HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Brazos 2020 VisionBRAZOS 2020 VISION P.O. Box 3579 Bryan, Texas 77805 TO: Theme Group Members FROM : Florita Bell Griffin, Ph.D., Executive Director DATE : May 2, 1995 SUBJECT: LAST THEME GROUP MEETING PRIOR TO PRELIMINARY REPORT Review the enclosed report from your theme group and bring any desired changes to the next theme group meeting. Please keep the following definitions in mind when structuring your changes: Vision: What is to be achieved. What we want our future to be. Objectives: Major milestones needed to achieve this vision. Goals: Significant intermediate steps to achieve the objectives. Strategies: Specific things to do to achieve the goals. Actions: Specific things to do to achieve the strategies. Infrastructure May 4, 7:00 pm Education May 11, 6:00 pm Environment May 15, 5:30 pm BRAZOS 2020 VISION P.O. Box 3579 Bryan. Texas 77805 THEME GROUP MEETINGS *Service May 10, 5:30 pm Please RSVP for noon meetings, lunch will be served. All Theme Group Meetings except Economic Enterprise, Arts and Entertainment and Service will be held at the BRAZOS 2020 VISION HEADQUARTERS located in the Travis Landing Shopping Center (1673 Briarcrest Drive, between the Brazos County Appraisal District and Premier Signs). * Arts and Entertainment and Economic Enterprise will be held at the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFICE COMPLEX (4001 East 29th Street, beside Winn Dixie). * Service will be held at THE HORIZON (405 West 28th Street). Brazos 2020 Vision Hotline: (409) 260 -5275 *Arts & Entertainment May 11, Noon *Economic Enterprise May 18, Noon 3. state -of- the -art, all weather, sports complexes to include T -ball, little league and adult baseball, practice fields, gymnasiums, lighted soccer fields and a golf course 4. Olympic pool and aquatic complex 5. creation of local State Park 6. provision of long term maintenance programs and labor for these improvements PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVE: Cultivate partnerships with those in the community who are involved in the arts, entertainment, creative development, education, events, tourism, festivals and attractions. Goal: Establish and Arts Commission to plan, coordinate and implement arts programs and activities for Brazos Valley Strategy: Recommend the Arts Council of Brazos Valley head the organization Strategy: Establish policies and procedures Strategy: Identify possible funding sources Strategy: Create partnerships with local community organizations and agencies, both public and private Goal: Establish partnerships for increased effectiveness of resources between events, arts, entertainment, attractions and festival entities. Strategy: Integrate these entities into the CVB's "Meeting Planners Showcase" and hold at the Brazos Center Strategy: Educate community on the information resource and to a central planning calendar at the CVB through a comprehensive promotion campaign. Strategy: Establishment of computerized information kiosks located at strategic sights throughout the community Page 4 of Brazos 2020 Vision Report Strategy: Establish plan by which educational entities strive for visitor friendly service Strategy: Secure cable channel for event promotion to visitors and community INFORMATION DATABASE OBJECTIVE Develop a database of entertainers, speakers, artists, special talents, art educators and other related events related resources to facilitate use of these services by the community and to develop employment opportunities for those providing hose services. Goal: Develop a prototype resource file to serve as a central information source Strategy: Develop task force for implementation Strategy: Develop an information collection form Strategy: Contact all potential resources and gather information Strategy: Place advertisement in newspaper for information collection Strategy: Compile a complete resource directory /notebook, copy and distribute to logical referral sources Strategy: Advertise in community that these directories are accessible and possibly for sale. Goal: Establish avenues for public access to community information Strategy: Establish a working database Action: identify and secure appropriate entity to sponsor database Action: secure hardware, software and network for database Action: secure person to do installation of information Action: secure site for database Action: conduct promotion campaign to inform community of database Page 5 of Brazos 2020 Vision Report Strategy: Establish a local public access television channel Action: identify and secure appropriate entity to sponsor station Action: conduct promotion campaign to inform community of channel Goa /: Expand The Convention and Visitor Bureau facilities and services Strategy: Develop task force to identify and secure new facility Strategy: Identify and secure funding for expanded services to include: 1. fully computerized visitor information centers in Bryan and College Station 2. a fully computerized citizen information center 3. the development of a community calendar 4. central information source for event providers 5. central referral source for entertainers, artists, etc. 6. publishing of visitor guide 7. responsible for event promotion on cable channel COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT OBJECTIVE Cultivate a community that is rich in the arts, entertainment, creative development, education, events, tourism, festivals, and attractions that focuses on and is accessible to all segments of the community. Goa /: Increase opportunity for large sporting events. Strategy: Foster an environment for increased support and participation in current local sporting events and use this as a spring board for recruiting additional events. Strategy: Develop a steering committee to direct and oversee the procurement of a minor league baseball team. Page 6 of Brazos 2020 Vision Report • t Goal: Expand social and recreational entertainment opportunities for all age groups. Strategy: Develop partnerships between governmental entities, non - profit organizations and private enterprises to oversee and direct the community enhancement Strategy: Secure funding, site acquisition, facilities, operation and maintenance for 1. aquarium /zoo complex 2. public art gallery /museum 3. downtown arts center /colony 4. arts and science center including computer animation, omnimax concept, experiential areas, etc. 5. development of a water reservoir to provide future water needs in recreation 6. amusement park 7. creation of a Brazos River park 8. military museum and /or South West Conference Museum 9. neighborhood community centers 10. main central community center Page 7 of Brazos 2020 Vision Report HISTORIC PRESERVATION OBJECTIVE: Identify, restore, and revitalize all areas in Bryan, College Station and Brazos County that are historically significant by educating the public, young and old; developing appreciation of historic and developing funding sources for continued efforts. i re c5 61 411-t- ter Goal: Develo tandardize storic preservation P� I? Action: Action: Strategy: Strategy: Action: Action: Action: Action: Action: • .., - : - : • - . • _ • •.: ' 1 nes ,I- D)o- A-4 AL-0...-044LL con istin g of one member from all Historic Preservation officials, organizations and ittees wit�a `r� 0 .4 Require quarterly meetings Develop standardized policies, procedures and guidelines Create a Historical Preservation Officer to serve as the en€orcor, liaison and specialist in county wide preservation measures Develop a list of proposed State Markers within Brazos County Identify and list sites within Bryan, College Station and Brazos County Prioritize list Research historical significance of sites Create a database of this significant information Prepare applications �ilCtitaSe Scope_ 41- Brazes Ceu� Goal: Dev5lop a � database of past and existing structures,events and ethnic fleon goups within the Bryan, College Station and Brazos County. Strategy: Develop a photo inventory of all selected sites within Bryan, College Station and Brazos County Action: Identify and list sites Action: Develop a time line for project Action: Assign a photographer Action: Assign a Historical Site Photograph Historian Action: Identify and secure a storage location Strategy: Initiate a article clipping activity of city events and issues Action: Generate a list of significant categories Action: Develop a time schedule for events Action: Assign a Historical Events Historian Action: Identify and secure a storage location Strategy: Create a database of all ethnic groups and areas in Brazos County ' i tfri) , Establish an assistantship program with TAMU History Department to research these areas Action: Separate project into prioritized categories Action: Develop yearly deadlines for each project Action: Identify site for storage of information Goal: Develop community education programs for the appreciation of Historic Preservation Strategy: Develop educational programs for Brazos County youth in grades kindergarten through twelfth. W4$ Action: $ E7 a Historic Preservation Public Education Committee . Action: Create after school pro r fors e,,l�e�I- �(m]�entary age students /t of'. h: Z R COO .il1e `- w `. Action: Create research programs for youth organizations Action: Develop speaker programs and architectural tours for secondary age students. Strategy: Develop educational programs for adult citizens in Brazos county Action: Develop community awareness campaigns throughout the year Action: Establish communication avenues for those seeking information on historic preservation alternatives, procedures and implications. Action: Identify speakers on historic preservation to attend local organizational meetings Goal: Develop and revitalize historical districts throughout Brazos County Strategy: Develop promotional packages for business recruitment, tourism, and marketing resources Action: Strategy: Action: Action: Strategy: Strategy: Action Action: Action: Action: Strategy: Action: Action: Action: Publish directory for each district to include: 1. History of district 2. List of key historical sites 3. List of business within by category (if applicable) Establish gateways into and special signage within these historical districts Identify key intersections around areas for gateways Identify street sign designs for identification and individuality of areas s�aN�4 - r1.5 Establish maintenance and promotional Fequireinefite for businesses i h h 15 r` Revitalize historical downtown Bryan and the "Northgate" area in College Station. Develop landscaped parking areas to accommodate visitors to areas Construct a centralized terminal for local transportation services to link these two areas and other historical districts Establish streetscaping requirements throughout these areas Encourage pedestrian usage through street and pathway planning Identify new areas of historical significance within Bryan, College Station and Brazos County. Identify areas Initiate process for designation Implement educational and incentive programs Goal: Provide preservation incentives from local governments for the revitalization, redevelopment and sustainability of historic structures throughout Brazos County. Stidtegy: _ _Instigate-an inventory of all historic districts In Bryan, College Station and J3razo& County h ow c_ 4 1-.0 o i. P a 9 ra,.•..� Strategy: Prioritize districts through sponsoring entities as to funding availability Strategy: Provide tax abatement programs for historic districts Goal: Develop marketing programs for all historic areas in Brazos County in order to attract tourism to historic sites and districts Strategy: Establish a marketing subcommittee under the Archival/ Coordinating Board 4 re* S Strategy: Provide funds for the continual update of Historic preservation brochure (Historic Homes Brochure ?) done by Historic Society Strategy: Require yearly updates of all marketing materials to include new areas Goal: Develop revenue generating schemes and sources to fund historic preservation activities in Brazos county Strategy: Assess historic preservation impact on hotel/ motel tax Strategy: Develop subcommittee under the Archival/ Coordinating Board to examine and identify alternative revenue sources