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Milan- (a►IIc,,c Station, f`cxas
"l itursciay, August 13, 1998
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GS City Council .>� ,4. t
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t o check allegations E photo /Butch Ireland
By BOB SCHt f r- College Station city councilman Swiki Anderson listens
Eagle Stall Write to discussions during the special city council meeting
Monday aftemoon.
The College Station City Council decided Wednes
day to launch its own investigation into allegations dan Construction Co. Councilman Steve Esmond .
that Councilman Swiki Anderson violated provi voted no a A nde r so n ahs fi ne d Bait. he ,[rungh
lions of the City Chat ter.
Anderson had requested the nte"eting and a public doubted that 1iistrict Attorney Rill 'Sill li r vt
investigation Aug. 5. the day a Brazos County grand release :un iui„I tn.ition from the ;rand jury inves-
jte had voted ;t city hill ill, project that he already ligation.
he ady had an to act as investigator, u - w— asn't .
he had vutcd un a city , r
interest in On Friday. Anderson pulled back from '''rho City Council wuuldi probably have to it►•lut;
his request Mr an investigation and asked the cowi- i a h was I lio n e i v e s tlg at or ou Jury. 11 wi fish
ril to accept the no - hill.
(rn Wi'th,. stl :,v. however. the council voted 5 - 1 to would i,tn then, right bark to +h, re tit • ;:,rn tl '
r,ii City : \.rr ,v ; t :wgiil to ask the distrtci RI is ,.;,ii -- _. _ –_ - - -- – – --
:Ilt v h, I•',•.1s1- OW OW grand tat'\ hies and 11, -- -- - - - --
invoke it tlu to sta)pnen t records flout l' .l''. Jot
Elul-,e -,t .t• ANDERSON A6
Page A6 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Thursday, August 13, 1998
- - --
Anderson {iUr tillslneti >: k.
\udersun said eduesday he had not n an
oral or written contract with or proposal with C.F.
– -- .Jordan Construction Co.
From Al During the 15- minute neon meeting in the council
1__.. __..__ chambers. which was attended by about 30 people,
Anderson rectucst•d that ;Inv investigation be several council members claimed the council had
conducted in open session and according to the no evidence of wrongdoing. Councilman Ron Silvia
rules of due process. said the allegations were hearsay, but insisted that
"Please proceed I with the investigation', but offer the council had an obligation to investigate because
me the opportunity to have those who accuse me a "cloud of suspicion" hung over Anderson.
stand before Inc." h said. "Le{ the chips fall where "If we walked away from this today, there would
they may. " be that cloud, and I would like to say beyond a shad-
Davis said the rules o evidence would require ow of a doubt that he is innocent," Silvia said.
the council "to produce someone who is a sponsor - Davis warned the council, however, that launch-
ing witness [one who has personal knowledge of the ing an investigation may undermine the "health
allegation]." and morale" of the council.
Cargill said Wednesday afternoon that he expect - "If they are going to start investigations on
ed to "do something next week."' hearsay. then investigations are what's going to
The council acted, he said, because the grand jury happen," he said. "It's just going to wave the war
• did not look to see if Chapter 131 of the charter "is flag — it'll open up the floodgates. If they want to
satisfied." open this can of worms, they'll just work against
"The prohibition 'against conflict of interest] in each other instead of working together
the City Charter is much broader than the penal Esmond called the council's move a "witch hunt"
code," he said. and the investigation a bad precedent.
Section 131 prohibits council members, city offi- "I'm convinced this is politically motivated," he
cials and employees from having any direct or indi- said, "and it will be bad for morale and a needless
rect financial interest in any corporation that has a drain on our time and resources."
contract with the city. City officers are exempted, Mayor Lynn McIlhaney defended the council's
however. if they own 1 percent or less of the corpo- action.
ration's stock. "This is very difficult for everybody, but to turn it
At issue, Cargill said, is whether Anderson had into something other than what it is is just wrong,"
contracted with C.F. Jordan Construction Co. as she said. "I do believe we have an obligation to the
mechanical engineer at the time the council voted community to be sure that the evidence speaks for
to provide land to that r jails o '. - in the College Star or against before making a decision."
The Bryan - College Station Eagle Saturday, August 22, 1998
• - .' c College Station
• c • c e ms ^- , ,. City Councilman
City attorne sa l7 Swiki Anderson
d 1 € says, "The only i.
l thing I'm going f
' ; ,
h e 1 see recur s to and do is see stt how back It t t'
11 d . . it
lays out."
CS council to review Anderson case project he already had an interest
in. The council directed Cargill to '
By BOB SCHOBER uig to figure out avenues to get ask Turner to release the grand
Eagle Staff Writer information already produced for jury files and voted to invoke its
the council to review." subpoena power in case the coun-
College Station City Attorney He said he likely would try to cil decides to launch its own
Harvey Cargill said Friday he contact Turner's office next investigation.
has not yet asked District Attor- week. On Friday, Anderson said he
ney Bill Turner for records of the On Aug. 12, the College Station didn't know what schedule
Brazos County grand jury's in- City Council met in special ses- Cargill or the council were work- ,
irible vestigation of Councilman Swiki sion to discuss Anderson's status ing under.
Anderson. after the grand jury returned a "The only thing I'm going to do
"I'm not doing an investiga- no -bill after investigating allega- is sit back and see how it plays
tion," Cargill said. "My job is try- tions that he had voted on a city out," he said.