HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunicipal Volunteer Program Brochure 1999How does become a volunteer? Complete Preliminary Application form and submit it to the Volunteer Coordinator for review. (The form is available at our web site or you may pick one from any of the participating City departments.) The Volunteer Coordinator will interview interested volunteers to learn about his/her interests and abilities and then work to match the volunteer's skills and interests with available positions. The department with the open position will then interview you for placement. Back- ground checks and additional forms are required for some positions. What kind of time commitment is in- volved? Daytime opportunities are available from 8 -5 p.m. Certain programs use weekend and evening volunteers. Special projects may be available for groups and full -time employ- ees. A commitment of four or more hours a week for a period of at least six months is suggested for regular continuous positions. This is for the benefit of both the volunteer and the supervisor, who will both take time for orientation and training. For more information: Look us up on the web: www.ci.college-station.tx.us or call the Volunteer Coordinator Office @ 764 -6372 03/99 The City of College Station ... .„_9- -_-.4 iii N of i ICI 4 V _, N;l -or 0 ,„,„...- , Municipal Volunteer Program "Volunteer! Make a Difference in Your Life and in Your Community" Municipal Volunteer Program The mission of the City of College Station's new Municipal Volunteer Pro- gram (MVP) is to promote citizen partici- pation in the expansion, enhancement and delivery of quality services to the citizens of College Station. With this mission in mind, the MVP, in partnership with interested citizens, City departments, and other local volunteer groups, will allow the City to use available resources more effectively, increase citizen involvement in City government and en- hance the delivery of services to the citi- zens. Ton 10 Reasons to Volunteer Today • Learn new skills or new ways to put your ideas to work. • Make your community a better place to live. • Meet new and interesting people. • Feel useful and important to the com- munity. • Learn about city government and services. • Give back to the community. • Get experience in a possible career field. • Support a cause you feel strongly about. • Set a positive example and encourage others to do the same. • Experience how good it feels to help someone. Volunteering Bene Both the Volunteer and the Organization Volunteering is not a one -way street. The reasons people volunteer are numerous. Often they want to maintain or develop new job skills, return something to the commu- nity, explore new career paths, become acquainted with City government, or basi- cally help someone else. When you volun- teer, you make a difference in your life and in your community. Where Do These Volunteers Come From? They are interested, vital individuals who are willing to contribute their time and talents to others. They come from all ages and demographics, yet they share the com- mon desire to "be involved, do something important and do more for others." Students required to complete practical experience as part of a course assignment are welcomed. Staff will work with the student intern and his/her instructor to satisfy course requirements within the volunteer assignment. Where does the City use volunteers? Everywhere! The Mayor and City Council are volunteers, as are members of the numerous City advisory boards. Partici- pants in the Citizens Police Academy and Citizens University are volunteers, and don't forget all those basketball and softball coaches! In addition, several departments within the City have a need for volunteers on a regular basis including: ♦ City Council Office ♦ Fire Department + Human Resources ♦ Office of Technology & Information Services (OTIS) ♦ Parks and Recreation + Police Department ♦ Public Works ♦ Teen Court Volunteer assignments range from the occasional project that is usually a one -time special event taking anywhere from a few hours to a few days to complete, to posi- tions that are needed indefinitely and are usually a regular part of a department's normal operations. Some projects include working individually or in a group.