HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAP Unit suggested for Brazos 1957FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1957 DR. L. O. WILKERSON CAP Unit Suggested For Brazos The Brazos Aviation Associa- tion, in its regular monthly meeting last night . at Coulter Field was told of the work of the Civil Air Patrol and also heard a letter from the Texas Group Commander to Fred Wieck urging that a Civil Air Patrol unit be organized in this area. Guest speaker for the meet- ing, over which Dr. L. 0. Wil- kerson, newly elected president, presided, was J. L. Hamilton, commander of the Civil Air Pa- trol in North Carolina, who told of the work of the CAP during the war years when they were patrolling the coast of North Carolina and of their work today with a Communica- tions, Search and Rescue, and Cadet program. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and Dr. and Mrs. L. O. Wilkerson will join five other plane loads for a trip to Mexico, to be gone about eight days. . Three films, furnished by the Texas Aeronautics Commission, were shown by Tony Varisco and refreshments were served by Dick Cardwell and Guy Davis.