HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Memo 12.19.1986 for your information t0: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL from: RING COLE, CITY MANAGER Wa date: DECEMBER 19, 1986 subject: COUNCIL MEMO 1. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR I will not see most of you until after the new year. I would like to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you are traveling during the holidays I hope that your travels are safe, uneventful and festive. My family and I will be in town for the holidays so if any problems come up feel free to call me at home. 2 CARTERS GROVE SUBDIVISION Carters Grove Subdivision is essentially comprised of Merry Oaks Street, Neal Pickett Drive, Berkley, Westover and Carroll. Last week several residents of that subdivision called and made an appointment with me to complain about the conditions of their streets and their drainage system. The streets in that subdivision were originally constructed of concrete with no re- enforcing steel. They were constructed during a time period when College Station had no inspectors nor a full -time city engineer. With no re- enforcing steel and very unstable soil it was not long before the concrete streets had completely deteriorated. In an attempt to correct this problem the City of College Station broke up the concrete and then laid an asphalt overlay on top of it. Without a properly stabilized subgrade this maintenance of the streets did not last long. Now, those people have a rather poor street system with deteriorating curbs and poor drainage as a result of the poor condition of the streets. Their purpose in meeting with the City was to ask that we build new streets for them. I explained to them that the City did not function in that fashion. I told them that I did think the Council would look favorably on a petition for their participation in a paving assessment program. They are taking that information back to the subdivision and discussing it with others to see if there is interest in petitioning for new streets. Under our petition paving program the City pays for the middle one -third of the street and the property owner on either side of the street pays for their one -third of the street. 3. TEXAS ABM BACK TO THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT You will recall that representatives from Texas A &M appeared before the Highway Commission in November to request the extension of Highway 21 to FM 60. During their presentation to OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 19, 1986 PAGE 2 the Highway Commission representatives from A &M also suggested improvements to FM 2818 and the FM 60 interchange. These items had not been addressed by the local district office, and as a result, the Highway Commission was unprepared to act on the additional request. Texas A &M asked for an opportunity to properly research these requests and appear before the Highway Commission again. It is my understanding that Texas A &M is scheduled to appear before the Commission in mid - January. Our staff has been assisting the representatives from A &M in traffic alignments and graphics work on that request. Included with this memo is a letter from Jimmy Bond, in his capacity with Texas A &M, to the Engineer Director of the State Highway Department. This letter further explains the request that will be made by A &M during the January meeting of the Highway Commission. 4. SALES TAX REPORT We have received the City Sales Tax Report for November and it does not look good. Our revenue for November 1986 is approximately 36% below the revenue reported during the same time period in 1985. I would remind the Council that the finance department lowered the projections on sales tax revenue this year. As a result we are still close to our budget. However, if we continue to see these types of reductions we will have problems in sales tax revenues. 5. CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS At last Wednesday's Council workshop Leroy Balmain appeared before the Council to discuss some of his concerns about charitable solicitations in Brazos County. At that meeting he mentioned that the fire and police departments in Bryan and College Station had both participated in charity solicitations that he considered to be questionable. I have discussed this matter with both chiefs and they assure me that College Station has not participated in any of the charitable solicitations that Mr. Balmain was discussing. 6. CHRISTMAS IN CENTRAL PARK TRAFFIC As usual the Christmas lights in Central Park have been very popular this year. During the three day weekend period the Central Park had over 3,000 cars pass through to view the lights. This is surely one of our most successful programs and one that is obviously very appreciated by the citizenry. 7. LIBRARY UPDATE We have received an update from Clara Mounce of the Bryan Library on progress on the College Station Library. We have still not received the furniture and that continues to be the primary COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 19, 1986 PAGE 3 factor that is holding up the opening of the library. Under the bids, approved by the Council, the furniture is due to arrive no later than the first week in January. Hopefully the furniture contractor will meet those bids requirements and have that furniture to us so we can look to a January opening of the library. This is somewhat disappointing as we had hoped to be able to open prior to Christmas. Ms. Mounce' complete report is included with this memo for your information. 8. TIGER BOOSTER CLUB CONCESSION STAND At a previous Council meeting Councilman Haddox inquired into the City of College Station's ability to donate some materials to the Tiger Booster Club for the construction of a concession stand at Tiger Stadium. I have circulated the list of needed materials among the various City departments and they are inventorying their materials to see if there are items we could contribute towards the construction of the concession stand. I have already received reports from several departments indicating that they have some of the materials available. Before we make any contribution I will report back to the City Council. I did want you to know that we are reviewing that matter. 9. MADD REOUEST I have received a verbal request from Councilman Haddox to consider the request from Mothers Against Drunk Drivers that the police department attempt to identify where people arrested for DWI were drinking prior to their arrest. I think that it is MADD's intention to use this information to demonstrate the error College Station made in extending the drinking hours. In addition to the verbal request from Councilman Haddox I have received a copy of a letter from Mayor Ringer that made the same request. I have discussed this request with the police department and they have some concerns about asking a DWI arrest where they were drinking prior to the arrest. The concern relates to the constitutionally guaranteed right to not incriminate yourself. In addition people arrested for these types of offenses are entitled to the safeguards provided by the Miranda Ruling. One of those safeguards is the right to remain silent. In addition, a person arrested for DWI is normally drunk. I think these things will bring into question, the validity of the data collected. However, our police department has indicated a willingness, in spite of these problems, to attempt to collect this data. I have drafted a letter for the Mayor's signature back to MADD indicating our willingness to attempt to implement this program. I will keep you apprised of any future questions or progress on this matter. COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 19, 1986 PAGE 4 10. BUD WARD'S AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP I have received a call last week from Bud Ward expressing serious concern about the impact of the work on the elevated storage tank. He claims that his new car sales and his service work are both down significantly. He attributes this, to some extent, to the on -going work on the elevated storage tank. He has also indicated to me that the contractor is not fulfilling his liability requirements on damage done to his new automobiles. I have discussed this matter with the staff and they are taking steps to insure that the contractor meets his liability requirements and that the contractor does everything in his power to minimize the impact on Bud Ward's automobile dealership. I would point out to you that Bud Ward was attempting to be very understanding during our telephone conversation. He appreciates that the maintenance work has to be done on the elevated storage tank, but he has a legitimate problem and we are doing everything we can to help alleviate that problem. The solution to the problem is for the contractor to finish the job and get out of there. However, the recent bad weather has slowed his progress. 11. TEXAS ABM BUSES AT HOLLEMAN CROSSING At last week's Council meeting Councilman Boughton had indicated she had a concern about the fact that Texas A &M buses, stopping for the traffic signal at Wellborn Road, are protruding over the railroad track. I have asked the traffic engineer to review this matter and he has written a rather lengthy memo explaining that the traffic signal is automated to address this problem. Our traffic engineer, John Black, has discussed this matter with the manager of transportation systems for the University. John Black is satisfied that the signal configuration at this intersection is designed to address this problem and avoid the possibility of a train hitting a bus. A copy of John Black's memo is included with this memo for your information. 12. PAINTING OF THE ELEVATED WATER TANK At last week's Council meeting someone suggested the possibility of painting "Home of the Fighting Tigers" on the elevated storage tank at Texas Avenue and Holleman. Elrey Ash has asked the contractor to quote a price for painting that logo on the water tower. The contractor has indicated that it would cost $4,700 to paint that on one side of the tank. I would point out to you that this is not a competitive bid, but merely a quote from the contractor. The price probably could be lowered through a competitive bid process. 13. INSURANCE ON CITY VEHICLES At last week's Council meeting we approved the bids to replace a COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 19, 1986 PAGE 5 mowing tractor that had been stolen from the City's water well site. At that meeting Councilman Brown asked if that loss was insured. I told you at that time that the loss was not insured as it was our policy to self - insure on all of our vehicles. After that meeting I remembered that some of our larger vehicles were insured. I asked the finance department to prepare a memo explaining our insurance procedures on City vehicles. A copy of that memo is included with this memo for your information. 14. STAFF ASSISTANCE TO THE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMITTEE At last week's Council meeting Gary Halter appeared before the Council to request funding and staff assistance for the celebration for the City of College Station Semi - Centennial. I have reviewed the issue of staff assistance with the City staff and Steve Beachy has volunteered to serve in that capacity. I have discussed this with Gary Halter and he has decided that is certainly acceptable to the Historical Preservation Committee. 15. LEFTOVER ELECTION SIGNS At last Thursday's Council meeting Councilman Brown inquired what we were going to do to collect leftover political signs in College Station. I have discussed this matter with the code enforcement staff and they, like me, are not aware that this is a problem. We have not seen that many leftover political signs but it may be that we are overlooking the problem. If any of you know of the locations of leftover political signs please bring it to our attention we will see that they are picked up. 16. SHENANDOAH SUBDIVISION COMPLAINTS Councilman Boughton has received a complaint from a resident of the Shenandoah Subdivision about a number of problems with services from several different entities. This individual indicates that they are concerned about the level of police protection, flooding problems in the subdivision, lack of cable television available in the subdivision, an extra fifty cent per month phone charge leveled at residents of this subdivision, and the need for a traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 6 and the entrance to the subdivision. I have written a rather lengthy memo back to Councilman Boughton attempting to address each of these items. A copy of that memo to Councilman Boughton is included with this memo for your information. 17. LETTER TO BILL FITCH ON THE PROPOSED WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT At the last Council meeting we discussed the request of Bill Fitch to make a commitment, in writing, to the construction of the COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 19, 1986 PAGE 6 proposed wastewater treatment plant south of town just off Rock Prairie Road. Of course, we are unable to make a commitment to Mr. Fitch but the staff has drafted a letter, for the Mayor's signature, that indicates it is the intent of the City of College Station City Council to construct a sewage treatment plant south of town in the not -to- distant future. The Mayor has signed this letter and I have included a copy with this memo for your information. Hopefully, this is sufficient to meet Mr. Fitch's requirements. 18. MCCAW CABLE FRANCHISE The City Attorney has received an inquiry from the local manager of McCaw Cable System wanting to review the franchise requirements for a transfer of franchise agreement. The City Attorney has written a short memo to me indicating that the franchise agreement does give authority to McCaw to make a reasonable transfer of that franchise. I do not know at this time if McCaw has a buyer for our system but I do know that McCaw Cable has announced their intention to sell all of their cable systems including the system in Bryan - College Station. A copy of Cathy Locke's memo is included with this memo for your information. 19. STREET PROBLEMS We currently have a street reconstruction project, funded with Community Development Funds, underway in the southwest section of town. The streets included in this contract are Nevada, Phoenix and Arizona. The subgrade work has been done and the excavation for curbs and gutters had just been completed before the recent rains came. The result is a muddy mess that has the residents rather upset. They are not able to easily get cars in and out and we are not able to get fire trucks or garbage trucks down the streets. I hope you don't receive a call on this, but wanted to apprise you of it in case you do. 3 Texas A&M University Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Prairie View A&M University j � / Texas Agricultural Extension Service Tarleton State University r7 ,_ w Texas Engineering Experiment Station Texas A&M University at Galveston • N Texas Engineering Extension Service �' r � Texas Forest Service Texas Transportation Institute Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory THE TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77843 -1122 DEPUTY CHANCELLOR December 1, 1986 Legal and External Affairs (409) 845 -4372 Mr. Raymond Stotzer Engineer- Director State Department of Highways and Public Transportation 11th and Brazos Austin, Texas 78701 -2483 RE: The Texas A &M University System Commission Agenda - January 28, 1987 Dear Mr. Stotzer: Please accept this letter as our official request to be placed on the agenda for the January 28, 1987 meeting of the Commission. We will plan to have a delegation present the following proposed projects which were alluded to in a general fashion at our November hearing, but which had not been staffed and made an official part of the hearing. Although we had visited with the District Engineer about each of the projects we wished to discuss, it was not possible for the timely staffing to occur. 1. FM 2818. This major west loop should be upgraded to provide high speed interchanges at its north end connecting to State Highway 6 and at a new location somewhere south of College Station on the south end. We would propose such south interchange to be at the Greens Prairie Road where an interchange is now scheduled in connection with a south Highway 6 project due for bid letting in early 1987. Such south 2818 new interchange would mean that 2818 should be extended more southerly than present and thus an additional section to be constructed. Further, FM 2818 should be upgraded to a four lane divided highway the entire distance. 2. FM 60 Interchanges. The two interchanges of FM 60 and FM 2818; and FM 60 and FM 2154 should be upgraded to a design that will accommodate high traffic volumes and higher speed movement of vehicles. 3. Other Companion Projects. The continued enhancement of Highway 60 to the East By -Pass (Highway 6) and west to the Brazos River is requested as well as the enhancement of Highway 21 from the Texas A &M Research and Extension Annex into the City of Bryan to further assist in the east -west arteries into the Bryan - College Station area. RECEIVED DEC 4 f989 Mr. Raymond Stotzer December 1, 1986 Page 2 We will submit a more detailed outline of these projects as they are - developed in cooperation with the District Engineer's office and the cities of Bryan and College Station. Thank you for your assistance in our earlier hearing and for your guidance in dealing with these subject projects. • Si 4c e James B. Bo .• Deputy Chanc- for JBB /nm xc: Mr. David G. Eller Chairman, Board of Regents - Mr. William A. McKenzie Board of Regents Mr. Royce Wisenbaker Board of Regents Dr. Perry Adkisson Chancellor Gen. Wesley E. Peel Vice Chancellor Mr. Carol Zeigler District Engineer Honorable Dick Holmgreen Judge, Brazos County Mr. Marvin Tate Mayor, City of Bryan Mr. Larry Ringer r Mayor, City of College Station Mr. Ronald Hale Bryan /College Station Chamber of Commerce • m m o 'm m m -I n c • o e n W 0 Y 0 I n Li o .. m c Y o rrl_rSTOnm C S- 4=Z==Or M 0 C NCI, 3..c C 0) 7 0 LtAN7000OS 7 ..cn ...0 l, 7 00 mcc .- c • <Y..Y0o0nY.+ fe 7 Ym•YYOOm o IP 7 .r0 0m - ....01/. I. 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W.O.•..ow M r .rw . . Or W ..vV..00WW ONNr•O.WW'M. O .VNO.... -.at 1 1 1 1 N I I 0'I on • mi 1 1 4 I 1 r ..WN ..01. I r Or 1 N 7 Y r v.p 0 0` as a *ri•00 *..-VI M M00V.'00 CV 0 W7 • • • ., w r r NO N *.00VVNMV.+w0 070 P 00'Or. ^' N V O w w wt' w v00 M OW.O.N ' OS r • 'L v F . T-I Cindy Magoon Dec. 11, 1986 City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Tx. 77840 Dear Cindy: I would recommend that a sign painter be contacted to letter the blue awning shortly after Christmas. I liked the style of the Mail Store and More - -it is in block form and reads very clearly. Can we get away with having the name only on the front awning - -or do we need to do a second one on the side? I believe one would be ok to start with. I will contact the company that installed our battery operated signal for the emergency door. I plan to use funds I have - -it costs about $40 as I recall. Do you have the fire extinguishers and if so, can they he installed soon? Please ask GTE to install the telephones in the next week or so, as we are down there more often, and it would be helpful to he able to communicate! The specs I sent recently were from News Office Supply': most recent catalog - -I did not confirm any prices with them on the telephone. The vacuum was delivered to us on Friday- -the fellow had attempted to deliver it at the branch on two occasions. The delivery man did not read the instructions to telephone for delivery instructions! As for the vacuum - -I had asked for one that has an attachment set - -comes with a hose and a few brushes and crevice tool. The vacuum that was delivered is called Advance - -I'm familiar with them, as we used to have one here. But no attachments were with the unit. Do you know if Virginia was to order that separately? We need an attachment set in order to dust the hooks and bookshevles. You mentioned that she wanted to buy a heavier duty type - -I have no problems with that, but we do want and need the attachment set. The same delivery company left the white rubbermaid sanitary napkin receptacles - -1'm enclosing the delivery ticket which Virginia might need. I'm working on an invitation list- -how many people do you expect we will invite? Polly Howard of. World of Books gave the Friends of the Library 32 boxes of new books last week -- Claude and I went down and picked them up - -many were just right for the branch collection, so we have menefited again, just at the right time. Hours of operation for the College Station branch library: MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN closed 11 A.M. 11 A.M. 11 A.M. 11 A.M. 11 A.M. TO TO TO TO TO 8 P.M. 8 P.M. 8 P.M. 5 P.M. 5 P.M. (9HRS) (9HRS) (9HRS) (6 HRS) (6 HRS) = 39HRS Based on size of staff and present hours of Bryan library operation, I recommend this schedule be in effect until June. Summer hours might include opening and closing earlier, to accommodate patrons' summer needs. I am also enclosing a financial statement for the months of July and August, based on the initial amount of $29,188. Long letter, sorry! Since doi_e__0■_ ely, Clara B. Mounce Bryan Public Library 201 E. 26th St. Bryan, Tx. 77803 g urre j? 6/4.-4-- 11:)a--,,- . ems , -e- - �- , • • • r 4' .. 4 4 4 & 4' 4 4' 4. && & 4' 4 4' 4' n 1C n 0 0 0 .n n 4' r C t. 0 N N N N -. N • .. "' -' . 7 ` l • P 0' -• ~ 4 _ 000 -• 4- 1v N N N P4 0a N N 00 1 1 G 1 2 2 Y 4' NO P 434 .0 0 N 4'.J4.-0.0N O MI j r D a D au ID 7. 1 1 n .n 0 v r c yr c c v O V VG a nCCS rITAITIn I O 1 C b ..D n .• V - V C. L. V n V 1 - 1T O In7n.. T.•rt.n CC m O I 0 Y-. A _ A 7n CL= C. z r, 7' Z_om 2 1 7 m A T a . r n.ry N L. D mm 0 .< b I x m 7 •... T .. x x m r s.• ► m T (� T 2 , 2 0 D C P. 0 r r b D n r r D V m -. by I. I b n. . .d 2 - CO 2 O T 2 7 r 7 2 .0T 7 r V.2: 11. a •. ` 7 .. .• N 4'. 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Tn CS %' ILA C a 2 1 I a n I 70 N Cl 1) 1 I r m 1 _< T 11 - < - •- o I m i a• • .n J1 4% is n A, 11. N n. m 7 I T • • P • • 2 1 A C •N- V r j n n P G ^ ' r N _ .& •- N^ O 1 1 7- f r P P .J .-,....-..so 4'f IJ I.. n J. A .. .. .n LAO .n 1n 0 0 O n f P O N .J _ r N O N • N .. I n . • . • • n • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • C 1 t. 1 D r �� • • • • • • 4 • ^ 0 m nn.n r n.nm.- 4Nw0...074 4. n i, s s r a an P T .J N 00.- m O_ s s .A .- 4'O V W N m I► -• s 4' 4'n 1 _ n . T < m 7 1 -2 1 -• n 1 .. .. � . y � � N N •.. r- 1 4' r It' • • • • . .I P N N 1► -• 1i T r _ I n rl 11 O r P. _ • - .- -- N• ... r P. 41 .n 1 a 0 C r P. •■ IJ 14 ..1 .n ... r 14 P _ N •■ N .n C) P 0 N D. ( -i .0 .0 V. .n .n ,n 0 N N O 0 O U .0 T 0 v 4' W •- .0 N O IV -. .• 1 - - 4' n pp1I • r - . • 7 • • • •• . • . • • • • • • 1 n I, n 111 (•• ? N N 1n .7M N N N1 0 0.11 4' O .n I1a ..n N IJ O V 10 .• 1 2 1 1 = 7 4' ./I .71 A n1 n N N 1J N n 0 .. m 0 .- .0 11 1__ 0 V.1 N 1 H 1 2 .1 - 1 1 __11 11' 4'•r.. I N r. c � ^ ' T s v a-, no. s 2 O 70 • N N - (J 1n N N T .J C T T ..1 41 41 J 1J 7.7 ..1 CK _ _ .J (1 •. n • a n m 1 IJ -..m-4 ,, '0 m U 0 N 11 N • a U .,I vv.... 4' r 4'N v .. 0 lJ J. 0 OC r• m m n n (T n n. n .1 n 7a n n n N• ..... 0 .0 _ 1 .0 Om V• a (' - o n12 A D - C1 Al n . n ▪ 4' um C.f City of College Station P OST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840.2499 December 11, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: King Cole, City Manager FROM: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Capital Improvements/ RE: Waving of Building Fees at Consession Stand for the Tiger Booster Club As I informed you in the directors meeting the other day, Mr. Perry is proposing to work rather closely with the group wanting to rebuild the concession stand at Tiger Stadium. We will do everything in our power to facilitate that action and provide them with any surplus equipment or building materials which we might have in stock. The other item which I had discussed with you at the directors meeting was the waving of building permit fees for that reconstruction. I have visited with Mr. Perry and the cost for these fees would probably not exceed $50.00. I would therefore request your permission to wave these fees in this particular instance since this is being done by a charitable group not affiliated in any way with the school district and I feel that this would not set a presidence of any kind with respect to our waving of fees. Should you have a difference of opinion, please feel free to contact me. (1 City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE \ / COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840-2499 December 18, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: William K. Cole, City Manager THROUGH: Ron Ragland, Asst. City Manager for Community Services FROM: Elrey B. Ash, Dir. Capital Improvements ��j RE: Holleman Railroad Crossing and Homeowne Concern for Signalization at the Entrance to the Shenandoah Subdivision on South Highway 6 Attached you will find an interoffice memorandum from Mr. John Black to myself referencing the above subjects. I would invite your complete perusal of John's comments with regards to the railroad crossing at Holleman and Wellborn Road. I do not perceive there to be a great problem at this intersection. Mr. Williams who is in charge of bus operations for Texas A &M has spoken to John and we have been assured that the bus drivers will pull forward at these intersections so that the buses will be clear of the trackage. As John has described in his memorandum the signalization as it exists at the present time provides the proper protection for this type of crossing. Should you have any question concerning John's comments please feel free to contact either John or myself. Also included in this memorandum from John are his comments concerning the intersection of Southern Plantation Drive and State Highway 6. I would invite your attention to these comments and should you wish me to respond to the citizens complaints about the entry onto Texas Avenue at Southern Plantation Drive, I will be more than happy to respond in writing to their questions. EBA /vw City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE \ / COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840-2499 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Elrey B. Ash, Dir. of Capital Improvements FROM :,O,John Black, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Council Concern: Wellborn Rd. - Holleman Drive Signal; Homeowner Concern: Shenandoah Subdivision This is in response to the Memorandum from our Assistant City Manager December 15, 1986 relating a council concern (see attached). On 11/13/86 I spoke with Doug Williams who manages Bus Operations for TAMU who expressed the same concern as Council member Boughton. The shuttle bus is 35 ft. long and there is 39.5 ft. from the back of curb on Wellborn Road to the nearest rail. Mr. Williams quoted a state law which prohibits a school bus from stopping closer than 10 ft. from the centerline of a railroad track; however, this law applies only for intersections where signals are are not provided. With signal protection, the train is sensed by equipment installed by Southern Pacific which activates the flashers and gates protecting the crossing and which also activates a preemption sequence in the traffic signal equipment maintained by the City of College Station. The preemption sequence excecuted by our equipment: 1.) Terminates the active signal phase when the train is first detected (unless the signal is showing a track green indication). This interval times a minimun green and yellow clearance so that you avoid a "short" green indication if the signal had changed just prior to the train being detected. 2.) Clears the track by displaying a track green indication and a yellow clearance. During this interval, any vehicle stopped between Wellborn Road and the tracks is given a green light which clears the track before the train arrives. 3.) 4 -way red flash. This interval continues until the train clears the track and until the railroad gates are raised. All vehicles on Wellborn Road and Holleman Drive must then stop and yield right -of -way. 4.) Return to normal operation. Because of the equipment provided to protect vehicles at this crossing, I advised Mr. Williams that he should not be concerned about allowing his drivers to stop on Holleman Drive between Wellborn Road and the track. In fact drivers must stop in this area to activate the traffic signal sensor which calls up a green indication for Holleman Drive. Our city sign crew installed pavement markings on Holleman Drive two weeks ago to conform with the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. No additional work is anticipated to improve the safety of this railroad crossing. We have received a request from the homeowners association in Shenandoah Subdivision for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of SH -6 and Southern Plantation Drive. I respectfully request that we not foward this request to the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (SDHPT) because: 1.) Within a year SDHPT plans to extend frontage roads on SH -6 south to Greens Prairie Road where an interchange will be constructed. After this project is complete (2 years) the homeowners from Shenandoah will use the 2 -way west frontage road to gain access to SH -6 at either the Rock Prairie Road interchange or at Greens Prairie Road. Because the frontage roads will provide 2 -way operation, the residents should not expect to feel "land - locked" because an interchange is not provided at Southern Plantation Drive. They will not face the same situation now shared by the residents of Raintree desiring access to Southwest Parkway since trips generated by the subdivision are attracted to the north and travel distances will be the same with or without an interchange midway between Rock Prairie and Greens Prairie. 2.) Traffic volumes generated by this subdivision are not great enough to warrant a traffic signal if the project planned by SDHPT was not scheduled. Shenandoah has only 42 houses. If each residence generated 2.5 trips per day, the average daily traffic for Southern Plantation Drive would be only 210 vehicles per day. Warrant 2 from section 4C -4 from the Texas MUTCD requires 75 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours during a weekday for the cross street so it is obvious that this intersection cannot meet warrants. If Southern Plantation Drive served cross- town traffic other than Shenandoah Subdivision, then I would schedule a traffic count of this intersection in the spring. However, I believe our time would be better spent trying to improve other intersections where volumes and accident experience warrant our time. JB /dg iz City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE \ / COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 -2499 December 18, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: William K. Cole, City Manager THROUGH: Ron Ragland, Asst. City Manager for Community Services FROM: Elrey B. Ash, Dir. Capital Improvements RE: Painting on the Elevated Water Tank After receipt of your memo dated Dec. 15 I contacted Mr. Ed McDow with Riewe & Wischmeyer and requested that he obtain a price for painting "Home of the Fighting Tigers" on the elevated storage tank at Texas Avenue and Holleman. We have received an estimated cost back from the contractor of $4,700.00 to place this lettering on the tank one time. Should it be requested that this statement be placed on the tank once on either side, the cost would be somewhat higher though not twice the cost quoted. If the decision is made to proceed with this, I would request that you contact me as soon as possible so that we might notify the contractor to prepare stencils. EBA /vw . City of College Station P OST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 101 TEXAS AVENUE \ / COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Elrey Ash, Director of Capital Improvements THROUGH: Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager for Capital Improvements FROM: King Cole, City Manager (NWC. DATE: December 15, 1986 SUBJECT: Painting on the elevated water tank At last Thursday's Council meeting someone suggested the possibility of painting "Home of the Fighting Tigers" on the elevated storage tank at Texas Avenue and Holleman. Subsequent to that discussion you and I talked about the possibility of providing information to the Council on the cost of this issue. I do not remember if we agreed to proceed and prepare that information or not. If not, would you ask the contractor to give us a quote on the cost for painting that wording on the elevated storage tank. Cf d City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 MEMORANDUM TO: William K. Cole, City Manager FROM: A. E. Van Dever, Jr., Assistant City Manager DATE: December 17, 1986 SUBJECT: Insurance philosophy on rolling stock The philosophy of the City of College Station as it relates to insuring rolling stock (vehicles and machinery) has been applied with emphasis placed on avoiding premium and, at the same time, avoiding a major loss (above $20,000). This practice is employed with the understanding that, within each fiscal year, the City will incur some loss but at a manageable dollar level. Historically we have had to replace vehicles due to theft or accident at a rate of zero to two each year at a top end cost of $20,000. These replacements have commonly been financed through the respective contingency funds. Specific decision parameters for purchasing liability, collision and extended coverages are as follows: A. Bodily Injury and Property Damage (Liability) - all vehicles applied to street use are covered at 500,000/500,000. B. Extended Coverage - 1. Purchase price of more than $20,000 2. Items that have a high theft rate (construction equipment). 3. Items that have hazardous applications. i.e. compactor at the landfill (fire, etc.). 4. Equipment that has a reasonable amount of salvage value; usually not more than five years old. C. Collision - 1. Purchase price of more than $20,000. 2. Vehicles that have hazardous or high exposure applications. 3. Vehicles that have a reasonable amount of salvage value. Most of our approximately 330 pieces of rolling stock have only bodily injury and property liability coverage. Thirty (30) pieces of equipment have extended coverage added to the liability coverage. Another seventeen (17) have collision added to the liability and extended coverage. BODILY INJURY & PROPERTY LIABILITY EXTENDED COLLISION 283 units 0 units 0 units 30 30 0 17 17 17 Total 330 units 47 units 17 units One exception to these parameters is the category of refuse trucks. They are excluded from collision and extended coverage. The reasons for that are two -fold. One, a low theft rate and two, modular construction in that the chassis is built independently of the body. The probabilities are high that the chassis or the body would be salvageable should a major accident occur. lti j � City of College Station \ d POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE / COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager FROM: King Cole, City Manager WILL) DATE: December 15, 1986 SUBJECT: Staff Assistance to the Historical Committee At last Thursday's Council meeting Gary Halter indicated that the Historical Committee was going to celebrate College Station semi - centennial during 1988. He indicated that they would like to have some member of the staff assigned to assist them in planning this celebration. I have previously discussed this matter with Gary Halter and he feels that it ought to be someone from the Parks and Recreation Department. Would you please discuss this matter with Steve Beachy and make a recommendation of a staff assignment to assist the Historical Committee on the planning and implementation of the semi - centennial celebration. y Sta/rA,L , " / d(lig ii4 -( - 4 f-' 71 / i . , , , 1 ie % /� ace o :e,t_ ,,,i-friyai a o• icee-seivideko 'bw�✓ `p). / / ,,./ , , R ,,,i4 a ,,,,Zei,49 zee-ete , , z y k'exieiee e ,, ifAi , _ ,, /0t. . 1 I Cf Ci ty of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Elrey Ash, Director of Capital Improvements THROUGH: Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager for Capital Improvements FROM: King Cole, City Manager ViV DATE: November 15, 1986 SUBJECT: Picking up left over election signs At last Thursday's Council meeting Councilman Fred Brown inquired as to what efforts the City was taking to require people to pick up left over election signs from state and national elections recently held. I have been looking around the city and I do not have the opinion that this is a major problem. Would you please discuss this matter with your inspection staff to determine whether we have a problem. If so, please give me some ideas on what we can do to have these elections signs collected. L .4 v.c (41_J r'b 014- _ . A L.) C.-r42... tus 434 v•A 1 .. ..a ka• (.. •...z ....J- C.1.... . /(7 City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840-2499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Councilman Pat Boughton FROM: King Cole, City Manager X1,1 ec J DATE: December 22, 1986 SUBJECT: Complaints from Shenandoah Resident I have reviewed the complaints from the Shenandoah resident with the appropriate staff members and have a response for you on each of those issues. 1. LACK OF POLICE PROTECTION I have discussed this matter with Edgar Feldman and he indicates that it may be possible that they are not getting as much patrol as they should because of the location of the Shenandoah Subdivision. Major Feldman has assured me that he will instruct the respective patrol shifts to start patrolling Shenandoah on a regular basis. Major Feldman did inform me that the Shenandoah Subdivision does have two of our patrol officers living within the subdivision. The complaint that I received indicated that there were some car break -ins that were reported that were never responded to. In order for me to give a proper response to this issue I need to know when the car break -ins were reported so the police department can review the complaints. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT HIGHWAY 6 The individual making this complaint indicated that it takes 35 minutes to get out on Highway 6 in the morning. They have requested that we consider placing a traffic light at that intersection. I have discussed this matter with Elrey Ash and he informs me that the intersection of Highway 6 and the main drive going into Shenandoah Subdivision are not located within the College Station city limits. The only entity with authority to install a traffic signal at that location is the Highway Department. The capital improvements office has submitted a letter to the Highway Department asking that they study the traffic conditions at that intersection to determine whether it warrants a traffic light. I would mention to you that the future plans for Highway 6 South include some major improvements which will eliminate the possibility of Shenandoah traffic entering directly onto Highway 6. In the future it will be necessary for them to travel to an overpass on Greens Prairie Road to go either Councilman Boughton December 22, 1986 Page 2 north or south on Highway 6. 3. EXTRA CHARGES FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE The resident making the complaint to you indicated that they must pay fifty cents extra per month for phone service as an out - of -city charge. Cindy Magoon has discussed this with General Telephone and they informed her that this is correct. The telephone company is permitted, through tariffs approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, to charge extra for phone service that requires a lengthy line extension. Apparently, Shenandoah Subdivision meets this criteria. This tariff is established by the Public Utility Commission and the City has no ability to approve or disapprove the charging of the extra fifty cents. 4. NO CABLE TELEVISION The person is correct in informing you that there is no cable television available in the Shenandoah Subdivision. Cindy Magoon has discussed this with Mr. John E. Southard, System Manager for the local McCaw System, and he informs us that this subdivision does not meet the minimum housing density requirements for mandatory service according to the City's franchise agreement with McCaw Cable. However, he does indicate that McCaw will make every effort to serve the residents of this subdivision at the earliest possible date. I am not sure what this comment, by McCaw, means. The earliest possible date could be the year 2000. I think it is also important to point out that presently our local McCaw Cable franchise is for sale. I don't envision McCaw making major capital improvements to the system while it is up for sale. I am afraid we will have to wait until after the system is sold to a new cable company before we can realistically expect an extension to the Shenandoah Subdivision. 5. FLOODING PROBLEMS The person making this complaint indicates that there are flooding problems in the subdivision. Furthermore, this person indicates that they have personally spent seven thousand dollars to correct the problem at their home. It is my understanding, from talking to employees of the engineering staff, that there are serious flooding problems in the Shenandoah Subdivision. It is my understanding that these flooding problems are caused by the fact that the subdivision was never completed as planned. This also means that the drainage improvements were never completed. As a result there are some flooding problems that will not be corrected until the subdivision is completed and the drainage improvements are completed. It is my understanding that the original subdivider went into bankruptcy. I don't know when a developer will ever take the initiative to go into that subdivision and Councilman Boughton December 22, 1986 Page 3 complete the subdivision or complete the drainage work. Of course, this brings up the question of what responsibility the City has to go in and finish out the necessary drainage systems. Pat, that is about all I know about the complaints that you have received to date. If, after reading this memo, you still have questions about the complaints then bring it to my attention and I will try to get an answer. WKC:t1r (1 City of College Station POLICE DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 9960 2611 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 PHONE 1- 409 - 764 -3600 MEMORANDUM TO: King Cole, City Manager FROM: Major Edgar Feldman SUBJECT: Comparison of Crimes Reported in Bryan/College Station DATE: December 18, 1986 Attached is a comparison of crimes reported in Bryan and College Station for the year of 1984 -1985 and the 1st eleven months of 1986. These statistics were obtained from our Records Division along with Bryan Police Department's Records Division. Chief Byrd advised rre that citizens who live in the Shenandoah sub - division have expressed a concern to you, relating to the lack of patrol in the sub - division. This may be true because of the location of the sub - division. I will look into this matter and step up the patrol if necessary. We have two officers who live in that sub - division, Det. Wally Johnson and Traffic Officer John Calvin. REC EVED Er , • M CABLEVISIOM December 19, 1986 Mr. William Cole, City Manager City of College Station P. 0. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 RE: Extending cable service to Shenandoah Subdivision Dear Mr. Cole: In order to supply cable television service to the Shenandoah Subdivision, it will be necessary for McCaw Cablevision to extend our cable lines approximately two miles. Presently this subdivision does not meet the minimum housing density requirements for mandatory service according to our franchise agreement with the City of College Station. The capital costs involved make the project marginal at best. However, we will make every effort to serve the residents of Shenandoah at the earliest date possible. If you should need any further information concerning this matter, or any other cable related issue, please feel free to contact me at 846 -9078. Sincerely, John E. Southard System Manager JES /lsf 3609 TEXAS AVENUE • BRYAN, TX 77802 • (409) 846 -2229 l � i CI City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7 7840 -2 499 December 18, 1986 Mr. Bill Fitch 2108 Southwood Drive College Station, Texas 77840 RE: Inquiry on the Status of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Dear Bill: I understand that you have some questions concerning the status of the Wastewater Treatment Plant to be located in the South part of College Station. The Council feels that a Wastewater Treatment Plant will be needed in the area. The Council has reviewed several location options. Since then, the Council has directed the staff to design the plant and put the project out for bid. I anticipate that it may be late Spring or early Summer before the bid is awarded. Yours Very Truly, (75 r(7\ \ Larry J.---Ringer Mayor 4el, RECEIVED DEC 1 E 1986 u CITY OP COLLEGE STATION , 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY P.C. BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE \ COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-9960 (409) 764 -3515 M E M O R A N D U M T0: King Cole, City Manager FROM: Cathy Locke, City Attorney DATE: December 16, 1986 -1 RE: McCaw Franchise John Suthern, the B /CS McCaw manager, called. He said he wanted to review the city requirements for the assignment of the franchise upon a sale. I have reviewed the franchise provision and feel it provides some flexibility. Section 11 provides that "company shall not lease, assign or otherwise alienate this franchise without prior approval of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld." Although not required, I feel the City can require notice of intent to assign so the city j5taff can have an opportunity to investigate and /or hold a public hearing on the proposed assignment. I hope to get back to Mr. Suthern by the end of the week. CL:mca cc: Cindy Magoon Dian Jones Ali. l! City of College Station P OST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE CId ' COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 MEMORANDUM TO: King Cole, City Manager Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager FROM: Alfred Miller, Director of Public Services DATE: December 22, 1986 SUBJECT: Solid Waste Collection Schedule for Christmas Holidays Commercial solid waste collection will observe the following schedule. Wednesday - December 24th: Regular collection Thursday - December 25th: No collection service (Christmas Day) Friday - December 26th: Regular collection Saturday - December 27th: Regular collection Residential solid waste collection will observe the following schedule. Wednesday - December 24th: No collection service (Christmas Eve) Thursday - December 25th: No collection service (Christmas Day) Friday - December 26th: Regular collection The Landfill will observe the following hours of operation. Wednesday - December 24th: Open 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon (regular sch.) Thursday - December 25th: Closed Christmas Day Friday - December 26th: Will be open until all residental collection has been completed (close at approximately 2:30 p.m.) Saturday - December 27th: Open 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon (regular schedule) The above information has been reported to the news media. (.1 City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840.2499 December 11, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: King Cole, City Manager FROM: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Capital Improvements y RE: Widening of State Highway 30 (Harvey Road) Attached you will find a memorandum from David Pullen referencing word he received from Mr. Frank Shenkir Resident Engineer regarding this project. Should you have any questions after perusal of Mr Pullen's memo please feel free to call. CIA City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840-2499 December 9, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Elrey B. Ash, Dir. Capital Improvements FROM: David J. Pullen, City Engineer i2) RE: Hwy. 30 SDHPT Widening Project Texas Avenue - Hwy. 6 Today I spoke with Frank Shenkir Resident Engineer regarding the above project schedule. I was informed work has been stopped until March, due to adverse weather effects on the paving. The State has had to increase the scope of the pavement restoration work because of excessive pavement deterioration. It's my understanding that the barrels will be removed, lanes striped and traffic permitted to use the entire facility during the interim 10 -12 weeks of work stoppage. I have asked Mr. Shenkir to send me a letter explaining the reasoning behind the work stoppage, what we can expect during the stoppage and when we might see work commence again. - FY) 1 December 86 Michelle O'Brien Department of Accounts City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 Dear Michelle: On behalf of the Arts Council of Brazos Valley, I would like to request the second quarter allocation of $22,500 for FY 87. Highlights during August included StageCenter's Key Largo and the opening of an exhibit, "Texas: Art on the Road," sponsored by the Arts Council at Foleys. The exhibit featured works promoting Texas institutions, including OPAS, an Arts Council member group. The Arts Council board and staff also participated in the Texas Arts Council /Texas Commission on the Arts Regional Meeting in Temple. September saw a StageCenter melodrama grace the boards. The Arts Council also of- fered a free Publicity and Promotions Workshop to help member groups in their market- ing efforts. The "Raven and the Eagle" opened at. RepublicBank A &M and ran through October. Performances in October featured the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra in a Collage Concert. Arts Council board and staff participated in the Texas Arts Council fall conference and Booking Exchange in Dallas. During this time the Arts Council allocations committee met and awarded approxi- mately $47,000 in direct grant funds to arts groups. The Council also funded a start -up art project in College Hills Elementary designed to give over 1200 students hands -on art instruction. An exhibit called ChildArt from this project in on dis- play in the Arts Council offices until December 15. The Arts Council is also participating in a program to subsidize handicapped persons who use the Brazos Transit van to attend Brazos Valley Symphony concerts. The Arts Council continues to grow and expand services despite tough economic times. This is due in large part to the generous local support from the City of College Station. Our city is quickly gaining a formidable reputation for its strong support of community arts. The Arts Council is deeply appreciative. Sincerely, / Kass Prince Acting Director Enclosures 0 \c it ti;; i' , ', , .I I 1 . I "' 309 2b8 .. ,- xc: The Honorable Larry Ringer, Mayor -/William "King" Cole, City Manager • RE.L DFr 0 ,, �^}/�� ` � v �JUV CI City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 1 December 8, 1986 MEMORANDUM To: King Cole, City Manager Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager Elrey Ash, Director of Capital Improvements Dian Jones, City Secretary Cathy Locke, City Attorney From: Jim Callaway, Assistant Director of Planning \` Subject: Zoning application /action status report. Attached is a report giving the status of all pending zoning actions as of December 8, 1986. Zoning Action Status Report Week Beginning December 8, 1986 City of College Station Planning Division Applications Received: NOTE: No rezoning hearings will be scheduled for Council consideration during the month of December. Case No.: 86 -707 Applicant: Stabler Sign Co. for C.S.I.S.D. Request: Conditional Use Permit to allow the placement of a freestanding sign at the A &M Consolidated High School campus. Location: Northeast corner of the intersection of Welsh Ave. and F.M. 2818. P &Z Hearing Date(s): December 18, 1986. Council Hearing Date(s): This item will not be heard by the Council unless the Commission's action is appealed. Staff Position: Pending. Problems, Special Considerations: The sign regulations in the Zoning Ordinance allow conditional uses (such as the school) to request signage that complies with the district regulations of a district other than that in which the use is located. The applicant has requested a use permit to allow signage to be placed in accordance with the regulations for commercial zoning. There should be no problem in meeting the requirements of Section 12.3.N. of the sign regulations at this type of location. Applications Pending: Case No.: 86 -706 Applicant: Holster & Associates Request: Conditional Use Permit for City of College Station Fire Station No. 3. Location: Lot 19, Sandstone Addition (1700 Sebesta Road). P &Z Hearing Date(s): Beeember 4; 19867 January 15, 1987. Case No. 86 -706 continued: P &Z Action: The Commission tabled consideration of this item pending further information regarding site selection and operation of the facility. The Commission suggested that relevant staff meet with area residents to attempt to address neighborhood concerns. Council Hearing Date(s) : This item will not be heard by the Council unless the Commission's action is appealed. Staff Position: This project was reviewed by the Project Review Committee on November 12, 1986. The PRC recommended approval of the request with 11 conditions. PRC report on file in Planning Division. Problems, Special Considerations: Several residents of the Emerald Forest subdivision spoke in opposition to this request at the December 8, 1986 Planning and Zoning Commission hearing. Case No.: 86 -705 Applicant: Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church. Request: Conditional use permit for development of a new church. Location: Lots 34, 10. and 11, Block 2, McCulloch Addition. (1117, 1119 Arizona, 1120 Phoenix) P &Z Hearing Date(s): Not scheduled, pending receipt of revised site plan. Council Hearing Date(s): This item will not be heard by the Council unless the Commission's action is appealed. Staff Position: Project Review Committee recommended approval of site plan on October 1,1986. Zoning Action Status Report Week Beginning December 8 Page 2 Case No. 86 -705 continued: Problems, Special Considerations: Requests for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the development of a church on these residential lots were denied by the Commission on May 5, 1983 and on May 3, 1984. NOTE: P &Z approved proposed use of lots on October 1. Approval of site plan was tabled pending revision of plan to provided better circulation. The applicant's representative has advised that a revised site plan will be submitted. The applicant allowed the appeal period to lapse before revisions were prepared. No appeal was received. • Zoning Action Status Report Week Beginning December 8 Page 3 7 In RRr ,-)7r ! FYI City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE \ / COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 December 16, 1986 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mr. King Cole; City Manager FROM: Douglas W. Landua; Fire Chief 44° SUBJECT: Charitable Collections In T College Station Reference is being made to the memo I received from you dated 12- 15 -86. In your memo you requested information as to whether or not the College Station Fire Dept. has ever contracted with outside charitable collection agencies for the purpose of col- lecting contributions. As to my knowledge, we have never contracted with any agency for the purpose of collecting contributions. We have participated in the following two (2) charitable organ- izations. 1. Muscular Dystrophy Assoc.: Once a year the C.S.F.D. goes out and collects donations for MDA, all donations are given to MDA. We call it, "Fill- The - Boot ", which is normally done on a Saturday, when all C.S.F.D. per- sonnel are stationed at different locations throughout College Station. We use fire dept. trucks and ambulances and everyone is in uniform. 2. Shriners Burn Center: In 1983 and 1984 the C.S.F.D. and Bryan F.D. played football against each other with all proceeds going to the Shriners Burn Center. The C.S.F.D. went out and collected donations from businesses and the public in the form of selling tickets to the game and for advertisement ads for the printed programs. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at any- time.