HomeMy WebLinkAboutCharter and Bylaws - Oakwood Neighborhood Association CHARTER OF THE OAKWOOD NEIGHBORH00D ASSOCIATION This neighborhood association is formed to promote a meaningful and lasting relationship among neighbors and to promote the ernancement of the urban lifestyle found within and between this neigl and other neighborhoods. ARTICLE I, NAME AND BOUNDARIES This neighborhood association shall be known as the OAKWOCD NEIGHBOR- HOOD ASSOCIATION. And the area shall be as outlined on try attached plat marked as Exhibit A. ARTICLE II, PURPOSES 1. The purposes for which this association is formed are to im- prove the neighborhood, to maintain and enhance it_ aesthetic qualities and ensure that it continues to be a auality resi- dential neighborhood with emphasis on single famill dwellings; 2. To solicit designation as an historic district in tie National Register of Historic Places for all or part of the )akwood neighborhood and to solicit historic zoning from tl City; 3. To encourage development of architecturally compatiale build- ings where open land exists in accordance with the character of the neighborhood; 4. To provide for and encourage desirable neighborhooc improve- ments; 5. To discourage the movement of heavy duty commercial vehicles throughout the neighborhood; 6. To create and participate in programs for social ari human growth and development in the neighborhood; and 7. To perform such other activities as may be in furtl of the neighborhood interests. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP 1, The membership of this association shall be composE3 of two categories: Voting Members and Associate Members. 2. Voting rights shall be defined in the bylaws. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS 1. The officers of this association shall be as follow;: a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a TreasurEr, and an Historian. 2. The duties of the officers shall be provided in the bylaws. 3. The affairs of the association shall be conducted b' a Neighborhood Council. The number of members, manner of their election and their powers and duties shall be pre- scribed in the bylaws. ARTICLE V BYLAWS Bylaws shall be adopted at the organizational meeting call (d for this purpose and thereafter may be amended by the Neighborlood Council. ARTICLE VI PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the currecnt edition of Robert's Ru es of Order shall govern the association in all cases to which ttey are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Charter and Bylaws and any special rules of order the association ray adopt. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS There shall be an annual meeting; the date, time and plac shall be set by bylaws. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENT OF CHARTER This Charter may be amended by a two - thirds vote of the Voting Members present at a meeting called for this purpose. ARTICLE IX DISSOLUTION OF ASSOCIATION This association may be dissolved by a majority of Voting :(embers present at a meeting called for this purpose. Any assets )f the asso- ciaticn may be transferred to a successor organization or such other nonprcfit oraanization as designated by the Voting Members at the time of dissolution. Attacrment: Exhibit A September 7, 1997 BYLAWS of the OAKWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I MEMBERSHIP 1. The membership of this association shall be composed of two categories: Voting Members and Associate Members. a. A Voting Member shall be a person who owns real property within the area served by the Oakwood Neighborhood Association. A Voting Member shall be entitled to one vote per residence providing that member is current and in good standing by the first regularly scheduled meeting (also known as the Annual Meeting) of each year. However, each person who attends the Oakwood Neighborhood meetings as a Voting Member shall have no more than one vote. b. An Associate Member shall be a person interested in the progress of this neighborhood or of the association, and shall not be accorded any voting rights. 2. Those persons under eighteen years of age applying for membership shall be Associate Members. 3. Dues shall be determined by the Neighborhood Council. Annual membership dues are $10.00 (to defray operating expenses associated with postage, copying, newsletters). 4. Any membership, whether Voting or Associate, shall expire immediately prior to the Annual Meeting and shall not retain any privileges or voting rights. ARTICLE I1 OFFICERS 1. The officers of the Association shall hold offices for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: a. The President shall call and preside at all meetings, shall act for and on behalf of the membership of the association, shall appoint any special committees necessary for the operation of the business of the association and shall act as official spokesperson of the association. The President shall implement the decisions of the Neighborhood Council. b. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume all of the duties of the President. c. The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all the Association, Neighborhood Council, special meetings' minutes, and all legal documents and legal transactions of the association. The Secretary of the Oakwood Neighborhood Association shall transcribe the minutes of each Neighborhood Council and Membership meeting, and shall transfer one copy of each set of minutes to the President and the Historian of the Association. Copies shall be transferred as herein described within twenty -five (25) calendar days of the respective meeting occurrence. d. The Treasurer shall keep in his /her possession all receipts and a permanent record of all financial business of the association. An up -to -date financial report shall be submitted at each meeting. e. The Historian shall keep in his /her possession a permanent record of all items, publicity and history of the association. 2. An officer shall not hold more than two consecutive terms in any one office, and no member shall hold more than one office at a time. 3. All records of the officers are the property of the Association. 4. The Neighborhood Council shall be elected by the voting membership and shall serve in guiding and advising the officers of the association in all matters and shall make policies which are consistent with the purposes defined in the Charter. i ARTICLE III COMMITTEES 2 1 Standing Committees shall be: Historic Designation Committee, Membership Committee, Publicity and Fund Raising Committee, and any other committees found necessary by the Neighborhood Council. The duties of the Standing Committees include: a. The Historic Designation Committee shall study and report to the Neighborhood Council on all matters involving historic designation and zoning; conduct surveys as necessary; and make applications to the appropriate local, state and federal agencies for desired historic designation and zoning. b. The Membership Committee shall enroll members to the association and maintain all records of membership. c. The Publicity and Fund Raising Committee shall develop and implement, upon approval by the President, all publicity campaign and fund - raising efforts including the seeking of aid from governmental and private sources. 2. Standing Committee chairperson shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Neighborhood Council within the first 30 days of office. 3. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees and shall appoint any special committees necessary for the operation of the business of the association. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS 1. Membership meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday immediately following the change to Daylight Savings Time and the return to Standard Time or as often as necessary at a time and place designated by the President. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Neighborhood Council. a. Not less than twenty -five (25) Voting Members shall have the privilege of petitioning a special meeting at any time. b. Only Voting Members present shall constitute a quorum, with a minimum of ten (10) members necessary to conduct a forum. c. At least a ten (10) day notice shall be provided in advance of any membership meeting. d. The first membership meeting of the year shall be the Annual Meeting. The purpose of this meeting shall be (1) the presentation of the Annual Reports of all Officers; (2) the election of officers; and (3) the installation of officers elected. 2. The Neighborhood Council shall meet as often as is necessary. The time and place is to be designated by the President. a. Any five (5) members of the Neighborhood Council may petition the President for a special meeting of the Council at any time. b. A quorum of Neighborhood Council shall be one more than one -half the membership of the Neighborhood Council. ARTICLE V NOMINATION, ELECTION, ANNUAL REPORTS AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS 1. Nominations of officers and Neighborhood Council shall be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. 2. Association Officers and the Neighborhood Council shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. 3. The Neighborhood Council shall be composed of the officers of the Neighborhood Association and one (1) Voting Member elected from each of the five (5) areas within the association boundaries (as defined by Exhibit A). if no Voting Member from any one of the areas is willing to serve, nominations may be made on an at -large basis. 4. The members and a chairman from the existing Neighborhood Council shall be appointed by the President at the Annual Meeting to act as election tellers. • 3 5. In the event an election teller is nominated for any office, he /she shall be removed as election teller and be replaced by an alternate. 6. Upon installation of the Officers whose terms begin at the close of the Annual Meeting, all documents, records and any materials pertaining to the duties of the office as designated in the bylaws which are in the possession of the outgoing officers shall be submitted to their newly -elected counterpart within fifteen (15) days of the installation. 7. Any vacancies occurring during the year of any officer or member of the Neighborhood Council shall be filled by appointment by the Neighborhood Council. 8. In case of a leave of absence of any officer, all documents pertaining to the officer's various Neighborhood Association functions shall be transferred to the person appointed to fill the office for the duration of the absence. The transfer shall occur within ten (10) days of the officer's leave of absence being approved. Attachment: Exhibit A • Eh'* P, _ . 0146 S5 1 ' 4,y 9' A 6 A -# 407 TEXAS 20 s ' it 4 UNIVERSITY A, 4224b 1111111111° GOLF 2 # #411r#416":: RE O° COURSE N . 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