HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Memo 04.20.1987to: from: date: subject: for your information THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL RING COLE, CITY MANAGER APRIL 20, 1987 COUNCIL MEMO 1. AMBULANCE TRANSPORT POLICY OdKC With the opening of the new Humana Hospital the ambulance transport policy has become somewhat more complex. The fire department has developed a policy that appears to be fair and equitable and to have the best interest of the patient. A copy of that policy is included with this memo for your information. 2. CITY PURCHASES BUS Recently Texas A &M announced the auction of several twenty -five passenger shuttlebuses. Several members of the city staff looked at these buses for possible use by the Mayor's Committee on the Handicapped. We determined that the buses were not suitable for this use but the members of the staff indicated that the city ought to look at the purchase of one of these buses. Currently the city has a van which is used for tours, Council and board orientations, group staff activities, recreational events, etc., etc. That van is not very serviceable for this use in that it does not hold sufficient passengers. We had our maintenance personnel look at the bus and discuss its possible purchase with A &M. They determined the bus to be in excellent mechanical condition and A &M was willing to sell it to us before the auction at the opening bid price of $8,500.00. Because of the timing of the auction I did not have sufficient time to discuss this with the Council prior to action. However, we determined that it was such a good deal for the city that we decided to proceed with the purchase. The bus is a 1984 model with an 8 cylinder diesel engine that has approximately 50,000 miles on it. 3. 911 STATUS UPDATE You will recall that Bryan /College Station /Brazos County recently contributed to the cost of a study of the feasibility of going to an enhanced 911 system for all of Brazos County. We have recently received a status update from the consultant and I am including a copy of that report with this memo for your information. The consultant has been held up by his inability to obtain all of the material he needs from the various telephone companies. He indicates that as soon as he gets this information, which he expects very quickly, he will be in a position to finalize the written report and make a verbal report to us. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER COUNCIL MEMO APRIL 20, 1987 PAGE 2 4. NORTHGATE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION Recently the Northgate Merchants Association held their second meeting and Jim Calloway, who is serving on their committee as a liaison from the city, has written a brief report of their activities. A copy of that report is included with this memo for your information. 5. ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING For the fourth or fifth year the City of College Station has been recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting. The letter notifying us of this achievement indicates. . . "The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management." I know you join me in congratulating the Finance Department for receipt of this award. They indicate that a certificate of achievement plaque will be shipped in about six weeks. When the plaque gets here we will arrange some recognition event associated with a public information release. 6. SALES TAX REPORT We have received the Sales Tax Report for March. That report indicates that the City of College Station received $179,126.87 for this reporting period. In the previous reporting period we received $158,920.91. This reports indicates that for the calendar year we are up approximately 2.1% in sales tax receipts over the same period last year. I think that is significant in that the City of Bryan was down approximately 15 -1/2% while the state as a whole was down 6.33 %. A copy of the pages of that report covering Brazos County is included with this memo for your information. 7. LONE STAR GAS COMPANY LINE TO UTILITY SERVICE CENTER At a previous Council meeting we had an item on the agenda to approve a contract with Lone Star Gas Company to construct a gas main line to the City's new Utility Service Center on Graham Road. At that Council meeting Councilman Brown indicated that when he installed a gas line to his business he was able to obtain a much cheaper bid by going to a private contractor. In response to that information we have contacted the gas company and requested permission to bid that line out to independent contractors. They have indicated to us that that is against their policy and that they will not allow independent contractors to make extensions to their main line systems. A copy of a memo from Elrey Ash indicating his conversation with the gas company is included with this memo for your information. I suppose they have changed their COUNCIL MEMO APRIL 20, 1987 PAGE 3 policy since Councilman Brown installed a gas line at his business. 8. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT NEWSLETTER Included with this memo is a copy of a newsletter that the Parks and Recreation Director sends to the Parks and Recreation Board. This newsletter has a lot of information that will be of interest to the Council so I am including a copy with this memo for your information. AMBULANCE TRANSPORT POLICY Patients will be transported to either St. Joseph Hospital or Humana Hospital if the patient, the patient's family, or the patient's doctor so requests. Exceptions to this are as follows: 1. Anytime a hospital is not specified in a non -life threatening situation, we will transport to Humana Hospital in order to stay within our primary response area. 2 If the patient's condition is life - threatening, and no hospital is specified, the patient will be transported to the closest hospital (by time). 3 If, in the opinion of the ambulance crew, the patient's condition is, or is likely to become, life threatening; and the hospital of choice is not the closest hospital (by time), the ambulance may transport the patient to the closest hospital for stabilization and then transport the patient to the hospital of choice. The patient will be billed for only one ambulance transport in this instance as long as the patient is not admitted to the closest hospital (by time) for treatment. Any runs transported under this policy shall be documented fully. This written narrative will include the name of the patient; names of doctors, nurses, or family members who influenced the decisions made concerning the hospital transported to; and the condition of the patient or circumstances which indicated the need for transportation to a hospital other than the one requested. 600 Congress Avenue Austin. Texas 78701 One American Center, Suite 1210 (512) 320 4040 April 13, 1987 Mr. King Cole City Manager City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77841 Dear Mr Cole: The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a status report on the project and an update on the proposed 9 -1 -1 legislation. The status of the project to determine the feasibility of the installation of a county -wide 9 -1 -1 system is as follows: I received the cost estimates from Contel and United Telephone for serving their areas of the County last week. I am now awaiting General Telephone's final cost estimates for their portion of the county. I still need to make one more trip to Bryan and College Station in order to to meet with Texas A &M and to confirm information gathered at the Sheriff's PSAP. General Telephone thinks that they can have their estimates ready in about two weeks. I will need about seven to ten days after that to complete the study. The regulatory status is as follows: House Bill 911 (HB 911) by Representative Bill Carter has been reported out of House State Affairs Committee favorably with a number of committee amendments. The amendment which is most pertinent to Brazos County is the extension of the "grandfathering" period to December 31, 1987. The only opposition to the bill is from a consortium of long distance companies, AT &T, MCI, and US Sprint who are proposing an additional amendment limiting the use of "equalization fund" monies by the 911 districts. In summary, the study is near completion and the regulatory climate remains favorable, allowing Brazos County ample time to form a district which can then choose to operate under whichever law it C;eems more attractive. If you have any questions please c'.o not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, (LI& add&t__ Charles Clap ddle TELECOM resources RECEIVED ,:,PR 1 5 1387 3, April 13, 1987 MEMORANDUM 'ECEWE[J ..H City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 778442499 To: Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager From: Jim Callaway, Interim Director of Planning Subject: Northgate Merchants Association. 4 •) On April 7 the Northgate Merchants Association met to receive a report from the committee that had been established to develop a program of work for the re- organization of the Association. At that meeting the following working committees were established: 1. Appearance- This committee will work to coordinate cleanup activities and programs, area landscaping improvements, etc. 2. Public Relations and Advertising- This committee will work to disseminate information the about the Association and to advertise and promote Northgate as a commercial area. 3. City /University Relations- Developing improved communications and relationships with the City and the University will be the principal activity of this committee. This group could provide for an opportunity for both area merchants and City officials to express concerns and develop solutions for area problems. 4. Parking, Traffic Control, Safety- Improvements in area parking, traffic flow, lighting, street maintenance, etc. will be the main concern of this group. At the April 7 meeting Ms. Kathey Dudley of the Appearance Committee expressed her appreciation for the City's timely response in street sweeping. The study committee, on which I served as an ex- officio member, has been disbanded. I am currently working with the City /University Relations Committee and have offered assistance to the Parking, Traffic Control, Safety Committee. A meeting of the Merchants Association is scheduled at 6:30 pm, Tuesday, April 28. At this meeting the four working committees are to report on their activities. A copy of the minutes of the March 30th study committee is attached. I will forward minutes of other meetings of the Association as they are available. NORTHGATE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT The Study Committee of the Northgate Merchants Association met on Monday, March 30th. at 7:30 P.M. in the conference room of University National Bank. Committee members appointed at the organizational meeting and present were: Jim Calloway, City of College Station; Janet Cross, Wyatt's Sporting Goods; Kathy Dudley, Holick's Book Makers & Insignia MFG; Diane Mills, Brazos Beautiful; John Raney, Texas Aggie Bookstore; Richard Ryan, Brazos Landing; and Dub Summers, Rocco's Restaurant. Jamie Sandel and Stan Stephen from University National Bank were also present. It was the consensus of this committee that the Northgate Merchants Association should be reorganzied with officers consisting of the a President, Vice - President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Stan Stephen, President of University National Bank, offered the services of the bank in providing the secretarial expertise. The study committee also recommends a program of work to be developed under the following committees. Committee members volunteered to work on these committees and are seeking other Northgate merchants to participate. 1. Appearance. This committee will work to coordinate clean -up activities, area landscaping and will work with Brazos Beautiful to improve the appearance of our market area. Study committee members who volunteered to assist in this area of work were Kathy Dudley and Dub Summers. 2. Public Relations and Advertising: Spreading the word of our organization and its goals to the public through news releases and other promotional methods is one of the purposes of this committee. Designing and implementing advertising and other promotional events which promote the Northgate Shopping area is the second purpose of this committee. Janet Cross and John Raney are Study Committee members who agreed to work in this area. Pat Siegert has also volunteered to work on this committee. 3. City /University Relations: Developing an ongoing relationship and communication with the City to express the concerns and problems that both merchants and City officials view in our area and to develop solutions is the purpose of this committee. It was the opinon of the study committee that a positive approach to working with the university can be developed to assist merchants in promoting the area to the university, students, staff and faculty. The study committee also invisions the development of a political action committee. The committee has asked Pat Siegert and Phil Springer to head this effort. 4. Parking /Traffic control /Safety. Improved parking is essential to the efforts of developing the Northgate area. Traffic control and the safety of our customers is also important to developing a customer base which includes people other than the walking student trade. Richard Ryan and John Raney will be working to develop this area of work. The study committee hopes to get property owners as well as merchants Involved in the work of the Northgate Merchants assosciation. As in any organization the need for funds is as important as participation. The committee recommends that dues to our association be $ 100.00 per busl.ness. With that kind of contribution it is believed that no business will be priced out of membership and that each member will then be interested in seeing that the association develops and that the funds are spent in developing this historic area of College Station into an attractive and vital economic area. The next meeting of the Northgate Merchants Association will be Tuesday, April 7th at 6:30 PM at University National Bank. The bank has agreed to again provide refreshments. The committee wishes to express its thanks to University National Bank for , all the help, aid and assistance given in the re- formation of the Northgate Merchants Association. We all will receive the benefits of these efforts. April 7, 1987 The Honorable Larry Ringer Mayor . City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Mayor Ringer: Sincerely, GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION David R. Bean Assistant Director /Governmental Accounting Programs DRB/pp Enclosures A. E. Van Dever, Jr., Asst. City Mgr. /Dir. of Fin. FORMERLY THE MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION .. nr ii.irr — r.I l CCilY. 01 iItt nevi. A - ran V CTocr7 AI 1AI.\AIA CLJII.I!"TP1hI f1(` . "VV V.. AAA. "N11A GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION EXECU NE of c 180 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE SUITE 800 CHICAGO. IWNOIS 60601 -7476 312: 977.9700 We are pleased to notify you that your comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1986 qualifies for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. When a Certificate of Achievement is awarded to a government, an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement is also presented to the individual des- ignated by the government as primarily responsible for its having earned the certificate. Enclosed is an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement for: The Certificate of Achievement plaque will be shipped under separate cover in about six weeks. We hope that you will arrange for a formal presenta- tion of the Certificate and Award of Financial Reporting Achievement, and that appropriate publicity will be given to this notable achievement. A sample news release is enclosed. We suggest that you provide copies of it to the local newspapers and radio and television stations. In addition, enclosed is the 1986 Certificate Program results representing the most recent statistics available. We hope that your example will encourage other government officials in their efforts to achieve and maintain an appropriate standard of excel- lence in financial reporting. If you have any questions regarding this matter, or if we may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. NEWS RELEASE RE: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Is Awarded HIGHEST AWARD IN FINANCIAL REPORTING FORMERLY THE MUNICIPAL. FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION WARHINC,TCN CIFFICF St IITF 7(1(1. 17SCI K STRFfT N W • WA.SHINGTON. D C • 20006 . 202 466 -2014 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 180 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE SUITE 800 CHICAGO. IWNOIS 60601.7476 312:977.9700 (Chicago) - -The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment. When a Certificate of Achievement is awarded to a government, an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement also is given to the individual designated as primarily responsible for its having earned the certificate. This Award of Financial Reporting Achievement has been presented to: A. E. VAN DEVER, JR., ASST. CITY MGR. /DIR. OF FIN. The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program including demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" effort to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential persons and user groups to read the CAFR. The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving 10,500 government finance professionals. The association produces a variety of technical publications in various fields of governmental finance, and represents the public finance community in Washington, D.C. The association provides numerous training opportunities, and conducts an annual conference attended by 4,500 public finance professionals. For more information, contact Fred Lantz at 312/977 -9700. PRESENTATION OF THE CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM AWARDS The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is the highest form of recognition for state and local governments. The Certificate program thereby advocates that recipients be formally recog- nized for their outstanding accomplishments. If you would like a formal presentation of your award, you should contact your Government Finance Officers Association state representative. Your representative's mailing address and phone number is as follows: North Joel Victory Assistant City Manager -- Finance City of Cleburne P.O. Box 657 Cleburne, Texas 76031 817/641 -3321 1 April 8. 1987 County /City Bob Bullock Comptroller of Public Accounts City Sales and Use Tax Comparison Summary Thru Period Ending 04 -03 -87 City Code Net Payment Comparable Payment 1987 Payments This Period Prior Year To Date Bowie De Kalb 019027 64.542.47 64.528.69 Hooks 019054 65.827.48 65.121.30 Maud 019036 61.590.63 61,051.30 Nash 019063 65,848.20 610.582.83 New Boston 019045 613,080.05 612.844.50 Texarkana 019018 6166,123.18 6221.028.20 Wake Village 019072 63,480.38 63,736.10 County Total 6200.492.39 8258,892.92 Brazoria Alvin 020015 667.370.22 654,467.80 Angleton 020042 636,520.22 $49.836.23 Baileys Prairie 020220 60.00 80.00 Brazoria 020131 611.285.99 612,844.31 Brookside Village 020088 8808.96 8577.81 Clute 020104 637,602.22 641.053.78 Danbury 020079 81.242.61 6987.93 Freeport 020051 649.208.06 60.00 Holiday lakes 020202 6702.93 6597.76 Iowa Colony 020211 60.00 60.00 Jones Creek 020177 6872.71 6934.29 Lake Jackson 020097 663.020.64 863,643.59 Liverpool 020033 8598.90 6816.36 Manvel 020186 63,283.11 83.535.45 Oyster Creek 020159 61,707.76 61.761.85 Pearland 020024 644,577.17 652,589.59 Quintana 020195 60.00 60.00 Richwood 020140 63,904.03 83.693.65 Sweenide Beach 020122 63,680.68 65, Sweeny 849.53 West Columbia 020060 814,028.17 816.227.06 County Total 8341,086.98 6310,014.67 Brazos Bryan 021023 8161,302.20 8185.421.13 - College Station 021014 6179.126.87 6158.920.91 County Total 6340,429.07 8344,342.04 Brewster Alpine 022013 614,177.63 612.429.19 Briscoe - Quitaque 023012 60.00 60.00 Silverton 023021 6562.53 8740.95 1986 Payments To Date 823.647.47 625,823.06 623,763.86 624,246.60 86.987.59 87.612.78 621,861.60 638,237.80 681.196.21 675.538.38 81.191.642.98 61,153,391.23 615.599.82 817.865.72 81,364.699.53 61.342,715.57 Page 4 % Change (To Date) -8.42% -1.99X -8.21X - 42.83% 7.49X 3.32X - 12.68X 1.64% 8341,795.96 6345.331.55 -1.02% 8223.812.29 8263,642.32 - 15.11% 6770.76 8553.17 39.34% 681,615.45 $65.955.62 23.74% 83.193.57 82,274.00 40.44% 6226.139.19 6247.797.53 -8.74% 65,499.42 66.012.00 -8.53% 6236.566.70 6180.465.38 31.09% 61.388.70 81.603. - 13.38% 695.63 690.93 5.17X 67,110.40 67,049.48 0.86% 8510.726.62 6502.766.85 1.58% 62,682.87 62,532.68 5.93% 622,610.63 623.549.05 -3.98X 610,182.97 89,495.78 7.24% 6326,067.70 6298,074.21 9.39X 8277.64 8383.48 - 27.60% 622.631.87 820.461.81 .10.61% 62,756.77 64,471.60 - 38.35% 627,240.17 830,126.02 -9.58X 873,706.29 686.044.49 - 14.34% 62.126,871.60 82,098,681.22 1.34% 6881,300.40 61.042.310.50 - 15.45% 61,037,648.27 61,016.331.12 2.10% 61.918,948.67 82,058,641.62 -6.79% 680,736.00. 880,806.09 -0.09% 82.979.02 83,849.72 - 22.62% 84.910.35 86.571.89 - 25.28X • - . + .. - • . n owl I . w , vv.. City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840.2499 MEMORANDUM To: William K. Cole, City Manager Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager From: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Capital Improvements Re: Gas Line Extension to the Utility Service Center Recently, you will recall that the contract for the above referenced extension, between the City and Lone Star Gas was sent on to the Mayor's office for his signature. When this contract was sent to purchasing for payment of the escrow amount, Virginia stopped payment until she was assured that the Council's wishes on this matter had been attended to. The Council directed the staff to see if we could find a private contractor to do this work for us. I contacted Mr. Lane Wetherbee with Lone Star to see if this was possible and he assured me that it was not. Lone Star does not allow its customers to hire contractors to construct extensions of its service lines. The lines have to be extended by Lone Star or its own contractors. This memorandum is sent to you for your information with a copy also going to Virginia McCartney. Should you have any questions regarding this matter please contact me. City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 -2499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Parks and Recreation Board FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: April 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Items of Interest 1. GUS AND GOLDIE COMING TO COLLEGE STATION - I have attached information about a unique promotional and marketing plan that we are adopting for our learn -to -swim program. This plan was originated by the City of El Paso and is currently being utilized by approximately twenty -five cities nationwide including Shreveport, LA, Albuquerque, NM, Lubbock, and six cities in the Rio Grande Valley. All cities have experienced increased participation, revenues, and enthusiasm in the learn -to -swim programs. We have obtained the basic promotional materials for the program and will seek sponsorship for the purchase of the two GUS and GOLDIE "walk- around" puppets which cost $1,500 for the pair. Cindy Szabuniewicz will give a presentation about the program at our next Board meeting. 2. AGGIELAND INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT - The City of College Station and the Aggieland Inn hosted a girls fastpitch softball tournament at Southwood Athletic Park on March 28 & 29th. This tournament was significant in that it was the first girls fastpitch tournament that we have hosted. Also, the fact that it is held in late March on fields that normally are not being utilized make this event very attractive for tourism development. Fourteen teams participated and all but one were from out of town. We plan to continue this tournament as an annual event and have received favorable indication from the Aggieland Inn in regard to future support. 3. TEAM REGISTRATIONS - Our Spring Adult Softball league registration totals 94 teams from all categories. This is approximately the number we had at this time last year (96 teams - 1986) and indicates that demand is still strong. We did not know what impact the new Bryan softball complex would have on participation in our leagues once it opened. We will continue to monitor the participation in our summer and fall leagues to determine any long -term affects on the program. 4. WAYNE SMITH PARK DEVELOPMENT (PROJECT NUMBER CD 81 -4) - Construction began in March on this project which includes a new playground, basketball court, picnic shelter, and landscaping. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD APRIL 9, 1987 PAGE 2 The bid of $75,933 was awarded to DIAMOND CONSTRUCTION and funding is through the Community Development Block Grant Program. Completion is expected this summer. 5. PARKLAND DEDICATION PROJECTS - Bids will be opened on April 22nd for the recently approved projects at Richard Carter Park, Brison Park, Gabbard Park, Southwood Athletic Park, and Hensel Park. These projects primarily include the installation of trees, shrubs and landscaping at each site except Hensel Park. The Hensel Park project includes the installation of several new picnic shelters. Bids will be presented to the City Council in May for their consideration. Work is expected to begin this summer and be completed in the fall. We are requesting that the majority of the trees be planted in the fall to increase the survival rate from what would occur if planted during the hot summer months. 6. NORTHGATE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION - The merchants in the Northgate area are re- organizing their association with the goal of increased commercial activity. They have invited the participation of city staff members from all Departments to assist in this effort. I don't know what role the Parks and Recreation Department will have in this endeavor. However, preliminary discussions have centered around programming some of our existing special events in the Northgate area. This could include concerts, festivals, or related activities that are now being held in Central Park. No plans have been made at this time and the Board will be asked to participate in the decision process once our role has been more clearly defined. 7. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION - a). RHODA SAVAGE - Rhoda completed the second year of the PARK AND RECREATION MAINTENANCE - MANAGEMENT SCHOOL held annually in Ogalby, West Virginia. This highly acclaimed school is sponsored by the University of North Carolina and the National Recreation and Parks Association. Rhoda completed the two year course with the excellent average grade of 87 on the two examinations. b). CHARLES SZABUNIEWICZ AND RANDY SCHRECENGOST - The National Pool and Spa Institute awarded its annual "GREG LOUGANIS AQUATIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD" to Charles and Randy for their TEXAS SUPER GUARD CONTEST which is held annually at Adamson Pool. The guard contest is in its fifth year and is designed to promote the training and skills of lifeguards throughout Texas. 77 participants from throughout the State competed in last year's event. Charles received the award at the N.S.P.I. annual meeting in Indianapolis last month. 8. CARDS AND LETTERS - We have received several pieces of correspondence registering complaints and compliments about various Departmental programs. I have enclosed copies for your information. Mr. Ron Ragland Assistant City Manager Mr. Jim Callaway Director of Planning Mr. Steve Beachy Director Parks & Recreation Ms. Cathy Locke City Attorney Mr. Mark Smith Assistant City Engineer Ms. Jane Key zoning Official Dear Ron: RTM:jdc KT MAYFIELD INVEST MUTT'S April 8, 1987 Mr. Tony Cisneros Assistant Director Parks & Recreation I just wanted to drop you a quick note and thank you for the time you gave John Merritt and myself to briefly present our project that we have planned in College Station. We share in your enthusiasm for a "river walk" and want you to know of our willingness to cooperate in any way that we can. We will be spending the next 30 -60 days finalizing our lease negotia- tions with our anchor tenants and are therefore very anxious to work with you in our being able to proceed on and break ground in late summer. Thanks again for the support and cooperation you have shown John and I. Sincerely, R. T. MAYFIELD INVESTMENTS / Qs.6z...12 R. T. Mayfield Owner P n_ RC)X 26247. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78755 -0247 (512) 345 -1166 City f College ege Station bcc: April 15, 1987 Dear News Media Representative: POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 RECEIVED APR 1 5 1931 On Wednesday, April 22, at 2:30 p.m., just prior to the regular City Council Workshop session, City Manager King Cole will hold a press briefing for the news media. The City of College Station has undertaken a "Cost of Service" study which will be explained to the City Council at 4 p.m. that day. In an effort to help you understand this complicated, study and ask questions prior to the workshop, the staff will preview you. This will be an explanation session for the Council and not a request for action that day. You will be given written mater- ials at the 2:30 meeting. In the days that follow the workshop meeting, if you want to request an interview regarding this issue, we ask that you please schedule through the Public Information Office at 764 -3768. We will see you next Wednesday. Sincerely, % 7 & t t J g t-tzt-Ae 4 w Peggy Calliham Public Information Officer City Manager King Cole ,/ Linda Piwonka Jim McCord �Y�