HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Nomination for Statewide Transportation College Station Railroad D epot ,• . , . . . _ _.. .. _... _......,..... ,.... ____.„....,...... -__7_t" —.........7.— _ ._.,:„ _ __•---:,' • -...: : • - •-'t ------;...- - - --- — - • - :.,-; ' ,2 : - '' 14 i •!'L r...:::: , :',.t '-' -- e • , - ... . • .. I 1. FA _i_ - V . rif* i vi 1 .41 ----t- 1 A , k A "f; -4-. g 1 -- rio Fil Ilk a 1 , 0 1r■ 1 I t ; A l' no- . _... - .... -- - - ic .4`- : . - w . :, - r • .A. . , - .. "11211111111111126 1r "111 Project Nomination for Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program w '" w u v +, U O v v� O • 3 O cd G ' �'� W .0 ad a g G D x • y . - �. g U h. "O X 4-4 O u r"' Uv . /�� O `--I u PG 0 id � 0 u ' ^" - o P., cd '� c�w 0 W 010 u -SD nk 4 y c4 r 0,1) G �n - a U O p� b a u cd • 0 3 0 1 — � A, "� a: _ G u V s0. 3 d C O O ^0 c C 5 cO 4-1 .� O z (/) r-1-1 W - to ; u � 1— U +, o ". O 00 Cad W 0 U C>:',',;'.'•"'•::7'-.....,..,..:.:::::::,:::. 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I ill, vs s u �d (� G, u G O Q. U (�� .-r i , a vJ 'Fri' s, s 5 , Dn C, u OH- D0 � O C O u u ,,- cut' co) CIF w CI) C..) N O O�1 O '` ��iCL p � � oOn 3 v I.—, Q v V a,� - v p v pQ ^5� 0 -� •., 5 oJ fu u O v v v O .:P. w P-4 0 w ° V a '� �r '3 Q. u • Putting New Faces on Familiar Places Project Nomination Form • Second call for project nominations Published in the Texas Register May 17, 1994 Nomination period: May 18 -Aug. 16, 1994 • -- o ff o �d a tr; 15 • itts • 0 Texas Department of Transportation Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program I4 1 ,4; PROJECT NOMINATION FORM STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM provided for by the • Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 Project Evaluation and Selection will be determined by the information submitted in this nomination form or required attachments. Supplementary information is optional and may delay processing. PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION. PROJECT NAME: College Station Railroad Depot DATE: 6/15/94 David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent • 1. CONTACT PERSON (name /title): City of College Station City of College Station, Texas A &M Class of 1994, Texas A &M A. SPONSOR: University, and Texas A &M University Development Foundation The City of College Station and Texas A &M are members of the B. AFFILIATION: Bryan /College Station MPO. C.ADDRESS: City of College Station, P.O. Box 9960 D. CITY: College Station E. STATE: Texas F. ZIP CODE: 77842 -9960 • H. DAYTIME TELEPHONE: (409)764 -3730 I. FAX NO.: (409)764 -3737 (person TxDOT may contact for further information) 2. TEST OF PROJECT ELIGIBILITY. The proposed project must have a direct relationship of Function, Proximity, or Impact to the Intermodal Transportation System. Please check the appropriate box(es) below that show(s) the candidate project's relationship to transportation system. 1 1 A. Function Ix B. Proximity 1 1 C. Impact • An original and eight copies of the completed nomination package must be submitted to TxDOT by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 16, 1994. A list of local TxDOT district offices and their addresses is included at the end of the nomination form. For further information or assistance in completing this nomination package, please contact your local TxDOT district enhancement coordinator. • to STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 2 Form 3. ELIGIBLE CATEGORIES OF THE CANDIDATE PROJECT. Check only the categories in which the project has legitimate activities. It is not necessary • to check every box. 1 1 1. Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles 1 2. Acquisition of Scenic Easements and Scenic or Historic Sites 3. Scenic or Historic Highway Programs ❑ 4. Landscaping or Other Beautification • 1 5. Historic Preservation 17 6. Rehabilitation and Operation of Historic Transportation Facilities n 7. Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors Fl 8. Control and Removal of Outdoor Advertising '( • 1 1 9. Archaeological Planning and Research 1 1 10. Mitigation of Water Pollution due to Highway Runoff 4. TYPE OF NOMINATING ENTITY. Please check the appropriate categories. I 1 A. County B. City 1 XI C. Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) D. An Agency of the State 1 1 E. Council of Governments n F. Local Transit Operator 1 1 G. State Agency (• STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 3 Form 5. NOMINATING ENTITY. • A. NAME: Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization B. ADDRESS: 4001 E. 29th Street, Suite 170 -B C. CITY: Bryan, Texas D. ZIP CODE: 77802 E. CONTACT PERSON: Ms. Elaine Wray, Director, B -CS MPO • F. TELEPHONE: (409)260 -5298 G. FAX NO.: None 6. PROJECT LOCATION. Col e Station - 0 17 A. CITY /COUNTY: g B. TxDOT DISTRICT(S): Brazos County C. ROUTE NUMBER /STREET NAME /FACILITY NAME:College Station Railroad Depot on State Highway 2154 (Wellborn Road) on the Texas A &M Campus. • D. PROJECT LIMITS: prG To construct a replica of the 1883 Railroad Depot as -a museum and ZS locate vintage locomotive and cars adjacent to it. E. PROJECT LENGTH: Approximately twelve (12) months. 7. ESTIMATION OF FUNDS REQUIRED. Following selection by the Texas Transportation Commission and approval by FHWA, all projects will be funded on a cost - reimbursable basis. Costs incurred before this time are not allowable. Be as accurate as possible. An inaccurate estimate may result in an unexpected increase in the amount of funding required for the local match. Estimated total project cost must include 10% for project administration, design, engineering, and contingencies. Year Funds Local Match Total Project Cost Required 1 $ 540,000 $ 135,000 _ $ 675,000 0 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 4 Form PART II. PROJECT SPECIFIC INFORMATION • A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. On a separate sheet, provide a clear and concise description of the proposed project, including all work to be performed, right -of -way, easements required, or other property interests, special land uses planned, and any relationship between the project and any other work. The description should consist of one 8 x 1 1 " sheet with a of a maximum of one page of single- spaced text. This sheet must be labeled, "ATTACHMENT 1. PROJECT. DESCRIPTION." B. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. On a separate 8 x 11" sheet, include a one -page, single- spaced schedule of project activities and an itemized budget, indicating any circumstances likely to affect commencement of work or time required to complete project. Project budget should include all proposed local financing. Give as much detail as possible as to the cost of each proposed activity. ( 0 • The project budget must include 10% for administration, design, engineering, and contingencies. This sheet should be labeled, "ATTACHMENT 2. SCHEDULE AND BUDGET." This information should be accompanied by documentary evidence of a commitment to provide for a local match. The documentary evidence should be in the form of an official action by a duly constituted governing body. The document from this body may consist of a one -page letter in the form of a resolution, a minute order, or commissioner's court order that provides for a commitment of local match of funding. The letter should include a recommendation that the candidate project be considered for enhancement funding. The nominating entity may provide this certification if it is a public authority. Where appropriate, the letter should show the consistency of the project with Tong -range transportation plans for the area. This letter should be labeled, "ATTACHMENT 3. CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING COMMITMENT." For projects within an MPO, provide a letter from the MPO stating that the project will be included in the local Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), if approved for funding. This letter should be labeled, "ATTACHMENT 4. INTENT FOR TIP PLACEMENT." C. PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION. Attach a map delineating the project location. Indicate project limits, areas of major work and all existing and proposed transportation facilities and rights -of -way. As appropriate, include original photographs of the existing project site, a site plan of proposed construction, and illustrations of proposed work. Photographs may be used to indicate proximity from a roadway of sufficient classification. Documentation of the project location should not exceed six 8 x 11" pages. The map and any accompanying documentation should be labeled, tf "ATTACHMENT 5. PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION." D. LAND ACQUISITION INFORMATION. If land will be acquired or other property interests are involved, describe on a separate 8 x 1 1 " sheet how it will be acquired, including cost estimates and funding arrangements. The land acquisition information should not exceed one page of single - spaced text. This sheet should be labeled, "ATTACHMENT 6. LAND ACQUISITION INFORMATION." STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 5 Form E. CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. If construction will be required, briefly discuss below how it will be accomplished. Include cost estimates. The College Station Railroad Depot project will involve a number of benchmarks • that will be undertaken in a sequential time frame. A team comprised of architects, engineers, and historians will research 1883 depot construction. This group will pay close attention to materials and architectural features so as to keep the building historically correct. Some modern conveniences will be included in the museum's construction (i.e., display cases, lighting and HVAC). These will be added so as not to distract from the 1883 time period. The consulting fees for this project are estimated at $80,000, which account for 11.9% of the total cost of the project. The site is relatively flat with no trees or obstructions, therefore, the site work would be limited to adding the 200 feet of railroad siding and a semaphore, at an estimated cost of $25,000. • The buildings on site will include the depot itself with museum quality interior and an outbuilding which will serve as ADA accessible restrooms. These buildings are estimated to cost $180,000 which accounts for about 27% of the total cost. Other project activities will include locating and restoring a 4 -4 -0 Steam Locomotive, coach car, and coach car with observation platform to be set up adjacent to the depot, as well as a 21 -space parking lot. This cost is estimated at $390,000 and is approximately 58% of the total project cost. F. FACILITY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN. Routine operations and maintenance costs are not allowable enhancement costs. If a facility is being proposed, discuss below how it will be operated and maintained. The plan wi identify all parties responsible for operation and maintenance. Estimate the annual cost to maintain said facility, describe the source of those funds, identify expected annual gross income from the facility, if any, and describe the intended use of that income. The College Station Railroad Depot project will be a free public access facility that will generate no income. The care and maintenance of the depot, outbuilding, and static train display, will be the sole responsibility of the Texas A &M University Physical Plant. This section of the University is currently entrusted with the care and maintenance of facilities on all University property in Brazos County. Work activities such as grounds maintenance, building maintenance, train and track maintenance, and janitorial will all be the responsibility of the Texas A &M Physical Plant. The estimated annual maintenance cost of the College Station Railroad Depot project is $10,024.00. Actual expenditures will vary from year to year. Low costs occurring in early years will be offset by higher cost maintenance items in later years (i.e. painting, re- roofing, etc.). Texas A &M University has approved monetary commitment for project maintenance. A permanently endowed maintenance fund will be established through the Texas A &M Development Foundation to fund the annual maintenance costs. • 11 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 6 Form PART III. PROJECTS BENEFITS, IMPACTS, AND PUBLIC SUPPORT. A. PROJECT USE AND BENEFITS. Describe below the benefits of the proposed project. • Description should include expected use of any facilities involved and should compare current use with expected use and projected demand for use of those facilities. The College Station Railroad Depot will be used by visitors to the community, as well as by local educators as a setting to teach history. It will serve as an additional attraction for visitors to the George Bush Presidential Library, people attending activities on the Texas A &M campus (athletic events, conferences, class meetings and socials), and tourists traveling through the College Station /Bryan area. The benefits of this project are numerous. Economic impact will be gained by giving tourists another activity to do while in our city. Socially, it will give our citizens a physical reminder of the heritage of College Station and how the City got its name. • B. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Provide evidence below of community involvement, support and public participation. Include a description of any opportunities for public participation in the process of selecting candidate projects. Include resolution(s) or other official document(s) from the governing body of each city and county with jurisdiction over any area in which activities associated with the project would take place. Label the resolution(s) ATTACHMENT 7. The City of College Station's Historic Preservation Citizen Advisory Committee has been investigating options for this type of project for many years. The other three sponsors of this project, the TAMU Class of 1994, Texas A &M University, and the Texas A &M Development Foundation, are extremely interested and excited about this project. The number of people that have already been involved, along with the public nature of the agencies, will provide an opportunity for a countless number of people to participate. • • rib STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 7 Form D. POSSIBLE PROJECT IMPACTS. Indicate possible impacts of the proposed enhancement project on the resource categories listed below. • GENERAL Following is a checklist of environmental factors. For each of the listed factors, answer the question of whether your proposed project would have been a Beneficial (B) effect, a Neutral (N) effect, or an Adverse (Al effect. For example, would your project create any significant Land -Use Change, or is it Consistent with Local Plans? Would it have any beneficial or adverse Economic /mpacts? Many transportation enhancemeht projects will have minor, if any, impacts on these listed factors. However, it is important that each factor is considered and your response is indicated in the appropriate box. Note: Check only one box for each line. Do not skip any lines. :: Key to Impacts: B= beneficial; N = Neutral; A = adverse; n/. = not applicable. FACTORS Type of Impact B N A n/a Socio- Economic Factors Land -use Change /Consistency with Local Plans ❑ ❑ ❑ Economic Impacts ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Impacts on Neighborhoods /Community Cohesion ❑ ❑ ❑ Relocation of Residences /Businesses ❑ ❑ ❑ DT Impacts on Churches /Schools n ❑ ❑ ❑ Title VI Impacts (i.e., impacts to ethnic, minority, elderly, ❑ ❑ ❑ disabled, or other groups) Potential for Controversy Yes _ No x Resource Factors Section 4(f) Properties (publicly -owned parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and all historical sites (in public or private ownership) included on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places) ❑ ❑ ❑ Historic Sites and Districts l ❑ ❑ ❑ Archaeological Resources ❑ ❑ ❑ Recreation Areas ❑ ❑ ❑ Wetlands ❑ ❑ ❑ L Aquatic Preserves (wildlife and waterfowl refuges) ❑ ❑ ❑ Stream Modification ❑ ❑ ❑ [Continued on next page] I STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 8 Form D. POSSIBLE PROJECT IMPACTS. Indicate possible impacts of the pro- posed enhancement project on the resource categories listed below. • Type of Impact B N A n/a Resource Factors, Wild and Scenic Rivers ❑ ❑ ❑ DI continued Floodplains ❑ ❑ ❑ ] Threatened and Endangered Species ❑ ❑ ❑ Farmland Conversion ❑ ❑ ❑ Agricultural Operations ❑ ❑ ❑ Hazardous Materials/Wastes ❑ ❑ ❑ • Energy -Use Impacts ❑ ❑ ❑ Construction Impacts ❑ ❑ ❑ Q Tree Removal ❑ ❑ ❑ ® y] r Physical Environment Water Quality ❑ ❑ ❑ U Noise ❑ ❑ ❑ Attainment of Air Quality Standards ❑ ❑ ❑ • Other Factors Visual Impacts ❑ ❑ ❑ Impacts on Utilities and Railroads ❑ ❑ ❑ Pedestrian /Bicyclist Considerations Yes No X Detours; Temporary Closures of Roads /Ramps Yes No X Changes in Access Control Yes No - PERMITS & CLEARANCES Navigational Permits (Section 10) Yes No X Section 404 Permits Yes No X Section 106 Clearance Yes No x Texas Antiquities Permits Yes No X NPDES n STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 9 Form BOTH SIGNATURE BLOCKS MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE PROJECT NOMINATION CAN BE CONSIDERED FOR THE STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM. The sponsoring entity indicated below hereby recommends that this project be selected for funding through the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program and attests a commitment to the project's development, implementation, construction, maintenance, management, and financing. SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Larry Ringer, Mayor - City of College Station Name/Title Signature P. O. Box 9960 Date Address College Station Texas 77840 City /State/Zip Code The nominating entity indicated below hereby agrees to provide TxDOT with a prioritized ranking of all enhancement projects submitted for nomination by that entity. Projects will be listed by name and in the priority order determined by the nominating entity. The ranking list indicating project priorities must be received by the TxDOT office no later than 90 days after publication of the call for candidate project nominations in the Texas Register. SIGNATURE OF NOMINATING ENTITY'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: R. J. Holmgreen, Brazos County Judge- Chairman, Bryan- College Station MPO Name/Title Signature Bryan/ College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization Nominating Entity 4001 E. 29th Street, Suite 170 -B Date Address Bryan, Texas 77802 City /State/Zip Code STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Nomination Page 10 Form NOMINATION FORM CHECKLIST 1. Read the TxDOT booklet, Putting New Faces on Familiar Places, for general information. 2. According to the booklet, determine which of the three tests for eligibility the proposed project addresses; function, proximity, or impact. 3. Determine which of the 10 categories of enhancements the proposed project addresses. 4. Determine who will act as the candidate project's sponsor. 5. Determine who will act as the nominating entity. Obtain a commitment from the nominating entity to nominate the candidate project. Identify a contact person who will act as the • representative for the nominating entity. 6. Identify source of local match (funding source) and determine appropriate public authority funding commitment. 7. Identify local TxDOT office. 8. Obtain a copy of the nomination form and instruction booklet from TxDOT. Review instructions and TxDOT Guide (see Item 1). • 5. Complete the nomination form. Do not skip any parts without an explanation on the appropriate page. Your local TxDOT district office may be able to offer assistance if questions arise. 6. Obtain the necessary attachments required by the nomination form. These are listed in the nomination form as ATTACHMENTS 1 through 6. 7. Review nomination materials for completeness. Make a copy for your records. 8. Send completed nomination form to the local TxDOT district office. It is recommended that the form be sent by registered mail. 9. The nominating entity must supply the TxDOT district office a list showing the prioritized ranking for all candidate projects nominated within 90 calendar days of the call for projects in the Texas Register. I • f ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The reconstruction of the College Station Railroad Depot is a project to build a replica of the namesake of this city. It will provide a key focus for the preservation of history in our community, act as a museum, and be an additional tourist attraction to help generate revenue in the community. The project calls for a replica of the 1883 depot to be constructed very close to the original site. The depot will be pier and beam construction with an enclosed area of 360 square feet and an overhang of 420 square feet for a total area of 780 square feet. This building will be finished out with a museum quality interior, complete with lighting, display cases, climate controlled air, security system, and possibly audio visual interpretive media. The exterior will be as authentic as possible, including all decorative woodwork as seen in the picture! The Texas A &M University Archives are willing to work with us on locating artifacts. The restrooms will be housed in a separate outbuilding to look like an extra railroad storage room. These restrooms will be designed to comply with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990. The area around the depot will be landscaped and a 200 foot railroad siding will be installed to display a restored 4 -4 -0 steam locomotive, coach car, and coach car with observation platform. A semaphore will be erected between the depot and the siding track. For visitor convenience, a 21 -space parking lot will be constructed. The site chosen for this project will be donated by Texas A &M University. Several reasons follow as to why this location was selected: 1) it is in very close proximity to the original depot site; 2) the land has no improvements made to it; in fact, it is reminiscent of the bald prairie found here in 1883; 3) there is a state historic marker commemorating this depot within eyesight, which could be moved to this location with permission from the State Historical Commission; and 4) the site has no visual barrier between it and the major artery to the east. In short, this is a highly visible site to anyone traveling on State Highway 2154 (Wellborn Road). Other points which will be taken into consideration are: 1) the close proximity of the depot to the currently active railroad; 2) constructing the buildings in such a manner that they can be moved easily if the expansion of Wellborn Road is necessary; and 3) constructing the parking area of gravel so that the appearance of the site will remain in keeping with the 1883 theme. In summary, the College Station Railroad Depot is an interagency cooperative effort to duplicate the railroad station which gave the city its' name. The importance of this depot is to promote civic pride, and serve as a reminder of the city's history. In addition, it will act as an interpretive center for early transportation, and a tourist attraction which will help generate local revenues. ATTACHMENT 2 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND BUDGET SCHEDULE The time line for this project covers only 12 months and is divided into two sections. The first six months will consist of engaging research, design, and contract management consultants. During this time sources for building materials and engines will be identified, as well as finalizing detailed construction plans. The second six months will concentrate on construction of the depot and outbuildings; locating and restoring the train for the static display on the railroad siding; site preparation; parking lot construction and landscaping. BUDGET Building Construction: Depot - 780 sq. ft. @ $100 /sq. ft. $78,000 Restroom Outbuilding (Men's & Women's ADA accessible) 150 sq. ft. @ $200 /sq. ft. 30,000 Museum Quality Interior - 360 sq. ft. @ $200 sq. ft. 72,000 SUBTOTAL $180,000 Site Work: Railroad Siding - 200 feet @ $100 /ft. $20,000 Semaphore 5,000 Parking - 21 spaces @ $1,428 /space 30,000 SUBTOTAL $55,000 Railroad Display: Restored 4 -4 -0 Steam Locomotive $200,000 Restored Coach Car 80,000 Restore Coach Car with Observation Platform 80,000 SUBTOTAL $360,000 Professional Fees: Research Fees $ 10,000 Architectural and Engineering Fees @ 12% 25,000 Display Consultant 10,000 Railroad Consultant 12,000 Construction Contingency @ 10% 23,500 SUBTOTAL $83,500 TOTAL PROJECT $675,000 FUNDING Texas A &M Class of 1994 $ 85,000 City of College Station 50,000 TOTAL USED FOR LOCAL MATCH $135,000 Texas A &M Development Foundation (Endowment for Maintenance Fund) $340,000 Texas A &M University (Donation of and at no cost) 0 TOTAL $340,000 Possible delays in completion of project could be weather related or material location related (i.e., finding a steam locomotive, coach cars, or semaphore). Attachment .3 - ,, • ., _ . . CERTIFICATIONOF FUNDING COMMITMENT - ' - s - ' Cs) c-- ---- 7-, ' -' /`' /-`' ' A 7-7-z- i'`, /"." ' -, -ii, -' • • '' ,^. ----.-- '. /'\ ' -.--.-. - , ' ,-- -- 4 , , c.,,,),, I --, 't•67/' - "N Ii:Ntir:-.' r\ tie."-)ynfn r)411 t -- ' - ---' , V , - k' ' ''' ' '' ' \ 1 ' A ' \ ' tn. • ' in\ .\ n , . :el - . n - fl . a / ) ,,,, ev . ,, Co .■ sr ‘,.,, 7., = ■-. ;Z:.".. = ,.., . - = " .t/ RESOLUTION c , 3 6 • 131 ., q 1.1';' ) tz.e, -, -. -. '-.)- 62294 ,'? - - C A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND SUBMIT A PROJECT NOMINATION FOR THE 'e., \ ./ STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM PROVIDED' FOR BY THE INTERMODAL ?, D 1 ....; ; / ' `,..0 SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACT OF 1991 (ISTEA), AND TO COMMIT THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TO PROVIDE $50,000 TOWARDS THE TOTAL PROJECT COST. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE '', ,...,,,,,,i,-, ';• ,, THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE "COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT", WHICH WILL . ; PROMOTE CIVIC PRIDE, TOURISM, AS WELL PROVIDE A SETTING FOR THE INTERPRETATION OF EARLY 1 - ftllirni ('-:-, TRANSPORTATION; . _..4.. WHEREAS, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, THE TEXAS A&M CLASS OF 1994 AND THE CITY OF COLLEGE ■ - \-. ' STATION WILL TOGETHER FUND TWENTY (20%) PERCENT OF THE PROJECT COST 114 ORDER THAT ,,,4, • • I FUTURE ,-GENERATIONS CAN BE MADE AWARE - OF THIS KEY ELEMENT IN OUR COMMUNITY'S 'if! .._.,,, ■ , HERITAGE; ( 1 WHEREAS, THE "COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT" IS 114 KEEPING WITH THE COUNCIL END t - : ' • STATEMENT OF CIVIC PRIDE, AESTHETICS, AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION; AND C /;-•.., WHEREAS, THE "COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT"WILL ENCOURAGE AND PROMOTE TOURISM, ::...a; C PASSIVE RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO THE CTTY, AS WELL AS AN ENHANCED SENSE OF THE , - - COMMUNITY'S HERTTAGE; - WHEREAS, THE STATEWIDE-TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRANI IS A PROACTIVE COMMUNITY, ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM THAT PROVIDES FUNDING FOR A BROAD RANGE OF • TRANSPORTATION-RELATED ACTIVITIES INCLUDING RESTORATION AND REPLICATION OF RAILROAD DEPOTS; WHEREAS, THE STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM IS A COST-REIMBURSABLE- ,, , PROGRAM WHEREBY FUNDS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF UP TO EIGHTY (80%) PERCENT : '..1`0) ' C i 1. . \.., ' OF THE TOTAL PROJECT COST; , . NOW THEREFORE, BE .- 1T RESOLVED: - --. I • ' 4111.-1 ) --/ . C . • ' .• . , s.( • D • \ ' • , 'l ‘.,:j ,,,,,...'' ,:t ..., THAT THE MAYOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE PROJECT NOMINATION FORM OF THE • '' STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE _ :, - , ▪ "COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT"; C IL I' 0010).- s -• THAT THE CITY COUNCIL COMMITS ITS PORTION ($50,000) OF THE LOCAL MATCH OF TWENTY (20%) •-, .,.', ,' '''' '.'- -% ' PERCENT OF THE ALLOWABLE COSTS IDENTIFIED IN THE PROGRAM, AND .-1 - .4 .fli THAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON ADOPTION. C , APPROVED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING ON THE 22ND DAY OF JUNE, 1994. ' crptili' '(,('-: , XF1 ST : ADOPTED: 1....' ) '•0 111114r .- ( i •• .....1 1) , ) • / . „.„„ , f■D . "4 ...9., • ...NI ... • ..:,- - ....1 - .. ▪ • 1 HOOKS, CITY SE RETARY 1 •o•I • , . ' • — 1 G it No ,: - • ,-- - , , - . ' e.,. .., ,,,--, `": "" ,.."—; t' P .I` '''''."__ .4;;;, ' I ". le %we i• '1. i'td : ' . • ''' : i 1 ! r• . 11, g . 1 ) , -.7 ft ji ;-:‘ il; ' ' r , ..., \ •, !. 9. 0 i inm A rtrit ( . _._. _ HI �Hlfll'ICr� J CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING COMMITMENT CO u it* CLASS f t�J�'!'� %) \m m oVik4 7i -I couNciL BOX J-1 MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77844 -9081 (409) 845 -1515 May 2, 1994 The College Station City Council P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 To the College Station Council Members: The Texas A &M University Class of 1994 is proud to announce their senior class gift - the • Reconstruction of the 1883 Depot. The class has allocated $85,000 towards this gift which is sufficient for the reconstruction of the depot. However, we would like to request a sum of $50,000 from the City of College Station to provide along with our funds, the necessary 20% needed to apply for an Intermodal Surface Transportation Enhancement Act Grant (ISTEA). This will expand the project to include museum quality interiors, a rest room facility, paved parking and the display of a restored locomotive and two coach cars from this era. Since this is an historical monument for the City of College Station, we hope that the city will work jointly with the Class of '94 to reconstruct the depot. The Class of '94 is excited to reconstruct the monument which is the namesake of the City of College Station. We are optimistic that the impact of this reconstruction will be attractive to the members of our community as well as the many visitors which will frequently travel through College Station. We are proud to provide a building of such historical significance to the city. Dr. Gary Halter, Chairman of the City of College Station Historical Preservation Committee, has stated 4 that the historical marker for the train depot, which was recently dedicated on the Texas A &M campus, could be relocated next to the depot once it is completed. We are scheduled to appear before the Council on May 11 at 4 :00 p.m. At this time, we will formally request the additional $50,000 required to complete the recommended total budget of $135,000 which will be the needed 20% of the ISTEA grant. We appreciate your consideration of our request. Sincerely, CAa Chad King Class of '94 President and lass Agent /kd 4 111 11 I1r111 IL1\ 1 , CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING COMMITMENT no ,^,_ _ �� 4. ) TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY Vice President for Development 1501 Texas Avenue, South College Station, Texas 77840 -3398 (409) 845-8161 (800) 392-3310 FAX (409) 845 -3973 • Aston Professor - Institutional Development Robert L. Walker, Ph.D. July 19, 1994 The College Station City Council P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 ar To the College Station Council Members: This is to acknowledge the generous gift that is being made for the benefit of the citizens of the City of College Station and all the students, faculty, and administrators at Texas A &M University. A re- creation of the original depot which existed and was the ultimate reason for College Station to be here is an excellent project. To that end the Office of Development in conjunction with the Texas A &M University Development Foundation is pleased to assist in finding individuals, foundations, or 40 corporations who will be an integral part by providing an endowment for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of this facility. It will be our plan to seek out former students of Texas A &M University and friends who have emotional ties to this project and allow them to help build an endowment of at least $340,000 to generate an income stream which will help maintain this facility throughout the future. A project of this nature is something that all Aggies will point to with great pride and will commend the Class of 1994 for their initiation as well as the City of College Station for its generous support of such a worthy project. rr Yours sincerely, /(felag RLW /LAZ: D3:escity.200 Lit Ak Bryan - College Station Wr6an Uransporfaflon c&fudy � u Metropolitan Planning Organization 4001 E. 29th, Suite 170 -B Bryan, Texas 77802 (409) 260 -5298 ATTACHMENT 4 INTENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) PLACEMENT The Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization will revise the local Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to reflect the decisions of the Transportation Commission in its selection of any local projects that are submitted for nomination to the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program. The "College Station Railroad Depot" has been nominated for consideration by the Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization and has received the Number 1 priority ranking among two projects from this MPO. It will be placed on the revised local Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) upon approval by the Transportation Commission. The TIP will identify the project, scope of work estimated cost, and source of funding for this project. This letter serves to guarantee the commitment of the Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization to place the "College Station Railroad Depot" on the local revised Transportation Improvement Program if approval is granted by the Transportation Commission. The Steering Committee of the Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization: The City of Bryan BY: TITLE: DATE: The City of College Station BY: TITLE: DATE: The Texas A &M University System BY: TITLE: DATE: The County of Brazos BY: TITLE: DATE: Texas Department of Transportation, Bryan District BY: TITLE: DATE: Bryan - College Station %�► G /,I\? =4,61 9ir6an Uransporfaflon 1uoy c +Yv Metropolitan Planning Organization 41141 4001 E. 29th, Suite 170 -B Bryan, Texas 77802 (409) 260 -5298 ATTACHMENT 4 INTENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) PLACEMENT The Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization will revise the local Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to reflect the decisions of the Transportation Commission in its selection of any local projects that are submitted for nomination to the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program. The "College Station Railroad Depot" has been nominated for consideration by the Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization and has received the Number 2 priority ranking among two projects from this MPO. It will be placed on the revised local Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) upon approval by the Transportation Commission. The TIP will identify the project, scope of work estimated cost, and source of funding for this project. This letter serves to guarantee the commitment of the Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization to place the "College Station Railroad Depot" on the local revised Transportation Improvement Program if approval is granted by the Transportation Commission. The Steering Committee of the Bryan /College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization: The City of Bryan BY: TITLE: DATE: The City of College Station BY: TITLE: DATE: The Texas A &M University System BY: TITLE: DATE: The County of Brazos BY: TITLE: DATE: Texas Department of Transportation, Bryan District BY: TITLE: DATE: Ir t , . , , co - rill - uiltr- ..,,,,II16, _:. , ,. r: _____.____ \ i 1 , 6 ii ■■Er 1 .a 1/ t oQ ,. _____ ,� te a. DAL .......— q ° - R osa ' D a UMW V( it_____-_-:,c,0 `111/ r d T L_____/.113 ti. • ' . ! "PAL—L–AII - ; i mismii. q -.. ' : Iii QI3 '71117 t o . .t ► �, Li ( a j o \ _ . 0 di \ ...:..,___4 ti 11 , - - ink „ ,. 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' - fi �* Jr. % - ,- _. : I. .. • • r ,c.r... •rf ',� • k r 4 x' '4'44' 1:7}1 r° MUM r . . ` ' z� i f . .— . .,; - .. - r . . , ;LAWMEN F = 4 =====mw _= C o , - a 4 Z w J • Q H. 1 it , _.;.,.., :.. 4 XI i < 1 i 0 _ t 4 Qo s _ 7 - r. ' t t` 103 t a. ar• � _ . . 4 • t b v , ' \ " ir..16. . ` I i ,. 1110 � . w \ al. ... 4,- • i+ i' st r t • • ATTACHMENT 6 LAND ACQUISITION INFORMATION The College Station Railroad Depot project requires no land acquisition since the entire site is located on Texas A &M University property. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION \ / Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 -9960 (409) 764 -3500 October 25, 1994 Diana F. Noble, P.E. Director of Environmental Affairs Texas Department of Transportation Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program RE: The "College Station Railroad Depot" Enhancement Application Dear Ms. Noble: Please find enclosed Attachment 3 - "Certificate of Funding Commitment" for the "College Station Railroad Depot" project which we submitted as part of the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program. In that document :- you will find that the City of College Station will serve as the sole provider of ` the $135,000 local match. Replace the amended resolution with the current resolution in the application. Thank you for expediting this process and bringing this matter to our attention. Please call if you have any questions or require further information (409) 764 -3730. Sincerely, 1. David Gerling / Special Facilities Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Department enclosure Copies: Elrey B. Ash, P.E., Director of Economic and Development Services Elaine Wray, Bryan /College Station MPO Lonnie G. Traweek, P.E. Bryan District Engineer Home of Texas A&M University RESOLUTION 10- 24 -94 -2 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND SUBMIT A PROJECT NOMINATION FOR THE STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM PROVIDED FOR BY THE INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACT OF 1991 (ISTEA), AND TO COMMIT THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TO PROVIDE $135,000 TOWARDS THE TOTAL PROJECT COST. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE "COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT ", WHICH WILL PROMOTE CIVIC PRIDE, TOURISM, AS WELL AS PROVIDE A SETTING FOR THE INTERPRETATION OF EARLY TRANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WILL RECEIVE A GIFT OF $85,000 FROM THE TEXAS A &M CLASS OF 1994 TO BE USED TOWARD THE CITY'S LOCAL MATCH PORTION OF THE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, THE "COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT" IS IN KEEPING WITH THE COUNCIL END STATEMENT OF CIVIC PRIDE, AESTHETICS, AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION; AND WHEREAS, "THE COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT" WILL ENCOURAGE AND PROMOTE TOURISM, PASSIVE RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO THE CITY, AS WELL AS AN ENHANCED SENSE OF THE COMMUNITY'S HERITAGE; WHEREAS, THE STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM IS A PROACTIVE COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM THAT PROVIDES FUNDING FOR A BROAD RANGE OF TRANSPORTATION- RELATED ACTIVITIES INCLUDING RESTORATION AND REPLICATION OF RAILROAD DEPOTS; WHEREAS THE STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM IS A COST - REIMBURSABLE PROGRAM WHEREBY FUNDS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF UP TO EIGHTY (80 %) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL PROJECT COST; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: L THAT THE MAYOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE PROJECT NOMINATION FORM OF THE STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE "COLLEGE STATION RAILROAD DEPOT "; II. THAT THE CITY COUNCIL COMMITS TO $ 135,000 FOR THE LOCAL MATCH OF TWENTY (20 %) PERCENT OF THE ALLOWABLE COSTS IDENTIFIED IN THE PROGRAM; AND - III. THAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON ADOPTION. APPROVED AND ADOPTED AT A SPECIAL MEETING ON THE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1994. • ST: ADOPTED: Ap `4 0 a // 11111I1'rtgibb, CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY MA' R • • GEC Y( *' CLASS 0I1 CQUNCILy COUNCIL BOX J-1 MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77844 -9081 (409) 845 -1515 October 18, 1994 Mr. David Gerling, Special Projects Director College Station Parks and Recreation PO Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 RE: 1883 RAILROAD DEPOT PROJECT Dear Mr. Gerling: The Class of 1994 appreciates very much the contribution of $50,000 by the City of College Station toward this project, and also your initiative in the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Act Program grant application_ This will make the 1883 Depot a much more significant project. It is our understanding that to comply with the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Act Program, all of the matching funds of 135,000 must flow from a public authority. This letter is to assure the City that if we are successful in this grant application, the Class of 1994 will reimburse the City of College Station the $85,000 class gift, which we have previously committed to this project. These funds are currently on hand. All other aspects of this project will remain unchanged from our previous discussions. Thank you again for your cooperation and help with this significant project. Sincerely, /, Chad King, Class Agent Class of 1994 cc: L. David Godbey, AIA, TAMU, Physical Plant OVRR9419 a'CO RSY REAL W O. W P DEC -08 -1994 09:45 P.02 B #.... ..:i.;,:::;...,..•:,... . . out 111 • . ,..... .... ...... the cold :,:::.:.......:. ; By CHRIS WHITLEY • N Eagle staff writer ;>. C Calvert an Hearne each received pro-. ; o. ject funds from the Texas Department of • Transportation while Bryan and College Station were denied funds. c,. 0 More than $250,000 was put into the ... • n restoration of the century-old Cuzzeri N Building in Calvert. TxDot officials said: V:; 6 the building will eventually house the :• :.•. co city's library, Chamber of Commerce _ :.: __ and visitors center. • Hearne received more than $200.000 from the state to refurbish the town - s . . turn -of- the - century train station and purchase adjacent land. Hearne officials - plan to turn the old depot into a railroad ;, historical and cultural museum with dis plays and a tourist - information center. The two projects. which the Texts • .. •',' Transportation Commission approved • Thursday, were part of 11 in the agency's Bryan district that were submitted_ One .: . project TxDot did riot approve was the rebuilding of the old 1883 College Station •.i train depot that sat on what is now Texas y' ..:.. A &M's West Campus. ;`,;' College Station and Texas A &M . %:? requested more than half a million dol- ��' .\ lars for the project to reconstruct a repli �c.i ca of the station and use it as a museum. >.� The old depot was once the only link to \q , transportation for thousands of A &M .-.:.A‘ ` students, and the city eventually took the ,.. ..�� station's name as its own. "•: ' The TTC a lso ,turned down four pro- .if, posais from Bryan in its meeting: land- .:-.,.:: scaping and enhancing the railroad alley (;,.`a near Main Street, creating a water 2...,....;V: retrieval system for the Brazos Transit V:'' System, acquiring and restoring the 1912 ‘,1,.,;,...., Ice House into a firefighters museum, ,and beautifying the historic downtown � district. TxDot officials also said that a new �� contractor has been found to complete construction On thy? 4.7-mile stretch of FM 60 from FM 2818 to the Brazos River. `� Maurice Maness, project manager, said `� the contract is not complete yet, but he ;. said he was hopeful that road crews c -1 would resume construction in January. ` TxDot defaulted the original contract given to Palasota Construction in July when the Bryan company pulled out of y. the job because of financial difficulties. _ = • TOTAL P.02