for his home, which also became the post office & Hiram the first post master of Boonville. Paul Van Riper also reported that Billy Beard0who did so much about restoring the cemetery & being responsible for planning and building the fence & entrance gates, etc. was present. Charles Schultz reported no word on previous Marker applications. The Consolidated School marker ceremony will probably take place at the time of the Consolidated School Homecoming in the fall of 1991. Proposed markers for the Extension Service & Experiment Station were discussed. Committee members suggested using the spot near the A &M Main Entrance where there is already a pull -out, for the existing TAMU Marker. Dr. Artzen is the contact person at A &M. Charles Schultz reported on the very successful OSR Marking Ceremony, and passed around the report of the OSR which will go to Special Collections in Sterling C. Evans Library. Charles reported that the city of Bryan furnished money for lunches for the Caravan Group. A certificate was presented to Charles Schultz for hosting the OSR affair. Charles Schultz presented the application for Rock Prairie Church Marker, Gary Halter moved it be accepted, Steve Beachy seconded, the vote was unamious. Milton Nance reported on the Texas State Historical meeting in Dallas, stating that the Handbook of Texas meeting straightened out problems about subjects which should be included. Eleanor Nance reported on sessions she attended on Ranching in West Texas, and on the classic cowboy songs presented by singers & guitarists. She also reported on the dinner hosted in part by J.C. Penny at the State Fair Grounds, in the Hall of State, with its Art Deco stone work on the exterior, and the huge WPA murals on the walls of the Reception Hall where the dinner & program took place. 1 page 2 Ruby Andrews has expressed a desire for the Wixon Valley School Building, built in 1937 by Charlie Jenkins, to be made into a community library & to be marked with a historical marker. This will be discussed more fully at the May Meeting. Gary Halter reported on the Old College Station City Hall building marking ceremony which took place recently at what is now Cafe Excell. Houses in South Oakwood which had received special College Station Historical markers were visited by many of the people who attended the marking ceremony at Cafe Excell. Eleanor & Milton attended the ceremony at Cafe Excell. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. after the announcement that the last meeting until fall, will be on May 20, 1991, a change to the third Monday, because of Memorial Day on the 4th Monday. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Eleanor Hanover Nance, Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 September 1991 Meeting Agenda The September 1991 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on September 23 1991, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the May 1991 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests. 4. Unfinished business. a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Lincoln School and Black Education in College Station 2. Shiloh Community 3. Steele's Store 4. Edge House b. Marker applications in process 1. Rock Prairie Baptist Church 2. Other potential applications 5. New Business. a. Correspondence of the Chair b. Marker dedications planned c. Old San Antonio Road Info Board d. Other 6. Adjournment. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 October 1991 Meeting Agenda The October 1991 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on October 21 1991, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the September 1991 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests. 4. Unfinished business. a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Lincoln School and Black Education in College Station 2. Shiloh Community 3. Steele's Store 4. Edge House 5. Rock Prairie Baptist Church b. Markl,j 44044104 i r roc es s Rock Prairie Baptist Church c. Old San Antonio Road InfoBoard 5. New Business. a. Correspondence of the Chair b. Marker dedications planned c. Other 6. Adjournment. 4 411 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes September 23, 1991 Members present: Charles R. Schultz, Pattie Sears, Paul Van Riper, D.H. Seastrunk, Russell Bradley, Gary Halter, Ruth Peattie, Colleen Batchelor, Mary Frances Robert, Madge Wallace, Joan Rabins. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Charles R. Schultz. Minutes of the April and May 1991 meetings were approved as corrected. Charles Schultz reported on the status of previous marker applications as follows: 1. Lincoln School and Black Education in College Station. This application needs more research and documentation to prove there were schools for Blacks in the area before 1915. It, 2. Shiloh Community. This application has been approved, and the marker has been paid for. Dedication is planned for April 1992 at the College Station Cemetery. 3. Steele's Store. This application has been approved but the marker has not yet been cast. Dedication is planned for October 12, 1992. 4. Edge House. The application has been approved and the marker text is being drafted. No dedication has been discussed. Gary Halter reported on the status of the application for a marker for the Rock Prairie Baptist Church. The application is on file but there has been no word on it. Gary also discussed his plans for a marker application for the first radio broadcast of a college football game from Bolton Hall at Texas A &M. He also mentioned contact with A &M President Wiliam H. Mobley about funding for markers on the Texas A &M campus. He also mentioned a possible marker for the College Station railroad depots. Charles Schultz reported briefly for Steve Beachy on the dedication of the A &M College Consolidated Rural School marker planned for October 1. He also reported for Beachy on the moving of the Richard Carter family graves from their original site to the Richard Carter Park site. Gary Halter, who was present during part of the removal also reported. The Commission voted unanimously to purchase three copies of the Old San Antonio Road InfoBoards. They are to be placed as follows: Brazos County Courthouse, Brazos Center, and Bryan Public Library. Colleen Batchelor discussed her intention of preparing a marker application for Charlie Jenkins, well known Bryan house builder. She asked about funds to pay for such a marker. She also discussed an historical brochure that the Brazos Heritage Society plans to publish. • Now- BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 November 1991 Meeting Agenda The November 1991 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on November 25, 1991, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 410 1. Call to order by the Chair. 2. Approval of the minutes of the October 1991 meeting. 3. Introduction of guests. 4. Unfinished business. a. Report on previous marker applications b. Old San Antonio Road InfoBoards c. A &M marker committee 5. New Business. a. Correspondence of the Chair b. Corps of Cadets marker application c. Other 6. Adjournment. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 January 1992 Meeting Agenda The January 1992 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on January 27, 1992 in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Approval of the minutes of the November 1991 meeting 3. Introduction of guests 4. Unfinished business a. Update on previous marker applications b. Consideration of Corps of Cadets marker application 5. New Business a. Correspondence of the Chair b. Marker for St. Andrews Episcopal Church c. Other 6. Adjournment S R A O S O U ) S Ta R l c 4 GC7)i M) SS1ON 1\4 E 1 11v G- M A RC H 3, 2 99 2. MEM s GU1� S I s E L AJ o R N tJj N o N t R,5cHuLTz FA- v L VAN t F R R E 1, CRARz--Es SCI1DLT z R - - PDR E� TMAT TH Roc-t. PRA) R)>^. 5c H ooL u vRCH ELDERS D NO MA1 E CONCEK1\12AJG 71-1 MARKER W OR D> lv G- T H O R P d �A.11) T S N En t= To P A vim' A p 4-0 T O a F C 1_ O c_ A TI o N Fo R TH 7 Nl A RK � =tZ THt=R1T 1s A QUt= 5T7oN AS To W N� IT 5- 1 -400 0E PLAc_�D No )NFO FROM JOHN 5 CKL/ c)/ ST. ANDREWS C Rch MAC KE 4 ; y � A c o 9VT c_7 D THE T A 5 } S TO R t C_ ,4 L C o 1 ) s s 1 c >v A 30v A. MAR- FoR 4ER 4o vs C)4ARL &5 sc_HvL_Tz A NNovivcr_-_n /1 ). o V s - D N W 1 L1 o s 7 A N 1l eri FR' CS CR UA-T U. M 7 IN) G - c} - Foss/ 1-3 L L DE-LEG 1)7z PAU Vfi"rJ l tR m OvCD ThA1 `t'H R (C_PAR2-55 +AuTHORizff2Th DEG 1a NkY1 JD DE A TTEI\1 : FOSs)132..y FOSSE 1 - 8 R AD L.EII Y --- U R J c Dy ATE S J OU D f} q ' c1 P 1`Jl i. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 April 1992 Meeting Agenda The April 1992 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, April 27, 1992 in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Approval of the minutes of the March 1992 meeting qvg 3. Introduction of guests 2�� c /C &k 4. Unfinished business �� "�'� S , � - l iU � 1C O ilJ a. Report on previous marker applications (1) Edge House - May 14, 1992 7:00 PM (2) Steele's Store - October 11, 1992 (3) Rock Prairie School and Church (4) Texas A &M Corps of Cadets 5. New Business a. New Marker Applications (1) Saint Andrews Episcopal Church (2) 810 East 30th Street Note: Narratives for these two marker applications are enclosed. Please read them before the meeting and come prepared to discuss them based upon the merits of the organization or the structure. In order to make my job simpler, I would appreciate any written comments you may be able to bring on either of the narratives. b. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 845 -1815 May 1992 Meeting Agenda The May 1992 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May 18, 1992 in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. NOTE THIS IS THE 3RD MONDAY RATHER THAN THE 4TH MONDAY, AND THE COURTHOUSE IS CLOSED MEETING AGENDA L 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Approval of the minutes of the April 1992 meeting 3. Introduction of guests 4. Unfinished business a. Edge House marker dedication b. Texas PLIVI Corps of Cad is c. Saint Andrews Episcopal Church d. Zion Methodist Church -Iola e. Marker application for 810 East 30th, Joy Rea f. Plans for award ceremony for "Rural Texas Blacks" exhibit. 5. New Business a. Correspondence of the Chair b. Report of delegates to the Texas Historical Preservation Conference 6. Adjournment P,&G -E 1 BR Aza5 C 0vr\) t \/ )517)RtcAl- C16/7)'1/53 tON • /T)))1_, 27 199 NL �J3 s PgE5EN r: GvEsrs PRESE G ll A R L. E 5 R. 5 G H U L 7" z "Dim S tNiADE N. WAL L AcE. ,g1.,1 c Nix() )■/1ARV F .A rJCI5 oJ3E 0Y REA RA NLy Si 1i 5 rti DA RE\ 15/N3 P A T r J E: S E S PAuL VAN Kt P ER 3Tz 5i cH-Y AICJOR NA1\JCE UT-+ LEA TT) RussE f5tA,eDL� =Y RA>J y F\/ JvES MT3 E THy p 15CUS301.15 14ELD CONGER /\)) N G T} E U PC.0 t'1 l G- D D G E. )4 0 U s L= MAR K I C AT ) o N, T }-} E - fi" F X As o R P S • O c� L T P 1� o os M AR t\cE R 4- THAT / F PO NT ANDREWS E PisC-0 Pf C -)Au Rc Zi CN MET ODl S T C)UR,C14 A`C -o A MK E R C� tNNE ; F')- FOR Avv Rn C � R � r"1O N Y �UF� l }SAL T L C. S }) J! , ,� RE =PORT OF D L T� S T T > TEXAS N s o FRE SERvATio i 1 'A E 2 AFTER DI 3 C U S s) O N o1= 71-{ Russ BR A,DLE- y REFRAINED Rom VOTING- O r� E /j O/\) Tom- RYAN �) rY LA DMARK GoMMIS J oN r } 1 -7 NA T HAT - YH Co MLSS)oN MoRE T J E Soupy d- C LAT R I F1 CA` - 7 0 , AT : 7 3.- , e BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 September 1992 Meeting Agenda The September 1992 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 21, 1992, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Approval of the minutes of the May 1992 meeting 3. Introduction of guests 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. St. Andrews Episcopal Church 2. Steele's Store - October 11, 1992 3. Rock Prairie School and Church 4. Texas A &M Corps of Cadets 5. New business a. Potential marker applications 1. Zion Methodist Church - Iola 2. Wellborn Community 3. Robert Miller Henry, House Family, and New Church cemeteries b. Correspondence of the Chair c. Commission membership 1993-1994 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 October 1992 Meeting Agenda The October 1992 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 21, 1992, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Approval of the minutes of the May and September 1992 meetings 3. Introduction of guests 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Steele's Store - October 11, 1992 1,3 014a. � 2. Rock Prairie School and Church - November 1992 3. St. Andrews Episcopal Church - December 6, 1992 4. Texas A &M Corps of Cadets b. Exhibit award ceremony and reception - November 8, 1992 5. New business a. Potential marker applications 1. Zion Methodist Church - Iola 2. Wellborn Community 3. Robert Miller Henry, House Family, and New Church cemeteries 4. Sims House, Steele's Store 5. College Station Depots b. Correspondence of the Chair c. Commission membership 1993 -1994 6. Adjournment BRA/ t .'NTY HISTORICAL +,;OMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 November 1992 Meeting Agenda The November 1992 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be helc. on Monday, November 16, 1992, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Approval of the minutes of the October 1992 meetings 3. Introduction of guests 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications � Y 1. Rock Prairie School and Church - November 21, 1992 2. St. Andrews Episcopal Church - December 6, 1992 3. Texas A &M Corps of Cadets b. Exhibit award ceremony and reception - November 8, 1992 5. New business a. Potential marker applications 1. Zion Methodist Church - Iola 2. Wellborn Community 3. Robert Miller Henry, House Family, and New Church cemeteries 4. Sims House, Steele's Store 5. College Station Depots b. Correspondence of the Chair c. Commission membership 1993 -1994 6. Adjournment ti • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 January 1992 Meeting Agenda The January 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Monday, January 18 (our normal meeting date) is a holiday on which the courthouse is closed. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Election of officers for 1993 -1994 3. Introduction of guests and new members 4. Approval of the minutes of November 1992 meeting 5. Distribution of 1992 Annual Report 6. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. St. Andrews Episcopal Church 2. Texas A &M Corps of Cadets 3. College Station Railroad Depots 7. New business a. Potential marker applications 1. Zion Methodist Church - Iola 2. Wellborn Community 3. Robert Miller Henry, House Family, and New Church cemeteries 4. Sims House, Steele's Store 5. Allen Chapel AME Church - Bryan b. Election of Delegates to Texas State Historical Association meeting in Houston, March 4-6, 1993 c. Commission Organization 1. Committees 2. Distinguished Service award d. Correspondence of the Chair 8. Adjournment 1 411 t4 u K • bRAZOc .,;AL CO94ISSiG. - '_' %93. 'Lnutes No. 1 The first regular meeting in 1995 of the newly appointed and reappointed members of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Temporary Chairman Charles R. Schultz at 7s00 p.m., Tuesday, January 19, in the County Commissioners meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were members Schultz, Carlson, Wallace, Sears, Hiler, Dethloff, Van Riper, Bradley, Rabins, Batchelor, and Peattie, who comprised a quorum. The first order of business was the election of officers for 1993 -94. Schultz asked parliamentarian Wallace to conduct the election of the new chair. Wallace and several others nominated Schultz to continue and he was elected with no dissent. The chair asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Wallace nominated Van Riper. This was seconded and he was elected with no dissent. The chair then asked for nominations - -then volunteers- -for secretary. Van Riper volunteered provided he was relieved as Vice Chairman. It was the sense of the meeting that this was in order and he was elected Secretary with no dissent. The chair then reopened the nomination for Vice Chair. Wallace nominated Feattie. This was seconded and she was elected Vice Chair with no dissent. The chair introduced the newly appointed and reappointed members. He noted that there were no minutes yet available for the November 1992 meeting, and he dis- tributed his report on behalf of the commission for 1992. He called attention to the budget of $2,600 for the coming year, noting that the county fiscal year now commenced on Sept. 1. Elsewhere in the report is e list of the newly designated members as well as an historical list of prior members insofar as known, plus a list of the Texas markers in the county, arranged both alphabetically and by year 41 . of designation. Schultz said that $1,000 or so in the new budget was available for financing of markers. This prompted a brief discussion of possible markers for the interurban line and the site of the old Baptist Academy originally on the site of the Hiler house - -as representing markers for whom this money might be used. Under unfinished business, the chair noted the chilly dedication of the marker for St. Andrews Episcopal Church. He said that the marker for the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets had been paid for end a text was due soon, with a dedication possible in 1995. An application on behalf of the College Station Railroad Depots had been approved by the TANU marker committee and an application was in process. Under new business, Schultz noted interest in markers for the Zion Methodist Church of Iola, the Wellborn Community, the Robert Miller Henry House and related structures, and the Sims House near Steele's Store. The best prospect appeared to be the Allen Chapel ARE Church of Bryan. Batchelor called attention to the issuance of a new "Guide to Historic Brazos County," underwritten in part by this commission, and distributed copies t' the members. A supply of 50,000 has been prnted. There was general praise of the document. Schultz called attention to a public hearing on possible use of the Carnegie Library to be held on the evening of January 28 between 7 and 8s50 p.m. on the second floor of the library. All members were encouraged to attend. Ce Historical Commission, minutes no. 1, 199., z. { There was consideration of the election of delegates to the Texas State Historical Association meeting in Houston, March 4 -6, 199 =. Bradley moved that no delegates be sent and that the funds be reserved for attendance at the annual state preserva— tion conference. This was seconded and carried with no objection. Schultz said that he would like to see the commission apply for one of the State's Distinguished Serv_ce Awards for especially active county commissions. He felt we could uali q fy, especially if we beefed up our organizational structure with several active committees.. He said he would propose some organizational possibilities at ; the next meeting. 1 Schultz noted that he has received an award certificate from the State Historical Commission for his exhibit titled "Toward Better Living for Texas Rural Blacks' and that he would be presenting this to the county commissioners shortly as an example of local historical commemorative work. On Bradley's motion, widely seconded, the meeting adjourned at 8$05 p.m. ( 1 Paul P. Van Riper Secretary • BRAZOS COUNTY H131 ORICAL COMMISSION I University Archives i Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 February 1993 Meeting Agenda k The February 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be I held on Monday, February 15, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests i l 3. Approval of the minutes of January 1993 meeting II ii 4. Distribution of 1992 Annual Report i t i. 5. Unfinished business E a. Report on previous marker applications li 1. Texas A &M Corps of Cadets 2. College Station Railroad Depots , 6. New business ti a. Marker applications ± � I . 1. First Play -by -Play Radio Broadcast of a College Football Game 2. Bryan /College Sation Interurban' b. Archaeology awareness Week f c. Commission Organization rj 1. Committees 2. Distinguished Service award 1 ': ii d. Correspondence of the Chair 7. Adjournment tl 1,1 y 1 ! 9 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMtSSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 , 409 - 845 -1815 March 1993 Meeting Agenda The March 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 15, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 1 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of February 1993 meeting 4. Distribution of 1992 Annual Report • 5. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Allen Academy 2. First Play -by -Play Radio Broadcast of a College Football Game 3. Charlie Jenkins 6. New business a. Marker applications 1. Bryan /College Sation Interurban b. Archaeology Awareness Week c. Commission Organization 1. Committees 2. Distinguished Service award d. Correspondence of the Chair 40 7. Adjournment Brazos County Historical Commission - 1993 Minutes No. 2 The second regular meeting in 1993 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by chairman Charles R. Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 15, in the County Commissioners meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were members Schultz, Carlson, Rabins, Bradley, Robert, Wallace, Batchelor, Halter, E.H. Nance, and J.M. Nance. The minutes of the January 19, 1993 meeting were approved as distributed. Copies of the 1992 annual report were distributed to members who were not present at the January meeting. Under unfinished business, the chair reported that the application for the Texas A &M Corps of Cadets is in the inscription writing stage. The application for a marker for the College Station Railroad Depots has been approved by Texas A &M and has been sent to Austin. Location for the Corps of Cadets marker will be north of the memorial brick area on the north side of the Samuel Sanders Corps of Cadets Center. The College Station Railroad marker will be placed south of the Albritton Tower. No dedication date has been set for either marker. Under new business, the chair opened discussion on a marker application for the First Play -by -Play Radio Broadcast of a College Football Game. Copies of the proposed narrative were distributed with the agenda. This application had already been approved by the Texas A &M University Markers Committee. Since this broadcast occurred on Thanksgiving Day and the 1993 Texas A &M - University of Texas will play their 100th game at Kyle Field on Thanksgiving Day, it is fitting for this event arranged by students at the two institutions be suitably marked. It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously to approve this narrative and to send a formal application to Austin. There is a possibility that the Travis County Historical Commission will use the same narrative to apply for a marker for this event. The marker will be located near Bolton Hall on the A &M Campus. The A &M radio transmitter was located in that building. Joan Rabins reported on her progress in researching and writing a narrative for an application for the Bryan/College Station Interurban. Colleen Batchelor distributed copies of the narrative she prepared for an application for Charlie Eric Jenkins, a prominent Bryan builder of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously to approve this narrative there being general consensus on the significance of Jenkins. The marker will be located adjacent to Jenkins's grave in the Bryan City Cemetery. It is planned to dedicate the marker in October 1993, which is 50 years after the death of Jenkins. Eleanor Nance read a brief account of the life of her ancestor William C. Sparks of the vicinity of Wheelock whose 1832 house remains in good shape. She is interested in pursuing a marker for this house and was encouraged to write an appropriate length and documented narrative for a future meeting. Shawn Carlson reported on plans she has made for the observance of Texas Archaeology week in April 1993. A traveling exhibit will be rented from the Institute of Texan Cultures in San Antonio. Cost of the rental will be shared by the Anthropology Lab at Texas A &M, the Brazos Valley Museum, and the Brazos County Historical Commission. Carlson arranged for the exhibit to be on display at Post Oak Mall during Archaeology • Week and at the Brazos Valley Museum for three weeks. (Note: Since the meeting, it was decided to leave it at the Museum all month as the Museum will hold several special events during the time the exhibit is on display.) • The chair distributed copies of pages from the Handbook for County Historical • Commissions as well as selected pages from a larger document about the Distinguished Service Award. The Commission agreed that we should work toward receiving the DSA. The three areas of effort will be Organization (a required area), Archaeology, and Historical Markers. Qualifying in the area of Organization will necessitate the formation of committees. Members were asked to review the materials distributed and come to the March meeting prepared to volunteer to serve on at least one committee. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Charles R. Schultz Secretary pro tem L BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 April 1993 Meeting Agenda The April 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, April 19, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of March 1993 meeting 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. First Play -by -Play Radio Broadcast of a College Football Game 3. Charlie Jenkins 4. Bryan /College Station Interurban 5. New business a. Election of delegates to Texas Historical Commission Conference in Austin, April 29 -May 1, 1993 b. Archaeology Awareness Week c. Commission Organization 1. Committees 2. Distinguished Service Award d. Correspondence of the Chair e. Save Outdoor Sculpture Survey 6. Adjournment • Brazos County Historical Commission -- 1993 Minutes Number 3 The third regular meeting in 1993 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by chairman Charles R. Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 15 in the County Commissioner's meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Batchelor, Bates, Boykin, Bradley, Carlson, Dethloff, Hiler, and Schultz. Calvin Boykin attended as a guest. The minutes of the February 15, 1993 meeting were approved as distributed. Under unfinished business, the chair reported on the status of the marker for Allen Academy. Former Commission member Walter Carl Jones had reported to the chair that the marker appeared to have been removed. The chair learned from personnel at the federal prison, which currently occupies the Allen Academy site, that they had indeed removed the marker to protect it from damage during construction. The construction is scheduled to be completed this summer. At that time, the federal prison will confer with I " the commission on the proper placement of the marker. The prison will place it where it `r will be accessible to the public. The chair also reported that commission member Madge Wallace had informed him that Allen Academy is interested in securing a new marker for its current site. This matter will be pursued with Allen Academy and the Texas Historical Commission. The chair also reported that the administration of Texas A &M University had denied permission to place a state marker at Bolton Hall to recognize the First Play -by -Play Radio Broadcast of a College Football Game. The reason for this is that Texas A &M Administration wants to erect a private marker for this event. The Commission was upset over this action and unanimously adopted a resolution to be hand carried to President William Mobley expressing this feeling. A copy of the resolution is attached to these minutes. The marker application for Bryan builder Charlie Jenkins has been received at the Texas Historical Commission. They are aware that we will use that marker application as part of our Distinguished Service Award program. The Commission approved unanimously the expenditure of $450 of Commission funds to pay for this marker. Under new business, no report was available on the progress Joan Rabins has made on the marker application for the Bryan /College Station Interurban. Shawn Carlson reported on activities planned for Archaeology Awareness week in April. A traveling exhibit entitled "Texas Archaeology" has been rented from the Institute of Texan Cultures to be on display at the Brazos Valley Museum. This is a joint project of the Museum, the Texas Archaeology Research Lab, and the Brazos County Historical Commission. (m. Four committees were established to meet the requirements for the Distinguished Service Award. Additional members will be added as individual volunteers. The t o. Committees are as follows: Administrative Charles R. Schultz, Chair Ruth Peattie Paul VanRiper • Archaeology Shawn Carlson, Chair • Education Pat Hiler, Chair Jody Bates Russell Bradley Research and Markers Colleen Batchelor, Chair Rosemary Boykin The chair announced that Joseph Milton and Eleanor Nance had resigned from the Commission effective immediately. Pat Hiler agreed to draft a resolution to thank the Nance's for their long service on the Commission. Colleen Batchelor agreed to assist. I L There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 8:15 p.m. i Resolution of the Brazos County Historical Commission regarding the Texas Historical Marker application for the first play -by -play radio broadcast of a college football game. Whereas, groups of students at Texas A &M University and the University of Texas planned and produced, as far as can be determined, the world's first play -by -play radio broadcast of a college football game on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1921, and Whereas, the 1993 football game between the two universities will be the 100th contest between the two arch rivals, and Whereas, the Brazos County Historical Commission has considerable interest in preserving important aspects of the history of Texas A &M University and all of Brazos County, and Whereas, both the Brazos County Historical Commission and the Texas A &M University Historical Markers Committee have unanimously approved the application for a Texas Historical Marker for this event, and Whereas, such official state markers carry the considerable prestige of the state of Texas upon any event or subject bearing the widely recognized Texas medallion and are among the top three things to attract visitors to Texas, and Whereas, the funds to pay for this would not be requested of Texas A &M University, and Whereas, the administration of Texas A &M University has, up to now, declined to grant permission to place such a marker adjacent to Bolton Hall, the location of the A &M radio station in 1921, now therefore be it Resolved that the Brazos County Historical Commission expresses its significant dismay over this action by Texas A &M University and asks that the University reconsider this matter and grant its permission to place the marker, subject to approval of the application by the Texas Historical Commission, on Thanksgiving Day, 1993 when the 100th football contest between Texas A &M University and the University of Texas will be played on Kyle Field and will be televised nationally. Adopted unanimously by the Brazos County Historical Commission at its meeting on March 15, 1993. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives • Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 May 1993 Meeting Agenda The May 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May 17, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of April 1993 meeting 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. First Play -by -Play Radio Broadcast of a College Football Game 3. Charlie Jenkins 4. Bryan /College Station Interurban 5. New business a. Resolution on Nances b. Reports of delegates to Texas Historical Commission Conference in Austin, April 29 -May 1, 1993 c. Correspondence of the Chair d. Save Outdoor Sculpture Survey -- video, 8 -page questionnaire 6. Adjournment • BRAZOS COUNTY - iISTORICAL COMMISSION - 199 Minutes No. 4 The fourth regular meeting in 1993 of the D-razos County Historical Commission was called to order by chairman Charles R. Schultz at 7s00 p.m. on Monday, April 19 in the County Commissioners meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Batchelor, Dates, Doykin, Carlson, Halter, Peattie, Robert, Schultz, Sears, Van Riper and Wallace. Calvin Boykin attended as a guest. The minutes for the meeting of March 15 were approved as distributed. Under unfinished businesss A check was sent for the Corps of Cadets marker, but no further word. President Mobley replied to the chairman's letter about the radio broadcast proposal that we should consult with the University marker committee. The Jenkins marker proposal has been received in Austin. We assume Rabin is still working on the interurban marker. Under new business8 Batchelor moved that Dates, Peattie and Schultz represent the commission at the Texas Historical Commission conference in Austin, April 29 - May 1, 1993; this was seconded and approved. Carlson reported on a successful celebration of Archaeology Awareness Week, April 10 -17. Schultz outlined the Commissions organization as distributed; Halter was added to the Research and Markers Committee, and Sears to the Archaeology committee. A resolution of thanks for the service of the Nance's was reported as in preparation by Hiler with the assistance of Batchelor. chultz reported on an outdoor sculpture survey conducted from Austin and said that /had listed twenty items, eighteen on the TAMU campus. He said that this first report would be followed up by a more detailed questionnaire of perhaps eight pages about each item. There was some concern about the work in— volved in replying, but it was agreed that we would cooperate and divide up the work among the members. Van Riper reported on the Historic preservation pamphlet recently distributed to residents of the East Side Historic District. He said that the city of Bryan was preparing to celebrate the city's 125th anniversary in 1996 and that a special committee 1as being formed under the leadership of Councilperson Kandy Rose. The next meeting of the Bryan committee would be May 4. Boykin distributed information about the availability of her new bock on The Italians of Steele's Store, Texas. Batchelor asked commission advice about developing a full inventory of county markers, their texts, and their condition. Photographs would also be sought. It was agreed to distribute the work among the members. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8820 p.m. Chita) Vek' Paul P. Van Riper Secretary 0 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives • Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 September 1993 Meeting Agenda The September 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 20, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of May 1993 meeting 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. Charlie Jenkins 3. Bryan /College Station Interurban b. Resolution on Nances 5. New business a. BCHC Budget Request b. Brazos County Museum c. Baptist Church on FM 60 d. Report on Marker Survey - Batchelor and Boykin e. Save Outdoor Sculpture Survey - Schultz f. Report on Meeting with Dr. Ashburn - Hiler N ew g. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment Brazos County Historical Commission - 1993 Minutes No. 5 The fifth regular meeting in 1993 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 17 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Batchelor, Bradley, Carlson, Dethloff, Hiler, Peattie, Robert, Schultz, and Wallace. Megan Batchelor attended as a guest. Minutes of the April 19 meeting were approved as distributed. Under unfinished business, chair Schultz reported that there was no word on the Corps of Cadets and Charlie Jenkins marker applications. The first Play -by -Play Radio Broadcast of a College Football Game application is on hold pending more definite confirmations of the information and a decision by Texas A &M on whether or not it will approve it. Work on the Bryan /College Station Interurban mailer application is in progress. Under new business, a resolution in honor of Joseph Milton and Eleanor Hanover Nance was approved and Schultz was instructed to have a final version produced and to ask the commissioners' court to prepare a similar resolution and to present both to the Nances C r at a regular Commissioners' Court meeting. Members Peattie and Schultz reported briefly on the Texas Historical Reservation Conference in Austin, April 29 -May 1. Colleen Batchelor reported that she has a list of markers in Brazos County from the Texas Historical Commission and that she and Rosemary Boykin will organize the effort to survey and photograph each marker for the Distinguished Service Award effort. A discussion was held about the Save Outdoor Sculpture Survey. Schultz agreed to pursue this activity with assistance from a volunteer in the A &M library. Pat Hiler reported that she has an appointment with Bryan School superintendent, Dr. Ashburn to discuss education activities. It was reported that Colleen Batchelor received the Mayor's Award for Historic Preservation in Bryan. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 4,7/ 4 / Charles R. Schultz Acting Secretary C` BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 October 1993 Meeting Agenda The October 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 18, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. / Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. ✓ Approval of the minutes of September 1993 meeting 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. 1 /Corps of Cadets p �� c 1kTi0 2. Charlie Jenkins oc�oc3e' S. a :DO P 3. v Bryan /College Station Interurban 4. Interurban Railroad b. Other business 9) 1. Brazos County Museum p �`d 2. VBaptist Church on FM 60 3. jMissing Markers Amboy? r�- 5. New business a. VSt. Joseph School Marker Applications b. \,' Education Committee Report c. % Archaeology Committee Report d. ‘ /7 Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 1993 Minutes No. 6 The sixth regular meeting in 1993 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 700 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 20 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members p -esent were Bates, R. Boykin, Bradley, Carlson, Peattie, Rabins, Van Riper, Schultz, and Wallace. Guests were Calvin Boykin and two Bradley children. Minutea of the May 17 meeting were approved as distributed. Under unfinished business Chair Schultz reported that the markers for the Corps of Cadets and Charlie Jenkins were being cast. The Corps marker dedication .,f was awaiting a University decision; that for Jenkins was planned for Oct. 40V. The Chair distributed a Texas Historical Commission publication containing dedication recommendations. The commission then reviewed the proposed text by Joan Rabins for a marker commemorating the Bryan /College Station Interurban. There were minor corrections and Van Riper moved approval. This was seconded and passed. The Chair advised the Commission that resolutions about the Nances' service on the Commission had been prepared and would be presented at a meeting of the County Commissioners. Under new business, the Chair said that he had proposed a budget of $2,600, up about $1,000. He presumed it had been approved, effective Oct. 1, the beginning of the county's fiscal year. The extra money would take care of a marker or two for which there might be no private sponsor. The.Chair had been asked if the Commission supported the idea of a County Museum other than the existing one emphasizing natural history. It was the sense of the meeting that we did. The Chair said questions had been raised about possibly preserving two old church buildings on FM 60, one of which was falling down. There will be a report on this next month. Member Boykin reported in detail on the survey by her and Batchelor, assisted by Mr. Boykin, of county markers. She reported finding 36 of 38 markers. Those for Brazos County and for the Bryan City Cemetery could not be found. Detailed records have been prepared for all markers found. There was considerable discussion about meeting other criteria for a Distinguished Service Award for the county com- mission and it was agreed we had a chance.. Bates moved special thanks to the Boykins for their careful and detailed work. This was seconded and approved. The Chair reported on the outdoor sculpture survey. He had found 23 examples, 20 of them on the TAMU campus. Photos, etc., have been prepared, with copies to TAMU, Beachey of College Station, and Austin. The Chair reported for Hiler about a meeting with Supt. Ashburn of the Bryan schools on the subject of cooperative projects by students on the history of Brazos County. There was interest and somethinp- may develop around Stephen F. Austin's birthday in November. Min., Hist. Com., p. 2 The Chair proposed the appointment of Bob Holmes, sexton of the Bryan City Cemetery, to the Historical Commission. Bradley moved approval; this was seconded and passed. The Chair concluded by noting interest by the owners in a marker for the Parker - Bernath house. It was agreed this should be encouraged. Van Riper noted the 75th anniversary of the Bryan Rotary Club came in 1996, the year of the celebration of Bryan's 125th anniversary. The Chair advised that the club might be eligible for an organization marker. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8$20 p.m. (LILA- C - 1 L.11LC,_ Paul P. Van Riper Secretary • • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 November 1993 Meeting Agenda The November 1993 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, November 15, 1993, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of October 1993 meeting 4. Unfinished business IL a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. Charlie Jenkins 3. Bryan /College Station Interurban 4. St. Joseph School b. Other business 1. Brazos County Museum 2. Baptist Church on FM 60 3. Missing Markers 4. Save Outdoor Sculpture Survey Update 5. New business a. Appointment of another member b. Education Committee Report c. Archaeology Committee Report d. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 1993 Minutes No 7 The seventh regular meeting in 1993 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7s00 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 18 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Batchelor, Beachy, Hiler, Holmes, Rabins, Van Riper, Schultz and Wallace. The minutes for the Sept. 20 meeting were approved subject to the correction of the date in line 10 to Oct. 31. Under unfinished business Chair Schultz reported that there was nothing new on the Corps of Cadets marker. Batchelor said that the Jenkins marker instal- lation ceremony would be at 2 p.m. on Oct. 31 in the Bryan City Cemetery, where the marker has been installed. The chapel will be used in case of rain. Schultz said that the interurban marker application would go in in January 1994 and that a sharing of costs between Bryan and College Station was being consid- ered. Under other business the Chair reported a meeting with Floyd Jones (retired vet - ernarian) about a new history museum. There may be a public meeting on this in early 1994. There were further discussions with Mark Sicilia about the church and other buildings on FM 60, but nothing concluded. They are owned by Dossie Foster. Batchelor reported on the two missing markers. Apparently that for the Bryan City Cemetery was to be ordered locally and it may be the small bronze placque now on the gate. Holmes said that he thouglt a combination of the city and the cemetery association would provide for a new full -eize marker. The Brazos County marker was originally at the intersection of Coulter Ave. and Texas AN. Ave; it was of granite, placed in 1936. It was moved to a rest area north of Bryan and then reported stolen in 1967. Patrick Williams of the district engin- eer's office has the Hearnehighway office looking for the marker. There was then some discussion of collecting all marker narratives and inscriptions, and it was the sense of the meeting this was a good idea. Under new business Schultz referred to the draft application for the St. Joseph School, prepared by Batchelor. Van Riper moved approval. This was seconded and passed. Hiler reported for the Education Committee and said there was considerable interest in getting students into local history within the Bryan school system. There were plans for special projects in the fourth and seventh grades, and Stephen F. Austin Junior High was planning a special event around the Austin birthday. Some special efforts will be made at oral history, pairing students and older citizens. There was no Archaeology Committee report. Batchelor reported that St. Joseph's was working on a hundredth anniversary cele- bration. In reply to a qury about funds, Chair Schultz said it would be possible to buy some tapes for oral history. The Chair reported on the forthcoming cleanup effort at the Grandview Cemetery. All were invited to join. Van Riper noted the special edition of The Battalion celebrating its 100th anniversary. There was no furth r business and the meeting adjourned at 8z20 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 1993 Minutes No. 8 The eighth regular meeting in 1993 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7600 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 15 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Batchelor, Bates, Boykin, Bradley, Carlson, Dethloff, Hiler, Holmes, Peattie, Robert, Schultz, Van Riper and Wallace. Calvin Boykin was a guest. The minutes for the October 18 meeting were approved. Under unfinished business Chair Schultz reported that the Corps marker would be dedicated toward the end of February. It was noted that the dedication of the Jenkins marker was well attended on October 31. The Chair reported that the City of College Station would pay half the price of the interurban marker if Bryan would pay the other half. The application will be turned in when the cities agree on a location. The St. Joseph School application was sent in to Austin in early November, with the dedication planned for Friday, May 6, 1994 at 2 p.m. Under other business the Chair reported no further information about the cuestion of a museum or about the church buildings on Route 60. Batchelor reported evidence that the missing county marker had been replaced in 1967, and that she was researching the possible location of the replacement. The Chair reported on five more outdoor sculptures to add to the recent survey lists 1) the Victory Eagle by the MSC, 2) Arch 406 by the Architecture build- ing, 3) the granite with a placque honoring Pat Olsen by Olsen Field, 4) a similar placque for Mrs. Olsen, and 5) a new College Station football marker near the high school. The Chair said that the Landmark Commission of Bryan was interested in placing a member on the County Commission. This was confirmed by Batchelor who said that the Landmark Chair, Nancy Volkman, was interested and willing. It was agreed this would be appropriate. Van Riper moved that Volkman be invited to become a member of this Commission; this was seconded and approved. The Chair said that she would be invited to join for a term commencing in January, when other terms began. Hiler reported oral history commencing in the fourth grade in Bryan, and interest in historical slides in Brvan High. Batchelor said that the eighth grade at St. Joseph's School was working on an oral history project. Schultz reported that he had copies of 11 marker narratives and asked members to let him know if they had others. He also asked members to report hours of work devoted to Commission business during the past year. There was a brief discussion of the state of the Grandview Cemetery on Highway 21. The Chair said that he had had a discussion with Jeanette Canavespi about a possible marker for the Jones - Roberts Cemetery. He said that the Main Street Project of Bryan was holding a Mardi Gras - Brazos Style on Feb. 12 and invited the Commission's participation. Holmes said that the Bryan Cemetery Association had voted to split the cost of a replacement marker for the cemetery with the City of Bryan, with a possible dedication on May 7. Van Riper said that he had been asked to join an Endangered Buildings Task Force of the Bryan Landmark Commission. Peattie, Boykin and Van Riper said that they`. '"on the Bryan '96 celebration committee. There being no further business t meeting adjourned at 8s00 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary • Historical Marker Applications in the files of the Chair 1. Corps of Cadets 2. College Station Railroad Depot 3. Charlie Eric Jenkins 4. Interurban Railroad 5. St. Joseph School 6. Woman's Club 7. St. Andrews Episcopal Church 8. Rock Prairie School and Church 9. Edge House 10. Shiloh Community 11. Allen Academy 12. A&M College Rural School 13. Richard Carter 14. Steele's Store t BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 January 1994 Meeting Agenda PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN DATE OF MEETING The January 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission we be held on Monday, January 24, 1994 (the fourth Monday since the courthouse is closed on the third Monday) in the County Commissioner's Roan at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse fran the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting roan, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENCA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Appproval of the minutes of the November 1993 meeting 4. Unfinished business a. Report on Previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. Bryan/College Station Interurban 3. St. Joseph School 4. Bryan City Cemetery b. Other business 1. Distinauished Service Award 2. Copies of marker applications 3. Volunteer Hours 5. New Business a. Annual Report to Texas Historical Commission and County Judge b. Education Committee Report c. Archaeology Committee Report d. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives L Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 February 1994 Meeting Agenda The February 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, February 21, 1994, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the January 1994 meeting 4. Unfinished business a Lo G' 1'd 6' a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets Gg lo fat 2. Bryan /College Station Interurban 411111 6v 3. St. Joseph Hospital 4. Bryan City Cemetery b. Other business 1. Distinguished Service Award / 2. Copies of marker applications c/ 3. Albums of marker photos and information 5. New business a. Annual Report to Texas Histori a1 Commission and County Judge✓ b. Education Committee Report c. Archaeology Committee Report �u d. 1994 Committees V e. 1994 Goals including bylaws revision / f. Coorespondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 1994 • Minutes No. 1 The first regular meeting in 1994 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7s00 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 24, in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Batchelor, Bates, Bradley, Carlson, Dethloff, Hiler, Peattie, Schultz, Van Riper, and Volkman. The Chair introduced new member Volkman. The minutes for the Nov. 15, 1993 meeting were approved. Under unfinished business, the chair reported on marker applications. That for the Corps of Cadets is in, with the presentation to take place in the fall. The application for the Interurban uarkcr will be sent in shortly. The marker for St. Joseph School has been approved and paid for, with a May 6 dedication planned. The situation for the Bryan City Cemetery is sufficiently murky that we have been asked by the Texas Historical Commission to reapply. Batchelor reported that the lost marker for Brazos County was indeed lost. She moved that the Commission pursue replacement of the original 1936 marker (granite) and that, if we do not have funds for the replacement, we ask the County Commissioners to provide funds. The motion was seconded and approved. The Chair reviewed our situation with respect to application for a Distingish- ed Service Award. He had the forms and would complete them in the next week. Supporting materials had been provided by Batchelor and Boykin. Additional ones were discussed. A copy of the final report, due Jan. 31, will be pro- vided to the County Judge for the Commissioners. Under new business, Hiler reported for the Education Committee that 1) Dale Znobel would be giving a talk before the Bryan High architectural graphics students, and 2) the Bryan 4th graders would be undertaking oral history projects. Hiler asked for suggestions of persons to interview and 25 or so were named. Carlson outlined a project for the 1994 archaeology awareness week this spring.The Chair reviewed correspondence pertaining to the His- torical Preservation Conference in April. Hiler asked for suggestions for exhibits during the Heritage Society's homes tour on March 26 -27. • The meeting adjourned at 8s15 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 March 1994 Meeting Agenda The March 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 21, 1994, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the February 1994 meeting 4. Unfinished business Aar a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. Bryan /College Interur nti 3. St. Joseph Hospital Bryan City Cemetery �/ 5. Brazos County - Replica 6. College Station Railroad Depots b. Other business 1. Distinguished Service Award 41l/MI / 2. Copies of marker applications l� 3. Albums of marker photos and information 1Y 5. New business a. Election of delegates to Texas P nervation Conference onference b. Education Committee Report c. Archaeology Commit e Report d. 1994 Committees e. 1994 Goals including bylaws revision f. Coorespondence of the Chair 6. Aljournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 1994 Minutes No. 2 The second regular meeting in 1994 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 21, in the County Commissioner's meeting room in the County Courthouse. Members present were Bates, Beachy, Carlson, Dethloff, Holmes, Peattie, Schultz, and Van Riper The minutes for the meeting of January 24 (No. 1) were approved subject to revision of the first sentence of the last main paragraph to read "Knobel had given" instead of "would be giving". Under unfinished business Chair Schultz reported no change in the Corps of Cadets marker status. College Station has agreed to pay half the cost of the Interurban marker, and the Chair has asked Mayor Tate of Bryan for matching funds. A revised text has been approved for the St. Josephs School marker and it is being cast. Holmes said he had secured funding for a new marker for the Bryan Cemetery but had not yet started on the application itself. The Chair said that a replica of the seal and plate of the lost Brazos County marker would cost $450. There was discussion of how to obtain a new granite base. It was agreed that the dedication might take place on the anniversary of the founding of the county. Under other business, the Chair said he had sent in the Distinguished Service Award materials into Austin on schedule. We should hear in the next month. Copies of 17 marker applications and the album of marker photos and related information are being placed in the Bryan Library. A presentation is also being planned to take place before the County Commissioners. Under new business the Chair noted distribution of the annual report to members, county commissioners, and the Texas Historical Commission office in Austin. Hiler had left word that the Education Committee was working with a 3ryan 5th grade gifted and talented class to research late nineteenth cen- tury children's games, to be reenacted during the forthcoming Heritage Tour. During Archaeology week of April 9 to 16, the Archaeology Committee will sponsor films at the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History. The Chair invited participation in the Commissions 1994 committees as well as pro- posals for 1994 goals for the Commission. There was some miscellaneous correspondence. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7$40 p.m. Q?_te( 6 Paul P. Van Riper Secretary L BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL, COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 April 1994 Meeting Agenda The April 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, April 18, 1994, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the March 1994 meeting 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. Bryan /College Interurban 3. St. Joseph Scool 4. Bryan City Cemetery 5. Brazos County - Replica 6. College Station Railroad Depots 7. Allen Academy b. Other business 1. Distinguished Service Award 2. Copies of marker applications 3. Albums of marker photos and information 5. New business a. Delegates to 1994 Texas Preservation Conference b. Education Committee Report c. Archaeology Conunittee Report d. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report e. 1994 Goals f. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 1994 Minutes No. 3 The third regular meeting in 1994 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 21, in the County Commissioner's meeting room in the County Court House. Members present were Batchelor, Beachy, Carlson, Hiler, Holmes, Schultz, and Volkman. Minutes for the meeting of February 21 (No. 2) were approved as submitted. Under unfinished business Chair Schultz reported that the Corps of Cadets marker would be dedicated some weekend during the fall. There' has been no response from Bryan concerning paying for half of the Bryan /College Interurban Marker. The site of this marker was discussed. Pending construction on College Main from University Drive to the Bryan /College Station city limits and planned improvements are a factor in locating the marker on this street. The Texas Historical Commission needs a map with the proposed location marked on it and a photograph of the proposed site. The St. Joseph School marker will be dedicated on May 6. Bob Holmes reported they plan to begin working on the application for the Bryan City Cemetery marker soon. The College Station Railroad Depots marker will be dedicated at 9:00 a.m. on April 21. Schultz reported he had not yet contacted anyone about the granite for a replacement of the 1936 Brazos County Marker either stolen or misplaced some years ago. Under other business Schultz reported he had received the formal letter informing us that the Brazos County Historical Commission will receive the Distinguished Service Award at the Texas Preservation Conference in San Angelo April 29. Schultz was elected as the BCHC representative to receive the award. Schultz was also authorized to order a DSA plaque if investigation of the nature of the plaque warranted doing so. Schultz also reported on plans to present the albums of photographs of and information about Brazos County historical markers compiled by Rosemary Boykin and copies of recent marker applications and historical narratives to the Bryan Public Library during the meeting of the Commissioner's Court on March 28. Under new business, Schultz and Holmes were elected delegates to the Texas Preservation Conference in San Angelo. Pat Hiler reported on plans of the Education Committee in connection with the historic homes tour. She also noted they were looking into making a video tape of Dale Knoble walking through the historic districts and discussing interesting architectural details and historical information about buildings and people. Carlson reported on the plans of the Archaeology Committee for Archaeological Awareness. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Charles R. Schultz Acting Secretary • • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -5000 409 - 845 -1815 May 1994 Meeting Agenda The May 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May 16, 1994, in the County Commissioners' room at 7:00 PM. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the April 1994 meeting 4. Unfinished business a. Report on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. Bryan /College Interurban 3. St. Joseph School 4. Bryan City Cemetery 5. Brazos County - Replica 6. College Station Railroad Depots 7. Allen Academy b. Other business 1. Distinguished Service Award 2. Application sent to Eagle 5. New business a. Reports on 1994 Texas Preservation Conference b. Education Committee Report c. Archaeology Committee Report d. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report e. 1994 Goals f. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment Brazos County Historical Commission - 1994 Minutes No. 4 The fourth regular meeting in 1994 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7s00 p.m. on Monday, April 18, in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the County Court House. Members present were Batchelor, 3eachy, Boykin, Bradley, Dethloff, Peattie, Robert, Schultz, Van Riper, and Wallace. Calvin Boykin was a guest. Minutes for the meeting of March 21 (No. 3) were approved. Under unfinished business the Chair reviewed previous marker applications. There was nothing new about the Corps of Cadets marker. Proceedings about the Interurban marker have been delayed pending submission of location data. The St. Joseph School marker will be dedicated on Friday, May 6 at 1$30 p.m. with a considerable program planned. The Bryan City Cemetery reapplication is on temporary hold. Walter Carl Jones, former chair, has offered to seach for the granite base of the lost County marker. Programs for the College Station Depot marker dedication have been distributed; the date is April 21. The Allen Academy marker is being repositioned near the old academy buildings. Under other business, the Chair said we would receive both a certificate and a placque in connection with our Distinguished Service Award. The county is one of three receiving such awards for the first time; there were 30 or so all told this year. There will be a presentation to the County Commissioners, mew probably in May. The Chair is seeking copies of marker applications as well as copies of dedication programs. The albums of marker photos and information have. been delivered to the library. A presentation was made by the Chair to the Commissioners on Mar. 28. There was some discussion about problems of continuing marker photos in black and white. It was the sense of the meeting that color would be all right for future photos; it was felt that copies of programs and updating information could be inserted in the albums with little difficulty. Un!'er new business the Chair said that he and Holmes would be delegates to the 1994 Texas Preservation Conference. There were no reports from the Education and Archaeology committees. Batchelor and Boykin reported briefly for the Markers and Research Committee. The Chair asked all committees to prepare for the next meeting a statement of desired goals for consideration. The Chair reported sending marker application forms to three persons, one pertaining to a house and the others to the Smetana and Peach Creek cemeteries. Batchelor moved that an application form be send to the editor of The Eagle. This was seconded and approved. Van Riper reported that he was speaking on historical preservation before the evening Lions Club of Brenham on April 19. He noted that he and, especially, Bradley had large collections of slides of historical structures and events in Brazos County and were avail- able for programs. The meeting adjourned at 7$55 p.m. --;(;UPP , due Paul P. Van Riper Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Univuusity AAch vez Texaz AgM Univeuity Cottege Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 -862 -1555 September 1994 Meeting Agenda The September 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 19, 1994, in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th street and in the lot across 26th street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to Order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the Minutes of the April 1994 meeting (copies distributed with May agenda, no quorum present in May.) 4. Unfinished Business A. Reports on previous marker applications 1. Corps of Cadets 2. Bryan/College Interurban 3. Bryan City Cemetery 4. Brazos County - Replica L 5. Allen Academy B. Other Business 1. Distinguished Service Award 2. Application sent to the Eagle 5. New Business a. Reports on 1994 Texas Preservation Conference b. Education Committee Report c. Archaeology Committee Report d. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report e. 1994 Goals f. 1995 -96 membership of BCHC g. Old school building on FM 60 h. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment C Cre • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 -862 -1 555 October 1994 Meeting Agenda The October 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 17, 1994 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors, and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th street and in the lot across 26th street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the Minutes of the September 1994 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets marker dedication B. Bryan /College Interurban C. Bryan City Cemetery marker application D. Brazos County Marker replica 5. New Business A. Wixon Cemetery marker application BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 November 1994 Meeting Agenda The November 1994 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, November 21, 1994 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th street and in the lot across 26th street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the October 1994 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets marker dedication B. Bryan /College Interurban C. Bryan City Cemetery marker application D D. Brazos County Marker replica E. Wixon Cemetery marker application 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. 1995 -1996 membership of BCHC E. Correspondence of the Chair 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 1994 Minutes No. 6 The sixth regular meeting in 1994 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:05 p.m. on Monday, October 17, 1994 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Court House. Members present were Shawn B. Carlson, Ruth Peattie, Henry Dethloff, Russell Bradley, Bob Holmes, Colleen Batchelor, and Charles Schultz. Russel Bradley's daughters were guests. Minutes of the September 19, 1994 meeting were approved. Under Unfinished Bsiness the chair reported that the Corps of Cadets marker will be dedicated on February 25, 1995 as part of the celebration of Military Weekend on the Texas A &M campus. There will also be a Corps Development Council meeting that weekend. Hence a large crowd is expected for the ceremony. It is anticipated that a goodly number of the A &M cadets will attend as will some of the cadets from other institutions visiting A &M for the weekend. Development Council members and A &M administrators are also expected to attend. The marker for the Bryan /College Interurban Railway has been approved and the cities of Bryan and College Station have each paid $425 for the marker. The city of Bryan has indicated a willingness to participate in landscaping activities after the marker has been dedicated. Bob Holmes asked for a copy of the marker application and guidelines so that he can begin work on the application for the Bryan City Cemetery. The chair had no news to report on the replica of the Brazos County Marker which has been missing for many years. Under New Business the commission approved in principle the marker application for the Wixon Cemetery. The members agreed that the application must have a bibliography and that more footnotes are needed, especially for the information which obviously came from descendants of the early settlers of Wixon. It was also suggested that a statement should be made early in the narrative that the cemetery, school, and church are all in the same location. Once these additions have been made, the marker application will be forwarded to the Texas Historical Commission in Austin for further consideration. The chair reported that he had sent the additional photographs and information sheets for newly dedicated markers to the Bryan Public Library for inclusion in the notebooks about Brazos County Historical Markers. Thanks go to Rosemary Boykin for her work in continuing to keep the marker notebooks up to date. Similar sheets were added to the notebook of the Commission in the possession of the chair. The chair also reported that he had sent marker applications and guidelines to Mrs. Janice Eberhardt and Deborah Jasek. He also reported on correspondence with Robert Thielemann about changes in the house at 502 South Coulter in Bryan for conversion to a Scotty's House and with Russell W. Krueger, Jr. about possible historical sites or properties in the area in which the Fairview- Smetana Water Supply Corporation has proposed distribution system improvements. After checking with County Commissioner Walter Wilcox, the chair reported there were no known historical sites or properties in the area. Some members turned in the forms indicating a preference about continuing or not continuing membership in the commission during 1995 -1996. Those who have not turned or sent the forms in should bring them to the November meeting or send them to the chair prior to that meeting. There was some discussion of the fate of the Joy Rae house at 810 East 30th Street. The house was sold but the new owners seem to have abandonded efforts to restore it. The whereabouts of Ms. Rae are unknown. Bob Holmes showed the members a book about early families of Bryan produced by the students in Mrs. Walterscheid's Texas History class in Bryan. Part of their research for the book was done at the Bryan City Cemetery. The project was so popular and successful last year that it will be repeated again this year. Bob will participate in showing the class members around the cemetery. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Charles R. Schultz Acting Secretary Brazos County Historical Commission Minutes No. 7 The seventh regular meeting in 1994 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:08 p.m. on Monday, November 21, 1994 in the County Commissioner's meeting room in the Brazos County Court House. Members present were Henry C. Dethloff, Nancy J. Volkman, Shawn B. Carlson, Ruth Peattie, Jody Bates, and Charles Schultz. Minutes of the October 17, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted Under unfinished business the chair reminded the members that the Corps of Cadets marker will be dedicated near the Samuel Sanders Corps of Cadets Center on February 28, 1995. He said he would be meeting soon with Col Donald Henderson, who is on the staff of the Commandant of the Corps of Cadets, to discuss the program for the event. He also reported that although the application for the marker for the Bryan /.College Interurban has been approved and paid for no draft of the text for the marker as been received. He has sent an application form and guidelines to Bob Holmes for work on the application for the Bryan City Cemetery. It is hoped that application will be received in 1995. The chair had no new information on the Brazos County marker replica and had not heard anything about the revising of the Wixon Cemetery marker application. There were no reports from the committees. There was some discussion about people to be appointed to the commission for the 1995 -1996 term. Suggested new persons include Mrs. Walterhscheid, the Bryan teacher who has had her Texas history class produce books on Brazos County families for the past two years. Jody Bates agreed to approach her about serving on the Comm ss!or' Twn fr cuity memh in the History D a Mt Tex a‹, ' gm I lni y Dale Baum and Dale Knoble, were also suggested. The chair agreed to contact Dale Baum and Nancy Volkman agreed to contact Dale Knoble. The following current members have indicated interest in being reappointed: Colleen Batchelor, Jody Bates, Rosemary Boykin, Russell Bradley, Shawn B. Carlson, Robert D. Holmes, Ruth Peattie, Paul P. Van Riper, and Nancy Volkman. It is hoped that the County Judge and the Commissioners will approve all appointments for the 1995 -1996 term prior to the third Monday in January 1995 when the next meeting of the Commission is scheduled. The chair reported briefly on correspondence about commission matters since the last meeting. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 January 1995 Meeting Agenda The January 1995 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, January 23, 1995 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking_ is available on 26th street and in the lot across 26th street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests IL 3. Approval of the minutes of the November 1994 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets Marker dedication B. Bryan /College Interurban marker C. Wixon Cemetery marker application 5. New Business A. Election of 1995 -1996 officers B. Ce!actinn o f meeting datec 4nd times for 1205 C. Goals and objectives for 1995 D. Committees for 1995 E. Archaeology Committee Report F. Education Committee Report G. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report H. Correspondence of the Chair I. Other new business 6. Adjournment BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 February 1995 Meeting Agenda The February 1995 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, February 13, 1995 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the January, 1995 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets Marker dedication B. Bryan /College Interurban marker C. Wixon Cemetery marker application 5. New Business A. Goals and objectives for 1995 R. nisting uishcd S Q M Cti v h C. Sign up for Committees for 1995 E. Archeology Committee Report F. Education Committee Report G. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report H. Correspondence of the Chair I. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of future 1995 meetings March 13, April 10, May 8, September 11, October 9, and November 13 BRA %O3 COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION .�, Minutes No. 1, 1995 The first regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 700 p.m. on Monday, January 25, 1995 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Court Mouse. ;Members and members -elect present were Charles Schultz, Rosemary Boykin, Dale Knobel, Elaine Wray, Beth Walterschei3t, Ruth Feattie, Nancy Volkman, Colleen Batchelor, Joan Lamkin and Paul Van Riper. For the record, the other commission members or members -elect are Russell Bradley, Jody Bates, Steve Beachey, Shawn Carlson, Bob Holmes and Dale Baum. Calvin Boykin and Henry Stallings were guests. Minutes for the Nov. 21, 1 meeting + _, y, g were approved subject to the following corrections the second sentence of the section about possible new members should reads "Suggested new persons include Mrs. Walterscheidt, College Station teacher involved in a Reading Research Project with sixth graders." Under unfinished business the Chair said that the planned date for dedica- tion of the Corps marker had been cancelled (Feb. 2 but a new date had not yet been chosen. He said that the final location of the interurban marker was yet to be fully settled. The Dixon Cemetery marker application is in to Austin. The Chair raised the question of whether the Commission should again pursue the possibility of a marker for presumably the first - ever radio broadcast of a football game - -in 1921, Texas versus TAMU, broadcast from a student station in Bolton Hall, then location of the electrical engineering department. Batchelor suggested we do this in May, and it was the sense of the meeting such be done. Under new business came the election of new officers. The Chair proposed that the offices of Secretary, Vice Chair, and Chair be selected in that order. Volkman nominated Van Riper for Secretary; this was seconded and he was reelected. Carlson was nominated by Volkman for Vice Chair; this was seconded and she was elected. Wray nominated Schultz for Chair; this was seconded and he was reelected. The Chair said that, as the Commissioners' Court was planning to meet on our usual third Monday, we would need to choose another day or place. There being no objection to the second Monday among those present, the next meet- ing will be the second Monday of February; if no further problems, this would continued to be our meeting date through May and from September through November. The Chair distributed an annual report and a copy of his end of the year questionnaire rooe't to the State Historical Commission. It was noted that our terms were for two calendar years. There followed a discussion of possible future activities. The Chair noted the receipt of a Distinguished L Service Award for 1993 and that we should qualify for 1994. Jody Bates was suggested as committee head for education, replacing Pat Hiler. It was agreed that more markers should be pursued, and a Texas marker for the Cavitt House in particular. It was proposed to invite Kandy Rose to our -2- C Minutes no. 1, 1995 next meeting, to advise us about the Celebrate Bryan activities which might be pursued in terms of markers. Boykin said that she would prepare a current list of markers. Lamkin reported that the College Station, Historical Committee had completed an oral history project concerning Northgate (copies at the CS Conference Center) and was preparing to undertake other similar projects. Volkman noted a forthcoming meeting of the Bryan Council, which might consider the future of the Old City Hall, etc., and encouraged attendance. There being no further business, the r:3eting adjourned at ' 8$15 p.m. Vi ' aajA/ 64:1-Ct 1 :/ / .A_14 Paul P. Van Riper Secretary c Long Range Plans of the Brazos County Historical Commission 4 ` Prepared 1994 1. Increase awareness of and interest in the history of Brazos County among school students through active involvement in appropriate curricular activities 2. Increase awareness of and interest in the history of Brazos County among the general citizenry through the active promotion of historical marker applications and dedication ceremonies 3. Be actively involved in all aspects of historical preservation in order to promote the saving of historical structures, the protection of cemeteries and other historic sites, and the promotion of visitation to historical areas, structures, and sites by tourists 4. Increase the awareness of the citizens of Brazos County to the importance of archeological field work in documenting the history and culture of the people of the county 5. Increase the awareness of the citizens of Brazos County to the importance of protecting archeological sites to better understand the past. 6. Work toward a making the general citizenry of the county aware that historic preservation pays big dividends through better understanding of and appreciation for the past and through the generation of revenue through tourism lbw Brazos County Historical Commission 1994 Goals 1. Submit and have approved an historical marker application researched and compiles by a member of the Commission, to be completed by May 1, 1994 2. Complete a list of at least 10 proposed markers in priority order, to be completed by December 1, 1994 3. Photograph Recorded Texas Historical Landmarks, to be completed by December 1, 1994 4. Document a marker dedication ceremony, to be completed by May 30. 1994 5. Repair or repaint one or more historical markers, to be completed by December 1, 1994 6. Present to the public libraries albums containing photographs of all historical markers in the county along with notation of location, condition, date, and other pertinent information, to be completed by March 1, 1994 7. Sponsor a special event for Texas Archeology Awareness Week, to be completed by June 1, 1994 8. Complete and submit Save Outdoor Sculpture survey forms on new and newly discovered sculptures in the county, to be completed by December 1, 1994 1 • Survey of Proposed Markers in Brazos County Prepared in 1994 1. Cavitt House, 713 East 30th Street, Bryan 2. Col. Brisco G. Baldwin, CSA, Confederate Chief of Ordnance, buried in Bryan City Cemetery 3. Early Black Education in College Station 4. Dellwood Park, an early amusement park located along the route of the Bryan - College Interurban Railroad in the area bounded by College Avenue, Dellwood Street, Cavitt Street, and Villa Maria Road 5. Bryan City Cemetery, the oldest cemetery in the city, currently has a private marker 6. Boonville Cemetery, burial place of many of the pioneers of the county 7. Providence Baptist Church /Providence School 8. First Live Broadcast of a College Football Game in Texas played Thanksgiving Day 1921 between Texas A &M and the University of Texas in College Station 9. Hoods Texas Brigade 10. Any of the numerous structures in Bryan that are on the National Register of Historic Places in historic districts which do not have Texas markers 11. Sites of any of the more than twenty early communities in Brazos County which do not currently have markers 12. Sites of any of the more than sixty county schools that once existed in the county but are not marked in any way BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 March 1995 Meeting Agenda The March 1995 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 13, 1995 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the February, 1995 meeting 4. Unfinished Business law A. Corps of Cadets Marker dedication B. Bryan /College Interurban marker C. Wixon Cemetery marker application D. Bryan City Cemetery marker application 5. New Business A. Goals and objectives for 1995 B. Distinguished Service Award activities C. Sign up for Committees for 1995 E. Archeology Committee Report F. Education Committee Report G. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report H. Election of Delegates to 1995 Historical Preservation Conference in Austin in April I. Correspondence of the Chair J. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of future 1995 meetings April 10, May 8, September 11, October 9, and November 13 tRAZCS COU.;TY HISTORICAL COMA "FISSION Minutes No. 2, 1995 The second regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Com- mission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7s00 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 15, 1995 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Van Riper, Baum, Lamkin, Walterscheidt, Bradley, and Carlson. Guests were County Judge Al Jones, David Gerling of the College Station Parks Departments and his son Bradley, and Bryan City Council member Kandy Rose. Minutes for the January 23, 1995 meet.;ng were approved. The Chair then introduced Kandy Rose, chair of the Celebrate Bryan . activities schedule for 1996, the 125th anniversary year of Bryan. Rose handed out the attached outline of activities and discussed them with the Commission. The possibility of a special Commission exhibit was discussed. Rose asked for inputs from all interested, and gave her pager number of 222 -1321 for use if need be, in addition to her regular home phone of 846 -7439. The Chair distributed a list of the 1 995-96 Commission members, with addresses and phone numbers; and a list of College Station homes re- ceiving "Historic Homes Plaques" was also distributed. Under unfinished business, the Chair noted nothing new about the Corps of Cadets marker or the Interurban marker. The Wixon Cemetery marker was still pending. Joan Lamkin has turned in a new application for a marker for the Lincoln School and Black Education in College Station. David Gerling was here in support and to answer anv questions. Under new business the Chair asked members to look over the Long Range Plans papers for next meeting. He reviewed the Proposed Markers list and possible Distinguished Service Award activities. Lamkin and Gerling said that they could include oral history activities. Carlson reviewed Archeology Week (April 22 -29) activities briefly. Walterscheidt reviewed historical work with College Station classes. The Chair reported that Mike Holmgreen of the First National Hank desired a marker sufficiently to pay someone to prepare the writeup and that he sought nominations. Under correspondence, the Chair said that Florita Griffin of Brazos 20-20 was requesting suegestings for possible events for the 20-20 calendar. The Chair asked if anyone was interesting in providing auction items for the annual historical conference. The Chair especially asked members for preferred committee assignments, to be noted next meeting. He said that copies of the marker application for College Station black education would be distributed with the call for the next meeting. ^ The meeting adjourned at 8s20 p.m. Atchd: Celebrate Bryan Activity List Paul P. Van Riper Secretary qi Attachment to Feb. 15, 1995 minutes, 3C Historical Com. Rev. 2/13/95 CELEBRATE BRYAN Outline of Activities for 1996 Committee Chairman 7) LA„. JANUARY Birthday Celebration! Kandy Rose 846 -7439 ,2,1 FEBRUARY Black History Mattie Robinson 778 -0791 Steve Jones 822 -9093 MARCH Ethnic Larry Wentrcek - 822 -4226 Italian - Anthony Restivo Anthony Restivo - 822 -6887 Czech - Larry Wentrcek APRIL Churches Ruth Peattie 775 -4142 776 -2195 (Tu & Th) MAY Hispanic Josephine Arevalo 823 -3784 MAY /JUNE Veterans Floyd Wells 846 -8669 JUNE Cemeteries Bill Page (Family reunions) 779 -2588 (h) 845 -1952 (w) JULY Brazos Heritage Society John Otts Heritage Park Celebration 696 -2500 "Old Fashion 4th of July" AUGUST Business History Voncille Cassady 846 -0789 SEPTEMBER Schools /Youth Organizations Dale Knobel 846 -0947 OCTOBER Festifall Mary Kaye Moore National Disabilities Month - Floyd Wells - 846 -8669 268 -7554 (h) 361 -3601 (w) NOVEMBER Police /Fire Joe Brown 361 -3884 DECEMBER Parade Beverly Borders 260 -5200 Time Capsule Molly Gritter 694 -8112 845 -9786 846 -3391 History Book Jason Pointer - 696 -6567 Vicki Martin - 764 -4565 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 April 1995 Meeting Agenda The April 1995 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, April 10, 1995 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. CaII to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the March, 1995 meeting 4. Unfinished Business ./A. Corps of Cadets Marker dedication (/B. Bryan /College Interurban marker ,/C. Wixon Cemetery marker application D. Bryan City Cemetery marker application 5. New Business V A. Consideration of application for Recorded Historic Landmark Marker for Cavitt House VB. Goals and objectives for 1995 /C. Distinguished Service Award activities ' vD. Sign up for Committees for 1995 J E. Archeology Committee Report F. Education Committee Report /G. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report H. Correspondence of the Chair I. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of future 1995 meetings May 8, September 11, October 9, and November 13 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 3, 1995 The third regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Com- miseion was called to order by Vice Chair Shawn Carlson at 7610 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 1995 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Carlson, Bradley, Van Riper, Peattie, and Knobel. Guests were David Gerling of the College Station Parke Department and his daughter Kellie. The minutes for the February 13, 1995 meeting were approved. Under unfinished business there was nothing new concerning the Corps of Cadets and the Interurban markers. The Wixon Cemetery mark application was approved by the Texas Historical Commission and the cemetery association notified that money was due for a marker. There was also nothing new about the Bryan City Cemetery marker application. Under new business the goals and objectives for 1995 and the distinguished service award activities were postponed for discussion until the next meeting. Under committee consideration, Van Riper moved the followings that Carlson chair the Archaeology Committee, Walterscheidt the Education Committee, and Batchelor the Markers and Research Committee. This was N seconded and approved. Van Riper proposed Bates for membership on the Education Committee; this was seconded and approved. Knobel, Peattie and Bradley volunteered to serve on the Markers and Research Committee. Peattie moved approval of Knobel and Bradley as Commission representatives to the 1995 Historical Preservation Conference in Austin on April 20 -22. The Chair then asked for a discussion of the marker application for the Lincoln School /Black Education in College Station institution. Van Riper moved approval of the application, which was seconded. The application was approved subject to correction of footnote sequence, a question or two concerning an author and title, and a.need to provide documentation back at least 75 years, to 1920 instead of 1923. Correspondence to the Chair was reviewed, but no further actions taken. Van Riper than asked to distribute a tentative draft of the main text of a marker application for the Cavitt house. This was discussed briefly and some suggestions made. "the meeting then adjourned at 7650 p.m. L da 46& Paul P. Van Riper (. Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 May 1995 Meeting Agenda The May 1995 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May 8, 1995 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the April, 1995 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets Marker dedication B. Bryan /College Interurban marker C. Wixon Cemetery marker application D. Bryan City Cemetery marker application E. Allen Academy marker move F. Cavitt House marker G. Brazos 20/20 Historic Preservation Subcommittee 5. New Business A. Goals and objectives for 1995 B. Distinguished Service Award activities C. Sign up for Committees for 1995 D. Archeology Committee Report E. Education Committee Report F. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report G. Correspondence of the Chair H. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of future 1995 meetings, September 11, October 9, and November 13 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION (6, Minutes No. 4, 1995 The fourth regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7s00 p.m. on Monday, April 10, 1995 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Van Riper, Peattie, Bates, Walterscheidt, Volkmann, Rosemary Boykin, Baum, l3eachy, and Batchelor. Guests were Al Jones, county judge, and Calvin Boykin. The minutes for the March 13, 1995 meeting were approved. There were no changes in the unfinished business relating to the Corps of Cadets marker dedication, the interurban marker, and the Wixon Cemetery and Bryan City Cemetery marker applications. Under new business Hates moved approval of the application for a Recorded Historic Landmark marker for the Cavitt House at 713 E. 30th St., Bryan. This was seconded and approved. There followed a brief discussion of possible events pertraining to celebration of the 100th anniversary of St. Anthony's Catholic Church. The Chair discussed Goals and Objectives for 1995 and Distinguished Service Award activi- ties, indicating the likelihood that the Commission would receive an award for 1994. Committee volunteers were then sought. Batchelor agreed to continue on the Research and Markers committee and Boykin said she would assist. Bates said she would join the Education committee as well as assist Carlson who is working on a program for Archaeology Week. The Chair reported that Allen Academy had requested permission from the State Historical Commission to move the marker from the old site to the new site of the Academy, It was the sense of the meeting that, if the marker were moved, something appropriate should remain at the old site. Van Riper reported that an old stone, perhaps the LaSalle grave marker, had been discovered in 1932 and then later displayed in the Bryan City Hall according to newspaper accounts. He said he had asked Rosemary Boykin to investigate whether such a stone still remains, as reported in 1940, in the hands of a local Italian family. Boykin said she had had no luck as yet but was pursuing the matter further. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7s55 p.m. \,,adA) a 241 Paul P. Van Riper Secretary L Brazos County Historical Commission 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 July 21, 1995 Steve Beachy, Director Parks & Recreation City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -9960 Dear Steve: Thank you for your letter of July 18 outlining the plans for the dedication of the historical marker for the Bryan - College Interurban. October 18th at 10:30 a.m. is a good date and time for me. I have put it on my calendar. will send letters of invitation to the mayors and city councils of the two cities and to Brazos Transit and ask the mayors and someone from Brazos Transit to to each say a few words. I will also make up an outline for a program and send it to you. Your offer to print the program is greatly appreciated and accepted. I will try to get you whatever information you need for the program around the middle of September. A program similar to those your department did for the other markers in College Station in the last few years will be appropriate. I am leaving on vacation on August 4 and returning around August 23. Then on August 29th I will leave for the Society of American Archivists meeting in Washington, DC and will return on September 3. As far as I know, those are the trips that I will make between now and the dedication date. Your offer and plan to provide the podium, tables, chairs, and refreshments sound good. I hope that we can bet some good media coverage for this event and will make every effort to encourage the papers and the television station to be present. If you have not already done so, please do send a notice to the Medallion about the date of the dedication. Sincerely yours, r Charles R. Schultz, Chair Brazos County Historical Commission BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes, No. 5, 1995 The fifth regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7100 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 1995 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Walterscheidt, Volkman, Bradley, Boykin, Knobel, Baum, Beachy, Peattie and Van Riper. Calvin Boykin was a guest. The minutes for the April 10, 1995 meeting were approved. Under unfinished business, there was no word on the marker applications for the Corps of Cadets, the interurban, or the Wixon Cemetery. It was noted that the Wixon Cemetery was getting federal markers for its Civil War soldiers, and that the Bryan Cemetery sought the same . The Chair has discussed with the Allen Academy office manager the desire of the Commission to retain some kind of marker at the old Allen Academy site if and when the existing marker was moved to the new academy site - -no conclusions yet. The marker application for the Cavitt House has gone in. The Brazos 20/20 program has a Historical Preservation Subcommittee of its main Arts and Entertainment Committee and has begun to develop a program. Under new business the chair asked for suggestions about goals, award activities and committee memberships. It was reported that the Archeology Committee had sponsored seven films on Native American Day. The Education Committee is looking for projects for next school year and noted that the Celebrate Bryan Committee is sponsoring a historical and architectural coloring book which is near completion. Batchelor and Boykin of the Historical Markers and Research Committee had begun to apportion duties. There was some discussion of preparing a list of markers to go with the Chamber of Commerce bulletin and map. It was the sense of the meeting that Boykin should proceed with this. It was also suggested that there should be a list of marker texts. Under correspondence, the chair noted that Elaine D. Wray was resigning from the Commission because of the press of other duties. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the situation of the old Municipal building. The meeting adjourned at 8s00 p.m. C :4/1040- Paul P. Van Riper Secretary 4 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 September, 1995 Meeting Agenda The September, 1995 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 11, 1995 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the May, 1995 meeting l.. 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets Marker dedication B. Bryan /College Interurban marker C. Wixon Cemetery marker application D. Bryan City Cemetery marker application E. Allen Academy marker move F. Cavitt House marker 5. New Business A. Goals and objectives for 1995 B. Distinguished Service Award activities C. Sign up for Committees for 1995 D. Archeology Committee Report E. Education Committee Report F. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report G. Correspondence of the Chair H. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of future 1995 meetings, October 9, and November 13 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes, No. 7, 1995 The seventh regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 9, 1995 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Van Riper, Bradley, Boykin, Beachey, Peattie, Carlson, Baum, Bates and Batchelor. Calvin Boykin was a guest. The minutes for the meeting of Sept. 11, 1995 were approved subject to the change of the date in the fourth paragraph to Sept. 17 instead of 16. Under unfinished business, the Chair said that the Corps marker would be dedicated on Saturday, Feb. 24, 1996. It would be placed beside the Band marker. The dedication of the interurban marker has been changed to Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1995 at 10:30 a.m. The Chair asked for speaker suggestions and Sarah Holmgreen was proposed. The Chair has asked Senator Turner to provide Senate resolutions for both Bryan and College Station. There was nothing new in connection with the markers for the Wixon Cemetery, the Bryan City Cemetery or the Allen Academy. The Cavitt House marker will be dedicated in connection with the Heritage Society's house tour in February. Under new business, Carlson reported for the Archaeology Committee that the Nance arrowhead collection was available if desired for display next spring. There followed a discussion of digging for artifacts in various parts of the Boonville site in light of some prospective building in the area. There was no Education Committee report. On behalf of the Markers Committee the Chair said that he would write for marker texts to supplement the work of Boykin. The Chair said that Mark Klobus had revised a historical narrative for the First National Bank and that this might be ready for Commission review at the next meeting. This would be the first marker for a business. The Chair said he was still trying to interest the Eagle. Under correspondence the Chair said that both the district engineer and TAMU's General Peel were receptive to the idea of replacing the small park on route 60. Bates will be attending the historical preservation meeting in Ft. Worth. Baum advised the Commission that the university had approved creation of a major statue of Matthew Gaines, black State Senator from Washington County, who had considerable to do with the authorization of land -grant legislation on behalf of TAMU in the 1870s. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. o Paul P. Van Riper Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 October, 1995 Meeting Agenda The October, 1995 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 9, 1995 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Ei iter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the September, 1995 meeting 4. Unfinished Business � 6 A. Corps of Cadets Marker dedication _ B. Bryan /College Interurban marker �!�, lyµ� �-(/ C. Wixon Cemetery marker application v a - D. Bryan City Cemetery marker application Co E. Allen Academy marker move ifkm e J• F. Cavitt House marker (� 5. New Business A. Archeology Committee Report 7 B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair 1E f rui217-' E. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of future 1995 meetings, November 13 6pr iz , BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION . Minutes, No. 6, 1995 The sixth regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7100 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 11, 1995 at 7100 p.m. in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Carlson, Baum, Lamkin, Beachy, Walterscheidt, Knobel, Van Riper, Batchelor, and Bates. The minutes for the meeting of May 8, 1995 were approved. Under unfinished business it was noted that the Corps of Cadet marker dedi- cation would probably come in February. Beachy said that the Interurban marker dedication would be Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1995 at 10130 a.m. The marker would be at the intersection of College Main and Spruce. There was nothing new concerning markers for the Wixon Cemetery or the Bryan City Cemetery. There was nothing new about the replacement of the marker for the Allen Academy with something suitable. Van Riper reported that the Cavitt house marker had been paid for, the marker text received and approved; Schultz said he had forwarded the approval to Austin. The house will be on tour in February and it was suggested that the marker might be dedicated then. Under new business, the Chair called on Carlson for the report of the Archaeological Committee. She indicated a desire to check portions of the old Boonville site in light of some building in progress. Some owners would be consulted for permission. Van Riper said that the Cavitt arrowhead collec- tion had been purchased by Mrs. Milton (Eleanor) Nance, and that it might be available for an exhibit. Jody Bates brought up the fact that there had been a small park and marker commemorating the site of an old Baptist church at where is now the entrance to Easterwood Airport, and that both park and marker were now gone; it was agreed that the Highway Dept. should be asked about the matter. Walterscheidt reported for the Education Committee that a fall program was in the planning stage. Batchelor reported on the development of an arch - tectural heritage coloring book for Br "2.n and suggested the Commission m i g ht subsidize some additi nal copies. Schultz said there were some funds avail- able. Van Riper moved that $500 be auuropriated for extra copies of the coloring book for additional distribution, including possible distribution of some to College Station schools, etc. This was seconded and approved. On behalf of the Markers and Rese-rch Committee Batchelor initiated a dis- cussion of marker repair. She also reported that there would be documentation of the Interurban marker dedication ceremony, and of others. The Chair reported on correspondence about possible markers for the First National Bank and the Clayton Baptist Church, and a possible Land Heritage Program award for land belonging to the Jarvis family in north Brazos County. j. `2) . Sept. 11, 1995 meeting, p. 2 Baum initiated a discussion about possible relationships with Texas A&M. Lamkin suggested the utility of a list of possible speakers on topics related to the mission of the Commission. She and others reported there was an ative oral history program in College Station. Baum raised a question about the proper disposition of the so- called "Patronella marker sign," which he had recently seen. The Chair appointed a committee con- sisting of Baum, Walterscheidt and Lamkin to look into this situation. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8 :30 p.m. C?ckg0 Paul P. Van Riper Secretary • • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes, No. 8, 1995 The eighth regular meeting in 1995 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 1 3, 1995 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Bates, Peattie, Knobel, Baum, Walterscheidt, Beachy, Batchelor, and Van Riper. Mike A. Holmgreen, representing the First National Bank, was a guest. The minutes for the Oct. 9, 1995 meeting were approved. Under unfinished business, the Chair said that the Corps of Cadets marker dedication would be on Feb. 24, 1996, but that he would have to be out of town. He would consult with the Vice -Chair about presiding. The Bryan/ College Station dedication is tomorrow at 10 :30. The Wixon Cemetery marker has been shipped, with a spring dedication planned. There is nothing new on the Allen Academy marker move. The Cavitt House marker will be dedicated on Sunday, Feb. 11, 1996; Aline Brogdon, a Cavitt relative, was suggested as a possible speaker. Under new business the Commission considered the application narrative for the First National Bank marker. After some corrections were indicated, Van Riper moved approval of the narrative subject to pending corrections, with the final decision to be up to the Chair. This was seconded and approved. There was no Archaeology Committee report. For the Education Committee Walterscheidt said that the Young Searchers group at Willow Branch was in need of some financial support. Van Riper moved that they be granted $100 if available. The Chair said he would inquire into the forthcoming budget as he had not yet been informed of what it provided. The motion was seconded and approved. It was noted that the architectural heritage book (for coloring by students) was out and a copy passed around to inspect. Batchelor reported for the Research Committee that Boykin was completing the file of marker texts. Batchelor inquired about the missing highway marker and the Chair replied he had no information yet on the availability of suitable granite stone. The Chair said he had received a notice of intent to use part of the Allen block (414 -18) and that he would see what was planned with this property, part of one of the oldest city blocks in terms of buildings. Baum dis- tributed further information about Matthew Gaines, black Reconstruction legislator prominent in support of the founding of Texas A&M and Prairie View universities, and for whom a statue is planned at TAMU. Bates reported on the recent National Trust meeting in Ft. Worth, noting that the Trust's budget was being cut 7096 and that every effort was being made to raise additional funds. The Chair presented Van Riper with a certificate of appreciation from the State Historical Commission, noting his twenty years of service on the county commission. The meeting then adjourned at 8 :20 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 January, 1996 Meeting Agenda The January, 1996 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday. January 8, 1996 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the court; from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the November, 1995 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets Marker B. Wixon Cemetery marker C. Allen Academy marker move D. Cavitt House marker E. First National Bank of Bryan marker 5. New Business A. Archeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of 1996 meetings -- February 12, March 11, April 8, May 13, September 9, October 14, and November 11 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 February, 1996 Meeting Agenda The February, 1996 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, February 12, 1996 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the January, 1996 meeting 4. Unfinished Business , ; y IA. Corps of Cadets Marker VB. Wixon Cemetery marker VC. Allen Academy marker move '4-4\: VD. Cavitt House marker /t 0 � h J'E. First National Bank of Bryan marker Wei` -� 71f PLO s Lug v r. African American Education in College Statior E;Gu 5. New Business ,y l a s�6 A. Archeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report ;15. Correspondence of the Chair E. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of 1996 meetings -- March 11, April 8, May 13, September 9, October 14, and November 11 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 1, 1996 The first regular meeting in 1996 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 8, 1996 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Van Riper, Carlson, Bradley, Beachy, Walterscheidt, Lamkin, and Batchelor. The minutes for the Nov. 13, 1995 meeting were approved. Under unfinished business the Chair said that the Corps of Cadets marker would be dedicated on Saturday, Feb. 24, probably at 11:30 a.m. Van Riper will represent the Commission, The Wixon Cemetery marker will be dedicated some time this spring. Nothing new on the Allen Academy situation. It is hoped the Cavitt House marker will be ready for the dedication planned during the Heritage Society house tour on Feb. 10 and 11. The First National Bank is requesting several copies of its forthcoming marker for placement at its various locations. Under new business committee chairman Carlson said that the usual Archaeology week would be a month this year. Chair Schultz said that the Commission's budget of $2600 permitted the allocation of $100 to the Young Searchers g group at Willow Branch school, as approved at the last meeting. Batchelor reported that the material needed for the Distinguished Service Award would be ready as planned. The Chair noted reception of a letter from the Eagle asking the Commission to be responsible for a monthly column in the newspaper. Betty Foster and Bill Page were suggested as possible columnists. The Chair received a letter from Austin about the designation of the route between the Johnson and Bush libraries as a "Presidential Corridor" and the inviting of a Brazos County representative to a meeting concerning historical items to be included in the corridor description. Beachy was designated to attend the meeting - -on Jan. 17 in Austin - -if possible. Under other business, Carlson reported nothing new on possible excavations in the Boonville area. There followed a discussion of the situation of the Old City Hall (1930s building). Van Riper moved that the Commission express its concern at possible loss of the building to the Mayor and Council of Bryan. This was seconded and unanimously approved. Beachy raised the question about possible renovation of the old Peach Creek log cabin. Such was viewed as possible if suitable ownership could be obtained, and it was agreed that this would be looked into. The meeting then adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary Resolution of the Brazos County Historical Commission regarding Old City Hall in Bryan, Texas Whereas, the Old City Hall in Bryan, Texas is a very significant historical structure designed by the noted architect and engineer F. E. Giesecke, is one of the first buildings in the area constructed of cast simulated limestone, and is a notable example of the art deco style of architecture of which very few examples remain in Bryan, and Whereas, the Old City Hall has played an important role in the history of Bryan, Texas having served as the headquarters of city government and numerous individual departments and as a fire station for many years, and Whereas, the Old City Hall is a significant part of downtown Bryan, Texas, and Whereas, an identifiable "downtown" is very important factor for any city, and Whereas, the city of Bryan, Texas is in 1996 celebrating the 125th anniversary of its founding, and Whereas, the preservation of historical structures plays a significant role in developing civic pride among the citizenry in the historical past of a community, and Whereas, the Old City Hall of Bryan, Texas is in imminent danger of being destroyed, now therefore be it Resolved, by the Brazos County Historical Commission at its meeting on January 8, 1996 that the Mayor and City Council and the city staff of Bryan, Texas be urged to make every possible effort to assure the permanent preservation and appropriate use of the Old City Hall, one of the truly significant structures remaining from the storied past of the city. Approved unanimously by the Brazos County Historical Commission, January 8, 1996 Charles R. Schultz, Chair • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION University Archives Texas A &M University j 1- College Station, TX 77843 -5000 J � ' 409 - 862 -1555 (\r N' March, 1996 Meeting Agenda The March, 1996 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday March 11, 1996 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests and new member 3. Approval of the minutes of the February, 1996 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Corps of Cadets Marker B. Wixon Cemetery marker C. Allen Academy marker move D. First National Bank of Bryan marker E. African American Education in College Station c. Buusiness A. Archeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Resignation of member and selection of replacement E. Election of delegate or delegates of THC Conference in Amarillo, May 1 -2 F. Correspondence of the Chair G. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of 1996 meetings -- April 8, May 13, September 9, October 14, and November 11 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORIAL COM.` C e Minutes No. 2, 1996 The second regular meeting in 1996 of the Brazos County Historial Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7 :C0 p.m. on Monday, February 12, 1996 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present wereSchultz, Van Riper, Volkman, Knobel, Baum, Batchelor, Walterscheidt, Rosemary Boykin, Beachy, and Peattie. Calvin Boykin was a guest. The .minutes for the Jan. 8, 1996 meeting were approved. Under unfinished business, the Corps of Cadets marker dedication will be February 24, with Dr. Van Riper president as the Chair will be out of town. The Wixon Cemetery marker is due some time this spring. The Allen Academy marker was reported by Boykin as having been placed back in its original place; there was nothing further about the possibility of its being moved to the new school site. The Cavitt House marker dedication was held on Feb. 10. The First National Bank marker information is due soon. The text for the African American Education marker in College Station has been approved. Under new business, Schultz reported for Carlson that it looked likely that various owners would permit some exploration for artifacts within the old Boonville site. Walterscheidt reported on the development of two Harvey Mitchell teaching awards of $500, one for elementary and the other for secondary teachers who turn in winning projects relating to the teaching of local history. The awards have been funded by the Brazos Heritage Society. There was discussion of possible Commission participation, and Walterscheidt moved that $400 of Commission funds be appropriated for ad- ditional prizes. This was seconded and approved. Bringing up the possibility of additional members, Janet Quiran was suggested by Walterscheidt as an additional member to serve out an uncompleted term ending next December. She is a teacher, and it was the sense of the meeting e that her appointment would be appropriate and should be recommended. There followed a discussion of the missing county marker. Cost of replication would be c nsidered by the Chair. Beachy reported on a Jan. 17 meeting of a group formed to promote the development of historical markers and related artifacts, etc. along what will be termed the "Presidential Corridor" between the LBJ Library in Austin and the Bush Library in College Station. The Chair reported correspondence about the sesquicentennial of Texas statehood and a special exhibit in Austin. The District Engineer wrote that the little park, involving the property of the defunct Providence Missionary Baptist Church would be restored as before the redesign of the Easterwood Airport entrance. There followed a discussion of access to the old cemetery containing the Robert Henry marker, and the Chair said he would obtain necessary legal information for guidance to Boykin. The Chair reported that the $100 appropriated to the Young Searchers group would soon be available. The meeting ended with a (... discussion of the problem of access to and control of the burial grounds of the Boonville Cemetery. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. - V lla , LQC,C ✓A_ Paul P. Van Riper Secretary • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Cushing Library Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409- 862 -1555 May, 1996 Meeting Agenda The May, 1996 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May 13, 1996 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the April, 1996 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Wixon Cemetery marker B. Allen Academy marker move D. First National Bank of Bryan marker E. African American Education in College Station marker F. Election of member(s) to replace Joan Lamkin 5. New Business A. Archeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. St. Joseph Church Marker application E. Report on Texas Preservation Conference in Amarillo, May 2 -4 F. Correspondence of the Chair G. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of 1996 meetings -- September 9, October 14, and November 11 • BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 3, 1996 The third regular meeting in 1996 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:05 p.m. on Monday, April 8, 1996 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. No formal meeting was held in March as there were not enough members present to constitute a quorum. Members present were Janet Quiram, Beth Walterscheidt, Dale Baum, Shawn Carlson, Russell Bradley, Steve Beachy, Colleen J. Batchelor, and Charles R. Schultz. The minutes of the February, 1996 meeting were approved as submitted. Under unfinished business, Schultz reported that the Wixon Cemetery Marker will be dedicated on May 25, 1996. There was no news on the move of the Allen Academy marker. The First National Bank of Bryan has not yet submitted photographs of marker sites or a map on which the sites are marked. The revised text for the African American Education in College Station marker was approved by both Schultz and Beachy. No definite date has been set for dedicating this marker. Under new business, Archaeology Committee Chair Carlson reported on her negotiations with the owner and the person leasing land on which Boonville was located to get permission for some preliminary archaeological examination of the site. She hopes to be able to conduct those examinations in the near future. At a previous meeting the Commission voted to contribute $400 of the funds allocated to Education to the Brazos Heritage Society for additional Harvey Mitchell Teaching awards. At this meeting Education Committee Chair Walterscheidt initiated further discussion of this matter. It was the feeling of the members that we should reconsider this matter at the May meeting and consider increasing the amount of the contribution. The Harvey Mitchell Teaching awards reward teachers for increasing knowledge of Brazos County History among children in the local schools. Historical Markers and Research Committee Chair Batchelor reported plans to acquire granite for the replacement marker for Brazos County which has been missing for many years. Schultz reported that Joan Lamkin has resigned from the Commission due to her recent move to West Texas. Lamkin recommended that the Commission consider May Jane Munson Hirsch and /or Bill Lancaster as replacements. The Commission instructed the chair to contact both of them to explore their interest in serving on the BCHC. Schultz was elected delegate to attend the Texas Preservation Conference of the Texas Historical Commission to be held in Amarillo May 2 -4. He will accept the Distinguished Service Award which will be presented to the BCHC for its work in 1995. The fact that Spring Break for Texas A &M and the local schools occurred at the time of the March meeting caused many people to miss the BCHC meeting. The Commission authorized the chair to adjust future March meetings so that they do not fall during Spring Break. Schultz noted that he had received from Bill Page of the Evans Library at A &M copies of newspaper articles about Eliza Mayes, an African American leader of Bryan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and that he might be considered for an historical marker as he is buried in the Bryan City Cemetery. Among his other positions of leaderhip, Mayes served one term in the Texas Legislature. Dale Baum volunteered to study the information and determine if there is sufficient information to prepare a marker application and, if so, to prepare that application and bring it to a future meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Charles R. Schultz, Acting Secretary 9 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Cushing Library Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 September, 1996 Meeting Agenda The September, 1996 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 9, 1996 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the May, 1996 meeting 4. Unfinished Business Wixon Cemetery ry marker dedication f Oro • B. Allen Academy marker move / D. First National Bank of Bryan marker V African American Education in College Station marker vF. St. Joseph Church marker application v G. BCHC now on World Wide Web VH. Brazos County marker replacement V. Harvey Mitchell Teaching Awards/Teacher's Workshop 5. New Business A. Archeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Rev. James Wilson marker application E. Correspondence of the Chair F. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of 1996 meetings -- October 14, and November 11 M BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 4, 1996 The fourth regular meetng in 1996 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Char]es Schultz at 7:10 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 1996 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Quiram, Batchelor, Baum, Van Riper, and Rosemary Boykin. Calvin Boykin was a guest. The minutes for the April 8, 1996 meeting were approved as corrected. On p. 2, change Eliza to "Elias". The Chair said that the Wixon Cemetery marker will be dedicated on May 25 at 2;00 p.m. A representative from Allen Academy has said that it is likely the move of the Academy marker will be approved. The Chair said he had received the necessary photographs and that the First National marker application was in the mail. The Chair said he had a letter in the mail to TAMU President Bowen making in effect a reapplication for university approval of a marker for the first football broadcast--an application which the university had denied in 1993. The chair reported that both Mary Jane Hirsch and William B. Lancaster had expressed interest in commission membership, to replace Joan Lamkin. Boykin moved and it was seconded and approved to recommend their appointment to the County Commissioners for the remainder of 1996. Under new business, the Chair reported that CarlSon wasstill working on per- mission to dig in the Boonville area. -Under education, Batchelor suggested adding to the earlier appropriation of $400 to the Heritage Society for Mitchell Teaching Awards. Schultz said money is available. Batchelor moved that appropriation be upped to $750 to support two second place prizes plus relevant administrative expenses up to $50. This was Seconded and approved. Under research, Batchelor said she was working on a replacement for the lost city granite marker, and moved that the Commission recommend to the County Commis- sioners to appropriate to replace original county marker and place it suitably, preferably on the courthouse lawn. This was seconded and approved. The discussion then turned to the marker application prepared by Joan Clowski for the Qt. Joseph church. Batchelor moved approval of the application in principle with Schultz and Batchelor authorized to approve the application after suitable changes. This was seconded and approved. The Chair will report on the Preservation Conference later. He said that he had discussed the possibility of a landmark designation for the LaSalle Hotel with the new developer, Morgan Hill, who had expressed interest in such. The meeting moved to a brief discussion of the next budget, with the sense of the meeting that it should be increased. Batchelor then asked about Commission priorities on expenditure of its own funds for markers, suggesting the Ursuline Academy site as a possible target. It was the sense of the meeting that this was appropriate. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. (4L Paul P. Van Riper Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Cushing Library Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 October, 1996 Meeting Agenda The October, 1996 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 14, 1996 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter t ou r t h, o go from th 2 St en roe turn ' cht b etween two sets cf L.I IIGI the c� of ll wu. I i Vi i � the �. . ... i_� a i .•...v. i b doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the September, 1996 meeting 4. Brief Presentation of Dick Forester about Holiday on the Brazos 5. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy marker move B. First National Bank of Bryan marker C. African American Education in College Station marker D. St. Joseph Church marker application E. Brazos County marker replacement F. Rev. James Wilson marker 5. New Business A. Archeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Membership of BCHC 1997 -1998 F. Other new business 6. Adjournment Dates of 1996 meetings -- November 11 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 5, 1996 The fifth regular meeting in 1996 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 9, 1996 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Rosemary Boykin, Hirsch, Beachey, Volkmann, Carlson, Walterscheidt, Baum, Peattie, and Van Riper. Guests were Calvin Boykin, Thena Parrott, Mary Bennett, and F. D. Bennett. The minutes for the meeting of May 13, 1996 were approved. The Chair reported a well attended dedication of the Wixon Cemetery marker on May 25, of which the Boykins showed several photographs. There is nothing new on the possible move of the Alien Academy marker. The Chair reported approval of one marker for the First National Bank, though more than one had been requested; the matter will be checked again with Austin. Beachey said that the dedication of the marker about African American Education in College Station would probably be in February. The Chair said that a revision of the marker application for St. Joseph Church was being completed and would be distributed shortly. He noted that the Commission was now on the World Wide Web. He reported that an estimate on replacement of the Brazos County pink granite marker stone plus the text and seal came to between $2500 and $2500; he expects to ask the county commissioners for the money, with the new stone probably to be placed near the courthouse. The Chair noted a grant of $750 to the Heritage Society for a Teachers' Workshop and perhaps other related activities. Van Riper moved that the society be authorized to use the fkir money for general educational purposes in connection with Brazos County history. This was seconded and approved. The Chair concluded unfinished business by stating that he had reopened the request to Texas A &M University for approval of a marker memorializing the first sports broadcast made from Bolton Hall in the early twenties. The University had approved this time, and then shortly after had withdrawn its approval. The Chair would check further. Carlson reported for the Archaeology Committee that permission had been received from Dr. Richard Harrison for a dig on the Boonville site; this would be undertaken shortly. For the Education Committee, Walterscheidt asked for a discussion as to how our compiled marker information might be used in education. It was the sense of the meeting that another set of marker photos be made; and consideration was given to making copies of the Boykins' marker book for the schools. The Chair said that Batchelor had reported that Julie Schultz was interested in preparing an applicator cemnicmorating the V,i1a Maiia Academy and the Ursuline Convent. The Chair then introduced consideration of the text (previously distributed) for a marker commemorating the life of the Reverend James Wilson, noted nineteenth century' Presbyterian minister. Van Riper moved approval of the text, which was seconded and passed. The marker would be placed at the grave site in the New Church Cemetery. Under correspondence the Chair reported a proposal from Rhonda Reed of Fort Worth for a marker for the Reed Cemetery off Dilly Shaw Tap Road. He said that the county commissioners had approved a budget of $2600 for next year. He also noted that it was time to consider appointment of members for the next term. The meeting concluded with a brief discussion of the delightful musical, "The Heart of the Valley," given the previous Saturday night as part of Bryan's 125th anniversary. The meeting then adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper, Secretary L L BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL Minutes, No. 7, 1996 The seventh regular meeting in 1996 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:10 p.m. on Monday, November 11, 1996 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Members present were Schultz, Van Riper, Beachy, Batchelor, and Peattie. The minutes for October 14, 1996 were approved. Beachy distributed two pamphlets about the forthcoming Holiday on the Brazos celebration as well as one about the Parade of Lights lighting contest. Under unfinished business the Chair said that he has been able to provide Allen Academy with official directions about what to do concerning a new marker. There has been agreement with First National Bank on a draft of the marker text for the bank. Beachy said that the marker about African American education had been received and that the dedication would be February 8, 1997. There was nothing further on other pending items. There were no committee reports or relevant correspondence. There followed a brief discussion of retiring members and possible replacements. It was the sense of the meeting that the Commission needed regular links to the Bryan Landmark Commission and the College Station Historical Preservation Committee and some names were suggested. The Chair said that the present meeting timing would continue into 1997, but that consideration would be given then to any possible change. Van Riper brought up the proposal of the Bryan Landmark Commission for possible limited tax exemption for historical district structures or those in the Bryan historical study listing. It was agreed that such would be helpful. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary L BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Cushing Library Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843 -5000 409 - 862 -1555 January, 1997 Meeting Agenda The January, 1997 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, January 13, 1997 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the h?!! to the meeting room, which is on the left Psrkina is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. CaII to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of New Members and Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the November, 1996 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy marker move B. First National Bank of Bryan marker C. African American Education in College Station marker D. St. Joseph Church marker application E. Brazos County marker replacement F. Rev. James Wilson marker 5. New Business A. Election of officers for 1997 -1998 B. Archeology Committee Report C. Education Committee Report D. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report E. Correspondence of the Chair F. Other new business G. Meeting dates for 1997 6. Adjournment Recommendations for Appointment to the Brazos County Historical Commission 1997 -1998 Chair Vice Chair Secretary Mrs. Colleen Batchelor, 614 East 29th Street, Bryan, Tx 77803, h. 822 -6500 Dr. Dale Baum, History Department, Texas A &M University, College Station, TX 77843 -4236, w. 845 -7184, h. 693 Stephen C. Beachy, 1101 Neal Pickett Drive, College Staton, TX 77840, w.764 -3773 Mrs. Rosemary Boykin, 8407 Shadow Oaks, College Station, TX 77845, h. 693 -0224 Dr. Shawn Carlson, 1103 Chinaberry Drive, Bryan TX 77803, h. 774 -4130 Mrs. Marge Hillier, 708 Esther Blvd., Bryan, TX 77802, w. 822 -1571, h. 822 -5083 Mr. Bill Page, Evans Library, Texas A &M University, College Station, 77840 -5000, w. 845 -5310 Mrs. Thena Parrott, 2301 Forest Circle, Bryan, TX 77803 -5118, h. 776 -5404, Mrs. Ruth Peattie, 712 Chevy Chase Lane, Bryan, TX 77802, h.775 -4142 Ms. Georgianne Zemanek Prince, 118B South Main Street, Bryan, TX 77803, h. 822 -9355 Mrs. Janet Quiram, 2016 Langford, College Station, h. 693 -0184 Dr. Charles R. Schultz, 1200 Goode Street, College Station, TX 77840, w. 862 -1555, h. 696 -8483 Mrs. Julie Schultz, 5533 Somerford Lane, Bryan, TX 77802, h. 774 -4079 Dr. Paul VanRiper, 713 East 30th Street, Bryan, TX 77803, h. 822 -2082 Ms. Nancy Volkmann, Landscape Architecture Deparment, Texas A &M University, College Station, TX 77843 -3137, w. 845 -5041 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 February, 1997 Meeting Agenda The February, 1997 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, February 10, 1997 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the January, 1997 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy marker move B. First National Bank of Bryan markerV C. African American Education in College Station markerV D. St. Joseph Church marker application V E. Brazos County marker replacement f7 F. Rev. James Wilson marker V C/ . G. First broadcast of a football game V Z 4-e9 5. New Business A. 1997 Committee members and chairs B. Archaeology Committee Report C. Education Committee Report D. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report E. Correspondence of the Chair F. Other new business G. Meeting dates for 1997 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates -March 3, April 14, May 12, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes, No. 1, 1997 The first regular meeting in 1997 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 15 (delayed two days because of ice storm), 1997 in the County Com- missioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Those present were Schultz, Van Riper, Prince, Parrott, J. Schultz, Quiram, Batchelor, Carlson, and Baum. The minutes for Nov. 11, 1996 were approved. As this was the first meeting of a newly appointed commission, the Chair asked for election of officers. Schultz was nominated by Baum for Chair; this was seconded and, there being no other nominations, approved unanimously. Van Riper nominated Batchelor for Vice - Chair; this was seconded and, there being no other nominations, approved unanimously. Batchelor nominated Van Riper for Secretary; this was seconded and, there being no other nominations, approved unanimously. See attached list of new members and officers. Under unfinished business, the Chair said that it had been reported that'the old marker the Allen Academy had been replaced. The First National Bank marker is being cast and a dedication is expected in late May. A program for the dedication of the marker commemorating African American Education in College Station on Feb. 8, 1997 was distributed. The proposed text for the St. Joseph Church marker has been received. Those proposing a marker for the Rev. James Wilson have selected the larger marker on a post and hope for a dedication on July 4. There was nothing new concerning the Archeology.and Education committees. For the Markers and Reseai.ch Committee Batchelor reviewed marker dedications during the past year. She then updated information about the Boonville Road designation and raised the question of the Commission playing an active role in street naming. She then reported that a version of the attached resolution had been approved by the Brazos Heritage Society. After discussion, Batchelor moved approval of the attached resolution to give to the Bryan City Council with a copy to the city Landmark Commission. This was seconded and approved, subject to possible technical revision by Batchelor as the situation dictated. The Chair reported the State Historic Preservation Convention would be in Austin between May 29 and 31. He reported on the Providence Church marker situation and said that he expected to have some plans in hand by late spring or summer concerning the former church land near Easterwood Airport entrance. It was the sense of the meeting that the meeting date continue on the second Monday of the month. However, the Chair asked members to note that the March date would be on the 3rd instead of the 10th because of spring break. Van Riper said that he and Patti Clark of the Heritage Society had attended a Bryan Landmark Commission meeting considering the design of special street markers for the Bryan historic districts. Baum reported that he still can not find the whereabouts of the Patronella special marker. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ( Attachments: Paul P. Van Riper New Commission membership Secretary Draft resolution Attachment No. 2, Minutes, Historical Commission, Jan. 15, 1997 RESOLUTION OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION WHEREAS, historic preservation has proved effective in encouraging renovation of previously deteriorating districts within Bryan, Texas and elsewhere; WHEREAS, historic preservation has had a demonstrably favor- able impact on tourism in Bryan and elsewhere; WHEREAS, the renovation of historic structures clearly has expanded the tax base in Bryan and elsewhere; WHEREAS, historic preservation has fostered a growing pride in Bryan's heritage among not only adults but, especially, our children; and WHEREAS, historic preservation provides a major means of differentiating Bryan from surrounding communities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION that it strongly supports the efforts of the Historic Landmark Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas to develop an ordinance granting one or more forms of local tax abatement to encourage the restoration of historic properties within the city. Jan. 15, 1997 Chair BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 March, 1997 Meeting Agenda The February, 1997 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 8, 1997 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Please note it is the first Monday because of Spring Break. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th i Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the January, 1997 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy marker move B. First National Bank of Bryan marker C. St. Joseph Church marker D. Brazos County marker replacement E. Rev. James Wilson marker F. First broadcast of a football game maker application 5. New Business A. 1997 Committee members and chairs B. Archaeology Committee Report C. Education Committee Report D. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report E. Correspondence of the Chair F. Other new business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates -April 14, May 12, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 (Iry BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 2, 1997 The second regular meeting in 1997 of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 1997 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Those present were Schultz, Van Riper, Prince, Beachy, Batchelor, Hillier, Peattie, Page, Parrott, and Julie Schultz. The Minutes for January 15, were approved. There was no new information about the Allen Academy marker. The Chair has suggested the First National Bank propose a dedication date. Beachy reported on as well - attended dedication of the marker for African American Education in College Station on February 8. Hopefully the dedication of the St. Joseph Church marker will be on May 1. Batchelor reported discovery of a letter indicating the Highway Department had stored the long missing Brazos County marker and hopes to get a copy to help persuade the agency to replace the stone base. It is hoped the Wilson marker will be dedicated on July 4. There is nothing new about the proposed marker for the first football broadcast. Under new business the Chair asked that members consider possible committee interests. There was discussion of a possible special committee to propose names for local roads and highways. The chair reported on work of the Archaeology Committee. Batchelor moved that up to $200 be allocated for support of an archaeology exhibit proposed by Carlson. This was seconded and approved. It was the sense of the meeting that admission for any exhibit so funded should be free. The Chair reported that a Distinguished Service Award packet, our 5th, had been put together and forwarded to Austin. He will bring the new guidelines for 1997 to the next meeting. The Chair asked members to consider attending the Texas Historic Preservation Conference to be held in Austin on May 29 -31. There was discussion of attempting to get a conference in Brazos County. The Chair said he would look into available years and talk to Patti Sears about possible support. The Chair reported no relevant correspondence and said that meeting dates would continue to be listed on the agenda sheet. Batchelor noted the great success of the "Heart of the Valley" pageant. She moved that we propose the City of Bryan for any award available for such a production, with the Chair authorized to proceed suitably. This was seconded and approved. Peattie said she had a copy of the script. The meeting concluded with a discussion of information sources relating to the Villa Maria convent, and with a review of plans for the Carnegie Library after its renovation. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary L BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 April, 1997 Meeting Agenda The April, 1997 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, April 14, 1997 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. CaII to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the March, 1997 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy marker move B. First National Bank of Bryan arkerV C. St. Joseph Church marker D. Brazos County marker replacementV E. Rev. James Wilson marker y F. First broadcast of a football game maker application` 5. New Business A. 1 997 (` o r n r n ittaa m a r nh e r s and (-hairs B. Archaeology Committee Report 6 I6 "- l r 5 C. Education Committee Report D. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report 4") � 6, E. Correspondence of the Chair 77 fic.,rru F. Election of delegate(s) to 1997 Historic Preservation Conference in Austin, May 3, G. Other new business 6. Adjournment .4c-e 7 f erAAA -erg C r Future meeting dates -May 12, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 - — /7 L &/( BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 3, 1997 The third regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 1997 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Schultz, Van Riper, Page, Prince, Batchelor, and Peattie. The minutes for February 10, 1997 were approved. Under old business, Batchelor reported that highway documents referred to two "monuments" presumed to be the lost Brazos County marker stone and one other. She said she would pursue her inquiry with the highway department concerning a replacement. Schultz said that Parrott had said she would have the money for the Wilson marker by the end ofthe week; and would the Chair advise Austin of the interest in a larger size marker. The Chair would so advise. Under New business, the following committees were approved: 1. Archaeology: It was assumed Carlson would continue. Prince volunteered to be a member. 2. Education: Batchelor reported that Pat Hiler would be interested and willing to return to the county commission to chair this committee. Batchelor moved that Hiler be invited back for this purpose; this was seconded and the recommendation was approved. 3. Markers and Research: Page volunteered to chair this committee, with Batchelor assisting. 4. Street Names (special committee): It was agreed that Hillier would be excellent here; and Page and Peattie agreed to provide support. Under correspondence the Chair reported that he had sought and received information from Frances Rickard, Director of the Local History Programs in Austin, to the effect that the next available time for Brazos County to seek to sponsor a Texas Historic Preservation Conference would be the year 2002. Van Riper moved that a letter of our intent to request sponsorship of the conference in the year 2002 be sent to Austin. This was seconded and approved. The Chair reported that there was a possible award for the City of Bryan for its sponsorship of the hit musical "Heart of the Valley." It was the sense of the meeting that an award be sought in our next report. The meeting closed with a discussion of web pages. The State Historical Commission has one; under the guidance of Dr. , the Web Page of the BCHC can be found at http: / /tamu. edu: 8000 /- dob 1745/bc . html (36.w rN\ Paul Van Riper, Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 May, 1997 Meeting Agenda The May, 1997 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May 12, 1997 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the April, 1997 meeting `"" 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy marker move /B. First National Bank of Bryan marker C. St. Joseph Church marker v D. Brazos County marker replacement i / E. Rev. James Wilson marker ,'F. First broadcast of a football game maker application 5. New Business VA . Archaanlnny (`rrnrnit +an R.rnrt `. Education Committee Report ` . H Markers & Research Committee Report A V . \ 6 D. Correspondence of the Chair `� ✓E. Delegate(s) to 1997 Historic Preservation Conference in Austin, May 19 -31 V i),J7 v 2 ® ©2 Texas Historic Preservation Conference n1o�ou - gs 572/ G. @they new business ; S 6- 5) ST 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates -Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 4, 1997 The fourth regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Colleen Batchelor at 7:10 p.m. on Monday, April 14, 1997 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Batchelor, Van Riper, Page, Beachy, Peattie, Hillier, Parrott, Julie Schultz, Volkman, Carlson, and Baum. The minutes for March 3, 1997 were approved subject to the correction of "o" to "of' in line 9 and the correction of the spelling of Baum's name in the second to last line. Under old business it was noted that the original Allen Academy marker is back up in its original area. The dedication of the marker for the First National Bank will be at 8:30 a.m., April 21. The St. Joseph's School marker dedication will be on May 1 in the late morning. The marker for the Rev. James Wilson is being cast, with the dedication on July 4. Under new business there was further consideration of committees. Carlson agreed to handle the Archaeology Committee. This month is Archaeology month with a special exhibit, funded by the Commission, now to be seen at the Natural History Museum. She will be assisted by Volkman L and Julie Schultz. There was nothing further about the Education Committee. The Markers and Research Committee will continue with Page as chair, plus Batchelor, Julie Schultz, Parrott and Beachy. Boykin will continue the marker inventory work. Page reported the near completion of an extensive archive of information about Jewish life in the Brazos Valley, including pedigree charts. There was discussion about the work of the Street Names Committee, chaired by Hillier 7 and including Peattie, Beachy and Page. It was agreed that it would meet and suggest a list of names for use in designating streets, roads, etc. in the two cities and the county. The Chair reviewed new guidelines for the Distinguished Service Award for county historical commissions, indicating that they have been modified somewhat and that we should take notice. She proposed that all members should receive a copy. There was discussion about hosting the state Historic Preservation Conference in 2002. Batchelor said that Schultz had notified the Austin Commission of our interest. Beachy will advise the local Chamber of Commerce of our interest. This year's conference will be held the 29 -31 of May in Austin. Julie Schultz agreed to be a delegate if her situation permitted; another would be welcome to go if available. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary L Memo L To: Steve Beachy, Parks & Recreation Director From: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent Re: Patranella Plaque The Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) has the plaque which was originally installed for Luke Patrnella at the present site of Oakwood 5th grade school in College Station. During renovations and expansion of the building the plaque and slab were removed. The principal of the school saw the plaque in the trash pile and gave me a call to pick it up. It has been in my office every since. The HPC has discussed remounting it somewhere with another plaque explaining what it is and who Luke Patranella was to this community. The plaque reads: LUKE PATRANELLA MEMORIAL CENTER Built By His Many Friends For The Children He Loved Erected 1949 L L BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 October, 1997 Meeting Agenda The Octobber, 1997 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, October 13, 1997 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the ieft. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA ,., 1. CaII to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests v'3. Approval of the minutes of the September, 1997 meeting 4. Unfinished Business ,A. Allen Academy new marker for new site ✓ B. Brazos County marker replacement ✓ C. Rev. James Wilson marker ,�''� Acb}k VD. First broadcast of a football game maker application . ✓E. 2002 Texas Historic Preservation Conference v F. White's Ferry Marker _ apo ,, o ,,,, c ,i S rld 5. Ne Business V A. Archaeology Committee Report V B. Education Committee Report 0 C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Judges for Christmas Lights in College Station, December 1, 6 -9 p.m. N i G. Other new business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates- Nov. 10 III BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 6, 1997 The sixth regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 8, 1997 in the County Commissioner's meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Chair Schultz, Van Riper, Hiler, J. Schultz, Volkman, Carlson, Prince, Batchelor, Parrott, Baum, and Page. The minutes for May 12, 1997 were approved. Under unfinished business the Chair said that Allen Academy had sent Austin a check and a request for an updated marker. Dedication time is uncertain. The marker for the Rev. James Wilson came the end of August. Apparently, with respect to a possible marker for the first broadcast of a football game, the University is undecided and may return to a private marker concept. There was no response from Austin to our proposal to host the 2002 Preservation Conference. There was no report of new archaeological endeavors. Hiler requested funds for the Education Committee, particularly for a teachers workshop to be held Oct. 4. They are expecting 20 or more to attend. Van Riper moved to appropriate $500 for the work of the Education Committee. This was seconded and approved. There was discussion of the development of a new children's museum, for which Hiler provided a prospectus. Van Riper moved an appropriation of $1,000 to the Children's Museum of Brazos Valley for use in connection with the encouragement of historical appreciation among children. This was seconded and approved. Page reported for the Markers and Research Committee and noted the publication of a new Brazos County Texas Cemetery Book, listing known graves in Brazos County cemeteries in alphabetical order. This is available for $40 from Ericson Books, 1614 Redbud St., Nacogdoches, TX 75961 -1936, plus 8.25% tax and $3.50 shipping (no credit cards). This is a product of the Brazos Genealogical Association. The Chair distributed a research text, prepared by Shawn B. Carlson at the request of an interested developer, for a marker commemorating "White's Ferry on the Brazos River." Parrot moved approval; this was seconded and passed. Parrott also proposed a possible marker for the Robert Miller Henry Cemetery off Sandy Point Road. Under correspondence the Chair reported that the twin cities had requested the Commission to provide one or more judges for the Parade of Lights contest the evening of December 1. Volkman volunteered. J. Schultz and Hiler reported on the 1997 Historical Preservation Conference, May 29 -31, in Austin. They distributed an extensive report and said the conference had been most helpful. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper, Secretary Ciby BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes No. 7, 1997 The seventh regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday October 10, 1997 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Chair Charles Schultz, Van Riper, Carlson, Hiler, Page, Batchelor, Volkman, Beachy, Peattie, and J. Schultz. Under unfinished Business the Chair said that Allen Academy had paid for and ordered an updated marker, with dedication some time next May. The Rev. Wilson Marker has arrived here, with the dedication scheduled for July 4, 1998 at a family gathering. There was discussion of the University position concerning a marker for the first broadcast of a football game, and Hiler agreed to meet with Vice President Gaston to clarify the situation. The Chair reported nothing new on the 2002 Preservation Conference. The Chair is holding the White's Ferry marker application pending receipt of photos. Hiler reported a successful teachers workshop on Oct. 4. Twenty teachers were present, with Commission members Page and J. Schultz assisting. Page reported receiving a 19th century account ledger from the Edwards family enterprise in Millican; he had it copied, with copies for the Brian and University libraries. It presents an unusual picture of rural life. This was followed by a lengthy discussion of the possibility of a general museum in the county. Van Riper moved that the Brazos Heritage Society be asked to spearhead a new effort for a museum. This was seconded and approved. Page agreed to renew an effort to compile a list of prominent citizens for whom streets might be named. Following further discussion of museum possibilities, Van Riper moved that the Commission move its November 10 meeting to coincide with that of the Heritage Society at 7:00 p.m. in the Bryan Library meeting room. This was seconded and approved. Van Riper agreed to discuss our museum interests with the Heritage Society president. The meeting then adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary L Brazos County Historical Commission 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 At its October 13, 1997 meeting the Brazos County Historical Commission voted to meet with the Brazos Heritage Society on November 10, 1997 to discuss the possibility of working towards a museum of Brazos County history. Since this is our regular meeting date, it will replace the regularly scheduled meeting of the BCHC for December. The Brazos Heritage Society will meet at the Bryan Public Library meeting room at 7:00 p.m. on November 10, 1997. I urge as many of you as possible to attend that meeting. I regret that I will not be able to attend as I will be involved in a hearing being conducted by a panel of the TAMU Committee on Academic Freedom, Responsibility and Tenure between 5:00 and 9:00 p.m. that evening and most of the remainder of the week. Dr. Paul Van Riper will discuss what the BCHC has been doing and discussing concerning a history museum and in other matters. The minutes of the October 13, 1997 meeting will be distributed to you with the agenda for the January, 1998 meeting. C ry I ask that those of you who are chairs and members of the committees -- Archaeology, Education, and Historical Markers and Research - -put together any information you have that can be considered for work towards the Distinguished Service Award for 1997 and get that information to me as soon as you can. Each of you should have received a copy of the Texas Historical Commission document about the DSA at the beginning of the year. If you did not get one or cannot find your copy, let me know immediaely and I will send you another copy as I still have extra ones. If we are to receive the DSA for 1997, we will need to get the packet to the Committee in Austin before the end of the year. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 January, 1998 Meeting Agenda The January, 1998 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, January 12, 1998 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the October, 1997 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy new marker for new site B. Brazos County marker replacement C. Rev. James Wilson marker D. First broadcast of a football game maker application E. 2002 Texas Historic Preservation Conference F. White's Ferry marker 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Distinguished Service Award application F. Other new business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates - February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11, September 14, October 12, and November 9 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 February, 1998 Meeting Agenda The February, 1998 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, February 9, 1998 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the !eft. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the January, 1998 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy new marker for new site B. Brazos County marker replacement C. Rev. James Wilson marker D. First broadcast of a football game maker application E. 2002 Texas Historic Preservation Conference F. White's Ferry marker G. Brazos River Marker 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Distinguished Service Award application F. Other new business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates- March 9, April 13, May 11, September 14, October 12, and November 9 Brazos County Historical Commission Minutes, No. 1, 1998 The first regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission on 1998 was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 12, 1998 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Chair Schultz, Page, Van Riper, Batchelor, Carlson (and daughter Emma, guest), Prince, Peattie, Beachy, and J. Schultz. The minutes for October 10, 1997 were approved subject to the following addition: "The minutes for Sept. 8 were approved." Under unfinished business, the Chair said that the rededication of a replacement Allen Academy marker (with updating) would be May 21. Batchelor reported a discussion with the Director of Operations for the district's office of the Texas Department of Transportation, Allan Pritchard, about the missing Brazos County marker. He would inquire further and they would meet around Feb. 1. During the discussion the prospective widening of Boonville Road near the Boonville Cemetery came up, and Pritchard was advised that the road crossed the old town, and there would be a need to check for artifacts. This occasioned a discussion of Boonville Road markers, concerning which Batchelor and Beachy would check with their respective cities. The chair said that interest in the first football broadcast was being evidenced by the University again. There is a new marker committee of which Schultz is a member, but no final decision has as yet been made. The Chair reported nothing new about the possible hosting of a 2002 conference here. He reported advising the sponsor of the White's Ferry marker of the need for photographs, but had had no reply as yet. This occasioned a discussion of the whereabouts of the Brazos River marker, which appears to have disappeared from the point in which it had been located. This was followed by a discussion of the restoration of fallen monuments in the Bryan Cemetery, for which there seemed no good solution at present. Under new business there was no new archaeology or education report. Beachy noted consideration of the development of the Lick Creek Park site by College Station. He said the city would be considering a comprehensive research and planning effort about the park soon. Page reported that a conversation with Robert Borden revealed new interest in a marker on behalf of The Eagle. Under correspondence Schultz reported a letter from TAMU President Bowen concerning a symposium on Feb. 10 on "Vision and Leadership in the Creation of the George Bush Presidential Library Center" under the auspices of the CRS Center, the TAMU College of Architecture, and the Bush Library and School. The meeting concluded with a brief discussion of our application for a distinguished service award. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper, Secretary L BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 March, 1998 Meeting Agenda The March, 1998 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, March 9, 1998 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the February, 1998 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy new marker for new site B. Brazos County marker replacement C. Rev. James Wilson marker D. First broadcast of a football game maker application E. 2002 Texas Historic Preservation Conference F. White's Ferry marker G. Brazos River Marker 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Distinguished Service Award application F. Election of Dlegate(s) to Texas Historic Preservation Conference G. Other new business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates- April 13, May 11, September 14, October 12, and November 9 Brazos County Historical Commission Minutes No. 2, 1998 The second regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission in 1998 was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 9, 1998 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Chair C. Schultz, Ruth Peattie, Colleen Batchelor, Dale Baum, Bill Page, and Thena Parrott. The minutes for February 9, 1998 were approved. Batchelor reported on her conversation with Allen Pritchard of TxDot regarding the replacement of the Brazos County Marker that has been missing for some years. Mr. Pritchard did not admit that TxDot was responsible for the disappearance of the marker. He mentioned there were some blocks of granite in Brenham and promised to look into the cost of cutting them to the shape and size for a 1936 marker. He will also look, into the pieces of granite at Hempstead. She also reported on the Brazos River Marker on FM 60 very near the bridge across the Brazos River. Pat Williams, Bryan Engineer for TxDOT, reported it was there after the work on FM 60 was completed and that the construction did not affect the marker. It apparently has been stolen. Batchelor said she would report it stolen. She also reported that the street signs on FM 158 in Bryan are to be changed to Boonville Road. The county will have to approve changes beyond the Bryan city limits. Schultz made brief announcements regarding the Allen Academy, Rev. James Wilson, first football broadcast and White's Ferry markers and indicated he had not received any news on the 2002 Texas Historical Preservation Conference. There were no reports from Archaeology or Education Committees. Page reported briefly on the activities of the Historical Markers & Research Committee. Schultz reported the necessity of submitting additional information for the Distinguished Service Award and would obtain the needed information from Pat Hiler and submit it to the Texas Historical Commission immediately. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Charles Schultz Acting Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 April, 1998 Meeting Agenda The April, 1998 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, April 13, 1998 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair ',/ 2. Introduction of Guests . !, 1/3. Approval of the minutes of the February, 1998 meeting V;/ Unfi shed Business !"j- f' yk . Allen Academy new marker for new site r-` % ti VC . Brazos County marker replacement .— S \ � . Rev. James Wilson marker J -f u,lL g N^' `�(\ First broadcast of a football game maker application 4, lk� a 2002 Texas Historic Preservation Conference F. White's Ferry marker /l__ `G. Brazos River Marker re-r'' Ow D( Ov "c 5. N,el/B usiness ■ ()Ili A. Archaeology Committee Report 1 ,/ g P B. Education Committee Report D. ~ � � ` �� . Historical Markers &Research Committee Report � E � � Correspondence of the Chair ` r% Committee J' Distinguished Service Award application Election of Dlegate(s) to Texas Historic Preservation Conference G. Other new business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates - -May 11, September 14, October 12, and November 9 L NOTE:THIS IS BEING SENT EARLY AS I WILL BE OUT OF TOWN UNTIL APRIL 12. BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes, No. 3, 1998 The third regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission in 1998 was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 9, 1998 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Chair C. Schultz, Van Riper, Page, Hiler, Carlson, Batchelor, and J. Schultz. The minutes for the meeting of Feb. 9, 1998 were approved. Under unfinished business Batchelor said she was working to get a price for granite for a replacement Brazos County marker. She has reported to police that the Brazos River marker has been probably stolen some time between 1993 and the present; between Briarcrest and the bypass the signs on SR 158 have been changed to Boonville Road. Carlson said that the cost of a marker for White's's Ferry has been referred to the local home owners' association. Under new business Carlson said that the Texas Archaeological Awareness Month has been changed from April to October. Hiler reported a three hour tour of three houses on March 7 by 20 third graders interested in architectural styles. She then reported on the request from the Friends of the Old Bryan City Hall for its preservation by the Bryan City Council; there were three other requests and some judgment may be expected by, perhaps, May or June. She said that the Heritage Society had petitioned the Bryan School Board to name the new school near Austin Colony in honor of Col. Harvey Mitchell. Van Riper moved that the Commission join the Society and send in a similar petition. This was seconded and approved. Page distributed to the members a copy of his recent talk before the Heritage Society titled "Log Cabins to Brick Buildings: Brazos County Schools from 1841- 1880." Under communications, the Chair said that the Texas Historical Preservation Conference would be in El Paso on April 23-25. There was some discussion and Van Roper nominated Julie Schultz to attend as representing the Commission. This was seconded and approved. Hiler will accompany her. The Chair said that the Distinguished Service Award packet had been sent in and he had been notified that Brazos County will receive the DSA in El Paso. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary L J / CIS BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 May, 1998 Meeting Agenda The May, 1998 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, May, 11 1998 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street. MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the April, 1998 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Allen Academy dedication of the new marker for new site B. Brazos County marker replacement C. Rev. James Wilson marker D. First broadcast of a football game maker application E. 2002 Texas Historic Preservation Conference F. White's Ferry marker G. Brazos River Marker 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Report of Dlegate to Texas Historic Preservation Conference F. Other new business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates -- September 14, October 12, and November 9 Brazos County Historical Commission Minutes No. 4, 1998 The fourth regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission in 1998 was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 18, 1998 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Chair C. Schultz, Page, R. Boykin, J. Schultz, Van Riper, Batchelor, and Beachy. Calvin Boykin was a guest. The minutes for the meeting of March 9, 1998 were approved. Under unfinished business, the Chair said there was nothing new on the Allen Academy situation. Bachelor said that she finally got a price on a finished to order granite marker to replace the lost county marker, a figure of $2,991. There was no word yet from the state Department of Transportation. Beachy moved that we ask the County Commissioners for $4,000 to be added to next year's budget to cover replacement marker costs. This was seconded and approved. Batchelor will draft a request letter. There is noting new on the Wilson marker; the dedication will be July 4. The Texas A&M Historic Markers Committee now chaired by David Chapman and with our Chair as a member, will meet on May 6. There is no word about the 2002 conference, and nothing further concerning a White's Ferry marker or replacement for the lost (probably stolen) Brazos River marker. Beachy moved that an additional $1,000 be requested of the County Commissioners for a replacement for the Brazos River marker. This was seconded and approved. Under new business Beachy reported that there would be some archaeological work done next fall on the Lick Creek Park site. On behalf of the Research Committee Page distributed copies of a short article about the early days of Fort Tenoxtitlan when it was located in Brazos County (later to be moved to Robertson County). There followed a discussion of the naming of the Route 6 Bypass in honor of Earl Rudder and 2818 in honor of Harvey Mitchell. Beachy moved that the Commission endorse this renaming. This was seconded and approved, with the Chair, in writing the officials concerned, also indicating that historical connections would suggest reversal of the names in relation to the roads concerned. It was the sense of the meeting that the Chair would also include a request to redesignate the street between 1179 and the intersection with highway 30 as Boonville Road - -to accord with the name of the remainder of this road. The Chair reported that we would receive another distinguished service award. Under other new business there was discussion of a revision of the Heritage Society historical brochure for the county and two cities. Beachy said he would get information on possible cost, and J. Schultz agreed to take up the possible revision with the Heritage Society. The meeting concluded with discussion of a possible web site. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, TX 77840 409 - 862 -1555 September, 1998 Meeting Agenda The September, 1998 meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission will be held on Monday, September 14, 1998 in the County Commissioner's room at 7:00 p.m. Enter the courthouse from the 26th Street entrance, turn right between two sets of doors and proceed down the hall to the meeting room, which is on the left. Parking is available on 26th Street and in the lot across 26th Street MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order by the Chair 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Approval of the minutes of the May, 1998 meeting 4. Unfinished Business A. Brazos County marker replacement B. Rev. James Wilson marker C. First broadcast of a football game maker application D. 2002 Texas Historic Preservation Conference E. White "s Ferry Marker F. Brazos River Marker 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee Report B. Education Committee Report C. Historical Markers & Research Committee Report D. Correspondence of the Chair E. Moving of the Railroad Tracks F. Web Page G. Members of BCHC 1999 -2000 H. Other New Business 6. Adjournment Future meeting dates: October 12 and November 9 Brazos County Historical Commission Minutes, May 5, 1998 The fifth regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission in 1998 was called to order by Chair Charles Schultz at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 1998 in the County Commissioners' meeting room in the Brazos County Courthouse. Present were Chair C. Schultz, R. Peattie, T. E. Parrott, C. Batchelor, G. B. Prince, D. Baum, and J. Schultz. The minutes for the meeting of April 18, 1998 were approved. Under unfinished business, C. Schultz reminded members of the dedication of the new marker for Allen Academy at the new site scheduled for May 21, 1998 at 1:00 p.m and the dedication of the marker for Rev. James Wilson at the New Cemetery in the Edge Community scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on July 4, 1998. There was no news on the missing markers for Brazos County and the Brazos River, but a request will be made in the 1998 -1999 budget to replace them. C. Schultz also reported for S. Carlson on the White's Ferry Marker application. The developer who originally requested the marker has turned the matter over to the homeowners in the development and gave Carlson the name of a contact. She has given the group the original application and guidelines for then to decide if they wish to pursue the project. He also noted a meeting of the Texas A &M Historical Markers Committee was scheduled for May 6 with the expectation of discussing the marker application for the First Football Broadcast. Under new business, C. Batchelor reported for P. Hiler on the activities of the Education Committee. Hiler had made a presentation to Cub Scouts and her associate Emelda had made a presentation using the Hispanic Trunk to the Girls Club. Batchelor also reported that she had been in contact with Beth Leshper regarding the design of a new edition of the Brazos County Historical Brochure and learned that Leshper would be interested in undertaking that project as she still has the original one on disc. Funds for the project will be requested in the 1999 -2000 budget. J. Schultz reported on the Preservation Awareness Campaign of the Brazos Heritage Society. They have arranged with TV station KBTX to prepare a video to promote Historical Preservation. The Heritage Society has also prepared a list of projects for the future. J. Schultz also reported on her attendance at the Texas Historical Commission meeting in El Paso as the elected delegate of the BCHC. She gave a brief oral report and submitted a detailed written report. There was also a brief discussion on the future of the BCHC web page managed by D. Baum. It was also decided that the moving of the railroad tracks will be discussed at a future meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Charles R. Schultz Acting Secretary L