HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Development Newsletter 7.2001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT July, 2001 CITY Or COLLEGE STATION Volume 1, Issue 3 TexasOne CD's Implementation Plan TexasOne is an on-line application for individuals seek- Community Development's Implementation Plan ing a wide variety of human services and client referral has been approved by Management, presented to system for the Brazos Valley agencies and organizations Council on July 12, 2001, and is now awaiting Coun- that provide those services. cil's final approval. In 1999, the Brazos Valley Workforce Development The strategy for the Implementation Plan for FY Board and the Brazos Valley Council of Governments 2001 is to support the development of a holistic pro - received a grant from the Governor's office that would gram for breaking the cycle of poverty, and interven- assist in the development of a locally -based electronic tion for families in crisis. The Information and Refer - intake and referral system for health and human services. ral System and Outcome Measurement system will in- TexasOne was created with on -going input from repre- •form, educate and insure delivery of self sufficiency sentatives from Project Unity, United Way of Brazos Val- toots to thos4 most in need of health and human ser- ley, College Station Community Development, the Texas vices available in the community. Also, the develop Department of Human Services (Bryan office), the Bra ment of a workforce training system that will expand zos Valley Workforce Centers, the Texas Workforce opportunities for local residents will increase job skills Commission, Brazos Valley Child Care Management for those in need. Services, Literacy Volunteers of America, the Brazos Val- In October 2001, Project Unity and Barbara Bush ley Community Action Agency, Twin City Mission, Parent Center will establish a base level of measure- Bryan Community Development, Blinn College and ment for evaluating the effectiveness of enabling fami- Texas A& M University. lies to "break the cycle of poverty." By September TexasOne offers individuals a way to search for infor- 2002, twenty Bryan /College Station providers of mation on and confidentially apply 1 to social, health, em- health and human services and 3 City Departments ployment and other community services provided by Bra- zos Valley public and private agencies, organizations, Continued on Page 3 non - profits faith based organizations and local govern- ments. TexasOne also allows for service providers to Inside this issue: electronically send referrals, with the permission of the Down Payment Assistance Program 2 individuals seeking services, to each other via the closed, password protected TexasOne database system. HUD Information 3 For information on TexasOne, you may contact Angie Alaniz at the Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Calendar of Events (3rd quarter of 2001) 4 (979) 775-4244. Present & Upcoming Projects 5 Their web address is: Public Hearing 6 www.TexasOne.com HUD's FY 2002 Performance Plan Down Payment Assistance According to HUD's FY 2002 Annual Performance Plan, The City of College Station has a homeownership program HUD has adopted a number of policies intended to promote called the Down Payment Assistance Program (DAP). self- sufficiency and asset development. Their objective is for DAP was designed to assist prospective first time homebuy- poor and disadvantaged families and individuals to become ers with the purchase of a residential property in College self- sufficient and develop assets. Central to HUD's mission Station. The DAP loan amount is 10% of the sales price of promoting stronger communities are its activities to help with a cap of $7,500. The DAP loans are deferred and for - low- income working families acquire skills that will increase given after five years. For properties developed by the City, their earning and to help families on welfare make progress additional subsidies are made available to assist with pur- towards self - sufficiency. HUD also seeks to help low- income chases. DAP assistance can be provided to qualified appli- families accumulate assets so that they can achieve homeown- cants in two methods: downpayment and /or closing cost ership, pursue educational opportunities, start a new busi- assistance. ness, and attain other important personal goals. Eligible applicants must be first time homebuyers, have a Facade Program satisfactory credit history, must agree to occupy the pro- spective property as their principal residence for a period of five years, and must have a gross income of less than 80% The Facade Improvement Program (FIP) Advisory Commit- of the Bryan College Station area median income, as tee positions have gone through a few changes since our last shown below. newsletter. Dr. Valerian Miranda, a faculty member at Texas A &M University's College of Architecture, was appointed to 2001 MEDIAN INCOME LIMITS Position 1 on the committee. Dr. Miranda has taught archi- tectural design for 15 years. Former Chair - Person Karen Kasper, owner of Witt's End women's' clothing and apparel Household 30% 50% 80% store in College Station, was reappointed to a second term at 1 $9,450 $15,700 $25,150 Position 2. Randy Brumley, Community Development Ad- ministrator, will resume his role on the committee at Posi- 2 $10,800 $17,950 $28,750 tion 6. Eric Barton, the new Housing Program Coordinator 3 $12,100 $20,200 $32,300 for Community Development, will begin his role as staff liai- son for the facade program. 4 $13,450 $22,450 $35,900 On May 15, 2001 the FIP Advisory Committee completed 5 $14,550 $24,250 $38,800 it's review of funding for the 5,654 square foot Northgate 6 $15,650 $26,050 $41,650 Center building located at 301 College Main. Recommenda- tion was made by the committee for City Council to grant 7 $16,700 $27,850 $44,550 owner, Robert Forrest, a five-year deferred forgivable loan of 8 $17,800 $29,650 $47,400 $238,838 in Community Development Block Grant Funds for facade improvements to the structure. Mr. Forrest would The left column (Household) refers to the number of people in the home. The right contribute approximately $224,262 of his own private fund- column (80 %) refers to the maximum income aUowed per year by HUD guidelines. ing. Leveraging of more private funds would go into the building as the interior of the structure is leased and modi- fied for future businesses. City Council approved funding of the project at their June 28 meeting. Hats off to the com- mittee on a job well done. The Northgate Center building has been vacant and slowly deteriorating for the past 4 to 5 years. Mr. Forrest submitted ���.. his application for this project back in 1999 and has perse- vered through process of bringing commencement of con - struction to fruition. The construction and facade improve- ments to this structure are perceived to be key elements in the revitalization of the Northgate area Continued on Pg. 5 Page 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Other CD Programs HUD /CDBG Information Among,the other programs that we have in Community De- The Department of Housing and Urban Development velopment are the Optional Relocation Program (ORP) and (HUD) is a department in the Federal Cabinet. HUD has a the Rehabilitation Program. Federal Grant Program called the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). CDBG was established by the Com- Grants up to $25,000 are available under the Rehabilitation munity Development Act of 1974. Although the CDBG is Program. To qualify, one must own and occupy the house funded by HUD, it is administered by local communities. needing repair and it must be within the College Station City Because it is locally administered, the CDBG program has limits. The applicant must be current on property taxes. provided a comprehensive and flexible source of funding to The house must be in repairable condition, and the repairs address local housing and community development needs. must be basic and in violation of city building codes or HUD's Housing Quality Standards. The family income can- There are three national objectives of CDBG: not exceed the maximum income allowed per year by HUD guidelines (please see the "Income Limits" on page 2). 1) Activities to benefit low /moderate income members of the community. Grants up to $50,000 are available to demolish and replace 2) Activities to prevent or eliminate slums or blight substandard structures under the Optional Relocation Pro- gram (ORP). This past year there were contracts signed for 3) Activities to meet a particular urgent community need six ORP's and two Rehabs. In January, three more ORP's and two additional Rehabs will go out for bid. College Station and Bryan are each entitlement cities and Last year a total of $384,641.81 in CDBG and HOME funds receive direct funding from HUD. Up to 15% of an Entitle - were expended for housing and related activities related to ment City's CDBG grant may be directed to "Sub Recipients," which are Non - Profit Agencies that provide di- housing assistance, optional relocation, demolition, acquisi- rest services to low and moderate income families. tion and new construction and down payment assistance). These funds leverage an estimated $1,385,370 in other pri- vate funds, fee waivers, and mortgage lending proceeds. • � Through the Joint Relief Funding Review Process for the Fis cal Year 2001 -2002, a total of $247,260 was allocated to thir- teen Public Service Agencies through the cooperative efforts Implementation Plan, continued from Pg 1 of the Cities of Bryan and College Station.. Agencv will have registered as TexasOne Client Management Community Support Services $35,240 Bryan System Partners. Also, by September two community Hospice $25,000 Bryan wide training workshops will be held for ten local non- Prenatal Clinic $21,600 College Station profit providers of health and human services on agency BISD —Even Start $12,500 Bryan collaboration, shared resources and community leader- ship skills. In January 2003, the implementation of BVCAA —Elder -Aid $19,930 Bryan 2-1 -1 Texas will take place in the Brazos Valley Region. Health For All — Pharm. $19,575 College Station Calls will ring into First Call for Help call center. By Castle Heights Food Pantry $16,940 Bryan September 2003, successful completion of the develop- Phoebe's House $19,033 College Station ment of a workforce training system will take place. and $2,967 Bryan This system will expand opportunities for local residents Scotty's House $23.000 College Station to increase job skills by coordinating training activities of Barbara Bush Parent Center, Human Resource Sheltering Arms $19,200 College Station Department Teen Apprenticeship Program and other Brazos Food Bank $17,173 Bryan area wide programs with demonstrated program out- Literacy Volunteers $5,102 College Station come information. BVCAA — Dental Clinic $10,000 College Station Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DURING THE 3rd QUARTER OF 2001 EVENT Public Hearing EVENT IDIS Plus & Reports Workshop PLACE A&M Methodist Church, College Station PLACE Atlanta City, Georgia DATE April 3, 2001 DATE May 16 -18, 2001 CD held a public hearing to present our pro- Debbie Eller attended this training with posed action plan and receive citizens' input on Amanda Hudec from the City of College the City's Annual Action Plan notifying HUD Station Accounting Department. of the planned use of Community Development Block Grant funds. EVENT HUD Financial Management Training PLACE Houston, Texas EVENT Service Agencies Applications Due DATE May 23 -24, 2001 PLACE Community Development office Debbie Eller attended this training offered DATE April 12, 2001 by HUD. • EVENT Open House EVENT Public Hearing PLACE Community Development Office PLACE City of College Station Council Chambers DATE April 17, 2001 DATE June 11, 2001 CD held a open house in celebration of CDBG A public hearing was held to rate the service week, which was April 16 -22, 2001. We had provider applications for CDBG funding. a presentation, then a tour of some of our projects. EVENT Public Meeting and Hearing PLACE City of College Station Council Chambers EVENT IDIS Training DATE June 12, 2001 PLACE Fort Worth, Texas A public meeting was held to select agen- DATE April 30, 2001 cies funded. The public hearing was held Debbie Eller attended this training. that night to present goals & objectives and JRFRC's recommendations. EVENT Entitlement Training PLACE Fort Worth, Texas EVENT Management Training DATE May 1 -3, 2001 PLACE The Veranda, Bryan Five members of the CD staff attended this DATE June 25 -29, 2001 training. Randy Brumley attended management training. EVENT Health & Human Services Community Planning Fonun 2001 EVENT Grand Opening of The Haven PLACE Brazos Center, Bryan PLACE 2526 Dartmouth, College Station DATE May 15, 2001 DATE June 27, 2001 Gary attended a training on Health & Human '. Debbie Eller and Gary Balmain attended the Services. He presented, with the staff of Bryan E grand opening of The Haven. CD, the Needs Assessment & Consolidated Plan for Bryan & College Station. EVENT Luncheon for Health For All PLACE College Station Hilton DATE May 15, 2001 Randy Brumley attended a luncheon celebrat- ing 14 years of Health For All serving the coin- munity, and honoring their community donors, their team of 140 volunteers, and Dr. Karim • Haji (Founder). Robbie and Sonny Frazier sent a card thanking CD for their new house, which was an ORP project. Page 4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Completed Projects Facade Program, continued from Pg.2 e l TYPE PROJECT Surrounded by the current Traditions Student Dormitory, DAP Single family detached home on Swiss Court Northgate Parking Garage and the Baptist Student Minis - • tries construction projects, and with the capital improve - DAP Single family detached home on Timm Street ment projects of Church and Cherry Streets, the North gate DAP Single family detached home on Windfree Center is sure to compliment the fresh new look of the area. DAP Single family detached home on Stoney Creek Construction on the project should commence sometime in Rehab Single family detached home on Harrington early to late August and will take approximately 180 days to complete. It is the largest project , both in space and mone- Rehab Single family detached home on Wildrye tary commitment, since the program's inception. Compo- Rehab Single Family detached home on Westover nents of the existing building to be demolished are the inte- ORP Single family detached home on Churchill rior concrete foundation, interior walls, roof and exterior ORP Single family detached home on Poplar walkway concrete. The exterior walls and their concrete footings will remain. Construction improvements ORP Two single family detached homes on Thompson will include a new thicker interior concrete slab with added ORP Single family detached home on Fairview grade beams and a steel frame structural system designed to • ORP Single family detached home on Columbus support the load of a future second floor. There will be mechanical systems in place to allow for quick retrofit of a building tenant to their specific store or restaurant design needs. Facade improvements consist of a series of covered Present & Upcoming Projects walkways, walkway railings, walkway fans and lighting, awnings, decorative site concrete, facia and trim, doors and windows, stepped parapet walls, and accented with a TYPE PROJECT column supported, hipped roof tower element providing signage and distinct entry into the building. ORP Two single family detached homes on Park Placc ORP Single family detached home on Highland FAQ -ADE College Main, Northgate Project We would like to thank the Joint Relief t ' Funding Review Committee members for their dedication and commitment to serving Bids have been received on the three ORP's the area public service agencies. The members that are listed above. Council will need to are Kevin Bryne, David Decker, and Jim approve the construction of these new Scamardo from College Station, and Tamara homes, before we can begin demolition of Jackson, Charlotte Mikulec, and Peggy the existing homes. Samson from Bryan. Irene & Mario Gonzalez sent Community Development a card thanking us for our assistance in funding the down payment for their new home. T id Bits Randy Brumley graduated from the City of College Station's 2001 Management Academy, which was held at the Veranda Gary Bahnain has been participating in United Way's during the week of June 18th. "Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership and Management." Debbie Eller, Gary Balmain, and Sharon Montague participated Debbie Eller continues to donate many hours to the in Walk Across Texas. Loan Executive Program with United Way. Gary Balmain, along with the staff of Bryan CD, presented a Gary Balmain and Gregg Lancaster continue to be in this Needs Assessment & Consolidated Plan for Bryan and College ear's class of Leadership Brazos. Station at the Health & Human Services Community Planning Forum 2001. The Forum was held at the Brazos Center in May. Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 5 City of College Station Community Development 903 Texas Ave S — P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Phone: 979-764-3778 Fax: 979764 -3785 Email: smontague@ci .college- station.tx.us We're on the Web! www.cl.college- station.tx.us/ CemmDeu /newsletters /index.btrn Public Hearing CONTRACTORS WANTED A public hearing was conducted on July 12th at the City of College Station CONTRACTOR$ WNO Council Chambers. The proposed 2001 Annual Action Plan, the proposed Community Development goals and objectives, and the proposed budget, WOULD LIKE TO BE programs, projects and activities to be carried out in 2001-2002 was pre - sented. INCLUDED IN OUR BID Copies of the proposed Annual Action Plan can be reviewed at the Com- munity Development office, 903 Texas Avenue, during regular office hours LIST, MAY PICK UP AN (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Monday through Friday or at the College Station Public Library beginning July 9, 2001. APPLICATION FORM IN Comments regarding the Annual Action Plan and /or the Environmental Review Record may be submitted in writing to the Community Development THE COMMUNITY Department, City of College Station, P. O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77842. E -mail responses may be directed to gbalmain@ci.college- station.tx. DEVELOPMENT OFFICE us. Comments by telephone may be directed to (979) 764 -3778. Comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on August 8, 2001. PROM OUR MOUSING The City Council will consider final approval of the 2001 Annual Action PROGRAM Plan, goals & objectives, the budget, programs, projects and activities on August 9, 2001. COORDINATOR, Around August 16, 2001, the City of College Station will request funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The fund will ERIC BARTON. be spent in accordance to the Annual Action Plan.